Book Life January 2019

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Your guide to self-publishing

Reducing Marketing Anxiety and Confusion •
Book Cover Redesign • First Lines from BookLife Authors •
Indie Scouting Report • 80 New Titles Listed

Finding the
Meaning of
For inspiration,
BookLife Prize–winner
Michael F. Stewart
looks to his daughters

ichael F. Stewart, the winner of the
2018 BookLife Prize for his YA novel
Ray vs. the Meaning of Life, is drawn
to narratives that move between platforms.
“I’ve always been fascinated by the intersec-
tion of tech and story,” he says.
Stewart’s past projects include a storytell-
ing app called NARR8R, which allowed users
to create multimedia “ad hoc social networks”
rooted in specific locations or periods of
time. He also worked with Scholastic Canada
on a story-based social media platform
called Bully for You that aimed to teach kids
about cyberbullying. And he’s been com-
missioned to write the second volume of
W e i r d w o o d M a n o r, a n i n t e r a c t i v e
multimedia app whose
first volume was a runner-
up for Apple’s app of the
year in Canada, where
Stewart lives, in 2015. You want an
editor who’s
By comparison, Ray vs.
the Meaning of Life, which
is just a plain old book,
may seem like a low-tech
effort. But, in fact, the
smarter than you are.
novel was inspired in part
by social media.
The story, which BookLife Prize judge Rebecca questions Ray has, and they’re working on the
Sky called “darkly hilarious,” centers on a young same journey,” Stewart says.
man named Ray, who, in order to inherit his For now, Ray exists only as a traditional novel,
grandmother’s million-dollar trailer park, must but Stewart is cooking up ideas about how to bring
figure out the meaning of life. On social media, of it to other platforms. He thinks the guru character,
course, attempts to articulate the meaning of life Dalen Anders, deserves a spin-off. “I have toyed
abound. with bringing him to life: giving him a blog, a
“We’re all on Facebook, and we all get these Facebook—having him become a motivational speaker
inspirational quotes and memes and that kind of in his own right,” Stewart says. He’s even started
thing,” Stewart says. “Generally speaking, I ignore writing a book titled Be Your Own Pond, which
them. But I started to look at them a bit more. I would be “written” by Anders.
realized: You know what? A lot of them are pretty But Stewart also acknowledges that books in
useful. There’s a lot of wisdom in what are some- their purest form have their advantages. “The
times eye-rolling quotes. What was missing was easiest and least expensive way into storytelling
context.” in general is through writing books,” he says. “It
Stewart found this to be true of books by gurus, can cost nothing, effectively, to get your stories
as well, such as those by Robin Sharma, a Canadian out there, aside from your time.”
self-help author. “I noticed how people really took Still, Stewart attributes the success of Ray in
to inspiration wrapped in the envelope of story,” part to the fact that he worked with an editor,
Stewart says. But, in the case of gurus, the life Catherine Adams. He advises all indie authors to
advice always took precedence over the story. “I do the same. “You want an editor who’s smarter
thought they could probably do a better job on that than you are,” he says. Adams, he adds, “is part
front,” he says. of this award, too.”
Stewar t also took inspiration from his four Winning the BookLife Prize has given Stewart a
daughters, two of whom are in their teens. “At the sense of validation. “It really helps to have confi-
time they were asking questions like, ‘How do I dence in writing,” he says.
figure out what I want do with my life?’ ” he says. Ray, Stewart notes, represents something of a
“For me, novel writing has really become me help- departure for him—a kind of book that he began
ing answer questions from my kids.” working toward with a previous YA novel, 2017’s
Stewart’s daughters are also his first readers—and Counting Wolves. He calls these titles “happy-cry
critics: “If it doesn’t pass their test, it’s not going books.” “I’m looking to elicit a reaction at the end
to pass anyone else’s.” where you’re so proud of the hero it makes you
Ray vs. the Meaning of Life, which stars a cast tear up,” he says. “I’m challenging myself to take
of oddball characters, including a motivational that a step further in my next book.”
speaker in the mold of Sharma, seems to have met Winning the BookLife Prize, Stewart adds, has
their criteria. Stewart’s elder two daughters say encouraged him “to go deeper, and push harder.”■
it’s their favorite of his books—the one that most
resonates with them. “They’ve asked the same Daniel Lefferts is a writer living in New York.

48 B O O K L I F E , J A N UA RY 2 8 , 2 0 1 9

Cover Redesign
This month, Michelle Argyle at Melissa Williams Design
reimagines the cover of Log Off: How to Stay Connected
After Disconnecting by indie author Blake Snow.
To submit a book for a free cover redesign, email us at

Original Cover

I loved the Using bright

digital-looking yellow for the
title of the title not only
original cover helps the book
and decided to stand out
keep that but also helps
digital feel in inject warmth
the subtitle. and optimism
into an other-
wise cold cover.

The first cover

is all about
connected to All-white
others, yet it covers run the
feels cold and risk of getting
distant. I fixed lost on white
this problem by screens, so I
including the decided to go
human element with a dark blue
of a hand background
pressing a that really
power button. stands out.

50 B O O K L I F E , J A N UA RY 2 8 , 2 0 1 9

Marketing Anxiety
And Confusion
Before considering new marketing
tactics and platforms, authors should
focus on understanding their goals
and assessing their resources

’ll never forget a conversation I had years ago Some tactics may seem essential—because every-
with a colleague who runs online courses for one is using them and thus they are required to
authors. He emphasized the necessity of teach- play the game. But always question and assess. Is
ing tactics: tangible, actionable steps that students Amazon advertising going to be effective for the
can take toward their goals. If he focused too much book you’re trying to sell (factoring in your book’s
on big-picture strategy or abstract theory, he said, pricing, packaging, and positioning)? Is social
he lost attention and course satisfaction. media a suitable tool for your genre/category, given
He was right. Few things are more powerful in the amount of time that you have to wait to see
teaching than sharing a step-by-step process that results? Do you know enough about your target
leads to observable results. For better or worse, readers to understand how they discover books to
however, I often err on the side of strategy—which read?
means that students always ask me how to apply For example, I’m repeatedly told that I should
said strategy. They want to know what specific get into podcasting because it’s big and growing.
steps to take. All of us, especially today, welcome But should I adopt that tactic when it would require
such instruction in an increasingly changing pub- me to stop accepting paid work or stop other
lishing environment. activities that are effective and even growing?
Before I explore this tension further, let me first Possibly—but only an evaluation of my strategy
offer an example of the difference between strat- would lead to an informed answer.
egy and tactics. If you’re an author who wants to Strategy questions can be difficult to answer,
sell more books, you may want to learn how to and most of us like to avoid grappling with them.
advertise through Amazon Marketing Services or They also require awareness—an understanding of
Facebook, how to be active and engaged on social yourself and the market. And, while you may think
media, or how to podcast. Learning best practices you know your goals, when pushed and questioned,
in these areas would provide valuable tactics, but I find many writers aren’t clear on what they want.
doing so sidesteps larger, strategic questions that So consider the following:
affect your success. For instance, what are your
strengths as an author and what would you be able What outcomes are you looking for in the short
to execute well and repeatedly? Where can you term and long term? Consider how the short-term
gain early or easy traction with the resources outcomes play into the long-term outcomes. For
available to you? What part of the market is best example, getting a book traditionally published is
to focus on? Where are your best opportunities for usually a short-term goal that can have little in
growth and visibility? common with earning a living.

52 B O O K L I F E , J A N UA RY 2 8 , 2 0 1 9

Are your outcomes specific? And do you know category but you lack a social media foundation,
when you’ve attained them? The more specific then a more sensible tactic is to target influencers
your desired outcome, the better. “I want to sell or VIPs who already have reach.
lots of books” isn’t as useful as “I want to sell In a great scene from Lost in Translation, Bill
1,000 copies through Amazon during the first year Murray’s character says, “The more you know who
of sales.” you are and what you want, the less you let things
upset you.” If I could customize that for today’s
What are all the possible methods you can use to authors, I’d say, “The more you know who you are
reach this outcome? List all the methods you know as an author and what readership you seek, the
of, no matter how unlikely you are to use them. less confused you’ll be about marketing.” And the
Then tr y to find methods that you might not less you’ll be influenced by the crowd.
know about yet. Consider which methods you are It’s easy to feel anxious about your progress when
well prepared to execute and succeed at—and you see your peers engaging in new forms of pub-
this is where you may need to experiment to know lishing or marketing and you feel pressured to join.
for sure. But the more you’re focused on your own long-term
outcomes and how to wisely use your time and
For instance, many authors are advised to use social resources, the better prepared you’ll be to consider
media as part of their book launches, but they or experiment with new tactics, adopting or dis-
establish accounts only for the purpose of book carding them as you see fit.  ■
marketing. Such authors lack the years of experi-
ence and community building that are typically Jane Friedman teaches digital media and pub-
required to see sales results. If social media is a
BOOKWORKS_HALF_H_0715_Layout 1 7/24/15 10:12 AM Page 1
lishing at the University of Virginia and is the
critical factor for reaching readers in your genre/ former publisher of Writer’s Digest.

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Scouting Report
In this month’s roundup of the best-reviewed BookLife
titles, we highlight works of science fiction, romance, and
fantasy, as well as a comic thriller and some historical fiction.

★ A Printer’s While Gods Sleep

Choice L.D. COLTER
Synopsis: Colter peppers the
Synopsis: Patenaude’s vivid first book of her
masterly debut novel Perilous Gods series with
tells a gripping story of formidable deities, intimi-
the near future. dating monsters, and
PW’s Takeaway: vibrant variations of myths
Patenaude’s take on the inspired by classical Greek
possibilities of technology tales.
is inventive and in line PW’s Takeaway: Fans of
with contemporary science, and his work truly Greek myths and celestial fantasy will eagerly
shines as a nuanced, character-driven drama. await more adventures in this polished world.
Comparable Title: Mary Doria Russell’s The Comparable Titles: Jordanna Max Brodsky’s
Sparrow Olympus Bound trilogy
Sample Line: “As word spread, the work of Sample Line: “With his opponent watching from
rebuilding the city slowed, and bets were made the other side of the table, Ty rattled the cup
that the rumors were true—that there really and tossed the five small goat pasterns across
had been a murder in the orbits.” the green felt.”
Read the Review: Read the Review:

Mad Bay State Terminal 19

Librarian Skye L.R. OLSON
GUILLEBEAU Synopsis: Petrie’s thing terminally ill
Synopsis: novel is based on Hope Reynolds
Guillebeau blends the real story of a wants is to start a
humor and mys- ship found float- relationship—but
tery perfectly in this comic ing empty, its crew lost to the then she meets wealthy and
thriller. sea. attractive Christian Lund.
PW’s Takeaway: Guillebeau keeps PW’s Takeaway: Readers will find PW’s Takeaway: Readers will enjoy
things light with frequent laugh- themselves caught up in the this tender romance with plenty
out-loud lines. stormy excitement and mystery. of international flavor.
Comparable Titles: Jo Dereske’s Comparable Title: Valerie Martin’s Comparable Title: Jojo Moyes’s
Miss Zukas Mysteries The Ghost of the Mary Celeste Me Before You
Read the Review: publishers- Read the Review: publishers- Read the Review: publishers-

54 B O O K L I F E , J A N UA RY 2 8 , 2 0 1 9

First Lines
Angel’s Lust
“He’d been branded like a steer.”

Our monthly look at some of the best

first lines from BookLife authors Debriefing the Dead
“I smelled death on the two men who
This month we’ve got the smell of death, exploding walked into my office that day. I should
stars, and more. To submit a first line, have listened to my nose.”
Dead to Them
JANE POWELL “I decided to stop living today.”
“My life began in a pub.”

The Shape of the Atmosphere The Fire in the Rock

“The day before my dad and sister died, “I am old now, old beyond counting.”
my father woke me in the middle of the
night to watch the stars explode.”

B O O K L I F E .C O M 55

Ask confusion about affect and effect

is perhaps the most common
As adverbs, both can mean “at a
greater distance” or “to a greater

error in the English language. extent,” but farther tends to be
So, here’s the difference. used to refer to distance—for
Most of the time affect is used example: “My house is farther

Editer as a verb, and effect is used as

a noun. Affect, used as a verb,
means “to have influence on”:
from the playground than yours.”
Further tends to be used to mean
“to a greater degree”: “Let’s
A veteran editor answers “The teacher’s praise affected
Adelaide’s confidence.” Affect
look into the problem further.”
There you have it. I hope the
your writing questions as a noun is used in psychology effect of this description will
to mean emotion, but most of us serve to further your under-
BY BETTY KELLY SARGENT don’t ever have an occasion to standing of the differences
use it that way. between these pesky little words.
Dear Editor: Effect, when used as a noun,

C ould you please explain the

difference between affect
and effect and farther and
means result.“John’s speech had
a powerful effect on the audi-
ence.” But sometimes effect is
further? I always get these used as a verb. Then it means Betty Kelly Sargent is the
confused and could really use “to bring about or cause some- founder and CEO of BookWorks.
some help. —Jordy W. thing to happen”: “We all need to
do everything we can to effect If you have a question for the

A uthor and grammarian Roy

H. Copperud says that the
Now for farther and further.
editor, please email Betty Sargent


New Titles from

Booksellers, publishers, librarians, and agents are encouraged to look at the 80
self-published titles below. Each appears with a list of retailers that are selling
the book and a description provided by its author. Some of these writers are
waiting to be discovered; others have track records and followings and are doing
it on their own. If you are a self-published author interested in listing titles in this
section, please visit for more information.

Fiction criminal underworld, author Aggers paper (306p), ISBN 978-

All Love Prohibited reveals how revenge and envy come in 1-947983-79-3
Anders Eklof. Toplink Publishing. $15.99 all shapes and sizes. Amazon,, Kobo
paper (388p), ISBN 978- Olivia Novak loves
1-949804-66-9 Chris Lynheart: Daughter of Forayer family dirt, and her
Amazon, Dalton Reutlinger. AuthorHouse. $20.99 deceased mother’s
A young, idealistic, paper (284p), ISBN 978- novel begs for more
and naive foreigner 1-5462-3502-6; $3.99 investigation. But
falls in forbidden love e-book, ISBN 978-1- cracking open the dirtball requires her
with an exquisitely 5462-3501-9 two sisters and a pair of wise-guy ther-
beautiful black woman Amazon apy dogs.
in the tense Alabama of 1961. Jessica Holland dis-
covers the origins of “Is That Your Aunt in
Always Gardenia her bloodline. An the Attic?” Another
Betsy Hanson. Bryant ancient relic comes into her possession Edna and Edith
House Books. $25.99 that means either certain doom or Adventure
hardcover (231p), ISBN immense power. Barbara Fletcher and
978-0-9998093-1-0 Cheryl Gauthier.
Amazon The Gift of the Seer AuthorHouse. $20.99
Set in contemporary K.B. Laugheed. KB paper (262p), ISBN 978-
Seattle, this story fol- Laugheed. $18 paper 1-5246-2310-4; $3.99 e-book, ISBN 978-
lows 56-year-old Gardenia Pitkin as she (372p), ISBN 978-1- 1-5246-2309-8
adjusts to life as a widow. 7328862-0-9 Amazon
Amazon,, Ingram As they navigate through their adven-
The Cartel The conclusion of the tures, sister detectives Edna and Edith
Dennis Charles Aggers. story of Indian captive continue to find themselves in precari-
Xlibris. $23.99 paper Katie O’Toole, who pretends to be the ous and hilarious situations while strug-
(434p), ISBN 978-1- spirit keeper of a dead seer to preserve gling to avoid being assassinated for
4931-0399-7; $3.99 his people from annihilation. the bounty on their heads.
e-book, ISBN 978-1-
4931-0400-0 Indigo Legacy: Julie and Monica:
Amazon Book 3 of the Dushane Sisters Trilogy Hope Behind the Tears
In this action-packed portrayal of the Courtney Pierce. Windtree Press. $15.95 David Allen Smith. WestBow Press. $20.95

B O O K L I F E .C O M 57

paper (52p), Publishing. $19 paper The Light Horse Ghost: World War I
ISBN 978-1- (272p), ISBN 978-1- Julie Janson. Nibago.
973604-85-3; 4809-9144-6 $2.99 e-book, ISBN
$3.99 e-book, Amazon 978-0-9876426-1-5
ISBN 978-1- A couple is drawn into Amazon
973604-86-0 a sinister organization The story of Iris, a
Amazon planning to excavate 16-year-old girl who
Two women Edgar Allan Poe’s struggles with the
face a similar crisis: the loss of a baby. grave for the potion of eternal life. A return of her soldier
When Julie and Monica meet, they find work of social criticism and modern-day father after World War I.
hope behind the tears. devilry.
The Wideawake Hat: Book 1 of the
Light of the Desert Shattered Triangle Applecross Saga
Lucette Walters. William Messenger. Black Amanda Giorgis. Amanda
AuthorHouse. $26.49 Rose Writing. $17.95 Spearing. $4.49 e-book,
paper (590p), ISBN 978- paper (290p), ISBN 978- ISBN 978-0-473-
1-4259-7748-1; $3.99 1-61296-370-9 45635-1
e-book, ISBN 978-1- Amazon, Amazon, Kobo
4918-4256-0 Three friends take dif- Three sets of foot-
Amazon ferent paths to adult- prints were found
A young woman’s remarkable journey of hood. In spite of the distances that when James Mackenzie was arrested for
survival, courage, and the ultimate act of emerge between them, they are thrust sheep stealing. Who made those foot-
humanity. together by the tragedy of death. Each is prints? And what happened to James?
affected in a different way.
Looper Poetry
Michael The Stranger: A Story of Romance and Distractions of the Heart
Conlon. Intrigue Allisha Marie.
Gatekeeper Eleanor Lee Gustaw. AuthorHouse. $17.95
Press. $6.99 Toplink Publishing. paper (112p), ISBN 978-
e-book, $15.99 paper (396p), 1-5462-4966-5; $10.95
ISBN 978-1- ISBN 978-1-949502- e-book, ISBN 978-1-
64237-370-7 25-1 5462-4965-8
Amazon, Apple iBooks,, Google Play Amazon, Amazon
This nostalgic coming-of-age novel will A near-death tragedy This poetry collection
take readers back to the time of mix- takes a handsome stranger on a long reflects on distractions our hearts desire
tapes and the wonders of growing up in search for his lost love. His quest even- and deflect, including self-worth, gratifi-
the ’80s. tually brings him to a lovely publisher cation, and heartache from loving some-
and back to her old way of life. one too much or not enough, or the
The Outlandish and trauma we’ve experienced from others.
the Ego Temptation Rag
O. Ryan Hussain. Xlibris. Elizabeth Hutchison The Man You Didn’t
$19.99 paper (292p), Bernard. Belle Epoque Marry
ISBN 978-1-5245- Publishing. $14.95 paper Clifford Wayne Williams
8153-4; 99¢ e-book, (409p), ISBN 978-0- II. Archway Publishing.
ASIN B07965BCBL 9984406-4-4 $8.99 paper (66p), ISBN
Amazon Amazon,, Books- 978-1-4808-7290-5
A comedic tale that follows a secret a-Million Amazon,
society, a rigged presidential election, Love, betrayal, and ambition in ragtime- In a debut collection
and two dudes trying to save the day era New York. Characters from early of poetry, Williams reflects on relatable
while running from demon gnomes. vaudeville and African-American theater topics that explore his journey through
populate this fictionalized historical life.
The Sacred Fury saga.
Barton and Elizabeth Cockey. Dorrance

58 B O O K L I F E , J A N UA RY 2 8 , 2 0 1 9


Walking on a Moonbeam: And Other symbols and how they can help him stop A troubled teen leaves Texas, becoming
Views from the Creek Bank a killer’s murderous reign of terror. a violent serial killer. He crosses paths
Bill McDonald. Xlibris. with Wally, Syd, and Dan. Soon Wally
$15.99 paper (80p), The Center Cannot becomes his next target. Who will be left
ISBN 978-1-5434- Hold standing?
3093-6; $3.99 e-book, Aaron Stander. Writers &
ISBN 978-1-5434- Editors. $17.95 paper The Forgotten Child
3094-3 (247p), ISBN 978-0- Melissa Erin Jackson. Ringtail Press. $15.99
Amazon,, 9975701-3-7 paper (426p), ISBN 978-
Books-a-Million Amazon, 1-73241-342-9; $7.99
McDonald’s first book is a collection of In the depths of winter e-book, ISBN 978-1-
poems written during his career as an in Cedar County, Mich., the iniquities of 73241-340-5
engineer-scientist in the U.S. space and some particularly unsavory ancestors Amazon, Apple iBooks,
national defense programs. are being visited on the current genera-, Kobo
tion. A reluctant medium is
Mystery/Thriller pulled into a decades-
The Bad Samaritan Death by the Devil’s old cold case when she’s contacted by
Lyon Bell. Brown Dog Books. $16.33 paper Hand: A Dan Williams the spirit of a boy who has been trapped
(225p), ISBN 978-1-78545-347-2; $5.05 and Syd Novel on the property of a dead serial killer
e-book, ASIN Michael L. Patton. since 1973.
B07LB6HHW4 CreateSpace. $4.99
Amazon e-book, ASIN Game Piece
The notorious art rob- B07KVN6WCX Alan Brenham. Black Opal Books. 99¢
bery at the Isabella Amazon e-book, ASIN B07HLCBG6J
Stewart Gardner
Museum in 1990 is
linked to a kidnapping
at Massachusetts General Hospital—
and a subsequent murder. But how?

A Balance of Evil
P.G. Barnett.
BookLocker. $17.05
paper (302p), ISBN 978-
1-63492-953-0; $3.99
e-book, ISBN 978-1-
A novel of evil’s ability to exist unseen
among the living while promoting man-
kind’s race to self-destruction.

Blood Power
R.A. Davidson. RAD Publishing. $17.99 hard-
cover (292p), ISBN 978-0-9987972-0-5;
$7.99 e-book, ISBN
978-0-9987972-2-9 For information on
Jack Stephens follows publishing or film rights,
a trail of intrigue, please contact
racing against time
to learn the secrets
of ancient religious

B O O K L I F E .C O M 59

Amazon The Power of the Three paign to save the world from those
Detective Barry P.G. Barnett. BookLocker. $35.95 hardcover entrusted with the world’s protection.
Marshall hunts for a (264p), ISBN 978-1-
killer, unaware the 64438-403-9; $20.95 Harlem Angel: Book 1 of the Circle
killer dated his wife paper, ISBN 978-1- Brenda M. Hardwick.
years ago. Seeing 64438-402-2 AuthorHouse. $13.99
Marshall with her Amazon, paper (226p), ISBN 978-
pushes the killer Some answers are 1-5462-2429-7; $3.99
over the edge. nothing more than e-book, ISBN 978-1-
doorways to more 5462-2495-2
In God We Trust questions, and sometimes answers to Amazon
Adam P. Gross and Seth K. Gross. East those questions might just kill you and A young lady learns
Channel Press. $14.95 paper (462p), ISBN the people you love. that she is gifted and that her gifts are
978-0-9984622-0-2; needed. Will she meet the challenge, or
$3.99 e-book, ASIN Return of the Brethren will she die along with those she needs
B07MD1TB99 P.G. Barnett. BookLocker. $20.95 paper to protect?
Amazon (490p), ISBN 978-1-
John Farragut, a termi- 63492-716-1; $3.99 Kargaroth:
nally ill former CIA e-book, ISBN 978-1- A Tale of the Great Onion Knighthood
operative, is lured out 63492-719-2 Mark B. Frost and
of retirement to Amazon, Andrew Bunny. Icerabbit
destroy the Supernote Press, a pipeline The brethren have Publishing. $34.99 hard-
for international terrorism. been with us for eter- cover (672p), ISBN 978-
nities, using their 1-73282-520-8
The Mist Rises over Notchey Creek: power to slip between slices of time and Amazon
A Harley Henrickson Cozy Mystery appear, resulting in death and the tor- A neo-medieval epic,
Elizabeth Feranchak. Amazon Kindle Direct ture of millions. influenced by modern
Publishing. $3.99 storytelling mediums such as comic
e-book, ASIN Truth, Fiction and books, video games, and Japanese
B07KX7566H Lies: A Merran manga. Larger-than-life heroes battle
Amazon Scofield Mystery ancient magics and divine threats.
Whiskey distiller and Susan Curry. Across
nerdy wallflower Ocean Books. $15.99 Radioactive Evolution
Harley Henrickson paper (289p), ISBN 978- Richard Hummel.
investigates a series 0-944176-05-4 Hummel Books. $16.99
of murders in her small hometown. Amazon, paper (492p), ISBN 978-
Merran Scofield leaves her San 1-73233-741-1; $4.99
Perfect Witness Francisco home for a class reunion in e-book, ISBN 978-1-
Richard Cody. Xlibris. $19.99 paper (225p), an Australian country town and is caught 73233-740-4
ISBN 978-1-4415-8240-9; $9.99 e-book, up in a web of lies regarding a murder- Amazon, Ingram
ISBN 978-1-4653-3232-5 suicide and a missing Japanese boy. Jared Cartwright sets out to explore an
Amazon earth ravaged by nuclear war. Society’s
The president of the SF/Fantasy/Horror elite left humankind to die in radioactive
Baltic Peoples Fid’s Crusade prisons. Jared seeks to break the bonds
Republic, Marshal David H. Reiss. David Reiss. $14.99 paper holding humanity captive.
Jurgis Tievas, returns (370p), ISBN 978-0-
to Gdainys to find 692-12011-8; $4.99 Restoration
himself besieged by e-book, ASIN Daniel C. McWhorter.
domestic enemies. B07C92PMDH Daniel C. McWhorter.
Moreover, he lives a secret that may Amazon, Ingram $12.99 paper (360p),
prove fatal to him. The story behind one ISBN 978-1-983204-
brilliant supervillain’s 90-6; $2.99 e-book,
decades-long cam- ASIN B07G63KHLW

60 B O O K L I F E , J A N UA RY 2 8 , 2 0 1 9


Amazon quietly stalk their family.

This book asks us to consider what it This book has 120 color plates of the
means to be alive and whether we can Along the Darksome Road: The True author’s paint-
be digitized and transferred from one Story of a Family’s Unintended ings made
body to another without losing any part Discovery of a Young Woman’s Murder along the
of ourselves. from Decades Ago California
J.J. Maxwell. Reviresco. coast. The
Romance/Erotica $4.49 e-book, ISBN painted picto-
The Earl and the Enchantress 978-0-463-98669-1 rial is paired
(An Enchantress Novel, Book 1) Amazon, Apple iBooks, with text about
Paullett Golden. Paullett Golden. $16.99, Kobo, artists and early pioneers.
paper (460p), ISBN 978- Smashwords
1-73283-420-0; $4.99 The innocent pur- Blood Sugar in Check: 7 Steps to
e-book, ISBN 978-1- chase of an antique children’s book Health and Happiness with Diabetes
73283-421-7 leads a family to rediscover the brutal Andrew Lawless. Andrew
Amazon murder of an American college student Lawless. $9.97 e-book,
Lizbeth risks every- in Switzerland in the autumn of 1932. ASIN B07HY549RP
thing to follow her Amazon
heart. Desperate to And Every Word Is True Live with diabetes and
hide the blood on his hands, Sebastian Gary McAvoy. Literati Editions. $27.99 hard- keep all your toes. Live
sabotages their happiness. Lizbeth must cover (300p), ISBN 978- with total confidence
unravel the truth to turn a villain into a 0-9908376-0-2; that you can handle
hero. $19.99 paper, ISBN your blood sugar levels. Effective strate-
978-0-9908376-1-9 gies for a rewarding life with diabetes.
Folly at Sausmarez Manor,
(Majestic Estates Series) Amazon, Apple Books, The Bubble: Everything I Learned as
IreAnne Chambers. Purple Storm Publishing. Ingram, Kobo a Target of the Political, and Often
$2.99 e-book, ISBN 978-0-9964146-0-9 Based on new details, Corrupt, World of Youth Sports
Amazon,, Kobo this book lays out a fresh, meticulously Maya Castro. Maya
One act of chivalry researched perspective on the Clutter Castro. $14.99 paper
turns good sense to murder case made famous by Truman (260p), ISBN 978-1-
folly when the Capote’s In Cold Blood. 79043-072-7
Marquess of Daventry Amazon
is sealed inside Dehus A Backpack, a Eurorail Pass, and Some Learn how to
Dolmen on the island Serious Baggage breathe life back
of Guernsey in 1801. Jennie Withers. Wild into a kids’ game
Wisdom. $14.99 paper while reading about Castro’s chaotic
Nonfiction (305p), ISBN 978-0- soccer experience.
1946: A True Story of Wealth, 692-08332-1
Extraordinary Success and Great Amazon The Early Years
Tragedy Author Withers Rachel G. Carrington. iUniverse. $18.95
Diana Gillmor. AuthorHouse. $20.99 paper thought of traveling paper (240p), ISBN 978-1-4917-6567-8;
(328p), ISBN 978-1-5462-1481-6; $3.99 Europe as an escape $3.99 e-book, ISBN
e-book, ISBN 978-1-5462-1482-3 from her conservative upbringing. The 978-1-4917-6568-5
Amazon journey propelled her into confronting Amazon
An early-20th-century the emotional baggage she carried. When a young girl
Gatsby-esque couple falls in love with a
leads a life surrounded Big Sur to Mendocino: broken World War II
by world wars, historic Coastal Paintings & Stories veteran, the unlikely
inventions, and with Legends Revealed pair must overcome
famous friends as Kevin Milligan. Kevin Milligan Gallery. $85 struggles and hurdle life’s obstacles. A
unthinkable tragedy hardcover (204p), ISBN 978-0-692- true story of love, dedication, and God’s
and ultimate betrayal 97790-3 providence.

B O O K L I F E .C O M 61

Essays in the Foundations of author gradually moves from feeling Amazon
Mathematics, 2nd ed. totally broken to a life of renewal and The true story of five-
Russell Connor. Dorrance hope. year-old Laura Small’s
Publishing. $20 hard- attack by a mountain
cover (48p), ISBN 978-1- God Threw Me Back: A Child Survives lion in a California
4809-2617-2 War in Sudan park. Traumatic inju-
Amazon Gatluk G. Digiew. ries, painful recovery,
A collection of easy- AuthorHouse. $13.99 illegal cover-ups, and
to-read mathematical paper (108p), ISBN 978- legal battles push family and faith to
essays. In this expan- 1-5462-4245-1; $3.99 unanticipated conclusions.
sion on the first edition, the author e-book, ISBN 978-1-
claims to demonstrate Fermat’s Last 5462-4244-4 A Path to Life’s Fullness: A New
Theorem and rejects Wiles’s and Amazon Perspective on the Teachings of
Kummer’s proofs. This memoir charts Digiew’s story as a Jesus
little boy when civil war erupts in South Manuel J. Costa.
FADS Marketing: Food, Alcohol, Sudan. Gatluk is a voice for the battered CreateSpace. $16.95
Drugs, Sex, and the New Marketing children of war. paper (170p), ISBN 978-
World Order 1-4781-4679-7
Tony Harris. THINC B2B. K: How a Jewelry Thief Turned Chemist Amazon
$6.99 e-book, Turned into an Author This book aims to
ASIN B07K6DX7D8 J. Kharene Porter. rescue Jesus from
Amazon Graphiti and Ostrakka. dogma. His true teachings are rooted
Humans are easily $20 hardcover (176p), in reality and therefore can be tested
manipulated, and ISBN 978-1-73245- experientially. They have power to
marketers know it. 401-9 transform us now.
That’s why the FADS that drive us wild Amazon,
say we’re fat, we’re no fun, we need to Deep into her waning Protected by Muslims During
relax, and we’ll probably die alone. 30s, the author was World War II
quickly running out of time to course- A. Robert Neurath.
Fool Me Twice: Confessions of a correct. This story chronicles her journey Neurath
Perpetual Internet Dating Neophyte as she confronts her life with patience, Publishing.
Jules Hannaford. Hasmark Publishing. $18 sweat, and humor. $49.95 hardcover
paper (224p), ISBN 978-1-989161-32-6 (289p), ISBN 978-
Amazon Lifecycle Gates in a Christian’s Life: 0-692-15061-0
Author Hannaford Nehemiah 3—Gates in a Christian’s Life Amazon,,
began internet dating Elizabeth M. Washington. Ingram
and unwittingly invited Toplink Publishing. The employ-
a new kind of trouble $11.99 paper (126p), ment of European professionals by
into her life. This is one ISBN 978-1-949804- Turkey after the rise of Hitler and the
woman’s journey to 92-8 saving of Jews by Turkish diplomats
find love, but she took Amazon, and Albanian Muslims are described.
a risk that almost cost her life. After you get the expe- This contrasts with present-day disdain
rience of each gate, for immigrants.
The Gift of Sobriety from the Sheep Gate to the Final Gate,
Rose B. ReadersMagnet. $8.74 paper (122p), you may be able to help another Reconstructing the Shield of Achilles
ISBN 978-1-948864- Christian or even the un-Christian. Kathleen Vail. Story
52-7 Merchant Books. $29.99
Amazon Out of the Lion’s Den: paper (190p), ISBN 978-
This account is A Little Girl’s Mountain Lion Attack, 0-9991621-8-7; $2.99
intended to be mean- a Mother’s Search for Answers e-book, ASIN
ingful to anyone who Susan Mattern. CreateSpace. $12.99 paper B07HPDKNRB
may have deep spiri- (322p), ISBN 978-1-5331-1745-8; $7.99 Amazon,
tual longing. The e-book, ASIN B01LDTR6KI Presenting images of

62 B O O K L I F E , J A N UA RY 2 8 , 2 0 1 9


the life-size shield she created, Vail fol- Saturday’s Child Amazon
lows the raging Achilles through the Deborah Burns. She Writes Press. $16.95 This guide to help readers deal with old
Trojan War and launches a search for paper (256p), ISBN 978- age is especially important for a society
Achilles’s immortal shield after his epic 1-63152-547-6 that is obsessed with youth.
death. Amazon, Apple iBooks,, IndieBound You Can Be the Guru! The Hitchhikers
Restoration: Every daughter has a Guide to Becoming Your Own Teacher
Heal Your Soul, Heal Your Life story, some more in Life
Beau Adams. Crossover complicated than Samwell Newman.
Communications. $9.99 others. Author Burns Samwell Newman.
paper (110p), ISBN 978- grew up in the shadow of her beautiful, $3.99 e-book, ASIN
1-73293-330-9; $2.99 unconventional mother, whose love B07KW9HT2H
e-book, ASIN was just out of her daughter’s grasp. Amazon,,
B07KYQW7RT Kobo, Station Blackout: This guide teaches
Amazon Inside the Fukushima how readers can become their own
This book can show you how God can Nuclear Disaster and Recovery guru (teacher) in life.
heal your soul and heal your life in such Charles A. Casto. Radius
a miraculous way you may find yourself Book Group. $24.95 Children’s/YA
to be better than ever before. hardcover (226p), ISBN Africa Meets India
978-1-63576-402-4 Anita Sax, illus. by Aija Jasuna. Anita Sax
Sailing Through the Storms of Amazon, Ingram Books. $17.95 hardcover (24p), ISBN 978-
Seizures: Living with Epilepsy, Author Casto shares 1-60131-073-6
Recovering from Brain Surgery, and his firsthand expert Amazon
Being a Caregiver account of the When Africa and
Jon Sadler. Xlibris. earthquake and tsunami response at India meet for
$15.99 paper (238p), Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in 2011. the first time,
ISBN 978-1-984531- something differ-
12-4; $3.99 e-book, Trial by Media: ent about their
ISBN 978-1-984531- China’s New Show Trials, and the appearances
11-7 Global Expansion of Chinese Media puzzles the two elephants. A wise
Amazon Peter Dahlin, ed. giraffe they soon encounter just might
Sadler gives hope to others dealing Safeguard Defenders. know the reason.
with seizure disorders by sharing his $10.99 paper (192p),
experience and providing the per- ISBN 978-0-9993706- Alfred the Monarch Butterfly
spective of the child, student, father, 2-9; $10.99 e-book, Jerlene Crawford Hales. Xlibris. $24.99
and caregiver who are living with ASIN B07KDGDWBR paper (58p), ISBN 978-1-984517-66-1;
epilepsy. Amazon $3.99 e-book, ISBN 978-1-984517-65-4
An exploration of the Amazon
Samson the Modern Day America: worldwide expansion of China’s state This story
Is America Doomed? broadcaster, CCTV, and how it works about the
Stephen Ray Williams. Toplink Publishing. with police in producing forced TV con- experiences of
$11.99 paper (110p), fessions before trial, with testimony from families from
ISBN 978-1-948779- victims. different cul-
29-6 tures and lan-
Amazon The Ultimate Road guages is told
This book compares Map to Aging through the
the life of Samson Gracefully adventures of the southern monarch
with America. Sati Achath and Rishi butterflies as they migrate to northern
Samson was God’s Kumar Jain. Mexico.
chosen man at his time, but he relied CreateSpace. $9
more on self or man’s way instead of paper (226p), ISBN The Busy Toddler’s A to Z
God’s way. 978-1-72320-843-0 Susie and Vincent Pi. Archway Publishing.

B O O K L I F E .C O M 63

$16.90 hardcover The Great Wall Bernard Sees ASIN B07FHVVW1Z
(32p), ISBN 978- Connie Du. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. Amazon
1-4808-5453-6; $12.99 paper (52p), A hopeful story that reminds us of the
$6.99 e-book, ISBN 978-1-72334- miracle of love and family, the agony of
ISBN 978-1- 963-8 loss, and the possibility of second
4808-5454-3 Amazon chances.
Amazon, By journeying to visit
This book will the Great Wall with
help toddlers Bernard, a little boy,
master their A-to-Zs, as well as intro- readers will have a
duce them to various professions. glimpse of the fascinating Chinese his-
tory and culture.
A Chance to Be Normal
Koywan Keyes. iUniverse. $13.99 paper I Am Manifesto
(246p), ISBN 978-1-5320-4357-4; $3.99 S.B. Hilarion. BookBaby. $22.99 hardcover The Magical Balloons
e-book, ISBN 978-1- (40p), ISBN 978-0-9998284-0-3 Anita Sax, illus. by Aija Jasuna. Anita Sax
5320-4356-7 Amazon Books. $16.95 hardcover (24p), ISBN 978-
Amazon A book of 366 1-60131-028-6
This fiction book for mantras or Amazon
kids deals with bully- affirmations This book takes the reader on a jour-
ing, showing how one to raise and ney through the rainbow and teaches
boy called on his encourage children to appreciate the magic to be
friends to help him the self- found when sun and rain meet.
change the negative attention he was esteem and
getting at school. self-belief of children, told through the The Sex Decision
eyes of young siblings Hao and Sabine Ellen Piano.
Dorje the Yak Lee. CreateSpace. $9.95
Caryn Hartman, illus. paper (239p), ISBN
by Lexi Vay. Pema Katie and Kenny Tour the Railroad: 978-1-5077-6386-5
Publishing. $12.95 Is Saying Thank You Enough Amazon
paper (52p), ISBN Keith N. Corman. A teen journalist
978-1-73272-781-6 Dorrance Publishing. investigates teen
Amazon $24 hardcover (34p), pregnancies
A tale of triumph ISBN 978-1-4809- while struggling with demands for sex
over adversity. Written in both English 2653-0 from her popular boyfriend.
and Tibetan, it is a visual story of Tibet Amazon
and its culture for children. This book intro- That Summer We Stole Our
duces children to Permanent Records
The Giant Shoe the role railroads Kersti Niebruegge. Kersti Niebruegge.
M.J. Stevens. Xlibris. $31.99 paper (46p), play in our lives $13.99 paper (171p), ISBN 978-0-
ISBN 978-1-984540-61-4; $3.99 e-book, and their importance, and stresses 9908710-9-5;
ISBN 978-1-984540-60-7 safety around railroads and their $8.99 e-book,
Amazon equipment: “No playground!” ISBN 978-0-
When she finds 9908710-8-8
a giant shoe, Life Happens on Amazon
Hazel, a girl liv- the Stairs: There’s Neighborhood
ing in the New No Running When friends steal their
England area, It’s Your Turn school permanent
discovers a Amy J. Markstahler. records, discover
new world and Amy J. Markstahler. a legendary map, and embark on a
goes on a $15 paper (429p), treasure hunt to save their elementary
magical adventure, meeting new ISBN 978-1-72022- school from closing during 1993. ■
friends. 614-7; $2.99 e-book,

64 B O O K L I F E , J A N UA RY 2 8 , 2 0 1 9

Fiction Wilson Jr. and defending his satirical ver- Beautiful Invention:
sion of the popular song “Boogie Woogie A Novel of Hedy Lamarr
Bugle Boy (of Company B)” in his play Let Margaret Porter. Gallica, $14.95 trade paper
Ascending: My People Come, Wood writes that the case (378p) ISBN 978-0-9907420-3-6
The Vardeshi Saga, Book 1 “is considered by many to be the pivotal case Hedy Lamarr is feted as much for her
Meg Pechenick. Ink Sigil, $11.99 trade paper establishing the principles of a valid parody intellect as for her beauty in this captivating
(490p) ISBN 978-1-73231-230-2 defense.” Other anecdotes include his novel set in the 1930s. As a young Austrian
First contact with aliens means learning involvement in introducing the Belvedere actress, Hedy (born Hedwig Kiesler) makes
how to say you’re sorry in this very personal vodka company to the U.S. market in 1998, a scandalous, avant-garde film in 1933
journal of a voyage to another world. Grad which begins as a simple legal affair and called Ecstasy that is star-making, but
student Avery Alcott is the first human to turns into an international adventure, with shadows her personally and professionally.
be taught the language of the alien Vardeshi, Wood surviving a helicopter crash in Soon after, she marries a jealous, domi-
who visited Earth briefly 25 years earlier. Poland. The narrative moves at a good pace, neering supplier of military weapons to
Upon returning, the Vardeshi ask for a rep- and Wood is a straightforward, candid dictators, including Hitler. After several
resentative to travel to their home world, writer (“those who are unhappy about attempts to leave her marriage for a movie
and Avery’s fluency makes her the perfect something I wrote, I offer no apology. Feel career in the United States, Hedy finally
candidate. After hurried training, she wins free to write about me. I have a thick skin”). obtains an MGM contract from Louis
a post aboard a Vardeshi ship and must begin Wood’s memoir is a refreshing look at an Mayer. Mayer molds Hedy into a glamorous
learning Vardeshi culture by immersion unusual legal career. movie icon, but she becomes frustrated with
while making a case for alliance with Earth. roles that do not show her dramatic range,
Courteous and reserved, the Vardeshi are not Bay State Skye and with her image as aloof. Hedy collected
quick to respond to her overtures, and some Janice S.C. Petrie. Seatales Publishing, six husbands and many lovers, and raised
are openly hostile. Though Avery starts to $14.99 trade paper (298p) ISBN 978-0- three children, yet the narrative’s focus on
make friends, sabotage threatens her hard- 9705510-4-7 her patented invention of a radio-controlled
won acceptance and even her life. Debut Petrie’s entertaining novel is based on the torpedo provides a window into a complex,
novelist Pechenick takes a slow, deliberate real story of the Bay State Skye, a ship found highly intelligent woman. The pacing of
path to unfolding the secrets of her charac- floating empty, its crew lost to the sea, near the story is spot-on: Hedy’s personal and
ters and her universe, which allows for close Gloucester, Mass. In August 1990, Brothers career trajectories are excellently balanced
observations but threatens to stall the nar- Jimmy and Murph Sweeney are headed to by the secondary characters, as well as a
rative. Readers who appreciate deep cultural port aboard their lobster boat when they thread about her mother being trapped in
worldbuilding akin to C.J. Cherryh’s come across the Bay State Skye, awkwardly Austria and, later, London as it was being
Foreigner books will stick with a maturing circling outside the Gloucester breakwater. bombed. Porter’s insightful account of a
Avery despite all her journey’s detours. When they pull alongside, they find that its gifted yet often misunderstood inventor
owner and crew are nowhere to be found, and movie star makes for a winning novel.
Asshole Attorney: presumed lost at sea. The Sweeneys also note
Musings, Memories, and that the boat had been dragging inside state Celtic Knot
Missteps in a 40 Year Career limits, which is illegal, and has gathered Ann Shortell. Friesen, $26.95 (336p)
Douglas J. Wood. Plum Bay, $26.99 (240p) hundreds of pounds more than the legal ISBN 978-1-5255-2090-7
ISBN 978-0-9988617-2-2 limit of 100 pounds of lobster. The illegal Shortell constructs her gripping histor-
Wood (Please Be Ad-Vised: A Legal fishing has also damaged the equipment of ical novel on the bones of an actual incident:
Reference Guide for the Advertising Executive) lobsterman Johnny Higgins, who could be the murder of Thomas D’Arcy McGee, a
delivers an entertaining account of his financially devastated by the loss, but it staunch supporter of Canadian nationhood
adventures in media and entertainment law, helps to unite his community in a fund- and the subsequent hanging of Irish immi-
where, he writes, he had to be tough but raiser for him. The fish and lobster catch grant Patrick James Whelan, who professed
fair: “Maybe to some I was acting like an from the Bay State Skye is brought to market, his innocence of the crime to the end. Set
asshole attorney, but it felt right.” After but when bouts of bad luck and unfortunate mainly in Ottawa in 1868, the story is told
graduating from NYU law school in 1977, events follow various transactions, including with brio by 15-year-old Clara Swift, who
Wood landed a job with a firm that special- sales losses due to shipping accidents, the describes herself as an “Irish girl, British
ized in groundbreaking entertainment cases fisherman begin to believe the catch is subject and a Canadian all 21 months we’ve
such as the Monty Python’s Flying Circus cursed. Petrie’s novel includes fascinating had a country.” When Clara, McGee’s ser-
lawsuit in 1975 against the ABC network details about both the fishing industry and vant, hears a gunshot outside the door of
after the show’s producers argued that the market; readers will find themselves caught their boarding house, she opens the door to
American network “butchered their work” up in the stormy excitement and the tanta- find McGee dead. Suspicion immediately
by putting “commercial breaks at all the lizing touch of mystery. falls on members of the Fenian brotherhood,
wrong moments.” In representing Earl who considered the outspoken McGee to be

B O O K L I F E .C O M 64a
a traitor to their cause. The authorities, Elinor “Nelle” Greene. It’s a venial depar- Africa Safari Tours takes them on what is
keen to find the culprit, hastily settle on ture from the legend, but it works. Due to supposed to be a getaway that quickly turns
Whelan. Clara, however, is not convinced her family’s diminished circumstances, into a nightmare when the safari caravan is
of his guilt. Shortell vividly conveys the headstrong, independent Nelle must marry derailed first by a pair of gunmen and then
atmosphere that surrounded the murder for money. Feeling like a sacrificial lamb, by a pack of ravenous hyenas that stalk the
and examines the profound impact that she agrees to wed a much older man. Then ever-dwindling group across the wilder-
McGee’s death had on the development of she meets Gavin, and both must choose ness. Collings is a capable writer, and his
the fledgling nation. This is a lively and between duty and love. Forgiving the 21st- pacing is captivating, but the story suffers
fascinating story, well told. century dialogue may be a challenge for from its portrayal of Africans as savage and
purists, but the story is genuine romance. the depiction of women as vixens or victims
Epitaph (including an excessive focus on female
Karla Brandenburg. Karla Brandenburg, MAD Librarian genital mutilation among the Maasai).
$3.99 e-book (245p) ASIN B01NCEF91X Michael Guillebeau. Madison, $20 trade pa- Readers may still be pulled along to the
Brandenburg (The Architect) kicks off a per (404p) ISBN 978-0-9972-0552-7 end, in which white people inevitably save
new paranormal romance series with an Guillebeau (Josh Whatever) blends humor the day, but they’re unlikely to return for a
exciting murder mystery set in the fictional, and mystery perfectly in this comic thriller reread.
sleepy town of Edgarville, Ill. Kevin set in the small city of Maddington, Ala.
McCormick is a reporter for the local news- Head librarian Serenity Hammer has dedi- ★ A Printer’s Choice
paper who wants to write more investiga- cated herself to keeping the Maddington W.L. Patenaude. Izzard Ink, $27.95 hardcover
tive pieces but is constantly assigned to Public Library “a calm oasis of normalcy.” (334p) ISBN 978-1-64228-007-4
write fluff. His current Halloween assign- But her idealism proves not to be enough Theologian Patenaude’s masterful debut
ment, about cemeteries, leads him to Amy when a change in the city’s administration novel tells a gripping story of the near
Benson, the daughter of a monument shop leaves the library perilously low on funds future. In 2088, life in outer space is now a
owner. Shy and enigmatic Amy writes the and at risk of closing its doors. At the 11th reality thanks to advanced 3-D printing
epitaphs that are the hallmarks of the fam- hour, Serenity happens upon an obscure city technology. A seemingly orderly world is
ily’s business, but few people know that account with a balance sufficient to meet shattered by the news of outer space’s first
Amy’s skill stems from her ability to hear her current needs—and more. Convinced homicide. The victim is a Catholic priest,
the dead. Amy shares her secret with Kevin of the righteousness of her cause, Serenity, leading to much speculation about both the
after she hears the voice of his sister, who aided by her assistant, Amanda Doom, priest’s reasons for going up to atheistic
says that her death was not accidental as it accesses the account and starts transferring outer space and the suspected murderer’s
appeared. Things heat up between Kevin money to the library. After she manages to motives. With political stability threat-
and Amy as they look into the case and start pay for repairs to the air conditioning and ened, the Vatican, still powerful on a war-
to fall for each other. Brandenburg seam- to their internet service provider, Serenity torn, environmentally damaged Earth,
lessly blends romance with a thrilling ghost dreams bigger. She plots to transform the sends a parish priest and former Marine,
story. The sex scenes are generally well library into an innovative center that would Father John McClellan, to investigate.
done, with one exception that involves a house a community space as well as books. McClellan’s experience with 3-D printers
sleeping person who hadn’t consented. The tension rises after Serenity receives may be the key to solving the mystery. This
Otherwise, this is a strong series start. threatening notes from gangsters, and a is a superb morality tale in which the power
murder occurs on the library’s premises. of free will and the implications of making
The Legendary Duke: Guillebeau keeps things light with fre- good choices are carefully woven together.
Put Up Your Dukes, Book 2 quent laugh-out-loud lines. Patenaude’s take on the possibilities of tech-
Margaret Locke. Locked on Love, $15.99 nology is inventive and in line with contem-
trade paper (395p) ISBN 978-1-946553-05-8 Predators porary science, and his work truly shines as
Locke follows her nearly flawless series Michaelbrent Collings. Michaelbrent Collings, a nuanced, character-driven drama. This
opener with a too-clever-by-half fusion of $4.99 e-book (351p) ASIN B07GZZZ9MT work is a must-read for those who enjoy
Regency romance and Arthurian legend, Collings’s vivid and gripping style can’t thought-provoking, challenging specula-
specifically the story of Gawain and the overcome the many flaws of this horror- tive fiction.
Green Knight. After growing up in Italy, thriller, which relies heavily on tired stereo-
Gavin Knight returns to England to claim types. After winning a trip to Africa, Evie The Song Peddler of the Pont Neuf
his inheritance as Duke of Cortleon. He’s a Childs and her abusive husband, Bill, join Laura Lebow. Settecento, $17.95 trade paper
formidable fighter and determined to per- a wide cast of fellow tourists that include a (410p) ISBN 978-1-7324-9720-7
sonally avenge the murder of his father. Hollywood starlet and her scandal-ridden Lebow (The Figaro Murders) vividly
Marriage is the last thing on his mind. In a director husband, a sick little girl traveling evokes the turbulent atmosphere of Paris on
diverting contrivance, his plan for revenge with her grandmother and father, and a the eve of the French Revolution in this
begins to waver when he lays eyes on Lady semifamous YouTube streamer. Happy well-researched series launch featuring con-

64b B O O K L I F E , J A N UA RY 2 8 , 2 0 1 9

fidential inquirer Paul Gastebois. Most of pense novel, scientists around the world are plished blend of the historical and the
Paul’s work consists of keeping tabs on for- baffled when hundreds of dolphins beach personal.
eign diplomats for the police, a task that themselves in Texas, Virginia, and
keeps him loitering in the shadows and Mozambique, numbers far greater than ever While Gods Sleep
tailing his subjects through every previously observed. Angela Clarke, the L.D. Colter. Tam Lin, $3.99 e-book (267p)
arrondissement of the city. One evening, national director of Marine Mammal Health ASIN B07GGPZFT5
he’s approached by a new client, who asks and Stranding, a division of the Department Colter (A Borrowed Hell) peppers the
him to locate a missing friend, Gaspard of Commerce, flies to Galveston to investi- vivid first book of her Perilous Gods series
Bricon, an elderly song peddler. Just before gate the Unusual Mortality Event there. with formidable deities, intimidating mon-
Bricon disappeared, the old man confided Angela is unaware that the mass deaths are sters, and vibrant variations of myths
“that he had seen a ghost—a ghost from the not a shock to her boss, Rear Adm. Lawrence inspired by classical Greek tales. In 1958
past.” In his search for Bricon, Paul encoun- Collins, an undersecretary of Commerce Athens, hapless hero Eutychios “Ty” Kleisos
ters fully rounded characters from all levels who’s involved with the covert government accepts an offer he can’t refuse from his
of society, each of whom provides fasci- cabal known as the Few. Collins’s group has diminutive loan shark, Kairos. To pay off
nating insights into the social climate of the deployed CONCH, an advanced sonar his gambling debt, Ty, a locksmith, agrees
time. The action builds to a surprising and system to enhance America’s homeland to enter the mercurial underworld city of
satisfying solution. Lebow clearly loves security against terrorist attack from under- Erebus and steal a key belonging to the
Paris, and in Paul she has created a bold, water. While the admiral knows that the demigoddess Naia, the daughter of Eros.
intelligent protagonist. History buffs and dolphin strandings are connected to Naia explains that the gods are under a
lovers of well-plotted mysteries will be CONCH, the truth is kept from Angela, spell, amnesiac and slumbering in a hidden
pleased. who races to gather and analyze data from tomb that her key opens. As Naia battles
all three UME sites so that she can learn the ruthless conjoined twin queens, the
Terminal 19 enough to forestall a fourth. Fans of the film Graeae, who want to control the gods and
L.R. Olson. L.R. Olson, $4.99 e-book (295p) The Day of the Dolphin will enjoy this usurp their power, Ty realizes he is linked
ASIN B07BBNT5N8 unusual and intelligent thriller. to Erebus, as he has seen the tomb in visions
Half-truths and omissions abound in this during his two near-death experiences as a
poignant new adult romance. Nineteen- Where the Fulcrum Lies child. Shunning clichés, Colter crafts a sus-
year-old Hope Reynolds, who has a terminal Matt Lakes. Lanier Press, $14.95 trade paper penseful plot that dashes along to the
illness, arrives in Denmark from Florida, (429p) ISBN 978-1-61005-756-1 rousing ending, weaving in gryphons and
planning to celebrate what may be her last Lakes’s novel effectively probes the con- harpies, magical tattoos, transformations,
birthday by crossing a few important items tours of a Russian nuclear physicist’s mind and betrayal. Fans of Greek myths and
off her bucket list. Having left behind her during 1961, at the apex of the Cold War. celestial fantasy will root for Ty and eagerly
well-meaning family for some much- Daniil Kuryakin, a veteran and introspec- await more adventures in this polished
needed alone time, the last thing Hope tive patriot, is instrumental in designing world.
wants is to start a relationship. Then she and testing “Big Ivan,” the largest nuclear
meets wealthy Christian Lund, a disarm- bomb ever detonated. It changes Daniil’s The Witches of White Willow
ingly charming Scandinavian hottie. With life, but his world is rocked again when he Angela Addams. Weird Sister, $3.99 e-book
dogged persistence, he slowly chips away at learns his wife has died. As Daniil struggles (266p) ISBN 978-1-77527-745-3
her resolve to keep their burgeoning rela- to recover his equilibrium, Zoya Sergeyevna This cliché-driven series launch is set in
tionship in the casual fling zone. Olson enters his life; she’s a friend of the wife of a magical hospital near Salem, Mass., where
infuses her narrative with plenty of humor Daniil’s best friend and wartime comrade, a race of witches, magically hidden from
and chutzpah, and her main characters have Igor, who struggles with alcoholism. While humans, train to combat magical ailments.
just the right balance of need and vulnera- Daniil attempts to understand his swirling Hazel Knight is one of those witches,
bility to make the sexual tension between feelings for the alluring Zoya, he is also known as the Promised One. According to
them utterly irresistible. The story is fast- compelled to discover the truth behind the her mother, she is destined to sacrifice her-
paced and fueled by beautiful emotion, and strange circumstances of his wife’s death. self to feed the magic of the other healer
a late twist adds much-needed brightness All the while his work as a nuclear physicist witches. Those plans begin to go awry when
to Hope’s otherwise bleak future. Readers continues, as do shadowy KGB machina- Hazel discovers that the human she’s been
will enjoy this tender romance with plenty tions. Lakes is equally adept writing about sneaking out to see isn’t human at all, but a
of international flavor. love or physics, and sometimes his prose fellow witch named Duke Hart, who has
captures both simultaneously: “Given just been assigned to complete her training.
Wendall’s Lullaby enough time and exposure to an unre- Duke sees her mother’s plans as selfishness
Kip Koelsch. Kip Koelsch, $15.99 trade paper strained influence that surpasses their crit- rather than destiny, and he sets out to con-
(600p) ISBN 978-1-522021-10-0 ical mass, things will exhibit the ability to vince Hazel to choose love over what she’s
In Koelsch’s imaginative, plausible sus- turn into their opposites.” This is an accom- been taught to see as her duty. The relation-

B O O K L I F E .C O M 64c
ship, though strained by events in the plot, McAvoy’s curiosity spikes after the Kansas Bafflingly, the ending upends the overall
is already established when the book begins, attorney general demands the papers, upbeat feel and fixates on the author’s bitter
and the lack of development on the page claiming them to be the property of the dislike of her father-in-law and her melan-
makes it feel somewhat stale as the plot Kansas Bureau of Investigation. Challenges choly over the loss of her mother. Other
winds to a close. Undemanding fans of para- to the veracity of In Cold Blood are in no way than the off-putting ending, this memoir
normal tales will find this story a passable new, but McAvoy offers fresh details of a biracial, first-generation American is
way to spend a few hours. relating to Capote’s embellishments and pleasant and full of an infectious zest for life.
omissions, such as leaving out details con-
The Yellowstone Group cerning Bonnie and Herbert Clutter’s mar- Seeking Oz:
Robert Culliton. Robert Culliton, $12.99 trade riage and family reputation. McAvoy also My Twelve-Year Journey in a Cult
paper (290p) ISBN 978-1-977079-84-8 explores the possibility that the killers, Makena McChesney. Balboa, $18.99 trade
The urgency of surviving a rapidly Richard “Dick” Hickock and Perry Smith, paper (252p) ISBN 978-1-9822-0619-2
cooling Earth takes a back seat to the nar- were hired, as suggested in handwritten Following her flight from a cult,
rator’s laissez-faire coming-of-age in documents by Hickock. Intriguingly, he McChesney, now 71, recounts the torment
Culliton’s chilly debut. In the near future, also addresses the potential influence of law of her captivity in this tense but uneven
reflective material is injected into the atmo- enforcement on Capote’s work: “a case could memoir. She writes of growing up in a strict
sphere to hinder global warming, but the be made, then, that In Cold Blood was as family and attending a “fear-based, shame-
result is a frost. Seeking direction and self- much a product of the KBI’s guiding hand based” Pentecostal church in an unnamed
worth, recent college graduate and engineer as it was Capote’s flowing pen.” McAvoy’s rural community in the U.S., where she was
Sam Roberts moves from New York to disclosures are provocative, if not earth- reluctant to question authority. As a direc-
Wyoming to join the Yellowstone Group shaking; most notably, McAvoy echoes tionless 31-year-old in 1978 with two
think tank to design solutions for adapting Capote’s potent prose style and deep young children and an abusive alcoholic
to the cold. Led by erratic venture capitalist humanizing of his subjects, while broad- husband, she was drawn to a welcoming,
Hermann, the group consists of geneticist ening the conversation about truth, inten- fundamentalist group she refers to as the
Meaghan, veterinarian Caroline, geo- tion, and narrative representation. Fellowship. She left her husband and, with
thermal engineer Dave, and Sam, who is her two sons, moved to a Fellowship colony.
building a prototype bicycle that can travel Plantains and the 7 Plagues, The cult, under a charismatic leader she
over snow. Consistently doubting his value a Memoir: Half-Dominican, calls Bud, controlled every facet of her life:
among the other scientists, Sam observes Half-Cuban and Full Life she was expected to teach classes to the
nature, learns to ski, attends a Mongolian Paz Ellis. CreateSpace, $8.99 trade paper members’ children, to clean and take care
funeral rite, remembers childhood trauma, (180p) ISBN 978-1-5454-1078-3 of rental houses of new members, and to
and frets over genetic manipulation. The Ellis crafts a love letter to her family in take in and educate new members. It took
meager science-fiction premise is subordi- this flawed but charming memoir. Her years until she finally understood that cults
nate to the vignettes, observations, and story begins in 1966, with her Dominican are made up of “those who desired to control
philosophical musing. Despite cumber- mother’s reluctance to get involved with a and those who allowed it,” and she realized
some language, the story succeeds in deliv- divorced Cuban man who already had a that she needed to, and could, control her
ering its message of developing a sense of four-year-old child. He didn’t give up and own life. She left the cult with her teenage
purpose as one cares for the environment. they eventually married, with Ellis and her children in 1990, choosing no longer “to
younger sister born within a few years. give away her power to be loved.” The nar-

Nonfiction Ellis’s stories of being raised in and around rative can feel muddled at times, as she
New Jersey and New York City are candid hesitates describing the cult members and
and sometimes humorous, including such the cult itself in detail. Ultimately, how-
And Every Word Is True events as her mother slapping her kinder- ever, McChesney’s story is as uplifting as it
Gary McAvoy. Literati, $24.95 (300p) garten teacher (whom Ellis had dubbed “the is encouraging.
ISBN 978-0-9908376-0-2 wicked witch”) and her grandmother’s
McAvoy, a dealer of collectible manu- increasingly bizarre behavior, as with an Tummy Revolution 21:
scripts and other memorabilia, delivers an attempt to shoplift by hiding items under- Gut Health Made Simple
often captivating addendum to the Clutter neath her trench coat (but since she was Sara Chadwick. Tummy Revolution, $9.99
family murder case, immortalized in naked beneath the coat, they all fell out). e-book (234p) ISBN 978-1-5272-2972-3
Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood. When Ron Ellis interweaves the personal material with Chadwick (along with her Tummy
Nye, the grown son of police investigator Cuban and Dominican political history, Revolution blog team of dietician Debra
Harold Nye, finds a box of his late father’s expanding the scope of an otherwise epi- Thomas and yoga instructor Kerry Morgan)
papers, he contacts McAvoy about selling sodic memoir. The writing is often unpol- offers a solid though familiar collection of
the material. Beyond his interest in the cor- ished and the beginning is confusing, with recipes intended to promote a healthy gut.
respondence between Capote and Nye, info dumps and skips in time and location. Chadwick uses a three-step approach: elimi-

64d B O O K L I F E , J A N UA RY 2 8 , 2 0 1 9

nation (avoiding all foods proven to cause at times, even for a book with an unlikely
bloating, gas, cramps, and diarrhea), chal- premise (no repercussions following stu-
lenge (gradually reintroducing the elimi- dent injuries, for example). Still, Smith’s
nated foods to determine ones without side cartoon-style illustrations showcase a wide
affects), and personalization (devising a variety of Mikey’s successes and failures, and
customized diet based on the findings). She Kent skillfully introduces an inventive role
suggests tips for making certain meals model for budding problem solvers. Ages
ahead of time and freezing for later use, such 7–11.
as muffins, Swedish meatballs, and tomato
soup. Though most of the dishes are unre- Winter Melon Story
markable (toast with cinnamon, sugar and Naomi Lau. Wildberry Ink, $20 (30p) ISBN 978-
bananas; basic bruschetta; roasted chicken; 0-9905915-5-9
Greek pasta salad), there are occasional In a quiet story about patience, Sammy,
bright spots like salmon tacos with citrus a child with a chin-length bob and a gentle
salsa, and riffs on jam jar salads (to take to smile, visits her grandmother (“Poh Poh”)
work) such as one with roasted pumpkin in Minnesota. It’s summer, and Sammy
and feta. None of the recipes contain nutri- loves helping Poh Poh to garden and cook.
tional information, though they do offer When her friend Davey comes over to play,
estimates on level of difficulty and prep it’s an opportunity to learn about growing
time. The dishes come together quickly and things: a small, cucumberlike vegetable
are well within the abilities of even the most grows from a leafy vine. It’s a “winter
novice of cooks. This is a fine choice for melon. In Chinese, it’s called dong-gua,”
those wanting to improve their eating Sammy explains. In China, where Poh Poh
habits, but those wanting more gut-health lived, she would grow them in the summer
information would do better to look and enjoy them in a wintertime stew. After
elsewhere. waiting all season for it to grow, the chil-
dren decide to pick it one day early. When

Children’s/YA the melon accidentally rolls down the stairs

and breaks open, Poh Poh has a surprise in
store—one that leads the three to cook
Principal Mikey together. Lau’s spare illustrations render the
Derek Taylor Kent, illus. by Paul Louis Smith. characters simply and mark the passage of
Whimsical World, $15.99 (158p) ISBN 978-0- time with the visit of a small bird, two rab-
9995554-2-2 bits, and falling autumn leaves around the
A 10-year-old is placed in charge of his winter melon. A sweet multicultural story
school in this wish-fulfillment tale. Mikey that suggests that the best things in life are
McKenzie is a known problem solver: he worth a wait. Ages 3–7.
investigates situations such as Operation
Squirrel Circus with aplomb. After he and
his friend discover the source of a flu out-
break at Prairie View School by using the
scientific method (Operation Virus
Eradication), the school’s principal puts
Mikey in charge while she takes a two-week
vacation. What could go wrong? Mikey
implements his ideas to improve the school
(Operation Kids-in-Charge), complete
with go-karts, Slip ’n Slides, and every kid’s
Holy Grail: a homework ban. But after his
sister breaks the rules more than once,
Mikey discovers that there’s more at stake
than whether he can serve pizza for lunch
every day. Kent (El Perro con Sombrero) gives
Mikey the right balance of naivety and
altruism, though the story gets carried away

B O O K L I F E .C O M 64e
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