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Choose the best words to complete the sentences below. 9. A florist sells .
A. meat B. fish
1. We bought a bouquet of flowers from the _____________________. C. flowers D. fruits
A florist C hospital
10. She __________to the market with her mother yesterday.
B bakery D bookshop
A. go B. went
B. going D. gone
2. The __________________ were eating grass in the field.
A sheeps C ship 11. The king and the queen live in the ______________?
A. castle B. dungeon
B sheep D sheepes
C. jungle D. mountain

3. Pravin bought two bottles of cooking ________________ . 1 My pencil is blunt. May I borrow your_____________ ?
A oil C yogurt A sharpener
B scissors
B milk D water C eraser
D ruler
4. Kim Seng sold cold and refreshing ____________ like soya bean milk,
iced lemon tea, watermelon juice, and mineral water. 2 The little boy is wearing his__________________.
A shirt
A fruits C drinks B pyjamas
B vegetables D food C pinafore
5. My father likes to read books in the __________________.
3 Kumar went to the ____________ to check his teeth.
A kitchen C library
A nurse
B supermarket D park B doctor
C dentist
6. What can you see at a stationery shop? D surgeon

A Cakes, butter cookies, and C Pencils, erasers, and

4 The young of a deer is called a ______________ .
cheese tarts. books. A owlet
B Apples, oranges, and guavas. D Fish, prawns, and crabs. B grub
C fawn
D foal
7. is your favourite’s movie?
A. When B. What
C. Whose D. Who
8. This is Razif’s pen. It is
A. hers B. his

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