Draft Copy of Pd/Heart Project: Distirct Health Management Team, Bo

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Food and Nutrition Unit – DHMT - BO District


Establishing PDH sessions- Budget in two communities in Tikonko Chiefdom

No Description of items Qty Unit Cost( Le) Frequency Total Cost {Le}

District Nutritionist 1 4,500,000 x3 3 months 13,500,000
Assistant Nutritionist - 2 1 3 months 6,000,000
000,000 x 3
CHWs -6, health staff -2 8 100,000 x 8 x 3 3 months 2,400,00
TOTALS 21,900,000
Establishing PDH sessions- Budget in two communities in Tikonko Chiefdom

1 Decide whether the PD/Hearth approach is feasible in the target community {community assessment and PD/Hearth Inquiry}

No Description of items Qty Unit Cost( Le) Frequency Total Cost {Le}

Materials for establishing PDH Sessions- To be provided by the

2 3 months
Salter Scales ,MUAC tapes , Stationaries DHMT

Community screening All - -

Fuel to access the community- where the 600

7,000 x 600 liters 42 days 4,200,000
PD heart sessions will be held liters

Printing of PD Hearth Inquiry

100 1 day 2,000,000
questionnaires {Stationaries}

CHWs -6, health staff -2, DHMT- 1

9 150,000 X 9 1 day 1,350,000
assessment fee
Top up for communication -( CHWs - 8,
DHMT -PDH facilitators - 2, World vision-2 12 100,000 x 12 x 3 3 months 3,600,000
Incentives for referred malnourished
20 100,000 x 20 1 day 2,000,000
TOTALS 13,150,000

2 Begin mobilizing the community and select and train community resource persons

Establishing PDH sessions- Budget in two communities in Tikonko Chiefdom

No Description of items Qty Unit Cost( Le) Frequency Total Cost {Le}

Pen – 40, 000

Ex-book {80pg} -80,


Flip Chart {2} 100,

Crash Training of Volunteers-( CHWs -6, 000
health staff -2, DHMT -3, world Vision -1)
1 12 1 day 360,000
Training Materials ( Pens, Ex-books, Flip Markers {2} 70,
chart, Markers, plastic file) 000
Plastic file 1 30,
Pencil 1 pkt 20,
Erase 20,
Fuel to access the community- where the
3 PD heart sessions will be held-( X # of 3 ------- 3 days
days) for the sessions

Training Incentives to CHWs -6, health staff

4 9 150,000 x 8 x 3 days 3 days 4,050,000
-2, DHMT 1 {Nutrition}

Training Incentives for facilitator 1 300,000 x3 3 days 900,000

5 Break Fast for the training 15 25, 000 x 15 x 3days 3 days 1,125,000
6 Lunch 15 40,000 x 15 x 3days 3 days 1,800,000

Hand shake for stakeholders { chiefs,

7 women’s leader, TBAs, youth chairman, 10 100,000 x 10 1 day 1,000,000
town crier }

Social Mobilization Officer {DHMT} 2 300,000 X2 X 2 days 1,200,000

8 Batteries for town criers 2 35,000 x 2 3 days 70,000

9 Miscellaneous / Flexible fee 3 months 2,000,000

TOTALS 12,505,000
Conducting the PD/Hearth Sessions/ Follow ups

Establishing PDH sessions- Budget in two communities in Tikonko Chiefdom

No Description of items Qty Unit Cost( Le) Frequency Total Cost {Le}

Samples of Locally food stuff- Fish, beans,

palm oil, green leaves( potatoe, cassava, ----- 200,000 x42 42 days 8,400,000
benny seeds, groundnut etc)

Fuel to access the community- where the

-------- --------------- 3 months ------------------------------
PD heart sessions will be held

Monitoring and supervision support [
6 200,000 x 3 x 6 3 months 10,800,000
drivers , DHMT}

Fuel to access the community liters 7,000 x 270 18 days 1,890,000
Monthly Growth monitoring & -------------------- 3 months -------------------------

TOTALS 21,090,000


Community Assessment and training 13,150,000

train community resource persons 12,505,000
Conducting the PD/Hearth Sessions 21,090,000

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