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In general 1. There is income, gain or profit
2. The income, gain or profit is received or realized Page | 1
during the taxable year; (known as the
Q1.What is an income?
realization concept) and
3. The income, gain or profit is not exempt from
Income means the gain derived from capital, from 3
income tax.
labor, or from both combined, including profits gained
from dealings in property or as well as any asset
clearly realized whether earned or not. Q3.1. What is the difference between
income and capital?
It refers to all wealth which flows into the taxpayer
other than as a mere return on capital. (RR No.2) Income is distinct from capital. Income means all the
wealth which flows into the taxpayer other than a
Q2.What is an income tax? mere return on capital while capital is a fund or
property existing at one distinct point in time while
Income Tax is a tax on the net income or the entire income denotes a flow of wealth during a definite
income received or realized in one taxable year. It is period of time. Income is gain derived and severed
levied upon corporate and individual incomes in from capital. (see CHAMBER OF REAL ESTATE AND
excess of specified amounts, less certain deductions BUILDER’S ASSOCIATION, INC. V. ROMULO [M ARCH 9,
and/or specified exemptions permitted by law. 2010]).

The final tax on certain passive incomes and Income as contrasted with capital or property is to be
withholding tax on income are embraced within the the test. The essential difference between capital and
term. income is that capital is a fund; income is a flow. A
fund of property existing at an instant of time is called
In CONWI V. CTA [AUGUST 31, 1992], the Supreme capital. A flow of services rendered by that capital by
Court defined income tax as an amount of money the payment of money from it or any other benefit
coming to a person or corporation within a specified rendered by a fund of capital in relation to such fund
time, whether as payment for services, interest, or through a period of time is called an income. Capital
profit from investment. is wealth, while income is the service of wealth. A tax
on income is not a tax on property. "Income," as here
As stated by the Supreme Court in REPUBLIC OF THE used, can be defined as "profits or gains." (see
[NOVEMBER 15, 2002], income tax is imposed on an
individual or entity as a form of excise tax or a tax on Q3.1.1 Are stock dividends income or
the privilege of earning income. In exchange for the capital?
protection extended by the State to the taxpayer, the
government collects taxes as a source of revenue to Generally, stock dividends represent capital and do
finance its activities. not constitute as income to its recipient. Mere
issuance thereof is not yet subject to income tax as
Q3.When is income taxable? (or what are the they are nothing but an enrichment through increase
elements of a taxable income?) in value of capital investment. Such are considered

Income, gain or profit is subject to income tax when

the following conditions are present: 1
As opposed to mere reimbursements or return on capital.
As opposed to the common examples of unrealized forex gains or
mere revaluation increments.
Examples of those exempt from income tax: de minimis benefits
and professional fees of GPPs.



This reviewer is a compilation of personal notes in Taxation One and notes and lectures from Atty. Gruba and Atty. Montero. References have
also been made to the following books: DE LEON & DE LEON, JR. THE FUNDAMENTALS OF TAXATION (2012); DE LEON & DE LEON, JR.
reviewer is best used with SACADALAN-CASASOLA, NIRC AND OTHER LAWS (2012).

Possessors are granted the right to reproduce and distribute this reviewer as well as the right to convert the work to any medium for the
purpose of preservation and/or continued distribution provided that the author’s name remains clearly associated with the work and that no
alterations of the form and content are made.
unrealized gain and cannot be subjected to income Q3.3. What is the constructive receipt
tax until that gain has been realized. doctrine?
As explained by the Supreme Court in FISHER V. The constructive receipt doctrine provides than an
TRINIDAD [OCTOBER 30, 1922], when a corporation item is treated as income when it is credited to the
issues stock dividends, it shows that the corporation’s account of the, or made unconditionally available to
accumulated profits have been capitalized, instead of the taxpayer; no physical possession is required.
distributed to the stockholders or retained as surplus
available for distribution. The stockholder receives Income is received not only when it is actually
nothing out of the corporate assets for his separate handed to a taxpayer but also when it is merely
use and benefit but a representation of his increased constructively received by him. In LIMPAN INVESTMENT
interest in the capital of the corporation. The capital V. CIR [JULY 26, 1966], the lessees opted to deposit
still belongs to the corporation as there is no their payments when the lessor refused to accept the
separation of interest. same in 1957. The lessor did not report these
payments in his 1957 income tax return. The
However, stock dividends constitute as income if a Supreme Court held that the failure to report the said
corporation redeems stock issued so as to make a rental income is unjustified as, when the payments
distribution. This is essentially equivalent to the were deposited, the lessor was deemed to have
distribution of a taxable dividend the amount so constructive received such rentals.
distributed in the redemption considered as taxable
Overview of the Philippine Income Tax
Q3.2. Are money received as damages
income? Q4.What are the features of the Philippine tax
U.S. 426], Glenshaw Co was engaged in a proracted The Philippine tax system is:
litigation with Hartford-Empire Co where the former 1. Direct
demanded exemplary damages for fraud and treble 2. Progressive
damages for injury to its business by reason of the 3. Semi-schedular, semi-global
latter’s violation of federal antitrust laws. The parties
settled. Glenshaw did not report the money received Q4.1. What are the kinds of income tax
as damages from the settlement in its income tax systems?
return. The Commissioner assessed Glenshaw for
the deficiency. Glenshaw contended that punitive The types of income tax systems adopted are as
damages, as windfalls flowing from culpable conduct follows:
of third parties are not taxable income. The US
Supreme Court held that money received as 1. Global Tax System – where the taxpayer is
damages must be reported as they constitute required to lump up all items of income earned
income. The mere fact that such payments were during a taxable period and pay under a single
extracted from wrongdoers cannot detract from their set of income tax rates on these different items of
character as taxable income. The Court also stated income. (Simply put, varying taxes are imposed
that punitive damages cannot be classified as gifts. on passive income)

In MURPHY V. IRS [493 F.3d 170], the US Court of 2. Schedular Tax System – where there are
Appeals (District of Columbia), held that the amount different tax treatments of different types of
received as compensatory damages for emotional income so that a separate tax return is required
distress and loss of reputation constitutes taxable to be filed for each type of income and the tax is
income. computed on a per return or per schedule basis.

Direct taxes are those taxes wherein both the tax liability as well
The exception to the rule that stock dividends do not constitute as the impact or burden of the tax falls on the same person
income shall be discussed more extensively later. Knowing that Progressive taxes are those taxes imposed where the tax rate
there is an exception exists will suffice for now. increases as the tax base increases


(Simply put, one rate for all types of gross 6. Capital gains tax on sale or exchange of real
income). property located in the Philippines and classified
as a capital asset
3. Semi-Schedular or Semi-Global Tax System – 7. Final withholding tax on certain passive
where the tax system is either (a) global (e.g. investment incomes
taxpayer with compensation income not subject 8. Fringe benefit tax
to final withholding tax or business or 9. Branch profit remittance tax; and
professional income or mixed income – 10. Tax on improperly accumulated earnings.
compensation and business or professional
income) or (b) schedular (e.g. taxpayer with Definition of Terms
compensation, capital gains, passive income, or
other income subject to final withholding tax) or
Q5.Define the following terms:
(c) both global and schedular may be applied
depending on the nature of the income realized
by the taxpayer during the year. In Section 22(A) to (I), (Z), (GG), and (HH), Tax
Q4.2. How do you distinguish
Person An individual, a trust, estate or
“schedular treatment from “global corporation
treatment” as used in income Corporation Includes partnerships, no matter
taxation? how created or organized, joint-
stock companies, joint accounts,
Under the schedular tax system, the various types of associations, or insurance
income (i.e. compensation; business/professional companies but does not include
income) are classified accordingly and are accorded general professional
different tax treatments, in accordance with partnerships and a joint venture
schedules characterized by graduated tax rates. or consortium formed for the
Since these types of income are treated separately, purpose of undertaking
the allowable deductions shall likewise vary for each construction projects or
type of income. engaging in petroleum and other
energy operations pursuant to
On the other hand, under the global tax system, all an operating agreement under a
income received by the taxpayer are grouped service contract with the
together, without any distinction as to type or nature Government
of the income, and after deducting therefrom General Partnerships formed by persons
expenses and other allowable deductions, are Professional for the sole purpose of
subjected to tax at a graduated or fixed rate (see TAN Partnerships exercising their common
VS. DEL ROSARIO [OCTOBER 3, 1994]). (GPPs) profession, no part of the income
of which is derived from
Q4.3. What are the types of Philippine engaging in any trade or
Income Tax (under Title II of the business
NIRC)? Domestic When applied to a corporation,
(Corporation) means created or organized in
The types of Income tax under Title II of the NIRC the Philippines or under its laws
are: Foreign When applied to a corporation,
1. Graduated income tax on individuals (Corporation) means a corporation which is
2. Normal corporate income tax on corporations not domestic
3. Minimum corporate income tax on corporations Nonresident The term means a citizen of the
4. Special income tax on certain corporations (e.g. citizen Philippines:
private educational institutions, FCDUs, and 1. who establishes to the
international carriers) satisfaction of the
5. Capital gains tax on sale or exchange of unlisted Commissioner the fact of his
shares of stock of a domestic corporation physical presence abroad
classified as a capital asset with intention to reside


2. who leaves the Philippines In Section 31, 35(B), and 39(A), Tax Code:
during the taxable year to
reside abroad either as an Taxable the pertinent items of gross
immigrant or for employment Income income specified in the NIRC
on a permanent basis less the deductions and/or
3. who works and derives personal and additional
income from abroad and exemptions, if any, authorized
whose employment thereat for such types of income by the
requires him to be physically NIRC or other special laws
present abroad most of the Dependent a legitimate, illegitimate or
time during the taxable year. legally adopted child chiefly
4. who has been previously dependent upon and living with
considered a non-resident the taxpayer if such dependent
citizen and who arrives in is not more than twenty-one (21)
the Philippines at any time years of age, unmarried and not
during the taxable year to gainfully employed or if such
reside permanently in the dependent, regardless of age, is
Philippines with respect to incapable of self-support
his income derived from because of mental or physical
sources abroad until date of defect
his arrival in the Philippines Capital Assets property held by the taxpayer
(whether or not connected with
Resident alien An individual whose residence is his trade or business, EXCEPT:
within the Philippines and who is
not a citizen thereof 1. Stock in trade of the
Nonresident An individual whose residence is taxpayer or other property
alien not within the Philippines and of a kind which would
who is not a citizen thereof properly be included in the
Resident A foreign corporation engaged in inventory of the taxpayer if
foreign trade or business within the on hand at the close of the
corporation Philippines taxable year
Nonresident A foreign corporation not
foreign engaged in trade or business 2. Property held by the
corporation within the Philippines taxpayer primarily for sale to
Ordinary Includes any gain from the sale customers in the ordinary
Income or exchange of property which is course of his trade or
not a capital asset or property business
described in Section 39(A)(1)
Statutory Refers to the rate fixed by the 3. Property used in trade or
Minimum Regional Tripartite Wage and business of a character that
Wage Productivity Boar, as defined by is subject to allowance for
the Bureau of Labor and depreciation
Employment Statistics (BLES) of
DOLE. 4. Real property used in trade
Minimum A worker in the private sector or business of the taxpayer
Wage earner paid the statutory minimum Net Capital the excess of the gains from
wage or to an employee in the Gain sales or exchanges of capital
public sector with compensation assets over the losses from such
income of not more than the sales or exchanges
statutory minimum wage in the Net Capital the excess of the losses from
non-agricultural sector where loss sales or exchanges of capital
he/she is assigned assets over the gains from such
sales or exchanges

which defines what capital assets are and those which are not.


Q6.What are the kinds of income taxpayers?8
1. Those who are citizens of the Philippines at
The kinds of income taxpayers under Title II of the the time of the adoption of the Constitution
NIRC are: 2. Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens
of the Philippines
A. Individuals 3. Those born before January 17, 1973 of
1. Citizens (Section 24, NIRC) Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine
a. Resident Citizens Citizenship upon reaching the age of
b. Nonresident Citizens majority; and
2. Aliens 4. Those who are naturalized in accordance
a. Resident Aliens (Section 24, NIRC) with law
b. Nonresident Aliens (Section 25,
NIRC) Q8.Who is a non-resident alien?
i. Engaged in trade or business in
the Philippines A non-resident alien is an individual whose residence
ii. Not engaged in trade or business is within the Philippines and who is not a citizen
in the Philippines thereof.
3. Estates and Trusts (Section 60, NIRC)
a. Revocable trust Q8.1. How is the residency of an alien
b. Irrevocable trust determined?
B. Corporations
1. Domestic Corporations (Section 27, An alien is considered a non-resident if he stays here
NIRC) for a definite short period of time.
2. Foreign Corporations (Section 28, NIRC)
a. Resident foreign corporations An alien will be considered a resident if the stay here
b. Nonresident foreign corporations is either:
3. Partnerships
a. Taxable partnership (Section 73(D), 1. definite and extended;
NIRC) 2. indefinite
b. Exempt partnership
i. General Professional Partnership In GARRISON V. CA [JULY 19, 1990], in resolving the
(Section 26, NIRC) contention of US nationals that they cannot be
ii. Joint venture or consortium considered resident aliens as they intend to go back
undertaking construction activity to the US on termination of their employment in the
or engaged in petroleum Philippines, the Supreme Court held that what the
operations with operating law requires is merely physical or bodily presence in
contract with the government a given place for a period of time, not the intention to
make it a permanent place of abode.
Resident citizens and resident aliens
The Supreme Court further held that, as laid clearly in
Q7.Who are citizens of the Philippines?9 RR No. 2, whether an alien is a transient or not is
determined by his intentions with regard to the length
The following are considered citizens of the and nature of his stay. A mere floating intention
Philippines: indefinite as to time, to return to another country is
not sufficient to constitute him as a transient. If he
Before proceeding to income proper, it is important to know the
different kinds of taxpayers first. This is because in analyzing any
lives in the Philippines and has no definite intention
problem involving income taxation, the first thing to do is to as to his stay, he is a resident. One who comes to
determine who the taxpayer is. The only two exceptions where the Philippines for a definite purpose, which in its
knowing the taxpayer is immaterial are where the transaction nature may be promptly accomplished, is a
involves sales of shares of stock of a domestic corporation 11
because it is subject to 1% of stock transaction tax or 5%/10%
transient. But if his purpose is of such a nature that
capital gains tax on net capital gain whether the seller is an an extended stay may be necessary for its
individual, citizen or alien or a corporation, domestic or foreign and accomplishment, and to that end the alien makes the
(2) where the real property sold is a capital asset located in the
Philippines which is subject to 6% capital gains tax.
9 10
To determine if the taxpayer is a resident citizen, just refer to the In other words, stay is indefinite.
enumeration of what constitutes a non-resident citizen. In other words, the stay is for a definite short period of time.


Philippines his temporary home, he becomes a return. However, under RR 05-01 [July 31, 2001],
resident, although he intends to return to his domicile non-resident citizens are no longer required to file the
abroad. same on their income derived from sources outside
the Philippines.
Q8.2. When is the residence of an alien
considered lost? Q9.2. What is meant by the phrase
“most of the time” as used in
RR 2 provides that an alien who has acquired determining whether a citizen who
residence in the Philippines retains his status as a derives income from abroad and is
resident until he abandons the same and actually physically present abroad is a
departs from the Philippines. An intention to non-resident?
change his residence does not change his status as
a resident alien to that of a nonresident alien. RR No. 01-79 states that to be physically present
abroad most of the time during the taxable year, a
Non-resident citizens contract worker must have been outside the
Philippines for not less than 183 days during such
Q9.Who is a non-resident citizen? taxable year.
The term ―non-resident citizen‖ means a citizen of Note: As can be seen from the wording of RR No.
the Philippines: 01-79, ―most of the time‖ applies to a contract worker.
In BIR Ruling 33-00 [September 5, 2000], however,
1. who establishes to the satisfaction of the the CIR held that for overseas contract workers, the
Commissioner the fact of his physical time spent abroad is not material as all that is
presence abroad with intention to reside required is for the worker’s employment contract to
therein pass through and be registered with the POEA.
2. who is an one who leaves the Philippines
during the taxable year to reside abroad Q9.3. If a natural-born Philippine citizen
either as an immigrant or for employment on
who became a citizen of the United
a permanent basis
3. who is one who works and derives income States is later on granted
from abroad and whose employment thereat Philippine dual citizenship under
requires him to be physically present RA 9225, is he required to pay
abroad most of the time during the taxable taxes for income earned in the
year. United States?
4. who has been previously considered a non-
resident citizen and who arrives in the No. In BIR Ruling DA-095-05 [March 29, 2005], the
Philippines at any time during the taxable CIR held that such a person would be a non-resident
year to reside permanently in the Philippines citizen, and hence, will not be required to pay
with respect to his income derived from Philippine tax for income earned in the United States.
sources abroad until date of his arrival in
the Philippines Non-resident aliens engaged in business
in the Philippines
(See Section 22E, NIRC and Section 2, RR No. 01-
79 [January 8, 1979])
Q10. Who is a non-resident alien?
Q9.1. Should a non-resident citizen file A non-resident alien is an individual:
an income tax return or
information return covering his 1. whose residence is not within the Philippines; and
income earned abroad? 2. who is not a citizen thereof

No. Previously, under RR No. 01-79, non-resident

citizens were required to do so. In RR No. 9-99, non-
resident citizens were required to file an information
In other words, the stay is definite but extended.


Q10.1. How do you determine if a non- (see N.V. REEDERIJ “AMSTERDAM” VS. CIR [JUNE 23,
resident alien is engaged in trade 1988])
or business?
Q12. Is a partnership liable for income tax?
Once a taxpayer is determined to be a non-resident
alien, the test to determine whether the alien is a Yes. The term ―corporations‖ includes partnerships,
non-resident alien engaged in trade or business is no matter how created or organized.
whether his total aggregate stay for a taxable year
exceeds 180 days. Q12.1. Is a GPP13 liable for income tax?

Corporations No. A GPP is not considered a taxable entity for

income tax purposes. Section 26 of the NIRC
provides that persons engaging in business as
Q11. Differentiate the kinds of corporate partners in a GPP shall be liable for income tax only
taxpayers. in their separate and individual capacities computed
on their respective distributive shares of the
A corporation is itself a taxpaying entity and speaking
partnership profit.
generally, for purposes of income tax, corporations
are classified into (a) domestic corporations and (b)
foreign corporations. Foreign corporations are Q12.2. Distinguish between a GPP and an
further classified into (1) resident foreign ordinary business partnership.
corporations and (2) non-resident foreign
A general professional partnership, unlike an ordinary
business partnership (which is treated as a
corporation for income tax purposes and so subject
A domestic corporation is one created or organized
to the corporate income tax), is not itself an income
in the Philippines or under its laws. A foreign
taxpayer. The income tax is imposed not on the
corporation is one created or organized under the
professional partnership, which is tax exempt, but on
laws of a foreign country.
the partners themselves in their individual capacity
computed on their distributive shares of partnership
A resident foreign corporation is a foreign
corporation engaged in trade or business within the
Philippines or having an office or place of business
therein. A non- resident foreign corporation is a
foreign corporation not engaged in trade or business Q12.2.1. A and B, co-owners, bought 3
within the Philippines and not having any office or parcels of land in one
place of business therein. transaction and bought 2 more
parcels of land in another.
A domestic corporation is taxed on its income from They decided to sell the 3
sources within and without the Philippines, but a parcels to C and the 2 parcels
foreign corporation is taxed only on its income from to D. They realized a net profit
gain and paid CGT. CIR
sources within the Philippines. However, while a
foreign corporation doing business in the assessed them for deficiency
Philippines is taxable on income solely from sources corporate income tax. Is the
within the Philippines, it is permitted to deductions co-ownership taxable as a
from gross income but only to the extent connected corporation?
with income earned in the Philippines. On the other No. A Co-Ownership who own properties which
hand, foreign corporations not doing business in produce income should not automatically be
the Philippines are taxable on income from all considered partners of an unregistered partnership,
sources within the Philippines, as interest, dividends, or a corporation, within the purview of the income tax
rents, salaries, wages, premiums, annuities law. The essential elements of a partnership are two,
Compensations, remunerations, emoluments, or namely: (a) an agreement to contribute money,
other fixed or determinable annual or periodical or
casual gains, profits and income and capital gains.‖ 13
General professional partnership (GPP) are partnerships formed
by persons for the sole purpose of exercising their common
profession, no part of the income of which is derived from
engaging in any trade or business.


property or industry to a common fund; and (b) intent heirs only as long as the inheritance or estate is no
to divide the profits among the contracting distributed, or, at least, partitioned. But the moment
parties. Here, there is no evidence that petitioners their respective known shares are used as part of the
entered into an agreement to contribute money, common assets of heirs to be used in making profits,
property or industry to a common fund, and that they it is but proper that the income from such shares
intended to divide the profits among themselves. The should be considered as part of the taxable income of
sharing of returns does not in itself establish a an unregistered partnership. (see ONA V. CIR [M AY
partnership whether or not the persons sharing 25, 1972]).
therein have a joint or common right or interest in the
property. There must be a clear intent to form a Q12.3. Are joint ventures taxable?
partnership, the existence of a juridical personality
different from the individual partners, and the Generally, yes. However, a joint venture or
freedom of each party to transfer or assign the whole consortium undertaking construction projects or
property. (see OBILLOS v. CIR [OCTOBER 29, 1985] engaged in petroleum operations with an
and PASCUAL V. CIR [OCTOBER 18, 1988]). operating contract with the government are not
liable for income tax.
Q12.2.2. A group of insurance
companies in the Philippines Q12.3.1. What are the requirements in
decided to form a pool and order for a joint venture
entered into a reinsurance formed for construction
treaty with a non-resident purposes be not liable for
reinsurance company. Is such income tax?
a pool subject to corporate
taxes and withholding taxes In RR No. 010-12 [JUNE 1, 2012], a joint venture or
on dividends paid to the non- consortium formed for the purpose of undertaking
resident reinsurance construction projects which is not considered as a
company? taxable corporation should be:

Yes. Where several local insurance ceding 1. For the undertaking of a construction project;
companies enter into a Pool Agreement or an 2. Should involve joining or pooling of resources by
association that would handle all the insurance licensed local contractors, licensed by the
businesses covered under their quota-share Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board
reinsurance treaty and surplus reinsurance treaty (PCAB) of the DTI;
with a non-resident foreign reinsurance company, the 3. The local contractors are engaged in construction
resulting pool having a common fund, and functions business;
through an executive board and its work is 4. The joint venture itself must likewise be duly
indispensable, beneficial and economically useful to licensed as such by the PCAB
the business of the ceding companies and the foreign
firm, such circumstances indicate a partnership or an Absent one of the requirements, the joint venture
association taxable as a corporation (see AFISCO formed for construction purposes shall be considered
INSURANCE CORPORATION VS. CIR [JANUARY 25, a taxable corporation.
Q12.3.2. May joint ventures involving
Q12.2.3. A and B inherited properties. foreign contractors be treated
They did not partition the as a non-taxable corporation?
same and instead invested
them to a common fund and Yes, provided that the member foreign contractor is:
divide the profits therefrom. 1. covered by a special license as contractor by the
Should they be classified as PCAB; and
an unregistered partnership 2. construction project is certified by the appropriate
subject to corporate income government office as a foreign
tax? financed/internationally-funded project and that
international bidding is allowed under the bilateral
Yes. The income from inherited properties may be agreement between the Philippine government;
considered as individual income of the respective and foreign/international financing institution.


8. Annuities
Q12.3.3. Two local contractors entered 9. Prizes and winnings
into a joint development 10. Pensions; and
agreement to construct a 11. Partner’s distributive share from the net
residential subdivision. One income of the GPP
local contractor shall
contribute the parcel of land (see Section 32(A), NIRC)
while the other shall
contribute the construction Q13.1. Is the enumeration provided in
and development of the parcel Section 32(A) exclusive?
of land into a subdivision.
Each shall receive an No. Section 32(A) does not intend the enumeration to
allocation of saleable house be exclusive. It merely directs that the types of
and lot units from the project. income listed therein be treated as income from
Is the joint venture liable for sources within the Philippines (see CIR VS. AMERICAN
income tax? AIRLINES [DECEMBER 19, 1989])

No. In BIR Ruling No. 108-2010 [October 19,

14 Compensation for services
2010], involving a joint venture between Avida and
Aurora, the CIR held that the joint development
agreement between the two is not subject to income Q13.2. If an employer pays the income
tax because joint ventures formed by local taxes assessable against an
contractors for construction purposes are deemed as employee, is the payment by the
not falling under the definition of a taxable employer taxable income on the
corporation. part of the employee?


[279 U.S. 716], the US Supreme Court held that the
payment of the tax by the employer was in
Statutory Inclusions consideration of services rendered by the employee.
The payment constituted income to the employee.
Q13. What are deemed included in (gross) The Court also added that it cannot be argued that
income? the payment was a gift. The payment for services,
even though voluntary, was nevertheless
All income derived from whatever source, including, compensation for services rendered.
but not limited to, the following items:
1. Compensation for services in whatever form
paid, including, but not limited to fees, Q13.3. Are improvements made by
salaries, wages, commissions and similar lessees taxable as income on the
part of the lessor?
2. Gross income derived from the conduct of
trade or business or the exercise of a
profession; Yes, provided the such buildings or improvements
3. Gains derived from dealings in property are not subject to the removal by the lessee. The
4. Interests lessor may either: (1) report the improvements as
5. Rents income at the time when such improvements are
6. Royalties completed based on its fair market value; or (2)
7. Dividends spread the life of the lease the estimated depreciate
value of the improvements at termination of the lease
It is also important to note in this BIR Ruling that the CIR held
that the allocation of saleable units does not constitute as a taxable
event as no income is actually realized by Avida or Aurora.
15 16
Previously, we looked into the types of taxpayers. Now, before The above answer is the definition of gross income. This will be
proceeding to general principles and source of income rules, let us discusses in greater detail later. For now, we focus on determining
look into what is included in the term ―income;‖ and what is what is considered income and what is not considered income or
excluded therefrom. excluded therefrom.


and report as income for each year of the lease an COMMISSIONER VS. MANNING [AUGUST 7, 1975])
aliquot part thereof (Section 49, RR No. 2)
The redemption converts into money the stock
Q13.3.1. Should the improvement be dividends which become a realized profit or gain and
capable of being separated consequently, the stockholder's separate
property. Profits derived from the capital invested
from the land in order to be
cannot escape income tax. As realized income, the
considered a taxable gain? proceeds of the redeemed stock dividends can be
reached by income taxation regardless of the
No. The US Supreme Court in HELVERING V. BRUUN existence of any business purpose for the
[309 US 461] stated that it is not necessary to redemption. (see CIR VS. CA [JANUARY 20, 1999])
recognition of taxable gain that the lessor be able to
sever the improvement begetting the gain from his As provided in Section 252, RR No. 2: A stock
original capital. dividend constitutes income if its gives the
shareholder an interest different from that which is
Dividends former stock holdings represented. A stock dividend
does not constitute income if the new shares confer
Q13.4. What are dividends? no different rights or interests that did the old.

The term ―dividends‖ means any distribution made Q13.7. Are liquidating dividends subject
by a corporation to its shareholders out of its to income tax?
earnings or profits and payable to its shareholders,
whether in money or in other property.
Yes. Where a corporation distributes all of its
property or assets in complete liquidation or
Q13.5. Are property dividends taxable? 18
dissolution, the gain realized from the transaction
by the stockholder, whether individual or corporate, is
Yes. As provided in Section 251, RR No. 2, dividends 19
taxable income or a deductible loss, as the case
paid in securities or other property (other than its own may be.
stock), in which the earnings of a corporation have
been invested, are income to the recipients to the
amount of the full market value of such property
“From whatever source”
when receivable by individual stockholders.
Q13.8. What is meant by the phrase “all
income derived from whatever
Q13.6. Are stock dividends subject to source"
income tax?
The phrase ―all income derived from whatever
source‖ encompasses all accessions to wealth,
No. As discussed earlier, a stock dividend only
clearly realized, and over which the taxpayers have
represents the transfer of surplus to capital account
complete dominion. A gain constitutes taxable
and, as such, is not subject to income tax.
income when its recipient has such control over it that
as a practical matter, he derives readily realizable
Q13.6.1. What is the exception to economic value from it.
the rule that stock
dividends are not
subject to income tax? There must be a bona fide plan of liquidation involving the
transfer of all assets.
If the amount received by the stockholder in liquidation is less
Stock dividends constitute as income if a corporation than the cost or other basis of the stock, the loss in the transaction
redeems stock issued so as to make a distribution. is deductible.
Previously, the CIR has ruled in BIR RULING 039-02 [NOVEMBER
This is essentially equivalent to the distribution of a 11, 2002] and other previous rulings that the transfer by a
taxable dividend the amount so distributed in the liquidating corporation of its remaining assets to its stockholders
redemption considered as taxable income. (see and the receipt of the shares surrendered by the shareholder are
not subject to income tax. However, in BIR RULING 479-11
[DECEMBER 5, 2011], the CIR reversed and set aside the above-
If in money, it is called a cash dividend. If it is in property, it is cited ruling and all previous rulings to that effect. The rule now is
called a property dividend. that they are subject to income tax.


Q13.8.1. Is an unlawful gain subject income of a taxpayer. If such is the determination, the
to income tax? taxpayer shall take inventories upon such basis as
the Secretary of Finance, upon recommendation of
Yes. In JAMES V. US [366 US 213], the Supreme the CIR, may prescribe as conforming as nearly as
Court ruled that embezzled money constitutes gross may be to the best accounting practice in the trade or
income. It opined that unlawful, as well, as lawful gain business and as most clearly reflecting the income.
are comprehended within the term ―gross income.‖
The Court has given a liberal construction to ―gross Q13.9.1. Is there a particular method
income‖ in recognition of the intent of Congress to tax of valuing inventory that a
all gains except those specifically exempted. taxpayer should follow?
Q13.8.2. May cancellation or No. The taxpayer may choose the method of valuding
forgiveness of its inventory for any taxable year, and such method
indebtedness amount to a should be used in all subsequent years unless:
gain subject to income tax?
1. With the approval of the CIR, a change to a
Yes. If, for example, an individual performs services different method is authorized; or
for a creditor, who, in consideration thereof cancels 2. The CIR finds that the nature of the stock on
the debt, income to that amount is realized by the hand is such that inventory ains should be
debtor as compensation for his services. (see considered realized for tax purposes and
Section 50, RR No. 2). therefore it is necessary to modify the valuation
Q13.8.3. Should taxes previously
claimed and allowed as Thus, in BIR RULING DA-128-08 [AUGUST 11, 2008],
deductions but Pilipinas Shell requested to change its valuation
method from the Weighted Average Method (WAVE)
subsequently refunded or
to the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) to conform with the
granted as tax credit be adoption by a new computerized accounting system
considered part of gross based on the Global Systems Application and
income? Product Data Processing (GSAP) by its parent
company and its affiliates, including Pilipinas Shell.
Yes. RMC No. 13-80 [April 10, 1980] provides that They system uses FIFO. The CIR approved the shift
taxes previously claimed and allowed as deductions to FIFO noting that the WAVE method is no longer
but subsequently refunded or granted as tax credit compatible with the new accounting system to be
should be declared as part of the gross income of the introduced and to be consistent with the inventory
taxpayer in the year of receipt of the refund or tax method used by its parents company and affiliates all
credit. However, taxes which are not allowable as over the world.
deductions, when refunded or credited, are not
declarable for income tax purposes.
Inventories Q14. What are “exclusions?”

Q13.9. Explain the use of inventories to The term ―exclusions‖ refers to items that are not
determine the income of a included in the determination of gross income
taxpayer. because:

For certain businesses, the use of inventories may be 1. They represent return of capital or are not
deemed necessary in order to determine clearly the income, gain or profit (e.g. life insurance)
2. They are subject to another kind of internal
If, however, a creditor merely desires to benefit a debtor and revenue tax (e.g. gifts, bequests, devices)
without any consideration therefor cancels the debt, the amount of 3. They are income, gain or profits that are
the debt is a gift. If a corporation to which a stockholder is indebted expressly exempt from income tax under the
forgives the debt, the transaction has the effect of the payment of a
22 23
The enumeration of taxes not allowable as deductions will be The CIR shall not exercise this authority more often than every 3
provided later. years.


Constitution, tax treaty, Tax Code, or general or
special law. (e.g. PEZA) i. that the retiring official or employee has
been in the service of the same employer
Q15. What are deemed excluded from for at least ten (10) years and is not less
(gross) income? than fifty (50) years of age at the time of
his retirement
As provided in Section 32(B), NIRC, the following
items shall not be included in gross income and shall ii. That the benefits granted shall be availed
be exempt from income tax of by an official or employee only once.
1. Proceeds of life insurance, payable upon the b. Any amount received by an official or
death of the insured to the heirs or beneficiaries, employee or by his heirs from the
but not the interest payments thereon if such employer as a consequence of
amounts are held by the insurer under an separation of such official or employee
agreement to pay interest. from the service of the employer because
of death sickness or other physical
2. Amounts received by the insured as return of disability or for any cause beyond the
premiums paid under life insurance, endowment control of the said official or employee.
or annuity contracts, either during the term or at c. The provisions of any existing law to the
the maturity of the contract or upon the surrender contrary notwithstanding, social security
thereof. benefits, retirement gratuities,
pensions and other similar benefits
3. Gifts, bequests, and devises but not the received by resident or non-resident
income from such property; if the amount citizens of the Philippines or aliens who
received is on account of services rendered come to reside permanently in the
whether constituting a demandable debt or not Philippines from foreign government
such as remuneratory donations or the use or agencies and other institutions, private or
opportunity or use of capital, the receipt is public.
income. d. Payments of benefits due or to
become due to any person (residing in
4. Compensation for injuries or sickness the Philippines) under the laws of the
whether by suit or agreement including amounts United States administered by the
received through accident or health insurance or United States Veterans Administration.
under the Workmen’s compensation Act, but not e. Benefits received from or enjoyed
damages or compensation recovered for loss of under the Social Security System in
profit in loss or damage to property which would accordance with the provisions of
be taxable Republic Act No. 8282.
f. Benefits received from the GSIS under
5. Income exempt under treaty binding upon the Republic Act No. 8291, including
Government of the Philippines. retirement gratuity received by
government officials and employees.
6. Certain retirement benefits, pensions,
gratuities, more particularly: 7. Miscellaneous items, likewise exempt,
a. Retirement benefits received under RA
7641 and those received by officials and a. Income of foreign governments or
employees of private firms, whether financing institutions owned, controlled or
individual or corporate, in accordance with a enjoying refinancing from such foreign
reasonable private benefit plan maintained
by the employer provided: benefit of some or all of his officials or employees, wherein
contributions are made by such employer for the officials or
employees, or both, for the purpose of distributing to such officials
It is considered as indemnity rather than income and employees the earnings and principal of the fund thus
They are instead subject to estate or gift taxes (see PIROVANO accumulated, and wherein its is provided in said plan that at no
VS. COMMISSIONER [JULY 31, 1965]) time shall any part of the corpus or income of the fund be used for,
Reasonable private benefit plan means a pension, gratuity, stock or be diverted to, any purpose other than for the exclusive benefit
bonus or profit-sharing plan maintained by an employer for the of the said officials and employees.


governments and of international or
regional financial institutions established Also, under Section 33(C), NIRC, the following fringe
by foreign governments from their benefits are not taxable:
passive investments in the Philippines
b. Income of the Philippine government 1. Fringe benefits authorized and exempted from
and its political subdivisions derived tax under special laws;
from public utilities or in the exercise of 2. Contributions of the employer for the benefit of
essential governmental functions the employee to retirement, insurance and
c. Prizes and awards made primarily in hospitalization plans;
recognition of religious, charitable, 3. Benefits given to rank and file employees,
scientific, educational, artistic, literary or whether granted under a CBA or not;
civic achievement but only if: 4. De minimis benefits.
i. The recipient was selected without
any action on his part to enter the Retirement benefits
contest or proceedings; and
ii. The recipient is not required to Q15.1. What are the requirements to
render substantial future services as exempt retirement benefits from
a condition to receiving the prize or
income tax?
d. All prizes and wards granted to For the retirement benefits to be exempt from income
athletes in local and international sports tax, the taxpayer is burdened to prove the
competitions whether held in the concurrence of the following elements:
Philippines or abroad.
e. Gross benefits received by officials 1. a reasonable private benefit plan is
and employees of public and private maintained by the employer;
entities provided, however, that the total 2. the retiring official or employee has been in
exclusion shall not exceed P30,000 the service of the same employer for at least
which shall cover: ten (10) years;
i. Benefits received by officials and 3. the retiring official or employee is not less
employees of the national and local than fifty (50) years of age at the time of his
government pursuant to RA 6686 retirement; and
ii. Benefits received by employees 4. the benefit had been availed of only once
pursuant to PD 851 5. The retirement plan must be submitted to
iii. Benefits received by officials and and approved by the BIR (see
employees not covered by PD 851 INTERCONTINENTAL BROADCASTING
iv. Other benefits such as productivity
incentives and Christmas bonus
provided that the ceiling of P30,000 29, 2006])
may be increased through the rules
and regulations issued by the Q15.2. An employer maintains an
Secretary of Finance, upon employees’ trust to provide
recommendation of the retirement, pension, disability
Commissioner, after considering, benefits to its employees. The
among others, the effect on the trust made investments and
same of the inflation rate at the end earned therefrom interest income.
of the taxable year.
Is it proper to subject the interest
f. GSIS, SSS, Medicare and Pag-ibig
contributions and union dues of income to withholding tax?
individuals No. As held by the Supreme Court in CIR V. CA &
g. Gains from the sale of bonds, GCL RETIREMENT PLAN [M ARCH 23, 1992], said
debentures or other certificate of retirement benefits received by officials and
indebtedness with a maturity of more
than 5 years 27
Fringe benefits means any goods, service or other benefit
h. Gains from the redemption of shares furnished or granted in cash or in kind by an employer to an
of stock in a mutual fund company individual employee (except rank and file employees). This will
discussed more later.


employees of private firms in accordance with a Income derived by foreign government
reasonable private benefit plan maintained by the
employer shall be exempt from all taxes
Q15.5. A domestic corporation entered
into a loan and sales contract with
Q15.3. A government employee, retired
a foreign corporation where the
from service. Upon retirement, he
latter shall extend a loan to the
received, among other benefits,
former and the former shall sell to
terminal leave pay which the CIR
the latter all copper concentrates
withheld a portion allegedly
to be produced from the machine
representing income tax thereon.
to be purchased using the loaned
Is terminal leave pay considered
amount. The foreign corporation
part of gross income of the
applied for the loan from one of its
government financing institutions.
No. In COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE VS. CA & Is the interest income from the
EFREN CASTANEDA [OCTOBER 17, 1991], the Supreme loans automatically exempt from
Court held that terminal leave pay received by a withholding tax?
government official or employee is not subject to
withholding (income) tax. The rationale behind the No. As held in CIR V. MITSUBISHI METAL
employee’s entitlement to an exemption from CORPORATION [JANUARY 22, 1990], the burden of
withholding tax on his terminal leave is that proof rests upon the party claiming an exemption to
commutation of leave credits, more commonly known prove that it is in fact covered by the exemption. In
as terminal leave, is applied for by an officer or the said case, the Supreme Court found that the
employee who retires, resigns or is separated from foreign government financing institution had nothing
the service through no fault of his own. In the to do with the sales and loans agreement. It is the
exercise of sound personnel policy, the Government foreign corporation, not the foreign government
encourages unused leaves to be accumulated. financing institution that is the sole creditor of the
Terminal leave payments are given not only at the domestic corporation.
same time but also for the same policy
considerations governing retirement benefits. In fine, De Minimis/PERA
not being part of the gross salary or income of a
government official or employee but a retirement Q15.6. What are de minimis benefits?
benefit, terminal leave pay is not subject to income
tax. (see RE: REQUEST OF ATTY. BERNANDINO As defined by RR 3-98 [MAY 21, 1998], de minimis
ZIALCITA [OCTOBER 18, 1990]). benefits are benefits of relatively small value offered
or furnished by the employer to his/her employees as
Q15.4. Are contributions to SSS, GSIS, a means of promoting the health, goodwill,
PHIC and Pag-Ibig in excess of contentment, efficiency of his/her employees. These
the mandatory contributions benefits are exempt from the withholding tax on
compensation income, and consequently from
subject to income tax?
income tax, regardless of whether or not the
Yes. Previously, SSS, GSIS, PHIC and Pag-Ibig recipients of the benefits are managerial or rank-and-
contributions in excess of the mandatory file employees.
contributions were considered exempt from income
tax. However, because it was deemed to have been Q15.6.1. What are deemed de minimis
abused and the excess contributions are being made benefits?
as a form of investment, RMC No. 027-11 [JULY 1,
2011] now considers the excess contributions as not As provided in RR No. 005-11 [March 16, 2011], as
excludible from gross income and not exempt from amended recently by RR No. 008-12 [M AY 11, 2012],
income and withholding tax. the following shall be considered de minimis benefits
not subject to income tax as well as withholding tax
on compensation income of both managerial and
rank and file employees:


1. Monetized unused vacation leave credits of Yes. As provided in RR No. 005-11 [March 16,
private employees not exceeding ten (10) days 2011], all other benefits given by employers which
during the year; are not included in the enumeration shall not be
2. Monetized value of vacation and sick leave considered de minimis benefits, and, hence, shall be
credits paid to government officials and subject to income tax as well as withholding tax on
employees; compensation income.
3. Medical cash allowance to dependents of
employees, not exceeding P750 per employee Q15.7. Is income earned by a contributor
per semester or P125 per month; from the investments and
4. Rice subsidy of P1,500 or one (1) sack of 50 kg. reinvestments of his Personal
rice per month amounting to not more than Equity and Retirement Act (PERA)
assets subject to income tax?
5. Uniform and clothing allowance not exceeding
P5,000 per annum; No. As provided in RR No 017-11 [OCTOBER 27,
6. Actual medical assistance, e.g. medical 2011], implementing the tax provisions of RA 9505,
allowance to cover medical and healthcare otherwise known as the Personal Equity and
needs, annual medical check-up, maternity Retirement Account (PERA) Act of 2008, investment
assistance, and routine consultations, not income of a contributor consisting of all income
exceeding P10,000 per annum; earned from the investments and reinvestments of
7. Laundry allowance not exceeding P300 per his PERA assets in the maximum amount allowed
month; shall be exempt from the following taxes as may be
8. Employees achievement awards, e.g. for length applicable:
of service or safety achievement, with an annual
monetary value not exceeding P10,000; 1. Final withholding tax on interest from any
9. Gifts given during Christmas and major currency bank deposit, yield or any other
anniversary celebrations not exceeding P5,000 monetary benefit from deposit substitutes and
per employee per annum; from trust funds and similar arrangements,
10. Daily meal allowance for overtime work and including a depository bank under the EFCDS;
night/graveyard shift not exceeding 25% of the 2. Capital gains tax on the sale, exchange,
basic minimum wage per region basis. retirement or maturity of bonds, debentures or
other certificates of indebtedness;
Q15.6.2. Is the enumeration of de 3. 10% tax on cash and/or property dividends
minimis benefits exclusive? actually or constructively received from a
domestic corporation, including a mutual fund
4. Capital gains tax on the sale, barter, exchange,
This was included in RR 3-98 and in RR 8-00 [August 21, 2000] or other disposition of shares of stock in a
but referred to employees in general. RR No. 005-11 [March 16,
2011] specifically provided ―private‖ employees.
domestic corporation;
Introduced by RR 10-00 [December 14, 2000] 5. Regular income tax.
Provided under RR 3-98 and RR 8-00 [August 21, 2000]
Under RR 3-98, the amount was P350. RR 8-00 [August 21, General Principles
2000] increased this to P1,000 and added the alternative 1 sack of
50kg of rice. This was increased by RR 5-2008 [APRIL 17, 2008] to
P1,500. Q16. What are the general principles of
RR 3-98 did not provide for an amount. RR 8-00 [August 21, income taxation in the Philippines
2000] provided for an amount of P3,000. RR No. 005-11 [March
16, 2011] provided for an amount of P4,000. This was again (Section 23, Title II, NIRC)?
increased by RR No. 008-12 [MAY 11, 2012] to P5,000.
RR 3-98 simply said ―medical benefits‖ with no corresponding Except as otherwise provided in this Code, the
amount. RR 8-00 [August 21, 2000] provided the amount of general principles are:
P10,000 as the ceiling.
RR 3-98 provided for an amount of P150. RR 8-00 [August 21,
2000] increased it to P300. Resident taxable on all income derived
RR 3-98 provided for a ceiling of ½ month of the basic salary of Citizen from sources within and outside
the employee. RR 8-00 [August 21, 2000] changed the ceiling the Philippines
amount to P10,000.
36 Non-Resident taxable only on income derived
RR 3-98 did not provide for a ceiling amount. RR 8-00 [August
21, 2000] introduced the P5,000 ceiling. Citizen from sources within the
Introduced by RR 8-00 [August 21, 2000].


Philippines Interests The source of an interest payment is
[By definition of a non-resident the place of residence of the person
citizen, this applies to an obligated to make that payment
overseas contract worker (a (residence-of-the-obligor rule).
citizen working and deriving
income from abroad)] It is income within the Philippines if
Alien (whether taxable only on income derived the residence of the obligor is in the
resident or from sources within the Philippines.
non-resident) Philippines
Domestic taxable on all income derived It is income without the Philippines if
corporation from sources within and outside the residence of the obligor is
the Philippines abroad.
Foreign taxable only on income derived
corporation from sources within the
Philippines Dividends Generally, a dividend has its source
(This applies whether the foreign in the country where the corporation
corporation is engaged or not in paying the dividend is incorporated.
trade or business in the
Philippines) Thus, if the dividend is received from
a domestic corporation, it is income
Simply put, only resident citizens and domestic within the Philippines. If the dividend
corporations are taxable on their worldwide income is from the foreign corporation, it is
while the other types of individual and corporate income without the Philippines.
taxpayers are taxable only on income derived from
sources within the Philippines. The exception to the general rule
that dividends paid by a foreign
Additionally, it must be noted that only a non- corporation are from sources without
resident alien not engaged in trade or business in the Philippines is when a foreign
the Philippines and non-resident foreign corporation derives 50 percent of its
corporations are taxed on gross income while all gross income from sources within
other types of taxpayers are subject to tax on net the Philippines for a three-year
income (i.e. may claim deductions). period ending with the close of its
taxable year preceding the
Source of Income Rules38 declaration of its dividends

Services Income from services is sourced in

Q17. What is meant by “source of income”? the country where the services are
The source of an income is the property, activity or
service that produced the income. It is the physical Thus, it is income within the
source where the income came from. (see CIR VS. Philippines if the service is
BAIER-NICKEL [AUGUST 29, 2006]). performed in the Philippines. It is
income without the Philippines if it is
performed abroad.
Q18. What are the source of income rules in
the Philippines? (Section 42, Title II,
NIRC) Rents and The rental income and royalty
Royalties income derived from the use of
property has its source in the
country where the property is used.
For the source of income rules, my reference IS MICHAEL J.
MCINTYRE, INTERNATIONAL TAX: TEXT, CASES, PROBLEMS, AND For tangible property, the place of
QUESTIONS (2013). Most, if not all, of our tax books fail to use is the place where the tangible
sufficiently explain source of income rules and, thus, recourse to a
foreign material is warranted. The rules are applicable as they are property is actually located.
based on the US Tax Code, of which our own tax laws are
modeled after.


Thus, it is income within the Q18.1. In CIR v. MARUBENI [DECEMBER 18,
Philippines if rents and royalties are 2001], assuming that Marubeni
derived from property located in the was disqualified from availing of
Philippines the income tax amnesty, would the
income from the services rendered
For intangible property, the country
of use is the country that protects
in connection with the turn-key
the owner of that property against its projects constitute as income from
unauthorized use by other Philippine sources?
The answer is both yes and no. The answer is yes
with regard to those services performed in the
Thus, it is income within the
Philippines. The answer is, however, no with regard
Philippines if it is used in the
to those services rendered in Japan. Such services
Philippines and the unauthorized
were rendered outside the taxing jurisdiction and thus
use of such intangible property is
constitute as income without the Philippines.
protected by Philippine law.
Marubeni, being a foreign corporation, is taxable only
Sale of Income from the sale of real
on income within the Philippines and, hence, income
Real property is sourced in the country
from services rendered in the Philippines.
Property where the real property is located.

Thus, it is income within the Q18.2. ABC Airways is a foreign airline.41

Philippines if the real property is While it did not carry passengers
located in the Philippines. It is and/or cargo to or from the
income without if the real property is Philippines, ABC maintains a
located abroad. general sales agent of its tickets in
Sale of The income from the sale of the Philippines. Is the sale of the
Personal personal property has its source in tickets taxable as income from
Property the country where the personal sources within the Philippines?
property is sold.

Thus, if the personal property is sold Yes. For the source of income to be considered as
in the Philippines, it is income within coming from the Philippines, it is sufficient that the
the Philippines. If sold abroad, it is income is derived from activity within the Philippines.
income without the Philippines. In ABC’s case, the sale of tickets in the Philippines is
the activity that produces the income. The tickets
Note that gains from sale of shares exchanged hands here in the country and the
of stock of a domestic corporation payments for fares were also made with Philippine
are treated as derived entirely from currency. The site of the source of payments is the
sources within the Philippines Philippines. The absence of flight operations to and
regardless of where the said shares from the Philippines is not determinative of the
are sold. source of income/site of income taxation for the test
of taxability is the ―source.‖ (see CIR VS. JAPAN

Q18.3. XYZ entered into reinsurance

contracts with foreign insurance
companies not doing business in

It is a resident foreign corporation. In order that a foreign
corporation may be regarded as doing business within a State,
there must be continuity of conduct and intention to establish a
This is the generally accepted rule. continuous business, such as the appointment of a local agent,
In the US, the rule is that income from sale of personal property and not one of a temporary character. ABC maintained a general
is sourced in the country where the seller is resident (residence- sales agent and it was engaged in selling or issuing tickets, which
of-the-seller rule) is considered the main lifeblood of an airline.


the Philippines. XYZ was to cede
portions of premiums underwritten Q18.5. A, a non-resident citizen, was
in the Philippines to the foreign engaged by a domestic
corporations in consideration for corporation as a commission
the assumption of risk. Is the agent. A will receive a sales
cession of the premiums taxable commission on all sales actually
as income from sources within the concluded. A argues that the
Philippines? income is not taxable as A does
not reside in the Philippines and
that the place of payment of the
Yes. ―Sources‖ means the activity, property, or
service giving rise to the income. The original income is outside the Philippines.
insurance undertakings took place in the Philippines. Is A’s contention correct?
It is not required that the foreign corporation be
engaged in business in the Philippines. What is No. The source of an income is the property,
controlling is no the place of business, but the place activity or service that produced the income. With
of activity that created the income. Thus, the income respect of rendition of labor or personal service,
is subject to income tax. (see PHILIPPINE GUARANTY V. as in the instant case, it is the place where the
CIR [APRIL 30, 1965] and HOWDEN & CO. V. CIR labor or service is performed that determines the
[APRIL 14, 1965]). source of income. There is therefore no merit in A’s
interpretation which equates source of income in
labor or personal service with the residence of the
Q18.4. ABC, a domestic corporation,
payor or the place of payment of the income. (see
entered into a “Management CIR VS. BAIER-NICKEL [AUGUST 29, 2006])
Service Agreement” with XYZ, a
non-resident foreign corporation Q18.6. Quill Corp is an office supply
under which the latter shall retailer with no physical presence
provide services for ABC’s US in North Dakota but it has a
branch and advice on ABC’s licensed computer software
corporate structure, all performed program that its customers in
abroad. Is the compensation for North Dakota use for checking
services taxable as income from Quill’s current inventories and for
sources within the Philippines? placing orders directly. North
Yes. The services covered by the management Dakota attempted to impose a
service agreement fall under the meaning of “use tax”44 on Quill. Is Quill liable
royalties. It is immaterial if the non-resident foreign for the tax?
corporation has no properties in the Philippines. The
test of taxability is the source and the source of an Yes. In QUILL CORP V. NORTH DAKOTA [504 US 298,
income is that activity which produced the income. It M AY 26, 1992], the US Supreme Court ruled that
is not the presence of any property from which one there must be physical presence in a state for the
derives rentals and royalties that is controlling, but corporation to be liable for sales and use taxes. It
rather as expressed under the expanded meaning of applied its ruling in NATIONAL BELLAS HESS V.
royalties, it includes ―royalties for the supply of DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE OF ILLINOIS [386 US 753]
scientific, technical, industrial, or commercial, where it held that a seller whose only connection with
knowledge or information; and the technical advice, customers in the State is by common carrier or the
assistance or services rendered in connection with mail lacked the requisite minimum contacts with the
the technical management and administration of any
scientific, industrial or commercial undertaking, Note that in this case, Baier-Nickel argued that the services were
done in Germany. However, she failed to prove hat such was the
venture, project or scheme. (see PHILAMLIFE V. CTA fact. Thus, the services were deemed performed in the Philippines,
[CA-GR SP. NO. 31283, APRIL 25, 1995]). and, as such, is subject to income tax.
A use tax is a type of excised tax levied in the United States
This confirms the acceptance of the Philippine taxing jurisdiction upon otherwise "tax free" tangible personal property purchased by
of the rule that as to intangible property, the country of use is the a resident of the assessing state for use, storage or consumption
country that protects the owner of that property against its of goods in that state (not for resale), regardless of where the
unauthorized use by other persons. purchase took place.


State. Thus, such vendors are free from state- indirectly through transfer of capital assets situated in
imposed duties to collect sales and use taxes. India shall be deemed to accrue or arise in India.
Nevertheless, the US Supreme Court opined that if The Supreme Court stated that the section clearly
interstate commerce would be subject to intolerable applied to a transfer of capital asset situated in India
or undesirable burdens because of this, Congress and could not be expanded to cover indirect transfers
has the power to legislate make such vendors liable of capital assets or property situated in India. The
for sales and use taxes. words ―directly or indirectly‖ go with the income and
not with the transfer of a capital asset.
Q18.7. Vodafone International Holdings
(VIH), a corporation in the Q18.8. Is the gross income of branches of
Netherlands, acquired a foreign corporations generated
controlling interest of CGP from solicitation of orders from
holdings, a company in the local importers where the
Cayman Islands. By virtue of this branches merely relay to its head
controlling interest, VIH acquired a office abroad said purchase orders
52% stake in Hutchinson Essar and where the head office is the
Limited (HEL)46 in India from entity which actually
Hutchinson Telecom International consummates the sale liable for
Limited (HTIL). Simply stated, VIH income tax?
acquired control over CGP and its
Yes. By virtue of RAMO No. 1-86 [April 25, 1986],
subsidiaries, including HEL. The
an income tax is imposed on the gross income
Indian tax authorities contended generated from ―constructive‖ trading and
that the transfer of shares was commission income derived from brokering activities
subject to income tax. VIH argues of Philippine branches of foreign corporations
that the transfer of shares took engaged in trading activities. RAMO No. 01-95
place outside the Indian taxing [March 21, 1995] expanded RAMO No. 1-86 to cover
jurisdiction, and, hence, is not taxation of Philippine branches of foreign
taxable. Which contention is corporations engaged in soliciting orders, purchases,
correct? service contracts, trading, construction and other
The contention of VIH was held to be correct. In
INDIA (SUPREME COURT OF INDIA, CIVIL APPEAL NO. claimed as deduction from gross
733 OF 2012, JANUARY 20, 2012), the Indian income its share of the overhead
Supreme Court ruled that VIH had no liability to expenses of its foreign head
withhold tax as the transaction was between two non- office. Can these overhead
residents with no taxable presence in India. Under expenses of the foreign head
Section 9(1) of the Income Tax Act of India, all office be deducted from the gross
income accruing or arising, whether directly or
income of the Philippine branch?
Note that, as of this updated version, the BIR plans to impose a It depends. Either it can be deducted in full or partly.
sales tax on online retailers in the opinion that such sellers are no Where an expense is clearly related to the production
different from merchants who sell their goods in physical stores. A of Philippine-derived income or to Philippine
RR on the matter is forthcoming.
HEL was an Indian joint venture between HTIL, a corporation in operations (e.g. salaries of Philippine personnel,
Hong Kong, and Essar, an Indian corporation.
47 48
It is also important to note, that in this case, the Indian Supreme The Indian taxing authorities argued that this was a ―look-
Court stated that, on the context of taxation of a holding company through provision‖ a ―look through‖ provision so that if there was a
structure, the corporate veil may be lifted only if it is established transfer, of a capital asset, situated in India, it meant income from
that the transaction was a sham or there was abuse. In this case, capital gains accruing or arising outside India would be fictionally
the shares of CGP were transferred only for a commercial benefit deemed to accrue or arise in India.
and not with the object of tax evasion. The structure was in The Indian Supreme Court also noted that the existence of the
existence over a decade, it was not created or used as an Direct Tax Code Bill of 2010 which expressly stated that income
instrument for tax avoidance, VIH was not a short-time investor accuring even from indirect transfer of capital assets situated in
and it did not introduce any new practice to grant itself a India would be deemed to accrue in India but this is not yet in
―controlling interest.‖ force.


rental of office building in the Philippines), that 1. Nonresident aliens not engaged in trade or
expense can be deducted from the gross income business; and
acquired in the Philippines without resorting to 2. Nonresident foreign corporations or those
apportionment. However, where there are items corporations not engaged in trade or business in
included in the overhead expenses incurred by the the Philippines
parent company, all of which cannot be definitely
allocated or identified with the operations of the With respect to the itemized deductions, they cannot
Philippine branch, the company may claim as its be availed by citizens and resident aliens whose
deductible share a ratable part of such expenses income is purely compensation income from which
based upon the ratio of the local branch's gross only the personal and additional exemptions and
income to the total gross income, worldwide, of the premium payments on health and hospitalization
multinational corporation. (see COMMISSIONER VS. insurance are deductible.
CTA & SMITH KLINE [JANUARY 17, 1984]; see also
RAMO 4-86 [April 5, 1986]) Sections 34 and 35, Tax Code
Deductions Q20. What are the allowable and itemized
deductions under the Tax Code?
Q19. What are the kinds of deductions?
The allowable and itemized deductions include:
1. Deductions from compensation income –
refers to the personal and additional exemptions 1. Business Expenses (Expenses in connection
in Section 35, NIRC and premium payments on with taxpayer’s trade, business or profession)
health and/or hospitalization insurance which are 2. Interest on Indebtedness
allowed to be deducted by an individual taxpayer 3. Taxes in connection with taxpayer’s
who receives income for personal services business, trade or profession [except income
rendered under an employer-employee taxes, estate and donor’s taxes, special
relationship assessments, and foreign income taxes
(unless the taxpayer does not make use of
2. Deductions from business and/or the tax credit privilege)]
professional income – refers to the itemized 4. Losses
deductions in Section 34 (A) to (M) including 5. Bad debts
those deductible from compensation income, 6. Depreciation
which a self-employed individual or professional 7. Depletion
engaged in the practice of a profession may 8. Charitable and other contributions
deduct. 9. Research and development expenditures
10. Contributions to pension trusts
3. Deductions from corporate income – refers to
the itemized deductions in Section 34 (A) to (J) Business expenses
which corporations (including partnerships other
than GPPs) engaged in trade or business are Q21. What are the requisites for deductibility
authorized to claim of business expenses?50
4. Special deductions – refer to the deductions The requisites are:
allowed in addition to the itemized deductions 1. The expense must be ordinary and
allowable to corporations which may be availed necessary
of by insurance companies and proprietary 2. Paid or incurred during the taxable year
educational institutions and non-profit hospitals 3. In carrying on the trade or business of the
as well as estates and trusts. taxpayer
4. Reasonable in amount
Q19.1. Who can avail of the deductions 5. Substantiated by sufficient evidence
provided for under the law?

All taxpayers except: 50

This is the general rule which is to be followed for all business
expenses. The enumeration provided in certain business expenses
provide for additional requisites.


6. Must not be against law, morals, public 3. Reasonable allowance for rentals and or
policy, or public order other payments required for the continued
use or premium of the property for the
Q21.1. What is meant by ordinary and purpose of the trade or business and to
necessary expenses? which property the taxpayer has not taken or
is not taking title or in which he has no
An expense is 'ordinary' when it connotes a equity.
payment which is normal in relation to the business of 4. Reasonable allowance for entertainment,
the taxpayer and the surrounding circumstances. amusement and recreation expenses
provided that they are connected to the
An expense will be considered 'necessary' where development and operation of the trade,
the expenditure is appropriate and helpful in the business or profession and that it is not
development of the taxpayer's business contrary to law, morals, public policy or public
Q21.2. What is meant by “paid or incurred
during the taxable year?” Q21.4. Is the enumeration of business
expenses provided in the Tax
Paid or incurred during the taxable year means that Code exclusive?
the deduction shall be taken for the taxable year in
which paid or accrued or paid or incurred dependent No. A taxpayer is entitled to deduct the ordinary and
on the accounting method in which net income is necessary expenses paid in carrying on his business
computed from his gross income from whatever source.

Q21.2.1. ABC Corp failed to claim Q21.4.1. Name some special laws
expenses for professional which provide for deductible
services that accrued in past business expenses.
years. May ABC Corp still
claim these expenses as 1. Republic Act 10028 (Expanded Breastfeeding
deductions? Promotion Act)

No. In COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE VS. The law provides that the expenses incurred by a
ISABELA CULTURAL CORPORATION (FEBRUARY 12, private health and non-health facility, establishment
2007), Isabela Corp failed to claim the expenses for or institution, in complying with the provisions of this
professional services that accrued in 1984 and 1985 Act, shall be deductible expenses for income tax
during the said years. Instead, it sought to claim them purposes up to twice the actual amount incurred
as deductions during the taxable year of 1986. The provided:
Supreme Court held that one of the requisites for the
deductibility of a business expenses is that it must 1. That the deduction shall apply for the taxable
have been paid or incurred during the taxable year. period when the expenses were incurred
Hence, the professional fees should have been 2. That all health and non-health facilities,
claimed as deductions during the years where they establishments and institutions shall comply
were paid or incurred. with the provisions of this Act within six (6)
months after its approval
Q21.3. What are the types of business 3. That such facilities, establishments or
expenses specifically included in institutions shall secure a "Working Mother-
the Tax Code as deductions? Baby-Friendly Certificate" from the
Department of Health to be filed with the
As provided in Section 34(A)(1)(a), these are: Bureau of Internal Revenue, before they can
avail of the incentive.
1. Reasonable allowance for salaries or other
compensation for personal services 2. Republic Act 8502 (Jewelry Industry
actually rendered to the taxpayer Development Act)
2. Reasonable allowance for travel expenses
in the pursuit of trade, business or profession 51
In the latter case, he may claim depreciation allowance


The law provides for a deduction from taxable income arguing that the advertising expenses are not
of fifty percent (50%) of expenses incurred in training business expenses but capital expenditures.
schemes in connection with the Act and which shall
be deductible during the financial year the expenses The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the CIR.
were incurred. Advertising is generally of two kinds: (1) advertising
to stimulate the current sale of merchandise or use of
3. Republic Act 8525 (Adopt a school act) services and (2) advertising designed to stimulate
the future sale of merchandise or use of services.
The law provides for a deduction from the gross The second type involves expenditures incurred, in
income equivalent to fifty percent (50%) of expenses whole or in part, to create or maintain some form of
incurred in connection with the said act. goodwill for the taxpayer’s trade or business or for
the industry or profession of which the taxpayer is a
4. Republic Act 9999 (Free Legal Assistance Act) member. If the expenditures are for the advertising of
the first kind, then, except as to the question of the
The law provides that a lawyer or professional reasonableness of amount, there is no doubt such
partnerships rendering actual free legal services, as expenditures are deductible as business expenses.
defined by the Supreme Court, shall be entitled to an If, however, the expenditures are for advertising of
allowable deduction from the gross income, the the second kind, then normally they should be spread
amount that could have been collected for the actual out over a reasonable period of time The protection
free legal services rendered or up to ten percent of brand franchise is analogous to the maintenance
(10%) of the gross income derived from the actual of goodwill or title to one’s property. This is a capital
performance of the legal profession, whichever is expenditure which should be spread out over a
lower reasonable period of time. This was akin to the
acquisition of capital assets and therefore expenses
Q21.4.2. Name some revenue related thereto were not to be considered as
regulations implementing business expenses but as capital expenditures. The
special laws which provide for advertising expense incurred by General Foods fall
deductible business expenses. under the second type.

1. RR 1-2009 [December 9, 2008] Q21.4.4. ABC Corporation paid a PR

firm to campaign for the sale
The RR provides that sales discounts given to of ABC’s additional capital
persons with disabilities shall be deductible from stock. Is the compensation
gross income subject to certain conditions. paid to the PR firm deductible
as a business expense?
2. RR 7-2010 [July 20, 2010]
The RR provides that discounts given to senior CORPORATION VS. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL
citizens on certain goods and services shall be REVENUE (JANUARY 27, 1981), the Supreme Court
deductible from gross income. Also, private held that this is not deductible because it is a capital
establishments employing senior citizens shall be expenditure. Expenses relating to the recapitalization
entitled to additional deductions from gross income and reorganization of the corporation, promotion
equivalent to fifteen (15%) of the total amount paid as expenses and commission or fees for the sale of
salaries and wages to senior citizens. stock reorganization are capital expenditures.

Q21.4.3. Are “advertising expenses” Q21.4.5. Are litigation expenses

deductible from gross deductible as a business
income? expense?

It depends on the nature of the advertising expense. No. As held in ATLAS CONSOLIDATED MINING &
FOODS (PHILS.) INC. [APRIL 24, 2003], General Foods INTERNAL REVENUE (JANUARY 27, 1981), litigation
claimed as deductions its advertising expenses for its expenses incurred in defense or protection of title are
product ―Tang.‖ The CIR disallowed the deduction capital in nature and not deductible.


Q21.4.6. A, a hotel owner, claimed as Commission. The Supreme Court held that the police
deduction promotion protection fees were not deductible as they are illegal
expenses incurred by his wife since it was consideration for the performance of
for the promotion of the hotel. functions required of policemen by law. As to the gifts
Half of the said expenses were and parties, they were deemed excessive
disallowed as deductions considering that the purpose of the exhibition was for
because on the finding that his a charitable cause.
wife went abroad on a
combined business and Q21.5. What is the rule on the
medical trip. Is the deductibility of compensation
disallowance proper? payments?
Yes. In ZAMORA VS. COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL The test of deductibility in the case of compensation
REVENUE [MAY 31, 1963], Zamora, a hotel owner, payments is whether they are reasonable and
claimed as deduction promotion expenses incurred payments purely for the personal services actually
by his wife for the promotion of the hotel. On appeal, rendered.
the CTA only allowed 50% of the promotional
expenses as deductions because it was found in the Q21.5.1. A, an experience realtor, was
Central Bank dollar allocation that his wife went paid supervision fees in the
abroad on a combined business and medical trip. amount of P100,000 annually
by XYZ Corporation for a
The Supreme Court stated that promotional three-year project, an amount
expenses are deductible but must be substantiated. when combined with his salary
When some of the representation expenses claimed and bonuses is double the
by the taxpayer were evidenced by vouchers or chits, XYZ’s income. Are the
but others were without vouchers or chits, documents supervision fees deductible?
or supporting papers; that there is no more than oral
proof to the effect that payments have been made for No. In C.M. HOSKINS & CO., INC. VS. COMMISSIONER OF
representation expenses allegedly made by the INTERNAL REVENUE [NOVEMBER 28, 1969], Hoskins &
taxpayer and about the general nature of such Co. claimed as deductions the payment of P100,000
alleged expenses; that accordingly, it is not possible to its founder and controlling stockholder, Hoskins
to determine the actual amount covered by representing 50% of the 8% supervision fees the
supporting papers and the amount without supporting company received as managing agent for Paradise
papers, the court should determine from all available Farms. In this case, the Supreme Court held that
data, the amount properly deductible as such was not deductible for failing to pass the
representation expenses. In view of this, the reasonableness test. If allowed, Hoskin would be
Supreme Court held CTA did not commit error in receiving on his salary, bonus, and supervision fees
allowing as promotion expenses in A’s income tax at total of P185,000 which is double the company’s
returns at merely one-half. reported net income. The Supreme Court stated that
if it was a one-time payment, it could have been
Q21.4.7. Are police protection fees and deducted since Hoskin was an experienced realtor.
gifts for an exhibition for However, the P100,000 supervision fee was being
charitable purposes paid every year (for three years) for the entire
deductible as a business duration of the company’s project with Paradise
expense? Farms.

No. In CALANOC VS. COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL Q21.6. Are salaries deductible?

REVENUE [NOVEMBER 29, 1961], at issue in this case
is the deductibility of the expenses incurred for police Yes provided that they comply with the following
protection and for gifts and parties in connection with requisites:
the boxing and wrestling exhibition that Calanoc 1. The expense must be both ordinary and
financed and promoted whose proceeds would be necessary
given to the orphans and destitute children of the 2. The salaries must be paid or incurred within
Child Welfare Workers Club of the Social Welfare the taxable year


3. The salaries must be incurred in carrying on It would depend on the nature, extent, and quality of
a trade or business the services actually rendered by the resident officers
4. The salaries must be for personal services and employees. In KUENZLE & STREIFF, INC. VS.
5. The salaries must be reasonable in amount. 1959], the Supreme Court held that the bonuses to
its resident officers and employees were reasonable
Q21.7. Are bonuses to employees taking into account the situation at the time when the
allowable deductions from gross services were rendered: unsettling conditions after
income? the war, the imposition of controls on exports and
imports, and he use of foreign exchange which
Yes provided that: resulted in diminution of the amount of business.

Q21.8. What are some factors that may be

1. They are made in good faith
2. They are given for personal services actually considered in determining the
rendered reasonableness of the
3. They do not exceed a reasonable compensation paid for services?
compensation for the services rendered They are:
when added to the stipulated salaries.
1. The payment must be made in good faith
Q21.7.1. Can a bonus given to 2. The character of the taxpayer’s business
corporate officers be deducted 3. The volume and amount of its net earnings
from gross income from the 4. The locality in which the business is in
sale of one of its properties on 5. The type and extent of the services rendered
the representation that 6. The salary policy of the corporation
corporate officers, by virtue of 7. The size of the particular business
their positions, contributed to 8. The employee’s qualifications and business
the consummation of the sale? venture
9. The general economic conditions
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE [FEBRUARY 25, There is no fixed test in determining the
1982], Aguinaldo Industries sought to claim as reasonableness of a given bonus as compensation.
deductions the bonuses given to its corporate officers This depends on many factors and the situation must
from the sale of one of its properties.The Supreme be considered as a whole.
Court held that the said bonuses cannot be deducted
because there is no evidence that the said officers Q21.9. What is the rule on the
did any work which would be the basis of the grant of
deductibility of representation or
the bonuses. One of the requisites for the
deductibility of bonuses is that they are given for entertainment, amusement and
personal services actually rendered. recreation expenses?

Q21.7.2. ABC Corporation claimed as Such expenses must:

deductions bonuses it gave to 1. be directly related to or in furtherance of the
its non-resident president and conduct of the trade, business or exercise of
vice-president and the the profession
bonuses it gave to its resident 2. not be contrary to law, morals, public policy
officers and employees. The or public order
company gave its resident 3. not exceed such ceilings prescribed by the
officers and employees much Secretary of Finance.
more. The deductions for
bonuses given to resident Q21.9.1. Is there a ceiling on
officers and employees were entertainment, amusement
disallowed for being excessive and recreational expenses?
and for no special reason. Is
the disallowance proper? Yes. RR 10-2002 [JULY 10, 2002] provides that
sellers of goods or properties are allowed to deduct


0.5% of their net sales as representation expenses not precluded thereby from claiming said interest
while sellers of services are granted 1% of their net payment as deduction under Section 34(B) of the
revenues as representation expenses. However, same Code. It is a well-settled rule that tax
when supporting documents reflect a lower amount, obligations constitute indebtedness for purposes of
then such lower amount shall be used. deduction from gross income of the amount of
interest paid on indebtedness.
Interest (as amended by Republic Act 9337) Q24.2. Are there any additional
requisites provided for revenue
Q22. How is interest defined under the Tax regulations for the deductibility
Code? of interest expenses?

Interest shall refer to the payment for the use or Yes. RR 13-2000 [NOVEMBER 20, 2000] provides
forbearance or detention of money, regardless of the three more, namely:
name it is called or denominated. It includes the
amount paid for the borrower’s use of money during 1. the interest payment arrangement must not be
the term of the loan, as well as for his detention of between related taxpayers
money after the due date for its repayment. 2. the interest must not be incurred to finance
petroleum operations
Q23. What is indebtedness? 3. in case of interest incurred to acquire property
used in trade, business, or exercise of profession, the
Indebtedness is something owned by one who is same was not treated as a capital expenditure
unconditionally obligated or bound to pay
The RR also provides for a limitation in that the
Q24. What are the requisites for the amount of interest expense paid or incurred by a
deductibility of interest expenses from taxpayer in connection with his trade, business, or
gross income? exercise of a profession from an existing
indebtedness shall be reduced by an amount equal to
The requisites are: 38% of the interest income earned which had been
1. There must be indebtedness subject to final withholding taxes.
2. The indebtedness must be connected with
the taxpayer’s trade, business or exercise of Q24.3. What are the rules on the
profession deductibility of Interest
3. The interest must be legally due expenses?
4. The interest expense must have been paid or
incurred during the taxable year. The general rule is that the amount of interest
5. The interest must have been stipulated in expense paid or incurred within a taxable year on
writing indebtedness in connection with the taxpayer’s trade,
business or exercise of profession shall be allowed
Q24.1. Do tax obligations constitute as a deduction from the taxpayer’s gross income
indebtedness? provided that the taxpayer’s otherwise allowable
deduction for interest expense shall be reduced by
Yes. In COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE VS. VDA. 38% of the interest income subject to final tax.
DE PRIETO [SEPTEMBER 30, 1960], Vda. de Prieto
conveyed real property by way of gifts to her four The exceptions (where interest expense is not
children. She was assessed for donor’s gift taxes deductible from gross income) are:
including interests due thereon. She claimed as
deduction the total interest on account of the 1. If within the taxable year an individual
delinquency. She contends that the interests due reporting income on the cash basis incurs an
from her tax obligations are deductible from gross indebtedness on which an interest is paid in
income. advance through discount or otherwise.
Such interest shall be allowed as a deduction
The Supreme Court held that although interest in the year the indebtedness is paid. If the
payment for delinquent taxes is not deductible as tax
under Section 34(C) of the Tax Code, the taxpayer is 52
This will be further discussed under tax arbitrage.


indebtedness is payable in periodic In PAPER INDUSTRIES CORPORATION OF THE
amortization, the amount of interest which PHILIPPINES VS. COURT OF APPEALS [DECEMBER
corresponds to the amount of the principal 1, 1995], Paper Industries claimed as deductions
amortized or paid during the year shall be against gross income interest payments on loans for
allowed as deduction in such taxable year. the purchase of machinery and equipment. The CIR
2. If both the taxpayer and the person to whom disallowed the deduction on the ground that because
the payment has been made or is to be made the loans had been incurred for the purchase of
are “related” persons specified under machinery and equipment, the interest payments on
Section 36(B). the said loans should have been capitalized instead
3. If the indebtedness is used to finance and claimed as a depreciation deduction taking into
petroleum exploration. account the adjusted basis of the machinery and
equipment (original acquisition cost plus interest
Q24.4.1. Enumerate the cases when no charges) over the useful life of such assets.
deduction is allowed because
the loan is between related The Supreme Court ruled that Paper Industries is
taxpayers. entitled to its claimed deduction for interest payments
on loans for, among other things, the purchase of
1. Between members of the family machinery and equipment. The general rule is that
2. Between an individual and a corporation – interest expenses are deductible against gross
where the individual paid interest on a loan income and this certainly includes interest paid under
granted by the corporation more than 50% of loans incurred in connection with the carrying on of
the capital stock of which is owned by the the business of the taxpayer. In this case, the CIR
individual does not dispute that the interest payments were
3. Between two corporations – where one made on loans incurred in connection with the
corporation owns more than 50% of the carrying on of the registered operations of Paper
other Industries, i.e., the financing of the purchase of
4. Between a grantor and fiduciary of a trust machinery and equipment actually used in the
5. Between the fiduciary of a trust and the registered operations of Paper Industries. Neither
fiduciary of another trust with the same does the CIR deny that such interest payments
grantor were legally due and demandable under the terms of
6. Between a fiduciary of a trust and a such loans, and in fact paid by Paper Indusries
beneficiary of such trust during the tax year. The CIR has been unable to
point to any provision of the Tax Code or any other
Q25. May the taxpayer choose to treat Statute that requires the disallowance of the interest
interest expense as capital payments made by Paper Industries. The general
expenditure? rule that interest payments on a legally demandable
loan are deductible from gross income must be
Yes. Section 34(B)(3) provides that at the option of applied.
the taxpayer, interest incurred to acquire property
used in trade, business or exercise of a profession Interest arbitrage
may be allowed as a deduction or treated as a capital
expenditure. Q26. What is interest arbitrage?
However, should the taxpayer elect to deduct the Interest arbitrage results in the reduction of the
interest payments against its gross income, the interest expense by a percentage of the interest
taxpayer cannot at the same time capitalize the income subject to final tax. It is also defined as a
interest payments because that would constitute circumstance which is presumed to exist because by
double tax benefits which is not authorized by law putting excess funds in deposits/securities subject to
20% withholding, taxpayers are able to avoid the
32% tax which will happen if the same funds are
invested in revenue-generating activities.
The case of a parent company-subsidiary loan will not be
disallowed because it does not refer to a case of a commonly- Another illustration of this is when a taxpayer borrows
owned entity (commonly owned at 50%) but one where one entity money from the bank (interest payments on which
owns the other.


can then be claimed as expense and thus a 32% claimed are connected with income from sources
benefit) then deposits it in a bank (and subsequently within the Philippines.
suffers only a 20% final withholding tax) thus
benefiting by 12% representing the difference the Also, to be deductible, the taxes must be imposed by
32% deduction and the 20% withholding tax. It does law on, and payable by the taxpayer. Thus, a VAT is
not matter if the taxpayer actually intended to save not deductible by the customer upon whom the
taxes. burden of the tax is shifted by the seller (on whom the
tax is imposed by law).
In BIR RULING NO. 006-00 [JANUARY 5, 2000],
PNB requested the BIR to exclude the interest
income derived by it from treasury bonds in the Q27.1. May a resident alien deduct from
determination of the interest expense not allowable their gross income income taxes
as deduction as gross income. PNB argues that the they paid to their government?
said bonds were given by the Government for
payment for its liabilities to PNB and hence, it has not Generally, the answer is no. In COMMISSIONER OF
engaged in a tax arbitrage scheme. INTERNAL REVENUE VS. LEDNICKY [JULY 31, 1964],

US citizens residing in the Philippines who derives

Although as a general rule, the amount of interest income wholly from sources within the Philippines,
expense paid or incurred by a taxpayer within a sought to deduct from their gross income the income
taxable year on indebtedness in connection with his taxes they have paid to the US government.
trade, business or exercise of profession shall be
allowed as a deduction from his gross income, the The Supreme Court held that to allow an alien
said interest expense, however, shall be reduced if resident to deduct from his gross income whatever
the taxpayer has derived certain interest income taxes he pays to his own government is incompatible
which had been subject to final withholding tax. The with the status of the Philippines as a sovereign
CIR ruled that this limitation on the deductibility of state. This is because the foreign government will
interest expenses applies whether or not a tax have the power to reduce the tax income of the
arbitrage scheme was entered into by the taxpayer. Philippine government simply by increasing their tax
Also important is this case is the statement made by
Q27. Are all taxes deductible from gross the court on the exception: a taxpayer may only be
income? allowed to deduct from his gross income, taxes paid
to a foreign country when such taxpayer is entitled to
No. Section 34(C)(1) provides that all taxes, national a foreign tax credit and he does not choose to
or local, paid or accrued during the taxable year in exercise such right. The right to deduct foreign tax
connection with the trade or business or paid is only an alternative to the taxpayer’s right to
profession of the taxpayer are deductible from the foreign tax credit.
gross income except:
Q28. What is the rule on credit for taxes?
1. Philippine income tax
2. Foreign income taxes unless the taxpayer If the taxpayer signifies in his return his desire to
does not make use of the tax credit privilege claim a credit for taxes, the basis of such credit, in
under Section 34(C)(3) the case of a resident citizen of the Philippines, and
3. Estate and donor’s taxes in the case of a domestic corporation is as follows:
4. Taxes assessed against local benefits of a
kind tending to increase the value of the a. The amount of income taxes paid or incurred
property assessed (special assessments) during the taxable year to any foreign country
5. VAT b. An individual’s proportionate share of any
such taxes of which he is a partner or of an
In the case of nonresident alien individual or a 54
foreign corporation, deduction is only allowed if and Note that at the time this case was decided, resident aliens were
still allowed to claim a tax credit. The present rule is that only
to the extent that the taxes for which deduction is resident citizens and domestic corporations can claim a tax credit.
Also, in this case, their net income for foreign sources was zero
and, thus, there was no need to apply the tax credit.


estate or trust of which he is a beneficiary 2. Those incurred in any transaction entered
paid or accrued during the taxable year to a into for profit, although not connected with
foreign country if his distributive share of the the trade or business
income of such partnership or trust is 3. Casualty losses that arise from fire, storm,
reported for taxation under Title II. shipwreck, or other casualty, or from theft or
robbery, even though not connected with the
Only those subject to tax on worldwide income trade or business of the taxpayer.
(resident citizen and domestic corporations) may
avail of tax credits because they pay taxes for foreign Q30. What are the conditions for deductibility
sources income twice (in the Philippines and abroad) of losses?
and the tax credit is meant to lessen the impact of
double taxation, In order that losses may be allowed as deductions,
the following conditions must concur:
Q28.1. What are the limitations on credit
for foreign taxes? 1. The losses must actually be sustained and
charged off within the taxable year
The amount of the credit shall be subject to the 2. Evidenced by a closed and completed
following limitations: transaction
3. Loss is not compensated by insurance or
1. The amount of the credit in respect to the tax otherwise
paid or incurred to any country shall not 4. In the case of an individual, the loss must have
exceed the same proportion of the tax been incurred in the business, trade or profession
against which such credit is taken, which the of the taxpayer or incurred in any transaction
taxpayer’s taxable income from sources entered into for profit though not connected with
within such country under this Title bears to his trade or business
his entire taxable income for the same 5. In the case of casualty loss, declaration of loss is
taxable year. filed within 45 days from the occurrence of the
2. The total amount of the credit shall not casualty loss
exceed the same proportion of the tax
against which such credit is taken, which the Q30.1. How shall the amount of the loss
taxpayer’s taxable income from sources deductible be determined?
without the Philippines taxable under this
Title bears to his entire taxable income for The amount of loss deductible is limited to the
the same taxable year. difference between the value of the property
immediately preceding the loss and its value
In mathematical terms, this can be expressed as: immediately thereafter but shall not exceed an
amount equal of the cost or other adjusted basis of
the property, or depreciated cost reduced by any
insurance or other compensation received.
Thus, the tax payable is whichever comes out from
this formula or the actual foreign taxes paid, Q30.2. What are the special rules on
whichever is lower. losses?
Certain special rules on losses are:
1. Losses are deductible only by the person
Q29. How are losses classified under the Tax sustaining them. They are purely personal
Code? and cannot be used as deductions by
Losses are generally classified into:
For example, you purchased a piece of machinery for the value
1. Those incurred in a trade or business for of 200,000 to be depreciated for 20 years. On the 10th year, it was
lost due to fire and for the loss, you received P50,000 from your
profit insurance. How much can you deduct? Get the depreciated cost
which is now 100,000 and deduct the insurance received. The
amount that can be deducted is then 50,000.


A person cannot deduct from gross income any
2. Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO) amount claimed as a loss merely on account of
can be availed of by any taxpayer engaged in shrinkage in value of such stock through fluctuations
trade, business, or practice of profession. of the market or otherwise.
Net Operating loss of business for any
taxable year, which refers to the excess of Q30.4. What is the rule with respect to
allowable deduction over gross income, can loss resulting from stocks
be carried over as deduction for the next becoming worthless?
three consecutive taxable years immediately
following the year of such loss. If the securities become worthless during the taxable
year and are capital assets, the loss resulting
NOLCO shall be allowed only if there has therefrom shall be considered as a loss from the sale
been no substantial change in the or exchange, on the last day of such taxable year, of
ownership of the business or enterprise. capital assets.
3. Capital losses may not be deducted from
Q30.5. What are the substantiation
ordinary gains; such capita losses may only
be deducted from capital gains unless a final requirements for losses arising
tax on the capital transaction is imposed. from casualty, robbery, theft, or
4. Losses from wagering transaction shall be embezzlement?
allowed only to the extent of the gains from
such transactions. Generally, under RR 12-77 [OCTOBER 6, 1977], the
5. In the case of petroleum operations which substantiation requirements are:
are abandoned, wholly or partially,
accumulated exploration and development 1. A declaration of loss filed with the CIR or his
expenditures to a certain extent may be deputies within a certain period as prescribed
allowed as deduction as abandonment in the RR after the occurrence of the
losses. casualty, robbery, theft, or embezzlement
6. Losses on account of the shrinkage in value 2. Proof of the elements of the loss claimed
of securities or shares of stock are not
deductible until after the loss would have RMO 31-2009 [OCTOBER 16, 2009] provides for
been actually sustained by the disposition of policies and guidelines for the reporting of casualty
the said securities. When, however, such losses.
securities become worthless during the
taxable year and are capital assets the loss Section 38, Tax Code
thereform shall be considered as a loss from
the sale or exchange on the last day of such
taxable year, of capital assets. Q31. Define Wash sale.
7. Voluntary advances to a corporation made
without expectation of repayment do no Wash sale is a sale or other disposition of stock or
warrant, upon on-payment, a deduction for securities where substantially identical securities are
losses acquired or purchased within a 61-day period,
8. Losses from investments are not deductible beginning 30 days before the sale and ending 30
as ordinary losses or as bad debts from other days after the sale.
income. Shares of stock becoming worthless
in the hands of an investor are capital assets, Q31.1. Are losses from wash sales
as such capital losses are allowed to be deductible?
deducted only to the extent of capital gains.
No. This is an exception to the general rule that
Q30.3. What is the rule with respect to losses from sales or exchanges of stock or securities
loss resulting from shrinkage in are deductible as losses from sales or exchange of
the value of the stock property.

This will not apply to a loss incurred by a dealer in



Q32. What is a net operating loss? 1995], the Supreme Court ruled that the deduction
was improper. NOLCO of the taxpayer shall not be
Net Operating loss refers to the excess of allowable transferred or assigned to another person, whether
deduction over gross income of a business for any directly or indirectly, such as, but not limited to, the
taxable year. transfer or assignment thereof through merger,
consolidation or any form of business combination of
Q32.1. What are the rules on the carry- such taxpayer with another person. To allow the
over of net operation loss by a deduction claimed by the surviving corporation would
be to permit one corporation or enterprise to benefit
from the operating losses accumulated by another
corporation or enterprise.
1. The net operating loss of the business or
enterprise for any taxable year immediately
preceding the current taxable year, which had not Q32.3. If a corporation has paid its MCIT,
been previously offset as deduction from gross will the three-year reglementary
income shall be carried over as a deduction from period on the carry-over of NOLCO
gross income for the next 3 consecutive taxable continue to run?
years immediately following the year of such loss
2. Any net loss incurred in a taxable year during Yes. RR 14-01 [AUGUST 27, 2001] provides that that
which the taxpayer was exempt from income tax the three-year reglementary period on the carry-over
shall not be allowed as a deduction of NOLCO shall continue to run notwithstanding the
3. A net operating loss carry-over shall be allowed fact that the corporation paid its income tax under the
only if there has been no substantial change in MCIT computation
the ownership of the business or enterprise in
that – Q32.4. If several corporations enter an
agreement to integrate their
(a) not less than 75% in nominal value of respective businesses, can each
outstanding issued shares, if the business is in of the corporations continue to
the name of a corporation is held by or on behalf
carry-over their respective net
of the same persons; or
operating losses?
(b) Not less than 75% of the paid-up capital of the
corporation. If the business is in the name of a It depends on the nature of the integration plan. In
corporation is held by or on behalf of the same BIR RULING 30-00 [AUGUST 10, 2000], three cement
persons. companies (Republic, Fortune and Blue Circle)
sought the opinion of the CIR on the tax implications
Q32.2. XYZ entered into a merger of their integration plan. With regard to NOLCO, the
CIR held that since, under the plan, the corporation
agreement with ABC. Under this
are not dissolved but merely integrated for a specific
agreement, the rights, properties, bona fide purpose, the net operation losses of each
privileges, powers and franchises of the cement corporations are preserved after the
of the said ABC were to be proposed share swap and may be carried over and
transferred, assigned and claimed as a deduction from their respective gross
conveyed to XYZ as the surviving income because there is no substantial change in the
corporation. Before merger, the ownership of either of the three cement companies.
company had over preceding
years accumulated losses. XYZ Forex losses
claimed these losses as a
deduction against its gross Q33. Are foreign exchange losses
income. Should the deduction be deductible?
No. In BIR RULING 206-90 [OCTOBER 30, 1990] and
BIR RULING NO. 144-85 [AUGUST 26, 1985], the CIR


held that, with regard to foreign exchange losses, the the bad debts and it shall approve the writing off
annual increase in value of an asset is not taxable of the said indebtedness from the banks; books
income because such increase has not yet been of accounts at the end of the taxable year.
realized, The increase in value could only be taxed 2. In no case may a receivable from an insurance or
when a disposition of the property occurred which surety company be written-off from the taxpayer's
was of such a nature as to constitute a realization of books and claimed as bad debts deduction
such gain. The same conclusion obtains to losses. unless such company has been declared closed
The annual decline in the value of property is not due to insolvency or for any such similar reason
normally allowable as a deduction. Hence, to be by the Insurance Commissioner
allowable the loss must be realized.
In both cases, requisites nos. 1-4 should still be
Bad Debts complied with,

Q34. What are bad debts? Q34.3. What is meant by “actually

ascertained to be worthless?”
Bad debts shall refer to those debts resulting from
the worthlessness or uncollectibility, in whole or in The phrase means that a debt is not worthless simply
part, of amounts due the taxpayer by others, arising because it is of doubtful value or difficult to collect.
from money lent or form uncollectable amounts of Conclusive evidence must be presented to show that
income from goods sold or services rendered. the taxpayer’s receivable from a debtor has definitely
become worthless.
Q34.1. How do you distinguish bad debts
from loss? Q34.4. What is meant by “actually
charged off?”
Voluntary cancellation or forgiveness of a debt does
not give rise to a deductible loss. However, if the debt The phrase means that the amount of money lent by
is actually worthless, there may be a bad debt the taxpayer to his debtor has been recorded in his
deduction. That deduction would be allowed because books of account as a receivable that has actually
the debt was worthless, not because it was forgiven. become worthless of as of the end of the taxable
year, that the said receivable has been cancelled and
Q34.2. What are the conditions for bad written-off from the said taxpayers books of account.
debts to be deductible?
Q34.5. ABC mining entered into a
As provided in RR 5-99 [March 10, 1999], the management contract with XYZ
requisites for deductibility of bad debts are: mining. ABC made advances of
cash and property. However,
1. There must be an existing indebtedness due to XYZ’s mine suffered continuing
the taxpayer which must be valid and legally losses which led to ABC;s
demandable withdrawal as manager and
2. The same must be connected with the taxpayer’s cessation of mine operations. ABC
trade, business or practice of profession
and XYZ entered into two
3. The same must not be sustained in a transaction
entered into between related parties compromises: the first involved
4. The same must actually be charged-off within the alleged indebtedness by XYZ from
taxable year the advances of ABC and the
5. The same must be actually ascertained to be second involved long-term loans
worthless and uncollectible as of the end of the guaranteed by ABC. ABC
taxable year. deducted the amounts as bad
debt. Is the deduction proper?
RR 5-99 [March 10, 1999] provides for two
exceptions to requisite no. 5, namely: No. In PHILEX MINING CORPORATION VS.
1. The BSP, through the Monetary Board, shall 2008], the Supreme Court held that Philex cannot
ascertain the worthlessness and uncollectibility of deduct the amounts as bad debt. The agreement


provided for a distribution of assets of the mine upon No. In FERNANDEZ HERMANOS, INC. VS. COMMISSIONER
termination, a provision that is more consistent with a OF INTERNAL REVENUE [SEPTEMBER 30, 1969], the
partnership than a creditor-debtor relationship. In this Supreme Court held that the deduction was improper.
connection, there is no contractual basis for the The Court opined that assuming that in this case
execution of the two compromise agreements in there was a valid and subsisting debt and that the
which Baguio Gold recognized a debt in favor of debtor was incapable of paying the debt, the debt is
Philex. Philex’s advances should be treated as still not deductible as a worthless debt because the
investments in a partnership. The advances were not debtor was still in operation. It has been held that if
"debts" of Baguio Gold to Philex inasmuch as the the debtor corporation, although losing money or
latter was under no unconditional obligation to return insolvent, was still operating at the end of the taxable
the same to the former. year, the debt is not considered worthless and
therefore not deductible.
As for the amounts that Philex paid as guarantor to
Baguio Gold’s creditors, the debts were not yet due Q34.8. What is the Tax Benefit Rule?
and demandable at the time that Philex paid the
same. Philex cannot claim the advances as a bad Under the Tax Benefit Rule or Equitable Doctrine
debt deduction from its gross income. Deductions for of Tax Benefit, the recovery of amounts deducted in
income tax purposes partake of the nature of tax previous years shall be included as part of the gross
exemptions and are strictly construed against the income in the year of recovery to the extent of the
taxpayer, who must prove by convincing evidence income tax benefit of said deduction.
that he is entitled to the deduction claimed. In this
case, Philex failed to substantiate its assertion that If in the year the taxpayer claimed deduction of bad
the advances were subsisting debts of Baguio Gold debts written-off, he realized a reduction of the
that could be deducted from its gross income. income tax due from him on account of said
Consequently, it could not claim the advances as a deduction, his subsequent recovery thereof from his
valid bad debt deduction. debtor shall be treated as a receipt of realized
taxable income. Conversely, if the said taxpayer did
Q34.6. Is the declaration by the taxpayer not benefit from the deduction if the said bad debt
that a debt is worthless sufficient written-off, then his subsequent recovery shall be
for it to claim a bad debt treated as a mere recovery or a return of capital,
deduction? hence, not treated as receipt of realized taxable
APPEALS [M AY 8, 1996], at issue was PRC’s (now Depreciation
Unilever) claimed of bad debt deduction. On appeal,
the CTA disallowed the same as there was no iota of Q35. What is depreciation?
documentary evidence to prove the worthlessness of
the debts sought to be deducted. The Supreme Court Depreciation is the gradual diminution in the useful
stated that before a debt can be considered value of tangible property resulting from wear and
worthless, the taxpayer must also show that it is tear and normal obsolescense.
indeed uncollectible even in the future. PRC here
failed to prove the worthlessness of the amounts The term is also applied to amortization of the value
receivable. of intangible assets, the use of which in the trade or
business is definitely limited in duration.
Q34.7. ABC, an investment company
made advances to XYZ under an Q35.1. What is the rationale behind
agreement that a portion of its net depreciation?
profits would go to ABC. XYZ
suffered substantial losses but Depreciation commences with the acquisition of the
property and its owner is not bound to see his
continued to operate. ABC made a
property gradually waste, without making provision
partial write-off of the losses and
deducted the amount in its return. 56
Not all tangible property can be depreciated. Land, for example,
Is the deduction proper? cannot be depreciated because its value continues to increase.
Like those with limited duration


out of earnings for its replacement. It is entitled to see
to it that from earnings the value of the property Q35.4. The BIR found that ABC claimed
invested is kept unimpaired so that at the end of any excessive depreciation of its
given term of years, the original investment remains buildings. In its defense, ABC
as it was in the beginning
Limpan argued that that some of
its buildings are old and out of
Q35.2. What are the requisites for the
style; hence, they are entitled to
deductibility of a depreciation
higher rates of depreciation than
those adopted by the BIR in its
assessment. On appeal, the CTA
1. The allowance for depreciation must be
found that the depreciation was
excessive. Should the findings of
2. It must be for property used in the trade,
the CTA be affirmed?
business, or profession
3. It must be charged off during the taxable
Yes provided there no arbitrariness and abuse of
year; and discretion on the part of the CTA. In LIMPAN
4. A statement on the allowance must be INVESTMENT CORPORATION VS. COMMISSIONER OF
attached to the return INTERNAL REVENUE [JULY 26, 1966], the Supreme
Court opined that depreciation is a question of fact
Q35.3. Can an asset be depreciated and is not measured by theoretical yardstick, but
beyond its acquisition cost? should be determined by a consideration of actual
facts. The findings of the tax court in this respect
No. In BASILAN ESTATES, INC. VS. COMMISSIONER OF should not be disturbed when not shown to be
INTERNAL REVENUE [SEPTEMBER 5, 1967], Basilan arbitrary or in abuse of discretion. Limpan has not
Estates claimed deductions for the depreciation of its shown any arbitrariness or abuse of discretion on the
assets up to 1949 on the basis of their acquisition part of the CTA. In fact, the CTA applied rates of
cost. In 1950, however, it changed the depreciable depreciation in accordance with Bulletin F of the US
value of the assets by increasing it to conform with Federal Internal Revenue Service, which the
the increase in cost of their replacement. Accordingly, Supreme Court, has pronounced as having strong
in 1950 to 1953, the company deducted from gross persuasive effect.
income the value of the depreciation based on this
reappraised value. Q35.5. What are the special rules on
deductibility of depreciation on
The Supreme Court held that such value cannot be vehicle expenses?
deducted from gross income as it was beyond the
acquisition cost. Depreciation as a deduction is RR 12-2012 [OCTOBER 12, 2012] provides for the
allowed so that the owner of the assets can set aside following rules:
some money to buy a replacement or, in other words,
to gradually recover the acquisition cost. The income 1. Only one vehicle for land transport is allowed for
tax law does not authorize the depreciation of an the use of an official or employee
asset beyond its acquisition cost. The reason is that 2. The value of which should not exceed
deductions from gross income are privileges, not P2,400,000
matters of right. More importantly, the recovery, free 3. It must be substantiated with sufficient evidence,
of income tax, of an amount more than the invested such as official receipts or other adequate
capital in an asset will run counter to the purpose of a records; and
depreciation allowance. For then, the taxpayer can 4. There is a direct connection or relation of the
not only recover the acquisition cost, but also make vehicle to the development, management,
some profit. Recovery in due time through operation, and/or conduct of the trade or
depreciation of investment made is the philosophy business or profession of the taxpayer
behind depreciation allowance; the idea of profit on
the investment made has never been the underlying Generally, no deduction in the gross income shall be
reason for the allowance of a deduction for allowed for depreciation of the following:


1. Yachts, helicopters, airplanes, and/or aircrafts; Q36.3. What is the rule on depletion?
2. Land vehicles with a value of more than A reasonable allowance for depletion or amortization,
P2,400,000 under a cost depletion method, shall be allowed for
oil and gas wells and mines. The allowance is
Exception: the taxpayer is in the business of transport deductible from the net taxable income. However,
operations or lease of transportation equipment and when the allowance for depletion has equal the
the vehicles purchased are used in such operations. capital invested, no further allowance shall be
In addition, the following shall be disallowed as
deductions in the gross income: In CONSOLIDATED MINES, INC. VS. COURT OF TAX
APPEALS [AUGUST 29, 1974], the BIR among other
1. All maintenance expenses on account of non- disallowances claimed that the depletion expense
depreciable vehicles; deductions of Consolidated Mines have been
2. Input taxes on the purchase of non-depreciable overcharged. Thus, Consolidated was assessed for
vehicles and all input taxes on maintenance income tax deficiency. The CIR and Consolidated
expenses. differed with regard to the cost of the mining property
as well as the estimated ore deposit. On appeal to
Depletion the CTA, the CTA ruled in favor of the CIR on the
issue of depletion deductions. Consolidated
Q36. What is depletion? contested the rate of mine depletion adopted by the
CTA in arriving at its conclusion.
Depletion is the exhaustion of natural resources like
mines and opil and gas wells as a result of production In depletion, evidence must be shown to show the
or severance from such mines or wells. produce mined and for how much they were sold
during the year for which the return or computation
Q36.1. Who may avail of the cost of were made. This is necessary in order to determine
depletion? the amount of depletion that can be legally deducted
from gross income. Given the evidence presented,
Annual depletion deductions are allowed only to the Supreme Court held that the CIR was correct as
persons who own an economic interest in the to the cost of the mining property but both the CIR
property that are entitled to depletion allowance. and Consolidated were wrong as to estimated ore
Q36.2. What is the difference between
depletion and depreciation? Charitable and other contributions

Both depletion and depreciation are predicated on Q37. What are the conditions for deductibility
the same basic premise of avoiding a tax on capital. of charitable contributions?
The allowance for depletion is based on the theory
that the extraction of minerals gradually exhausts the The requisites are:
capital investment in the mineral deposit. The 1. Actually paid or made to the Philippine
purpose of the depletion deduction is to permit the Government or any political subdivision
owner of a capital interest in mineral in place to make thereof, or any of the domestic corporation or
a tax-free recovery of that depleting capital asset. A association specified in the Tax Code
depletion is based upon the concept of the 2. Made within the taxable year
exhaustion of a natural resource whereas 3. Not exceeding 10% (individuals) or 5%
depreciation is based upon the concept of the (corporations) of the taxpayer’s taxable
exhaustion of the property, not otherwise a natural income before charitable contributions
resource, used in a trade or business or held for the 4. Evidenced by adequate receipts or records
production of income. Thus, depletion and
depreciation are made applicable to different types of
assets. And a taxpayer may not deduct that which the
Code allows as a deduction of another.


Q37.1. What contributions are deductible No. In BIR RULING 19-01 [M AY 10, 2001], at issue
in full? was whether or not international organizations with
home offices based abroad are qualified to be
Donations to the following institutions are deductible granted done institution status (accreditations as
in full: NGO), the CIR ruled that a non-stock, non-profit
corporation or organization must be created or
1. Donations to the Government, its entities, organized under Philippine laws and that an NGO
political subdivisions or fully owned must be a non-profit domestic corporation, a foreign
corporations exclusively for undertaking corporation whether resident or non-resident cannot
priority activities in accordance with the be accredited as a done institution.
national priority plan to be determined by
2. Donations to foreign institutions or Research and Development
international organizations pursuant to
agreements, treaties entered into by Q38. What is the rule on the deductibility of
Government or special laws expenses for research and
3. Donations to accredited Non-Government development?
Organizations (non-profit domestic
corporation) A taxpayer may treat research or development
expenditures which are paid or incurred by him
Q37.2. When are donations subject to during the taxable year in connection with his trade,
limitations? business, or profession as ordinary and necessary
expenses which are not chargeable to capital
When the donation is made to: account. The expenditures so treated shall be
1. The government for public purposes allowed as deduction during the taxable year when
2. Accredited domestic corporations for paid or incurred.
religious, charitable, scientific, etc. purposes
3. Social welfare institutions Q38.1. When is the above rule
4. NGOs (not accredited) inapplicable?

The limitations are 10% of net income for individual The rule does not apply to:
taxpayers and 5% of net income for corporate
taxpayers. 1. Any expenditure for the acquisition or
improvement of land, or for the improvement
Q37.3. What is a non-government of property to be used in connection with
research and development of a character
which is subject to depreciation and depletion
2. Any expenditure paid or incurred for the
A non-government organization shall refer to a
purpose of ascertaining the existence,
non-stock, non-profit domestic corporation
location, extent, quality of any deposit of ore
organized and operated exclusively for scientific,
or other mineral, including oil or gas.
research, educational, character-building and
youth and sports development, health, social
welfare, cultural or charitable purposes or a 59
combination thereof, no part of the net income of
Philippines, a subsidiary of 3M (nonresident foreign
which inures to the benefit of any private individual.
corporation based in the US), claimed as deductions
the entire amount paid by 3M Philippines to 3M for
Q37.3.1. Is an international NGO royalties and technical services. The Supreme Court
qualified to be granted ruled that the entire amount is not deductible.
accreditation? Improper payments of royalty are not deductible as
legitimate business expenses. Proper reference must
be given to CB Circular 393 which provides that

58 59
NGOs are accredited by the PCNC (Philippine Council for NGO Note, however, that during this time, there was a 5% threshold
Certification) for royalty payments.


royalties shall be paid only on commodities Q40. What is meant by “Optional Standard
manufactured by the licensee under the royalty deduction?”
agreement. In this case, there were some finished
products imported by the licensee from the licensor. Section 34(L) provides that in lieu of the itemized
No royalty is payable on the wholesale price of such deductions, an individual subject to tax excluding a
imported finished products. nonresident alien may elect a standard deduction
of not exceeding 40% of his gross sales or gross
Q38.2. May the taxpayer elect to receipts, as the case may be. In the case of a
amortize/capitalize its research domestic corporation and a resident foreign
and development expenses?60 corporation, it may elect a standard deduction in an
amount not exceeding 40% of its gross income.
Yes. The taxpayer may elect to amortize the following
research and development expenditures: A non-resident alien (whether engaged or not) and a
non-resident foreign corporation cannot claim OSD.
1. Paid or incurred by the taxpayer in connection
with his trade, business, or profession The election to use OSD when made in the return
2. Not treated as research and development shall be irrevocable for the taxable year for which the
expenses (not capitalized) return is made.
3. Chargeable to capital account but not chargeable
to property of a character which is subject to Q40.1. What are the rules in the
depreciation or depletion. determination of the amount of
Additional requirements for deductibility
RR 16-2008 [NOVEMBER 26, 2008] provides for the
Q39. What are the additional requirements following rules:
for deductibility of deductions?
1. For individuals
Any amount paid or payable which is otherwise a. If on accrual basis of accounting, the OSD
deductible from or taken into account in computing shall be based on gross sales
gross income or for which depreciation or b. If on cash basis of accounting, the OSD shall
amortization may be allowed shall be allowed as a be based on gross receipts
deduction ONLY if it is shown that the tax required to c. Cost of sales and cost of services are not
be deducted and withheld therefrom has been paid to allowed to be deducted for purposes of
the BIR in accordance with: determining the basis of the OSD

1. Section 34, Section 58 (on returns and payment of 2. For corporations

taxes withheld at source); and a. It shall be based on gross income

2. Section 81 (on filing of return and payment of taxes Q40.2. What are the rules in the
withheld) . determination of the amount of
OSD of GPPs?
RMO 38-83 [NOVEMBER 14, 1983] provides for the
guidelines for allowance of deductions for certain RR 2-2010 [FEBRUARY 18, 2010] amended Sections
income payments. 6 to 7 of RR 16-2008 with respect to the
determination of the OSD of GPPs.
Optional Standard Deduction
A GPP is not subject to income tax but the partners
Section 34 (L), Tax Code as amended by Republic shall be liable to pay income tax on their separate
Act 9504 and individual capabilities for their respective
distributive share in the net income of the GPP.

For purposes of computing the distributive share of

the partners, the net income of the GPP shall be
60 computed in the same manner as a corporation. The
This is similar to interest expense where you can capitalized.


GPP may claim itemized deductions or in lieu thereof 3. Any amount expended in restoring property
may opt to avail of the OSD allowed to corporations. or in making good the exhaustion thereof for
The net income determined by either claiming the which an allowance is or has been made
itemized deductions or OSD from the GPP’s gross (capitalized interest)
income is the distributable net income from which the
share of each partner is determined. 4. Premiums paid on any life insurance
policy covering the life of any officer or
If the GPP availed of the itemized deductions in employee or of any person financially
computing its net income, a partner may still claim interested in any trade or business carried on
itemized deductions from his share in the net income by the taxpayer, individual, or corporate
of the partnership. when the taxpayer is directly or indirectly a
beneficiary under such policy
However, if the GPP availed of the OSD in computing
its net income, the partner can no longer claim further 5. Losses from sales or exchanges of property
deduction from his share in the said net income. directly or indirectly between related
Premium payments on health and/or
hospitalization insurance a. Between members of a family
b. Between an individual and a
corporation more than 50% in value of
Q41. May a taxpayer deduct from his gross
the outstanding stock of which is owned
income premium payments for health by such individual (except in the case of
and hospitalization insurance? distributions in liquidation)
c. Between two corporations more than
Yes. An individual taxpayer can claim as deduction 50% in value of the outstanding stock of
from his gross income the premium payment for each of which is owned by the same
health and/or hospitalization insurance for an amount individual if either one of the companies
not exceeding P2,400 per family during the taxable is a holding company
year provided the gross family income does not d. Between the grantor and a fiduciary of
exceed P250,000 for the taxable year. Only one any trust
spouse claiming the additional exemption for e. Between the fiduciary of a trust and
dependents shall be entitled to this deduction. the fiduciary of another trust if the
same person is a grantor with respect to
Non-deductible expenses each trust
f. Between a fiduciary of a trust and a
Section 36, Tax Code beneficiary of such trust.

Q42. What items are not deductible from Section 119-122, RR 2 reiterates the enumeration
gross income? provided above.

No deduction shall in any case be allowed in respect Q42.1. Are margin fees deductible
to: business expenses?
1. Personal, living or family expenses No. In ESSO STANDARD EASTERN, INC. VS.
2. Any amount paid out for new buildings or Esso made profit remittances to its New York Head
for permanent improvements or Office. Esso claims that the margin fees it paid to the
betterments made to increase the value of Central Bank on the remittances are ordinary and
any property or estate. (Capital necessary expenses and should be deducted from its
expenditures) gross income.

The Supreme Court held that margin fees are not
They are not deductible because the taxpayer is already given a necessary and ordinary expenses. The margin fees
personal exemption of P50,000 regardless of status and gender,
plus an additional exemption of P25,000 foe each dependent, not are not expenses in connection with the production or
exceeding 4, as defined by law earning of petitioner's incomes in the Philippines..


Since the margin fees in question were incurred for Q45. Is income subject to final tax included
the remittance of funds to petitioner's Head Office in in the taxpayer’s taxable income?
New York, which is a separate and distinct income
taxpayer from the branch in the Philippines, for its No. Under the Tax Code, "taxable income" does not
disposal abroad, it can never be said therefore that include passive income subjected to final withholding
the margin fees were appropriate and helpful in the taxes. The definition of gross income is broad enough
development of petitioner's business in the to include all passive incomes subject to specific
Philippines exclusively or were incurred for purposes rates or final taxes. However, since these passive
proper to the conduct of the affairs of petitioner's incomes are already subject to different rates and
branch in the Philippines exclusively or for the taxed finally at source, they are no longer included in
purpose of realizing a profit or of minimizing a loss in the computation of gross income, which determines
the Philippines exclusively taxable income (see CIR VS. PHILIPPINE AIRLINES
[OCTOBER 9, 2006]).
Determining Net Income Tax Payable62
Such income is no longer ―returnable,‖ meaning it will
Section 31, 32(A), NIRC no longer be declared as income in the income tax
return and, hence, will not be subject to the schedular
Q43. What is taxable income? income tax rates on individuals or the corporate
income tax rate.
As defined in Section 31, the term ―taxable income‖
means the pertinent items of gross income specified Q46. How is net income tax payable
in this Code, less the deductions and/or personal and determined?
additional exemptions, if any, authorized for such
types of income by this Code or other special laws. In all cases, other than when a final tax is imposed or
when the gross compensation income tax system
Q44. What is gross income? applies, the income tax is imposed on the net taxable
income computed as follows:
As provided in Section 32(A), gross income means
all income derived from whatever source, including, (1) All income minus exclusions equals gross
but not limited to, the following items: income;
(2) Gross income less allowable deductions
1. Compensation for services in whatever form equals net income (in case of corporations,
paid, including, but not limited to fees, this is already the taxable net income)
salaries, wages, commissions and similar (3) Net income less personal and additional
items; exemptions (when applicable) equals
2. Gross income derived from the conduct of taxable net income
trade or business or the exercise of a (4) Taxable net income times income tax rates
profession; (on the graduated basis) equals net income
3. Gains derived from dealings in property tax due
4. Interests (5) Income tax less creditable withholding tax
5. Rents and/or tax credit equals net income tax
6. Royalties payable.
7. Dividends
8. Annuities
9. Prizes and winnings
10. Pensions; and
11. Partner’s distributive share from the net
income of the GPP

The next three parts will be on Individuals, Corporations, and
Withholding Tax. This part provides the key terms and an overview
of how net income tax payable for individuals and corporations are
determined. Simply multiply it with the corporate income tax rate.


Individuals Further, their holiday pay, overtime pay, night shift
differential pay, and hazard pay received by them
Ordinary and Passive Income shall likewise be exempt from income tax.

Q47. Differentiate ordinary income from Q47.2. What is the income tax rate
passive income. imposed on passive income?

Ordinary income is income other than capital gain Passive incomes are subject to different final taxes.
and those incomes which fall under the category of
passive income. As stated earlier, since they are already subject to
different rates and taxed finally at source, they are no
On the other hand, if the income is generated in the longer included in the computation of gross income,
active pursuit and performance of the corporation’s which determines taxable income.
primary purposes, the same is not passive income.
Generally, passive income is income generated by Q47.3. What are the incomes subject to
the taxpayer’s assets. These assets can be in the final tax rates?
form of real properties that return rental income,
shares of stock in a corporation that earn dividends As a general rule, income, gain or profit derived by
or interest income received from savings. an individual during the taxable year shall be subject
to the graduated income tax rates.
Q47.1. What is the income tax rate
As exceptions, certain incomes subject to tax are
imposed on ordinary income?
not subject to the graduated tax rates and are instead
subject to final tax rates. They are:
It shall be subject to the graduated income tax with
rates from 5% to 32%. 1. Tax on certain passive income under
Section 24(B)
In relation to Section 23 of the NIRC, the taxable a. Interests, royalties, prizes and other
income derived for each taxable year: winnings under Section 24(B)(1)
b. Cash and/or property dividends under
1. From all sources within and without the Section 24(B)(2)
Philippines by resident citizens; 2. Capital gains from sale of shares of stock not
2. From all sources within the Philippines only traded in the Stock exchange under Section
by a non-resident citizen including overseas 24(C)
contract workers; 3. Capital gains from sale of real property under
3. From all sources within the Philippines only, Section 24(D)
by a resident alien or a non-resident alien 4. Compensation income of alien and Filipino
engaged in trade or business in the employees of
Philippines; a. Regional or area headquarters and
regional operating headquarters of MNCs
shall be subject to the graduated income tax in under Section 25(C)
accordance with the following schedule provided b. Offshore Banking Units under Section
under Section 24 (see Tax Rates Table annexed to 25(D)
this reviewer) c. Foreign petroleum service contractors
and sub-contractors under Section 25(E)
Q47.1.1. Is the income of minimum
wage earners be subject to the
Q47.3.1. What is the proper tax
graduated income tax rates?
treatment on individual
taxpayers of income derived
No. Minimum wage earners shall be exempt from the
from royalties, prizes and
payment of income tax on their taxable income.
other winnings?
For ordinary income over P10,000 but not over P30,000 and
Royalties (except books, literary works, musical
upper brackets, a fixed amount is added to the taxable amount
subject to the graduated income tax rate. compositions), prizes amount to more than P10,000
Only difference really is the source of income and other winnings (except PCSO and Lotto)


Q47.3.4. What is the proper tax
Final tax in case of citizens (whether resident or treatment on individual
nonresident), resident aliens and non-resident aliens taxpayers of income derived
engaged in trade or business is 20%. from interests

In case of non-resident aliens not engaged in trade or As provided in RR 14-2012 [NOVEMBER 7, 2012]:
business, the amount received shall form part of their
gross income subject to a flat 25%. (see Section 1. Interest from Philippine currency bank
25(B)) deposits and yield from deposit substitute
and from trust funds or similar
Exceptions: arrangements

1. For royalties from books, literary works, musical Final tax in case of citizens, resident aliens and non-
compositions, the final tax is 10%. resident aliens engaged in trade or business is
2. Prizes amounting to P10,000 or less shall form
part of ordinary taxable income and, subject, to the In case of non-resident aliens not engaged in trade or
graduated income tax rates. business, the amount received shall form part of their
gross income subject to flat 25% income tax.
3. PCSO and Lotto Winnings are tax-exempt.
2. Interest income derived from government
Q47.3.2. What is the proper tax debt instruments and securities
treatment on individual
taxpayers of income derived They are considered ―deposit substitutes.‖ The
from dividends? same tax treatment as above is applied.

Dividends from domestic corporations and shares in 3. Interest derived from long long-term
net profits of taxable partnerships received by deposits or investments
citizens (whether resident or nonresident) or resident
aliens are subject to 10%. They are exempt from tax, provided the following
requisites are met:
In the case of non-resident aliens engaged in trade or
business, it is 20%. a. Depositor is an individual citizen (resident or
non-resident), a resident alien or a
As for non-resident aliens not engaged in trade or nonresident alien engaged in trade or
business, it shall form part of their taxable gross business in the Philippines;
income subject to flat rate of 25%. b. The long-term deposit or investment
certificates under name of the individual;
Q47.3.3. What are deposit substitutes? c. The long-term deposits or investments must
be in the form of savings, common or
Deposit An alternative form of obtaining individual trust funds, deposit substitutes, etc
substitutes funds from the public (the term evidences by certificates in the BSP-
public means borrowing from 20 or prescribed form
more individual or corporate d. The long-term deposits or investments must
lenders at any one time), other be issued by banks only;
than deposits, through the e. The long-term deposits or investments must
issuance, endorsement, or have a maturity period of not less than 5
acceptance of debt instruments for years
the borrower’s own account for
purposes of re-lending or
purchasing receivables and other
similar obligations, or financing 66
Same rate applies to domestic and resident foreign corporations.
their own needs or the needs of 68
A non-resident foreign corporation is subject to a FWT of 30%.
their agent or dealer Irrespective of the number of lenders at the time of origination if
such debt instrument and securities are to be traded or exchanged
in the secondary market.


f. The long-term deposits or investments must banks, the interest income shall be subject to
be in the denominations of P10,000 and 10%
other BSP-prescribed denominations
g. The long-term deposits or investments 6. Interest income derived all other
should not be pre-terminated. instruments
h. Except those specifically exempted by law,
any other income such as gains from trading, Any other debt instrument not within the coverage of
foreign exchange gain shall not be covered deposit substitutes shall be subjected to a creditable
by income tax exemption. withholding tax of 20%.

If the deposit or investment is pre-terminated, a final Capital Gains Tax70

tax shall be imposed on the entire income.
Q48. Define the following terms.
Four years to less than five year – 5%.
Three years to less than four years – 12% Section 22(Z) and 39(A) Tax Code
If less than three years – 20%.
Ordinary Any gain from the sale or
4. Interest income derived from a depository
Income exchange of property which is not
bank under the expanded foreign
a capital asset or property
currency deposit system (EFCDS)
described in Section 39(A)(1)
(which defines what capital assets
Derived from FCDUs:
are and those which are not)
a. The interest income must be derived by Ordinary loss Includes any loss from the sale or
residents. If the interest income is derived by a exchange of property which is not
resident individual taxpayer, it shall be subject to a capital asset
a final tax of 7 ½%.
69 Capital Assets Means property held by the
b. Any income of non-residents, whether individuals taxpayer (whether or not
or corporations, shall be tax-exempt. connected with his trade or
c. If the bank account is jointly in the name of a business) but does not include:
non-resident and a resident, 50% shall be treated
as exempt and the remaining 50% shall be 1. Stock in trade of the taxpayer
subject to the final tax of 7 ½. or other property of a kind
which would properly be
Derived by FCDUs: include in the inventory of the
taxpayer if on hand at the
a. The interest income must be derived by close of the taxable year
residents. Interest income from foreign currency 2. Property held by the taxpayer
loans granted by such depository banks under primarily for sale to customers
the EFCDS other than OBUs shall be subject to a in the ordinary course of his
final tax of 10%. trade or business
b. Any income of non-residents, whether individuals 3. Property used in the trade or
or corporations, shall be tax-exempt. business of a character which
is subject to the allowance for
5. Interest income derived from offshore depreciation
banking units of OBUs 4. Real property used in trade or
business of the taxpayer
a. Income derived by OBUs from foreign currency Net Capital Means the excess of the gains
transactions with nonresidents, other OBUs, and Gain from sales of exchanges of capital
local commercial banks are tax-exempt. assets over the losses from such
b. If the foreign currency transactions are with sales or exchanges
residents other than OBUs and local commercial Net Capital Means the excess of the losses
Loss from sales or exchanges of capital
69 70
Domestic and resident foreign corporations are also subject to This will be discussed in greater detail in the section on Capital
the final tax of 7.5%. Nonresident foreign corporations are exempt. Gains and Losses.


assets over the gains from such Q49.2. What capital gains are subject to
sales or exchanges capital gains tax?

Section 22(T) to (X), Tax Code 1. Capital gains from the sale of shares of stock no
trade in the stock exchange
Securities Means share of stock n a 2. Capital gains from the sale of real property
corporation and rights to subscribe
for or to receive such shares Q49.3. From the above transactions, who
Dealer in A merchant of stocks or securities, are the individual taxpayers whose
securities whether an individual, partnership transactions would be subject to
or corporation, with an established capital gains tax?
place of business, regularly
engaged in the purchase of The capital gains tax shall be imposed on such
securities and the resale thereof to transactions by any individual taxpayer, whether
customers 71
citizen or alien.
Bank Every banking institution as
defined in RA 337 as amended by Q49.4. Is the capital gain from the sale or
RA 8791 (General Banking Act of exchange of a capital asset always
taxable in full?
Non-bank A financial intermediary as defined
financial in RA 337 as amended by RA
No. In the case of a taxpayer other than a
institution 8791 (General Banking Act of
corporation, the following percentages of the gain
2000) authorized by the BSP to
upon the sale or exchange of a capital asset shall be
perform quasi-banking activities
taken into account in computing net capital gain:
Quasi-banking Means borrowing funds from 20 or
activities more personal or corporate
1. 100% if the capital asset has been held for not
lenders at any one time, through
more than 12 months
the issuance, endorsement, or
2. 50% if the capital asset has been held for more
acceptance of debt instruments of
than 12 months
any kind other than deposits for
the borrower’s own account or
Capital Gains Tax with respect to shares
through the issuance of certificates
of assignments or similar of stock
instruments, with recourse, or of
purchase agreements for purposes
Q50. What are stocks classified as capital
of re-lending or purchasing assets?
receivables and other similar
Stocks classified as capital assets mean all stocks
and securities held by taxpayers other than dealers in
Q49. What is a capital gains tax?
Q51. What is the rule on capital gains from
A capital gains tax is a tax on capital gains, the profit sales of shares of stock?
realized from the sale of capital assets.

Q49.1. If the asset sold is not a capital Capital gains tax shall be imposed upon the net
asset, what tax will be imposed? capital gains realized during the taxable year from the
sale, barter, exchange or other disposition of shares
of stock in a domestic corporation except shares,
If the asset is an ordinary asset, any gain from the
sold or disposed through the stock exchange.
sale thereof shall form part of the ordinary income
which shall be subject either to graduated income tax
The final tax imposed shall be:
rates (if individual) or corporate income tax (if
Note that any corporate taxpayer, domestic or foreign as well as
all other taxpayers may be subjected to pay capital gains tax on
stock or real property transactions


Capital gains not over P100,000 – 5% from said transactions (see COMPAGNIE FINANCIERE
Capital gains over P100,000 – 10% SUCRES ET DENREES VS. CIR [AUGUST 28, 2006])

The tax base shall only be the gain on the sale and Q51.4. What is the effect of non-payment
such sale will always be subject to capital gains tax of capital gains tax on stock
without any exemption. transactions?
The capital gains tax must be paid within 30 days
As provided in Section 11 of RR 06-2008, no sale,
following each sale or disposition. In case of
exchange, transfer or similar transaction intended to
installment sale, the return shall be filed within 30
convey ownership of, or title to any share of stock
days following the receipt of the first down payment
shall be registered in the books of the corporation
and within 30 days following the subsequent
unless the receipts of payment of the tax herein
installment payments.
imposed is filed with and recorded by the stock
transfer agent or secretary of the corporation.
(See RR 06-2008 [APRIL 22, 2008])
RMC 37-2012 [AUGUST 3, 2012] clarified RR 06-2008
Q51.1. If the share of stock is traded in stating that a Certificate Authorizing Registration
through the stock exchange, what [CAR] is still necessary before any transfer of shares
tax is applicable? of stock not traded in the Stock Exchange may be
transferred in the books of a corporation.
A percentage tax of ½ of 1% is imposed on the gross
selling price of shares of stock if they are listed and
Capital Gains Tax with respect to
sold, exchanged or transferred through the facilities
of the local stock exchange.(see Section 127(A) and disposition of real property
RR 06-2008 [APRIL 22, 2008])
Q52. What is the rule on capital gains from
However, even if trade through the stock exchange, a dispositions of real property?
sale of shares by companies not complying with the
10% minimum public float shall be subject to capital The rate of 6% shall be imposed on capital gains
gain tax (see RR 16-2012 [November 7, 2012]) presumed to have been realized by the seller from
the sale, exchange, or other disposition of real
properties located in the Philippines classified as
Q51.2. What are exempted from capital capital assets, including pacto de retro sales and
gains tax on stock transactions? other forms of conditional sales based on the gross
selling price or fair market value as determined by the
1. Gains derived by dealers in securities CIR, whichever is higher.
2. Gains from sales of stock to the extent invested
in new shares of stocks in banks, financial The tax base shall be the entire selling price.
intermediaries, and corporations organized
primarily to hold equities in banks The capital gains tax must be paid within 30 days
3. All other gains which hare specifically exempt following each sale or disposition. In case of
from income tax under existing investment installment sale, the return shall be filed within 30
incentives and other special laws. days following the receipt of the first down payment
and within 30 days following the subsequent
Q51.3. Is an assignment of deposits on installment payments.
stock subscriptions subject to
capital gains tax? Q52.1. What is the special rule for
disposition of real property made
YES. The assignment of the deposits on stock by an individual to the
subscriptions results in a net gain. A tax on the profit government?
of sale on net capital gain is the very essence of the
net capital gains tax law. To hold otherwise will As provided in RR 8-98, in case of disposition of
ineluctably deprive the government of its due and real property made by an individual to the
unduly set free from tax liability persons who profited


government or to any of its political subdivisions or computed from the 31st day after the date of sale
agencies or to government-owned or controlled or disposition of the said old principal residence.
corporations, the seller may elect to:
Q52.3. Who is liable to pay the capital
1. compute the tax on the gain derived from such gains tax?
sale under the normal income tax rates; or
2. under a final capital gains tax of 6%. The seller is liable to pay the capital gains tax. As
provided in RR NO. 8-98 [AUGUST 25, 1998], the
Q52.2. What are the conditions for the capital gains tax return will be filed by the seller within
exemption of capital gains tax on 30 days following each sale or disposition of real
the sale by a natural person of his property.
principal residence?
Q52.3.1. Can the buyer pay the capital
As provided in RR 13-99 [JULY 26, 1999], as gains tax?
amended by RR 14-2000 [NOVEMBER 20, 2000]:
Yes. The buyer can retain the amount for the capital
1. The 6% capital gains tax otherwise due shall be gains tax and pay it upon authority of the seller, or
deposited in cash or manager’s check in an the seller can pay the tax, depending on the
interest-bearing account with an authorized agent agreement of the parties.
bank under an Escrow Agreement.
2. He shall file his Capital Gains Tax Return Q52.4. Is the payment of the capital gains
3. The proceeds from the sale, exchange or tax a pre-requisite to the transfer
disposition must be fully utilized in acquiring or of ownership to the buyer?
constructing his new principal residence within 18
calendar months from date of its sale. To ensure No. Payment of the capital gains tax, however, is not
compliance, he must within 30 days from the a pre-requisite to the transfer of ownership to the
lapse of the said period the required documents buyer. The transfer of ownership takes effect upon
to prove full utilization. the signing and notarization of the deed of absolute
4. Upon a showing that the proceeds of the sale, sale. (see Chua v. CA [APRIL 9, 2003])
exchange or disposition have been fully utilized,
the escrow on the bank deposit shall be released.
Q52.5. If a mortgagee foreclosed the
5. The tax exemption may be availed of only once
every 10 years mortgaged property but the
6. The historical cost or adjusted basis of his old mortgagor exercises his right of
principal residence sold, exchanged disposed redemption within the applicable
shall be carried over to the cost basis of his new period, will capital gains tax still
principal residence be imposed on the foreclosure
7. If he fails to submit the required documents within sale?
30 days after the lapse of the 18-month period, it
shall be presumed that he did not fully utilize the RR 4-99 [M ARCH 9, 1999] provides that in case the
proceeds of the sale, exchange or disposition of mortgagor exercises his right of redemption within
his old principal residence, and shall be assessed 75
one year from the issuance of the certificate of sale,
deficiency capital gains tax. The escrow shall be no capital gains tax shall be imposed because no
applied in payment of this. capital gains has been derived by the mortgagor and
8. If there is no full utilization of the proceeds of no sale or transfer of real property was realized. If the
sale, exchange or disposition of his old principal mortgagor does not exercise his right of redemption,
residence, he shall be liable for deficiency capital
gains tax, inclusive of 20% interest per annum, 74
The buyer has more interest in having the capital gains tax paid
immediately since this is a pre-requisite to the issuance of a new
Torrens title in his name.
72 75
RR 14-2000 added the escrow agreement requirement and Note Section 47 of the General Banking Act, judicial persons
conditions relating thereto. whose property is being sold pursuant to an extrajudicial
If the same is insufficient to cover the entire amount assessed, foreclosure shall have the right to redeem the property until, but
he shall remain liable for the remaining balance of the assessment. not after, the registration of the certificate of foreclosure sale with
The excess of the deposit in escrow, if any, shall be returned to the Register of Deeds which in no case shall be more than 3
him. months after foreclosure


capital gains tax on the foreclosure sale shall become Q53. What are the requirements for OCWs
due. and seafarers or seamen to be
considered OCWs for taxation
Q52.5.1. ABC Company took out a loan purposes?
from XYZ bank and mortgaged
one of its properties as To be considered as an OCW, they must be duly
collateral. ABC was unable to registered as such with the POEA with a valid
pay so XYZ extrajudicially Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC). In the case
foreclosed the property and of seafarers or seamen, they must be duly registered
bought it. Before the expiration with the POEA with a valid OEC and with a valid
of the one-year redemption Seafarers Identification Record Book or Seaman’s
period, the mortgagor notified book issued by the MARINA. (see RR NO. 001-11
the bank of its intention to [FEBRUARY 24, 2011]).
redeem the property. Is XYZ
liable to pay the capital gains tax Q53.1. What is the tax treatment of OCWs
as a result of the foreclosure for purposes of income tax?
An OCW’s income arising out of his overseas
No. In foreclosure sale, there is no actual transfer of employment is exempt from income tax. If he has
the mortgaged real property until after the expiration income earnings from business activities or
of the one-year period and title is consolidated in the properties within the Philippines, such income
name of the mortgagee in case of non-redemption. earnings are subject to Philippine income tax.
This is because before the period expires there is yet
no transfer of title and no profit or gain is realized by
the mortgagor. Q53.2. Are OCWs and seafarers exempt
from the 7.5% final tax on interest
Q52.6. If title to property is transferred to income from a depository bank
one spouse as a result of a court under the EFCDS?
decision in an annulment case, is
No, because OCW and seamen are non-residents.
the transfer subject to capital
As such, they are exempt from the final tax. To avail
gains tax? of the tax exemption, they must present proof of non-
residency such as their OEC or Seaman’s book.
No. In BIR Ruling DA-029-08 [JANUARY 23, 2008], However, if the account is jointly in the name of the
title to a house and lot was transferred to the OCW and an individual living in the Philippines, half
husband by virtue of a decision of the court declaring of the interest income will be treated as tax-exempt
his marriage with his wife null and void. In BIR and the remaining half shall be subject to the final
Ruling DA 287-07 [M AY 8, 2007], title to a tax. (see RR NO. 001-11 [FEBRUARY 24, 2011]).
condominium unit was transferred to the wife as a
result of an agreement to distribute communal
Q54. What is the tax treatment of senior
property executed in the course of annulment
proceedings. In both BIR Rulings, the CIR held that citizens for purposes of income tax?
the transfer of the title of the subject properties are Generally, qualified senior citizens deriving returnable
not subject to capital gains tax, as such transfers are income during the taxable year, whether from
equivalent to a conveyance but without monetary compensation or otherwise, are required to file their
consideration, made in accordance with the Court's income tax return and pay the tax.
Decision granting parties agreement for the
distribution of communal property. However, he shall be exempt under the following
OCWs/Senior Citizens/Disabled
1. The returnable income is in the nature of
compensation income but he qualifies as a
minimum wage earner; and
The foreclosure sale in the case on which the question is based
2. If the aggregate amount of gross income earned
took place prior to the effectivity of the Act. by the Senior Citizen during the taxable year


does not exceed the amount of his personal
exemptions (basic and additional) Q56. What is the rationale behind personal
and additional exemptions under the
Note that the exemption of senior citizens from Tax Code?
income tax does not extend to all types of income
earned during the taxable year such as those subject Exemptions are fixed at arbitrary amounts intended to
to final taxes. (see RR No. 007-10 [JULY 20, 2010].) substitute for the disallowance of personal or living
expenses as deductible items from the taxable
Q54.1. Is the 20% sales discount granted income of certain individual taxpayers. The amounts
by establishments to qualified represent roughly the equivalent of the taxpayer’s
senior citizens considered a tax minimum subsistence and those of his
credit or a tax deduction? dependents.(see PANSACOLA V. CIR [NOVEMBER 16,
[M ARCH 3, 2008], the Supreme Court noted that Q56.1. Which kinds of individual
under RA 9257 or the Expanded Senior Citizens Act taxpayers can avail of personal
of 2003, starting taxable year 2004, the 20% sales and additional exemptions?
discount shall be treated as a tax deduction and no
longer as a tax credit. Citizens and resident aliens are allowed personal
and additional exemptions; nonresident aliens
Q54.1.1. What is the difference between engaged in trade or business in the Philippines
a tax credit and tax deduction? are entitled to personal exemptions only by way of
reciprocity but not to additional exemptions.
A tax credit is a peso-for-peso deduction from the
taxpayer’s tax liability or a full recovery while a tax Q56.2. How should these exemptions be
deduction only benefits the taxpayer to the extent of a credited?
percentage of the amount granted as a discount.
These exemptions must first be credited against
gross compensation income; the excess, if any, can
APPEALS [M ARCH 3, 2008])
be used to offset taxable net income.
Q55. Can a benefactor77 of a PWD whose civil Q57. What is personal exemption allowed to
status is single avail of the “head of individual taxpayers?
family” status to be entitled to personal
exemption? All individual taxpayers, regardless of status, shall
be allowed a basic personal exemption of P50,000.
It is no longer necessary. RA 9442, which amends
RA 7277 or the Magna Carta for Persons with
Disability, provides that a benefactor of a PWD
whose civil status is single shall be considered as
―head of family‖ and, as such, shall be entitled to
personal exemption. However, the terms ―head of
family‖ and ―his/her dependents‖ for purposes of
availing personal exemption have been eliminated in 78
Thus, for a nonresident alien, his entitltment to personal and
view of an amendment brought about by RA 9504. additional exemption depends on whether he is engaged in trade
The rule is that individual taxpayers regardless of or business and his country of residence allows exemption to
Filipinos. If not engaged, he will not be allowed the exemption.
status are entitled to the personal exemption. [see Note as well that employees of ROHQs, OBUs, and FCDUs are
RR NO. 001-09 [DECEMBER 9, 2008]. not entitled to personal and additional exemptions as they are
subject to tax on gross income without the benefit of deductions/
Personal and additional Exemptions/ 79
Note that, previously, the amount of personal exemption
PERA depended on the status of the individual taxpayer. It was P20,000
for single individuals, P32,000 for legally married and P25,000 for
head of a family. As amended by RA 9504, all individuals,
A benefactor refers to any person, whether related or not to the regardless of status, are entitlted to a basic personal exemption of
person with disability, who takes care of him/her as a dependent P50,000.


Q57.1. What is the rule for married
individuals? Yes. RA 10165 or ―The Foster Care Act of 2012‖
amended the NIRC to include a ―foster child‖ in the
In the case of married individuals where only one term ―dependent.‖ Thus, foster parents may claim an
spouse is deriving gross income, only such spouse addition exemption of P25,000 for each dependent
shall be allowed the personal exemption. (which includes the foster child) not exceeding 4.

Q58. What are the additional exemptions Q58.2. What is the rule for spouses and
allowed to individual taxpayers? legally separated spouses?
There shall be allowed an additional exemption of The additional exemption for dependents can be
P25,000 for each dependent not exceeding four. claimed by only one of the spouses. In the case of
legally separated spouses, additional exemptions
Q58.1. Who is a “dependent” under the may be claimed only by the spouse who has custody
Tax Code? of the child or children.

A dependent means a legitimate, illegitimate, or

81 Q59. What is the “status-at-the-end-of-the-
legally adopted child chiefly dependent upon and year” rule or the “change-of-status”
living with the taxpayer if such dependent is not more rule with respect to personal and
than 21 years of age, unmarried and not gainfully additional exemptions?
employed or if such dependent, regardless of age, is
incapable of self-support because of mental or This means that whatever is the status of the
physical defect. taxpayer at the end of the calendar year shall be
used for purposes of determining his personal and
Q54.1.2. Are illegitimate children additional exemptions.
considered for additional
exemptions? As held in PANSACOLA V. CIR [NOVEMBER 16, 2006],
what the law should consider for the purpose of
Yes. By express wording of the law, a dependent determining the tax due from an individual taxpayer is
includes an illegitimate child. his status and qualified dependents at the close of
the taxable year and not at the time the return is filed
and the tax due thereon is paid.
Q54.1.3. May parents and siblings be
considered as additional A change of status of the taxpayer during the taxable
exemptions? year generally benefits, but does not prejudice him.

No. parents and siblings are considered dependents In the following cases, the rule is applied as follows:
only for purposes of qualifying an individual to
become head of a family but not for purposes of 1. If the taxpayer marries or should have additional
additional exemptions. dependents during the taxable year, he may
claim the corresponding additional exemption in
Q54.1.4. Are senior citizens supported full for such year.
and living with a taxpayer 2. If the taxpayer dies during the taxable year, his
considered as additional tax estate may still claim the personal and additional
exemptions? exemptions for himself and his dependents as if
he died at the close of such year.
No. The word ―dependent‖ does not include senior 3. If the spouse or any of the dependents dies or if
citizens. any such dependent marries, becomes 21 years
old or becomes gainfully employed during the
Q54.1.5. Is a foster child considered a taxable year, the taxpayer may still claim the
dependent? same exemptions as if the spouse or any oth e
dependents died, or if such dependents married,
Previously, the amount was P8,000.
Note that Illegitimate children are included in the definition of
dependents and in the entitlement for additional exemption. The rule of thumb is that which will be beneficial to the taxpayer.


became 21 years old or became gainfully Q62. May GPPs claim OSD?
employed at the close of such year.
Yes. RR 2-2010 [FEBRUARY 18, 2010] provides for
Q60. What is the tax treatment of PERA the rules in the determination of the OSD of GPPs.
investment income with respect to Refer to Q40.1.
income tax?
The investment income of a contributor consisting of
all income earned from the investments and Q63. Define taxable income and gross
reinvestments of his PERA assets in the maximum income for purposes of corporate
amount allowed shall be exempt from income tax income taxes.
provided that:
Taxable means the pertinent items of gross
1. Each of the investment products must be Income income specified in the Code, less
approved by the concerned regulatory authority the deductions and/or personal
2. Non-income taxes, if applicable, relating to the and additional exemptions, if any
above investment income, shall remain authorized for such types of
imposable. income by the Code or other
special laws. For corporations,
Partnerships (GPPs)83 taxable income would mean net
income. Net income and taxable
Q61. What is the tax treatment of a GPP? income is used interchangeably
when it comes to corporations.
The GPP as an entity is not liable for income tax. Gross Income Shall mean gross sales less sales
However, the persons engaging in business as returns, discounts, allowances and
partners in a GPP shall be liable for income tax only cost of goods sold.
in their separate and individual capacities for their
respective distributive share in the net income of the Q63.1. Why is the distinction of the two
GPP. relevant for purposes of corporate
Q61.1. How is the distributive share of the income tax?
partners computed?
1. For domestic corporations and resident foreign
corporations, Regular Corporate Income Tax
The net income of the GPP shall be computed in the
(RCIT) is imposed on taxable income. For non-
same manner as a corporation. Each partner shall
resident foreign corporations, RCIT is imposed
report as gross income his distributive share, actually
on its gross income.
or constructively received, in the net income of the
2. When applicable, MCIT is imposed on the gross
income of domestic and resident foreign
Q61.2. When is the net income of a corporations.
partnership deemed constructively
received by partners? Domestic Corporations

The taxable income declared by a partnership which Ordinary Income

is subject to corporate income tax, after deducting the
said corporate income tax, shall be deemed to have
Q64. What is the regular corporate income
been actually or constructively received by the
partners in the same taxable year and shall be taxed tax imposed on corporations?
to them in their individual capacity, whether actually 84
distributed or not. The rate of RCIT imposed on corporations is 30%.

Previously, we have said that a partnership is liable for income
tax as the term ―corporations‖ includes partnerships no matter how
created or organized except GPPs. In this, GPPs will be discussed Note that it was 35% effective November 1, 2005 but on January
instead. 1, 2009, the effective rate is now 30%.


For domestic corporations: As a general rule, all domestic corporations are
subject to the RCIT. As exceptions, certain domestic
1. The rate is imposed on taxable income from corporations are subject to final tax rates. They are:
sources within and without the Philippines.
2. Different rates of tax apply on certain passive 1. Proprietary education institutions and
incomes. hospitals
2. Foreign currency deposit unit of a local
For resident foreign corporations: universal or commercial bank
3. Firms that are taxed under a special income
1. The rate is imposed on taxable income from tax regime
sources within the Philippines. 4. Private educational institutions
2. Different rates of tax apply on certain passive 5. Hospitals
Q67. Are GOCCs subject to corporate
For nonresident foreign corporations: income tax?
1. The rate is imposed on gross income from all As a general rule, yes. As provided under Section
sources within the Philippines. 27(C), the provisions of special or general laws to the
2. The gross income includes those income sourced contrary notwithstanding, all corporations, agencies
from certain passive incomes including capital or instrumentalities owned or controlled by the
gains. Government, except the GSIS, SSS, Philhealth,
3. However, capital gains from sales of shares of and the PCSO, shall pay such rate of tax upon their
stock not traded in the stock exchange are, not taxable income as imposed by this section upon
included in the gross income as well as interest corporations or associations engaged in a similar
from foreign loans and intercorporate dividends business, industry or activity.
which are subject to final tax rates.
Passive Income
Q65. May the President allow domestic and
resident foreign corporations the option Q68. What are some of the certain passive
to be taxed on their gross income? incomes received by corporations?
Yes. As provided under Section 27(A)(1) and 1. Interests from Deposits and Yield or any other
Section 28(A)(1), the President upon Monetary Benefit from Deposit Substitutes and
recommendation of the Secretary of Finance may from Trust Funds and Similar Arrangements and
allow domestic and resident foreign corporations the Royalties
option to be taxed at 15% of gross income after the 2. Income derived under the Expanded Foreign
following conditions have been satisfied: Currency Deposit System
3. Intercorporate Dividends
1. a tax effort ratio of 20% of the GNP 4. Capital gains from sale of shares of stock not
2. a ratio of 40% of income tax collection to total traded in the Stock exchange under
tax revenues 5. Capital gains from sale of real property

3. a VAT tax effort of 4% of GNP

4. a 0.9% ratio of Consolidated Public Sector
Financial Position (CPSFP) to GNP

This option is available to firms whose ratio of cost of

sales to gross sales or receipts from all sources does
not exceed 55%. Upon election of the gross income
tax option, it shall be irrevocable for 3 consecutive
taxable years during which the corporation is
Q66. What domestic corporations are subject Note that this is not considered a passive income for foreign
corporations, whether resident or nonresident. The simple reason
to preferential tax rates? is because of the prohibition imposed by the Constitution on
foreign ownership of lands.


Q68.1. What is the tax treatment on 2. Income derived by a depository bank under the
corporations of income derived EFCDS from foreign currency transactions with
from dividends? non-residents, OBUs in the Philippines, local
commercial banks, including branches of foreign
1. If the dividends are from a domestic banks and other depository banks under the
corporation: EFCDS shall be exempt from all taxes.
3. Interest income from foreign currency loans
Domestic and resident foreign corporations are tax- granted by such depository banks under the
exempt as they are treated as inter-corporate EFCDS other than OBUs shall be subject to a
dividends. However, for resident foreign corporations, final tax of 10%.
they are subject to the 15% branch profit remittance
tax. Capital Gains Tax86

For non-resident foreign corporations, the dividend is Q69. Is the assignment and delivery of the
subject to: developed units to joint owners in a
Build-To-Own (BTO) scheme subject to
1. Tax treaty rate, if applicable capital gains tax?
2. 15% if no tax treaty but satisfies the tax-sparing
provision In a BTO, the developer makes it appear that it
3. 30% if no tax treaty and does not comply with the merely manages the construction of the condominium
tax-sparing provision project, and that the funds as contributed by the
individual investors are pooled in a bank with the
2. If the dividends are from a foreign corporation: developer, as project manager, receiving a project
management fee, In that scheme, it is claimed that
The income shall form part of the gross income of the the assignment and delivery to the individual
corporation but the situs of the income becomes investors of the developed units is not taxable as it is
material except for a domestic corporation which is merely a transfer of property held in trust by the
taxed on worldwide income. Trustee for the individual trustors. Previous BIR
rulings have exempted the assignment from capital
Q68.2. What is the tax treatment on gains tax. In In BIR RULING DA-455-07 [AUGUST 17,
corporations of interest income 2007], the conveyance of the condominium units by
from Deposits and Yield or any the trustee to the individual trustors pursuant to the
other Monetary Benefit from terms of the BTO contract and without consideration
Deposit Substitutes and from was held not subject to capital gains tax. However, in
RMC NO. 055-10 [JUNE 28, 2010], the CIR nullified all
Trust Funds and Similar
BIR Rulings exempting the scheme from capital gains
Arrangements and Royalties? tax. Thus, the present rule is that the assignment and
delivery in BTO schemes are subject to capital gains
1. Domestic and resident foreign corporations are tax.
subject to a final tax of 20%.
2. Subject to a final withholding tax of 30% if
Resident Foreign Corporations
received by a foreign nonresident corporation,
unless the interest income is from foreign loans
contracted on or before August 1, 1986, in which In general
case it is subject to a FWT of 20%
Q70. What is the difference between a branch
Q68.3. What is the tax treatment on and a subsidiary?
corporations of income derived
For purposes of taxation, a subsidiary is considered a
under the EFCDS? domestic corporation while a branch is a resident
foreign corporation.
1. Domestic and resident foreign corporations are
subject to a final tax of 7.5%. Any income of non-
residents, whether individuals or corporations,
shall be tax-exempt. 86
Same rates and rules as in the case of individual taxpayers.
Refer to that discussion in the reviewer.


Q71. What resident foreign corporations are taxed on the income they derive from Philippine
subject to preferential tax rates? sources.

As a general rule, all resident foreign corporations For an international air carrier, Gross Philippine
are subject to the RCIT. As exceptions, certain Billings refers to the amount of gross revenue derived
resident foreign corporations are subject to final from carriage of persons, excess baggage, cargo and
rates. They are: mail originating from the Philippines in a continuous
and uninterrupted flight, irrespective of the place of
1. Regional or area headquarters (RHQ) (a branch sale or issue and the place of payment of the ticket or
established in the Philippines by MNCs and passage document.
which does not earn or derive income from the
Philippines and whose role is supervisory) For International Shipping, Gross Philippine Billings
2. Representative office (a branch in the Philippines means gross revenue whether for passenger, cargo
of a MNC whose activities are limited to or mail originating from the Philippines up to final
information dissemination, product promotion) destination, regardless of the place of sale or
3. International carriers by air or water payments of the passage or freight documents
4. Offshore Banking Units
5. Foreign Currency deposit Unit (FCDU) in the Q73.1. ABC Shipping is a foreign
Philippines of a foreign bank corporation. XYZ chartered one of
6. Regional Operating Headquarters (ROHQ) ABC’s ships to load raw sugar in
7. Branch of foreign corporation with respect to the Philippines. Upon arriving at
profit remittances to head office.
the port, the vessel found no sugar
8. Branch of foreign corporations registered with
PEZA, SBMA, CDA, CDJHA. for loading. The ship sailed back
9. Qualified service contractor or subcontractor without carrying any sugar. Is ABC
engaged in petroleum operations in the Shipping liable for gross
Philippines Philippine billings tax?
No. A resident foreign corporation engaged in the
International Carrier
transport of cargo is liable for taxes depending on the
amount of income it derives from sources within the
Q72. For purposes of income taxation, what Philippines. ABC derived no receipt from its charter
is an international carrier? agreement with XYZ. The vessel arrived in the port
on but found no raw sugar to load and returned
An International carrier shall refer to a foreign airline without any cargo laden on board (see CIR vs.
corporation doing business in the Philippines having Tokyo Shipping [M AY 26, 1995])
been granted landing rights in any Philippine port to
perform international air transportation Q73.2. What is the tax treatment of an
services/activities or flight operations anywhere in the international air carrier with flights
world (see RR NO. 15-2002) originating from Philippine ports?
Q73. What is Gross Philippine Billings? RR No. 15-2002 provides that such an international
air carrier, irrespective of the place where passage
The 2.5% tax on gross Philippine billings is an documents are sold or issued, is subject to the Gross
income tax levied on the presumed gain of the airline Philippine Billings tax unless subject to a different tax
and shipping companies. It ensures that they are rate under the applicable tax treaty to which the
Philippines is a signatory.
They are tax-exempt.
An international carrier doing business in the Philippines shall Q73.3. What is the tax treatment of
pay a tax of 2.5% on its Gross Philippine Billings
Income derived by OBUs from foreign currency transactions with foreign airline companies who do
nonresidents, other OBUs, and local commercial banks are tax- not have flights from or passing
exempt.If the foreign currency transactions are with residents other through any point in the
than OBUs and local commercial banks, the interest income shall
be subject to 10% Philippines but have a branch
See Q68.3.
They shall pay a tax of 10% of their taxable income


office or a sales agent in the (see CIR V. BOAC [APRIL 30, 1987], AIR NEW
Philippines which sells tickets? ZEALAND V. CIR [CTA CASE, JANUARY 30, 2008] and
RR No. 15-2002 provides that such off-line airline is
not considered engaged in business as an OBUs/FCDUs92
international air carrier and is, therefore, not subject
to the Gross Philippine billings tax. Branch Profit Remittance Tax

However, the sale of tickets is taxable as income Q74. What is a branch profit remittance tax?
from sources within the Philippines.
Any profit remitted by a branch to its head office shall
Q73.4. ABC Airlines is an off-line be subject to a tax of 15% which shall be based on
the total profits applied or earmarked for remittance
international carrier selling
without any deduction for the tax component thereof
passage documents through an except those activities which are registered with the
independent sales agent in the PEZA.
Philippines. Is ABC engaged in
trade or business in the Q74.1. What is the purpose of the branch
Philippines and, as such, subject profit remittance tax?
to the corporate income tax on
resident foreign corporations? The purpose of a branch profit remittance tax is to
equalize the tax burden on foreign corporations
In order that a foreign corporation may be regarded maintaining on one hand, local branch offices, and
as doing business within a State, there must be organizing, on the other hand, a subsidiary domestic
continuity of conduct and intention to establish a corporation where at least majority of all the latter’s
continuous business, such as the appointment of a stocks are owned by such foreign corporations.
local agent, and not one of a temporary character.
Here, ABC maintained a general sales agent and it As explained in the case of BANK OF AMERICA VS.
was engaged in selling or issuing tickets, which is COURT OF APPEALS [JULY 21, 1994], prior to
considered the main lifeblood of an airline. amendment, local branches were made to pay only
the usual corporate income tax of 25% to 35% then
The absence of flight operations to and from the on net income applicable to resident foreign
Philippines is not determinative of the source of corporations while Philippine subsidiary corporations
income for purposes of ascertaining income tax were subject to the same rate on their net income but
liability. It is sufficient that the income is derived from their dividend payments were additionally subjected
activity within the Philippine territory. For the source to a 15% withholding tax. Thus to eliminate this
of income to be considered as coming from the unequal tax treatment, a branch profit remittance tax
Philippines, it is sufficient that the income is derived was imposed on local branches on their remittance of
from activity within the Philippines. In ABC’s case, the profits abroad.
sale of tickets in the Philippines is the activity that
produces the income. The tickets exchanged hands Q74.2. What is the correct tax base for
here in the country and the payments for fares were computing the branch profit
also made with Philippine currency. The site of the remittance tax? Is it the “profit
source of payments is the Philippines. actually remitted” or “the amount
actually applied for”?
If an international air carrier maintains flights to and The correct tax base is the amount actually applied
from the Philippines, it shall be taxed at the rate of for by the branch with the Central Bank as profit to be
2.5% of its Gross Philippine billings, while remitted abroad.
international air carriers that do not have flights to
and from the Philippines but nonetheless earn In BANK OF AMERICA VS. COURT OF APPEALS [JULY 21,
income from other activities in the country will be 1994], the Supreme Court held that the the tax base
taxed at the corporate income tax rate. Here, ABC
earns income from the sale of tickets.
Refer to questions on the tax treatment of interest income
derived from transactions with OBUs and FCDUs as provided in
RR 14-2012.


upon which the 15% which the 15% branch profits Regional or Area Headquarters and
remittance tax shall be imposed is the profit actually ROHQs
remitted abroad and not the total branch profits out of
which the remittance is to be made. We note,
however, that the applicable law for the branch profit Q75. Define regional or area headquarters
remittance tax specifies the tax base to be on the and a regional operating headquarters.
profit remitted abroad.
Regional or Shall mean a branch established in
In COMPANIA GENERAL V. CIR [CTA CASE NO. 4141 area the Philippines by MNCs and
AUGUST 23, 1993], Compania General contended that headquarters which headquarters do not earn or
the correct tax base for computing the branch profit (RHQs) derive income from the Philippines
remittance tax is the profit actually remitted abroad and which act as supervisory,
given its reliance on previous BIR rulings and the communications and coordinating
case of CIR v. Burroughs. On the other hand, the CIR center for their affiliates,
contends that, because of RMC Circular No. 8-82 subsidiaries, or branches in the
[March 17, 1982], the tax base should be the amount Asia-Pacific Region and other
actually applied for by the branch with the Central foreign markets
Bank of the Philippines as profit to be remitted Regional Shall mean a branch established in
abroad. The CTA ruled in favour of the CIR as the Operating the Philippines by multinational
branch profit remittance taxes were paid after the Headquarters companies which are engaged in
effectivity of RMC No. 8-82. (ROHQs) any of the following services:
general administration; business
Q74.3. Norway and the Philippines planning and coordination;
sourcing and procurement of raw
entered into a tax treaty. Article 25
materials and components;
of the Convention provides for corporate finance advisory
equal treatment between nationals services; marketing control and
of the two countries and as sales promotion; training and
between a Norwegian enterprise in personal management; logistic
the Philippines and a domestic services; research and
enterprise. Det Norske Philippines, development services and product
a local branch of De Norske, a development; technical support
Norwegian enterprise, invokes and maintenance; data processing
Article 25 for the non-imposition of and communications; and
business development
the branch profits remittance tax.
Is its contention valid? Q75.1. What is the tax treatment of RHQs
and ROHQs?
No. In ITAD BIR RULING NO. 018-09 [JUNE 23, 2009],
the CIR ruled that the principle of equal treatment in
RHQs are not subject to income tax while ROHQs
Article 25 does not prevent the imposition of the
shall pay a tax of 10% of their taxable income
branch profit remittance tax. First, the principle of
equal treatment is limited to nationals of the Q75.2. What is the tax treatment of the
Philippines and of Norway who are both residents of
income derived by alien
the Philippines. While indeed Det Norske is a national
of Norway, it is not a resident of the Philippines. individuals and qualified Filipino
Second, while the treaty lays down a principle of personnel employed by RHQs and
equal treatment between a Norwegian enterprise in ROHQs?
the Philippines and a domestic enterprise, as long as
the aggregate taxes imposed by the Philippines on A FWT of 15% shall be withheld from the gross
such Norwegian enterprise is not greater than the income derived by every alien individual occupying
taxes imposed by the Philippines on a domestic managerial and technical positions in RHQs and
enterprise, it cannot be considered that such ROHQs and representative offices established in the
Norwegian enterprise is treated less favourably in the Philippines multinational companies as salaries,
Philippines than the domestic enterprise. wages, annuities, compensation, remuneration, and
other emoluments, such as honoraria and


allowances, except income which is subject to fringe compensation of at least PhP975,000.00
benefits tax, from such regional or area headquarters (whether or not this is actually received);
and regional operating headquarters.
3. Exclusivity Test — The Filipino managerial or
The same tax treatment shall apply to Filipinos technical employee must be exclusively working
employed and occupying the same positions as those for the RHQ or ROHQ as a regular employee and
aliens employed by RHQs and ROHQs of not just a consultant or contractual personnel.
multinational companies, regardless of whether or not Exclusivity means having just one employer at a
there is an alien executive occupying the same time.
position. (see RR 11-2010 [October 26, 2010])
Nonresident Foreign Corporations
Q75.2.1. Can the Filipino employee opt
to be taxed at the regular
income tax rate? In general

Yes, such Filipinos employed by RHQs and ROHQs Q76. XYZ Corporation is a domestic
in a managerial or technical position shall have the corporation which entered into a
option to be taxed at either 15% of gross income or at license agreement with ABC
the regular rate on their taxable income in Corporation, a non-resident foreign
accordance with the Tax Code if the RHQ or ROHQ corporation based in the US pursuant to
is governed by Book III of E.O. 226, as amended by which the former was granted the right
R.A. No. 8756. (see RR 11-2010 [October 26, 2010]) to use trademark, patents and
technology owned by the latter. For
Q75.2.2. If the Filipino is not a such use, XYZ paid royalties to ABC
managerial or technical and subjected the same to the 25%
employee, can he avail of the withholding tax on royalty payments.
15% final income tax rate? XYZ claimed for a refund and argues
that the withholding tax should only be
No. As clarified by RR 11-2010 [October 26, 2010], 10% pursuant to the most-favoured
all other employees other than those in managerial or
nation clause of the RP-US Tax Treaty
technical positions are considered as regular
employees who are subject to the regular income tax in relation to the RP-West Germany Tax
rate on their taxable compensation income. Treaty. Is XYZ’s contention correct?

Q75.2.3. What are the requirements in No. In CIR V. S.C. JOHNSON AND SONS, INC. [JUNE 25,
order for a Filipino to be 1999], the Supreme Court held that the concessional
deemed occupying a tax rate of 10% provided for in the RP-Germany Tax
managerial or technical Treaty could not apply to taxes imposed upon
position the same as that of an royalties in the RP-US Tax Treaty since the two taxes
alien employed in an ROHQs imposed under the two tax treaties are not paid under
or RHQ? similar circumstances and do not contain similar
provisions on tax crediting. It is not proved that the
1. Position and Function Test — The employee RP-US Tax Treaty grants similar tax reliefs to
must occupy a managerial position or technical residents of the US in respect of the taxes imposable
position AND must actually be exercising such upon royalties earned from sources within the
managerial or technical functions pertaining to Philippines as those allowed to their German
said position; counterparts. Further, the RP-Germany Tax Treaty
2. Compensation Threshold Test — In order to be allows for crediting against German income and
considered a managerial or technical employee 94
for income tax purposes, the employee must If there is a change in compensation as a consequence of which,
such employee subsequently receiving less than the compensation
have received, or is due to receive under a threshold, the employee shall be subject to the regular income tax
contract of employment, a gross annual taxable rate for the calendar year when the change becomes effective.
Beginning December 31, 2013 and on December 31 every three
Book III of EO 226 (or the Omnibus Investments Code) refers to years thereafter, the compensation threshold shall be adjusted to
Incentives to MNCs establishing RHQs and ROHQs in the its present value using the Philippine Consumer Price Index (CPI),
Philippines as published by the National Statistics Office.


corporate tax of 20% of the gross amount of royalties office, the latter becomes the taxpayer, and not the
paid under the law of the Philippines. On the other foreign corporation. (see MARUBENI CORPORATION VS.
hand, the RP-US Tax Treaty does not provide for the CIR [SEPTEMBER 14, 1989]).
similar crediting of 20% of the gross amount of
royalties paid. The similarity in the circumstances of Q78. XYZ is a foreign shipping company. It
payment of taxes is a condition for the enjoyment of does not have a branch office in the
most favored nation treatment precisely to Philippines and it made only two calls
underscore the need for equality of treatment. since in Philippine ports. What kind of foreign
the RP-US Tax Treaty does not give a matching tax
corporation is XYZ?
credit of 20 percent for the taxes paid to the
Philippines on royalties as allowed under the RP- XYZ is a foreign corporation not authorized or
West Germany Tax Treaty, XYZ cannot be deemed licensed to do business in the Philippines. In order
entitled to the 10 percent rate granted under the latter that a foreign corporation may be considered
treaty for the reason that there is no payment of taxes engaged in trade or business, its business
on royalties under similar circumstances. transactions must be continuous. A casual
business activity in the Philippines by a foreign
Q77. ABC Corporation, a foreign corporation corporation does not amount to engaging in trade
in Japan and licensed to do engage in or business in the Philippines for income tax
business in the Philippines (hence, a purposes. Accordingly, its taxable income for
resident foreign corporation) has equity purposes of our income tax law consists of its gross
investments in XYZ Company, a income from all sources within the Philippines. (see
domestic corporation. XYZ declared N.V. REEDERIJ “AMSTERDAM” VS. CIR [JUNE 23,
and paid cash dividends to ABC. XYZ 1988])
directly remitted the cash dividends to
ABC’s head office in Japan (hence, a Special nonresident foreign corporations
non-resident foreign corporation) net
not only of the 10% final dividend tax Q79. Enumerate the non-resident foreign
but also of the withheld 15% profit corporations whose income is subject to
preferential tax rates.
remittance tax based on the remittable
amount after deducting the final As a general rule, the gross income of a non-resident
withholding tax of 10%. ABC argues foreign corporation is subject to the flat rate tax of
that following the principal-agent 30%. As exceptions, the following are subject to final
relationship theory, ABC is a resident tax rates and final withholding taxes:
foreign corporation subject only to the
10 % intercorporate final tax on 1. Income of a non-resident cinematographic film
dividends received from a domestic owner, lessor or distributor
corporation. Is ABC correct? 2. Income of a non-resident owner or lessor of
vessels chartered by Philippine nationals
No. The general rule that a foreign corporation is the 3. Income of a non-resident owner of aircraft,
same juridical entity as its branch office in the machineries and other equipment
Philippines cannot apply here. This rule is based on
the premise that the business of the foreign
corporation is conducted through its branch office,
following the principal agent relationship theory. It is
understood that the branch becomes its agent here.
So that when the foreign corporation transacts
business in the Philippines independently of its
branch, the principal-agent relationship is set aside.
The transaction becomes one of the foreign Such corporation shall pay a tax of 25% of its gross income from
corporation, not of the branch. Consequently, the sources within the Philippines
Such corporation shall be subject to a tax of 4.5% of gross
taxpayer is the foreign corporation, not the branch or rentals, lease or charter fees from leases or charters to Filipino
the resident foreign corporation. Corollarily, if the citizens or corporations, as approved by the Marina
business transaction is conducted through the branch Such corporations shall be subject to a tax of 7.5% of gross
rentals of fees


Tax on Certain Incomes of Non-resident exempted or reduced are considered as having been
Foreign Corporations fully paid.

In the Philippines, the 15% tax on dividends received

Q80. Enumerate the incomes of non-resident by a non-resident foreign corporation from a domestic
foreign corporations subject to corporation is imposed subject to the condition that
preferential tax rates the country in which the nonresident foreign
corporation is domiciled shall allow a credit against
1. Interest income on foreign loans contract on or the tax due from the nonresident foreign corporation
after August 1, 1986. taxes deemed to have been paid in the Philippines
2. Intercorporate dividends received from a equivalent to 15%, which represents the different
domestic corporation between the regular income tax of 30% and the 15%
3. Income covered by Tax Treaties tax on dividends.

Q80.1. What is the tax treatment on Q80.2.2. Illustrate the application of the
interest income on foreign loans tax-sparing provision by
from a non-resident foreign providing an example.
1. "X" Foreign Corp. Tax Liability with no preferential
If the foreign loan is contracted on or after August 1,
1986, it shall be subject to a FWT at the rate of 20%. "X" Foreign Corporation income 400
Foreign Tax rate (50%) 200
Q80.2. What is the tax treatment on RP Tax Rate (30%)
dividends received from a Foreign Tax Credit 120
domestic corporation by a non- "X" tax payable to Foreign 80
resident foreign corporation? "X" tax payable to RP 120

For non-resident foreign corporations, the dividend is Here, the total tax payable of the foreign corporation
subject to: is 200.

1. Tax treaty rate, if applicable 2. "X" Foreign Corp. Tax Liability with Preferential
2. 15% if no tax treaty but satisfies the tax-sparing Rate and without Tax Sparing
3. 30% if no tax treaty and does not comply with the "X" Foreign Corporation income 400
tax-sparing provision Foreign Tax rate (50%) 200
RP Tax Rate (15%) 60
Q80.2.1. What is a tax-sparing Foreign Tax Credit 60
provision? "X" tax payable to Foreign 140
"X" tax payable to RP 60
As explained in the case of CIR V. PROCTER &
GAMBLE PHILIPPINES [DECEMBER 2, 1999]: A more Here, the total tax payable of the foreign corporation
general way of mitigating the impact of double is still the same at 200.
taxation is to recognize the foreign tax as a tax credit.
However, the principal defect of the tax credit system
is when low tax rates or special tax concessions are 100
Note that previously, it was 20% which represents the
granted in a country for the obvious reason of difference between the RCIT of 35% and the 15% tax on
encouraging foreign investments. For instance, if the dividends.
usual tax rate is 35 percent but a concession rate The example provided in the case of CIR v. Procter & Gamble
accrues to the country of the investor rather than to uses the old rates. This example modifies the example provided in
99 the case and uses the current rates effective January 1, 2009.
the investor himself. To obviate this, a tax sparing Note that the foreign tax rate and the foreign corporation income
provision may be stipulated. With tax sparing, taxes are hypothetical.
Income (400) x Foreign Tax Rate (50%) = 200
99 103
This means that, at the end of the day, the foreign investor Income (400) x RP Tax Rate (30%) = 120
would be paying the same total amount of taxes due to the foreign [Income (400) x Foreign Tax Rate (50%)] – Foreign Tax Credit
country and the Philippines. (120) = 80


3. "X" Foreign Corp. Tax Liability with Preferential The CTA, applying the ruling in CIR V. PROCTER &
Rate and with Tax Sparing GAMBLE PHILIPPINES [DECEMBER 2, 1999], concluded
that if the country of domicile of the recipient
"X" Foreign Corporation income 400 corporation allows a credit against the tax imposable
Foreign Tax rate (50%) 200 by it an amount equivalent to 20% of the dividends
RP Tax Rate (15%) 60 remitted from a Philippine domestic corporation to
Foreign Tax Credit 120 corporations domiciled therein, the dividends remitted
"X" tax payable to Foreign 80 are subject to FWT at the preferential rate of 15% in
"X" tax payable to RP 60 accordance with Section 28 (b)(5)(b) of the Tax Code
of 1997, as amended.
The total tax payable of the foreign corporation is
now 140. Q80.2.5. Is there a need for a prior
ruling from the BIR in order to
Q80.2.3. Is it required that the foreign avail of the benefit?
country must give a “deemed
paid” tax credit for the In INTERPUBLIC GROUP OF COMPANIES, INC. VS.
Philippines making applicable 7796 DATED FEBRUARY 21, 2011], the CIR also
the preferred dividend tax rate contended that the US company’s transactions were
of 15%? bereft of any tax treaty relief application with the
International Tax Affairs Division (ITAD). On this
As ruled in CIR V. PROCTER & GAMBLE PHILIPPINES point, the CTA ruled that the same is not
[DECEMBER 2, 1999], the Tax Code does not require necessary.
that the foreign country’s tax laws deemed the
parent-corporation to have paid the dividend tax Q80.2.6. If the foreign country does not
waived by the Philippines. The Code only requires impose a tax on the dividend,
that the foreign country shall allow the corporation a is the dividend received by the
―deemed paid‖ tax credit in an amount equivalent to non-resident foreign
the percentage points waived by the Philippines. corporation subject to the 15%
Q80.2.4. When does a non-resident
foreign corporation become Yes. In BIR RULING DA-145-07 [M ARCH 8, 2007], SM
entitled to the 15% FWT? Investments asked for the BIR’s opinion on whether
the cash dividends declared by them to Asia
In INTERPUBLIC GROUP OF COMPANIES, INC. VS. Opportunities Limited, a corporation organized and
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE [CTA CASE NO. existing under the laws of the British Virgin Islands
7796 DATED FEBRUARY 21, 2011], a US Corporation, are subject to 15% FWT. The CIR noted that the
who owns 30% of the total and outstanding voting International Business Companies Ordinance of the
capital stock of a Philippine advertising company filed Territory of the British Virgin Islands does not impose
a claim for the refund or issuance of a TCC for any tax on dividends from foreign sources, which
overpaid FWT on dividends withheld and remitted by logically would include those received from Philippine
the Philippine company. In the administrative claim, corporations. As such, the dividend is subject only to
the US corporation alleged that, as a non-resident the FWT of 15%.
foreign corporation, it may avail of the preferential
FWT rate of 15% on cash dividends received from a Q80.3. To avail the benefits of a tax treaty
domestic corporation during the taxable year 2006. provision, must it be preceded by
The CIR, in response, raised the question of whether an application for a tax treaty relief
the US corporation is entitled to the FWT at the rate with the International Tax Affairs
of 15% or the rate of 20% in accordance with the RP-
Division (ITAD)?
US Tax Treaty.

105 106
The additional 60 will be considered as tax deemed paid or also Now, 15% effective January 1, 2009.
known as the ―phantom tax.‖ It is the foreign jurisdiction that will This is subject to debate. This case implies that the benefit is
allow the ―deemed paid‖ tax credit. automatic without need for a TTRA.


Yes. As provided in RMO 072-10 [AUGUST 25, 2010],
the ITAD is the sole office charged with the receiving The most-favoured nation simply means that a
of tax treaty relief applications (TTRA). All tax treaty country which is the recipient of this treatment must,
relief applications relative to the implementation and receive equal advantages as the "most favoured
interpretation of the provisions of Philippine tax nation" by the country granting such treatment. Most
treaties shall only be submitted to and received by tax treaties would have a MFN clause making a
the International Tax Affairs Division (ITAD). All benefit which is more advantageous accorded to one
rulings relative to the application, implementation and country demandable.
interpretation of the provisions of Philippine tax
treaties shall emanate from ITAD. In ITAD RULING 102-02 [M AY 28, 2002], Energizer
Philippines claims that its royalty payments to
In MIRANT V. CIR [CTA CASE NO. 7796, FEBRUARY 21, Eveready Battery are subject to the preferential tax
2011], Mirant made income payments to VHL rate of 15% pursuant to the MFN clause of the RP-
enterprises, a US nonresident foreign corporation US Tax Treaty in relation to the RP-Netherlands Tax
and to WES World, a UK nonresident foreign Treaty. The CIR applied the ruling in CIR V. S.C.
corporation. It accordingly withheld the tax due on JOHNSON AND SONS, INC. [JUNE 25, 1999], where the
these interest payments. Thereafter, Mirant filed for a Supreme Court interpreted the MFN clause, or the
refund contending that the two foreign corporations phrase ―paid under similar circumstances‖ as
have created ―permanent establishments‖ in the referring to the manner of payment of taxes and not
Philippines and thus making applicable the lower the subject matter of the tax which is royalties. The
withholding tax rate under the RP-UK and RP-US tax CIR found that the RP-US and RP-Netherland tax
treaties. The CTA noted that under those treaties, treaties show a similarity on the manner of payment
VHL and WES World, while not having a fixed place of taxes, that is, the allowable foreign tax credit on
of business have established ―permanent both treaties is the amount actually paid in the
establishments‖ in the Philippines because they have Philippines. Thus, the royalty payments by Energizer
―furnished services through their employees or other to Eveready are subject to the preferential tax rate of
personnel for a period or periods the aggregate of 15% of the gross amount of royalties pursuant to the
which is more than 183 days in a twelve-month "most-favored-nation" provision of the RP-US tax
period." treaty in relation to the RP-Netherlands tax.

However, under RMO 01-2000, it is provided that the Withholding Tax

availment of a tax treaty provision must be preceded
by an application for a tax treaty relief with its In general
International Tax Affairs Division (ITAD). A foreign
corporation wishing to avail of the benefits of the tax
Q81. What is the withholding tax system?
treaty should invoke the provisions of the tax treaty
and prove that indeed the provisions of the tax treaty The withholding tax system is a procedure through
applies to it, before the benefits may be extended to which taxes (including income taxes) are collected.
such corporation.The CTA noted that Mirant did not
make such application. Thus, the CTA finally held Q81.1. Who is the withholding agent?
that the income payments of Mirant to VHL and WES,
which are both non-resident foreign corporations, are The withholding agent is the one who has control,
subject to the final tax of 32%. custody, or receipt of the funds that is subject to
income tax and to be withheld and remitted to the
Q80.4. What is the meaning of most- BIR. The withholding agent holds the amount
favoured nation (MFN) and how is withheld from the income of another person in trust
it applied to applications for tax for the government until paid.
treaty reliefs?
The duty to withhold is different from the duty to pay
Note that the applicable tax rate is now 30%. income tax. The obligation to withhold is imposed
Note, however, that in INTERPUBLIC GROUP OF COMPANIES, INC. upon the buyer-payor of income but the burden of tax
VS. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE [CTA CASE NO. 7796 is really upon the seller-income earner.
DATED FEBRUARY 21, 2011], the CTA, by way of obiter, stated that,
even with respect to the applicability of the 20% FWT under the
RP-US Tax Treaty, a tax treaty relief application ―is not made a The obligation to withhold is compulsory as it makes
condition precedent by law.‖ such withholding agent personally liable for payment


of the tax. Such liability of the withholding agent is to be less than the amount that should have been
direct and independent from the liability of the income withheld. Second, as an agent of the taxpayer, his
recipient. authority to file the income tax return and remit the
tax withheld to the government includes the authority
Q81.2. Who are required by law to to file a claim for refund and to bring an action for
withhold on income payments? recovery of such claim.

1. Agents or employees of withholding agents Q81.5. Is the withholding agent who filed
2. Persons having control of the payment and the claim for tax refund obliged to
claiming the expense remit the same to the taxpayer?
3. Payor having control of the payment where
payment is made thru brokers Yes. In CIR V. SMART COMMUNICATIONS
[AUGUST 25, 2010], the Supreme Court ruled
Q81.3. When does the obligation to that while the withholding agent has the right to
withhold arise? recover the taxes erroneously or illegally
collected, he nevertheless has the obligation to
Either when: remit the same to the principal taxpayer under
the principle of unjust enrichment.
1. It is paid
2. It becomes payable (i.e. it is legally due,
Q81.6. What are the three categories of
demandable, or enforceable)
3. It is accrued as an asset or expense income subject to withholding
[OCTOBER 12, 1999], the Supreme Court stated that
the Tax Code is silent as to when the duty to withhold Under Section 57 of the Tax Code, the types of
taxes arises. In this case, to determine when the duty income subject to withholding tax are divided into
to withhold the taxes arose, the Court inquired into three categories:
the nature of accrual method of accounting, the
procedure used by the taxpayer, and to the modus 1. withholding of final tax on certain incomes;
vivendi of withholding tax at source come. It noted 2. withholding of creditable tax at source and
that under the accrual basis method of accounting, 3. tax-free covenant bonds.
income is reportable when all the events have
occurred that fix the taxpayer’s right to receive the Q81.7. What are the three types of
income and the amount can be determined with withholding tax?
reasonable accuracy. Such method is allowed by law
in reporting incomes. 1. Final withholding tax (FWT)
2. Creditable Withholding Tax (WT)
Q81.4. May a withholding agent file a 3. Withholding Tax on Wages
claim for tax refund?
Q82. Differentiate final withholding tax (FWT)
Generally, the person entitled to claim a tax refund is from creditable withholding tax (CWT).
the taxpayer. However, if the taxpayer does not file
the claim, the withholding agent may file the same. In The differences are as follows:
was submitted that rule allowing the withholding FWT CWT
agent to file the claim is applicable only when the The amount of income Taxes withheld on certain
withholding agent and the taxpayer are related tax withheld by the income payments are
parties. The Supreme Court disagreed and stated withholding agent is intended to equal or at
that such relationship is not required. A withholding constituted as a full and least approximate the tax
agent has a legal right to file a claim for refund. First, final payment of the due of the payee on said
he is considered a taxpayer under the Tax Code as income tax due from the income.
he is personally liable for the withholding tax as well payee on the said
as for deficiency assessments, surcharges, and income.
penalties, should the amount withheld be finally found The liability for payment Payee of income is


of the tax rests primarily required to report the Under the CWT tax system, taxes withheld on certain
on the payor as a income and/or pay the payments are but intended to approximate the tax
withholding agent. difference between the due from the payee. The withheld taxes remitted to
tax withheld and the tax the BIR are treated as deposits or advances on the
due on the income. The actual tax liability of the taxpayer, subject to
payee also has the right adjustment at the proper time when the actual tax
to ask for a refund if the liability can be fully and finally determined.
tax withheld is more than
the tax due. Q84.1. What are the three general types of
The payee is not The income recipient is creditable withholding taxes?
required to file an income still required to file an
tax return for the income tax return, as The three types of creditable withholding taxes are:
particular income. prescribed in Sec. 51
and Sec. 52 of the NIRC. 1. Expanded withholding tax on certain income
payments made by private persons to resident
(see Section 2.57(A) and (B), RR 2-98 [April 17, taxpayers (e.g. professional fees, income
1998] and CHAMBER OF REAL ESTATE AND BUILDER’S payments to brokers, income payments to
ASSOCIATION, INC. V. ROMULO [M ARCH 9, 2010]) partners of GPPs, etc)
2. Withholding tax on compensation income for
services done in the Philippines
Final Withholding Tax at Source 3. Withholding tax on money payments made by the
Q83. What is meant by withholding tax at
source? Q84.2. What is the rule on creditable
withholding of income payments
Since the withholding taxes are deducted by the to medical petitioners as laid down
withholding agent when the income payments are in RR 13-98 [August 14, 1998]?
paid or payable, they are described as ―withholding
taxes-at-source.‖ This means that the income tax of It shall be presumed that the hospital or clinic has
the recipient of income is withheld and deducted at collected the professional fee of the said medical
the source and at the time of accrual or payment of practitioner and shall, accordingly, be liable for the
the expense by the withholding agent-payer of withholding of the tax vis-a-vis each and every patient
income. admitted into the hospital or clinic under the care of
the said medical practitioner.
Q83.1. What are the four general types of
income payments subject to FWT? However, the withholding tax shall not apply
whenever there is proof that no professional fee has
1. Passive Incomes in fact been charged by the medical practitioner and
2. Income payments to entities where their gross paid by his patient,
income is subject to tax (i.e. non-resident aliens
not engaged in trade or business, non-resident Return and Payment of Tax Withheld at
foreign corporations, special aliens) Source
3. Fringe Benefits
4. Informer’s Reward to Persons Instrumental in the
Discovery of the Violations of the Tax Code.
Q85. Who is obliged to file the return and pay
the tax withheld?
(see Section 2.57.1, RR 2-98 [April 17, 1998])
The withholding agent shall file the return and pay the
Creditable Withholding Tax 1. FWT - within 25 days from the close of each
calendar quarter for FWT
Q84. What is meant by creditable withholding 2. CWT - not later than the last day of the month
tax? following the close of the quarter during which
withholding was made. (see Section 58(A), Tax


2. Compensation income of government employees
Q85.1. What are the other obligations of with salary grades 1 to 3.
the withholding agent with respect
to the return and payment of the Q87. Who is obliged to deduct, withhold, file
tax withheld? the return and pay the tax upon wages?

1. He shall furnish the recipient of the income a Every employer making payment of wages shall
written statement showing the income or other deduct and withhold upon such wages the applicable
payments made by him during such quarter or tax except in the case of minimum wage earners.
year, and the amount of the tax deducted and (see Section 79(A), Tax Code)
withheld therefrom.
2. He shall submit an annual information return The return shall be filed and the payment made
containing the list of payees and income within 25 days from the close of each calendar
payments, amount of taxes withheld for each quarter (see Section 81, Tax Code)
payee and other pertinent information. (see
Section 58(B) and (C), Tax Code) However, if the employer is the Government or any
political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, the
Q85.2. Since CWT is but an return of the amount deducted and withheld upon any
approximation, what happens if wage shall be made:
there is excess payment or
1. by the officer or employee having control over the
deficiency in payment? payment of such wage, or
The excess of the amount of tax so withheld over the 2. by any officer duly designated for the purpose
tax due on his return shall be refunded. (see Section 82, Tax Code)

If the income tax collected at source is less than the Q87.1. What are the other obligations of
tax due on his return, the difference shall be paid. the employer with respect to the
(see Section 58(D), Tax Code) withholding of tax on wages?

Q85.3. What is the effect of non-payment 1. Every employer shall furnish to each such
of CWT to the transfer of real employee a written statement confirming wages
property? paid by the employer during the calendar year
and the amount of tax deducted and withheld
No registration of any document transferring real
property shall be effected by the Register of Deeds 2. Every employer shall submit to the CIR an annual
unless the CIR or his duly authorized representative information return containing a list of employees,
has certified that such transfer has been reported and the total amount of compensation income of each
the capital gains or CWT, if any, has been paid. (see employee, the total amount of taxes,
Section 58(E), Tax Code) accompanied by copies of the written statements,
and other information as may be deemed
Withholding on Wages necessary.

Q87.2. Who is liable if there is a failure to

Q86. What income payments are exempted
withhold and remit the correct
from the requirement of withholding tax
amount of tax?
on compensation?
The employer shall be liable. If he fails to withhold
As provided in SECTION 2.78, RR 2-98 [APRIL 17, and remit the correct amount, such tax shall be
1998], as amended by RR 1-2006 [DECEMBER 29, collected from him together with penalties or
2005]: additions to the tax otherwise applicable (see
Section 80(A), Tax Code)
1. Compensation income of individuals that do not
exceed the statutory minimum wage or P5,000
pesos per month, whichever is higher.
Minimum wage earners are exempt from income tax.


Q87.3. What is the consequence if the
employer fails to deduct and Q87.7. What is the withholding treatment
withhold the tax but the tax when the husband and the wife
against which such tax may be each are recipients of wages?
credited is paid (the tax is paid by
the recipient)/employee)? 1. The husband shall be deemed the head of the
family and proper claimant of the additional
If the employer fails to deduct and withhold the tax exemption unless he explicitly waives this right in
and thereafter the tax against which such tax may be favor of his wife
credited is paid, the tax so required to be deducted 2. Taxes shall be withheld from the wages of the
and withheld shall not be collected from the wife with the schedule for zero exemption
employer. The employer shall not be relieved of
liability for any penalty for non-compliance (see Q88. Are backwages, allowances and
Section 79(A), Tax Code) benefits awarded in a labor dispute
subject to withholding tax?

Q87.4. What is the rule when there is an Yes. Backwages, allowances, and benefits awarded
overpayment of tax withheld on in a labor dispute constitute remunerations for
wages by the employer? services that would have been performed by the
employee in the year when actually received, or
If the overpayment was not deduced and withheld by during the period of his dismissal from the service
the employer, he shall be given a refund or credit. which was subsequently ruled to be illegal. The said
back wages, allowances and benefits are subject to
If the overpayment was deducted and withheld by the withholding tax on wages. (see RMC 39-2012
employer, the employee shall be allowed a credit. [August 3, 2012])

Q87.5. How can employees avail of Q88.1. Who should withhold the tax due
personal and additional thereon?
exemptions given that their The employers are mandated to withhold taxes on
compensation is subjected to wages and this includes those backwages,
withholding? allowances, and benefits awarded in a labor dispute.

On or before the date of commencement of Q88.2. If the backwages, allowances,

employment with the employer, the employee shall disputes are received by virtue of
submit to the employer a signed withholding a labor dispute award through
exemption certificate relating to the personal and
garnishment of debts due to the
additional exemptions to which he is entitled.
employer and other credits to
If there is a change of status, he may file a new which the employer is entitled to
exemption certificate within 10 days from such subject to withholding tax?
change. (see Section 79(D)(2), Tax Code)
In RMC 39-2012 [August 3, 2012], the CIR
answered this question in the affirmative. Persons
Q87.6. What is the consequence if an
having control of the payment of wages or salaries
employee fails or refuses to file an are authorized to deduct and withhold upon such
exemption certificate or wilfully wages or salaries the withholding tax due thereon. In
supplies false or inaccurate this case, the garnishees are the persons owning
information? debts due to the employer or in possession or control
of credits to which the employer are entitled.
The tax shall be collected from the employee Accordingly, they are in control of the payment of
including penalties or additions to the tax. Further, backwages, allowances and benefits. Thus, in order
excess taxes withheld by the employer shall not be to ensure the collection of the appropriate withholding
refunded to the employee but shall be forfeited to the taxes on wages, garnishees of a judgment award in a
government labor dispute are constituted as withholding agents


with the duty of deducting the corresponding certain tax avoidance schemes resorted to by
withholding tax on wages due thereon in an amount corporations are allowed in our jurisdiction. The MCIT
equivalent to five percent (5%) of the portion of the serves to put a cap on such tax shelters. As a tax on
judgment award representing the taxable backwages, gross income, it prevents tax evasion and minimizes
allowances and benefits. tax avoidance schemes achieved through
sophisticated and artful manipulations of deductions
Withholding Tax by Government and other stratagems. Since the tax base was
broader, the tax rate was lowered.
Q90.2. Is MCIT a tax on capital and an
Q89. What income payments made by the
additional tax imposition?
government are subject to withholding?
Income payments, except any single purchase which
is P10,000 and below, which are made by a
2010] answered this in the negative. The MCIT is
government office, national or local, including
111 imposed on gross income which is arrived at by
GOCCs, on their purchases of goods from local
deducting the capital spent by the corporation in the
suppliers shall be subject to a withholding tax of 1%.
sale of its goods, i.e. the cost of goods and other
(see Section 2.57.2(N), RR 2-98 [April 17, 1998])
direct expenses from gross sales. Thus, the capital is
not being taxed. Furthermore, the MCIT is not an
Special Rules additional tax imposition. It is imposed in lieu of the
Minimum Corporate Income Tax
Q90.3. What is the difference between
Q90. What is the minimum corporate income RCIT and MCIT?
tax (MICT?)
The tax base of RCIT is taxable income while the tax
A minimum corporate income tax of 2% of gross base of MCIT is gross income.
income shall be imposed on a domestic
corporation and resident foreign corporation In COMMISSIONER VS. PAL [JULY 7, 2009], PAL under
beginning on the fourth taxable year immediately PD 1590 (its franchise) was liable only for basic
following the year in which such corporation corporate income tax or franchise tax, whichever is
commenced its business operations when: lower and this is in lieu of all other taxes, except real
1. the MCIT is greater than the RCIT for the taxable property. The CIR contends that PAL is subject to
year. MCIT while it was the contention of PAL that the
2. such operation has zero or negative taxable MCIT was included in the ―in lieu of all other taxes‖
income provision. The Supreme Court noted there is a
distinction between taxable income, which is the
(see Section 27(E), Section 28(A)(2), Tax Code and basis for basic corporate income tax; and gross
RR 9-98 [August 5, 1998], as amended by RR 12- income, which is the basis for the MCIT under
2007 [October 10, 2007]) Section 27(E). The two terms have their respective
technical meanings, and cannot be used
interchangeably. Hence, the basic corporate income
Q90.1. What is the purpose of MCIT?
tax cannot cover MCIT since the basis for the first is
the annual net taxable income; while the basis for the
As held in the case of CHAMBER OF REAL ESTATE AND
second is gross. Thus, MCIT is included in ―all other
taxes‖ from which PAL is exempted.
2010]), the primary purpose of any legitimate
business is to earn a profit. Continued and repeated
losses after operations of a corporation or consistent Q90.4. For purposes of MCIT, what is
reports of minimal net income render its financial gross income?
statements and its tax payments suspect. For sure,
As provided in RR 9-98 [August 5, 1998], as
A GOCC which is listed as one of the top 5,000 corporations amended by RR 12-2007 [October 10, 2007]:
shall withhold the tax in its capacity as a GOCC rather than as one
of the top 5,000 corporations.


For purposes of MCIT, the term "gross income" 1998 50,000 75,000 (tax 25,000
means gross sales less sales returns, discounts, and to be
allowances and cost of goods sold, in case of sale of paid)
goods, or gross revenue less sales returns, 1999 60,000 100,000 (tax 40,000
discounts, allowances and cost of services/direct to be paid)
2000 100,000 (tax 60,000
cost, in case of sale of services.
to be
Note that ―cost of goods sold‖ shall include all
business expenses directly incurred to produce the In the year 2000, since the RCIT is greater than
merchandise to bring them to their present location MCIT, the firm will have to pay the RCIT of P100,000.
and use while ―cost of services‖ shall mean all direct To this amount, the corporation can credit the excess
costs and expenses necessarily incurred to provide MCIT is has so far which totals 65,000. The amount
the services required by the customs and clients. of income tax payable now becomes 35,000. Note
that with respect to the excess MCIT of 25,000, that
As noted by the Supreme Court in COMMISSIONER VS. can be claimed as tax credit against the normal
PAL [JULY 7, 2009], inclusions and income tax up to the year 2001 or three years from
exclusions/deductions from gross income for MCIT payment of the MCIT in 1998 and only when the
purposes are limited to those directly arising from the RCIT is greater than MCIT. You cannot credit the
conduct of the taxpayer’s business. It is thus more MCIT against the MCIT or other losses.
limited than the gross income used in the
computation of basic corporate income tax.
Q90.6. Can the imposition of MCIT be
Q90.4.1. What if apart from the income
from core business activities,
other items of gross income Yes, the Secretary of Finance can suspend its
are realized or earned by the imposition on any corporation which suffers losses on
corporation, are these items account of prolonged labor dispute, or because of
included as part of gross force majeure, or because of legitimate business
income? reverses.

Yes. If apart from deriving income from these core Improperly Accumulated Earnings Tax
business activities there are other items of gross (IAET)
income realized or earned by the taxpayer during the
taxable period which are subject to the normal
Q91. What is an improperly accumulated
corporate income tax, the same items must be
included as part of the taxpayer's gross income for
earnings tax?
computing MCIT.
This is the income tax imposed on a corporation if its
earnings and profits are accumulated (undistributed)
Q90.5. Explain the carrying forward of
instead of being divided and distributed to its
excess MCIT against normal stockholders.
income tax.
An improperly accumulated earnings tax (IAET) equal
Any excess MCIT against the normal income tax is to 10% is imposed for each taxable year on the
creditable within the next three (3) years from
payment thereof. To illustrate:
Year RCIT MCIT Excess This is the tax to be paid because MCIT > RCIT
This Is the tax to be paid because MICT < RCIT
MCIT 116
Defined as losses arising from a strike staged by the employees
against which lasted for more than six (6) months within a taxable period
RCIT and which has caused the temporary shutdown of business
112 117
This only shows that deductions are not taken into account in It means a cause due to an irresistible force as by "Act of God"
MCIT. like lightning, earthquake, storm, flood and the like. This term shall
This means that the term "gross income" will also include all also include armed conflicts like war or insurgency.
items of gross income enumerated under Section 32(A) of the Tax It shall include substantial losses sustained due to fire, robbery,
Code, as amended, except income exempt from income tax and theft or embezzlement, or for other economic reason as
income subject to final withholding tax determined by the Secretary of Finance.


improperly accumulated taxable income of each The IAET is being imposed in the nature of a penalty
corporation. to the corporation for the improper accumulation of its
earnings, and as a form of deterrent to the avoidance
It is imposed on domestic corporations which are of tax upon shareholders who are supposed to pay
classified as closely-held corporations. dividends tax on the earnings distributed to them by
the corporation (see RR 2-01 [FEBRUARY 12, 2001]).
Q91.1. Define “improperly accumulated
taxable income.” Q91.3. What corporations are subject to
The term ―improperly accumulated taxable income‖
means taxable income adjusted by: As a general rule, the IAET shall apply to every
corporation formed or availed for the purpose of
1. Income exempt from tax avoiding the income tax with respect to its
2. Income excluded from gross income shareholders or the shareholders of any other
3. Income subject to final tax; and corporation, by permitting earnings and profits
4. The amount of net operating loss carry-over accumulate instead of being divided or distributed.
deducted; and
5. Reduced by the sum of: As exceptions, the IAET shall not apply to:
a. dividends actually or constructively paid; and 1. Publicly-held corporations
b. income tax paid for the taxable year 2. Banks and other non-bank financial
c. amount reserved for the reasonable needs of intermediaries; and
the business 3. Insurance companies
4. GPPs
In relation to 5(c), RMC 35-2011 [March 14, 2011] 5. Non-taxable joint ventures
states that the amount that may be retained, taking 6. Enterprises registered under SEZs (see RR
into consideration the reasonable needs of the 2-01 [FEBRUARY 12, 2001]).
business shall be 100% of the paid-up capital or the
amount contributed to the corporation representing Q91.4. What is the main factor to consider
the par value of the shares of stock. Any excess in holding a corporation liable for
capital over and above the par shall be excluded.
Q91.2. What is the purpose and nature of
The touchstone of the liability is the purpose behind
the accumulation of the income and not the
consequences of the accumulation. Thus, if the
The imposition of IAET discouraged tax avoidance failure to pay dividends is due to some other causes,
through corporate surplus accumulation. When such as the use of undistributed earnings and profits
corporations do not declare dividends, income taxes for the reasonable needs of the business, such
are not paid on the undeclared dividends received by purpose would not generally make the accumulated
the shareholders. The tax on improper accumulation or undistributed earnings subject to the tax. However,
of surplus is essentially a penalty tax designed to if there is a determination that a corporation has
compel corporations to distribute earnings so that the accumulated income beyond the reasonable needs of
said earnings by shareholders could, in turn, be taxed the business, the 10% improperly accumulated
(see CYNAMID PHILIPPINES INC VS. CA [JANUARY 20, earnings tax shall be imposed. [see RR 2-01
2000]) [FEBRUARY 12, 2001]).

Q91.5. What circumstances are indicative

Closely-held corporations are those corporations at least fifty of a purpose to avoid the income
percent (50%) in value of the outstanding capital stock or at least
fifty percent (50%) of the total combined voting power of all classes tax with respect to shareholders?
of stock entitled to vote is owned directly or indirectly by or for not
more than twenty (20) individuals. Domestic corporations not The fact that any corporation is a mere holding
falling under the aforesaid definition are, therefore, publicly-held company or investment company shall be prima
corporations. facie evidence of a purpose to avoid the tax upon its
Added by RR 2-01.
For example, if only Dec 31, 2010, you have a paid-up capital of shareholders or members. (see Section 29(C)(1),
100,000. You can only retain up to 100,000. A subsequent infusion Tax Code)
of capital of 500,000 a week later cannot be considered.


Moreover, the fact that the earnings or profits of a ordered MWM to pay IAET on the said treasury bills.
corporation are permitted to accumulate beyond the One of the contentions of MWM was that it will be
reasonable needs (including reasonably anticipated used to aid its importations The Supreme Court ruled
needs) of the business shall be determinative of the against MWM. It noted that the bonds were bought in
purpose to avoid the tax upon its shareholders or 1951 and until 1961; it was never used to aid MWM’s
members unless the corporation, by the clear importations. To justify an accumulation of earnings
preponderance of evidence shall prove the contrary and profits for the reasonably anticipated future
(see Section 29(C)(2), Tax Code) needs, such accumulation must be used within a
reasonable time after the close of the taxable year.
In CIR v. TUASON [M AY 15, 1989], the CIR assessed
Tuason, Inc. for IAET. The CIR presumed that when In CYNAMID V. CA [JANUARY 20, 2000], Cynamid
Tuason, Inc. accumulated profits, the purpose was to argued that the increase of working capital by a
avoid the income tax on its shareholders on the corporation justifies accumulating income. It invoked
finding that it was a mere holding or investment the Bardahl Formula which allowed retention, as
company. Tuason contended it was for the purpose working capital reserve, sufficient amounts of liquid
of expanding their business as a real estate broker. assets to carry the company though one operating
The Supreme Court ruled that Tuason was liable for cycle and pay all of its current liabilities and any
IAET. Tuason was a mere holding company as it was extraordinary expenses reasonably anticipated. The
not involved itself in the development of the Supreme Court ruled that, as stressed by American
subdivisions but merely subdivided its own lots and authorities, the formula is used only for administrative
sold them for bigger profits. It derived its income from convenience and not a precise rule. The Court found
interest, dividends, and rental from the sale of realty. that in companies where the formula was applied,
The touchstone of liability is the purpose behind the they had operating cycles shorten than that of
accumulation of the income and not the Cynamid. The ratio of current assets to current
consequences of the accumulation. The company's liabilities should be used to determine the sufficiency
failure to distribute dividends to its stockholders was of working capital which ideally should be 2:1.
clearly for reasons other than the reasonable needs Cyanamid’s ratio is 2.21:1 and, thus, there was no
of the business. need to infuse working capital.

Q91.6. What is the “Immediacy Test?” Q91.7. In determining if profits are

reasonably accumulated for
The Immediacy Test is used to determine the business needs, the intention of
―reasonable needs‖ of business‖ in order to justify an the taxpayer is reckoned at what
accumulation of earnings. Under this test, the term time?
"reasonable needs of the business" are hereby
construed to mean the immediate needs of the It is reckoned at the time of accumulation. In M ANILA
business, including reasonably anticipated needs. WINE MERCHANTS V. CIR [FEBRUARY 20, 1984], one of
The corporation should be able to prove an the contentions of MWM was that it held on to said
immediate need for the accumulation of the earnings bonds for several years to wait for 60% of its stock to
and profits, or the direct correlation of anticipated be owned by Filipinos so it can purchase its own lot
needs to such accumulation of profits. Otherwise, and building. The Supreme Court stated that to
such accumulation would be deemed to be not for the determine if profits are reasonably accumulated for
reasonable needs of the business, and the penalty business needs, the controlling intention is that
tax would apply. manifested at the time of accumulation and not later
ones. The second reason given by MWM was too
In M ANILA WINE MERCHANTS V. CIR [FEBRUARY 20, indefinite and was a mere afterthought.
1984], Manila Wine Merchants (MWM) invested in
several companies and bought shares in Wack Wack Q91.8. Are there ways by which to avoid
Golf and Country Club and likewise acquired US
liability from IAET?
Treasury Bills. CIR found that MWM had
unreasonably accumulated a surplus. On appeal, the
CTA ruled that the purchase of shares were Yes, when the accumulation is justified by
harmless. However, the CTA also ruled that the reasonable needs of the business such as:
purchase of US Treasury Bills was in no way related
to the business of importing and selling wines and 1. Accumulation up to 100% of the paid-up capital


2. For definite corporate expansion projects or the corporation is taxable or not, or the government
programs and its instrumentalities except when:
3. For buildings, plants or equipment acquisitions
4. For compliance with a loan covenant or pre- 1. The fringe benefit is required by the nature of or
existing obligation under a legitimate business necessary to the trade, business or profession of
agreement the employer; or
5. When there is a legal prohibition for its 2. When the fringe benefit is for the convenience or
distribution advantage of the employer
6. In the case of Philippine subsidiaries of foreign
corporations, undistributed earnings intended or (see Section 33, Tax Code and RR 3-98 [JANUARY
reserved for investments within the Philippines 1, 1998])

Q91.9. Abbot-Phils, a domestic Q92.1. What is a fringe benefit?

corporation, is a wholly owned
subsidiary of Abbot-US, a non- As defined by Section 33(B), the term ―fringe
resident foreign corporation. benefit‖ means any good, service or other benefit
Abbot-Phils claims that by virtue furnished or granted in cash or in kind by an
of this, it is exempt from the IAET. employer to an individual employee (except rank and
Is this contention correct? file employees as defined herein) such as, but not
limited to, the following:
Yes. In BIR RULING 25-02 [JUNE 25, 2002], the CIR
ruled that Abbot-Phils was exempt from IAET. Since 1. Housing;
Abbott-Phils. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Abbott- 2. Expense account;
US, such shares will be considered as being owned 3. Vehicle of any kind;
proportionately by the Abbott-US shareholders. The 4. Household personnel, such as maid, driver and
ownership of a domestic corporation for purposes of others;
determining whether it is a closely held corporation or 5. Interest on loan at less than market rate to the
a publicly held corporation is ultimately traced to the extent of the difference between the market rate
individual shareholders of the parent company. Thus, and actual rate granted;
where at least 50% of the outstanding capital stock or 6. Membership fees, dues and other expenses
at least 50% of the total combined voting power of all borne by the employer for the employee in social
classes of stock entitled to vote in a corporation is and athletic clubs or other similar organizations;
owned directly or indirectly by at least 21 or more 7. Expenses for foreign travel;
individuals, the corporation is considered publicly- 8. Holiday and vacation expenses;
held corporation. As of the year-end 2000, Abbott-US 9. Educational assistance to the employee or his
had 101,272 shareholders holding a combined dependents; and
1,545,934,133 shares of common stock and the 10. Life or health insurance and other non-life
twenty largest shareholders of Abbott-US as of insurance premiums or similar amounts in excess
September 30, 2001 own an aggregate of 30.1 of what the law allows.
percent of Abbott-US' issued and outstanding shares.
Thus, Abbot-Phils is a publicly-held corporation Q92.2. What is the rationale behind the
exempt from IAET. Fringe Benefits Tax?

Fringe Benefit Tax As a general rule, the income recipient is the person
liable to pay the income tax. In order to improve
Q92. What is a fringe benefit tax? collection of income on the compensation income of
employees, the State requires the employer to
withhold the tax upon payment of the compensation
The State imposes a final tax of 32% effective
income. However, it has been observed that many of
January 1, 2000 on the grossed-up monetary value
the fringe benefits paid by the employer to his
of fringe benefit furnished or granted to the
employees are not subjected to income tax and
employee except rank and file employees by the
withholding tax on compensation. To plug this
employer, whether an individual, professional
loophole, RA 8424 was passed. It imposed a fringe
partnership or a corporation regardless of whether
benefits tax on the fringe benefits received by


supervisory and managerial employees. The law Q92.4. Are all fringe benefits subject to
mandates that the employer shall assume the fringe FBT?
benefits tax imposed on the taxable fringe benefits of
122 123
the managerial or supervisory employees, but No. The following fringe benefits are not taxable:
allows the employer to deduct such fringe benefit tax
as a business expense from its gross income. 1. Fringe benefits exempted by law
However, the fringe benefits of rank-and-file 2. Benefits required by the business or for the
employees are treated as part of his compensation convenience of the employer
income, which must be withheld and deducted by his 3. Benefits given to the rank and file employees;
employer from the compensation income of the and
employee. 126
4. De minimis benefits

Q92.3. What is meant by “grossed-up Transfer Pricing

monetary value of the fringe
benefit?” Q93. What is transfer pricing?
As defined in RR 3-98 [JANUARY 1, 1998], the It is the power of the CIR to distribute, apportion,
grossed-up monetary value of the fringe benefit allocate, and shift income and expenses between
represents the whole amount of income received by related taxpayers to reflect their true taxable income
the employee which includes the net amount of or to prevent evasion of taxes.
money or net monetary value of property which has
been received plus the amount of the fringe benefit At present, the Philippines does not have any
tax thereon otherwise due from the employee, but guidelines on transfer pricing unlike in other
paid by the employer for and in behalf of his jurisdictions. RMC 026-08 [March 24, 2008] states
employee. that while the BIR is still revising the final draft of the
RR on transfer pricing, the BIR as a matter of policy
Q92.3.1. How is the grossed-up subscribes to the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines
monetary value of the fringe in the interim.
benefit determined?
Q93.1. GSK purchase a pharmaceutical
It is determined by dividing the actual monetary value ingredient from Adechsa, a related
of the fringe benefit by 68% (effective January 1, non-residency company for
2000.) between $1,512 and $1,651 per kg.
During the same period, two
Q92.3.2. Is the above formula absolute?
Canadian pharmaceutical
No. In the case of non-resident aliens not engaged in companies purchase the same
trade or business and alien and Filipino individuals ingredient for between $194 and
employed in RHQs, ROHQs of MNCs, OBUs and $304 per kg from arm’s length
petroleum subcontractors, the grossed-up value of suppliers. Canada’s minister for
the fringe benefit shall be determined by dividing the internal revenue reassessed GSK
actual monetary value of the fringe benefit by the because the prices it paid for the
difference between one hundred percent (100%) and ingredient were greater than an
under their respective rates of income tax. amount that would have been
reasonable in the circumstances
had they been dealing at arm’s
A managerial employee refers to one who is vested with powers
or prerogatives to lay down and execute management policies
and/or to hire, transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall, discharge, assign length. GSK argues the License
or discipline employees and Supply Agreement it entered
A supervisory employee is one who, in the interest of the with Adechsa should be
employer, effectively recommends such managerial actions if the
exercise of such authority is not merely routinary or clerical in considered in determining if it is
nature but requires the use of independent judgment.
an arm’s length transaction. Is
A rank-and-file employee means all employees who are holding
neither managerial or supervisory position
GSK’s contention correct?
The purpose of getting the grossed-up monetary value is to
preserve the benefit to the employer as a whole. For the discussion of this, see Q15.6


Q93.1.1. Filinvest Development
Yes. As held by the Supreme Court of Canada in HM Corporation (FDC) extended
V. GLAXOSMITHKLINE [2012 SCC 52, OCTOBER 18, advances in favour of its
2012], a proper application of the arm’s length affiliate. The BIR assesses
principle requires that regard be had for the FDC for deficiency income by
―economically relevant characteristics‖ of the arm’s unilaterally imputing an “arm’s
length and non-arm’s length circumstances to ensure length” interest rate on its
they are ―sufficiently comparable.‖ The ―economically advances. FDC disputes this
relevant characteristics of the situations being by saying the CIR lacks
compared‖ may make it necessary to consider other authority to impute theoretical
transactions that impact the transfer price under interest and the rule is that
consideration. Such circumstances will include interests cannot be demanded
agreements that may confer rights and benefits in in the absence of a stipulation
addition to the purchase of property where those to that effect. Is FDC’s
agreements are linked to the purchasing agreement. contention correct?
The objective is to determine what an arm’s length
purchaser would pay for the property and the rights Yes. According to the case of CIR V. FILINVEST
and benefits together where the rights and benefits DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION [JULY 19, 2011], Despite
are linked to the price paid for the property. In this the seemingly broad power of the CIR to distribute,
case, GSK was paying for at least some of the rights apportion and allocate gross income under Section
and benefits under the Licence Agreement as part of 50, the same does not include the power to impute
the purchase prices for ranitidine from Adechsa. As theoretical interest even with regard to controlled
such, the Licence Agreement could not be ignored in taxpayers’ transactions. This is true even if the CIR is
determining the reasonable amount paid to Adechsa able to prove that the interest expense was in fact
which applies not only to payment for goods but also claimed by FDC. The term in the definition of gross
to payment for services. income that even those income ―from whatever
source derived‖ is covered still requires that there
Q93.2. What is the “arm’s length must be actual or at least probable receipt or
bargaining standard” with respect realization of the time of gross income sought to be
apportioned, distributed or reallocated. Finally, under
to the determination of the taxable
the Civil Code, no interest shall be due unless
income on inter-company loans or expressly stipulated in writing.
advances in relation to transfer
pricing? Q93.3. Is transfer pricing applicable only
to taxable entities
RMC 026-08 [M ARCH 24, 2008] adopts the arm’s
length standard as the ultimate test for determining
No. Section 50 does not apply only to taxable
the fairness of related party transactions. The
entities. Reallocation may also apply to tax-exempt
standard to be applied in every case is that of an
organizations. (see RMC 026-08 [M ARCH 24, 2008])
uncontrolled taxpayer dealing at arm’s length with
another uncontrolled taxpayer.
Special Entities
Thus, where a member of a group of controlled
entities makes a loan or advances directly or Proprietary Educational Institutions and
indirectly or becomes a creditor of another member of
such group and charges no interest, or chargest
interest at a rate which is not equal to an arm’s-length
rate, the CIR may make appropriate allocations to Q94. What is the tax treatment of proprietary
reflect an arm’s length interest rate for use of such education institutions and hospitals
loan or advance. which are non-profit?

The arm's length interest rate shall be the rate of interest which
was charged or would have been charged at the time the
indebtedness arose in independent transaction with or between The case would have been decided differently if we had an RR
unrelated parties under similar circumstances. on Transfer Pricing.


Section 27(B) of the Tax Code provides that they In CIR V. ST. LUKES MEDICAL CENTER [SEPTEMBER 26,
shall pay a tax of 10% on their taxable income 2012], the Supreme Court ruled that St. Lukes
except: cannot claim full tax exemption under Section 30
1. Certain passive incomes subject to final tax because it has paying patients and this is
2. If the gross income from unrelated trade, notwithstanding the fact that it is a non-profit hospital.
business, or other activity exceeds 50% of For Section 27(B) to apply, the hospital must be non-
the total gross income derived by such profit which means that no net income or asset
proprietary educational institution and accrues to or benefits any member or specific person
hospital which are non-profit from all sources, and all the activities of the hospital are non-profit. On
the tax shall be imposed on the entire taxable the other hand, Section 30(E) and (G), while
income. providing for an exemption is qualified by the last
Q94.1. What is meant by the terms paragraph which, in turn, provides that activities
“proprietary” and “non-profit?” conducted for profit shall be taxable. Section 30(E)
and (G) requires that an institution be operated
Proprietary means private while non-profit means no exclusively for charitable purposes to be completely
net income or asset accrues to or benefits any exempt from income tax. In this case, however, St.
member or specific person, with all the net income or Lukes is not operated exclusively for charitable
asset devoted to the institution’s purposes and all its purposes insofar as its revenues from paying patients
activities. are concerned. Such revenue is subject to income
tax at 10% under Section 27(B).
As noted by the Supreme Court IN CIR V. ST. LUKES
MEDICAL CENTER [SEPTEMBER 26, 2012], ―non-profit‖ Q94.3. Reconcile the tax treatment of
does not necessarily mean ―charitable.‖ proprietary educational
institutions and hospitals which
Q94.2. St. Lukes Medical Center is a are non-profit under Section 27(B)
hospital organized as a non-stock and non-stock, non-profit
and non-profit corporation. It charitable institutions under
admits both paying and non- Section 30(E) and (G).
paying patients. The CIR claimed
that St. Lukes was liable for To be exempt from income taxes, Section 30(E)
income tax at 10% as provided requires that the charitable institution must be
under Section 27(B)131 of the NIRC. organized and operated exclusively for charitable
St. Lukes argues that it is a non- purpose. It is nevertheless allowed to engage in
―activities conducted for profit‖ without losing its tax-
stock, non-profit institution for
exempt status for its not-for-profit activities. The
charitable and social welfare consequence, however, is that such income from
purposes exempt from income tax activities conducted for profit, regardless of the
under Section 30(E) and (G) of the disposition made of such income, shall be subject to
NIRC.132 Decide. tax.

For proprietary educational institutions and hospitals

Means any trade, business, or other activity, the conduct of
which are non-profit, to avail of the preferential tax
which is not substantially related to the exercise or performance by rate, no net income or asset accrues to or benefits
such educational institution or hospital of its primary purpose or any member or specific person, with all the net
income or asset devoted to the institution’s purposes
Is any private schoolm maintained and administered by private
individuals or groups with an issued permit to operation from the
and all its activities.
Department of Education or CHED, or TESDA, as the case may be
Section 27(B) provides that proprietary educational institutions Thus, in CIR V. ST. LUKES MEDICAL CENTER
and hospitals which are non-profit shal pay a tax of ten percent [SEPTEMBER 26, 2012], while the St. Lukes did not
(10%) on their taxable income
Section 30(E), NIRC provides that a non-stock corporation or
qualify as a non-profit, non-stock charitable institution
association organized and operated exclusively for charitable under Section 30(E) as it was not operated
purposes is exempt from income tax while Section 30(G) provides exclusively for charitable purposes, it remains to be a
that a civic league or organization not organized for profit but proprietary non-profit hospital under Section 27(E) as
operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare is likewise
long as it does not distribute any of its profits to its


members and such profits are reinvested pursuant to Exempt Corporations
its corporate purposes. St. Lukes, as a proprietary
non-profit hospital, is entitled to the preferential tax
Q96. What are the exempt corporations
rate of 10% on its net income from its for-profit
activities. enumerated in Section 30 of the Tax
1. Labor, agricultural or horticultural organization
not organized principally for profit
Q95. Are GOCCs, agencies and 2. Mutual savings bank not having a capital stock
instrumentalities owned and control by represented by shares and cooperative bank
the government liable to pay income without capital stock organized and operated for
tax? mutual purposes and without profit
3. A beneficiary society, order or association,
All corporations, agencies, or instrumentalities owned operating for the exclusive benefit of the
or controlled by the government shall pay such rate members such as a fraternal organization
of tax upon their taxable income except: operating under the lodge system, or a mutual
aid association or a non-stock corporation
1. GSIS organized by employees providing for the
2. SSS payment of life, sickness, accident, or other
3. Phil Health benefits exclusively to the members of such
4. Local Water Districts
133 society, order, or association, or non-stock
5. PCSO corporation or their dependents
4. Cemetery company owned and operated
(see Section 27(C), Tax Code) exclusively for the benefit of its members
5. Non-stock corporation or association organized
and operated exclusively for religious, charitable,
Q95.1. Is RA 9337 constitutional insofar scientific, athletic, or cultural purposes, or for the
as it excluded PAGCOR from the rehabilitation of veterans, no part of its net
enumeration of GOCCs exempt income or asset shall belong to or inure to the
from the payment of corporate benefit of any member, organizer, officer or any
income tax? specific person
6. Business league, chamber of commerce, or
Yes. In PAGCOR V. BIR [M ARCH 15, 2011], the board of trade, not organized for profit and no
Supreme Court held that the original exemption of part of the net income of which inures to the
PAGCOR from corporate income tax was not made benefit of any private stockholder or individual
pursuant to a valid classification based on substantial 7. Civil league or organization not organized for
distinction so that the law may operate only on some profit but operated exclusively for the promotion
and not on all. Instead, the same was merely granted of social welfare
to the acquiescence of the House Committee on 8. A non-stock and non-profit educational institution
Ways and Means to the request of PAGCOR. The 9. Government educational institution
argument that the withdrawal of the exemption 10. Farmers or mutual typhoon or fire insurance
violates the non-impairment clause will not hold since company, mutual ditch or irrigation company,
any franchise is subject to amendment, alteration or mutual or cooperative telephone company or like
134 organizstion of a purely local character, the
repeal by Congress.
income of which consists solely of assessments,
dues, and fees collected from members for the
sole purpose of meeting its expenses; and
11. Farmers, fruit growers, or like association
organized and operated as a sales agent for the
purpose of marketing the products of its
members and turning back to them the proceeds
of sales, less the necessary selling expenses on
Inserted by RA 10026. the basis of the quantity of produce finished by
The Court, however, made clear that PAGCOR remains to be them.
exempt from indirect taxes.


Q96.1.1. If a non-stock, non-profit
Q96.1. Are recreational clubs exempt educational institution
from income tax? charges tuition and other fees
for the different services it
No. As clarified by RMC 35-2012 [AUGUST 3, 2012], renders, does the institution
clubs which are organized and operated exclusively lose its tax-exempt status?
for pleasure, recreation, and other non-profit
purposes (hereinafter referred to as "recreational No. In CIR V. G. SINCO EDUCATIONAL CORP [OCTOBER
clubs") are not exempt from income tax. The 23, 1956], the Supreme Court held that the amount of
provision in the National Internal Revenue Code of fees charged by the school depends upon the policy
1977 which granted income tax exemption to such and a given administration at a given time and is not
recreational clubs was omitted in the current list of conclusive of the purposes of the institution. It does
tax exempt corporations under National Internal not in itself make a school a profit-making enterprise.
Revenue Code of 1997, as amended.
Q96.1.2. What is the difference in tax
Q96.2. A credit cooperative was assessed treatment on interest income
deficiency withholding tax on from currency bank deposits
interest from savings and time and yield, etc and on interest
income from a depository
deposits of its members. The CTA
bank under the EFCDS of non-
ruled against the credit stock, non-profit corporations
cooperative stating that and non-stock, non-profit
withholding tax on income educational institutions?
payments subject to FWT includes
said interests as “interests from As provided in RMC 76-03 [November 14, 2003]:
similar arrangements.” Is CTA’s
ratio correct? For non-stock non profit corporation, their interest
income from currency bank deposits and yield or any
No. Since interest from any Philippine currency bank other monetary benefit from deposit substitute
deposit yield or any other monetary benefit from instruments and from trust funds and similar
deposit substitutes are paid by banks, other entities arrangement, and royalties derived from sources
such as cooperative are not required to withhold the within the Philippines are subject to the 20% final
corresponding tax on the interest from savings and withholding tax and interest income derived by them
time deposits of its members. The fact that ―similar from a depository bank under the expanded foreign
arrangements‖ is preceded by banking terms means currency deposit system shall be subject to 71/2%
that those subject to withholding must have deposit final withholding tax.
peculiarities. This is also consistent with the
preferential treatment accorded to members of Unlike non-stock, non-profit corporations, their
cooperatives who are exempt in the same way as the interest income from currency bank deposits and
cooperative themselves. (see DUMAGUETE CREDIT yield from deposit substitute instruments used
COOPERATIVE V. CIR [JANUARY 22, 2010]). actually, directly and exclusively in pursuance of their
purposes as an educational institution, are exempt
Q96.3. Are all the activities of from the 20% final tax and 7 ½% tax on interest
corporations enumerated in Q90 income under the expanded foreign currency deposit
system imposed provided they submit on an annual
exempt from tax?
basis submit to the Revenue District Office
concerned an annual information return and duly
No. Notwithstanding that they are exempt audited financial statement together with the
corporations, the income of whatever kind and following:
character of the organizations mentioned above from
any of their properties, real or personal, or form any 1. Certification from their depository banks as to the
of their activities conducted for profit regardless of the amount of interest income earned from passive
disposition made of such income shall be subject to investment not subject to the 20% final
tax imposed under the Code. withholding tax and 7 ½% tax on interest income


under the expanded foreign currency deposit thereof, 5% of the gross income earned by all
system. business enterprises within the ECOZON
2. Certification of actual utilization of the said shall be paid and remitted as follows:
income; and
3. Board Resolution by the school administration on i. 3% to the National Government
proposed projects to be funded out of the money ii. 2% to the Treasurer’s office of the
deposited in banks or placed in money markets, municipality of city where the enterprise is
on or before the 14th day of the fourth month located.
following the end of its taxable year.
3. RA 9178 or the Barangay Micro Business
Q96.4. Enumerate some special laws Enterprises Act
granting exempt status to certain
types of corporations All BMBEs shall be exempt from tax for income
arising from the operations of the enterprise.
1. Executive Order 226 (Article 39) or the
Omnibus Investment Code 4. RA 9593 (Section 4 & 86, 88) or Tourism
Registered Enterprises are granted an Income Tax
Holiday as follows: a. New enterprises in Greenfield and Brownfield
Tourism Zones shall, from the start of
a. For six (6) years from commercial operation business operations, be exempt from tax on
for pioneer firms and four (4) years for non- income for a period of six (6) years. This
pioneer firms, new registered firms shall be income tax holiday may be extended if the
fully exempt from income taxes levied by the enterprise undertakes a substantial
National Government. This tax exemption will expansion or upgrade of its facilities prior to
be extended for another year in each of the the expiration of the first six (6) years.
following cases: b. These enterprises shall likewise be allowed
to carry over as deduction from the gross
i. the project meets the prescribed ration of income for the next six (6) consecutive years
capital equipment to number of workers set immediately following the year of the loss,
by the BOI their net operating losses for any taxable
ii. utilization of indigenous raw materials at year immediately preceding the current
rates set by the BOI taxable year which had not been previously
iii. the net foreign exchange savings or offset as deduction from gross income.
earnings amount c. An existing enterprise in a Brownfield
Tourism Zone shall be entitled to avail of a
b. For a period of three (3) years from non-extendible income tax holiday if it
commercial operation, registered expanding undertakes an extensive expansion or
firms shall be entitled to an exemption from upgrade of facilities.
income taxes levied by the National d. In lieu of all other national and local taxes,
Government. license fees, imposts and assessments,
except real estate taxes and such fees as
2. RA 7916 (Sections 23 to 25) or the Special may be imposed by the TIEZA, a new
Economic Zone Act
A ―Greenfield Tourism Zone‖ refers to a new or pioneer
a. Except for real property taxes on land owned development, as determined by the TIEZA (Tourism Infrastructure
by developers, no taxes, local and national, and Enterprise Zone Authority) while a ―Brownfield Tourism Zone‖
shall be imposed on business establishments refers to an area with existing infrastructure or development as
determined by the TIEZA.
operating within the ECOZONE. In lieu
This extension shall consider the cost of such expansion or
No registered pioneer firm may avail of this incentive for a upgrade in relation to the original investment, but shall in no case
period exceeding eight (8) years. exceed an additional six (6) years.
136 139
During the period within which this incentive is availed of by the Such an income tax holiday shall consider the cost of such
expanding firm it shall not be entitled to additional deduction for expansion or upgrade in relation to the original investment, but
incremental labor expense. shall in no case exceed six (6) years to be counted from the time of
completion of the expansion or upgrade.


enterprise shall pay a tax of five percent (5%) Capital assets/income v. Ordinary
on its gross income earned, which shall be Assets/income
distributed as follows:

i. 1/3 to be proportionally allocated among Q97.1. What are capital assets?

affected LGUs
ii. 1/3 to the National Government; and The term capital assets means property held by the
iii. 1/3 to the TIEZA taxpayer (whether or not connected with his trade or
business, except:
5. RA 9856 or the Real Estate Investment
Trust (REIT) Act 1. Stock in trade of the taxpayer or other
property of a kind which would properly be
shall be subject to income tax on its included in the inventory of the taxpayer if on
taxable net income defined in the Act as the pertinent hand at the close of the taxable year
items of gross income less all allowable deductions,
less the dividends distributed by the REIT out of its 2. Property held by the taxpayer primarily for
distributable income. In no case, shall the REIT be sale to customers in the ordinary course of
subject to MCIT. his trade or business

Note, however, that if the REIT (1) fails to maintain its 3. Property used in trade or business of a
status as a public company as defined in the Act; (2) character that is subject to allowance for
fails to maintain the listed status of the investor depreciation
securities on the Exchange; and (3) fails to distribute
at least 90% of its distributable income, the income 4. Real property used in trade or business of
tax shall be imposed on taxable net income not as the taxpayer
defined in the Act but as defined in the Tax Code.
(see Section 39 Tax Code, and Section 132, RR 2)
(see RR 13-2011 [JULY 25, 2011])
Q97.1.1. A inherited from his father an
Capital Gains and Losses agricultural land. He had the
land surveyed and subdivided
into lots. Improvements, such
Q97. What is the importance of knowing if an as good roads, concrete
asset/income is capital or ordinary gutters, drainage and lighting
system, were introduced to
The tax treatment will vary depend on the nature of make the lots saleable. Soon
the asset. For example, if real property is a capital after, the lots were sold to the
asset, the gain from the sale thereof shall be subject public at a profit. The Revenue
to the final capital gains tax of 6%. If it is an ordinary examiner adjudged A as
asset, any gain from the sale thereof shall form part engaged in business as real
of the ordinary income which shall be subject either estate dealers and required
to graduated income tax rates (if an individual) or him to pay the real estate
corporate income tax (if a corporation). dealer’s tax and assessed a
deficiency income tax on
profits derived from the sale of
the lots based on the rates for
ordinary income and not as
capital gains at capital gain
rates. Is the Revenue
Examiner correct?

Yes. The statutory definition of capital assets is

negative in nature. If the asset is not among the
A REIT is a stock corporation established principally for the exceptions, it is a capital asset; conversely, assets
purpose of owning income - generating real estate assets.
Dividends are allowed deductions.
falling within the exceptions are ordinary assets. And


necessarily, any gain resulting from the sale or a different characterization for tax purposes. The
exchange of an asset is a capital gain or an ordinary following circumstances in combination show
gain depending on the kind of asset involved in the unequivocally that the petitioner was, at the time
transaction. In this case, the activities of A are material to this case, engaged in the real estate
indistinguishable from those invariably employed by business (see TUASON VS. LINGAD [JULY 31, 1974])
one engaged in the business of selling real estate.
One strong factor is the business element of Q97.3. What is the tax consequence if the
development which is very much in evidence. A did property is sold by a seller-
not sell the land in the condition in which he acquired corporation engaged in real estate
it. In the course of selling the subdivided lots, A business?
engaged in the real estate business and accordingly,
the gains from the sale of the lots are ordinary 142
It depends. In BIR RULING 27-02 [JULY 15, 2002],
income taxable in full (see CALASANZ VS.
the CIR was asked to rule on the tax consequences
of certain transactions involving a seller that is
engaged n real estate business but without any
Q97.2. What are ordinary assets? specification as to whether the property is capital or
ordinary. The CIR stated that it is necessary to first
The statutory definition of capital assets is negative in determine the character of the real property being
nature. If the asset is not among the exceptions, it is sold.
a capital asset; conversely, assets falling within the
exceptions are ordinary assets If the real property is a land or building which is not
actually used in the business of the seller-corporation
Q97.2.1. Y inherited from his mother and is treated as a capital asset, , then a final tax of
several tracts of land. When six percent (6%) shall be imposed on the gain
his mother was still alive, presumed to have been realized on its sale,
these lands were subdivided exchange or disposition of such land or building
into lots and leased. Y sold the based on the gross selling price or fair market value,
leased lots to the occupants whichever is higher of such land and/or building. This
except for one lot which rule applies, whether or not the seller-corporation is
needed filling because of low engaged in real estate business.
elevation. Said lot was filled
and subdivided into smaller If the real property being sold is an ordinary asset,
lots and sold to the public. Y withholding tax rates shall apply. The rate of
reported his income from the withholding tax will depend on whether, first, the
sales as long-term capital seller is exempt or taxable; second, whether the
gains. The CIR denied this and seller is habitually engaged in real estate business or
ruled that Y was engaged in not; and third, if the seller is habitually engaged in
the business of leasing the real estate business, the gross selling price.
lots and the subsequent sale
are sales of real property used Q97.4. Is an equity investment a capital
in trade or business of the asset?
taxpayer. Is the CIR correct?

Yes. In this case, the properties should be regarded Yes. As ruled by the Supreme Court in CHINABANK V.
as ordinary assets. When Y obtained by inheritance CA [JULY 19, 2000], an equity investment is a capital,
the parcels in question, transferred to him was not not ordinary, asset of the investor the sale or
merely the duty to respect the terms of any contract exchange of which results in either a capital gain or a
thereon, but as well the correlative right to receive capital loss.
and enjoy the fruits of the business and property
which the decedent had established and maintained.
Under the circumstances, Y’s sales of the several lots 142
This ruling also stated that registration with the HLURB or
forming part of his rental business cannot be HUDCC shall be sufficient for a seller/transferor to be considered
characterized as other than sales of ordinary assets. as habitually engaged in the real estate business. If the
seller/transferor is not registered with HLURB or HUDCC, he/it
The sales concluded on installment basis of the may prove that he/it is engaged in the real estate business by
subdivided lots comprising the last lot do not deserve offering other satisfactory evidence


Net capital gain, net capital loss a dealer in securities or a person engaged in the
purchase and sale of, or an active trader (for his own
Q97.5. Define net capital gain and net account) in, securities. In the hands, however, of
capital loss. another who holds the shares of stock by way of an
investment, the shares to him would be capital
Net Capital the excess of the gains from assets. When the shares held by such investor
Gain sales or exchanges of capital become worthless, the loss is deemed to be a loss
assets over the losses from such from the sale or exchange of capital assets.
sales or exchanges
Net Capital the excess of the losses from The Court further stated that assuming that the equity
loss sales or exchanges of capital investment of CBC has indeed become "worthless,"
assets over the gains from such the loss sustained is a capital, not an ordinary, loss.
sales or exchanges The rule thus is that capital loss can be deducted
only from capital gains. The capital loss sustained by
CBC can only be deducted from capital gains if any
Percentage taken into account derived by it during the same taxable year that the
securities have become "worthless.
Q97.6. Is the capital gain from the sale
or exchange of a capital asset
Determination of Gains or Loss from Sale
always taxable in full?
or Transfer of Property
No. In the case of a taxpayer other than a
the following percentages of the gain Computation of Gain or Loss
upon the sale or exchange of a capital asset shall be
taken into account in computing net capital gain: Q98. How is gain or loss from the sale or
other disposition of property
1. 100% if the capital asset has been held for not computed?
more than 12 months
2. 50% if the capital asset has been held for more The gain from the sale or other disposition of
than 12 months property shall be the excess of the amount realized
therefrom over the basis or adjusted basis for
Limitations on capital loss determining gain.

Q97.7. What is the allowable extent of The loss shall be the excess of the basis or adjusted
losses from sales or exchanges of basis for determining loss over the amount realized.
capitals assets?
Q98.1. Define “amount realized”
Losses from sales of exchanges of capital assets
shall be allowed to be deducted only to the extent of Amount the sum of the money received
the gains from such sales or exchanges. realized plus the fair market value of te
property (other than money
In CHINABANK V. CA [JULY 19, 2000], Chinabank received).
made a 53% equity investment in the First CBC
Capital (Asia) Ltd, a Hong Kong subsidiary. First CBC Q98.2. When is gain or loss realized?
became insolvent. With BSP approval, Chinabank
wrote-off the investment in its ITR as a bad debt or as Gain or loss arising from the acquisition and
an ordinary loss deductible from its gross income. subsequent disposition of property is realized only
The BIR disallowed the deduction on the basis that when as the result of a transaction between the
the debt was not worthless. The Supreme Court ruled owner and another person the property is converted
that the equity investment is not indebtedness in the into other property that:
first place but rather capital, not an ordinary, asset.
Shares of stock would be ordinary assets only to 1. is essentially different from the property disposed
of, and
The holding period is material only if the capital asset is sold by
2. has a market value.
an individual. This does not apply to corporations.


The requirement that the property received in
exchange must be "essentially different from the [see Section40(B) Tax Code
property disposed of" implies that there must be a and RR-2]
change in substance and not merely a change in Basis of The basis of the substantially
form. Stocks and identical stock so sold or
Securities disposed of, increased or
The term "market value" means the fair value of the acquired in decreased, as the case may be,
property in money as between one who wishes to Wash Sales by the difference, if any,
purchase and one who wishes to sell. It between the price at which the
stock or securities was acquired
Cost or basis for determining gain or and the price at which such
loss substantially identical stock or
securities were sold or otherwise
disposed of. [see Section 143,
Q99. Define “basis” RR 2]
Basis 1. The cost thereof in the case of
property acquired on or after
Exchange of Property (Tax-Free
March 1, 1913, if such property Exchanges)
was acquired by purchase;
2. The FMV as of the date of
acquisition if the same was Q100. For purposes of Section 40, define the
acquired by inheritance following terms:
3. If the property was acquired Securities Means bonds and debentures
by gift, the basis shall be the but not notes of whatever class
same as if it would be in the or duration
hands of the donor or the last
Merger or Shall be understood to mean (i)
preceding owner by whom it was
Consolidation the ordinary merger or
not acquired by gift except if
consolidation or (ii) the
such basis is greater than FMV
acquisition by one corporation of
of the property at the time of the
all or substantially all the
gift then, for purpose of
properties of another corporation
determining loss, the basis shall
solely for stock.
be such FMV;
For a transaction to be regarded
4. If the property was acquired
as a merger or consolidation
for less than an adequate
under Section 40:
consideration in money or
money’s worth, the basis of such
1. It must be undertaken for a
property is the amount paid by
bona fide business purpose and
the transferee for the property
not solely for escaping the
burden of taxation
5. The basis as defined in
paragraph (C)(5) of Section 40 if
2. In determining if a bona fide
the property was acquired in a
transaction exists, the whole
transaction where the gain or
transaction or series of
loss is not recognized under
transactions shall be treated as
paragraph (C)(2) of Section
145 a single unit and every step of
the transaction shall be
By way of illustration, if a taxpayer owning ten shares of stock
exchanges his stock certificate for a voting trust certificate, no 3.In determine if the property
income is realized.
This refers to the basis used in tax-free exchanges transferred constitutes a


substantial portion of the Co. They were also majority
property of the transferor, stockholders of XYZ Theatrical
property shall be taken to Co which was engaged in the
include cash assets same business. ABC and XYZ
Control Means ownership or stocks in a agreed to merge. Under the
corporaion possessing at least
agreement, all business,
51% of the total voting power of
all classes of stock entitled to property, assets and goodwill of
vote ABC will be transferred to XYZ in
exchange for XYZ stocks for
Q101. What are considered as tax-free each stock held in ABC. Is the
exchanges? exchange subject to capital
gains tax?
As a general rule, the entire amount of the gain or
loss shall be recognized upon the sale or exchange No. As held in CIR v. RUFINO [FEBRUARY 27, 1987], It
of property is well established that where stocks for stocks were
exchanged, and distributed to the stockholders of the
The exceptions (tax free exchanges) are: corporations, parties to the merger or consolidation,
pursuant to a plan of reorganization, such exchange
1. No gain or loss shall be recognized if in is exempt from capital gains tax. The basic
pursuance of a plan of merger or consideration, of course, is the purpose of the
consolidation: merger, as this would determine whether the
a. A corporation which is a party to a exchange of properties involved therein shall be
merger or consolidation exchanges subject or not to the capital gains tax. The criterion
property solely for stock in a corporation, laid down by the law is that the merger" must be
which is a party to the merger or undertaken for a bona fide business purpose and not
consolidation solely for the purpose of escaping the burden of
b. A shareholder exchanges stock in a taxation." It is clear, in fact, that the purpose of the
corporation, which is a party to a merger merger was to continue the business of the Old
or consolidation solely for the stock of Corporation, whose corporate life was about to
another corporation also a party to a expire, through the New Corporation to which all the
merger or consolidation assets and obligations of the former had been
c. A security holder of a corporation, which transferred. The exemption from the tax of the gain
is a party to a merger or consolidation, derived from exchanges of stock solely for stock of
exchanges his securities in such another corporation was intended to encourage
corporation, solely for stock or securities corporations in pooling, combining or expanding their
in another corporation, a party to the resources conducive to the economic development of
merger or consolidation the country. The merger in question involved a
pooling of resources aimed at the continuation and
2. No gain or loss shall be recognized if expansion of business and so came under the letter
property is transferred to a corporation by and intendment of the NIRC exempting from the
a person in exchange for stock or unit of capital gains tax exchanges of property.
participation in such a corporation of
which as a result of such exchange, said Transfer of property for shares of stock
person, alone or together with others, not
exceeding four (4) persons gains control of Q101.2. Filinvest Development
said corporation provided that stocks issued Corporation (FDC), a holding
for services shall not be considered as company, is the owner of 80% of
issued in return for property.
the outstanding shares of
Filinvest Alabang, Inc. (FAI) and
Merger or Consolidation 67.42% of the outstanding
shares of Filinvest Land, Inc.
Q101.1. A, B, C were majority
(FLI). FDC and FAI entered into a
stockholders of ABC Theatrical
Deed of Exchange with FLI


whereby the former both transfer stocks entitled to vote. In determining the 51% stock
in favor of the latter parcels of ownership, only those persons who transferred
land in exchange for shares of property for stock in the same transaction may be
stock of FLI. The CIR argues that counted up to a maximum of five.
the taxable gain should be
recognized for the exchange as Transfer of “substantially all” the assets
FDC’s controlling interest in FLI
Q101.4. What is a de facto merger?
was decreased as a result of the
exchange. Is the CIR’s To constitute a de facto merger, the following
contention correct? elements must concur:

No. The Supreme Court in CIR V. FILINVEST 1. There must be a transfer of all or
DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (JULY 19, 2011] stated substantially all of the properties of the
that the requisites for the non-recognition of gain or transferor corporation solely for stock, and
loss of a transfer of property for shares of stock are 2. It must be undertaken for a bona fide
as follows: (a) the transferee is a corporation; (b) the business purpose and not solely for the
transferee exchanges its shares of stock for purpose of escaping the burden of taxation.
property/ies of the transferor; (c) the transfer is made (see RMC 1-02 [April 25, 2002])
by a person, acting alone or together with others, not
exceeding four persons; and, (d) as a result of the Q101.5. What is meant by “substantially
exchange the transferor, alone or together with all”?
others, not exceeding four, gains control of the
transferee. Rather than isolating FDC, the shares As provided by RR 2, "substantially all" means the
issued to FDC should be appreciated in combination acquisition by one corporation of at least 80% of the
with the new shares issued to FAI. Together, FDC assets, including cash, of another corporation, which
and FAI’s shares add to 70.99% of FLI’s shares. has the element of permanence and not merely
Since the term "control" is clearly defined as momentary holding
"ownership of stocks in a corporation possessing at
least fifty-one percent of the total voting power of
Q101.6. What are the differences
classes of stocks entitled to one vote, ― the exchange
of property for stocks between FDC-FAI and FLI between a de facto merger and a
clearly qualify as a tax-free transaction. statutory (ordinary) merger?

In a de facto merger, the Transferor is not

Q101.3. ABC is a domestic corporation. automatically dissolved unlike in the case of a
Shareholders transferred their statutory merger. Likewise, there is no automatic
real property in exchange for transfer to the Transferee of all the rights, privileges,
more shares in the corporation. and liabilities of the Transferor in the case of de facto
In effect, they gained control of merger.
more than 51% of the shares of
the corporation entitled to vote. Q101.7. What are the similarities and
Is the exchange tax-exempt? differences between a de facto
merger and a transfer of property
It depends. In BIR Ruling 274-87,
the CIR ruled for shares under Section 40(C)(2)
that no gain or loss would be recognized if property is of the Tax Code?
transferred to a corporation by a person in exchange
De facto merger is in procedure similar to a transfer
for stock in such a corporation of which as a result of
to a controlled corporation under the same Section
such exchange, said person alone or together with
40(C)(2) of the Tax Code of 1997, except that at least
others, not exceeding four persons, gains control of
80% of the Transferor's assets, including cash, are
said corporation. The term "control" shall mean
transferred to the Transferee, with the element of
ownership of stocks in a corporation possessing at
permanence and not merely momentary holding.
least 51% of the total voting power of all classes of

Note that in this BIR Ruling, there were 6 transferors,


However, a de facto merger and a transfer to a application not involving more than 10 real
controlled corporation are different in that, (1) the properties and/or certificates of stock. An
Transferor in a de facto merger is a corporation, while additional P100 shall be paid for every TCT/CCT
in a transfer to a controlled corporation, the and/or certificate of stock in excess of 10.
Transferors may either be a corporation or an 6. Every official, agent, or employee of the Registry
individual, and (2) in a de facto merger, there is no of Deeds and corporate secretary or the duly
requirement that the transferor gains control (that is, authorized officer of the corporation who fails to
51% of the total voting powers of all classes of stocks annotate the information shall be subject to a
of the Transferee entitled to vote) of the Transferee penalty.
as a prerequisite to enjoying the benefit of non-
recognition of gain or loss. What is essential in a de Exchange not solely in kind
facto merger is that the Transferee acquires all or
substantially all of the properties of the Transferor.
(see RMC 1-02 [April 25, 2002]) Q101.9. What is the effect if the tax-free
exchange is not solely in kind?
Administrative Requirements in case of
1. If an individual, shareholder, security holder
tax-free exchanges
or corporation receives money and/or
property in addition to the stock, the gain, but
Q101.8. What are the administrative not the loss, shall be recognized but in
requirements in case of tax-free amount not in excess of the sum of the
exchanges? money and the fair market value of such
other property received.
1. The parties who are applying for confirmation that 2. As to the shareholder, if the money and/or
the transaction is indeed a tax-free exchange property has the effect of a distribution of a
shall submit the following: taxable dividend, there shall be taxed an
amount of the gain recognized not in excess
a. A sworn certification on the basis of the of his proportionate share of the undistributed
property to be transferred earnings and profits of the corporation; the
b. Certified true copies of the TCT and/or CCT remainder, if any, shall be treated as capital
of real properties transferred gain.
c. Certified true copies of the corresponding 3. If the transferor corporation receives money
latest Tax Declaration of the real properties and/or property in addition to the stock, then:
to be transferred
d. Certified true copies of the certificates of a. If the corporation distributes it in
stocks evidencing shares of stocks to be pursuance of the plan of merger or
transferred consolidation, no gain shall be
e. Certified true copy of the inventory of other recognized
property/ies to be transferred/ b. If the corporation does not distribute it,
the gain, if any, but not the loss shall be
2. The BIR shall issue a certification or ruling recognized but not in an amount not in
confirming that an exchange of property for excess of the sum of such money and
shares complies with the requisites for it to be the fair market value of the property so
tax-free. The certification or ruling shall contain received.
the substituted basis of the properties.
3. The Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) or Assumption of Liability in Tax-Free
Tax Clearance (TCL) shall be issued by the Exchanges
RDO/Authorized Internal Revenue Officer on the
basis of the BIR certification or ruling
4. The information that the transaction is a tax-free Q101.10. What is the effect of the
exchange and the substituted basis of the assumption of the transferee of
properties shall be annotated in the TCT and/or the liabilities of the transferor
CCT. in addition to the transfer of
5. The applicant/taxpayer shall pay the processing property?
and certification fee of P5,000 for each


Section 40(C)(4) provides that if the taxpayer shares and paid the
receives the stock as if it were the sole consideration, corresponding CGT based on a
and, as part of the consideration, another party to the lower cost basis. Is the transfer
exchange assumes a liability of the taxpayer or valid?
acquires property subject to a liability, such .
assumption or acquisition shall not be treated as No. As held in GREGORY V. HELVERING [293 US 465,
money and/or property and shall not prevent the JANUARY 7, 1935], a transfer of assets by one
exchange from being tax-free. corporation to another must have a business
purpose. Here, it was a mere device which followed
However, if the amount of liabilities assumed plus the the form of a corporate reorganization to conceal its
amount of liabilities to which the property is subjected real character which was a transfer of stock of XYZ
to exceed the total adjusted basis of the property, shares to A.
then such excess shall be considered either a capital
gain or ordinary gain, as the case may be.
Q101.11. What is the cost or basis in tax- Q101.13. Is there a prescriptive period
free exchanges? for rulings issued in
connection to tax-free
The basis of the stock or securities shall be the same
as the basis of the property, stock, or securities
Yes. RMC 40-2012 [August 3, 2012] provides that
rulings issued under Section 40 (C) (2) of the NIRC,
1. minus the money received
as amended, shall be valid only for ninety (90) days
2. minus the fair market value of the property
counted from the date of receipt of the ruling by any
of the parties to the exchange transaction. The
3. plus the amount treated as dividend of the
properties and shares of stocks involved in the
transfer should be conveyed to the transferee/s and
4. plus the amount of any gain that was
transferor/s, respectively, within this period.
recognized on the exchange.

Note that the assumption or acquisition of liability

Losses from Wash Sales of Stocks or
shall be treated as money and/or property received if Securities
as part of the consideration to the transferor, the
transferee of the property assumes a liability of the Q101.14. What is a Wash sale?
transferor or acquires from the latter property subject
to a liability. Wash sale is a sale or other disposition of stock or
securities where substantially identical securities are
The basis of the property transferred in the hands of acquired or purchased within a 61-day period,
the transferee shall be the same as it would be in the beginning 30 days before the sale and ending 30
hands of the transferor increased by the amount of days after the sale.
the gain recognized to the transferor on the transfer.
Q101.15. Are losses from wash sales
Business Purpose deductible?

Q101.12. A owns all the stock of ABC No. This is an exception to the general rule that
Corp. ABC Corp. had 1,000 losses from sales or exchanges of stock or securities
shares of XYZ Corp. A formed are deductible as losses from sales or exchange of
a new corporation called DEF property.
Corp. A had ABC transfer all
This will not apply to a loss incurred by a dealer in
1,000 XYZ shares to DEF. She securities. A loss incurred by a dealer in securities
then dissolved DEF and with respect to a transaction made in the ordinary
liquidated the assets (the XYZ course of the business of such dealer is deductible.
shares). A then sold the XYZ


Example: basis of percentage of completion. (see
Section 48, Tax Code)
A, whose taxable year is the calendar year, on
December 1, 2012, purchased 100 shares of 5. Crop Year Basis – method of accounting
common stock in the ABC Company for P100,000 applicable only for farmers engaged in the
and on December 15, 2012, purchased 100 production of crops which take more than a
additional shares for P80,000. On January 2, 2012, year from the time of planting to the process
he sold the 100 shares purchased on December 1, of gathering and disposal of the harvest.
2012, for P80,000. Because of the provisions of Expenses paid or incurred are deductible in
Section 38, no loss from the sale is allowable as a the year the gross income from the sale of
deduction. the crops is realized.

(see Section 38, Tax Code and Section 131, RR 2) Hybrid Method

Administrative Provisions Q102.1. Can a taxpayer use a

combination of two or more
Accounting Methods methods of accounting?

Q102. What are accounting methods that No. The rule is that a taxpayer may use any one
method of accounting but not a combination of two or
may be used by taxpayers?
more methods of accounting for each type of
business during the taxable year. The use of a hybrid
The methods are:
method of accounting is not allowed (see
1. Cash Method – a method of accounting
whereby all items of gross income received
during the year shall be accounted for in Percentage of Completion Method
such taxable year and that only expenses
actually paid shall be claimed as deductions Q102.2. Can gross income be instead
during the year reported when the long term
contract is finally completed?
2. Accrual Method – method of accounting for
income in the period it is earned, regardless Yes. Section, 44, RR 2 provides that gross income
of whether it has been received or not. may be reported in the taxable year in which the
Expenses are accounted for in the period contract is finally completed and accepted if the
they are incurred and not in the period they taxpayer elects as a consistent practice to so treat
are paid. such income, provided such method clearly reflects
the net income. If this method is adopted there
3. Installment Method – method of accounting should be deducted from gross income all
considered appropriate when collections of expenditures during the life of the contract which are
the proceeds of sales and incomes extend properly allocated thereto, taking into consideration
over relatively long periods of time and there any material and supplies charged to the work under
is strong possibility that full collection will not the contract but remaining on hand at the time of the
be paid. As customers make installment completion.
payments, the seller recognizes the gross
profit on sale in proportion to the cash Installment Basis
collected during the year. (see Section 49,
Tax Code) Q102.3. A sold lots to ABC Corp and was
paid less than 25%, the balance
4. Percentage of Completion Method – was covered by 4 checks. On the
method of accounting applicable in the case same day, the checks were
of a building, installation or construction
discounted (exchange for cash
contract covering a period in excess of one
year, whereby gross income derived from at an amount lower than face
such contract may be reported upon the value) also ABC Corp. A reported


as income for the year of the sale Yes, but this applies only to corporate taxpayers. If
for the year of the sale only the the corporate taxpayer wishes to change his
cash amount received from sale accounting period from fiscal to calendar year, from
and excluded the amount calendar year to fiscal year, or from one fiscal year to
another, the net income shall, with the approval of the
received from the discounted
CIR, be computed on the basis of such new
checks. The balance was accounting period. (see Section 46, Tax Code)
reported as income only in the
next four years. A argues that The corporation must file the corresponding final or
initial payment excludes adjustment return (see Section 47, Tax Code)
evidence of indebtedness. Is A’s
contention correct? Allocation of Income and Deductions
Yes. As held in BANAS V. CA [FEBRUARY 10, 2000], Q103.3. When are items of gross income
The transaction remains to be an instalment (not included?
cash) sale as the law expressly excludes evidence of
indebtedness in the determination of how much was The amount of all items of gross income shall be
paid for the year. However, even if the proceeds of included in the gross income for the taxable year in
discounted note is not considered as part of the initial which received by the taxpayer unless under the
payment, the income realized from the discounting accounting method such amounts are to be properly
itself is still a separate taxable income in the year it accounted for as for a different period. (see Section
was converted into cash because it was at this year 44, Tax Code)
that there was actual gain on the discounted notes.
Q103.4. When is the period for which
Accounting Period deductions and credits are
Q103. What is the general rule for computing
the taxpayer’s taxable income? The deductions shall be taken for the taxable year in
which paid or accrued or paid or incurred
The taxable income shall be computed upon the dependent upon the accounting method used unless
basis of the taxpayer’s annual accounting period – in order to clearly reflect the income the deductions
fiscal year or calendar year as the case may be. should be taken as of a different period. (see Section
45, Tax Code)
Q103.1. What is the difference between
fiscal year and calendar year? Q103.5. When is the CIR authorized to
allocate income and deductions?
Calendar year is an accounting period which starts (Transfer pricing)
from January 1 and ends on December 31 while
Fiscal year is an accounting period of 12 months CIR to authorized to distribute, apportion, allocate,
ending on the last day of any month other than and shift income and expenses between related
December 31. taxpayers to reflect their true taxable income or to
prevent evasion of taxes.
Income tax returns, whether individuals or for
corporations, are required to be made and their Returns and Payments of Taxes
income computed for each calendar year. However,
corporations may with the approval of the CIR, file Q104. Enumerate the BIR forms used in
their returns and compute their income on the basis income tax filing.
of a fiscal year. (see Section 43, Tax Code)
1. BIR Form 1700: Annual ITR for Individuals
Change of Accounting Period Earning Purely Compensation Income
2. BIR Form 1702: Annual ITR for Self-
Q103.2. Can a taxpayer change his Employed Individuals, Estates and Trusts;
accounting period? 3. BIR Form 1702: Annual ITR for Corporation,
Partnership and Other Non-Individual


Taxpayer. (see RR 019-11 [DECEMBER 9,
2011]) 3. An individual whose sole income has been
subjected to final withholding tax
Individual Return
4. An individual who is exempt from income
Who are required to pay tax

Q105. Who are required to file an income tax 5. Minimum wage workers
Where to file
The following individuals are required to file an
income tax return: Q107. Where will the income tax return be
1. Resident citizen
2. Nonresident citizen, on his income from The return shall be filed with the
sources within the Philippines
3. Resident alien, on income derived from 1. authorized agent bank
sources within the Philippines 2. Revenue District Officer
4. Nonresident alien engaged in trade or 3. Collection Agent
business or in the exercise of profession in 4. duly authorized Treasurer of the city or
the Philippines (see Section 51, Tax Code) municipality in which such person has his legal
residence or principal place of business in the
Those not required to pay Philippines
5. if there be no legal residence or place of
Q106. Who are not required to file an income business in the Philippines, with the Office of the
tax return? Commissioner. (see Section 51, Tax Code).

A: The following individuals are not required to file an When to file

income tax return:
Q108. When is the income tax return filed?
1. An individual whose gross income does not
exceed his total personal and additional The following rules shall govern the time of filing of
exemptions for dependents under Section income tax returns:
1. The return of any individual shall be filed on
However, a citizen of the Philippines and any or before April 15 of each year covering
alien individual engaged in business or income for the preceding taxable year.
practice of profession within the Philippines
shall file an income tax return, regardless of 2. Individuals subject to tax on capital gains
the amount of gross income. ;
a. From the sale or exchange of shares of
2. An individual with respect to pure stock not traded thru a local stock
compensation income derived from exchange shall file a return within thirty
sources within the Philippines (substituted (30) days after each transaction and a
filing) final consolidated return on or before
April 15 of year covering all stock
However, (1) an individual deriving transactions of the preceding taxable
compensation concurrently from two or more year; and
employers at any time during the taxable b. From the sale or disposition of real
year shall file an income tax return and (2) an property shall file a return within thirty
individual whose compensation income (30) days following each sale or other
derived from sources within the Philippines disposition.
exceeds P60,000 shall also file an income
tax return


3. Married individuals who do not derive income before April 15 of the same taxable year. (see
purely from compensation, shall file a return Section 74(A), Tax Code)
for the taxable year to include the income of
both spouses, but where it is impracticable Q110.1. When should the estimated tax
for the spouses to file one return, each be paid?
spouse may file a separate return of income.
The estimated tax due with respect to his declared
4. The income of unmarried minors derived income shall be paid in four (4) instalments. The first
from property received from a living parent shall be paid at the time of te declaration and the
shall be included in the return of the parent, second and third shall be paid on August 15 and
except: November 15 of the current year, respectively. The
fourth instalment shall be paid on or before April 15 of
a. when the donor's tax has been paid on the following calendar year when the final adjusted
such property, or income tax return is to be filed. (see Section 74(B),
b. when the transfer of such property is Tax Code)
exempt from donor’s tax.
Corporation Returns
5. If the taxpayer is unable to make his own
return, the return may be made by his duly Q111. Who are required to file a corporate
authorized agent or representative or by the
guardian or other person charged with the
care of his person or property.
Every corporation, except foreign corporations not
engaged in trade or business in the Philippines, shall
Where to pay render, in duplicate, a true and accurate quarterly
income tax return and final or adjustment return.
Q109. Where is the income tax paid?
The return shall be filed by the president, vice-
1. At the nearest Authorized Agent Bank (AAB) president or other principal officer, and shall be sworn
of the Revenue District Office where the to by such officer and by the treasurer or assistant
taxpayer is registered. treasurer.
2. In places where there are no AABs, to the
Revenue Collection Officer or duly Quarterly Income Tax
Authorized City or Municipal Treasurer
located within the Revenue District Office Q112. When should corporate income tax be
where the taxpayer is registered. declared and paid?

Quarterly Income Tax Every corporation shall file a quarterly summary

declaration of its gross income and deductions on a
Q110. When should income tax be declared cumulative basis for the preceding quarter or
for individuals? quarters, upon which the income tax shall be levied,
collected and paid.
Individuals subject to income tax, who is receiving
self-employment income, whether it constitutes the The tax so computed shall be decreased by the
sole source of his income or in combination with amount of tax previously paid or assessed during the
salaries, wages, and other fixed or determinable preceding quarters and shall be paid not later than 60
income, shall make and file a declaration of his days from the close of each of each of the first three
estimated income for the current taxable year on or quarters of the taxable year, whether calendar or
fiscal year (see Section 75, Tax Code)

Nonresident citizens, with respect to income without the
Final Adjustment Return
Philippines and nonresident aliens not engaged in trade or
business, are not required to make a declaration.
Q113. What are the options available to the
Consists of earnings derived by the individual from the practice
of profession or conduct of trade or business carried on by him as
corporation when the sum of the
a sole proprietor or by a partnership of which he is a member. quarterly tax payments made during


the taxable year is not equal to the “Prior Year’s Excess Credits” in
total tax due on the entire taxable the Final Adjustment Return?
income of that year?
The corporation shall either [DECEMBER 14, 2005], the fact that the corporation
filled out the portion ―prior year’s excess credits‖ in
1. Pay the balance of tax still due the Final Adjustment Return means that it
2. Carry-over the excess credit categorically availed itself of the carry-over option. If
3. Be credited or refunded with the excess an application for tax refund has been or will be filed,
amount paid that portion should necessarily be blank.

Q113.1. Differentiate a tax credit from a Where to file

tax refund
Q114. Where should the quarterly income
In a tax refund, any tax on income that is paid in
tax declaration and final adjustment
excess of the amount due the government is
refunded. In a tax credit, the refundable amount is return be filed?
applied against the estimated quarterly income tax They shall be filed with the
liabilities of the succeeding taxable year
Q113.2. Are the options to file a tax 1. Authorized agent bank
refund and to avail of tax credit 2. Revenue District Officer
alternative remedies? 3. Collection Agent
4. Duly authorized Treasurer of the city or
Yes. As held in PHILAM ASSET M ANAGEMENT V. CIR municipality having jurisdiction over the location
[DECEMBER 14, 2005], these two options are of the principal office of the corporation filing the
alternative. The choice of one precludes the other. return or place where its main books of accounts
One cannot get a tax refund and a tax credit at the and other data from which the return is prepared
same time for the same excess income taxes paid. (see Section 77, Tax Code)

Q113.2.1. If the corporate taxpayer fails When to file

to signify his intention in the
Final Adjustment Return, is it
Q115. When should the quarterly income tax
barred from making a valid
request for refund should it declaration and final adjustment
choose this option later on? return be filed?

No. As held in PHILAM ASSET M ANAGEMENT V. CIR The corporate quarterly declaration shall be filed
[DECEMBER 14, 2005], failure to indicate a choice will within 60 days following the close of each of the first
not bar a valid request for a refund, should this option here quarters of the taxable year.
be chosen by the taxpayer later on.
The final adjustment return shall be filed on or before
th th
Q113.3. What is the irrevocability rule? April 15, or on on or before the 15 day of the 4
month following the close of the fiscal year, as the
No. Once the option to carry-over the excess and case may be.
apply the excess quarterly income tax against income
tax due for the taxable quarters of the succeeding When to pay
taxable years has been made, such option shall be
considered irrevocable for that taxable period and no
Q116. When should the income tax due be
application for cash refund or issuance of a tax credit
certificate shall be allowed. (see Section 76, Tax paid?
The income due on the corporate quarterly returns
2007]) and final adjustment income tax returns shall be paid
Q113.4. What is the implication when a at the time the declaration or return is filed.
corporation fills out the portion


Capital gains on shares of stock Return of GPPs

Q117. When should the return for capital Q119. Is a GPP required to file a return?
gains on shares of stock be filed?
Yes. Although a GPP is not a taxable entity, it is
Every corporation deriving capital gains from the sale required to file a return of its income setting forth the
or exchange of shares of stock not traded thru a local items of gross income and deductions, and the
stock exchange shall file a return within 30 days after names, taxpayer identification numbers (TIN),
each transaction and a final consolidated return of all addresses and shares of each of the partners. (see
transactions during the taxable year on or before the SECTION 55, Tax Code).
th th
15 day of the 4 month following the close of the Return of Receivers, Trustees in
taxable year. Bankruptcy or Assignees

Return of corporations contemplating Q120. Who shall make the return if the
dissolution/reorganization property or business of a corporation
is being operated by receivers,
Q118. If a corporation plans to dissolve or trustees or assignees?
reorganize, what are its obligations
with respect to returns and payments If receivers, trustees in bankruptcy or assignees are
of taxes? operating the corporation, such receivers, trustees
or assignees shall make the returns of net income
Yes. RR 2 provides that all corporations, as and for such corporation and the tax due shall be
contemplating dissolution or retiring from business assessed and collected in the same manner as if
without formal dissolution shall, within 30 days after assessed directly against the corporation.
the approval of such resolution authorizing their
dissolution, and within the same period after their Others not captured
retirement from business, file their income tax returns
covering the profit earned or business done by them Q121. How shall the tax upon gains, profits,
from the beginning of the year up to the date of such and income not falling and not
dissolution or retirement and pay the corresponding returned and paid under the
income tax due thereon upon demand by the CIR.
provisions on returns and payment of
In BPI V. CIR [CA-G.R. SP. NO. 38304, APRIL 14, tax be assessed?
2000], by virtue of a merger, BPI became the They shall be assessed by personal return. The rule
successor-in-interest of FEBTC on July 1, 1985. On is that all gains, profits, and income of a taxable
April 10, 1986, FEBTC filed its final income tax return class, shall be charged and assessed with the
with the BIR showing, among others, a refundable corresponding tax and the said tax shall be paid by
amount of P174,065.77. BPI filed a claim for refund the owners of such gain, profits or income or the
of this amount. The BIR and CTA stated that the proper person having receipt, custody, or control or
claim for refund has already prescribed because the disposal of the same
return should have been filed by FEBTC within 30
days from SEC's approval of the Articles of Merger.
BPI contended that the said return should have been Other income tax requirements
filed on the 15th day of the 4th month following the
close of FBTC's taxable year. The CA agreed with Q122. Enumerate the other income tax
the BIR and CTA. Section 78 of the Tax Code and requirements under Section 67-72 of
Section 224 of RR 2 required FEBTC as a dissolving the Tax Code
corporation to file its income tax return within 30 days
after the cessation of its business or 30 days after the 1. All persons, corporations, duly registered general
approval of the merger on July 1, 1985 or up to July co-partnerships undertaking for profit or
31, 1985. Thus, the claim for refund has already otherwise the collection of foreign payments of
prescribed. interests or dividends shall obtain a license from
the CIR. (see Section 67, Tax Code)


2. All persons, corporations, duly registered general cargo revenue and paid a lower income tax thereon,
co-partnerships making income payments to and that its underpayment of the income tax on cargo
another are required to render a true and revenue is even higher than the income tax it paid on
accurate return to the CIR setting forth the passenger revenue subject of the refund, such that
amount of such gains, profits and income and the refund cannot be granted.
name and address of the recipient of such
payments. (see Section 68, Tax Code)
3. All persons, corporations, duly registered general
co-partnerships, doing business as a broker,
shall render a correct return showing the names
of customers for whom such persons,
corporations, duly registered general co-
partnerships transacted business with. (see
Section 69, Tax Code)
4. Any attorney, accountant fiduciary, bank, trust
company, financial institution or other person,
who aids, assists, counsels or advises in, or with
respect, to the formation, organization or
reorganization of any foreign corporation shall
within 30 days thereafter file a return with the
CIR. (see Section 70, Tax Code)
5. After the assessment shall have been made,
returns, including corrections thereto made by the
CIR, shall be filed in the Office of the CIR and
shall constitute public records and be open to
inspection upon order of the President (see
Section 71, Tax Code)
6. When an assessment is made in case of any list,
statement or return, which in the opinion of the
CIR was false or fraudulent or contained any
understatement or undervaluation, no tax
collected under such assessment shall be
recovered by any suit unless the said list,
statement or return was not false nor fraudulent
and did not contain any understatement or
undervaluation. (see Section 72, Tax Code)


CTA found that United Airlines underpaid its Gross
Philippine Billings because United made erroneous
deductions from its gross cargo revenues in the ITR.
United questioned the proprietary of the CTA’s
determination. The Supreme Court held that under
Section 72 of the Tax Code, the CTA can make a
valid finding that the taxpayer made erroneous
deductions on its gross cargo revenue, that because
of such erroneous deductions, it reported a lower

RA 10021 or the Exchange of Information on Tax Matters Act of
2009 provides that income tax returns of specific taxpayers subject
of a request for exchange of information by a foreign tax authority
pursuant to an international convention or agreement on tax
matters to which the Philippines is a signatory or a party of, shall
be open to inspection upon order of the President
This provision does not apply to statement or returns made or to
be made in good faith regarding annual depreciation of oil or gas
wells and mines


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