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2019 Update

About the CGMA Competency Framework 2

How the CGMA Competency Framework is defined 4

The role of the finance professional 5

Technical Skills 8

Business Skills 46

People Skills 56

Leadership Skills 62

Digital Skills 69

CGMA Competency Framework 1

About the CGMA Competency Framework
The CGMA Competency Framework is
designed to help management accountants
and their employers understand the knowledge
requirements and assess the skills needed for
both current and desired roles. The framework is
underpinned by the need for objectivity, integrity
and ethical behaviour, and includes a continuous
commitment to acquiring new skills and
knowledge. The CGMA Competency Framework Technical Business
is the foundation that will demonstrate the skills skills
relevance and capabilities of a CGMA as a
trusted finance and business strategist.

The development of the Digital

CGMA Competency Framework
The CGMA Competency Framework was
developed through three phases of research:
face-to-face interviews, round tables and an
online survey. The participants were finance and
non-finance staff at mid to senior levels, from Leadership People
diverse industries in both the private and public
sectors. A total of 130 organisations from skills skills
across 14 countries participated in the
face-to-face interviews. The round tables were
held in 20 countries from Asia, Europe, Africa
and the Americas. Nearly 5,000 responses were
received to the online survey, including CIMA
members, employers, students, the wider finance
community and academics.

CGMA Competency Framework 2

The framework is the underpinning of the need mindsets and behaviours to deal with
CIMA Syllabus, which is examined through complexity, work in an agile way, be creative and
objective tests and case study exams. While the be committed to lifelong learning — to learn,
framework highlights the range of skill sets of unlearn and relearn to ensure relevance. The
CGMA professionals, it also allows employers to framework supports the concept of lifelong
define what is expected in various functions and professional learning and experience.
roles, as well as enabling educators to better
prepare students to become well-rounded
management accountants.

The framework is composed of knowledge 50

areas, and each of these includes a series of
competencies that are defined at four proficiency 45
levels: Foundational, Intermediate, Advanced and

Points (0 to 100) represent time spent on

Expert. Each competency prescribes a series of 40

activities in each knowledge area

skill sets to assist in the CGMA’s professional
development. The relative weight of each
knowledge area relates to the importance of the 30
defined skill sets at each proficiency level. The
global round-table participants that took part in 25
the research phase of the framework stressed
the need for the competencies to be seen as 20
integrated. Participants in all three phases of
the research also affirmed the need for all the
competencies to be underpinned by ethics, 10
integrity and professionalism. Based on the
survey responses, the graph on the right shows 5
the activities in which respondents currently
spend their time, depending on their role within
Entry level Manager Senior manager CFO
the organisation. It is anticipated that these will
alter as technology and digitalisation continue to Position held within the organisation
affect the role of the finance professional. In an
increasingly digital world, finance professionals Technical accounting Business People Leadership

CGMA Competency Framework 3

How the CGMA Competency Framework is defined
Knowledge areas: but mostly at the advanced level. Strategic Proficiency levels:
leadership is exercised at the strategic level.
The different but interdependent areas Experts join with leaders in other functional Each competency can be performed at
defined by the research as essential areas to define, formulate and oversee the four levels of proficiency. In some cases,
to the finance professional. implementation of the organisation’s strategy. the proficiency levels are linked to levels
of the organisation’s hierarchy.
Technical skills enable finance professionals to Digital skills are essential for finance
collect, store, process and analyse information professionals, from basic digital literacy through Foundational (Staff/Entry level) — This is
to be shared with various stakeholders. These to a deeper expertise in cloud computing, cyber- responsible for achieving results through
include the preparation and dissemination security, data analytics and digital costing. If own actions rather than through others.
of external and internal reports as per the finance professionals are to remain relevant, they
professional accounting standards. Intermediate (Supervisor/Manager) —
need to keep pace with advances in technology
This has limited or informal responsibility
and be able to manage and guide the finance
Business skills enable finance professionals for colleagues and/or needs to consider
function in a digital world. As well as being
to use their knowledge of the business and the broader approaches or consequences.
a standalone knowledge area, digital skills
ecosystems in which it operates to transform
permeate throughout the other knowledge areas.
data into insights. This allows businesses to Advanced (Senior Manager) — This has formal
evaluate their strategic positioning, the alignment responsibility for colleagues and their actions,
Competency category:
of their business models to their strategies, their and that their decisions have a wider impact.
performance and opportunities for the future. The group under which the competencies
fall, i.e. ‘Financial accounting and Expert (Executive/C-suite) — This has
People skills and the ability to communicate reporting’, is a competency category in formal responsibility for business areas,
effectively are used to influence the decisions, the Technical Skills knowledge area. and his/her actions and decisions have
actions and behaviours of decision-makers a high-level strategic impact.
and others throughout the organisation and Note: The Technical Skills area has a further
its stakeholders. The ability to collaborate sub-category due to the number of topics Skills weightings:
and work with partners is also a key skill. falling into this section – i.e. ‘Professional
The results of the research have shown that
accounting standards’ is a sub-category
the requirement and usage of knowledge
Leadership skills take place at various levels. of ‘Financial accounting and reporting’.
and skills varies throughout the career of a
Three types of leadership can be identified as
finance professional. The results indicated that
peer, functional and strategic. Peer leadership Competencies:
the importance of technical skills is high at
involves leading peers in and out of the finance The specific tasks and functions that fall Foundational level but reduces as the finance
function on issues that require an understanding under the different knowledge areas, and the professional progresses through their career.
of the financial implications of events and requirements across four proficiency levels. For someone operating at the advanced
issues in the organisation’s internal and external For example, competencies concerned with level, the technical skills requirement will be
operating environments. Functional leadership the competency category Team Building fall lower and there will be a greater emphasis on
refers to the leadership that ensures the finance under the Leadership Skills knowledge area. leadership skills. Digital skills are expected
function delivers its objectives to the organisation.
to be key for finance professionals, although
It takes place from the intermediate level onward,
the focus will become more strategic as
they progress through their career.

CGMA Competency Framework 4

The role of the finance professional
From information to impact ...
Finance professionals are expected to add value to an organisation. This can be done
through a process of:

(a) Assembling information – Unstructured data from a range of relevant sources is

collected and cleaned from its raw format and assembled into meaningful information.
(b) Generating insights – Analysis of both financial and non-financial information leads to
insights needed to improve the performance of the organisation.
(c) Influencing decision-makers – Insights are obtained and then used to advise and
influence relevant stakeholders within the organisation.
(d) Achieving impact – Management accountants use enabling and control systems
(e.g. strategic planning, budgeting and performance reviews) to guide actions and help
ensure the required impact is achieved.

Assemble Advise

Information Insight Influence Impact

Analyse Apply

CGMA Competency Framework 5

The structure of the finance function
Traditionally, the predominant structure of the preserves value. Finance professionals are
finance function is one in which all finance work is operating as business partners, embedding
done in-house under one department/directorate themselves in different areas of the organisation,
in a hierarchical structure. In more recent times, engaging with those outside of finance more
an emerging structure used increasingly by frequently and seeking to influence decisions
large organisations splits the finance function and actions more directly.
into Shared Service Centres (SSCs) and retained
Strategic leadership
finance, creating a segregated structure. In an
of the finance team to
increasingly digital age, the shape and structure
achieve desired impact
of the finance function is being changed because
of technology and automation. Transactional and
repetitive tasks are being automated, meaning
that accountants are moving away from clerical
work and interacting more with stakeholders Strategic partnership through interaction
to influence how the organisation creates and with internal and external stakeholders to
influence and shape how the organisation
creates and preserves value

Technical specialists generate insights

about value creation and preservation in
their respective areas

age Managing processes and applying
Hierarchical Segregated accounting rules to assemble and extract
data to provide information and insight

CGMA Competency Framework 6

CGMA Competency Framework — Proficiency levels
Foundational: This requires a basic understanding of the business structures, operations and financial performance, and includes responsibility for
implementing and achieving results through own actions rather than through others.

Intermediate: This requires a moderate understanding of overall business operations and measurements, including responsibility for monitoring the
implementation of strategy. This has limited or informal responsibility for colleagues and/or needs to consider broader approaches or consequences.

Advanced: This requires a strong understanding of the organisation’s environment, current strategic position and direction, with strong analytical skills and
the ability to advise on strategic options for the business. This includes formal responsibility for colleagues and their actions, and that their decisions have a
wider impact.

Expert: This requires expert knowledge to develop strategic vision and provide unique insight to the overall direction and success of the organisation.
This has formal responsibility for business areas, and his/her actions and decisions have a high-level strategic impact.

Technical Skills 8
Technical Skills Business Skills

Business Skills 46

People Skills Leadership Skills

People Skills 56

Leadership Skills 62 Digital Skills

Digital Skills 69

CGMA Competency Framework 7

CGMA Competency
Technical Skills

CGMA Competency Framework 8

Technical Skills
Foundational: This requires a basic understanding of the business structures, operations and financial performance, and includes responsibility for
implementing and achieving results through own actions rather than through others.

Intermediate: This requires a moderate understanding of overall business operations and measurements, including responsibility for monitoring the
implementation of strategy. This has limited or informal responsibility for colleagues and/or needs to consider broader approaches or consequences.

Advanced: This requires a strong understanding of the organisation’s environment, current strategic position and direction, with strong analytical skills and
the ability to advise on strategic options for the business. This includes formal responsibility for colleagues and their actions, and that their decisions have a
wider impact.

Expert: This requires expert knowledge to develop strategic vision and provide unique insight to the overall direction and success of the organisation.
This has formal responsibility for business areas, and his/her actions and decisions have a high-level strategic impact.

Financial accounting and reporting 10

Technical skills Business skills

Cost accounting and management 13

Business planning 17

People skills Leadership skills
Management reporting and analysis

Corporate finance and treasury 26


Risk management and internal control 32 Digital skills

Accounting information systems 38

Tax strategy, planning and compliance 41

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 9

Financial accounting and reporting
Professional accounting standards
This ensures that the organisation conducts operations and fulfils its statutory and regulatory obligations according to professional accounting standards
(domestic and/or international as applicable per business model).

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• D
 emonstrate awareness and • R
 eview the accuracy and legitimacy • Demonstrate advanced-level • O
 versee accounting standards
knowledge of the professional of recorded financial transactions understanding of accounting selected and implemented by
accounting standards. and related reports. standards. the organisation.
• A
 pply those principles to accurately • A
 ssist in developing and • D
 evelop, manage and execute • Identify potential issues associated
record financial transactions and implementing new accounting and plans for implementation of new with proposed accounting and
maintain appropriate supporting reporting pronouncements and or updated accounting and reporting rules.
documentation. determine the resulting impact. reporting pronouncements.
• Recommend appropriate • Identify potential issues associated
accounting and reporting with unusual or complex
treatment for certain transactions. transactions, review and approve
the appropriate treatment.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 10

Financial accounting and reporting
Transactional accounting and closing processes
This is the process of recording, adjusting and reconciling financial transactions and events according to professional accounting standards.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• P
 erform all activities within the • O
 versee the receivables process; • R
 esolve exceptional situations in • D
 esign receivables and payables
receivables process; calculate identify ways to mitigate debt-related the receivables process; calculate processes and relevant strategies
non-complex provisions using risks; calculate the impact of debtors complex provisions; advise on debtor according to best practices.
appropriate methods; identify risks on financial ratios; calculate non- risk mitigation methods.
• P
 roduce guidelines and policy
of bad debts. routine provisions.
• M
 anage centralised, complex for accounting operations;
• P
 erform all activities within the • O
 versee the payables process; accounts payable processes; advise formulate risk mitigation
payables process. calculate the impact of creditors on on implications of creditor profile on strategies for bad debts.
financial ratios. the business performance, as well as
• P
 erform month-end close activities • P
 rovide advice on process
alternative processes related
and provide accurate and timely • O
 versee all month-end close improvement, governance and
to payables.
financial submissions. processes and activities. exceptional situations.
• S
 implify, improve and harmonise
• R
 econcile sub-ledgers to general • R
 econcile complex accounts • S
 trategically lead implementation
existing and complex processes and
ledger and perform other related involving inconsistent data from of the design and function of the
systems for account reconciliations
account reconciliations; evaluate non-integrated systems. organisation’s chart of accounts
and month-end closing.
accounts for legitimacy and according to best practice.
• D
 efine new general ledger accounts
balance substantiation. • D
 efine and design effective
and ensure proper maintenance of • D
 esign processes and relevant
charts of accounts.
• U
 nderstand the different the organisation’s chart of accounts. strategies according to best practice
components and • E
 nsure effective accounting and produce corporate guidelines
interdependencies of the processes and implement changes on provisions.
organisation’s chart of accounts. consistent with best practices.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 11

Financial accounting and reporting
Financial reporting and compliance
This is the process of creating internal and external financial reports for individual entities or groups using appropriate accounting and/or
regulatory requirements.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• U
 nderstand and describe the main • P
 repare financial statements and • E
 nsure integrity, accuracy and • A
 dvise on the ethical selection and
elements of financial statements and reports and ensure accuracy, completeness of financial adaption of relevant accounting
reports. completeness and compliance with statements; discuss the need for and policies and estimates.
reporting requirements. nature of appropriate disclosures.
• U
 nderstand general compliance • E
 nsure full organisational
requirements and provide accurate • Identify potential compliance • Implement efficient process changes compliance.
and timely financial submissions. issues and recommend solutions consistent with best practices;
to upper management; ensure create a corporate
timely completion of financial culture of compliance and
reporting requirements. shared accountability.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 12

Cost accounting and management
Cost accounting
This is the process of recording costs with associated drivers in the production, analysis and use of information for decision-making in the organisation.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• U
 nderstand and apply basic • B
 reak down key business processes, • I mplement and apply advanced • A
 dvise on the role of sustainability
concepts of cost accounting to allocate costs and income on an costing techniques and discern and environmental cost accounting
support entities’ operational and agreed standardised basis, and whether costing techniques used by and its contribution to improved
financial requirements. identify performance issues. the organisation are appropriate. environmental, social and financial
business performance.
• D
 emonstrate knowledge to • A
 pply various costing methods • A
 dvise on role and classification of
effectively identify and update such as standard, marginal and quality costing, including prevention, • A
 pprove offering on new products
product costs as necessary. absorption methods and explain appraisal and internal/external failure and services and advise on
corresponding advantages costs. alternative pricing strategies with
and disadvantages. financial consequences.
• R
 ecommend on the creation of new
• Interpret material, labour, and select products and services
variable/fixed overhead and with corresponding selling price with
associated variances. impact on the business.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 13

Cost accounting and management
Digital costing
This is the process of recording costs related to digital products and services, for decision-making in the organisation.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Understand the basic features of • Analyse the structure, behaviour and • Analyse the structure, behaviour • Advise on new costing
digital products and apply costing drivers of digital products and digital and drivers of bundled products methodologies and systems for
techniques to digital products. channels. that combine digital and non-digital products and channels that have
features. both digital and non-digital features.
• Apply costing techniques to digital
channels. • Apply costing techniques to evaluate
the profitability of omni-channels.
• Develop KPIs to be used to evaluate
the performance of products with
significant digital content/features.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 14

Cost accounting and management
Cost management
This is the process of analysing, planning and managing costs (including product pricing and supply chain analysis) to support implementation of
organisational strategies.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• D
 emonstrate basic understanding • A
 pply various techniques such as • M
 anage cost challenge processes • A
 dvise on strategic cost
of techniques used to analyse and target costing, value analysis and life and work closely with the business transformation including cutting
manage costs. cycle, and discuss implications. to ensure key performance waste while maintaining or
indicators are measuring the enhancing value creation.
• P
 repare analysis and reports that
right metrics.
enable the business management • L
 ead business on strategy, design
to effectively challenge costs and • D
 iscuss and recommend transfer and implementation of work.
inform decision-making. pricing systems and evaluate effect
of transfer prices.
• P
 articipate in waste elimination
efforts with the business to • P
 rovide leadership and coaching to
understand key drivers and team members on cost control and
cost-reduction opportunities. reporting issues.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 15

Cost accounting and management
Cost management in a digital ecosystem
This is the process of analysing, planning and managing costs, to support organisational strategies, where they operate within a digital ecosystem.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• D
 emonstrate understanding of • A
 nalyse organisation’s digital • D
 evelop cost transformation • A
 dvise on the digital transformation
basic features of digital ecosystem ecosystem to identify the sources programme based on the features of of the organisation as a way of
within which cost management and of cost management and the organisation’s digital ecosystem. managing and transforming costs.
transformation takes place. transformation.
• Implement cost transformation
programme that spans the
organisation’s digital ecosystem.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 16

Business planning
Planning, forecasting and budgeting
This is the process of evaluating and quantifying a strategically aligned plan, for a defined period of time, which may include planned sales volumes and
revenues, resource quantities, costs and expenses, assets, liabilities, and cash flows, as well as non-financial metrics.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• C
 ontribute to business planning, • L
 ead planning processes, including • T
 ranslate business strategy • P
 rovide critical inputs to the
budgeting and expenditure setting targets, communicating into financial targets and tactical business planning and expenditure
forecasting processes. assumptions, coordinating plans and support execution forecasting processes; innovate to
budget preparation, challenging in a controlled risk and enhance the business impact of
• A
 pply basic modelling, forecasting
submissions and seeking synergies reward-based manner. target setting, planning
and planning techniques to develop
upon consolidation. and budgeting.
cost forecasts with cost drivers • Interpret and make effective
identified and explained. • P
 rovide the business with management decisions • S
 et and define the framework
relevant financial support to using benchmarking, trends for organisation goals and
enable effective planning while and other planning and objectives; lead organisation-wide
applying moderate budgeting and forecasting methods; develop strategy, planning, design and
forecasting techniques. and implement improvements implementation work.
• P
 rovide reasoned advice on to the planning processes. • P
 rovide unique insight and
modelling, planning and forecasting • E
 stablish and ensure effective strategic advice on trends, industry,
with reference to cost, time and and consistent modelling, planning market factors, customer behaviour
quality, which might include an and forecasting processes across and other cost drivers affecting
understanding of some aspects of business unit(s), and identify and the organisation.
the organisation’s strategic direction. implement best practices in
these processes.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 17

Business planning
Capital expenditure and investment evaluation
This is the process of assessing investments based on alignment with strategy, affordability, acceptable returns and prioritisation of options.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Apply investment appraisal • Communicate and apply investment • Evaluate and appraise large • Approve investment proposals.
techniques to investment appraisals. decision-making criteria. and complex investments, capital • Anticipate future needs of
• Perform post-investment reviews. expenditures and financing projects. the organisation including
• Review investment appraisals portfolio actions.
and provide guidance
and recommendations.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 18

Business planning
Capital expenditure evaluation for IT and digital transformation
This is the process of assessing IT and digital transformation investments.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• D
 emonstrate awareness of • D
 emonstrate understanding of • Review
 the impact of digital • Incorporate digital technologies in
established and emerging digital the impact of established and technologies on the organisation. the strategy of the organisation.
technologies in the wider operating emerging digital technologies on
• Select appropriate digital • Review the impact of digital
environment. organisations.
technologies for use by the technologies on the finance function.
• Apply digital technologies in the finance function.
finance area.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 19

Management reporting and analysis
Financial analysis
This is the process of analysing the financial statements and data to provide insights about the financial performance and position of the organisation over
time and in comparison with others.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Use financial ratio analysis to • Apply common quantitative • Review outputs of financial and • Interpret and translate financial
evaluate the organisation’s techniques such as discounted cash flow analyses to develop views statements to drive strategic and
performance, its financial state, the cash flow (DCF) and value at risk and guide management; resolve successful business decisions and
effectiveness of its use of working (VAR) to model the economic, fiscal significant reporting variances or growth; provide guidance to the
capital and its creditworthiness. and accounting impact of typical recommend corrective actions business using best practice in cash
commercial activities or standard where needed. flow analysis.
• Apply discounted cash flow (DCF)
financial structures and instruments.
techniques to evaluate commercial • Approve and present financial • Communicate financial results to
and financial decisions; determine • Provide analysis to support statements and analysis to the chief executive officer, board of
and challenge the assumptions that decision-making, including executive management and directors and external stakeholders.
drive commercial decisions. presenting economic outcomes provide recommendations for
• Assess cutting-edge
and identifying the key value drivers, improvements.
• Prepare profit and loss, economic developments in quantitative
benefits, sensitivities and risks, and
value added, and cash flow analysis • Design reporting and monitoring analysis and incorporate relevant
accounting and fiscal implications.
to enable decision-making; evaluate regimes to track performance developments into the
changes in account balances and • Prepare and analyse problems against corporate objectives. organisation’s methodologies.
identify items requiring escalation. using sensitivity analysis and
• Apply sophisticated quantitative • Set standards for business
other techniques; review
analysis to identify the business, analysis to support strategic
variance analyses and account
commercial and financial impact direction and comparison; develop
reconciliations, and identify
on the organisation of different and implement finance solutions
significant items requiring
courses of action; advise on to complex and high-value
the attention of higher-level
actions or options to improve the commercial decisions including
modelled outcome. all aspects of non-technical risk
and business delivery.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 20

Management reporting and analysis
Management reporting
This is the process of delivering, discussing and reporting on the organisation’s operations and financial conditions (including quality and sustainability
reporting, and customer profitability).

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Extract and deliver straightforward • Deliver quality management • Assess, generate and implement • Develop new strategies, processes
management information reports. information. ideas to optimise identification and and systems that provide
delivery of management information top-quartile management
• Prepare and provide accurate • Develop business unit reporting
to multifunctional teams. information to businesses in terms
and timely financial data, where systems for management, project
of quality information and low-cost/
appropriate, for inclusion in the or performance reporting, and • Lead the development of functional
high-value solutions.
financial control process. implement processes to deliver reporting systems, for management,
management information according project or performance reporting. • Set the standard for corporate
to the reporting cycle. management reporting and specified
• Challenge and make fundamental
information systems to support their
changes to address root causes
of management information and
reporting quality/correctness issues. • Identify and implement best practice
management reporting across the
organisation and wider industry;
provide strategic insight on the
content of reports.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 21

Management reporting and analysis
Performance management
This is the process of measuring and monitoring performance to ensure organisational and personal goals are consistently met.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Interpret and provide basic analysis • Create proposals for new • Own, select and use financial and • Develop, establish and continuously
of management information and transactions or ways of doing non-financial key performance improve the performance
link to business unit strategy and business based upon a sound indicators in business appraisal; management framework and
operational performance. business understanding. interpret trends from financial appraisal methodology.
reports, extrapolate and evaluate risk
• Analyse business results, identify • Set up, prepare and lead • Advise the business at
in complex scenarios.
learning points and help to appraisals that enable effective executive level on effective
communicate them through monitoring as well as improvement • Interpret and analyse management performance management.
the organisation. of business performance. information, in the context of
• Advise on the optimal use of
the external environment and
• Distinguish between internal and • Assist line management in preparing financial resources such as working
business objectives, to advise
external factors that have an impact action plans for identified areas capital, credit and risk management.
on performance and analyse market of improvement; own and drive
• Advise business decision-makers in
and competitor behaviour. the use of key performance • Identify and manage non-technical
selecting appropriate financial and
indicators and accurate, risk arising during the delivery of
operational indicators.
timely and forward-looking products or services in the pursuit of
management information. business opportunities.
• Evaluate the impact that key
portfolio decisions will have on
costs and other key performance
indicators and integrate impacts in
ongoing performance management
and appraisal.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 22

Management reporting and analysis
Variance analysis
This is the process of using analytics to identify variances and root causes and prepare creative solutions.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Review management reports, • Interpret financial reports and • Provide advice and guidance on the • Provide strategic insight on the
including identification and accounts, identify and evaluate risks content of business performance content of business reports.
awareness of the key causes of and opportunities, and supervise reports and the causes of variances.
business variances. while applying appropriate mitigation
• Design reporting structures
where necessary.
and assess achievement against
• Interpret the content of management corporate goals and objectives.
reports and identify key causes of
business variances.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 23

Management reporting and analysis
This is the process of comparing organisational procedures and performance to other organisation and industry best practices.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Demonstrate basic understanding • Benchmark business performance • Assess competitors’ future trends • Lead benchmarking or process
in distinguishing between internal internally and externally; deliver and strategies from benchmark improvement initiatives to improve
and external factors that impact benchmark management data and identify key opportunities controls, make processes more
on performance. information to specific needs to and threats for the organisation’s efficient or effective, and/or reduce
allow decision-making that pushes own business. cycle time.
performance boundaries.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 24

Management reporting and analysis
Integrated reporting
This is a way for organisations to explain how they create value over time, bringing in the Six Capitals of financial, manufactured, intellectual, human, social
and relationship, and natural capital. This is done through a combination of quantitative and qualitative information, and encourages integrated thinking
across the organisation.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• D
 emonstrate understanding of the • D
 emonstrate understanding of the • E
 valuate the relationships between • D
 esign an integrated performance
different capitals used in Integrated relationships between the different the different capitals used in <IR>. management system based on the
Reporting <IR>. capitals used in <IR>. Six Capitals and their contribution to
• Develop appropriate and coherent
value creation.
• Collate data on the different forms of • Prepare integrated reports to measures for the different capitals.
capital from various sources. different stakeholders according to • Use integrated reporting to
• Create report templates that show
relevant criteria. promote integrated thinking in the
how the organisation uses the
capitals to create value.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 25

Corporate finance and treasury management
Cash management
This is the process of determining how to balance the organisation’s cash needs; it aims to optimise cash balances, while managing customer, supplier and
investor needs to determine the optimal financing of working capital.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Identify funding needs, assess credit • Negotiate, implement and provide • Design, negotiate, implement • Identify and exploit technology
rating using standard credit models ongoing first-line support of and execute cash management and market trends to define future
and implement standard corporate alternative cash management solutions to complex or unusual best practice in cash management
funding solutions where appropriate. solutions available in the market. business requirements. solutions to meet business needs.
• Execute standard cash • Complete corporate reporting for • Manage standard cash management
management solutions. foreign currency cash flows; execute solutions contracts; monitor
a forward contract. corporate reporting on foreign
currency cash flows.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 26

Corporate finance and treasury management
Mergers and acquisitions
This is the process of consolidating with and acquiring other organisations.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Perform limited analysis of • Assess the attractiveness of • Analyse and communicate the • Act as finance lead for the
mergers, acquisitions and mergers, acquisitions and impact of mergers, acquisitions and most significant and complex
divestitures prospects. divestitures versus organic growth divestitures on business strategy mergers, acquisitions and
options for the organisation. and portfolio management and divestitures transactions.
• Participate in due compare to organic growth options.
diligence assignments. • Provide independent perspective • Assess cutting-edge
on and analysis of valuation, • Act as finance lead for major developments in mergers,
deal economics, deal structure, multidisciplinary mergers, acquisitions and divestitures
counterparty motivations and acquisitions and divestitures policies and processes, and
overall financial and structural transactions and lead incorporate relevant developments
aspects of mergers, acquisitions and post-implementation reviews of into the organisation’s strategy.
divestitures transactions. the selected business transactions.
• Manage the due diligence process,
including interactions with the
deal negotiating team, from scope
definition to interpretation of

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 27

Corporate finance and treasury management
Treasury policies and treasury risk management
This is the process of implementing policies and evaluating and managing risks associated with the organisation’s investment, funding activities, collections
and disbursements.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Review and understand basic • Analyse the corporate treasury • Advise business units in the • Lead and provide strategic oversight
corporate treasury policies policies pertaining to areas of implementation, execution and on the implementation and execution
pertaining to your business the business. analysis of corporate treasury of corporate treasury policies for the
unit; able to implement standard policies; assess key operational organisation.
• Evaluate common treasury
treasury risk management treasury risks, and design and
exposures and financial instruments, • Establish and lead culture of risk
solutions where appropriate. implement risk-based mitigation.
including the financial mathematics management by providing executive
• Assess credit risk of counterparties underpinning their pricing. • Negotiate, implement and provide oversight in policies, practices
using credit models; develop basic ongoing first-line support to and reporting.
short- and medium-term cash flow alternative or non-standard
forecasts and advise on risk management solutions
appropriate actions. where appropriate.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 28

Corporate finance and treasury management
Business valuation
This is the process of estimating the economic value of a business unit or an organisation.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Model a basic valuation of a firm. • Able to analyse, interpret and • Display solid knowledge in analysing • Exhibit experience and advanced
display knowledge within a and interpreting valuation decisions. analytical ability to strategically
process of due diligence. determine effectiveness
and appropriateness of
valuation decisions.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 29

Corporate finance and treasury management
Valuation of intangibles
This is the process of specifically valuing intangibles, for the purposes of business unit or organisation valuation.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• D
 emonstrate understanding of • P
 erform basic valuation of intangible • P
 erform advanced valuation of • D
 evelop a taxonomy of intangible
sources of intangible value to the assets for the organisation. intangible assets. value and their drivers to underpin
organisation. valuation of intangible assets.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 30

Corporate finance and treasury management
Corporate funding
This is the process of acquiring or raising funds to carry out organisational goals and objectives.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Understand basic corporate • Support funding arrangements and • Apply corporate finance and funding • Oversee banking relationships and
funding arrangements. coordinate debt ratings process. techniques from first principles to maintain external communication
complex and unusual situations. with rating agencies and
investment banks.
• Negotiate funding arrangements
including corporate credit facilities • Evaluate and recommend optimal
and public and private financing capital structure; develop and
arrangements, and minimise challenge shareholder models and
total cost of funds. link to economic models.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 31

Risk management and internal control
Risk management policies and procedures
This is the process of understanding and applying organisational policies/procedures to manage and control both financial and non-financial risks to
which the organisation might be exposed.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Obtain basic understanding of the • Apply relevant risk regulations, • Develop innovative approaches to • Drive integration and standardisation
application of the organisation’s risk policies and procedures to managing significant business risks of risk management processes
management policies. non-complex business issues. effectively and efficiently. across the organisation.
• Lead implementation, execution and • Advise on the application of the
monitoring activities. organisation’s risk management
policies and industry best practices,
• Advise on best solutions and foresee
and construct organisation
the impact of changes in regulations,
policies and procedures for non-
complex and increasingly complex • Analyse trends in risk
business issues. management and internal
control, evaluate implications,
and define and implement an
organisation-wide response.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 32

Risk management and internal control
Risk identification and assessment
This is the process of detecting and evaluating risk factors that could adversely affect the implementation of the organisation’s strategy.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Demonstrate basic understanding • Participate in risk assessment and • Diagnose significant, unusual and • Advise on applicable aspects of risk
of the entity’s risk components and identification efforts. emerging risks to which the business identification and assessment.
organisational controls. is exposed.
• Identify and assess the impact
and likelihood of risks to achieving
business objectives; monitor
changes in risk environment.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 33

Risk management and internal control
Risk response and reporting
This is the process of developing and implementing procedures to mitigate identified risks or exposure to risk, and disclosing risk information to both
internal and external stakeholders.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Understand effective controls • Monitor the effectiveness of actions • Develop and implement appropriate • Develop innovative and strategic
or mitigation options to manage taken to manage identified risks and risk mitigation for significant and approaches to managing
specific risks and refer to experts intervene as appropriate. unusual risks to which the business significant business risks
where appropriate. is exposed. across the organisation.
• Understand and be able to
explain the purpose of risk • Provide advice on business • Interpret risk reporting and
mitigation measures. continuity management make effective decisions based
mechanisms; define appropriate on high-level understanding
• Understand, develop and prepare
risk responses for reasonably and expertise.
risk reporting.
foreseeable emergency scenarios
and events.
• Design and implement risk reporting
systems and communicate to
executive management risk
processes and results, including
recommendations for improvement.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 34

Risk management and internal control
Internal control
This is the process of implementing a control framework to ensure the integrity of operations, financial and accounting practices.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Understand internal control • Assist in the development and • Act as a custodian and maintain • Define fit-for-purpose control
framework and the type of risks implementation of governance the integrity and consistency frameworks and ensure
to mitigate. frameworks and fit-for-purpose of business governance and implementation and full
financial controls. control frameworks. compliance of control policies
• Identify, interpret and apply control
guidelines and requirements on • Establish processes to monitor across the organisation.
• Significantly improve and monitor
specific governance issues. compliance and effectiveness of a risk-based system of financial • Evaluate the implications of changes
financial controls in line with the control; develop solutions for the in regulations and best practices
• Actively promote the application of
organisation’s methodology; identify, effectiveness of existing controls related to governance and financial
risk management and a risk-based
develop and implement process to manage the business risks. controls; drive implementation of
approach to internal control.
improvements where needed. organisation-wide responses.
• Operate financial controls, specific • Manage, remediate and enforce
• Implement data integrity and user compliance procedures; define • Create risk-based governance
user access and/or data integrity
access controls to mitigate risks and implement end-to-end user frameworks to handle complex
controls; perform regular reviews of
associated with specific processes. access management processes and unusual business activities
segregation of duties conflicts.
• Assess potential impact of and standards, covering role design, and issues.
segregation of duties conflicts; access provisioning, monitoring
• Lead benchmarking or process
identify and implement remediation and remediation.
improvement initiatives to
and/or compensating controls. • Drive the standardisation and improve controls.
integration of risk-based user access
management processes by making
optimal use of system controls and
available IT solutions.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 35

Risk management and internal control
Internal audit
This is the process of examining, analysing and providing an independent and objective opinion on the effectiveness of an organisation’s operations.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Execute audits to provide • Prepare the audit work programme • Ensure proposed audit work • Identify and oversee best practices
independent and objective for each audit; develop efficient and programmes focus on the material and drive innovative and strategic
assurance, including preparing effective assurance activities. risks for the area under audit and are changes to audit practices.
audit draft reports and parts of compliant with all relevant internal
• Review assurance plans and
the audit work programme by and external standards.
audit programmes to ensure
applying corporate internal audit
appropriate coverage. • Address significant, complex
and non-routine problems with
• Maintain manual of authorities for respect to the audit plan and
specific areas; manage specific advise others on how to perform
assurance activities in support of audit assessments.
management’s self-assessment;
identify required resources to
complete an individual audit.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 36

Risk management and internal control
This is the process of identifying, analysing, evaluating and reviewing risks related to cybersecurity.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Identify types and sources of cyber • Analyse types and sources of cyber • Evaluate impact of cyber risks. • Design cybersecurity processes.
risks. risks.
• Review cybersecurity processes. • Review cybersecurity tools and
• Demonstrate understanding of • Apply cybersecurity processes. techniques.
• Apply advanced cybersecurity tools
cybersecurity processes.
• Apply basic cybersecurity tools and and techniques. • Evaluate cyber risk reporting
• Demonstrate knowledge of techniques. frameworks.
• Apply cyber risk reporting
cybersecurity tools and techniques.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 37

Accounting information systems
Information systems environment
This is the process of creating an IT environment and understanding the interrelationships between the various components and systems, including the
workflow of data through the systems.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Obtain working knowledge of the • Monitor the applications and • Proactively share knowledge across • Develop and communicate strategic
organisation’s information systems effectiveness of the organisation’s the business to streamline systems. vision regarding the finance systems
environment (hardware, software information systems. and supporting technology.
and networks).

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 38

Accounting information systems
Accounting applications
This is the process of defining and structuring the accounting systems in compliance with policies and guidelines.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Demonstrate understanding of • Develop and maintain computer • Secure in-depth understanding of • Ensure that accounting
the accounting systems and literacy on applications critical to functionality (i.e. know what the information systems employ
their functionality. the effectiveness and efficiency right answer is and how data the most appropriate technology.
of internal accounting processes should flow).
and procedures.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 39

Accounting information systems
Accounting information systems and digital technologies
This is the process of adapting and integrating new and improved technology and digital solutions to support the organisational objectives.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Understand applicability of new • Monitor recent technology • Lead implementation of technology • Develop an organisation-wide
and improved IT developments and developments and recommend upgrades/enhancements. approach and best practices on the
solutions. implementation where practical. adaption of new technologies and
• Review the impact of digital
• Display ability to identify potential • Champion productive technology technologies on the organisation.
upgrades, enhancements, new solutions to meet business needs. • Lead on incorporating digital
• Select appropriate digital
products and their effects. technologies in the strategy of the
• Demonstrate understanding of technologies for use by the finance
• Demonstrate awareness of the impact of established and function.
established and emerging digital emerging digital technologies on • Lead and direct the definition and
• Analyse external IT developments
technologies in the wider operating organisations. development of new IT solutions to
for data integrity and access control
environment. improve the efficiency of the system
• Apply digital technologies in the management.
of financial control.
finance area.
• Recommend new systems to
• Review the impact of digital
• Participate in the functional automate and improve existing
technologies on the finance function.
development and specifications of processes, using emerging digital
new IT solutions in the accounting technology to best effect. • Partner with IT to ensure that the
area. organisation has the appropriate
• Recommend new systems to
resources to implement new
automate existing processes and
ways to re-engineer business
process to effectively use new

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 40

Tax strategy, planning and compliance
Taxation law
This ensures that the organisation understands and conducts operations based on statutory, regulatory and common-law rules applicable to the
organisation and its line of business.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Demonstrate understanding of • Understand and discuss routine • Provide tax advice and creatively • Identify, create solutions for
basic principles and application of tax matters such as income tax, solve technical tax issues that are and advise on non-routine tax
business tax. indirect tax and corporate tax within non-routine and/or complex. issues of the highest complexity
clear guidelines. • Interpret new legislation and evaluate and importance.
• Assess technical tax issues of its implications for the organisation,
reasonable complexity (in areas and/or advise on application of
of specialisation). existing legislation to new situations.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 41

Tax strategy, planning and compliance
Tax return preparation and review
This is the process of reviewing and preparing tax returns in accordance with applicable business taxation law, including income, property, consumption and
value added tax.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Prepare basic tax returns in area • Review tax returns to ensure • Approve tax returns to ensure • Evaluate impact of amendments
of specialisation. accuracy, completeness and accuracy, completeness and in tax laws.
compliance with applicable tax statutory compliance; provide
codes; propose solutions to technical guidance to staff in
certain business tax matters. area of expertise.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 42

Tax strategy, planning and compliance
Tax accounting
This is the process of recording financial records for tax purposes as prescribed by taxation law.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Apply basic tax accounting principles • Apply corporate and international • Set the organisation tax accounting • Analyse trends in tax accounting
to appropriately record taxes. tax accounting standards to standards and resolve unusual and and ensure that the organisation
appropriately report the complex tax accounting issues is applying best practice in tax
tax implications of the in accordance with applicable accounting principles and standards.
organisation’s transactions. accounting standards.

• Identify and implement • Recommend and advise on process

improvements to tax accounting and improvements to tax accounting
reporting processes within the tax within the tax department.
department; highlight implications
of latest international standards
and Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles (GAAP) in relation to
tax accounting.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 43

Tax strategy, planning and compliance
Tax audit
This is the process of examining the organisation tax return and position for compliance.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Respond to information requests • Propose internal settlements for tax • Recommend and negotiate • Approve settlements of major tax
from taxing authorities. audits and disputes. settlements of major tax audits or audits or disputes.
disputes from both internal and
external perspectives.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 44

Tax strategy, planning and compliance
Tax planning
This is the process of analysing the financial situation or plan of the organisation from a tax perspective (including international taxation and transfer pricing).

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Demonstrate basic understanding of • Provide tax support from scoping to • Manage corporate tax matters • Set tax policies, strategies,
taxation strategies. post-transaction implementation on innovatively and strategically; standards and guidelines for
certain projects. recommend and advise on solutions the organisation.
for complex tax projects or deals
affecting more than one jurisdiction.

CGMA Competency Framework Technical skills 45

CGMA Competency
Business Skills

CGMA Competency Framework 46

Business Skills
Foundational: This requires a basic understanding of the business structures, operations and financial performance, and includes responsibility for
implementing and achieving results through own actions rather than through others.

Intermediate: This requires a moderate understanding of overall business operations and measurements, including responsibility for monitoring the
implementation of strategy. This has limited or informal responsibility for colleagues and/or needs to consider broader approaches or consequences.

Advanced: This requires a strong understanding of the organisation’s environment, current strategic position and direction, with strong analytical skills and
the ability to advise on strategic options for the business. This includes formal responsibility for colleagues and their actions, and that their decisions have a
wider impact.

Expert: This requires expert knowledge to develop strategic vision and provide unique insight to the overall direction and success of the organisation.
This has formal responsibility for business areas, and his/her actions and decisions have a high-level strategic impact.

Strategy 48

Technical Skills Business Skills

Business models 49

Market and regulatory environment 50

Process management 51 People Skills Leadership Skills

Business relations 52

Business ecosystems management 53 Digital Skills

Project management 54

Macroeconomic analysis 55

CGMA Competency Framework Business skills 47


This is the process of articulating the organisation’s general sense of identity and direction – outlining why the organisation exists, for whom and what the
stakeholders require.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Aware of the organisation’s business • Analyse the organisation’s wider • Evaluate the organisation’s wider • Offer unique insights based on a
plan, immediate environment and environment and draw conclusions environment and offer insights deep understanding of political,
the possible impact of events about the impact of events and based on an understanding of the social, business, market and
and activities on the organisation; activities; guide the team to create business to influence change at finance trends; use insights to lead
understand current role in relation to solutions that deliver value in line tactical, team and individual levels; and influence change at strategic,
executing the business plan. with the business and finance plans. make informed business decisions tactical, team and individual levels
and devise strategy. across the organisation.
• Observe and notice events that • Link ideas or events, use insights
are out of the ordinary, make to shape the views of managers • Explain the strategic direction of • Develop finance strategy that is
connections, draw conclusions and feed insights and observations the organisation to others; develop aligned with the organisation’s
and feed ideas and observations to to senior finance colleagues to a prioritised finance plan that both long-term plan and that anticipates
senior finance colleagues. influence business decisions. delivers the needs of the business and supports business need and
and is consistent with the overall ensures appropriate resources
• Understand the strategic direction of • Understand the steps to achieve
finance functional strategy and are allocated to deliver effectively,
the organisation and highlight areas long-term business strategy, identify
business plan. including goals to expand capacity,
of potential value or risk. immediate threats or opportunities
improve productivity and surpass
to the business and resolve or • Ensure the team is focused on
industry benchmarks.
escalate them accordingly. identified priorities; develop
and implement solutions at an • Identify and focus on future critical
operational level to address actions areas for the organisation and devise
emanating from insights, either to strategy to maximise opportunity
mitigate critical risk or capitalise and minimise risk.
on opportunity.

CGMA Competency Framework Business skills 48

Business models

This is the process of organisations being able to align their strategy and vision into operating models for sustainable success.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Demonstrate awareness of the • Develop each building block of the • Connect the building blocks of • Develop different perspectives of the
building blocks of a business model. business model in detail. business models to create a business model (e.g. risk, innovation,
complete organisational business investment, etc.).
• Communicate how an organisation • Analyse the business models of
creates value through the business various organisations. • Create disruptive business models.
model. • Analyse disruptive business models.

CGMA Competency Framework Business skills 49

Market and regulatory environment

This is the process of understanding the market and industry in which the business operates, including identifying risks and opportunities while ensuring
compliance with regulatory obligations.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Know the organisation’s products • Apply knowledge of the • Use understanding of the • Apply in-depth understanding
and services and the markets in organisation’s products and organisation’s commercial business of the organisation’s products
which they are sold; be aware of services (along with their markets) and markets to tailor offerings to and markets to shape strategy;
key industry structures and the to the day-to-day role and activities, current and future needs, including establish relationships with
organisation’s position in them. within the context of the regulatory the impact of external factors, in external stakeholders to set
environment. order to influence business strategy. strategic direction of future
• Have working knowledge of the
organisation’s customers and • Use sound knowledge of the • Devise information reporting tools to regulatory framework.
competitors; understand the organisation’s customers and aid the understanding of regulatory • Monitor and forecast changes
relationship the organisation has competitors to analyse and stakeholders; work with internal in customer and competitor
with the industry regulators and challenge business cases; apply stakeholders to support the needs behaviour and develop appropriate
other key stakeholders. regulatory understanding in support of regulators. organisation response; determine
of reporting requirements and impact of emerging business models
• Demonstrate awareness of external • Assess and understand customer
investment funding decisions. and sponsor initiatives to deliver
and global factors and potential and competitor strengths and
impact on the performance of • Devise short-term tactical responses limitations and use insight to optimal response.
the organisation. based on understanding of impact of influence business decisions. • Advise others on regulatory regime,
external factors on the organisation’s including funding sources and
performance. regulatory benchmarks.

CGMA Competency Framework Business skills 50

Process management

This is the process of planning and monitoring structured activities or operations that generate a specific service or product.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Aware of key business processes • Operate parts of key business • Set up business processes to • Benchmark internal performance
and key metrics associated with processes assigned; understand deliver successful outcomes, against external indicators and apply
each business relevant to their area the elements that make up each assess their effectiveness and best practice to the business.
of work. process and the performance review performance measures • Define process improvement to
• Comply with relevant processes measures that can be applied to relating to each. achieve business performance;
and operating procedures and draw each; proactively identify process manage key business processes
• Identify opportunities for synergy
attention to issues that get in the improvement opportunities. from end to end such that they
and integration of processes and
way of process compliance. • Implement best practices and influence others to identify more add value to the business.
• Contribute to and make suggestions industry trends; manage others to efficient sustainable processes. • Drive opportunities to integrate,
for process improvement activities. ensure they comply with processes standardise and simplify systems
• Set demanding and realistic targets
and operating procedures in place to and processes.
for process improvement and ensure
achieve results.
changes to existing processes are
• Ensure standardisation is applied to carried out in a systematic and
all processes — creating, developing, logical way.
improving and complying with
the standards.

CGMA Competency Framework Business skills 51

Business relations

This is the process of establishing and managing both internal and external relationships to meet organisational objectives and
governance responsibilities.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Understand the interests and • Analyse stakeholder profile and • Work with stakeholders to • Identify core competencies and build
profiles of key stakeholders of highlight areas to achieve and develop and drive potential strategic alliances with stakeholders
the organisation. improve joint efficiencies. efficiency improvements. to close gaps.

• Understand typical contracts • Demonstrate thorough knowledge of • Draft and negotiate simple contracts • Identify and implement opportunities
and legal agreements used in contract terms and their commercial or amendments, with support from to improve procedures used to
the business unit; ensure that the significance; facilitate the successful lawyers; analyse and explain key successfully run contracts.
contracts are executed in alignment running of contracts using contract terms and risks. • Lead critical decisions between
with stated terms and report procedures in place for the team and
• Provide guidance on correct the organisation and third parties
contract performance. report on performance.
procedures to successfully run regarding contract terms; negotiate
• Understand the tools and • Manage contract change control, contracts; manage reporting and develop complex contracts
systems for contract creation and variations, payment and final procedures to allow for prompt and/or agreements.
compilation, change control, and account processes utilising the response to problems; review and
variations, and maintain appropriate required systems. evaluate formal change control
contract documentation. requests to check for consistency
and justification.

CGMA Competency Framework Business skills 52

Business ecosystems management

This is the process of analysing, creating and managing an organisation’s ecosystem.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Demonstrate knowledge of • Analyse ecosystem participants, • Select ecosystem in terms of core • Define approach towards selecting,
ecosystem participants, roles and roles and interactions. functions, services, customers and engaging and governing ecosystem
interactions. value. partners.
• Select optimal role for organisation • Develop measurement model to
in the ecosystem. be used to evaluate success of
ecosystem partnership.

CGMA Competency Framework Business skills 53

Project management

This is the process of integrating all aspects of a project, ensuring proper knowledge and resources are available when and where needed and, most
importantly, ensuring that the expected outcome is produced in a timely, cost-effective and quality-controlled manner.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Apply an understanding of and • Develop simple project plans • Lead in developing and • Identify projects that drive value
participate in the development of including business cases, implementing complex project creation and align them to
project plans (i.e. actions, resources contingencies and critical paths, and plans that have implications across organisational strategies.
required and timelines). apply project management tools business units or the organisation.
• Champion projects that have broad
and techniques.
• Execute part of a project, monitor • Identify new and innovative ways to implications across the organisation
own progress, identify obstacles and • Manage and monitor achieve required outputs of projects. by aligning and influencing all
take corrective actions. implementation of multiple key stakeholders.
• Evaluate and communicate the
project plans and handle
• Communicate project outcomes. impact of project dependencies.
obstacles effectively.
• Communicate project plans
and outcomes.

CGMA Competency Framework Business skills 54

Macroeconomic analysis

This is the process of understanding and interpreting the impact of external factors on the organisation, such as market/industry trends, geographic trends,
cultural needs, stakeholders and consumers.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Understand the fundamentals of the • Understand behaviour and effects • Provide recommendations related to • Forecast future state of the
domestic and global economy. (adverse and positive) of issues macroeconomic analysis; evaluate economy; anticipate economic
involved in both the domestic and and properly interpret the influence conditions and provide strategic
• Possess knowledge of basic
global economy. of the external environment on insight on how to mitigate impact
macroeconomic measures and
the organisation. on the organisation as a whole.
have a general understanding • Ability to analyse various economic
of the effects. indicators and their impact on the • Identify key environmental drivers • Understand and apply the
organisation goals, strategies, and understand their impact upon underlying theories behind
products and services. business strategies and decisions. macroeconomic behaviours to
all levels of the organisation.

CGMA Competency Framework Business skills 55

CGMA Competency
People Skills

CGMA Competency Framework 56

People Skills
Foundational: This requires a basic understanding of the business structures, operations and financial performance, and includes responsibility for
implementing and achieving results through own actions rather than through others.

Intermediate: This requires a moderate understanding of overall business operations and measurements, including responsibility for monitoring the
implementation of strategy. This has limited or informal responsibility for colleagues and/or needs to consider broader approaches or consequences.

Advanced: This requires a strong understanding of the organisation’s environment, current strategic position and direction, with strong analytical skills and
the ability to advise on strategic options for the business. This includes formal responsibility for colleagues and their actions, and that their decisions have a
wider impact.

Expert: This requires expert knowledge to develop strategic vision and provide unique insight to the overall direction and success of the organisation.
This has formal responsibility for business areas, and his/her actions and decisions have a high-level strategic impact.

Influence 58

Technical Skills Business Skills

Negotiation and decision-making 59

People Skills Leadership Skills

Communication 60

Digital Skills

Collaboration and partnering 61

CGMA Competency Framework People skills 57


This is the process of establishing and managing both internal and external relationships to meet organisational objectives and
governance responsibilities.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Adapt your personal style to suit • Sell own ideas and agenda by • Use a combination of logic, • Influence and work effectively
different people and situations. linking them to the needs and personal passion, conviction with organisations from different
goals of others. and interpersonal skills to cultures.
• Listen to and be sensitive to the
views and values of others. influence others. • Negotiate effectively at senior
• Anticipate responses of others when
choosing the approach to take. • Relate to, develop and make use of levels through anticipating
• Understand and relate to others
a wide network of key relationships and managing objections and
from different cultural backgrounds, • Remain professional in difficult
from both inside and outside the challenges.
including peers and customers, situations; demonstrate empathy
in an open, friendly and organisation to influence others. • Communicate effectively and
to understand the feelings and
professional way. actions of others; and give • Lobby to build behind-the-scenes assertively in high-risk situations
difficult messages in a way that support for ideas and plans and to resolve complex and/or sensitive
limits misunderstanding and solicit the involvement of others issues and build consensus.
promotes acceptance. to build ownership and buy-in.

CGMA Competency Framework People skills 58

Negotiation and decision-making

This is the ability to use proper influencing skills to obtain positive outcomes and make decisions that align with the strategic direction of the organisation.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Recognise the different negotiating • Understand stakeholders’ positions • Negotiate in tough situations • Demonstrate use of a direct
styles of parties to a negotiation and and bargaining power and be able with both external and internal and diplomatic style; challenge
adapt style accordingly. to negotiate and/or participate in stakeholders; demonstrate information to detect discrepancies
negotiations with some support. confidence and good political savvy in reasoning.
• Support negotiations by providing
and maintain credibility with third-
information and being part of • Manage buy-in and gain trust with • Show an excellent sense of timing,
party key decision-makers.
the team. internal stakeholders prior to and and quickly gain trust and respect of
during negotiations. • Adjust personal positions and style all other parties to the negotiations.
• Understand who the key
quickly if circumstances change
stakeholders are in a given situation • Manage internal expectations • Lead the most complex negotiations
favourably or unfavourably;
and be able to communicate and keep all parties informed and demonstrate expert closing
win concessions without damaging
individual requirements. of developments; ensure best skills and excellent political and
stakeholder relationships.
negotiation practice in terms of cultural savvy.
• Make decisions based on facts,
preparation, approach, strategy, • Manage the negotiation team
common sense and previous • Lead fact-based decision-making
tactics and style. effectively; ensure each member is
experience; weigh up the pros and for long-term strategic issues;
fully prepared for the negotiation;
cons; and be able to explain the • Research and use data from a analyse the wider business
consistently secure positive
reasoning behind decisions. range of sources to make robust and political implications when
outcome from the negotiation.
fact-based decisions; make making decisions, including the
• Establish working-level relationships
available choices clear and simple • Assess and lead fact-based effectiveness of the outcome.
with third-party counterparts to
to stakeholders. decisions in high-risk situations;
resolve routine issues. • Share strategic insights and
coach others accordingly; and
• Review the immediate results, knowledge to help others make
take accountability for final
broad implications and unintended sound decisions.
decision outcomes.
consequences of a decision.

CGMA Competency Framework People skills 59


This is the ability to translate and convey financial and non-financial information effectively to a variety of audiences using a range of mediums, including
digital tools.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Listen actively to others, • Understand the big picture by • Effectively listen and pick up the total • Lead organisation forums to obtain
acknowledge hearing different listening and leveraging non-verbal meaning of the message as well as wide perspective of ideas.
perspectives and react appropriately cues. information that others will
• Create forums, systems and
to non-verbal cues. typically miss.
• Engage audience in interactive procedures to actively source, hear
• Develop and deliver verbal communication in small and large • Deliver presentation to senior and share diverse perspectives to
information in a clear and concise group settings, and anticipate needs/ management with confidence and enhance understanding.
manner that is tailored to the needs questions and respond appropriately. acknowledge when the answer to a
• Confidently present controversial
of the audience. business question is unknown.
• Select appropriate digital and/or complex information to all
• Develop written material that is clear, communications media in a given • Share important fact-based levels of the organisation.
concise, accurate and grammatically context. information; simplify complex
• Lead the development of written
correct; use appropriate language written communications and adapt
• Create and manage multiple digital information for highly visible or
and tone and tailor the information to style and content for all levels of the
identities. complex situations.
the needs of the audience. organisation.
• Develop written material that is
• Provide fact-based information • Encourage the sharing of ideas and
easily understood to influence
to others based on requests; use best practices; encourage others
business partners and management,
appropriate communication tools, to speak their minds and listen
and simplify complex information to
including digital, to communicate empathetically to understand the
ensure understanding.
effectively. real motivators and emotions.
• Identify the appropriate audience for
• Create and manage a digital identity. • Protect personal digital reputation.
sharing information and proactively
share in a balanced and timely

CGMA Competency Framework People skills 60

Collaboration and partnering

This is the ability to establish relationships and cross-functional partnerships within and outside of the organisation using a range of collaborative tools to
create value for the business.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Establish relationships and credibility • Maintain and enhance effective • Lead cross-functional business • Drive cross-functional initiatives
with business partners. cross-functional business initiatives and encourage team to across the business that create
partnerships through demonstrated cultivate relationships across the value.
• Analyse needs of business partners.
integrity. business.
• Leverage a broader network across
• Acknowledge different priorities
• Influence outcomes and challenge • Drive collaborative culture and joint the business and externally.
between finance and the business
appropriately using fact-based data. accountabilities across multiple
partners. • Evaluate digital tools and
• Identify and address additional technologies for collaborative
business partner needs and • Actively educate and challenge on processes.
educate them on value creation and limitations of possible solutions.
• Protect the organisation’s digital
• Use digital tools and technologies for reputation.
• Share data, information and digital collaborative processes.
content with others through
• Deal with data produced through
appropriate technologies.
several digital tools, environments
and services.

CGMA Competency Framework People skills 61

CGMA Competency
Leadership Skills

CGMA Competency Framework 62

Leadership Skills
Foundational: This requires a basic understanding of the business structures, operations and financial performance, and includes responsibility for
implementing and achieving results through own actions rather than through others.

Intermediate: This requires a moderate understanding of overall business operations and measurements, including responsibility for monitoring the
implementation of strategy. This has limited or informal responsibility for colleagues and/or needs to consider broader approaches or consequences.

Advanced: This requires a strong understanding of the organisation’s environment, current strategic position and direction, with strong analytical skills and
the ability to advise on strategic options for the business. This includes formal responsibility for colleagues and their actions, and that their decisions have a
wider impact.

Expert: This requires expert knowledge to develop strategic vision and provide unique insight to the overall direction and success of the organisation.
This has formal responsibility for business areas, and his/her actions and decisions have a high-level strategic impact.

Team building 64

Technical Skills Business Skills

Coaching and mentoring 65

People Skills Leadership Skills

Driving performance 66

Motivating and inspiring 67 Digital Skills

Change management 68

CGMA Competency Framework Leadership skills 63

Team building

This is the ability to drive team performance by promoting and encouraging participation and sharing of ideas that align with the organisational strategy
and maximise goals.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Proactively listen to, consider and • Encourage an environment in which • Recruit and retain people from • Advocate and successfully leverage
embrace diverse ideas and styles. people value diversity either in diverse backgrounds and ensure diversity to maximise organisational
recruitment, team formation and/or resources are available to help them strength across the organisation.
• Interact effectively with all people,
in developing plans and strategies. succeed in the organisation.
participate in teams and groups, and • Create a culture that promotes
cooperate with others. • Bring team members into • Facilitate teams to develop cooperation and integration over
discussions so that they can new ideas, more powerful than internal competition; proactively
• Apply an understanding of available
contribute their ideas, are involved any original individual ideas; identify and realign resources to
resources and use them effectively.
in setting team objectives and feel eliminate low-value activities meet strategic business priorities.
engaged on issues that affect them. within the department.
• Continuously encourage others to
• Identify and manage the teams’ • Effectively manage global teams harness and maximise the skills,
strengths and weaknesses and and adapt style to accommodate experience and expertise of all
resolve issues to achieve shared cultural differences; encourage team members; provide resources
goals; promote trust, openness cross-functional and cross-boundary and remove obstacles to support
and respect for others; guide working and resolve conflicts cross-functional and geographically
and motivate teams. of interest. dispersed teams.
• Anticipate additional • Harness the collective energy • Create a common goal and a climate
requirements and use available of the team to achieve business where people feel part of something
resources appropriately. success; create opportunities for bigger than their own individual
teams to network internally to share success or their immediate team.
knowledge and best practice.

CGMA Competency Framework Leadership skills 64

Coaching and mentoring

This is the ability to train and advise others on how to perform, improve and succeed by producing best results.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Seek, provide and successfully • Proactively seek feedback to gauge • Create a team environment where • Drive strategic training initiatives
incorporate feedback into and monitor progress and update members provide each other with to enhance the whole organisation;
future behaviour. development plan to facilitate constructive feedback regularly and lead and influence the broader
continuous self-improvement. in challenging situations. development planning process.
• Orient new employees on the job;
aware of the need for and the value • Participate in developing and • Identify and communicate strengths • Actively arrange for developmental
of training, both for self and others. delivering training to finance and development areas in others; or stretch assignments into other
employees and business partners; ensure development plans are functional areas or business units for
• Take ownership of career; implement
use relevant training courses and implemented; empower and the benefit of the organisation and
a development plan that is aligned
programmes to build the skills of give adequate exposure for all the individual.
with performance evaluation; and/
others. team members.
or partner with manager to identify • Champion the recruitment,
strengths and opportunities. • Provide regular, timely, constructive • Balance the needs of the development and retention of
and actionable feedback to team organisation and career needs high-potential and high-performing
members and management; for individuals; lead the talent individuals; make time available for
proactively identify potential people management process for the coaching, mentoring and feedback.
for talent development opportunities. department; lead training solutions.

CGMA Competency Framework Leadership skills 65

Driving performance

This is the ability to support, implement and monitor an effective performance management process to achieve results.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Apply an understanding of and • Participate with senior manager • Manage and communicate all • Lead in driving enhancing
participate in the performance and team members to align both aspects of the performance performance management
management process. individual and team goals for specific management process, ensuring throughout the whole organisation.
assignments. alignment with development plans.
• Establish and accept accountability • Establish and drive the strategies
for set objectives; take ownership • Ensure goals are aligned to key • Ensure accountability among the and standards required to deliver
of assigned work through to department objectives; understand team to set stretch targets; drive against business plans; translate
completion; take action before the link between the achievement of challenging targets and review internal and external analysis into
being asked. results and the financial impact on functional performance against strategy and action.
the bottom line. these targets.
• Consistently deliver high-quality • Set and promote standards for
work on time and against • Create a sense of urgency and focus • Create an environment where teams best practice and outstanding
commitments. the team on delivering and achieving and individuals enjoy achieving service delivery; create programmes
results based on appropriately high results; leverage additional capability and incentives that drive and
• Contribute to the achievement of
standards and measures. in resources to deliver results. reward results.
team and business unit objectives;
support colleagues to help them • Monitor team performance as well • Promote the expectation of • Set up and structure business units
achieve their goals. as challenge and deal with poor exceptional performance as the so they have the capability to deliver
performance; follow through on own norm; look for new ways to improve against strategic targets.
and team commitments. performance and deliver value.

CGMA Competency Framework Leadership skills 66

Motivating and inspiring

This is the ability to create a workplace where employees are inspired, encouraged and valued.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Demonstrate a positive and “can • Make timely decisions in a • Personally build the confidence of • Create processes or methods to
do” attitude; adopt a consistent and self-assured way when demanded others to succeed either in their own boost the confidence of internal or
positive approach in times of stress. and confidently justify and capacity, or in the future success external stakeholders for present
maintain own position or of their team, unit or organisation; and future success in their team,
• Appreciate the contribution and
decision when challenged. provide guidance, support and unit, organisation or in their own
efforts of other team members
incentives to motivate others. capacity.
and colleagues. • Generate commitment by involving
team members when setting team • Make statements to build hope, • Inspire exceptional performance
• Help, support and celebrate the
direction and objectives; help them optimism, excitement and by building a collective corporate
achievement of colleagues.
see how they contribute to team and enthusiasm in others; recognise identity and communicating a
organisation success. and reward team and individual shared purpose.
contribution and achievement.
• Publicise and celebrate team/ • Create a culture that inspires
individual achievement and • Demonstrate own belief in and high people to do their best because
success; assess strengths and expectations for the success of a they feel valued; create strategies
needs of others to get the best out of particular plan or strategy. to recognise, reward and celebrate
them; reassure after setbacks, and contribution and achievement.
discuss issues and ways to
prevent reoccurrence.

CGMA Competency Framework Leadership skills 67

Change management

This is the ability to recognise the need for change and embrace new ways of thinking and working that align with business objectives and
financial targets.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Understand the business • Understand the business objectives • Advise on and influence change • Strategically design selection and
needs, direction and changes and how management changes management; participate in the implementation of organisational
in management. tie to business unit performance planning and implementation of changes to drive and exceed
and results. organisational changes. business objectives.
• Evaluate how change
management affects current • Interpret, communicate and facilitate • Monitor change management • Be an advocate for changes.
roles and responsibilities. the implementation processes of results and measure with business
change management. objectives.
• Support implementation of
organisational changes and assist in • Effectively manage change • Handle sensitive aspects of
carrying out the goals and objectives management along with organisational change management.
of the management team. potential conflicts to maximise
acceptance and cooperation and
achieve business objectives.

CGMA Competency Framework Leadership skills 68

CGMA Competency
Digital Skills

CGMA Competency Framework 69

Digital Skills
Foundational: This requires a basic understanding of the business structures, operations and financial performance, and includes responsibility for
implementing and achieving results through own actions rather than through others.

Intermediate: This requires a moderate understanding of overall business operations and measurements, including responsibility for monitoring the
implementation of strategy. This has limited or informal responsibility for colleagues and/or needs to consider broader approaches or consequences.

Advanced: This requires a strong understanding of the organisation’s environment, current strategic position and direction, with strong analytical skills and
the ability to advise on strategic options for the business. This includes formal responsibility for colleagues and their actions, and that their decisions have a
wider impact.

Expert: This requires expert knowledge to develop strategic vision and provide unique insight to the overall direction and success of the organisation.
This has formal responsibility for business areas, and his/her actions and decisions have a high-level strategic impact.

Information and digital literacy 71

Technical Skills Business Skills

Digital content creation 72

Problem-solving 73
People Skills Leadership Skills

Data strategy and planning 74

Digital Skills
Data analytics 75

Data visualisation 76

CGMA Competency Framework Digital skills 70

Information and digital literacy

This is the process of understanding information, data and content in a digital environment.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Search for data, information and • Articulate what information is • Analyse and compare sources of • Critically evaluate credibility and
content in a digital environment. needed. data, information and digital content. reliability of sources of data,
information and digital content.
• Create and update personal records. • Organise, store and retrieve data, • Analyse and interpret data,
information and content in a digital information and digital content. • Critically evaluate data and digital
environment. content.
• Assess data, information and digital
content and navigate between them.

CGMA Competency Framework Digital skills 71

Digital content creation

This is the process of creating, editing and improving digital content, including copyright and licences.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Create content in different formats. • Edit and improve existing content. • Modify, refine and integrate new • Advise on how copyright and
information and content into existing licences apply to digital information
body of knowledge to create new, and content.
original and relevant content and

CGMA Competency Framework Digital skills 72


This is the process of identifying and resolving technical issues when using digital tools.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Identify technical problems when • Solve technical problems when • Evaluate and select digital tools to • Use digital tools to create
operating devices and/or using operating devices and/or using resolve different technical problems. knowledge and to innovate
digital environments. digital environments. processes and products.

CGMA Competency Framework Digital skills 73

Data strategy and planning

This is the process of developing and managing a set of choices and decisions that align the organisation’s data strategy to its business strategy.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Demonstrate knowledge of data • Manage policies on data protection • Develop and implement relevant • Develop overall data strategy.
management techniques. and privacy. data models.
• Define metadata using common
• Ensure data quality, accessibility, standards.
interoperability and compliance to
• Develop policies on data protection,
privacy, intellectual property
rights and ethical issues in data

CGMA Competency Framework Digital skills 74

Data analytics

This is the process of quality-checking data from multiple sources, choosing appropriate metrics measurements, and developing analytics and verification
applications to provide the organisation with analytics-based solutions.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Understand and be able to select an • Demonstrate an understanding of • Apply designated quantitative • Develop and plan required data
approach to analysing selected data and ability to perform statistical techniques including statistics, time analytics for organisational tasks,
sets. hypothesis testing. series analysis, optimisation and e.g. evaluating requirements and
simulation to deploy appropriate specifications of problems to
• Collect data from multiple sources. • Use corresponding APIs (Application
models for analysis and prediction. recommend possible analytics-
Programming Interfaces) to access
• Apply data quality checks. based solutions.
different data sources. • Write SQL and ETL scripts.
• Verify data quality and veracity.
• Define necessary transformations • Identify existing and suggest new
and data preparation procedures. data required for organisational • Define policy and manage
analytics tasks to deliver maximum intellectual property rights issues.
• Develop analytics solutions for
specific tasks and predefined data • Plan, design, develop and implement
sets. • Develop organisational analytics analytics for organisational tasks.
applications that support the whole
• Ensure interaction with other • Develop whole data processing
organisational data life cycle.
components of analytics workflows and integrate them into
applications. • Integrate analytics applications with the organisational workflow.
the enterprise information system.

CGMA Competency Framework Digital skills 75

Data visualisation

This is the process of applying existing and developing new visualisation solutions and dashboards to provide solutions for specific business techniques.

Foundational Intermediate Advanced Expert

• Apply visualisation techniques and • Use multiple visualisation techniques • Develop new visualisation solutions • Define best visualisation approach
tools for existing data sets and and languages for existing and and advanced dashboards. and solutions for specific business
applications. new analytics applications and issues.
• Use multiple techniques to create
• Develop simple dashboards. interactive dashboards.

CGMA Competency Framework Digital skills 76

First published April 2014

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