English For Pharmacists in Saudi Arabia

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§ | About the author Drlntakhab Alam Khan(M_A. in English, B.Ed.,M.Ed., M.Phil, Ph.D) isan internationally acclaimed educationist and trainer. He is currently “sociated with King Abdulaziz University Community college, Jeddah-Saudi Arabia. He has served faculty of Education, Jamia Millia Islamia (a central university) New Delhi, India and college of health Sciences ( a part of Jazan university), Jazan-KSA. He has almost 25 years of experience in teaching, training, research and publications at various universities. An author of a dozen of academic and research beoks, and around 65 papers in different intemational online and print journals, Dr Khan has taught medical, health, business and professional English in India and Saudi Arabia, His presentations at international éonferences at Brighton, Hong Kong, North Cyprus, Kuala Lumpur and India have already been publ in IS! indexed proceedings. He also attended a two week intensive train the trainer programme at Greenwich community college, Londen, UK. Dr Khan is honorary chiet editor/associate editor‘asst. editer of many online educational journals published worldwide. Dr Khan is currently compl few other KAU-sponsored projects of books including "English for Saudi preparatory Saudi students! which is inthe press, g o Le a = rl 3 A m rs a a] FS i ao) 5 8 a =| a = Cs 3p = = 5 KS 3

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