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Sigmoidal tidal bundles and other tide-generated

sedimentary structures of the Curtis Formation, Utah

R J MOIOLA J Research and Development Corporation, Dallas Research Laboratory, Dallas, Texas

ABSTRACT tion features, which reflect alternating submer- form during the subordinate tide and slackwater
gence and exposure related to tides, are useful (Terwindt, 1981). Pause planes may be modi-
The Curtis Formation in central Utah con- criteria for recognizing tidalites. Unfortunately, fied by erosion of the bedform by the subordi-
tains a rich suite of sedimentary structures these criteria can be ambiguous. For example, nate tide, especially at the top, and they may
that provides persuasive evidence for a tidal reactivation surfaces may form in nontidal set- contain superimposed ripples or small megarip-
mode of origin. The most diagnostic of these tings through a variety of processes (for exam- ples with foresets that dip in the opposite direc-
structures are sigmoidal tidal bundles: sand- ple, see McCabe and Jones, 1977; Jones and tion from those of the tidal bundle. They also
stone packages deposited during one domi- McCabe, 1980; Mowbray and Visser, 1984), may be draped with fine-grained sediment
nant tidal episode that comprise a set of and lenticular bedding is also common in both which settles during slackwater. In both Curtis
large-scale cross-lamination enclosed by two prodeltaic and storm-influenced, shallow-ma- and Holocene examples, the systematic variabil-
relatively gently dipping, sigmoid-shaped rine facies. Furthermore, the bidirectional aspect ity within tidal bundles, which results from in-
pause planes. Bundles are especially recog- of tidal sedimentation is commonly missing or creasing then waning flow velocity during a tidal
nizable as tidally generated features because poorly represented in tidal facies as a result of episode, and the systematic variability among
they exhibit an internal progression, from strong time-velocity asymmetry. tidal bundles, which is related to regular fluctua-
gentle, drape-like sigmoids to avalanche-type Recently, a new suite of tide-generated sedi- tions of tidal current velocities during the lunar
cross-bed foresets back to sigmoidal drapes. mentary structures has been described, princi- month, significantly enhance our ability to in-
This progression reflects the sequential pally from sandy shoals and large excavations terpret their tidal origin.
change in tidal flow velocities from slack associated with flood-control structures in the
water to maximum flow back to slack water. tidal estuaries of the Dutch coast. These are de- GEOLOGIC SETTING
In addition, cyclic variability in the thickness scribed in detail by Terwindt (1981), Van den
and in internal structures among tidal bundles Berg (1982), and Visser (1980), as well as The Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian) Curtis For-
is clearly related to periodicity in the lunar others. Of special interest are those newly de- mation (Gilluly and Reeside, 1928; Imlay,
month. These features of the Curtis Forma- fined features that are related to the regular in- 1948), which occurs in a belt extending from
tion are remarkably similar to sedimentary crease and decrease of flow velocities during one southwestern to northeastern Utah and north-
structures observed in Holocene tidal sedi- tidal episode and to variations in tidal flow western Colorado (Baker and others, 1936), is
ments along the Dutch North Sea coast. strengths during the lunar month (Visser, 1980). especially well exposed in central Utah on the
These are scales of the variability and cyclicity in western flank of the San Rafael Swell. Where
INTRODUCTION tidal flow that have not previously been empha- we have studied it (Fig. 1), principally at expo-
sized. Because these recently recognized features sures along and near Interstate Highway 70, the
For decades, geologists have recognized shal- are formed only by tidal processes, they are for Curtis consists of - 5 5 m of glauconitic
low-water tidal facies in the rock record by sedimentologists potentially very powerful tools (3%-10%), subarkosic sandstone (Smith, 1976).
using sedimentary structures that reflect the pe- for interpreting shallow-water tidalites. It is fine to very fine grained, moderately to well
riodic reversals of tidal current directions that In this paper, we focus on sedimentary struc- sorted, and weakly dolomite cemented, and it
are separated by episodes of exposure or slack tures and sequences of sedimentary structures contains abundant fine-grained carbonaceous
water. Such features as opposed or "herring- that we have recognized in the Curtis Formation material. Figure 2 illustrates the vertical distribu-
bone" cross-stratification, which results from (Jurassic), Utah, which are like those described tion of facies at the 1-70 exposures and indicates
current reversals, and flaser/lenticular bedding in the North Sea tidal estuaries. Our discussion the occurrence of sedimentary structures dis-
(Reineck and Wunderlich, 1968), which is centers on the recognition of tidal bundles. A cussed below.
formed by alternating deposition of bedload sed- tidal bundle, as originally defined by Boersma The Curtis Formation was deposited at the
iments and suspended sediments, have, there- (1969) from sediments of the Westershelde Es- southern end of a shallow-marine seaway which
fore, become standard criteria for interpreting tuary, The Netherlands, is the lateral succession extended from what is now Canada into the
tidal flat and shallow subtidal facies (Klein, of cross-strata generated by the migration of a western interior of the United States (Kocurek
1977). Similarly, reactivation surfaces (Klein, large-scale bedform during one dominant tide. and Dott, 1983). It overlies eolian sands of the
1970), which form where time-velocity asym- Tidal bundles are enclosed by pause planes: sur- Entrada Formation that were drowned as the
metry in tidal flow is pronounced, and desicca- faces representing standstill phases of the bed- sea transgressed southward (Baker and others,

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 97, p. 381-387,9 figs., 1 table, April 1986.


1936; Eschner and Kocurek, 1982). Our work

on the Curtis and other tidally dominated depos-
i te-. its supports Nio's (1976) observation that trans-
gressive events and embayed shallow seaways or
coastlines are critical factors in the development

25» N- v ^ V - . : 7 : _ ; .• MARINE— . of shallow-marine tidalites. In the Uinta Moun-
KWSHALLOW . • • - ./ _ tains to the north of our study area, the Curtis is
J ^ - ^ A ^ i SUND ANCE ; - recognized as a shallow-marine bar and inte rbar
complex (Eschner and Kocurek, 1982). To the
south and southeast, it intertongues with and is
STUDY c : overlain by peritidal redbeds of the Summeiville
Formation (Stanton, 1976).

The Curtis Formation contains a broad suite

GENERALIZED of tidally generated sedimentary structure!;. At
" . . :/: / ^ —SHORELINE
exposures along 1-70, it consists of flat-bedded
and large-scale (4 to 80 cm thick) cross-bedded
sandstone which contains numerous thin (1 to 3
0 100 2 0 0 3 0 0 MILES
cm thick), small-scale (ripple), cross-laminated
1 ^ T
250 5 0 0 KM sandstone interbeds. A tidal origin for these
" ^ r - - - ^ - - - 1
sandstones is indicated by their bimodal to
polymodal paleocurrent patterns (Fig. 3) and
Figure 1. Study area and Late Jurassic paleogeography, central Utah (modified from Ko- by lenticular and wavy bedding. The mosl im-
curek and Dott, 1983). pressive tidal features, however, are sigmoid-
shaped tidal bundles (Fig. 4).
T I D A L FLAT R E D B E D S Sigmoidal Tidal Bundles
(STANTON, 1976)

U U-SHAPED BURROWS Curtis Formation cross-bed sets that an; in-

terpreted as tidal bundles consist of lenses of
cross-stratified sandstone enclosed between thin,
SANDSTONE FLASER BEDDING broadly sigmoidal beds of fine-grained sediment.
AND SILTSTONE LENTICULAR BEDDING These sigmoid-shaped sets are as much as 80 cm
thick (measured normal to cross-bedding) and
extend as much as 11 m laterally. The enclosing
RIPPLE CROSS-LAMINATION beds, composed of clayey silt and fine-grained
sand with abundant organic debris, are from 0 to
(TIDAL BUNDLES) 8 cm in thickness and thicken toward the sig-
moid toeset. Locally, within the toeset, two mud
beds occur, separated by thin sandstone beds
~ VERTICALLY ACCRETED" (Fig. 5 A). The upper surface of some sigmoidal
TIDAL BUNDLES cross-bed sets is truncated by a planar to undula-
PALEOCURRENT DIRECTIONS tory scour surface or by a single, superimposed
set of tabular cross-lamination (4 to 7 cm thick)
that dips in the direction opposite that of the
5m dominant cross-bedding (Fig. 5B).
These sedimentary structures in the Curtis
Formation closely match tidal bundles as de-
fined by Boersma (1969) and Terwindt (1981).
SANDSTONE In the Curtis, the thin sigmoid-shaped beds of
AND MUDSTONE fine-grained sediment represent pause-plane
drapes. They are thicker and more commonly
ENTRADA FORMATION preserved in troughs (that is, toesets) of rr ega-
CONTINENTAL SANDSTONE ripples. As explained by Visser (1980), the
preservation of two mud drapes is probably re-
(SMITH, 1976)
lated to two slack-water episodes, separated by
Figure 2. Columnar section of Curtis Formation, 1-70, central Utah. deposition of a small amount of sand during the

Figure 4. Four overlapping, sigmoid-shaped sets of large-scale cross-beds: tidal bundles.

Three complete tidal bundles are visible along the upper ledge. Scale is 2 ft (0.61 m).

ries along the North Sea coast. The structures are velocity for the occurrence of megaripples that
interpreted as representing movement of sedi- have such foresets is ~60 cm/sec (Boothroyd
ment by weak currents associated with the be- and Hubbard, 1975). The mechanism of forma-
ginning of the dominant tide down the gentle lee tion of the topsets is less well understood, al-
Figure 3. Paleocurrent azimuths from the slope of the megaripple. This occurs prior to the though it has been documented from similar
Curtis Formation. A = large-scale cross- formation of a vortex within the flow downcur- tidal sediments in the North Sea by Kohsiek and
bedding, B = parting lineation. rent of the metaripple (compare with Terwindt, Terwindt (1981). These authors believed that
1981). As flow intensity increases, the lee slope topsets developed a region of nonflow separa-
of the megaripple steepens, avalanching be- tion some distance downcurrent of the crest of
comes predominant, and flow separation and a the megaripple but upstream from the brink-
subordinate tide. This is a relatively rare lee-side vortex develop. point where separation occurred. Given the
occurrence, however, both in modern estuaries During the ensuing maximum flow-velocity mode of development of topsets in the Curtis,
(Van den Berg, 1982) and in the Curtis. Trunca- phase of the tidal episode ("full vortex" stage of that is, building from underlying tidal accelera-
tion surfaces and opposed-dipping cross-bedding Boersma and Terwindt, 1981), the migrating tion structures (Fig. 6), it appears that the topsets
that are superimposed on the sigmoid bundles megaripple develops topset and steeply dipping are nonequilibrium features. If the flows that
are related to, respectively, scour and deposition foreset lamination, separated by a well-defined produced them had persisted longer than a few
during the subordinate tide. brinkpoint (Fig. 6B). Topset laminae consist of hours, the crest and brinkpoint probably would
The internal features of the sigmoid-shaped slightly wedge-shaped sets inclined as much as have merged, yielding only avalanche foresets.
cross-bed sets provide further strong evidence 14°, but generally dipping - 8 ° to 10°. These In any event, the style of topsets can be related
for their tidal origin. Where fully developed, pass abruptly, but with continuity, over a brink- empirically to the approximate flow conditions
Curtis tidal bundles contain internal sequences point into foresets that are thicker and that have under which they formed. Kohsiek and Ter-
of sedimentary structures that can readily be re- dips of 25° to 28° (Figs. 6 and 7). Locally, espe- windt (1981) found that continuous topsets-
lated to (1) current acceleration, (2) maximum cially near the end of the maximum-flow part of foresets, like those in the Curtis, form at
flow and megaripple migration, and (3) deceler- the bundle, topset laminae overlie short surfaces maximum tidal-current speeds of - 9 5 cm/sec
ation during individual dominant tidal episodes. that truncate the tops of foresets (Fig. 6B). Fore- (water depths of 1 to 3 m, fine sand), whereas
Structures formed during acceleration of tidal set laminae are nearly straight and intersect the minor truncation surfaces between topsets and
flow consist of two parts: a basal bed of parallel base at high angles. Cross-bed sets are straight foresets form at current speeds greater than
and irregular lamination and an overlying, crested in plane view; thus, they could be classi- - 1 1 0 cm/sec.
gently dipping cross-lamination (Fig. 6). The fied as planar tabular. The interpreted deceleration phase of the Cur-
basal bed of sandstone is as much as 10 cm Topsets and foresets in the Curtis Formation tis tidal-bundle formation is marked by an
thick, and it may extend along the base of the clearly formed as a result of rapid sediment abrupt transition from the topset-brinkpoint
bundle for about half its length (Fig. 6B). Gently transport and deposition during the time of in- geometry to smooth, sigmoidally curved sand-
inclined cross-lamination («10°) overlies this tense tidal flow. The foresets, which approach stone lamination in sets as much as 15 cm thick
layer and commonly downlaps as it steepens in the angle of repose for sand, probably formed (Figs. 6 and 7). The toesets of these sigmoidal
the downcurrent direction (Fig. 6B). Structures when sediment was released to the lee side of the beds are tangential to the underlying bed and
very much like these have been described by migrating megaripple by flow separation (Jop- thin and fine rapidly in the downdip direction.
Boersma and Terwindt (1981) and Kohsiek and ling, 1967; Allen, 1968). In modern shallow As in the case of the fine-grained sediment that
Terwindt (1981) from sediments of tidal estua- tidal settings, the threshold of maximum tidal mantles bundle boundaries, this shape is inter-

ity that we believe is a response to neap/spring

tide fluctuations (Table 1). Cyclicity in bundle
thicknesses with a period of ~28 bundles ii evi-
dent in Figure 8, even though many bundles
have been modified by the subordinate tide (Fig.
5B). Concomitant with these thickness changes,
there are cyclic variations in the sedimentary
structures of the bundles. The most complete and
well-defined bundles occur during the spring
phase. Neap-tide bundles are less well devel-
oped, may have indistinct pause planes, and
typically lack topsets or a sigmoidal shape. Fore-
sets that develop during the full vortex phiise of
spring tides dip 25° to 28°, but neap-tide foresets
are more gently inclined (12° to 25°), typically
building toward the steeper angles at the close of
the neap-tide cycle. In addition, megaripples
traveled approximately twice as far during
spring tide as during neap tide. This is recorded
in the lateral extent of equal numbers of spring-
tide and neap-tide bundles (Fig. 8). These varia-
tions between neap- and spring-tide bundles are
very similar to those described from Holocene
Figure 5A. of tidal bundle. Note two thin, dark layers composed of mud and organic
sediments of the North Sea Bight by Boersma
and Terwindt (1981).

Vertically Accreted Tidal Bundles

A common feature of the Curtis Formation is

thin, alternating sets of ripple cross-lamination
and horizontal plane lamination (Fig. 9A). The
ripple cross-lamination is trough shaped in cross
section, and associated rib and furrow structures
are well developed on bedding planes. The tops
of flat-laminated beds exhibit pervasive parting
lineation (Fig. 9B). Typically, the ripple cross-
lamination and flat bedding alternate repea tedly
on a scale of a few centimetres, although some
intervals are predominantly one or the other
(Fig. 2). We interpret these features as having
formed in very shallow water (probably iriterti-
dal); the flat-bedded intervals formed in maxi-
mum tidal flow velocities, and the ripple
cross-lamination developed during accelerating
and/or waning flow conditions. It is well <stab-
lished that plane bed conditions, commonly as-
sociated in the rock record with parting
Figure 5B. Sigmoid-shaped cross-bed set which has smaller scale, superimposed cross- lineation, develop under higher bed shear stress
bedding which dips in the opposite direction. Scale is 1 ft (30.5 cm). than do current ripples (Allen, 1982). In these
terms, the alternating bedsets of plane and ripple
preted to be related to fallout from suspension Maximum velocity tidal currents (spring tides) lamination are vertically accreted analogs of the
during the slackening phases of tidal flow (com- occur when the moon and sun are aligned (full laterally accreted sigmoidal bundles. The results
pare with Boersma and Terwindt, 1981). and new moons). About 7 days later, when the of flume experiments and theoretical considera-
moon and sun are at 90° to one another with tions restrict the occurrence of flat bedding to
Neap-Spring Cycles respect to the Earth's axis, relatively weaker flow depths of less than a few metres for any
neap tides occur. If one assumes semidiurnal reasonably expected current velocities (Mid-
Fluctuations in the strength of tidal currents tides, then 14 tidal bundles could be deposited dleton and Southard, 1978; Allen, 1982). Sim-
coincident with the lunar month are reflected in during the time span from neap to succeeding ilar sequences of interbedded laminated and
cyclic variability in. the thickness and character spring tide, and 56, during a full lunar month. cross-laminated sands have been described from
of sedimentary structures of Curtis tidal bundles. Curtis Formation tidal bundles display cyclic- Mississippian tidal-flat fades (Wescott, 1982).



Spring Neap

Thickenss* Thick (50-85 cm) Thin (15-30 cm)

Dip Steep (25°-28°) Gentle (12°-25°)
internal Sigmoids, Simple foresets
geometry topsets
Lateral Extensive Restricted

•Measured normal to cross-bedding.

"Upper flow parallel lamination" and small-

scale ripples are dominant features of high-
energy sand flats described from the inner sand
flats of Cobequid Bay, Bay of Fundy (R. Dal-
rymple, 1985, written commun.; Dalrymple
and others, 1982, p. 83-84). Alternating beds of
ripple cross-lamination and parallel lamination
are among the preserved sedimentary structures,
but parallel lamination dominates this facies.
Figure 6A. Sigmoid-shaped bundle showing internal sedimentary structures. See Figure 6B Dalrymple and Zaitlin (1985, written commun.)
for key to structures. suggested that the rapidly migrating, "very long,
low 'bedforms'" that they have observed on
these flats may provide a mechanism for the
origin of alternating ripple cross-laminated/par-
allel-laminated sequences.


The regional distribution of Curtis facies was

(J) A C C E L E R A T I O N beyond the scope of this study, but we believe
(2) M A X I M U M VELOCITY that the tidal features described above formed in
(D DECELERATION a shallow, probably estuarine setting. Part of our
evidence for this interpretation comes from the
Figure 6B. Tracing of internal sedimentary structures from Figure 6A. 1 = a thin basal bed flat bedding and its interpreted shallow-water
plus overlying, gently dipping lamination; 2 = topset lamination passing over a brinkpoint to origin as discussed above. This establishes ap-
foreset lamination; 3 = sigmoidally curved parallel lamination. proximate maximum water depths and a proba-
ble coastal setting, but not necessarily estuarine
conditions. The Holocene sedimentary struc-
tures analogous to those described here, how-
ever, are principally associated with estuaries.
Fully developed, sigmoidally shaped tidal bun-
dles are well developed at only one stratigraphic
horizon, but all megaripple cross-bedding in the
sequence contains well-developed tidal bundles
and neap-spring bundle sequences (Fig. 2). Such
bundled sequences, which are characterized by
the relative dominance of either ebb or flood
currents, are facilitated by channelized tidal
flow. Within estuaries, tidal currents are com-
monly channelized, either by the estuary itself or
by tidal-current pathways associated with shoals
and bars. Typically, this leads to stronger ebb or

Figure 7. Topset(T)-foreset(F) lamination

overlain by sigmoidal lamination(s) and pause
plane (P). Brinkpoints are labeled "B." Scale
is 42 cm (16 in.).

thin or wedge out along such surfaces. We inter-

SPRING pret these as evidence of shallow subtidal lo in-
. SPRING tertidal channels and migrating bars similar to
those illustrated by Dalrymple and ethers
(1982). One well-defined channel-form geome-
NEAP try occurs near the base of the sequence, where
5.5 m of relief can be documented. Curtis sig-
moid and other laterally accreted tidal bundles
are believed to have formed within channels or
PLANES at the margins of bars, whereas the flat-
2 0
. INDISTINCT) laminated and ripple facies represent the bar
-37m 15.5m -29m surfaces.
The vertical and lateral sequences of :"acies
10 15 20 25
(Figs. 1 and 2) are also compatible with m es-
TIDAL BUNDLES tuarine interpretation. Terrestrial facies occur to
the south of our study area, and open-marine
Figure 8. Lateral variability in thickness of tidal bundles measured consecutively as they
conditions have been documented in what is
occur on outcrop. Sinusoidal regression line is a computer-generated, best-fit curve. Note, also,
now northern Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming.
the lateral extent of three groups of ten consecutive bundles each, indicated just above horizon-
Our interpretation of the vertical sequence
tal axis.
would place the maximum transgression [inner
shelf(?)] in the basal 10 m, directly overlying the
Entrada Formation (Fig. 2). In this context, the
thin conglomerate at the base of the Curtis For-
mation represents a transgressive-lag horizon.
The upper 10 m and the overlying Summe rville
Formation redbeds (Fig. 2) are intertidal mixed
mud and sand flat and tidal channel facies
(compare with Reineck and Singh, 1975; Stan-
ton, 1976). The central sandy portion of the
Curtis Formation, ~40 m thick, accumulated
under shallow-water, estuarine-like conditions.
This thickness, however, is clearly in exo;ss of
what can be ascribed to simple filling of an estu-
Figure 9A. Alternating ary without substantial subsidence. Despite
beds of plane lamination and these similarities to modern embayed and estua-
small-scale cross-lamination. rine coastlines, it remains an important open
question, not specifically addressed by this
study, if sedimentary structures like those de-
scribed here can also form in non-estuarine
shorelines at times not associated with trans-
A frequent question that arises in discussions
of Curtis tidal bundles is the issue of net sedi-
ment aggradation. This is largely because of the
startling thickness of individual bundles; even
the thinner, "vertically accreted bundles" are
suggestive of very high sedimentation rates. This
is, however, far more apparent than real.. We
understand that this depositional system, like
most other high-energy systems (for example,
fluvial channel/point bar, beach), is dominated
by many cycles of reworking. Ultimately, a
given package of tidal bundles from a given bar
flood dominance than in the offshore (Nio and be more rotary, thus inhibiting regular deposi- or sand flat is preserved at random. Nio and
others, 1980) as the result of mutually evasive tion of mud layers. others (1980) have documented that lateriil mi-
ebb-flood pathways. Furthermore, channelized Gently inclined lateral accretion surfaces and gration of estuarine tidal channels and channel-
tides typically have distinct slack-water periods low-angle truncation surfaces are common in margin bars occurs in much the same way that
that result in mud drapes like those in the Curtis the Curtis Formation, and many of the subfacies fluvial channels "fill" by lateral accretion on
Formation, where;is offshore tidal currents can documented in the vertical section of Figure 2 point bars. As individual packages of sediments

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