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1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan komplemen? Apa fungsi komplemen?

2. Ada berapa jalur aktivasi komplemen ? sebutkan
3. Bagian (pecahan) komponen komplemen mana yang berfungsi sebagai
Khemotaxin ?
Opsonin ?
4. Bagaimana regulasi dari system komplemen ?

1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan komplemen? Apa fungsi komplemen?

The complement system is a collection of circulating and cell membrane proteins that
play important roles in host defense against microbes and in antibody-mediated tissue
injury. The term complement refers to the ability of these proteins to assist, or
complement, the antimicrobial activity of antibodies. The complement system may be
activated by microbes in the absence of antibody, as part of the innate immune response
to infection, and by antibodies attached to microbes, as part of adaptive immunity.

2. Ada berapa jalur aktivasi komplemen ? sebutkan

3. Bagian (pecahan) komponen komplemen mana yang berfungsi sebagai
Khemotaxin ? Small peptide
fragments of C3, C4, and especially C5,
Opsonin ? C3b
4. Bagaimana regulasi dari system komplemen ? Mammalian cells express regulatory proteins
that inhibit complement activation,
thus preventing complement-mediated
damage to host cells

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