If I Were President of My Country

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Reflective Speech No. 028


By: Reynaldo Vargas Charres

Very dear compatriots:

Just like you, I'm upset, angry and very hurt to know so frightening
information about the lousy public and private management occurred in our
beautiful country. A story of terror seems to know that we were governed by
people of very low moral quality and ethics as well as the dirty tricks of the
main entrepreneurs that make dominant economic groups. The sad and black
government and corporate history occurred in the last 30 years and recently
revealed in books, reports, videos and newspaper commentaries tell us that
our nation was in the hands and minds inappropriate.
And like many Peruvians feel disgust and shame in knowing acts of
corruption, betrayal, theft and lies, who did not know they had acted behind
the nation. Presidents and elected officials were the popular vote and
managers and private management experts who by ambition and greed have
left a country in moral ruin with pent-up anger among other honest citizens
who live and work in this blessed land.

Nobody would have imagined that successive governments in power, people

with public officials, entrepreneurs, professionals with university studies had
aberrant behavior and improper decisions taken over from: lies, betrayals,
corruption, occultism and appeasement. These nameless characters have
turned their governments and public policy a great opportunity to plot crimes
with mafia groups, and so were able to take personal and family economic
advantage, losing all consideration and respect for the 32 million people who
inhabit this great country called Peru.

That demeaning government driving is ongoing so-called "neoliberal
democracy" implemented since 1990, and has become an ideal place for
plunder and national derision, whose structure and operation are the cystic
one malevolent plague of people camp with immoderate appetites and in
complicity with other branches of government: legislative and judicial, most
private economic groups because together as "little brothers" have
deteriorated and weakened the political system and public and private

Submissive Peruvians almost like "unconscious sheep" every five years we go

to the polls to elect the wrong ruling, because we are aware and have no
political culture in the brains and then we regret the errors and failures. All
this happens by negligence of each, and also by exogenous factors such as
the fragility of the parties, the overwhelming advertising media pressure
which in turn are appendices and spokesmen for the campaigns and hidden
interests at stake. So every five years of government becomes a bounty for
illicit use, such as deliveries of concessions and contracts for public works
subject to bribes.

Today the bad examples of rulers and business men in turn have spread to all
levels of public administration and in general of Peruvian society, such as;
"payment of bribes" now is a practical law dirty business and is present in all
projects, programs and public works, even in the smallest municipalities.

Definitely malignant disease and vices of political liberalism are attacking the
feeling of young and old, and no reactivity or correction. For this reason we
are losing all the values, norms and horizons of a civilized and prosperous
coexistence, as they lay on the floor, honesty, love of country, respect for life,
compliance with laws, and this so all right and civic duty is violated, nullified
and the worst government services and public benefits are in very critical

It is not fair that our legitimate aspirations and greatness, are truncated in
this manner is inexcusable that there is an adult generation corrupt and
prepared to commit a crime, and also young improvised lining up to destroy
the progress and development of a nation everywhere He deserves a higher

There are three accumulated decades of delay, of bad management, bad

news, betrayal, anger, pain, and the impact of this immoral decay multiplies
and reaches all levels of society. As children prepare for silence, failure, for
submission to the dehumanization and conformism, low self-esteem takes
over and ensuing impotence, frustration, anger and mediocrity, are also
apparent internal conflicts and hatch the vices such as crime, drug addiction,
alcoholism and teenage pregnancy.

You and I cannot be blind or stubborn to what happened, not mourn for
national ruin caused by these malicious actors. Rather we must take family to
take corrective awareness and undertake a phase of self-education and
personal growth and personal strengths and I'm sure most culturally
preparation can overcome this dark period. Always ideas, knowledge and
connecting routes open honest opportunity for development.
Historical revelations known since 1985, tells us that presidents and officials
of the Peruvian Republic were leaders of collusion and corruption, members
of a "caste gang of thieves" who took advantage of his position and ignorance
the population to loot the public treasury for their own benefit and group of
family and friends. They gave the natural resources (raw materials) economic
power, and signed laws that favored interests of a few wealthy and subjected
to foreign powers.
This attitude treasonous and subject, not only irritates and exasperates all
understanding, it is also a human anti attack, clearly treason, therefore a
felony. It is not a joke or a fantasy tale as it happened before the eyes of
millions of people. However, being somewhat perverse and vile he was never
tried or punished or is that impunity prevails and prescription.
The fate that fell and damaged the country, causing paralysis and crisis in
society apparently made us unable to reverse or find alternatives or to the
right people. Surely we must overcome this dark period, and erase the
painful wounds menial and mobsters. We must dismantle the organization
and eliminate the perverse legal structure composed of laws, decrees,
addendums and hoaxes used to commit crimes.
These groups unpatriotic, many of them immigrants, still heirs to a modern
colonialism destroyer, which like the past, continue to commit larceny and
atrocities. These generations of dirty guys are here to destroy misery and
sharpen conflicts and invent pretext to impose a free market economy within
an atrocious system of dependency.
We boast of living in an independent and democratic republic since 1821,
and in 200 years we have only created a giant monster with 13 million head
as is the chaotic capital city Lima, (birthplace of bad governments and
entrepreneurs), while inland provinces languish in a field of forgetfulness and
frustrations. Our democracy is weak, sectarian, corrupt institutions, parties,
companies and individuals contaminated by evil and harm.
It is also improper democracy, modeled patterns imposed from outside and
tied to the interests of the great powers and international organizations
which in turn are entities used by the powers of the economy, the arms race
and the media, and all created to sow panic, ignorance, fear, manipulate
consciences also impose a legal doctrine overloaded with laws that favor the
This national curse that has befallen my country meant lost and delayed their
aspirations as the "desired development" for the negative effects are obvious
and according to statistics and reports known there scariest data in all areas,
for example : in economy 40 billion dollars in losses due to corruption and
capital flight; Health hospitals in ruins; in education with a lousy quality
training; science and technology zero investment; ethical and moral loss of
human and civil values; in administration of justice plagued by prosecutors
and judges inept; in human welfare with malnutrition and infant anemia;
roads and infrastructure in terrible condition and villages without roads or
workplaces. To this other social ills such as collective depression are added.
A country with vast natural resources, with an amazing heritage ancestral
culture, and also modest and healthy native populations, it is not possible to

have a wrong and inhuman direction. It's really cruel and incomprehensible
to see such a dirty involution, that few understand and explain. Some say
that here survive the vices of the colonial legacy of easy plunder and
subjugation, a genetic lag has become the destroyer brain of a breed of
invaders and immigrants who are seizing the state and natural resources with
bribes and gifts.
Personally, 1990 I decided to be the protagonist of a style atypical life, I
assign a personal code, contending three fundamental rules based on a
trilogy of values: simplicity, authenticity and resilience (subject on which I
have written several documents) with this instrument between my mind and
hands turned a solidarity cultural mission called "artistic volunteering" all
under consideration, risk and self-esteem.
This beautiful experience made me discover and perform various roles as the
analyst and thinker; unwaged server; being integral; opting for a life of
austerity; to live full freedom; to cultivate a sensible and balanced thinking, in
addition to facing existence with optimism and realism. Well I could do
something extraordinary like is to create and develop a composite plastic art
works 1,200 also write more than 120 texts for reflection and education that
leave for posterity.
With this personal credential clean, modest, supportive and analytical
performance of my country, I can freely express my opinions, my sorrows, my
dreams and proclaim aloud what is wrong or negative. There are many things
left to do and others that can and should do for the present and future, and
the only way we can overcome and correct step errors, shortcomings,
weaknesses and barriers to progress. It is urgent to take the path of true
human and humanist forward boldly, wisdom, justice and equity in all areas.
If I were president of this great nation, he would rule as a Peruvian
authentic, with cleaning and wisdom in my actions, using the pedagogy of
good example and the doctrine of welfare for all. My decisions would first
love of country, his integrity, his ancestral heritage, to the industriousness of
its inhabitants and the value of civic and moral culture.

Form the best team of enthusiast professional’s honest and clean national
development and with them re found the key institutions of government
structure to guarantee the management of public finances, and that they are
made with scrupulous care and control investments and expenses. The
budget product taxpayer money would be used to meet the demands and
social services such as health, education, culture, communications,
prevention, promotion of science and technology, tourism and the
Would make all Peruvians believe in corrections and honesty, truth and
knowledge in order and harmony, and are direct participants of state
benefits, everyone should feel that their rights and duties are guarantee, and
make every effort to reduce bureaucratic hurdles in the procedures and
formalities, and the maximum would boost the use of technological means
available and actual compliance with laws and regulations to achieve a
peaceful and healthy living.
The largest national mission that would in my plans for the short, medium
and long term would promote the tourism industry and healthy agriculture.
This would be the best alternative to over-extraction and marketing of
natural resources such as large and small mining which in turn generates
irreversible contamination of water, land and air. All States should build Latin
America's most important cultural, artistic and tourist infrastructure.
In the field of civil self-education would create an incentive system for
families turn their homes into powerful basic training schools. Facilitate mass
access to more users to cultural and educational Internet. Fully support the
brightest minds from an early age, creating strategies and funds focus on
creative and productive intelligence.
In the productive field, would form networks of creativity and enterprise and
industrial productivity oriented large-scale production of healthy agricultural
products in the three regions of the country. Besides, my government would
boost opportunities and occupational conditions with fair and timely labor
and social benefits.

Make every effort to guide the construction of roads, ports, airports and
paths for all peoples and native communities. So that they facilitate entry
and exit of commercial products. Peru's economic growth would be based on
productivity and services.

Game boost healthy competition in the productive sector, and there would
lead to monopolies in business. Democratization of all goods and services is
crucial to sustain balance policies, equity and good practices.

Convene owner’s universities and media strategies to improve academic,

cultural management and content production. And it would be correct to
diminish the emission of programs that denigrate human beings, the apology
of crime or subliminal manipulation.

Boost with full force the full individual liberties, politics of citizenship
education, self-education, early stimulation, using strategies of persuasion,
culture of prevention in all areas, social planning, and control of harmful
weapons, drugs and harmful drugs.

In foreign policy, no way could propose any interference in the sovereignty of

sister nations, on the contrary should strengthen the ties of fraternity and
cooperation. National identities must be in harmony with globalization.

All other powers of the state structure and the legislative, judicial,
Ombudsman, Constitutional Court and other lower ranking should self-
determine their methods of monitoring and optimization functions. When a
ruler runs a nation with real democracy, honesty, wisdom and skill, all are
obliged to act in accordance with the position of the leader and any hint of
deviation or shortcoming must be corrected quickly.

True, have ideals and dreams is easy, but being in the way decisions are
always difficult, especially if there is an abandoned town crying immediate
attention. A reality dominated by the historical background of betrayal,
corruption and frustrations, should be treated with caution and urgency,
which is already very complex task for anyone.

A country punished, sick and contaminated by their own rulers and
inhabitants will require a long recovery period and sanitation, and to initiate
the urgent recovery process will require strength, security and success in
national decisions; and my government never ceases to pursue a policy of
intellectual health status of children and adults.

The campaign called "No more damage to the country we love" would be
supported by the entire population. It is time for unity and national concord.
The secret of social harmony is in good governance.

If I were president... summon women and men, conscience and act clean,
and gathered in the "Peru Ministry" would aim and rationale, the exercise of
civilian oversight of government management, in all instances, also must
divulging intensely love the country and the values of honesty and truth.

There are thousands of Peruvians who have an irreproachable conduct and

impeccable life leaves, they should be the first invited to play pedagogy of
healing and moderation of altered and obfuscated temperaments, and
promote the development of ideas and humanitarian actions.

I believe in a second independence of Peru, to proclaim the new course of

prosperity for all, without exception. We are a country blessed by the divine
powers; we have all the means to be a leading nation in Latin America. Use of
natural resources for the benefit of the motherland, multiply investment,
knowledge, and honest efforts to conquer the personal and family welfare
work, would be the ultimate goal.

The second independence of Peru must be born of honest hearts and wise
minds, not improvised, nor of those who committed crimes, less than former
presidents who ruled with treason and for the benefit of the mafias of their
immediate environment.

The second independence must have "moral effect" and be directed by the
best men and women of the nation. "True leaders are those who are behind
and not in front of one. “Ending the terror, wars and conflicts; no more
looting or theft; no more discrimination and abuse, not hatred or revenge, no
more insecurity, fear or betrayals”. We must drastically reduce social,
economic and cultural problems, sowing in every home honest and fair

Strengthen creative ideas, the daily endeavor, the fight against ignorance
must be total, must also heal the renegades, twisted and foolish
temperaments. It is urgent to incorporate into our minds faith and hope in
reason. Leave behind the painful episodes means growing in power in oneself
and in the rightness of the acts and thoughts. Self-learning is the key to
finding scientific knowledge, and this will lead us to recover the joy of living
with security and certainty.

Anyway we must leave behind the vices and defects, depressants habits and
overcome beliefs of others and those who deceived we were with false
promises, also those who regard mankind as slaves and those religious who
used God and his sacred word to reinforce fears, abuse minors or to enrich
themselves financially.

Dear friends, I conclude this speech good wave result of my reflections and
that to me means a lot, because like other Peruvians, I have the duty and the
ease of freely write my opinions, which is shared through the internet and
five blogs where I'm posting notes of general interest.

Hopefully, more people could express their ideas, publicize their actions or
issues of interest training through electronic media, so be contributors
healing and mental cleansing. We help discard that malicious and frivolous
content that denigrates human dignity. Thank you. RCHV.

Vargas Charres Reynaldo (Rey Charré)

Peru, November 2018



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