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System m


Diane G Elliott Ill
Western Fisheries Research Center, Biological m
Resources Division, US Geological Survey, Seattle,
Washington, USA

keep the skin surface free of pathogens by means of

Introduction constant sloughing and renewal and the presence of
antimicrobial substances (Chapter 17; Pickering, Carl

1974; Hattingh and van Warmelo, 1975; Ellis, 1981; St -H

As in other vertebrates, the integument or skin of a fish C
Louis-Cormier et al., 1984; Rambout et al., 1993; Cole Z
is the envelope for the body that separates and protects
et al., 1997). The precipitative action of fish mucus on -4
the animal from its environment, but it also provides O
suspended material in water may help to clear this Z
the means through which most of the contacts with
material from the gills and skin of fish in highly turbid V"
the outer world are made. The integument is continu-
or polluted waters (Van Oosten, 1957). In addition,
ous with the lining of all the body openings, and also z
mucous secretions and thickened outer skin layers
covers the fins. The skin of a fish is a multifunctional -4
help to protect against abrasion in burrowing or O
organ, and may serve important roles in protection,
semi-terrestrial fishes (Mittal and Banjeree, 1980; -<
communication, sensory perception, locomotion,
Fishelson, 1996).
respiration, ion regulation, excretion, and thermal
Scales provide mechanical protection for deeper
regulation. These functions are introduced in the
tissues (page 97, Burdak, 1980), and bony encasements
following section, and the integumentary elements
and spines ward off attacks by predaceous enemies
responsible for specific functions are described
(page 105). Noxious substances that may be elabo-
further in this chapter and in Chapter 17.
rated by sacciform cells in the skin and venoms pro-
duced by glands associated with spines on the fins
or opercula can also help to deter such attacks
Functions (Chapter 17).
Protection can also be afforded by patterns of skin
pigmentation such as cryptic coloration, counter-
The most obvious functions of fish integument are shading, or disruptive coloration, which serve to con-
protective. For example, mucous secretions help to ceal a fish (Endler, 1978; Fujii, 1993). However, bright

Copyright 9 2000AcademicPress
and conspicuous skin coloration may serve to adver- exchange across the skin is known to play a significant
tise rather than conceal (Fujii, 1993). In fact, most role in the respiration of larval fish (Liem, 1981;
color patterns are a compromise between the neces- Rombough and Moroz, 1990). Certain adult fishes
sity to communicate with other members of a species that are adapted to cope with temporary dewatering
and the need to avoid being eaten. Interpretation of or short terrestrial migrations can use atmospheric
the significance of color patterns is complicated by oxygen by diffusion through a well-vascularized skin
the ability of many fishes to change colors, either (Berg and Steen, 1965; Tamura et al., 1976). For most
slowly, as during the maturation process, or rapidly, adult freshwater and marine fish species that have
as during displays of aggression or courtship (Sterba, been studied in water, cutaneous respiration has
1973; Lanzing and Bower, 1974; Kohda and matched the oxygen demand of the skin itself, indicat-
Watanabe, 1982, 1983; Fujii, 1993), or for adaptive ing that the skin is an oxygen exchanger primarily
camouflage (Ramachandran et al., 1996). Addition- for its own benefit (Kirsch and Nonnotte, 1977;
ally, certain color patterns, such as an abnormal over- Nonnotte, 1981; Steffensen and Lomholt, 1985).
all darkening of the skin, can be a sign of poor The role of the integument in the maintenance of
W health in a fish (Chapter 4). Pigment cells or chromato- the balance of water and minerals inside a fish's body
phores in the skin (Chapter 17) are responsible for is not well understood. Although the skin of the primi-
much of the remarkable variation in coloration seen tive hagfishes and perhaps lampreys is highly perme-
in fishes. able to water (Evans, 1993), the skin of higher fishes is
Among many midwater and bottom-dwelling generally quoted to be poorly permeable for both
zu l deep-sea fishes, bioluminescent organs or photo- water and ions (Heisler, 1993). Nevertheless, a few
phores in the skin (Chapter 17) may take the place of studies in higher bony fishes (teleosts) have shown
color patterns for species and mate recognition significant transfer of certain ions across the skin sur-
I" (Lagler et al., 1977). Conversely, multiple photo- face (Chapter 17; Nonnotte et al., 1979; Perry and
phores spread over the body surface may provide Wood, 1985). The specialized cells (ionocytes)
camouflage through countershading or by blurring believed to be at least partially responsible for transe-

0 >-
the silhouette of the fish in the glow of spontaneous
bioluminescence (Herring, 1982; Kashkin, 1993).
Photophores may also serve to illuminate darkwaters,
pithelial ionic transfer are known to occur in the skin
of several fish species (Chapter 17; reviewed by
Zadunaisky, 1984 and Heisler, 1993). The superficial
and large light organs on the heads of some fishes are epithelial cells also may be involved (Chapter 17).
< thought to be lures to attract prey (Sazonov, 1996). The function of the integument in excretion is also
Z Some forms of communication among fishes are largely unknown, although it may have a significant
,,.A facilitated by substances produced in the skin. For role in the excretion of nitrogenous wastes, princi-
Z example, fright pheromones released into the water pally ammonia and urea (Wood, 1993). Limited
O from damaged integumentary club cells of certain experiments have suggested that the skin is a more
U fishes alert other fish of the same species to the pre- important site of ammonia excretion in marine fishes
ii sence of predators (Chapter 17; Smith, 1982, 1992). than in freshwater fishes (Read, 1968; Morii et al.,
Several types of specialized sensory structures are 1978; Sayer and Davenport, 1987). Indirect evidence
located in the integument. Included among these are also suggests that the skin of marine teleost fishes
the lateral line system (Chapters 15.2 and 27.2), che- may be an important site of urea excretion (Morii et
moreceptory structures or taste buds (Chapters 15.3 al., 1978; Sayer and Davenport, 1987). The integumen-
and 27.3), and electrosensory receptors. tary elements involved in the excretion of nitrogenous
Integumentary features can assist a fish during wastes have not been identified.
locomotion. The slippery mucus of some fishes has Despite the fact that most fishes are obligate poi-
marked friction-reducing properties that enable a kilotherms, they display a variety of adaptations -
fish to move at greater speed with less expenditure of some of which involve the integument- to reduce the
energy (Rosen and Cornford, 1971; Bernadsky et al., impact of temperature on physiological function.
1993). The passive flexural stiffness that the skin Certain tunas can maintain a body temperature sev-
imparts to the body also aids in the generation of the eral degrees above the ambient water temperature
undulatory waves that propel most fishes during through vascular heat exchangers, which include net-
swimming (Longet al., 1996). works of blood vessels in the skin (Hazel, 1993).
The integument is an important adjunct to the Antifreeze proteins are produced by fishes living
breathing equipment of some fish species. Gas in the polar oceans (Hazel, 1993); some of these are
abundant in the skin and appear to be important for metabolically active throughout all its layers. Because
protecting exterior tissues from freezing (Valerio the epidermis of most fishes contains little or no pig-
et al., 1992; Gonger al., 1996). ment and therefore appears largely transparent by
gross observation, the structural aspects of this tissue
will be described in the chapter on microscopic
anatomy (Chapter 17).
General structure

The structure of the fish integument is highly adapted

to carry out its various functions. As in other verte-
brates, the skin of all fishes consists of two layers: an The dermal layer of skin contains blood vessels
outer epidermis and an inner dermis or corium (Chapter 10), nerves (Chapter 8), scales, and adipose
(Figures 5.1-5.5). The two layers differ in origin and tissue, but the bulk of the typical dermis consists of
structure as well as function. The epidermis is essen- fibrous connective tissue (Figures 5.1-5.5). When a m

tially a cellular material, a multilayered epithelium fish is being skinned, the collagenous fibers of connec- Z
(Figures 5.1-5.5) derived from the ectoderm of the tive tissue that bind the skin to the underlying muscle m

embryo. The dermis is primarily a fibrous structure and bone are very evident. The morphological charac- c

with relatively few cells (Figures 5.1-5.5), and is teristics of most dermal features are best observed m
derived from embryonic mesenchyme of mesodermal microscopically, and are described in Chapter 17.

Stoles Ill
Epidermis The dermal structures that are usually most promi-
The thickness of the epidermis varies with fish species nent by gross observation are the scales, although
(Figures 5.1-5.5), age, different regions of the body,
and environmental conditions (Chapter 17). In most
species, the epidermis is thinner than the dermis.
these can vary in size from microscopic structures to
huge bony plates. Scales are an important component
of the dermal skeleton (Chapters 6 and 18) and usually
Keratinization of the epidermis to produce the horny are covered completely by epidermal tissue, though
surface layers characteristic of land vertebrates is rare portions of scales may protrude from the epidermal O
among fishes (Chapter 17); fish epidermis is generally surface in some species such as sharks.
Bony ridge (circulus) Z
on scale --4
Epidermis Scale ~ Z

Oer is Z

Sca,e -<

tenec~176 _.

I ~ ~ (chromatophore)
| ~ ~ ~ ~ Hypodermis
(fatty tissue)
Myoseptum ~ _ Muscle

BlOod - ~ ~ "
Anterior direction

Figure 5.1 Vertical section (longitudinal to the body) of the skin of a typical teleost (bony) fish, the yellow perch, Perca
flovescens. (Source: Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Inc.)
Figure 5.3 Fin tissue from a chondrichthyan, an adult
female smooth dogfish shark, Mustelus canis. Tooth-like
:E placoid scales (sca) are visible beneath the epidermis (ep).
UJ The basal plate (bp) of each scale is anchored in the
>- dermis, and portions of pulp cavities (pu) are visible within
Ill the scales. The remnants of epidermis (arrowed), possibly
>- damaged during sampling, suggest that some of the
< placoid scales of this species may be completely covered
I.- by epidermis. (Compare with the partially exposed scales
ILl in Figure 5.6b.) The visible dermis of the fin includes an
=E outer layer of loose connective tissue (Ict) and a layer of
dense connective tissue (dct). A chromatophore or
I- pigment cell (ch) is visible in the dermis. Scale
Z bar= 100 ~m. Hematoxylin and eosin stain. (See also
Colour Plate 3.)

Figure 5.2 Skin layers of a jawless fish, a spawning adult
Pacific lamprey, Lampetra tridentata. The components
include a thick epidermis (ep) and two layers of dermis, an
upper (outer) layer of dense collagenous tissue (dct) and a
ep eP

0 lower hypodermis (hyp) consisting largely of adipose

<: tissue. Chromatophores or pigment cells (ch) are visible in
Z the upper hypodermis, and a small section of
<: subcutaneous muscle (mu) is visible beneath the
<: hypodermis. Lampreys are scaleless. Scale bar= lO0~m.
z Hematoxylin and eosin stain. (See also Colour Plate 2.)
LL. Despite a resemblance to the superficial horny
scales occurring on reptiles, birds, and some mam- Figure 5.4 Skin layers of a juvenile steelhead trout,
0 mals, fish scales differ in structure and origin from Oncorhynchus mykiss. The thin epidermis (ep) covers and
L9 these other scale types. The scales of these other verte- wraps around the posterior (non-overlapped) portion of
brates (as well as appendages such as feathers, hair, each scale (sea). The imbricated scales lie in pockets of
dermal tissue. The layers of the dermis include an upper
hooves, nails, claws, and quills) consist largely of
layer of loose connective tissue or stratum spongiosum
keratinized epidermal tissue of ectodermal origin (Ict), a thick middle layer of dense connective tissue or
(Romer, 1968; Matoltsy and Bereiter-Hahn, 1986). In stratum compactum (dct), and a thin lower hypodermis
contrast, the scales of fishes are mineralized dermal (hyp) containing chromatophores or pigment cells (ch)
structures that are primarily of mesenchymal origin and adipose tissue. Subcutaneous muscle (mu), including
(see also Chapters 17 and 18). a myoseptum (my), is also visible. Scale bar= 100 ~m.
Hematoxylin and eosin stain. (See also Colour Plate 4.)
The type, number, and size of scales can divulge
much information about how a fish makes its living no scales at all. Bony plates or scutes are large modified
(Moyle and Cech, 1996). On a bony fish, scalation scales that serve as armor on a number of slow-
can range from a heavy coating of mail-like armor, to moving, bottom-oriented fishes such as sturgeons
a few large bony plates on the back, to a dense covering (Acipenseridae), many South American catfishes
of thin, flexible scales, to a few localized prickles, to (Loricariidae, Callichthyidae and Doradidae),
of the epidermis (Van Oosten, 1957; Raschi and
Tabit, 1992; Figures 5.3 and 5.6). The protruding
spines of placoid scales give shark skin its characteris-
tic rough texture. The structure of the placoid scale
resembles a tooth (Figure 5.6b; see also Chapter 18).
The spine consists of a cap or cone of dentine covered
with a layer of hard, transparent enameloid (Whitear,
1986; Chapter 18). A pulp cavity is enclosed within
the spine. The basal plate is perforated by one or more
openings through which blood vessels, nerves, and
lymph channels enter the pulp cavity. Placoid scales
vary in shape with modifications for a variety of
Figure 5.5 Skin layers of a short-fin eel, Anguilla australis. functions, including protection from predators
The layers include a thick epidermis (ep) and a dermis and ectoparasites, reduction of mechanical abrasion,
consisting of an upper layer of loose connective tissue or m
stratum spongiosum (Ict), a middle layer of dense
accommodation of bioluminescent and sensory z
connective tissue or stratum compactum (dct), and a organs, and reduction of frictional drag (Raschi and m

hypodermis (hyp) comprised largely of adipose tissue. Tabit, 1992). These scales may fit close together or be c
Chromatophores or pigment cells (ch) are visible in the set apart, but they usually do not overlap except m
stratum spongiosum and hypodermis. The deeply z
where they protect the lateral line canal (Chapters
embedded scales (sca) do not overlap. Muscle tissue (mu)
15.2 and 27.2). Placoid scales do not continue to grow
is visible beneath the skin. Scale bar= 100 Ixm.
Hematoxylin and eosin stain. (Source: Photomicrograph indefinitely; they may be replaced when old, worn lcl
courtesy of Dr Barbara Nowak.) (See also Colour Plate 5.) out, or lost.
The scales of bony fishes (Osteichthyes) are m
poachers (Agonidae), and pipefishes and seahorses layered plates, with bone as one of the layers il

(Syngnathidae). In contrast, the bodies of flee-swim- (Chapter 18). One structural type of scale found in
ming fishes are usually covered with typical scales,
which provide some protection against mechanical
damage without adding excessive weight. Fast-swim-
early bony fishes, the cosmoid scale, is known only
from fossil lobe-finned fishes (Sarcopterygii) such as
coelacanths and lungfishes (Van Oosten, 1957;
ming fishes and those that regularly move through Chapter 18) and is beyond the scope of this chapter
fast water tend to have numerous fine scales (e.g. on living laboratory fishes. Living coelacanths possess
trout), whereas fishes that live in quiet water and do scales that resemble cycloid or ctenoid scales of tele- -H
not continuously swim at high speeds often have ost fishes (see below) except that the upper surface is Z
rather coarse scales (e.g. perch and carp). Scaleless studded with fixed odontodes or placoid denticles --4
fishes are often bottom-dwellers in moving water (e.g. (Van Oosten, 1957; Whitear, 1986). The three genera O
sculpins), fish that frequently hide in tight places of living lungfishes have elasmoid scales of the cycloid F"
such as caves and crevices (e.g. many catfish and eels), type (Van Oosten, 1957; Whitear, 1986).
or fast-moving pelagic fish (e.g. swordfish and some One ancestral scale type of bony fishes, the
mackerel). The primitive agnathans or jawless fishes ganoid scale, is still present in some primitive actino- O
(hagfish and lampreys) are also scaleless (Figure 5.2). pterygian (ray-finned) fishes (Kerr, 1952; Van -<
Some fish that appear scaleless in fact have numerous Oosten, 1957; Whitear, 1986). Ganoid scales are often
deeply embedded scales (e.g. most tunas and anguillid rhomboidal or diamond-shaped rigid plates that
eels; Figure 5.5). slightly overlap and articulate with one another by
As indicated by their fundamental differences in peg-and-socket joints at the margins (Figure 5.7); they
structure, scales evolved independently in cartilagi- are also frequently bound together by connective tis-
nous and bony fishes (Moyle and Cech, 1996; sue fibers. Ganoid scales are least modified from their
Chapter 18). Placoid scales (also called dermal denti- ancestral form among the bichirs (Polypteridae). In
cles or isolated odontodes) are almost exclusively these fishes, the osseous basal plate is covered by a
restricted to the cartilaginous sharks, rays, and chi- layer of dentine, which is topped by a layer of enamel-
maeras (Chondrichthyes). A placoid scale typically like ganoine (Chapters 17 and 18). The scale is pene-
consists of a flattened, rectangular basal plate trated by canals carrying capillary blood vessels to
embedded in the upper layer of dermis, and a cusp or supply the tissues exterior to the scale. The scales of
spine that may project backward through the surface gars (Lepisosteidae) still have ganoine but no dentine

(b) Enameloid
(white area)
(black area) Epidermis

c P U l t P ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~

Epidermis ~t Dermis

Basal plate
(d) (e)

Figure5.6 Placoid scales (dermal denticles or isolated odontodes). (a) Shark (Squalus sp.) and enlargement of surface
view of skin showing exposed portion of placoid scales. (b) Vertical section (longitudinal to the body) of the skin and
U typical placoid scales of the shark Scylorhinus canicula. (c-e) Individual placoid scales of sharks, showing variation in form:
(c) ventral body scale of Squalus acanthias, (d) scale of Mustelus laev/s, (e) body scale of a type that does not erupt
i1 through the epidermis, from the luminescent shark Isistius brasiliensis. (Sources: (a) Drawing of fish modified from Figure
5-3A sharks: spiny dogfish, p. 71 in Moyle, 1993, after photos by Chris Marl van Dyck, courtesy of Monterey Bay
9c,r Aquarium; detail of placoid scales from Figure 2-6C placoid, p. 22 in Moyle, 1993; copyright 9 1993 and 2000 by Chris
k9 Marl van Dyck. (b) From Goodrich, 1909, reprinted by A. Asher & Co., 1964. (c) After Sayles and Herskowitz, 1937. (d) From
Hertwig, 1874. (e) Modified from Reif, 1985; reproduced with permission from Blackwell Science Ltd.)

layer (Figure 5.7b). Odontodes or denticles may pro- are not ganoid, but rather have become elasmoid scales
ject from the surface of the scales of some bichirs and of the cycloid type, very similar to those of teleosts
gars (Figure 5.7a and b); their presence may be transi- (Van Oosten, 1957; Whitear, 1986; see below).
tory in gars, occurring only in juvenile or regenerating The vast majority of living bony fishes are
scales (Sire, 1994). The sturgeons (Acipenseridae) and teleosteans, and most of these possess elasmoid
paddlefish (Polydontidae) have reduced the dermal (bony-ridge) scales (Lagler et al., 1977; Whitear,
ossification to bony scutes without ganoine or den- 1986). Elasmoid scales lack dentine and ganoine and
tine; scutes are present only as isolated vestigial denti- are usually reduced to thin, flexible, transparent struc-
cles in paddlefish but exist as rows of large articulated tures consisting of a basal plate of collagenous tissue,
bucklers and small denticles in sturgeon. In one primi- with superficial mineralization (Chapters 17 and
tive actinopterygian, the bowfin (Amia), the scales 18). In fact, the scales of teleosts can represent an
Articulating / Epidermis
~ s c a l e s

Denticle Z
(odontode) ,-I
(b) Ganoine layer C
of scale Denticle rrl
(black area) Epidermis (odontode) Z
Dermis -<
Vascular Scale Collagen fibers

(c) Articulating
canal (Sharpey's fibers)

(d) Articulating


Edge of ganoine layer
Figure 5.7 Ganoid scales. (a) Gar (Lepisosteus osseus) showing pattern of scalation, and enlargement of ganoid scales
showing articulating processes (peg-and-socket joints) and slight overlapping of scales beneath the epidermis. (b)
Vertical section (longitudinal to the scale row) of the skin and ganoid scales of a gar, Lepisosteus. sp. (c) Individual ganoid
scale of a gar, Lepisosteus sp. (d) Individual ganoid scale of a bicher, Polypterus sp. (Sources: (a) Drawing offish courtesy of
Stewart Alcorn, copyright 9 by Stewart Alcorn 2000; detail of ganoid scales after Goodrich, 1909, reprinted by A. Asher &
Co., 1964. (b) Modified from Goodrich, 1909, reprinted by A. Asher & Co., 1964. (c) After Lagler et al., 1977, copyright
9 1977 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (d) After Kerr, 1952.)

important internal reservoir of calcium (Simkiss, facing denticles that are often present on their edges
1973; Bereiter-Hahn and Zylberberg, 1993; Persson (Figure 5.8e) may be involved in the mechanical
et al., 1998; see also Chapter 18). Elasmoid scales anchoring of the scale into the covering dermis (Sire,
(Figure 5.8) are usually marked by calcified concentric 1986). Uncalcified grooves called radii or sulci con-
ridges (bony ridges) called circuli or striae (Figures verge on the scale focus and allow flexibility (Figure
5.1 and 5.8a and e). The circuli and the backward- 5.8a and e).
(a) Overlapped a r e a Non-overlapped area
(anterior) / (posterior)
F~ ~ ~ 1 ~ 1

"-- ~ Radius
~ (sulcus)

Bony ridge 7 \
(circulus) / ~ Pigment cell
Radius from attached skin

(b) (c) (d)



I-- Overlapped area

Z (anterior) Non-overlapped area
(e) Denticles f ~ ~ /// (posterior)
on edges
of circuli ubercles

@ Radii ~ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cteni

A n n u l u s ~
-" Pigment cell from
O / \ attached skin
I-- Focus Bony ridge
Z (circulus)

O Figure 5.8 Elasmoid scales of teleost fish. (a) Cycloid scale showing morphological features. (b-d) Examples of cycloid
k9 scales. (b) Burbot, Lota Iota. (c) eel, Anguilla rostrata. (d) goldfish, Carassius auratus. (e) Ctenoid scale showing
morphological features, if-h) Examples of ctenoid scales. (f) Perch, Perca sp. (g) beaked sandfish, Gonorhynchus
gonorhynchus. (h) trout-perch, Percopsis sp. (Sources: (a) Modifed from a drawing courtesy of the Michigan Institute for
Fisheries Research. (b) and (c) From Lagler, 1947. (d) From Yamada, 1961. (e) Modified from Sire, 1986 and Kuusipalo,
1998. (f) and (h) from Lagler et al., 1977, copyright 9 1977 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission of
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (g) After Roberts, 1993.)

Elasmoid scales are most commonly grouped into Kuusipalo, 1998). The cycloid scale is generally a
two general types, cycloid and ctenoid, which are round, thin, flat scale (Figure 5.8 a-d). Ctenoid scales
characterized on the basis of their surface sculpture. are similar to cycloid scales but have stiff comb-like
Variations in scale morphology have been used in projections (cteni or ctenii), soft projections (ciliated
phylogenetic studies and classification of various cteni), or short tubercles or grains in the posterior
fish groups (Lagler et al., 1977; Lippitsch, 1990, 1992, area (Figure 5.8e-h). The function of the cteni
1993, 1998; Roberts, 1993; Moyle and Cech, 1996; or other posterior projections (collectively called
granulation) is not well understood, but they may (Figure 5.8e), whereas the non-overlapped area of
improve the hydrodynamic efficiency of swimming cycloid scales often has less distinct circuli than the
by affecting the profile of the overlying epidermis, anterior area (Lagler et al., 1977; Figure 5.8a). In some
thus assisting in breaking the vortices caused by the fishes, the posterior edge of the scale approaches the
swimming fish and thereby reducing drag (Burdak, epidermis, which forms only a slight indentation or
1969; Sire, 1986). tuck beneath the scale (Figure 5.9b), whereas in other
Cycloid scales are characteristic of the more pri- (usually pelagic) species both the scale and the cover-
mitive teleosts with soft-rayed fins - fishes such as ing epidermis protrude and overlap the epidermis
trout (Salmonidae), minnows (Cyprinidae), and her- that covers the scale behind (Figures 5.4 and 5.9c).
ring (Clupeidae). Ctenoid scales are found on many Certain fish such as burbots (Lota) and immature
spiny-rayed fishes (Acanthopterygii) such as perch adult freshwater eels (Anguilla) have mosaic patterns
(Percidae), most mullets (Mugilidae), and scorpion- of scalation (Lagler et al., 1977; Pankhurst, 1982);
fishes (Scorpaenidae). However, certain soft-rayed rather than overlapping one another, the scales are
fishes such as a few of the characins (Characidae) minutely separated or meet adjacent scales only at
have ctenoid-like contact organs on their scales (Lagler the margins (Figures 5.5 and 5.9d and e). z
et al., 1977). Conversely, some spiny-rayed fishes such During development of a teleost fish, the first I'1"1

as the brook silverside (Labidesthes) and wrasses scales usually form on the caudal peduncle and the c
(Labridae) have cycloid scales exclusively (Lagler et pattern of scalation spreads from that point (Van H'I
al., 1977; Moyle and Cech, 1996). Both cycloid and cte- Oosten, 1957), although scale development may
noid scales may be present on the same individual of begin simultaneously in more than one region of the
certain fish species; the mud dab (Lirnanda) and the body in some species (Sire and Arnulf, 1990). Scale
freshwater basses (Micropterus) are among the fishes counts, such as scale numbers in the lateral line or
in which this occurs (Van Oosten, 1957; Lagler et al., around the body of adult fish, are used in taxonomic I'1"1
1977). Additionally, the scale types observed may dif- studies (Lagler et al., 1977). il

fer depending on the age (Sire, 1986; Kuusipalo, 1998) Growth of the formed elasmoid scale generally
or sex (Moyle and Cech, 1996) of a fish.
Lippitsch (1990) suggested that the distinction
continues throughout life. Circuli mark successive
stages in the growth of the scale (Figures 5.1 and 5.8).
between cycloid and ctenoid scales is superficial Periods of slow growth are discernible on magnified
because numerous variations of both scale types and scales as closely spaced circuli; when these occur on
transitions between the two types are found, some- an annual basis they are termed annuli (Figure 5.8a
times on the same fish. Furthermore, the considerable and e). The formation of annuli or accessory annuli
variation that occurs among scales with spine-like pro- (discontinuity of circuli that do not represent an c
jections in the posterior field - ranging from out- annual cycle) may occur with decreased metabolism
growths of the posterior margin (crenae) to discrete and appetite in cold seasons, fasting periods asso- 5
spines ('true' cteni) formed as ossifications separate ciated with spawning or unavailability of food, partial F"
from the scale plate-prompted Roberts (1993) to sug- scale decalcification and resorption in females with
developing eggs and young, or mechanical injury z
gest the term 'spined' scales for all scales possessing
posterior projections, to distinguish them from (Van Oosten, 1957; Moyle and Cech, 1996). Specific O
cycloid scales without projections. Roberts (1993) patterns of scale growth and morphology are used in -<
further characterized the spined scales as crenate, fish life history and growth studies (Bugaev, 1992;
spinoid, or ctenoid, depending on the morphological Welch et al., 1993; Kingsford and Atkinson, 1994;
features of the projections. Ogle et al., 1994; Moyle and Cech, 1996; Machias et
Patterns of scalation are fundamentally asso- al., 1998) and for stock identification (Unwin and
ciated with body segmentation (Lagler et al., 1977) as Lucas, 1993; Okhuma, 1998). Manipulations of water
manifested initially during embryonic development temperature and feeding regimes also are used to
by the vertebrae (Chapter 6) and myomeres (Chapter induce distinctive marks on fish scales for batch-mark-
7). In arrangement, elasmoid scales are most often ing of fish for later identification of specific groups
overlapping (imbricated) like shingles on a roof, with (Willett, 1994; Bigelow and White, 1996). An advan-
the free margin directed toward the posterior of the tage of using scales rather than certain other hard
fish so as to minimize friction with the water (Figure structures such as vertebrae or otoliths (ear bones)
5.9a-c). The cteni of ctenoid scales are located on the for these studies is that scales can be sampled without
posterior area that is not overlapped by other scales killing the fish.
Overlapped in
area of scale~ ~ : ~ I l ~P~dee~n~is
(dark stippling) scales
~ ~ - - !' .~;~.l .- .- 1"]

area of scale
(b) Epidermal tuck

~__ ~'-.~
Dermis ~_~..~.~.-., ~

Scale Dense Hypodermis Dense

Hypodermis connective connective
I-- (fatty tissue) tissue
Z (fatty tissue) tissue
(stratum compactum)

@ Sca'e 1
>- ~ " : 1 I-Epidermis
l~i~,"/ 89 II covering r
0 I ~'fJ t~/scales - '~'
< Dermis
0 Scale Denseconnective

tissue (stratum
u compactum)
1.1_ Figure 5.9 Scalation patterns of some teleost fishes. (a) Goldfish, Carossius auratus showing typical pattern of
overlapping (imbricating) scales beneath the epidermis. (b) Vertical section (longitudinal to the body) of the skin of a
O minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus, showing a thick epidermis with slightly imbricated scales beneath. (c) Vertical section
(longitudinal to the body) of the skin of an Atlantic mackerel, Scomber scombrus, showing protrusion of the posterior
portion of each scale and its epidermal covering, which overlap the scale behind. (d) Skin of an eel, Anguilla sp., showing
non-overlapping pattern of scales. (e) Vertical section (longitudinal to the body) of the skin of an eel, Anguilla anguilla,
showing non-overlapping scales beneath the epidermis. (Sources: (a) Drawing of fish courtesy of Stewart Alcorn,
copyright 9 by Stewart Alcorn 2000. (b) After Whitear, 1986, copyright 9 by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
(c) After Roberts and Bullock, 1980 and Whitear, 1986. (d) Drawing of fish from Leim and Scott, 1966, courtesy of Fisheries
and Oceans Canada; reproduced with the permission of Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada 2000. Detail of scales
modified from Pankhurst, 1982. (e) Modified from Pankhurst and Lythgoe, 1982.)

Some scales (usually cycloid) lie in shallow pock- remove, as in the pikeperch (Stizosteodon). In certain
ets and are easily rubbed off. Deciduous scales are species scale shedding is related to specific habits or
characteristic of fishes such as shiners (Notropis) and life stages. For example, considerable scale loss occurs
smelt (Osmerus). Other scales (especially ctenoid in common gobies (Pomatoschistus microps) when
scales) are more deeply embedded and are difficult to they reach sexual maturity and engage in nest-building
(burrowing) and spawning activities (Fouda and
Miller, 1979), and the scales of juvenile Pacific salmon
(Oncorhynchus spp.) become more deciduous during
smoltification and migration into sea water (Bouck
and Smith, 1979). Most teleost fish lose their scales
at least once during their life (Bereiter-Hahn and
Zylberberg, 1993). However, both the lost scales and
the overlying epidermis that is torn when the scales
are shed usually regenerate quickly (Bereiter-Hahn
and Zylberberg, 1993; Chapter 17).

Modified scales
Placoid scales of sharks and their relatives may be

enlarged or fused to form defensive weapons, which z

are particularly effective when associated with m
venom glands (Chapter 17; Van Oosten, 1957; Lagler c
et al., 1977). Examples of denticles modified as spines m
include the dorsal fin spines of the spiny dogfish .-I
(Squalus) and chimaeroids (Chimaera, Hydrolagus), :0
and the tail-spine or 'stinger' of sting rays Ul
(Dasyatidae). .<
Not all teleost scales are classically cycloid or "-I
ctenoid (or spinoid); many modifications exist (Van
Figure 5.10 Spinous scale of a toothbrush leatherjacket,
Oosten, 1957; Lagler et al., 1977; Whitear, 1986).
Specially perforated and sometimes tubulated scales
provide surface outlets for the lateral line sensory
Acanthaluteres vittiger. This type of scale gives members of
the family Monacanthidae their common name of'filefish.'
(a) Spinous scale (spl] embedded in the dermis. Adjacent
canal (Chapter 15.2). Scales at the base of the tail of sur- non-spinous scales (sea) are also visible. The outer
epidermis (ep) and two layers of dermis - a layer of loose
geonfish (Acanthurus) are modified into two knife- ;O
connective tissue or stratum spongiosum (Ict) and a layer O
like spines that are carried in sheaths of skin but dense connective tissue or stratum compactum (dct) - can
swing out in an attack. Spinous scales are also found be seen. (b) Portion of spinous scale (spl] that protrudes -H
in teleosts such as the batfish (Ogocephalus), frogfish from the surface of the skin. Even the protruding portion Z
(Antennarius), triggerfishes (Balistes) and filefishes (spinule) is covered by epidermis (ep). Scale bars = 1O0 I~m. --t
(Monacanthus; Figure 5.10). The porcupine fishes Hematoxylin and eosin stain. (Source: Photomicrographs O
courtesy of Dr Barbara Nowak.) (See also Colour Plate 6.) Z
(Diodontidae) and puffers (Tetraodontidae) bear
numerous sharp bony spines that stand erect when
the fish inflates its body. Other fish such as the pipe-
fishes and seahorses (Syngnathidae) possess a dermal Integumentary extensions ---4
skeleton of bony plates arranged segmentally to form E
a semi-rigid case. South American armored catfishes Fishes have evolved awide variety of integumentation,
(e.g. Callichthyidae) are protected with large, bony including extensions of the skin. Barbels, for example,
plates or scutes bearing tooth-like structures (odon- are extensions which have developed independently
todes) similar to those of ancient craniates (Figure in many taxa as accessory feeding structures that
5.11; Sire and Huysseune, 1996). Perhaps the most carry sensory organs (Chapter 15.3). Barbels of differ-
extreme examples of protective armor are the rigid ent structure and location are present on sturgeons
encasements of trunkfishes (Ostraciidae) which rival (Acipenseridae), marine and freshwater catfishes
those of the most completely boxed turtles. (Siluriformes), goatfishes (Mullidae), and some
Evidence exists that certain elements of the der- Cypriniformes such as carp (Cyprinus carpio) and
mal skeleton such as odontodes, some scale types, loaches (Cobitidae).
and some fin rays may have derived from dental The sargassum fish (Histrio) and seadragon (e.g.
tissues. The evolutionary relationships among these Phyllopteryx) are the most frequently cited examples
various structures are discussed in Chapter 18. of the extension of skin into flaps. Protective
covering scutes

Denticle .... ~.',f(" ~

(odontode) I=Pl~ ~J~,'~ .L bt

Scute%~\!}~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ Vascular Denticle
~ ~ f ~ ~ m n ~ F = -cana I (odontode)
Collagen fibers Dense
>- (Sharpey's fibers) connective (c)
t/1 tissue (stratum
>- compactum) Denticle


Figure 5.11 Scutes (bony plates) of a teleost, the armored catfish Corydoras aeneus. (a) C. aeneus showing location of
the two rows of scutes beneath the epidermis. (b) Vertical section (longitudinal to the body) of the skin of C. aeneus
showing orientation of scutes and denticles (odontodes) beneath the epidermis. The tips of some odontodes may
< protrude through the epidermis. (c) Dorsal scute from the caudal peduncle of C. aeneus. (Sources: (a) Drawing offish from
z Sterba, 1959. (b) After Bhatti, 1938 and Whitear, 1986. (c) Modified from Sire and Huysseune, 1996; reproduced with
< permission from Balackwell Science Ltd.)
resemblance to the seaweed in which they hide is the
function ascribed to the flaps in these fishes (Lagler
ii et al., 1977). Less prominent skin extensions in other
fishes such as scorpionfishes (Scorpaena), combined Among my colleagues at the Western Fisheries
9 with mottled coloration, probably aid camouflage as Research Center, I thank Carla Aiwohi for extensive
LD well. technical assistance and library research, and Ronald
Certain skin extensions assist in reproduction, Pascho for his helpful review of the manuscript.
and may be shed or reduced in size after the breeding I am indebted to Dr Barbara Nowak, School of
season. Keratinized pearl organs or nuptial tubercles Aquaculture, University of Tasmania, Launceston,
of Cypriniformes and certain other fishes (Chapter Tasmania, Australia, for several of the photographs
17) function primarily in facilitating contact between used in this chapter. I thank Dr Susan Gutenberger
individuals during spawning (Wiley and Collette, of the Lower Columbia River Fish Health Center (U.S.
1970). However, the antler-like nuptial tubercles of Fish and Wildlife Service, Underwood, Washington,
breeding male stonerollers (Campostoma anomala) USA) for providing lamprey skin tissues, and Dr
are used to defend nests against intruding males George Sanders, Department of Comparative Medi-
(Moyle and Cech, 1996). Tissue outgrowths on the cine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington,
abdominal skin or fins of skin-brooding fishes enable USA, for providing shark fin tissues. I am grateful to
the attachment of eggs to the skin (Wetzel et al., Stewart Alcorn, School of Fisheries, University of
1997). Washington, for the drawing of a gar and goldfish.
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