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Yes No
 Management Systems
1. Does the canteen have safety rules for staff and volunteers? ..........................................
2. Are they prominently displayed? .......................................................................................
3. Are safety inspections conducted regularly and findings reported? ..................................
4. Are emergency evacuation procedures displayed? ..........................................................
5. Are safe operating procedures written and displayed for all equipment? .........................
6. Have staff and visitors working in the canteen been trained/instructed in the use of this
equipment? .......................................................................................................................
7. Has all staff received manual handling training or instruction as appropriate? .................
8. Have all food suppliers to the canteen given a written undertaking of their knowledge of
and compliance with food safety laws? .............................................................................
9. Is a register of legally compliant food suppliers maintained and available to all canteen
staff? ................................................................................................................................
10. Are records (invoices, receipts, delivery dockets, etc.) kept of all food purchases? .........
11. Does the institute have a policy on pre-institute children being present in the canteen
when their parents are on duty? .......................................................................................

 Electricity
12. Are plugs, sockets and switches in good repair? ..............................................................
13. Are electrical cables in good conditions (not fraying)? ......................................................
14. Are there adequate power outlets for appliances in use? .................................................
15. Is the use of double adapters/piggy back appliances and leads kept to a minimum? .......
16. Are hand-held appliances protected by safety switches? .................................................
17. If using power boards, do they have overload/reset switches? .........................................

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Yes No
 Environment
18. Is there sufficient storage area for the canteen supplies? .................................................
19. Have suitable storage facilities been provided? ...............................................................
20. Are storage areas well organised and tidy? .....................................................................
21. Are trolleys used to carry supplies around the canteen service areas? ...........................
22. Is the flooring a non-slip surface? ....................................................................................
23. Is the flooring free from raised or uneven surfaces? ........................................................
24. Are the floor and walkways clear of clutter? .....................................................................
25. Are doorways clear from obstruction? ..............................................................................
26. Are storage shelves holding regularly used items, at a level that does not require using
a ladder to access them? .................................................................................................
27. Are heavy items stored at waist height? ..........................................................................
28. Do fluorescent lights have coverings over them? ............................................................
29. Is the temperature comfortable? ......................................................................................
30. Is the airflow sufficient to cope with the build-up of hot air? ..............................................
31. Are there sufficient bins for rubbish? ................................................................................
32. Are the bins emptied daily?...............................................................................................
33. Are records kept of all supplies? .......................................................................................

 General
34. Are appropriate steps/ladders provided for handling items stored above shoulder
height? ..............................................................................................................................
35. Are children kept away from all canteen work areas?.......................................................
36. Are fly screens fitted to windows and doors? ....................................................................
37. Is an approved first aid kit available? ................................................................................
38. Is all staff aware of the institute’s first aid procedures and requirements?
39. Is the canteen co-ordinator trained in first aid? .................................................................
40. Is there lighting and a light switch in the cold room?.........................................................
41. Are all bench surfaces in good condition (no cracks, damaged laminex etc.)?.................
42. Are air conditioner filter pads cleaned regularly? ..............................................................
43. Are insect control devices cleaned regularly? ...................................................................
44. Are there established procedures for litter control and disposal of wastes? .....................

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45. ;
46. Do all hot liquid containers have lids to prevent scalds? ...................................................
47. Is ventilation adequate? ....................................................................................................
Yes No
 Hygiene
48. Are all canteen workers familiar with the required hygiene standards? ............................
49. Is a strict cleaning schedule maintained? .........................................................................
50. Do canteen workers use disposable plastic gloves and/or tongs when handling food? ....
51. Are floors washed regularly with a suitable cleaner to reduce build up of grease? ...........
52. Are filters in fans, air ducts and hoods removed and cleaned regularly (at least every six
months)? ...........................................................................................................................
53. Are ovens (including microwave ovens and food heaters) and fridges cleaned with a
disinfectant regularly? .......................................................................................................
54. Are food items covered when stored in refrigeration?.......................................................
55. Are cooking facilities clean?..............................................................................................
56. Is waste removed daily? ...................................................................................................
57. Are waste receptacles cleaned thoroughly and disinfected separately, and away from
hand washing and utensil washing facilities?....................................................................
58. Are disposable cloths, paper and gloves etc. used for this purpose? ...............................
59. Does the rubbish bin have a foot control?.........................................................................
60. Is the regulation regarding SMOKE FREE ZONE adhered to? .........................................
61. Is touching food with hands reduced to a minimum? ........................................................
62. Are separate hand-washing sinks available? ....................................................................
63. Are liquid soap and paper towels provided for staff? ........................................................
64. Where dish cloths are provided, are they open weave so food particles can be washed
clear with less opportunity for bacteria to grow? ...............................................................
65. Are dish cloths cleaned and sterilised daily? ....................................................................
66. Are all products that are liable to contaminate food prevented from contact with the
food? .................................................................................................................................
67. Are cutting boards cleaned and sterilised daily? ...............................................................
68. Are cutting boards designated a single purpose use (e.g. cooked or uncooked foods)? ..
69. Have all workers been instructed to report any illnesses including vomiting, diarrhoea
and localised skin infections? ...........................................................................................
70. Are the food and utensils used to prepare the food kept free from dust, vermin, animals,
fumes and foul odours? ....................................................................................................
71. Are all foods delivered in clean unprinted paper or other suitable material?.....................
72. Are all food supplies immediately inspected upon delivery? .............................................
73. Is all food displayed or stored more than 75cm above ground level? ...............................

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Yes No

74. Are all poisons removed from the canteen?......................................................................

 Safety
75. Is all meat kept in a separate compartment in the refrigerator? ........................................
76. Is the fire alarm audible?...................................................................................................
77. Is the fire extinguisher located in clear sight and accessible? ..........................................
78. Is the fire extinguisher regularly serviced? ........................................................................
79. Are all exits clear in case of emergency?..........................................................................
80. Is the fire blanket located in clear sight and in good repair (still secure in correct cover)?
81. Do staff know how to use extinguishers and blankets? ....................................................
82. Is personal protective equipment (PPE) (e.g. aprons, oven mitts, etc.) provided?
83. Is personal protective equipment (PPE) being used correctly? ........................................
84. Are microwave ovens checked annually for microwave leakage by a trained service
person? .............................................................................................................................
85. Are all electrical appliances turned off at mains before being cleaned out? .....................
86. Is there a main power cut-off switch located at the front of the room? ..............................
87. Are all appliances in good order (i.e. metal casing or food racks not rusted, heat
resistant handles not broken)?..........................................................................................
88. Is shelving secure? ...........................................................................................................
89. Is all equipment maintained in a safe condition and included in the institute
maintenance schedule? ....................................................................................................
90. Can cold room doors be opened from inside? ..................................................................
91. Are all cleaning products stored in clearly labelled containers? ........................................
92. Are cleaning products stored in a separate cupboard, away from food items?.................
93. Are all appliances (e.g. pie warmers and microwave ovens) securely located so that
they are not protruding into the general work area or passageway? ................................
94. Are servery doors and screens able to be securely restrained when in the open
position? ...........................................................................................................................
95. Are there suitable storage arrangements for cleaning chemicals, flammable and other
hazardous substances? ....................................................................................................
96. Are systems in place to ensure any spillages are cleaned up to prevent any possible
accidents? .........................................................................................................................
97. Are ‘wet floor’ signs used when required? ........................................................................

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