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I love Music!

Child/Tama: Abdulrahman. Teacher/ Kaiako:

Naema. Date: 12th March/ Poutῡ-te-rangi, 2019.

Welcome back after summer holiday.

Abdulrahman it is so nice to see you settled well

back in An-Nur preschool routines and finding back your old interest. You
really enjoy jumping into the sandpit moving your arms and legs to feel the
texture of the sand. I also noticed you still like to be around the
children and finding your place to get their attention.

Abdulrahman, though you always had great interest in music and

songs but recently you are getting musical instruments from the box
and playing them. I also found you many times holding pencils and
beating them like sticks on the fire hose playing a nice rhythmic tune.
Today when Farida and Fayroz were making a house from creative
junk you asked for scissors as you also wanted to have one. I
redirected you to make a gentle request, “Please may I have a
scissor?” I gave you a pair of scissors, you looked it carefully and then went to
the firehose beating to get the sounds.

Revisit: Today I saw you taking an xylophone and playing it. When Karam
came and sat next to you, you gave him a drum to play. You both got very
excited and ran around in the room. I noticed you had gathered a bunch of
children interested to follow you running with musical instruments. I took the
shaker from the box and sang Soft Music Song’. We all had a great music
What is happening?
Observation shows Abdulrahman, you still love the textures and feeling of the
sand. You have discovered different ways to be creative and express as yourself
by enjoying playing music instruments and singing.
How can we extend this learning?
Abdulrahman, your learning pathway for this term is to develop ways to express
yourself appropriately. Therefore, we will be providing more opportunities for
you to express your feeling and ideas in a wide range of materials. We will also
support you using vocabulary in context and develop the awareness of sounds in
words, rhythm and rhyme.
Parent’s contribution:

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