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Case Background

II. Time Frame

The case happened during 1998 to 2000 in the Philippines. Technology
in this period is starting to advance.

III. Point of View

We decided to employ the point of view of the Marketing Manager.

IV. Statement of the Problem

Enchanted Kingdom is faced with the problem of determining how to
even out demand throughout the year.
V. Analysis
A. SWOT Analysis
1. Strengths:
-Pioneer theme-park, added to good image
-Higher market share (theme parks market)
-Safety standards compliance
-Good choice of location (accessible to customers)
-offers more attractions
-offers other forms of entertainment such as food outlets, specialty
shops, and video game centers
-lively atmosphere compared to competitors

2. Weaknesses
-low flexibility to economic changes
-Financial Constraint due to low demands in lean months
-High maintenance cost
-Lack of effective promotional planning
-Fluctuating Demand
-Demand is dependent on new major attractions which are costly.
-insufficient information campaign

3. Opportunities
-Expand market share
-Broaden target market instead of targeting only AB social class
-Add major attractions with the remaining 5.6 hectares

4. Threats
-Precarious economic conditions prevailing in late 1997 onwards
-Asian currency crisis
-Increasing competition from other recreational establishments

B. Competitor Analysis
Direct Competitors
-Indoor type attractions
-Safety issues
Movie Houses
Splash Island and other resorts near and in Laguna

C. Location Analysis
Description: Enchanted Kingdom is 30 kilometers away from Makati. It
is near to major roadways. It is also spacious and accessible to the

VI. Alternative Courses of Action


1. Study demand and  Even-out demand  Long planning and
adjust prices throughout the year implementation
according to  Better pricing  Needs statistical
monthly demand system expertise
 Costly

2. Extensive  Improve information  Costly

promotion to campaign to target  Not directly
Universities, markets persuasive
Colleges and  Even-out demand
Schools through
posters and fliers
3. Special events on  Major customer  Costly
non-peak months attraction  Hard to implement
 Higher customer
 Increase awareness
of the theme park
 Even-out demand

4. Advertise through  Allows you to reach  Impersonal

television geographically  Not directly
commercials, radio dispersed persuasive
ads, and newspaper customers  One way
ads  Enables repeat communication
messages  Costly
 Low cost per
 Very expressive tool
 Even-out demand
VII. Conclusion and Recommendation

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