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Review of Related Literature

Sitti Rohima M. Marajan

Review of Related Literature

Tamarind leaves are small and oblong with rounded edges, averaging 10- 20 pairs of
fern- like leaflets that are 1- 3 centimeters in length and – 6 millimeters in width. Tamarind
leaves are young and tender and have yet to develop a fibrous texture.
(, September
Tamarind leaves has a unique characteristic of folding at night. The leaves are normally
evergreen but may be shed briefly in very dry areas during the hot season. The dense, feathery,
foliage is bright green on the surface and dusty red- brown on the underside.
(, September 06, 2018)
Fresh tamarind leaves are available only during the spring season, but you can find
dried ones throughout the year in grocery stores. Tamarind leaves are naturally dried under the
sun to increase their shell life. It have a sour and tart flavor because of the presence of Vitamin
C and tartaric acid.
(, September 06,

Termites are insects, so they have a body segments and six legs. Termites aren’t very
big, just ¼- ½ inch in length. Termites kings and queens of some species may be longer though,
up to a full inch. Termites are small, but because they are plentiful, the total weight of all
termites is more than the total weight of all the humans on Earth.
( , September 06, 2018)
Termites play a vital role in nature. They break down dead wood and other cellulose
materials. This is helpful in the ecosystem and the balance of nature. Termites vary in color from
white to brown to black, depending on the species and the life stage of the particular termite.
(, September 06, 2018)
Termites are usually small or medium sized, whitish or colorless insects, with short
antennae. They have strong biting mouthparts with which to chew seeds, wood, or leaves. Apart
from the Hymenoptera (bees, ants and wasps), termites are the only insects that live in social
( , September 06, 018)
Tamarind leaves are commonly ground into a paste or dried and soaked in water to
create a sour flavoring agent. They can be added to soups, stews, dal, curies, chutneys, and
rasam. They can also be consumed raw in salads or used as a garnish.
(, September
Tamarind leaves are considered to be very effective in easing joint and swelling because
of their anti- inflammatory properties. A tamarind leaf extract which can be prepared by soaking
the leaves in water is used as an antiseptic for healing wounds and skin infections.
( ,September 06,
Tamarind leaves use as a blood purifier, cathartic, astringent, and antiseptic.It sometimes
used in sub acid infusions and a decoction to destroy worms in in children. It is useful for
jaundice and externally as a wash for sore eyes and ulcers.
(, September 06, 2018)

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