Reflection Cwts

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Zarina Luz R.

BSA 1-6

Being with kids made me reminisce about those happy memories of me being a
child. Enjoying my everyday life as if there is no tomorrow. Yet, being with them made me
realized about how precious one’s life is. Those kids may be different. They may have
illnesses that we do not have but we are still all human beings. We are all created in the
image and likeness of God.

These children are so strong. They continuously fight in order to live for a longer
time. Just as when we arrived, even if we are late, I still managed to see the faces of each
of these children. Even though, I am not fond of memorizing names, their unique
characteristics stood out. In fact, despite of their condition, their struggles do not show as
they enjoy the program. The smiles on their faces show happiness that is considered
contagious to those who have seen it.

As one of the characters in the storytelling group, I have doubts as to my abilities.

I have been constantly asking myself about how I should act in order to make those
children happy. When the time came for our presentation, I’ll be lying to myself If I say I
am not nervous. Standing on the stage made me anxious. Nevertheless, it gave me
strength when I saw how those children are deeply interested into our story. They
participate every time we ask questions and that is what made me forget about the
nervousness and instead focus on entertaining these children happily. Actually, I have
approached so many kids but there is one who caught my attention. I cried not because
of pity, but because of how strong he was. Even if he is having a hard time eating, I still
remember how he deliciously ate the food we have prepared. I really wanted to talk to his
parent yet my mind cannot construct a proper question to ask and my lips would just smile
instead of uttering a word. We may not explicitly told them that we’re cheering for them
but I know that through our actions, we have implicitly expressed to them our cheers for
happiness and courage for a longer period of time.

These children are the true superheroes. I have learned a lot of lesson from them.
I am an adult but I am already struggling with all these problems occurring to me while
those kids, who have illnesses, manage to keep up and stand strong. The outreach
program may have finished but our cheers and prayers for them are continuously ongoing.

Choosing the Child Haus as our location for the outreach program, for me, is one
of the best decisions our class has ever made. We had not only made them happy but
we also learned a lot of life lessons from them. I’m always be cheering for these children.
“Do not give up. Keep chasing your dreams.”

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