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mCloud: A Context-Aware Offloading Framework

for Heterogeneous Mobile Cloud
Bowen Zhou, Student Member, IEEE, Amir Vahid Dastjerdi, Member, IEEE,
Rodrigo N. Calheiros, Member, IEEE, Satish Narayana Srirama, and Rajkumar Buyya, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Mobile cloud computing (MCC) has become a significant paradigm for bringing the benefits of cloud computing to mobile
devices’ proximity. Service availability along with performance enhancement and energy efficiency are primary targets in MCC. This
paper proposes a code offloading framework, called mCloud, which consists of mobile devices, nearby cloudlets and public cloud
services, to improve the performance and availability of the MCC services. The effect of the mobile device context (e.g., network
conditions) on offloading decisions is studied by proposing a context-aware offloading decision algorithm aiming to provide code
offloading decisions at runtime on selecting wireless medium and appropriate cloud resources for offloading. We also investigate failure
detection and recovery policies for our mCloud system. We explain in details the design and implementation of the mCloud prototype
framework. We conduct real experiments on the implemented system to evaluate the performance of the algorithm. Results indicate
the system and embedded decision algorithm are able to provide decisions on selecting wireless medium and cloud resources based
on different context of the mobile devices, and achieve significant reduction on makespan and energy, with the improved service
availability when compared with existing offloading schemes.

Index Terms—Mobile cloud computing, code offloading framework, context-awareness


F OR the past decade, the popularity of mobile devices,

such as smartphones and tablets, has been increasing rap-
idly among users because of the advanced functions provided
types. First and the most common resource is public cloud
services, such as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft Azure,
which provide pay-as-you-go services over the Internet.
by the enhanced mobile device with faster CPU, substantial Second, a nearby server named cloudlet [4] is considered as
memory, and multiple sensors. However, the upgrade in a cloud resource with fast network connection as well as
hardware results in higher energy consumption, which leads powerful processors. Cloudlet serves as a middle layer
to a major concern of the insufficient battery lifetime on between mobile devices and public cloud services to reduce
mobile devices. Furthermore, mobile device users expect the network delay and accelerates the computing. Last but
improved performance from their mobile devices, which not the least, a local mobile device ad-hoc network forming
reflects on more endurable battery and shorter processing a device cloud [5] is another potential cloud resource, espe-
time of all services provided by the devices. To overcome this cially when there is no access to the Internet.
obstacle between the user demand and available mobile devi- Code offloading in MCC has been comprehensively stud-
ces, mobile cloud computing (MCC) [1] is introduced. ied during the past few years [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11]. These
Mobile cloud computing provides services by bringing works mainly focus on the code partitioning and offloading
abundant resources in cloud computing [2] to the proximity techniques, assuming a stable network connection and suffi-
of mobile devices to improve the mobile applications per- cient bandwidth. However, the assumption is rather unreal-
formance and conserve the battery lifetime. One of the tech- istic. As in reality, the context of a mobile device, e.g.,
niques adopted in mobile cloud computing is code network conditions and locations, changes continuously as
offloading [3]. It identifies the computation intensive code it moves throughout the day. For example, the network con-
of a mobile program, and offloads the task to a cloud service nection can be unavailable or the signal strength is
via wireless networks. In the concept of code offloading, low. Since a mobile device usually has multiple wireless
cloud resources used for offloading have many different mediums, such as WiFi, cellular networks and Bluetooth,
and each connection performs differently in terms of speed
 B. Zhou, A.V. Dastjerdi, R.N. Calheiros, and R. Buyya are with the Cloud and energy consumption, the strategy of utilizing wireless
Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Laboratary, Department of interfaces can significantly impact the performance of the
Computing and Information Systems, University of Melbourne, Australia.
mobile cloud system as well as the user experience. More-
{amir.vahid, rnc, rbuyya} over, as we described above, there are multiple options of
 S.N. Srirama is with the Mobile Cloud Lab, Institute of Computer Science, cloud resources that can be selected for code offloading
University of Tartu, Estonia. E-mail: under different conditions. As an example, in case the Inter-
Manuscript received 9 Aug. 2015; revised 9 Nov. 2015; accepted 14 Dec. 2015. net connection is inaccessible, a group of mobile device
Date of publication 22 Dec. 2015; date of current version 6 Oct. 2017. users can still configure a code offloading service by setting
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:, and reference the Digital Object Identifier below. up a wireless mobile ad-hoc network. Alternatively, a
Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TSC.2015.2511002 mobile device user can also connect to a nearby cloudlet to
1939-1374 ß 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

outsource the computation intensive mobile tasks when it is mobile application offloading for .NET applications. MAUI
infeasible to use mobile data. The heterogeneity of MCC has enables developers to annotate methods and fetches informa-
not been rigorously studied in the literature as previous tion from a set of profilers to make decisions dynamically on
works only target the public cloud service. whether to offload. ThinkAir [8] enables Android mobile
To tackle the issues mentioned above and improve the applications to offload the computation intensive jobs to their
service performance in mobile cloud computing, we pro- mobile clones running on the public cloud on the method
pose a context-aware MCC system, called mCloud, that level. Flores et al. [15] presented an evidence-based offloading
takes the advantages of the changing context of a mobile framework EMCO that extracts knowledge from code offload-
device and multiple cloud resources to provide an adaptive ing traces by applying machine learning algorithms to
and seamless mobile code offloading service. The objective enhance the decision making process. However it is still in its
of mCloud is to derive offloading decisions under the con- prototype that needs to be comprehensively studied. These
text of the mobile device and cloud resources to provide bet- works have focused on offloading to public cloud or a server
ter performance and less battery consumption. This paper is nearby, which may not be reliable under condition changes,
a significant extension of our previous work [12]. The new such as cloud availability or connection losses.
contributions reported in this paper are as follows. Later, several works are proposed considering other types
of resources for offloading. Bahl et al. [16] discussed the idea
 The related work is updated with some state-of-the-
of accelerating the mobile cloud processing time by adding a
art works for mobile cloud code offloading.
middle layer called Cloudlet. Rahimi et al. [17] proposed a
 We redesign the system architecture by investigating
three-tier offloading framework consisting of mobile device,
and adding the failure detection and recovery mod-
local cloud, and public cloud, with the consideration of
ule, based on the nature of mobile cloud environ-
mobile device mobility. Xia et al. [18] proposed an online loca-
ment and our proposed framework.
tion-aware algorithm in a two-tier MCC environment consist-
 The process of realizing mCloud offloading frame-
ing of local cloudlet and remote cloud service. The objective
work has been explained in a new design and imple-
of the proposed system is to provide equal energy consump-
mentation section. This includes the necessary
tion proportion on each local cloudlet. Chen et al. [19] pro-
technologies and approaches adopted in the system.
posed an architecture consisting of wearable devices, mobile
 The Performance Evaluation section is updated with
devices and cloud for code offloading. It realized the opportu-
new set of experiments. The new experiments, which
nity to run heavy computation applications on wearable devi-
incorporated our updated algorithms (equipped with
ces, by offloading part of the workload onto mobile devices or
failure recovery feature), consider multiple mobile
remote cloud. These existing works investigate the benefits of
cloud resource availability scenarios to capture the
introducing other types of computing resources than cloud
dynamic changes in the mobile cloud environment. In
into MCC. However, they have not investigated the impact of
addition, these experiments are also conducted under
wireless medium selection on the offloading performance.
several network condition scenarios to consider the
Furthermore, the accuracy of the offloading decision
unstable nature of the mobile cloud network. More-
making algorithm can significantly affect the Quality-of-
over, the new experiments used heterogeneous pool
Service of an MCC system. Chen et al. [20] proposed a semi-
of public cloud, cloudlet and MANET resources.
markovian decision process based approach to decide
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. We
which part of the program to be offloaded in order to opti-
first discuss existing offloading approaches and frameworks
mize the execution time and energy consumption. The sim-
for MCC in Section 2, and present an insight of mCloud
ulation assumes a stable network condition that is rather
architecture in Section 3. Then we introduce the system
infeasible in practice. Chen [21] formulated the decision
models and propose the context-aware offloading algorithm
making problem as an offloading game, and provided an
in Section 4. The approaches for system implementation are
offloading scheme that can achieve a Nash equilibrium of
introduced in Section 5, followed by a discussion on the sys-
the game. Hung et al. [22] proposed a decision making
tem evaluation and numerical results in Section 6. Finally in
approach by caching the previous offloading plan in the
Section 7, we conclude and propose the future work.
profiles to reduce the decision making overhead. Lin et al.
[23] proposed a location based context-aware decision
2 RELATED WORK engine for code offloading. The decision engine takes into
Frameworks and architectures for code offloading in MCC consideration the geographical location and the time-of-the-
have been comprehensively studied in previous works. day as the history data to make the offloading decisions. All
Flinn et al. [13] proposed a remote execution system called these works have only considered public cloud as their off-
Spectra that provides offloading through a set of pre-defined loading location, and are lack of comprehensive studies on
APIs via Remote Procedure Call. Similarly, Chroma [14] handles multiple criteria in the device context.
offloading with an approach called tactics, which are defined In summary, comparing to existing works, we aim to
as modules of remote calls specified by developers. The appli- improve the MCC’s performance and service availability in
cation consists of different combinations of the tactics. Both of an unstable mobile cloud environment by proposing a new
the proposed systems need developers to specify the offload- framework that considers different offloading destinations
ing codes statically, which is considered non-trivial and (cloudlets, mobile ad-hoc cloud, and cloud resources) and
lack of flexibility. Hence, dynamic offloading schemes have wireless channels (WiFi, 3G, Bluetooth, WiFi-direct). We
emerged. Cuervo et al. [3] proposed a code offloading frame- also proposed a multi-criteria offloading decision making
work called MAUI that provides method level, energy-aware algorithm. This brings the advantages of considering

Fig. 1. Overview of mCloud environment.

multiple criteria of energy consumption, execution time

reduction, resource availability, network conditions, and
user preferences.

3 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE Fig. 2. Main components of the framework.

In this section, we give an insight of mCloud’s architecture to depicted in Fig. 2, there are five main components on the
address the issue of context aware code offloading in a het- client side: Context Monitor, Decision Module, Task Man-
erogeneous mobile cloud environment. We first describe an ager, Communication Manager and Failure Recovery. On the
overview of the MCC environment that mCloud fits in. cloud server side, main components include Communica-
Then, the design of main components is presented in details. tion Handler, Task Manager and corresponding mobile
cloud infrastructures.
3.1 System Overview
Fig. 1 illustrates the overview of the proposed system for the 3.2.1 Context Monitor
heterogeneous mobile cloud environment. The device
The Context Monitor offers the context-awareness for the
requesting the offloading service is regarded as a client. The
system by profiling multiple context parameters at runtime,
proposed system leverages three types of mobile cloud
and assists the Decision Engine when needed. Since the con-
resources, namely cloud, cloudlet, and mobile ad-hoc cloud.
text of the mobile device has significant effect on the deci-
First, cloud provides Infrastructure-as-a-Service with scal-
sion making accuracy, the system provides three relevant
able computation and storage, which can be connected from
profilers: a program profiler, a device profiler, and a net-
mobile clients via WiFi or cellular network. It has the ability to
work monitor. However, profiling incurs additional run-
host tasks requiring high computation and communication.
time overhead and extra energy consumption. To avoid the
Second, a cloudlet is a local “datacenter in a box”, which
high overhead, the profilers adopt the on-demand monitor-
resembles a cluster of multi-core processors and a high-
ing strategy, which only fetches context data when the off-
bandwidth WLAN connection with considerable low power
loadable methods are invoked.
consumption [4]. A task with limited delay-resistance is
well-suited in cloudlets. a) Program profiler: The program profiler tracks the exe-
Third, a mobile ad-hoc cloud that is formed by a group of cution of a program on the method level. The attrib-
mobile devices in the client’s proximity via short-range com- utes being monitored include:
munication technologies, e.g., Bluetooth and WiFi Direct.  the overall instructions executed,
Due to mobility of the devices, the mobile ad-hoc cloud  the execution time,
can be unstable. To ensure the stability of the mobile ad-hoc  the memory allocated,
cloud in the mCloud framework, we adopt a one-hop topol-  the number of calls of this method,
ogy for the mobile ad-hoc network. Moreover, we introduce  the type of mobile cloud infrastructure resource
a fault recovery policy for detecting failures and recovering for the execution (e.g., local, cloud, cloudlet),
tasks to obtain the consistency of the results.  and the data size of inputs.

3.2 Framework Components The profile is updated at every invocation, and stored in the
The main components of the mCloud framework belong Context Profile database. Later the program profile is passed
to two parts: client part and cloud server part. As to Cost Estimation module to estimate the execution cost

(i.e., running time, energy consumption) for decision making. decision engine generates the offloading decision, the com-
The details of cost models are discussed in Section 4.2. munication manager takes over the task and executes based
b) Device profiler: The hardware profiles collected by the on the offloading decisions. Moreover, the Communication
profiler represent the operating conditions of the Manager corporates with Failure Recovery service to detect
mobile device being monitored. Same as the pro- failures and start the recovery process.
gram profile, the device profile is fed into Decision
Engine when needed to assist the cost estimation. a) Discovery service: This module is responsible for dis-
The profile includes: covering the mobile cloud infrastructure resources,
 the average CPU frequency, i.e., the available mobile devices in the MANET,
 the average CPU usage, cloudlets, and cloud VMs. The service updates the
 the maximum CPU frequency, information of the detected resources, such as net-
 and battery level. work congestion level, IP address, computation
c) Network monitor: The network monitor collects the capacity, etc., and stores the information in Device
network information of the mobile device asynchro- Profiler. Particularly, for the mobile ad-hoc cloud, the
nously at runtime so that it can record any change in Discovery Service detects the available mobile devices
the context. The profile is passed to cost estimation in the proximity, forms an mobile ad-hoc cloud, and
models when needed. The following network condi- maintains the network at runtime. Nevertheless, the
tions are monitored: discovery via network interfaces can potentially incur
 cell connection state and its bandwidth, additional overhead and energy consumption. To
 WiFi connection state and its bandwidth, avoid the high detection overhead, the Discovery Ser-
 Bluetooth state, vice applies the periodic detection strategy, which asyn-
 the congestion level of the connection (RTT) to chronously searches for the available devices in
VMs on the cloud, certain intervals periodically. We present the detailed
 and the signal strength of cell and WiFi implementation of the Discovery Service in Section 5.3.
connection. b) Communication handler: The Handler operates on
both client and mobile cloud infrastructures to han-
dle the communications and data transfer generated
3.2.2 Decision Module
in between, which include mobile cloud infrastruc-
This component has the responsibility to decide whether ture detection, offloading code, state synchronization
and how to offload the mobile task, and dispatch the task to between client and servers, failure detection, etc. In
the appropriate mobile cloud infrastructure (i.e., cloud, particular, when offloading a mobile task, the
cloudlet, or MANET) based on the current context. It con- Communication Handler on the client serializes the
sists of two main modules: Cost Estimation and Decision code, related input, and the information of libraries
Engine. Based on the context profiles, Cost Estimation pro- needed to execute the code into the offloading pack-
vides a set of cost estimation models that calculate the exe- age. Then it dispatches the package to the address
cution time of each offloadable task running on three types provided by Task Manager. On the server side, the
of mobile cloud infrastructure respectively, with the corre- Handler unpacks the package and starts to synchro-
sponding energy consumption on the client. Decision Engine nize the missing libraries described in the package
then applies the cost estimations to the proposed context- with the client device. Once all the states are
aware decision making algorithm to provide the offloading synchronised, it passes the deserialized code to the
decisions. We give a detailed discussion on the cost models mobile cloud infrastructure for execution, and
and decision making algorithm in Section 4. returns the result to client device upon completion.

3.2.3 Task Manager

3.2.5 Failure Recovery
This component works as a middle layer between Decision
It works with Decision Module and Communication Manager to
Module and Communication Manager. It receives the decision,
detect the failures and recover the system. The details regard-
i.e., method name, offloading location, and network inter-
ing the types of failures handled by Failure Recovery service,
face, from the upper layer. Then the Manager collects the
and the detection algorithm are presented in Section 4.4.
related information, such as the method inputs, libraries for
running the offloaded task, and network address of the off-
loading location. Last, it persists them into a format called 4 COST ESTIMATION MODEL AND ALGORITHM
Task Specs and passes the information to Communication We first introduce the system model and the problem for-
Manager. When receiving the task results, Task Manager mulation. Then we present the details of our cost estimation
stores them in the device database. model and the context-aware offloading algorithm.

3.2.4 Communication Manager 4.1 System Model and Problem Formulation

The communication manager on both client and server side The system considers a heterogeneous mobile cloud envi-
handles connections between client mobile device and the ronment, consisting of a mobile ad-hoc cloud, the nearby
remote execution in either mobile ad-hoc cloud or remote cloudlets and remote public cloud. There are a set of mobile
cloud VMs. It consists of a mobile cloud infrastructure dis- device users that run applications seeking opportunities to
covery service and a communication handler. Once the offload tasks to the mobile cloud infrastructure.


Symbol Description
t the mobile task being considered to offload
s the data size of the offloadable task t that need to be transferred during offloading, in byte
w the number of instructions for task t to complete
M a set of mobile device as a mobile ad-hoc cloud
mk mobile device k in the mobile ad-hoc cloud
m the average CPU speed of the mobile devices or VMs
tn link delay between client and local mobile device cloud
u the average CPU usage
ri data transferring time for task i
wmi the wireless medium used for task offloading
li the execution location of task i
a1 ; a2 weight factors used in the general cost model to adjust the user preference
rd coefficient of channel energy consumption reflecting on execution performance
Bchannel the bandwidth of the wireless medium, namely WiFi, 3G, and Bluetooth, in MB/s
Cðti Þ general overall cost of task i
Dðti Þ execution time of task i running on cloud resource
Eðti Þ energy consumption of offloading task i
DEchannel the energy consumption of task i under certain bandwidth
bchannel the estimated channel energy consumption per time unit
btail wireless medium tail time energy per time unit
Ttail wireless channel active tail time

4.1.1 Task Modelling 4.1.3 Cloud and Cloudlet Modelling

Different mobile applications have different QoS require- As described in Section 3, the client connects to cloudlet via
ments. For example, face detection application requires WiFi, and to cloud via WiFi or cellular network. On both
short processing time while anti-virus applications are usu- cloud and cloudlet, we deploy single-core VMs2 as the off-
ally delay-tolerant. In this model, we model the tasks being loading solution. VMs within a cloudlet or cloud are consid-
offloaded as independent and can be partitioned into sub- ered homogeneous, while they are heterogeneous across
tasks for parallel execution. Thus, let t denote the task gen- clouds and cloudlets in terms of computation capacity and
erated by the application, network delay. Then we model VMs on cloud and cloudlet
as follows:
t ¼ hs; wi: (1)
vi ¼ hmi ; ri ; ui i; (3)
s is the file size of the task, and w denotes the number of
instructions of task t to execute.1 All the symbols used in the where mi is the CPU speed, ri is the network delay from the
models are listed in Table 1. client to VM, and ui is the average CPU usage.
The heterogeneity of VMs between cloudlet and cloud
4.1.2 Mobile Ad-Hoc Cloud Modelling reflects on the different m; r values in the model.
We apply a one-hop mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) in
mCloud to improve the network stability. This is because 4.1.4 Problem Formulation
using multi-hop MANET can cause considerable delay and Having presented the models of the system, we formulate
increase the possibility of node failures. Moreover, when the decision making problem as to find a solution of select-
the number of hops is more than two, cloud VMs are the ing where to execute the task and how to offload so that the
most preferred as they have less communication delay in overall execution time and energy consumption is the lowest
comparison to MANET [24]. Hence, we only consider a one- among all the cloud resources in the mobile cloud infrastruc-
hop MANET in mCloud. ture based on the current context of the client device. Specifi-
Given the one-hop network topology, we assume that the cally, given a set of n tasks T, a set of cloud VMs C, a set of
node movement within the signal range does not affect the cloudlets CL, and a mobile ad-hoc cloud with h mobile devi-
topology of the MANET and the channel data rate remains ces M, then the overall cost of executing a set of n tasks is
the same. Let M = { m1 , m2 ,. . ., mn } be the set of available
mobile devices in the mobile ad-hoc cloud. mn denotes the X
Ctotal ¼ DCðti ; li ; wmi Þ; (4)
CPU speed of node mn . t n denotes the link congestion level i¼1
between node mn and the client device. Then the mobile ad-
hoc cloud can be modelled as where DC denotes execution cost of running task ti , includ-
ing execution time and energy consumption. li represents
mn ¼ hmn ; t n i; 8mn 2 M: (2) the execution location for task ti , which includes local,

2. VMs on cloudlet and public cloud run customized mobile operat-

1. Our system considers the Android Dalvik bytecode instructions. ing systems, e.g., Android x86.

mobile ad-hoc cloud M, cloudlet CL, or cloud C. wmi is the the workload. The channel energy consumption for trans-
wireless medium used to offload ti , including Bluetooth, ferring data is given as:
WiFi, and cellular network. Thus, the problem is to provide DEchannel ðsi ; Bchannel Þ ¼ bchannel
an offloading decision hli ; wmi i for 8ti 2 T to minimize the  
si sresult (8)
overall cost.  þ þ btail  Ttail ;
Bchannel Bchannel
4.2 Cost Estimation Models where bchannel is the power consumption rate related to the
The cost model consists of two parts, namely the task execu- transferring time and btail is the wireless channel tail time
tion time denoted by D, and the wireless channel energy power consumption rate.
consumption denoted by E. Then the general model for Let M denote the set of mobile devices in the mobile ad-
overall cost of executing tasks ti is as follows: hoc cloud. mk is the CPU speed of device mk that selected by
Cðti Þ ¼ a1  Dðti Þ þ a2  rd  Eðti Þ; (5) the MinMin algorithm and uk is the average CPU usage.
Then the overall execution cost is as follows:
a1 þ a2 ¼ 1; a1 ; a2  0; (6)  
wi si þ si result
Cti ¼ a1 þ
where a1 and a2 are weight factors to adjust the portion of mk  uk Bchannel (9)
time and energy consumption in the overall cost. a1 and a2 þ a2  rd  DEchannel ðsj ; Bchannel Þ:
are considered to capture user preferences on the factors. If
the user is not expert, methodologies like AHP can be used 4.2.2 Cloud and Cloudlet Cost Models
to generate the factors from linguistic values provided by Let ti ¼ hwi ; si i denote a mobile task. There are m VMs
users. The value of execution time and energy consumption available on cloud or cloudlet. mVM denotes the computing
in the cost model are normalized in a 0-100 scale with the capacity, uVM denotes the average usage of the VM, and lVM
upper and lower bound data profiled from real application denotes the network latency of the VM. Note that the tasks
results. We adopted rd in our model to represent the effect can be partitioned into subtasks, and VMs on cloud or
of hardware settings (DVFS levels and wireless channel cloudlet are homogeneous. Hence each task can be evenly
rate) on the device performance [20]. rd will be set on a 0-1 partitioned and processed among the machines based on
scale based on the processor DVFS level and wireless chan- the number of available VMs. Then the cost of running task
nel rate. ti can be modelled as follows:
Given the general cost models in Equation (5), we  
describe the specific cost models for each type of the mobile wi si þ si result
Cti ¼ a1  þ þ lVM
cloud infrastructure resource. m  mVM  uVM Bchannel (10)
þ a2  rd  DEchannel ðsi ; Bchannel Þ:
4.2.1 Mobile Ad-Hoc Cloud Cost Model
First, we model the execution time D for tasks running in This cost model is utilized to estimate the task execution
the mobile ad-hoc cloud. Given a set of independent tasks T cost on cloud and cloudlet VMs by alternating the parame-
¼ {ti j 1  i  n } and a set of heterogeneous mobile devices ters mVM ; uVM ; lVM .
M ¼ {mk j 1  k  h }, execution time D can be obtained by
calculating the earliest finishing time (EFT) among all tasks 4.2.3 Local Execution Cost
mapped to the mobile ad-hoc cloud. This independent task For local cost estimation, we use a history data strategy to
scheduling problem is proved to be NP-complete [25]. reduce the overhead. The local execution time of a method
Therefore the use of heuristics is a suitable approach. For and energy consumption incurred by the device is stored in
mapping independent tasks to heterogeneous machines, the database and applied later to the general cost model in
Min-Min heuristic takes less processing time with the result Equation (5) for comparison. The estimation costs are then
as good as other heuristics [26]. Thus we adopt Min-Min in used as the input of the decision making algorithm.
our cost model.
The Min-min heuristic maps unassigned tasks to avail- 4.3 Context-Aware Decision Making Algorithm
able machines. It firstly calculates minimum completion Having shown how to estimate the task execution time and
times (MCT): energy consumption with the cost models, we present the
algorithm in this section. In order to obtain the lowest exe-
MCT ðti ; mk Þ ¼ ½min1kh ðCT ðti ; mk ÞÞ; 8ti 2 T ; (7) cution cost for the offloadable tasks under the context, based
where CT ðti ; mk Þ is the completion time for task ti on device on Equation (9) and (10), the context-aware decision algo-
mk . Then task ti with MCT is selected and assigned to rithm considers a set of context parameters, multiple wire-
machine mk , and ti is removed from T, and the iterations less medium and mobile cloud infrastructure resources to
repeat until all tasks are mapped (i.e., T is empty). decide when it is beneficial to offload, which wireless
In the next step, we model the energy consumption E of medium is used for offloading and which resources to use
the client device. Based on the results from Min-Min, we as the offloading location.
calculate the device communication energy cost for transfer-
ring data to the MANET and receiving the results. Let 4.3.1 Wireless Medium Selection
Bchannel denote the channel data rate. ti ¼ hsi ; wi i represents Most existing offloading frameworks in the literature only
the task ,where si is the data need to be transferred and wi is consider network speed and energy consumption when

they make offloading decisions. Unlike those, mCloud TABLE 2

focuses on utilizing multiple types of mobile cloud resour- Importance Scale and Definition
ces (i.e., cloud, cloudlet and mobile ad-hoc cloud) and wire-
Definition Intensity of importance
less mediums based on device context to improve the
offloading service availability and performance. Multiple Equally important 1
criteria regarding device context including resource avail- Moderately more important 3
Strongly more important 5
ability, wireless medium availability, network congestion, Very strongly more important 7
cost, energy consumption, etc. have been considered for Extremely more important 9
making offloading decisions in mCloud. Therefore, we need Intermediate 2, 4, 6, 8
a multi-criteria decision making approach (MCDM) in the
proposed framework.
Among MCDMs, we apply Technique for Order of max  n
CI ¼ ;
Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) [27] ðn  1Þ
for wireless medium selection considering abovemen- CI
CR ¼ :
tioned criteria. TOPSIS offers lightweight processing and ðn  1Þ  RamdomIndex
shorter response time comparing to other MCDMs [28]. It
helps reduce the overhead of the proposed offloading CR, which is the consistency ratio of CI, should be less
decision making algorithm, considering it is running on than 0.1 to have a valid relative weight output.
mobile devices. Moreover, TOPSIS can be easily modified After the weights are generated, a evolution matrix con-
to consider more criteria if necessary, and the complexity sisting of three alternatives and six criteria is created,
remains the same regardless of the number of criteria. In denoted by M ¼ ðxmn Þ3 6 . The values of the criteria are col-
mCloud, the decision making algorithm considers six cri- lected at runtime by the Context Monitor, and normalized
teria related to performance when selecting the wireless using Equation (14):
 energy cost of the channel, NMmn ¼ P6 : (14)
n¼1 Mmn
 the link speed of the channel,
 the availability of the interface, Then the weights obtained from AHP method are
 monetary cost (i.e., cost when using mobile data), applied to the normalized matrix N ¼ ðtmn Þ3 6
 the congestion level of the channel (RTT),
 and the link quality of the channel (signal strength). Mw ¼ vn  N; (15)
Note that for the monetary cost, the algorithm only con-
siders the cost generated by using the mobile data. Other where vn represents the weight. The best solution and the
cost such as cloud VM reservation is negligible from the worst solution are then calculated from the weighted matrix
mobile device’s perspective as a mobile task generally occu- Mw , denoted by S þ ¼ fhminðtmn jm ¼ 1 . . . 6Þjn 2 J  i; hmax
pies a negligible time comparing to the cloud VM lifetime. ðtmn jm ¼ 1 . . . 6Þjn 2 J þ ig and S  ¼ fhmaxðtmn jm ¼ 1 . . . 6Þ
For the alternatives, the algorithm considers Bluetooth, jn 2 J  i; hminðtmn jm ¼ 1 . . . 6Þjn 2 J þ ig respectively, where
WiFi, and 3G in this system, but more interfaces can be J þ is the positive criteria to the cost and J  is the negative
added if new techniques emerge. Then the process of wire- criteria to the cost.
less interface selection is as follows. At last, the wireless medium is selected by calculating the
First, the relative weights for criteria being considered in Euclidean distance between each alternative and the best and
TOPSIS are obtained by using analytic hierarchy process worst solution Dþ 
m and Dm respectively. and ranking the
(AHP) [29]. The pairwise comparison results are presented alternatives by applying a closeness score to the best solution,
in a matrix vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
u 6
2 3 uX
a11 a12 . . . a16 Dm ¼ t ðtmn  tþ
mn Þ ;

6 a21 a22 . . . a26 7 1 n¼1

6 7 vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (16)
A ¼ 6 .. .. .. .. 7; ann ¼ 1:amn ¼ : (11) u 6
4 . . . . 5 anm uX
a61 a62 . . . a66 Dm ¼ t ðtmn  t

mn Þ :


The pairwise comparisons of six criteria are generated Then rank the alternatives by applying a closeness score
based on the standardized comparison scale of nine levels Rm to the best solution. The alternative with the highest Rm
shown in Table 2. Then TOPSIS uses matrix A to calculate is selected as the output of the wireless selection algorithm
the weights of the criteria by obtaining the eigenvector v
related to the largest eigenvalue max D
Rm ¼ m
: (17)
m þ Dm
Av ¼ max v: (12)
However, one drawback of TOPSIS is its sensitiveness to
Since the output of AHP is strictly related to the consis- rank reversal, thus in our system, if a new alternative
tency of the pairwise comparison, it is necessary to calculate appears, the algorithm will be triggered to generate the new
the consistency index [30]: weights and related matrix.

4.3.2 Decision Making The complexity of the proposed algorithm is OðMN log
The context-aware decision making algorithm is composed NÞ, where M is the number of devices in mobile ad-hoc
of two main phases, which are summarized in Algorithm 1. cloud and N is the number of tasks. The first phase of the
The first phase is estimation phase (step 2-11), during which proposed algorithm uses an improved MinMin (in terms of
the context parameters such as context profiles and wireless time complexity) [31] (step 7). Each machine maintains a
interface states are collected from the corresponding mod- sorted queue of completion time of all tasks on the machine.
ules. Then the cost estimation models calculates the exe- It takes OðMN logNÞ to construct the queues. In addition,
cution cost for each offloading request. In the selection the scheduling takes OðMNÞ to compare the head of each
phase (step 12-40), the algorithm gives offloading decision queue at each scheduling iteration. Thus, the overall com-
based on the available wireless interfaces and the cost plexity is OðMN logNÞ. Next, for cloud and cloudlet cost
estimations. In case there are multiple wireless interfaces estimation (step 9-10), the time complexity is OðNÞ. There-
available, the algorithm applies TOPSIS model to select fore, the time complexity of the first phase in the proposed
the best interface under current context such as data rate, algorithm is OðMN logN þ NÞ ¼ OðMN logNÞ. The second
workload size to obtain the best data transfer perfor- phase of the algorithm generates the offloading decision
mance as well as minimum energy consumption. Based with the time complexity of Oð1Þ. Therefore, the time com-
on the wireless interface selection result, the algorithm plexity for the proposed algorithm is OðMN logNÞ.
selects the offloading location that has the lowest execu-
tion cost. Finally, the algorithm returns the decision pair 4.4 Failure Recovery
of hoffload location; wireless mediumi. The mobility of mobile devices can incur node failures in the
proposed mobile cloud environment, especially the mobile
Algorithm 1. Context-Aware Decision Algorithm ad-hoc cloud. Although mCloud only considers a one-hop
network topology, it is necessary to ensure the consistency
1: procedure GETDECISION context,tasks
of results once the failure occurs. Therefore, we apply a pair
2: para½ context
3: task½ tasks
of failure detection and recovery policy. The failures consid-
4: programProfile get method profile ered by the policy include remote nodes crash, remote
5: start discovery service and gather resources profiles nodes out of communication range, and message omissions.
6: local cost estimate execution cost on client device
7: manet cost estimate execution cost on mobile device 4.4.1 Failure Detection
8: cloud using MinMin heuristic The system adopts checkpointing to detect remote node
9: cloudlet cost estimate execution cost on cloudlet crash and communication lost in Algorithm 2.
10: cloud cost estimate execution coston public cloud
11: check network interface state
Algorithm 2. Failure Detection Policy
12: if only cell network is available then
13: check cloud availability 1: procedure DETECTION
14: if cloud is available then 2: count½ initialized
15: decision minCostðlocal; cloudÞ 3: state½ CONNECTED
16: return decision 4: info½ initialized
17: else 5: for checkpoint i to checkpoint n until target time do
18: return decisionðlocal execution; nullÞ 6: Send out confirming message to each node
19: else if only WIFI is available then 7: counter counter þ 1
20: check cloud, cloudlet and manet availability 8: for all node i in count do
21: decision minCostðlocal; cloud; manet; cloudletÞ 9: if Confirmation message received then
22: return decision 10: count½i count½i þ 1
23: else if only Bluetooth is available then 11: fetch the task running states on node i
24: check manet availability 12: info½i running states
25: if manet is available then 13: for node i 2 count½ do
26: decision minCostðlocal; manetÞ 14: gap counter  count½i
27: return decision 15: if gap > d then
28: else 16: state½i FAILURE
29: return decisionðlocal execution; nullÞ 17: gap 0
30: else 18: update available node list
31: interface TOPSISðcontextÞ 19: Recoverðstate½; info½Þ
32: if interface is Wifi then 20: for node i 2 state½ ¼¼ CONNECTED do
33: decision minCostðlocal; cloud; manetÞ 21: if no result returned then
34: if interface is 3G then 22: Recoverðnode i; info½Þ
35: decision minCostðlocal; cloudÞ
36: if interface is Bluetooth then The discovery service inside communication manager
37: if manet is available then periodically broadcasts messages to the remote nodes
38: decision minCostðlocal; manetÞ within the system at each checkpoint and waits for the con-
39: else firmation message returned by the remote nodes. The dis-
40: return decisionðlocal execution; nullÞ covery service updates a vector that stores the number of
confirmation message received from each available node.

Then at the end of each checkpoint period, the discovery

service calculates the gap between the number of messages
received for each node and its own counter. Nodes with
same number as the counter or within the distance of d are
considered as working, and are tagged as CONNECTED.
Nodes that the gap is larger than d are then considered fail-
ure, and are tagged as FAILURE. Since we only consider
one-hop network between the hosting device, MANET
devices and cloud VMs, the delivery of the message is not
effected by the route change. The failure is mostly likely
node crash or dropping out of communication range. In this
case, we set d to 3. In case mCloud adopts more compli- Fig. 3. Execution dataflow: 1) sending offloading request to the decision
cated network topology in the future, we can adjust the engine, 2) collecting context parameters from context monitor, 3) get
information of available cloud resources, 4) Task Manager starts once
number to fulfil the failure detection requirement. the decision is made to offload, 5) Communication Manager divide the
Moreover, the detecting policy puts the target time on jobs into subtasks for parallel processing, 6) Offload to cloud resources
completing the offloading tasks. The target time is related to for remote execution, 7) pause until receiving the result, 8) aggregate
the estimated execution time provided by the cost models results from parallel processing and store the result of execution time
and energy consumption in database, 9) and 10) send result back to
inside decision engine. When the time of checkpoint looping device for presentation.
is beyond the target time, the discovery service considers a
failure happened in the node that has not returned the result, 5.2 Offloading Method
and proceeds the failure recovery on the tasks from that node. We use Java reflection as mCloud’s offloading method. Java
reflection allows the program to inspect the available Java
4.4.2 Recovery classes, methods, interfaces and their properties within the
When failures happen, the discovery service fetches the cur- system or itself at runtime [34]. We can manipulate pro-
rent running states of the tasks on each node at each check- grams with certain classes, retrieve related properties like
point during failure detection. The information includes parameter types and fields, and invoke the methods of other
task ID, the point of failure, and the partial result obtained. programs remotely. Our proposed mCloud framework
If the failure is confirmed by the detection policy, the Dis- implements the offloading and remote execution by using
covery Service sends a recovery request to the decision Java reflection and Java annotations.
engine. Then the Decision Engine packs all the information We provide a simple annotation @OFFLOAD for devel-
of the failed task and choose another available cloud opers to annotate the methods to be considered for offload-
resource node for further execution. If there are no suitable ing. The annotated methods will be processed at the
nodes under the current context, the task is then executed compile time via Java Reflection.Listing 1 shows an example
locally on the device itself. of using Java annotation for offloading. At runtime, the
application program can inspect and invoke method solve in
the offloading example.
The implementation of our prototype framework is built Listing 1. Offloading example.
based on ThinkAir [8]. The system is implemented on public class Example {
Android operating system. We apply VM migration tech- private int expA;
nology using Java Reflection [32] as our offloading method private int expB;
in mCloud to minimize the modifications of the existing or @OFFLOAD
developing mobile applications. The system and program- public int solve(){
ming APIs are implemented as a library for the Android return ;
application developers. Android x86 system[33] is deployed }
on the cloud and cloudlet VMs. In this section, we explain in public void otherMethods(){
details the design and implementation of mCloud and pro- }
gramming APIs. }

5.1 Android x86

5.3 Execution Environment
In order to leverage the cloud resources, the framework
needs to offload the mobile tasks from the ARM-based sys- The execution dataflow is depicted in Fig. 3. Five main com-
tem application to an x86-based cloud VM. Android x86 is ponents are implemented, namely Context Monitor, Deci-
an open-source project to port Android operating system to sion Engine, Task Manager, Communication Manager, and
an x86 or AMD host. It provides major functions of an Discovery Service. These components constitute the execu-
Android device on desktop system like Windows. As a tion environment for the code offloading tasks.
result, our proposed framework can fit into most of the
existing and developing Android applications and cloud 5.3.1 Discovery Service
services without modifications on the program. We The Discovery Service starts when the application is opened
deployed the Android x86 system on Virtualbox virtual on the device. It detects two different types of resources: the
machines running on commercial public cloud services. available Android x86 VMs in the remote, and mobile

devices in the proximity. The Service first contacts a root 5.3.4 Decision Engine
server on the cloud VM and retrieves a list of available Upon receiving the offloading request, the Decision Engine
Android x86 VMs and their IP addresses on the public first fetches all the information from Context Monitor and
cloud and local cloudlets. Meanwhile, the Discovery Service Discovery Service. Then it passes all the context parameters
starts an new thread in the background, which establishes a and available device information to the decision algorithm
WiFi hotspot to let the mobile devices nearby connect to the for evaluation. The decision is packed into an array as execu-
client device. Then the Service can simply ping within a cer- tion location, machine IP address, offloading method name,
tain IP address range to detect the available mobile devices. input parameters, and wireless channel for communication.
The benefit of this approach is that in most cases when the Once the Decision Engine makes the offloading decision,
public cloud services are not available, for example at a the framework starts the remote execution. Listing 3 gives
disaster recovery site, using hotspots to form an ad-hoc net- an example of the remote execution. The remote cloud
work is stable and easy to establish. resource first unpacks and get the parameters regarding
The service will search devices in periodical searching the execution environment, such as method name, input
strategy to keep the available mobile device list updated. parameters, and return types. Then it use Java reflection to
Additionally, the Service also considers Bluetooth connec- create a new instance of the offloaded class. Last, it invokes
tion in Discovery Service. It will activate the Bluetooth the annotated method to execute and return the results to
module on the client device when the service starts at the the hosting mobile device. During the remote execution, the
beginning and initialize a Bluetooth discovery session hosting mobile device is on hold until all the results are
that detects other Bluetooth capable devices in the range. returned from the cloud resources.
The hosting mobile device then gets a list of bonded devi-
ces and other available devices for connection. All the Listing 3. An example of remote execution
information of the mobile devices discovered by the private void remoteExecution(InputStream objIn){
system will be stored for the further decision engine obj = objIn.readObject();
evaluation. name = objIn.readObject();
parameters = objIn.readObject();
5.3.2 Context Monitor paraTypes = objIn.readObject();
Device profiler, network profiler and program profiler are //Get the class
implemented in the Context Monitor. The Context Monitor class = obj.getClass()
is designed to collect context data in an on-demand moni- //construct class in remote host
toring strategy in order to reduce the overhead. Hence, the constructor = class.getConstructor();
instance = constructor.newInstance();
profilers are implemented with BroadcastReceiver3 to
//Get the offloading method
receive the context data only when the context changes.
runMethod = class.getDeclaredMethod(name, paraTypes);
Listing 2 shows an example of the network profiler. The
runMethod.setAccessible (true);
profiler in the example will detect the current active net-
//invoke the remote method with input parameters
work connection type when it is changed. result = runMethod.invoke ( class, parameters);
Listing 2. Profiler implemented with BroadcastReceiver.
public void networkProfiler(){
networkStateReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver(){ 6 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION
public void onReceive(){ 6.1 Experiments Settings
netInfo=connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo(); To the best we know, there are no available standard test-
networkType = netInfo.getTypeName(); beds that are suitable for the performance evaluation.
Thus, to evaluate the effectiveness of mCloud and off-
loading scheme on different kinds of mobile applications,
we implement two android applications. The applications
5.3.3 Communication Manager
represent two different types of tasks, one is small file
The communication manager extracts the information of the size with high computation, and the other one is big file
IP address of the offloading location, offloading task ID, size with high computation. For the first type, we imple-
method name, input parameters, and wireless medium type ment an application that performs math operations based
being used generated by task manager. Then it starts a new on the input data, and for the second type we implement
asyncTask4 in the background to initialize the connection to a face detection application.
the selected cloud resource. The communication manager We deploy the applications on one HTC G17, one Sam-
detects if connected cloud resource has the application files sung I997, and one Nexus 5, which form a device cloud for
and relevant libraries, and sends missing files. Then the the experiments. One Android x86 clone are installed within
Manager waits until the asyncTask collects the results. VirtualBox on an Intel i5 laptop serving as cloudlet, the
emulated CPU speed was adjusted from VirtualBox to
3. An Android class that can receive broadcasts across the match the processing speed of cloudlet. Two Android x86
applications. clones are set up in an Amazon EC2 t2.medium instance.
4. An Android class that allows to perform background operations
and publish results on the UI thread without having to manipulate Moreover, we use PowerTutor [35] to monitor the energy
threads and/or handlers. consumption of CPU and communication. Unrelated

Experiment Scenarios Criteria Weights for Topsis

No. Application Scenario User Preference Criteria Weight CR

Math application, stable device context, time_sensitive Power Consumption 0.180

1 face detection test performance energy_sensitive Bandwidth 0.130
against baselines time_energy Cloud Resource Availability 0.514 0.052
unstable mobile Congestion Level 0.081
cloud resource availability, Signal Strength 0.062
2 Math application time_energy
stable network Cost 0.033
(Table 7)
stable mobile cloud
resource availability, As shown in Fig. 4a, for workload S_L, the execution
3 Math application time_energy
unstable network
time is reduced by around 55 percent under time_sensitive
(Table 8)
policy comparing to local_only policy. 75.4 percent of the
tasks are scheduled by the decision engine to the cloudlet
applications, background services (e.g., GPS, audio, etc.) server (shown in Table 6) that has a much lower network
and screen of the mobile devices are shut down during latency than public cloud. In Fig. 4b, the energy consump-
experiments. tion for workload S_L is reduced by 55.6 percent under
The relative weights for criteria in TOPSIS model is gen- energy_sensitive policy, which has the best performance
erated based on the system priority. Due to the concern on among all policies. 84.2 percent of the tasks are scheduled
the processing delay and energy consumption, we assume to the MANET due to the low energy consumption on
that the order of priority set for the six criteria under consid- data transferring via Bluetooth. For the time_energy policy,
eration is: resource availability > power consumption > the result shows in Table 6 that 9.6 percent tasks are exe-
bandwidth > channel congestion level > signal strength > cuted in local, 70.4 percent tasks in cloudlet, and 20 percent
monetary cost. Based on this assumption we calculate the in public cloud, with the consideration of network condi-
weights from AHP and the results are shown in Table 4. tion and available cloud resources.
The consistency ratio5 value is 0.052 (less than 0.1), thus the We can also observe similar results that, for workload
weights are valid. S_H, mCloud gives the best performance by achieving
We conducted three sets of experiments. A summary of 65 percent of time reduction under time_sensitive policy and
the scenarios is listed in Table 3. In the first scenario, two 70 percent of energy reduction under energy_sensitive policy.
applications are executed in a stable device context (i.e., all For workload B_H, mCloud achieves 25 percent of time
mobile cloud resources and wireless mediums are available reduction and 30 percent of energy reduction on average.
and stable) to evaluate the performance of mCloud in terms The experiment results show the mCloud is most beneficial
of time and energy consumption, under three user prefer- to the tasks that have low data size and high computation.
ence policies. Then we compare them with the baselines of Figs. 5 and 6 break down time and energy consumption
local_only. In the second scenario, we conduct experiments of workload S_H and B_H respectively. For workload S_H
under multiple cases of mobile cloud resource availability, in Fig. 5a, the offloading overhead under different policies
while in the third test scenario, mCloud is tested under is around 20 percent on average, while the offloading over-
unstable network conditions. These results are then com- head of workload B_H in Fig. 6a is much larger. The differ-
pared with the existing work ThinkAir. In summary, the ence of offloading overhead between these two workloads
second and third set of experiments aim to demonstrate the is due to the time consumed in transferring the data. The
advantages of mCloud in an unstable mobile cloud context. energy consumption of communication is fairly small since
the workload S_H includes tasks with small data sizes
6.2 Results and Analysis (Fig. 5b). On the contrary, workload B_H contains tasks
We run the two implemented mobile applications with with large data sizes that increase the energy consumption
500 input tasks respectively under three offloading policies, of transferring the data (Fig. 6b). The communication of
namely time_sensitive, energy_sensitive, and time_energy. workload S_H costs around 13.6 percent of the total energy
Then the results are compared with the baselines that runs consumption on average, while for workload B_H it costs
workload in offloading policy local_only. The characteristics more than 30 percent on average.
of the generated workloads is listed in Table 5. Workload Fig. 6a shows the overall time under time_sensitive is
S_L and S_H are generated by the calculation application, greater than energy_sensitive, while the execution time under
and workload B_H is generated by the face detection appli-
cation. Each measurement result is calculated by the aver- TABLE 5
age of 10 trails. Figs. 4a and 4b compare the execution time Workload for the Experiments
and energy consumption respectively of each workload
under three offloading policies, which are time sensitive, Average Average
energy sensitive and time energy combination. Table 6 lists Workload data size(byte) Android bytecode Number of tasks
the proportion of the tasks allocated to the multiple cloud instructions (MI)
resources in mCloud’s mobile cloud environment. S_L 725 5.8 500
S_H 650 24 500
B_H 3,000 29.5 500
5. Calculated by Equation (13).

Proportion of Tasks Mapped in Each Location
Under Different Policies (T: time_sensitive,
E: energy_sensitive, TE: time_energy)

Workload Policy Local Manet Cloudlet cloud

T 1 0 75.4 23.6
S_L E 15.8 84.2 0 0
TE 9.6 0 70.4 20
T 0 0 31.6 68.4
S_H E 0 82.1 17.9 0
TE 0 0 79.3 20.7
T 41.2 0 58.8 0
E 60.8 39.2 0 0 Fig. 6. Task processing time and offloading overhead of workload B_H
TE 33.5 12.6 53.9 0 under different policies.

Number of Each Type of Cloud Resources

Case Cloud VM Cloudlet MANET

1 2 2 3
2 0 2 3
3 2 2 0
4 0 0 3

Fig. 4. Overall time and energy consumption for each workload under
different policies.

Fig. 7. Performance under available resource changing conditions.

energy combined policy, and compare performance with

First, we evaluate the performances in different available
Fig. 5. Task processing time and offloading overhead of workload cloud resources conditions while the network condition is
S_H under local_only(L), time_sensitive(T), energy_sensitive(E) and stable. The test cases are listed in Table 7.
time_energy(TE) policies.
Case 1 indicates all resources are available while case 2 to
case 4 represent the absence of public cloud service, cloudlet
time_sensitive is smaller. This is because the tasks under service, and nearby wireless mobile ad-hoc network respec-
time_sensitive policy were scheduled among local and cloud- tively. The results are illustrated in Fig. 7.
lets via a WiFi public access point on our site with long Figs. 7a and 7b shows the execution time and overall
latency, and tasks under energy_sensitive policy were sched- energy consumption of the workload in each case for our
uled among local and Manet via Bluetooth and WiFi-direct, proposed system and ThinkAir respectively. In Fig. 7a, it
which has almost no network latency. Consequently, for shows that mCloud outperformed ThinkAir in terms of
workload B_H that has large data size to transfer, although time saving in all the four cases. Especially in case 2 and case
the task execution time is lower, more time spent on waiting 4, due to the unavailability of public resources, ThinkAir
for results and transmission under time_sensitive policy. The chooses to run all the tasks locally on the device, while
overall time will be shorter under time_sensitive when using mCloud offloaded part of the tasks to the mobile clones
a lower latency access point. on cloudlet and the nearby mobile device cloud, which
Furthermore, to explore the performance of mCloud in conserved around one third of the time ThinkAir took for
terms of execution time and energy consumption under execution. The similar result can be observed for energy con-
unstable contexts, we conduct the experiment using sumption of the two systems in Fig. 7b. The results show that
workload S_H with different combinations of available our proposed system can provide code offloading services
cloud resources and network conditions under time and when the mobile cloud environment is short of public cloud

Average Network Speed for Each Test Case

Case Wifi (MB/s) 3G (MB/s) Bluetooth (MB/s)

1 14.3 3.5 2.8
2 0 3.2 3.0
3 0 0 2.2
4 1.7 3.3 2.5

resources and help conserving execution time and battery,

unlike many existing mobile cloud frameworks.
Second, we compare mCloud with ThinkAir under unsta-
ble network condition. The experiments are conducted by Fig. 8. Performance under available resource changing conditions.
executing workload B_H under changing network context.
We alter the bandwidth of Internet connection and 3G con- proposed algorithm and related cost estimation models. We
nection to stimulate the changing network condition in the presented the evaluation of mCloud, and results showed
real world. Table 8 lists the four test cases. The maximum that the system can provide offloading decisions based on
bandwidth of our testing devices’ WiFi connection was 14.3 the current context of mobile devices to lower the cost of
MBps, the average 3G connection speed was 3 MB/s. The execution time and energy.
Bluetooth speed was the same throughout the experiment. We plan to extend the framework to give the cloud
When the speed was set to 0, it represents the unavailability resources ability to intercommunicate with each other, with
of the corresponding wireless channel. In order to alter the the handover strategy to perform the failure recovery based
bandwidth of the network, we set up a virtual access point on the context changes, so that the current system can be
on the laptop and connect DummyNet [36] to the virtual AP more efficient and reliable.
to manage the network bandwidth, latency, etc. Moreover, future works can investigate resource man-
Case 1 represents the scenario where all the wireless agement strategies for offloading-as-services cloud pro-
channels are available and operating at full speed. Case 2 viders. Having access to variety of task offloading traces for
represents the scenario where WiFi connection is not avail- different cloud instances, providers can utilized machine
able. Case 3 represents neither WiFi nor 3G is available. learning approaches to extract specific offloading policies
Case 4 represents the WiFi connection speed drops from for offloading tasks in similar conditions.
full speed to low speed that is slower than 3G and Blue- In addition, the mobility of mobile devices can affect the
tooth. Figs. 8a and 8b show the execution time and overall performance of the mobile ad-hoc cloud. Specifically, the
energy consumption of the workload in each case for our mobile device users may depart and arrive in different pat-
proposed system and ThinkAir respectively. terns and the topology of the mobile cloud environment
As illustrated in Figs. 8a and 8b, test case 1 shows that may change as the result. Therefore, the effect of different
mCloud has close performance as ThinkAir in terms of exe- user mobility models on system performance need to be
cution time and energy consumption. For case 2, 3 and 4, investigated in the future.
mCloud has around 20 percent performance gain compar-
ing to ThinkAir. For test case 2, when only mobile data and REFERENCES
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[14] R. K. Balan, M. Satyanarayanan, S. Y. Park, and T. Okoshi, and Information Systems, University of Mel-
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[15] H. Flores, S. N. Srirama, and R. Buyya, “Computational offloading task scheduling in mobile cloud systems. He is a
or data binding? bridging the cloud infrastructure to the proxim- student member of the IEEE.
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Comput., Services, Eng., 2014, pp. 10–18.
[16] P. Bahl, R. Y. Han, L. E. Li, and M. Satyanarayanan, “Advancing Amir Vahid Dastjerdi is a research fellow with
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pp. 75–82. and artificial intelligence techniques. He is a
[18] Q. Xia, W. Liang, Z. Xu, and B. Zhou, “Online algorithms for member of the IEEE.
location-aware task offloading in two-tiered mobile cloud envi-
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[20] S. Chen, Y. Wang, and M. Pedram, “A Semi-Markovian decision of Computing Information Systems, University
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[21] X. Chen, “Decentralized computation offloading game for mobile member of the IEEE.
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[27] C.-L. Hwang, Y.-J. Lai, and T.-Y. Liu, “A new approach for multi- in the Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems
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no. 8, pp. 889–899, 1993. Australia. He is also serving as the founding CEO
[28] M. Velasquez and P. T. Hester, “An analysis of Multi-criteria deci- of Manjrasoft, a spin-off company of the Univer-
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66, 2013. computing. He has authored over 500 publica-
[29] T. L. Saaty, The Analytic Hierarchy Process: Planning, Priority Set- tions and six text books including Mastering
ting, Resources Allocation New York, NY, USA: McGraw-Hill, 1980. Cloud Computing published by McGraw Hill,
[30] H. Wu, Q. Wang, and K. Wolter, “Methods of cloud-path selection China Machine Press, Morgan Kaufmann, and for Indian, Chinese, and
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IEEE Int. Conf. Cloud Comput. Technol. Sci., Dec. 2012, pp. 443–448. in computer science and software engineering worldwide. He is a fellow
[31] E. Kartal Tabak, B. Barla Cambazoglu, and C. Aykanat, of the IEEE.
“Improving the performance of independent task assignment
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[32] G. McCluskey, “Using java reflection,” Java Developer Connection,

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