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(Revisi ke-10, 14 Juli 2017)

Dr. Ir. Nugraha Edhi Suyatma, DEA

Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan
Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian - IPB
ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging
Active and Intelligent packaging

Active &

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

A packaging system that is capable of carrying
out intelligent functions such as sensing,
detecting, tracing, recording and
communicating (Ahvenien, 2003).

A packaging technique containing an external or

internal indicator for the active product quality and

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

A packaging system that is capable of
carrying out intelligent functions like

 Detecting
 Sensing
 Recording
 Tracing
 Communicating
 To facilitate decision-  Enhance safety
 Provide information
 Warn about possible
IP functions

1) to improve product quality/safety and value

2) to provide more comfort

3) to improve traceability (authenticity) and


ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

Intelligent Packaging Types
• Time/temperature indicator, Oxygen indicator, Carbon
dioxide/Oxygen indicator, Colour indicator, Pathogen
indicator, Breakage indicator, Freshness indicator (microbial
or pathogens spoilage), Leak indicator (tamper proof)
2. Sensors
• Intelligent sensors, Bio-Sensors, Gas sensors, Fluorescence
based oxygen sensors.
3. Radio Frequency Identification Tags (RFID)

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging


Substances that indicate the presence or

absence of another substance or the
degree of reaction between two or more
substances by means of a characteristic
change, especially in colour.

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging
Types of indicators (structure)
• External indicators
– Time-temperature indicators
– Indicators of physical shock
• Internal indicators
– placed inside of the packaging

– Indicators of O2, CO2, MO and pathogens.

• Others
– Special line codes
– Specific indicators
ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging
Quality indicators for packaged
food products can be either on
direct or indirect freshness
ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging
Exemples of internal and external indicator for intelligent packaging

Indicator Principle/reagents Give information about Application

Time-temperature Mechanical, Storage conditions Food stored under

indicator chemical, chilled and frozen
(ext.) enzymatic conditions

Oxygen indicator Redox dyes Storage conditions Foods stored in

(int.) pH dyes packages with reduced
enzymes package leak oxygen concentration

Indicator of CO2 chemical Storage conditions Foods package in MAP

(int.) package leak or CAP

Microbial growth pH dyes, Microbial quality of Perishable foods such

indicators MO All dyes reacting with foods (i.e. spoilage) as meat, fish, poultry.
(int/ext), certain metabolites
Freshness indicators

Pathogen indicators Various chemical and Specific pathogenic Perishable foods such
(int.) immunochemical methods bacteria such as as meat, fish, poultry.
reacting with toxins E. coli O157

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

Summary of the freshness indicating metabolites and
indicator concepts available for their detection

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Active and Intelligent Packaging

Summary of the freshness indicating metabolites and
indicator concepts available for their detection

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Active and Intelligent Packaging


Kimchi Freshness Indicator

Specifically designed for a commercial product of

natural mixed fermentation owing principally to
lactic acid bacteria. In optimal conditions the
fermented product has a pH 4.2 and titrable
acidity 0.6 – 0.8 % (Hong & Park, 2000).

Hong, S.-I. and W.-S. Park (2000) Use of color indicators as an active packaging
system for evaluating kimchi fermentation, Journal of Food Engineering, 46, 67–

How Kimchi freshness indicator

 Kimchi quality deteriorates from formation of excessive
organic acids and loss of texture.
 Change in CO2 concentration correlated highly with pH &
titrable acidity. A colour indicator has been developed
sensitive towards CO2 concentration.
 The indicator ingredients consist of Ca(OH)2 as CO2
absorbent and bromocerol purple or methyl red as a
chemical dye.
 Ca(OH)2 + CO2  CaCO3 + H2O

Kimchi Freshness Indicator



 RipeSense® indicates the ripening of fruits

 The label is attached to the inside of a four-piece
PET clampshell punnet with a tamper-evident
seal. Also protects the fruit from physical damage.
 This technology was initially developed for fruits
like pear, a fruit whose ripeness consumers have
great difficulty in assessing.
How RipeSense works

 There is a good correlation between the amount of

aroma that is produced and the actual softening of the
 So as the fruit softens, it produces more aroma and
sensor changes colour.
 The ripeSense® sensor works by reacting to the aromas
released by the fruit as it ripens. The sensor is initially red
and graduates to orange and finally yellow. By matching
the colour of the sensor with your eating preferences, you
can now accurately choose fruit as ripe as you like it.
Indicators / Sensors – Ripeness Sensors

• RipeSense from New

Zealand - Removes The
Need To Squeeze
• Time Magazine award for
“Most Amazing Inventions
of 2004”
• Sensors detect levels of
ripeness by detecting
aromas emitted by fruit
Indicators / Sensors – Ripeness Sensors

Fresh Tag®
– Indicator sensitive to volatile nitrogen
– Is typical for packaging of fish.
– Colour change in response to the release of
volatile amines, which are typical of ageing and
degradation of fish meat by microorganism.
– It is a label that contains a plastic chip with
a reagent and "taper", which passes into
ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging


Indicator of H2S
– for determining the quality of meat and poultry
products packed in MAP.
– Freshness indicator is based on the colour
change of myoglobin by H2S, which is produced
in considerable amounts during the ageing of
packed meat and poultry during storage.
– The indicators were prepared by applying
commercial myoglobin dissolved in a sodium
phosphate buffer on small squares of agarose.

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging


Chromogen indicators
– based on a colour change of chromogenic
substrates after reaction with enzymes produces
by contaminating microbes,
– suitable for detecting microbial contamination
in liquid products.

Activity Activity - (no

ITP – IPB + – Intelligent
Nugraha E. Suyatma contamination)

indicator Toxin GuardTM

– System used PE packaging materials that contain
immobilized antibodies to detect the presence
of pathogenic bacteria (Salmonella,
Campylobacter, E. coli O157, Listeria)
– When Bacterial toxin is bound to the immobilized
antibody in contact with packaging material,
reaction – colour change.

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging


ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

Contaminating bacteria
render barcode

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging


CO2 indicator
– Monitoring the formation of CO2 generated
by the growth of MO,
– indicator responds to the change in pH by
changing colour.

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

Indicators sensitive to pH change
• These concepts are based on the use of pH-
dyes, which change colour in the presence of
volatile compounds produced during spoilage.

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging


ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging


Indicators sensitive to miscellaneous

microbial metabolites
– A diamine dye-based sensor system
responding to the presence of diacetyl
– Diacetyl is a volatile compound evolving
from meat.
– Diacetyl migrating through the
packaging material would react with
the dye and induce a colour change.

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

 Mendeteksi tingkat kontaminasi
mikroba dalam kemasan
(umumnya daging atau karkas
unggas segar)
 Klaim produsen: harga murah,
kontribusi kurang dari 1% dari total
value produk.
Perub warna ketika jumlah kontaminasi
bakteri dalam kemasan mencapai level
kritis (busuk) : Kuning jeruk limau
(tangerine orange)  Coklat sawo
matang (tan)

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Courtesy of Islem

Intelligent A. Yezza
2. Time-Temperature Indicators

 TTIs are devices that integrate the exposure to

temperature over time by accumulating the effect of such
exposures and exhibiting a change of colour (or other physical
 Applicable only for temperature sensitive food.
 Selecting an indicator for a particular product in such a way
that the indicator should most closely math the quality of the
product as a function of time and temperature. So a Standard
Guide for Selection of Time–Temperature Indicators
“ASTM F 1416-96 (2003)” is formulated.

– TTIs provide an overview of the temperatures that were

actually exposed to packaged product
• heating of food, cold chain
– principle based on the physical, chemical,
microbiological and enzymatic reactions
– response = reversible colour change of indicator
= mechanical deformation
= movement of colour field etc.

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging


ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging
Price ranges from US $0.025 –0.035 each

• Full history indicator

• Based polymerisation reactions in which diacetylene
crystals polymerise via 1,4 addition polymerisation to a
highly coloured polymer
• This device is self-activated, i.e., it is produced in an active
form. Therefore, it is supplied and requires storage under
deep frozen conditions, typically –20ºC
ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging
ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

• Partial-history indicator
• Diffusion: contains a porous wick indicator
track strip, one end of which is positioned over a
reservoir pad containing a blue dyed chemical
with a desired melt point.
ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging
▪ The 3M MonitorMarkTM TTI is a partial history indicator is
1. a 88 x 19 mm rectangular cardboard containing
2. 28 x 12 mm pad of blue dye with a carrier substance,
3. plastic slip-tab for isolating the dye,
4. 7 mm blotter paper wick,
5. And 88 x 19 mm rectangular cardboard with five window
▪ Removal of the slip-tab is needed to activate it. Before
activation it is needed to be stored at temp not less than -
▪ This indicator has a scale to indicate the length of
accumulated exposure time above a predetermined
ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging
How MonitorMark works
• Removal of slip-tab brings the pad (containing dye + carrier
compound) and wick (blotter paper wick ) into contact.
• The blue dye remaining within the pad until the carrier
substance undergoes a phase change due to
temperature exposure above a response temperature.
• Typical fatty acid ester esters are used as carrier
compound like octyle octanoate (m.p. = -170C),
dimethyle phthalate (m.p. = -1.10C), and butyl stearate
(m.p. = 120C).
• Indicator response is measured by reading the
distance the dye front has migrated past the indicator’s
window cuts

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

3M MonitorMark
Check point
• Full history indicator
• Two separate compartments
1. Enzyme solution, lipase plus a pH
indicating dye compound
2. Substrate

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging
• The VITSABTM (Visual Indicator Tag System AB)
time-temperature monitor is a full history
indicator consisting of an inner transparent pouch
with two compartments and an outer rectangular

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

How VITSAB works
• One compartment of the inner pouch contains a
proprietary lipase enzyme and a pH indicator
dye and other contains a lipase substrate
(glycerol trihexanoate) in fluid suspension.

• The indicator is activated when barrier

separating the two compartments is broken by
an external pressure. As the hydrolysis of the
substrate by the enzyme starts, the pH irreversibly
changes and which is indicated by the gradual
colour change of the dye
ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging
Two types of VITSAB
▪ Master Carton Version – Designed as an early
warning indicator, is applied to the cartons or
pallets in factory, and deliberately activated by
the pressure of the labeling machine. The colour
change are as follows :
1) Green -> Excellent quality (80% or less of the
product’s time-temp tolerance is used up)
2) Yellow -> Good quality (80% is used up)
3) Brown -> Uncertain quality (100% is used up)
4) Red -> Overexposed quality (130% or more is used

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

VITSAB - pH change results in a color change

 The heart of the OnVu label becomes

paler as the ambient temperature
 This indicates gradual decay
ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging


ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging
ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging
ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging
Gas Concentration Indicator
 Indicators (either in the form of a small packet or
individually packed tablet/label) are available commercially
which indicates the presence or absence of gases. For Eg.
O2 indicator, water vapor indicator, hydrogen sulphide

 O2 indicators can be included in vacuum or MAP packages

to indicate the effective absorption of all O2, and to warn if
there is a breakdown in the O2 barrier.
How O2 indicator works
Indicators of gas concentration (leakage of packaging)
– The principle of operation is based on changes in oxide-
reduction-sensitive colours (e.g. methylene blue) due to
chemical or enzymatic reactions or as a result of the colour
pigments influence the pH shift.

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

• O2 indicator tablet which controlling
normal function of Ageless absorber
– O2 concentration in atmosphere ≤ 0.1 % →
indicator is pink
– O2 concentration in atmosphere ≥ 0.5 % →
indicator is blue

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging
O2 indicator
• As indicator of cover leakage (MAP).
• The increased concentration of O2 as the selected
value in MA → indicator irreversibly changes colour
→ warns consumers that the product is not right
(which is visually more noticeable on the product).
• Verification of the effect of oxygen absorber.

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

Humidity indicator

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging
B. Providing more convenience

 More convenient due to value added function.

 Improves lifestyle but high price.
 Example: Thermochromic Inks
Thermochromic Inks

Depending on the composition the at specific temperature

color will change, which indicates the state of product.
➢ Like “TO HOT” ; “DRINK NOW”
First used for WINE labeling
Normal condition-shelf life 6 months or more
Mainly affected by
o UV light
o Temperature excess 1210 C
o Aggressive solvent like Chlorine.
Thermochromic Inks
• Are inks that become visible only at certain
• Are supplied as two components (both water
based) as:
– Active temperature sensitive product
– Carrier resin for printing
• Typical options suitable for beverage consumption
– Fully activated at 5oC and below or fully activated
at 8oC and below

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

Tetra Pak Case From Europe, 1995: The Penguin
Sang The Blues
• In the converting process a penguin
and snowflake were printed onto
Tetra Pak’s Tetra Brik Aseptic
cartons (ambient distribution and
• No color visible at ambient
• When placed in the refrigerator and
upon reaching 5oC, the penguin and
snowflake would appear along with
a message: “Perfect to drink”
ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

Mar De Frades Case – Making Waves With
Thermochromic Inks (1)

• Recognized by Time
Magazine as one of
the “Most Amazing
Inventions Of 2004”
• Featured on “The

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

Mar De Frades Case – Making Waves
With Thermochromic Inks (2)

• Back label describes

how the temperature
sensitive logo works
• Consumption when the
small boat is visible
ensures the perfect
temperature /
ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging
Drink now Not ready
ideal temperature for consumption 22 ºC

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

C) Intelligent packaging to
improve traceability and

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

Radio frequency identification
 Used to radio frequencies to read information on a
small device known tag.
 Like microchip, look like banknote security ribbon
 tags can applied to products and packaging in the
form label.
 RFID terms indicated device that can sensed at a
distance by radio frequencies.
 To date, RFIDs have been used to increase
convenience and efficiency in supply chain
management and traceability.
 Normally applied to secondary or tertiary packaging.
RFID Defined
• RFID (radio frequency identification) is a technology
that incorporates radio frequency to uniquely
identify an object
• RFID is coming into increasing use in industry as an
alternative to the bar code
• The advantage of RFID is that it does not require
direct contact or line-of-sight scanning and can read
many tags simultaneously
• System consists of three
–Transceiver (Antenna / transceiver often
combined into one reader)
–Transponder (Tag, also called Electronic
Product Code (EPC) tag). Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging
ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging
Courtesy of Kalliokoski, 2007
ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging
Courtesy of Kalliokoski, 2007
ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging
ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging
ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

A sensor is defined as a device used to

detect, locate or
quantify energy or matter, giving a signal
for the detection
or measurement of a physical or
chemical property to
which the device responds

Intelligent sensors

Two functional units:

• Receptor - transformes chemical or

physical information into a form of

• Transducer - transforms this energy

into a useful analytical signal
1.Formation of bacterial metabolite
2. Dissociation in aqueous phase
3. Result: Increase in conductivity and NH4+

Compact analytical devices that detect,

transmit and record information
pertaining to biological reactions

• Bioreceptors- organic materials such
as enzymes, antigens, microbes,
hormones and nucleic acids

• Transducers -electrochemical, optical,

calorimetric,etc., and are system

Tugas Kelompok
• Paper dengan topik: Aplikasi Intelligent
Packaging di Indonesia (Analisis produk,
hambatan aplikasi spt harga, supplier,
teknologi, dst).

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

ITP – IPB Nugraha E. Suyatma – Intelligent Packaging

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