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Responsibilities of College Supervisors within Piedmont's Inquiry-Based Induction Program

• Act as a liaison between the fellow, the school/district, and the Piedmont College WWTF
• Build a positive, trusting, collaborative relationship/ learning environment
• Build P-20 collaborative resources
• Assist in the creation and facilitation of the fellow's individualized induction plan
• Provide and support professional development for the fellow and the mentor
• Schedule and facilitate triad meetings
• Provide timely and constructive feedback to the fellow and the mentor
• Monitor collaboration between fellow and mentor
• Maintain supervision and resource log
• Create and maintain supervision notebook
• Attend scheduled WWTF meetings

Selection Criteria for College Supervisors

• Commitment to the Piedmont College WWTF program
• Positive attitude and willingness to accept change/innovation
• Experience with clinical supervision
• Knowledge of Inquiry-Based Learning
• Knowledge of TKES or Intern Keys
• Approval from program director and/or curriculum director for the Piedmont College WWTF program

Support for College Supervisors

• Piedmont College WWTF faculty including
- Program Director/ Associate Dean of the School of Education
- Curriculum Director
- Site Coordinators
- Content Mentors
• Piedmont College faculty including
- Director of Teacher Education
- Coordinator of Clinical Experiences
- Assessment director for the School of Education
• North East Georgia P-20 Collaborative
• Eastern Georgia P-20 Collaborative
• School Administrators
• The National WWTF program

Assessment of College Supervisors' Proficiency

• Supervision log
• Resource log
• Supervisor Notebook including meeting agendas, observation notes, written feedback to fellow and mentor, and
communication with school and district administrators
• Participation in professional development activities
• Evaluation by Fellow
• Evaluation by Mentor
• Evaluation by Piedmont College WWTF designee

College Supervisor's Portfolio Requirements

I. Pre-evaluation of Skills
A. Induction Level Teacher
1. Summary of Evaluation Materials from Novice Teacher's Previous Clinical Experience
(The following items should be available in the novice teacher's notebook)

a. SWOT Analysis
b. GAPS Analysis
c. Summary of Intern Keys Performance
d. edTPA Results
2. Evaluation Materials from Pre-Planning
a. Novice Teacher's TKES self-assessment
b. Initial Interview/Pairs Training
B. Mentor Teacher
1. Summary of Mentor's Self-Assessments
(The following items should be available in the mentor teacher's notebook)
a. Soft Skills Inventory
b. Collaboration Questionnaire
c. Leadership Survey
d. LKES Self-Assessment
II. Assessment Resources
A. TKES Standards
B. School Improvement Plan
III. Monthly Inquiry-Based Induction
A. Planning Phase
1. Selection of focus question/problem/assumption
2. Completion of planning template
B. Investigation Phase (include evidence of one or more of the following)
1. List of Any Research
2. List of Any Data Provided
3. Copies of Written Feedback to Induction Level or Mentor Teacher
4. Description of Any Collaborations with Colleagues Organized by the Supervisor
5. Copies of Observation Data for Induction Level or Mentor Teacher
C. Evaluation Phase
1. Reflection
a. Mentor's self-reflection on the topic
b. Induction Level Teacher's Reflection
2. Summary of Discussion or Questioning Based on Socratic Method
(May include one or more of the following participants beyond the traid)
a. Cohort
b. Induction or Mentor Teachers' Colleagues/Department
c. PC-WWTF cohort 2
d. College Faculty
e. P-20 Collaborative
D. Next Steps (include one or more of the following next steps for the mentor and for the protégé)
1. Sharing learning with others
2. Changes in classroom practices
3. Addressing student needs
4. Igniting interest in STEM
5. Addressing School Improvement Issues
6. Continuing professional development
IV. Resources
A. Resource Log
B. List of Any Resources Provided to Induction Level Teacher
1. Human Resources
2. Technological Resources
3. Physical Resources
4. STEM Resources
VI. Contact Log
V. Meeting Agendas for Triad and Program Level Meeting

College Supervisor Professional Development

Type Time Frame Description

Program Summer Before Year 1 - Guiding Framework/Review of Inquiry-Based Learning
Training - Roles, Responsibilities, and Program Expectations
- Mentoring Role and Effective Practices
- Understanding the Novice Teacher
- Establishing Rapport
- Structuring Critical Conversations
Pairs Training Summer Before Year 1 - Introduction to Fellow
- Team Building within Triads
Yearly Renewal Spring - Piedmont Educator Renewal Conference (PERC)
Session Years 1, 2, & 3
Supervisor On-Going - Evaluating and Supporting Effective Teaching
Training - Evaluating and Supporting Effective Mentoring
- Understanding the Induction Process
- Meaningful Mentoring
- Constructive Feedback/ Critical Conservations

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