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—_. LOVING-KINDNESs FoR OURSELVES reminder that you are bringing not only awareness, but foving awareness, to your experience and to yourself * Then gently releasing the breath and p'fering yourself words of kindness and Compassion, over and over... words that you need to hear, words you can savor. * Allowing the words in, allowing them to fill your being, allowing them to be true, at east for this one moment. * Whenever you notice that your mind has wandered, refreshing your aim by feeling the sensations in your body. Coming home to your ows body. And then feeling the importance of your words: Coming home to kindness * Finally, releasing the phrases and resting quietly in your own body. * Gently opening your eyes, Mey UA Sar pope Ofte Some ai e wr fa Shot How ut “ Jeol XG Mf . ‘t Mo M daw wk ana Hoy e Lie wif. wot- & Hay Josue bal (or 9 Hore 18 GIVING AND RECEIVING COMPASSION Please sit comfortably, closing your eyes, and if you like, putting a hand over your heart or another soothing place as a reminder to bring not just awareness, but /oving awareness, to your experience and to yourself. Savoring the Breath + Taking a few deep, relaxing breaths, noticing how your breath nourishes your body as you inhale and soothes your body as you exhale. + Now letting your breathing find its own natural rhythm. Continue feeling the sensation of breathing in and breathing out. If you like, allowing yourself to be gently rocked and caressed by the rhythm of your breathing. Warming Up Awareness + Now, focusing your attention on your in-breath, letting yourself savor the sensation of breathing in, noticing how your in-breath nourishes your body, breath after breath....and then releasing your breath. + As you breathe, breathing in something good for yourself... whatever you need. Perhaps a quality of warmth, kindness, compassion, or love? Just fee! it, or you can use a word or image if you like. + Now, shifting your focus now to your out-breath, feeling your body breathe out, feeling the ease of exhalation + Please call to mind someone whom you love or someone who is struggling and needs compassion. Visualize that person clearly in your mind. + Begin directing your out-breath to this person, offering the ease of breathing out + Ifyou wish, intentionally sending warmth and kindness—something good—to this person with each outbreath. In for Me, Out for You + Now letting go of what you or the other person may need, and just focusing on the sensation of breathing compassion in and out. “In for me and out for yo “One'for me and one for you.” + Ifyou wish, you can focus a little more on yourself, or the other person— whatever you need. + Oryou can send compassion to more than one person. 19 COMPASSION FOR SELF AND OTHERS + Please sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and take three, deep, relaxing breaths. + Open your awareness to the sounds in your environment. Coming into the present moment by simply listening to whatever presents itself to your ears + Finding your body in the room and noting your posture as if you were seeing yourself from the outside. + Next, bringing your awareness inside your body. Noting the world of sensation occurring there in this very moment—the pulsation and vibration of your body—just as you sat in the midst of the world of sound. + To strengthen the intention of bringing loving-kindness to your awareness, putting | a hand over your heart or elsewhere and feeling the warmth and gentle touch of | your hand. | + Beginning to repeat the following phrase, over and over, or different one that reflects a deep wish you may have for yourself: May | be happy and free from suffering + When you are ready, allowing yourself to be aware of any people or other living beings that enter your mind, When someone appears, gently offering May you be happy and free from suffering + Lingering with this being, and offering good wishes as long as you like, and then wait for the next one to appear in your mind. Take your time. + And returning to yourself at anytime, especially if you need to anchor your awareness in your own body, or if you need to comfort yourself. + Now‘letting go of the meditation and allowing yourself to be exactly as you are in this moment. * Gently opening your eyes. 29

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