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How long have superheroes existed?

Superhero history pre-1950 is sketchy at best (thank you un-American committee (HUAC)).

Detail sketch back 150 years. The early years most were by today’s standards sidekicks at best.

Superheroes make appearances in the world news occasionally but it is disregarded as urban legend or
media propaganda.

How are superheroes treated?

Superheroes are treated at arm’s reach. They are not trusted, but not criminals either. Vampires, lycans,
and witches also exist. Those that are known to are treated like holding a wolf by the ears

What are the legal parameters of super heroes?

The current legal standard is they are regular citizens, no special laws governing ‘supers’ are designed to
singling them out.

Good Samaritan laws more intact. You can respond to threats to the community with reasonable force.
But you still are responsible for your actions.

Two super prisons exist

Both are known to exist, but locations are classified ultra secret.

In Arizona is called ‘The oubliette’ or ‘the forgotten’

For low level suppressible criminals

Mostly skill based abilities.

Then the final stop is ‘the Chasm’ or ‘the abyss’

3000 ft straight down to a total ultra max.

Completely shield from dimensional travel, radiation, and any out side effects

3 different sections exist, general population, observation, and void.

General population, all are rendered normal under suppressors

Observation, for those who cannot be completely suppressed without killing them.

The void, a demi-plane suspended in time devoid of all senses, hell its self to those
inside. It is super solitary confinement after 3 days most will do anything to not go back.
Power level of campaign

Progressive side kicks through super hero

Political view of superheroes

The government has laws on the books allowing C.H.E.S.S. to operate in the US but the last 15 years
have been quiet by any means. There is the paranormal branch of the U.S. marshals totaling 30 people
each has some super ability.

Religious view of superheroes

In the late 1970’s after the “Big Reveal” the religious community was in an uproar. The nightmares are
real and have legal rights protecting them. After 13 supers murdered by religious zealots, the
government made it clear to the religious governing bodies that advocating killing them is tantamount
terrorism and would be viewed as such. After that all religious doctrine condemned any further attempt
purge the evil, except sanction exorcisms.

What is known of history?

The history is sketchy and in private collections. The government data is classified.

‘The Great Void’ is when most supers died or disappeared, a few survived the event.

Of which one is known to exist, code names ‘Oracle’ most detail are a mystery at best.

How much do people choose to remember?

Most don’t want to remember what happened before ‘The Great Void’ but some do. The collective
consciousness of the human race does not want to remember, digital data disappears, files are lost in
transit, but the information is out there if you know what and where to look.

The Great Void is when then “True Demon Plane” attempted to break the barrier separating the
two planes and many supers died or disappeared as a result. This is also the only recorded time good
and evil worked together. ‘Oracle’ knows more than any being currently on earth about the “True
Demon Plane”.

C.H.E.S.S. is an international terrorist response organization that can respond to all kinds of
problems. With the help of an observation A.I. potentials are tracked, but no actions taken

Loose definition of what a supper is.

Is any being no human, capable of doing things no medically normal human can. Example of flame
powers, telekinetic, animal features, ability to fire energy blast, reality manipulation, and some things
that defy accepted reality.

How is Magic Handled?

Spells can be improved through invention.

Sacrifices do change costs and power of spell

Rituals are required to make minor magic items per device limits

How are inventions handled?

Near misses are allowed, but have a chance of catastrophic results.

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