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The teeth are made of calcium, match and others minerals.

The substances that damage the teeth

are coffee, candy, ice and alcohol but in this proyect we want to watch what of this substances
damages more the teeth, the substances are: Coke, water with sugar, lemon and vinager. In this
proyect we are going to use egg shell instead of teeth because the two have calcium. In this proyect
we want to know what of these substances damage more the teeth to prevent and don’t eat them so
our teeth will be the most to prevent them and we do not eat them so that our
teeth are healthier and not damaged.

This picture was egg shell with coke and when we saw the egg shel we saw that it had cracks and it
was black, and ,we saw that the egg shell was more damaged than the others.

This a picture that was egg shell with vinager, when we took it out of the vinagre we saw that it was
smooth and it was cracked, it was getting destroied and soften.

In the picture of lemon and egg shell we saw that it was like a substance in the ground and up it was
liquid and the egg shell was like pulvericed and destroyed.
In the picture of the water and egg shell it was normal there was not efect.

In the picture of the water with sugar and egg shell the shell was becoming softer.

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