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clavicular region can cause the projection of three triangles: clavicular, thoracic,

Upper extremity, MEMBRUM breast, and brisket (trigonum clavipecto-rale, trigonum pectorale and trigonum
SUPERIUS  subpectorale).

Within these triangles are usually considered the topography of the axillary
neurovascular bundle: a., v. axillaris, plexus brachialis and its branches (for
SUBCLAVIAN AREA, REGIO INFRACLAVICULAR " details, see the section on the armpit).

Subclavian region applies to the chest and the upper extremity. However, sections The projection of the axillary neurovascular bundle in this area is carried out from
of the subclavian region involved in the formation of the axillary fossa, and it the medial half of the middle third of the clavicle downwards and outwards to the
adjoins directly to the main neurovascular bundle of the upper extremity - boundary between the lower and middle third of the deltoid-pectoral sulcus. The
axillary. In this connection, in topographic anatomy subclavian region is projection of v. axillaris occupies the medial part of the beam. By sulcus
considered as part of the shoulder girdle, or shoulder girdle.
deltopectoralis projected v. cephalica.
External benchmarks. Clavicle, sternum, pectoral muscle, the front edge of the
deltoid muscle. Below the clavicle, between the clavicular portion of large pectoral  Layers
muscle and the anterior edge of the deltoid muscle, on the border between the outer
and middle third of the clavicle, often revealed subclavian fossa, fossa in- The skin is thin, moderately mobile.
fraclavicularis, or fossa Morengeyma [Mohrenheim |, passing distally into the
deltoid, thoracic furrow, sulcus deltopectoralis,, reaching the anterior edge of the Subcutaneous adipose tissue without features developed individually. There are
deltoid muscle to the shoulder lateral grooves (Fig. 3.1). supraclavicular nerves of cervical plexus.

Deep furrows on 1,5-2 cm below the clavicle can propal-opy coracoid Superficial fascia in the upper third of the field forms a pouch for platysma
blade, processus coracoideus. (platysma), starting from its own fascia chest. At the level of P-III edges of fascia
condenses, forming a suspensory ligament of the breast, or bundles of Cooper
Boundaries. Upper - clavicle; m edialnaya - outer edge of the sternum, the [Cooper]. On all boundaries of the subclavian fascia transferred to the neighboring
bottom - the horizontal line, corresponding to the third intercostal space, lateral - area.
the front edge of the deltoid muscle.
Own fascia area, fascia pectoralis, surrounds the pectoral muscle in the front and
Projections. With external reference points can be made projections of the rear of the superficial and deep leaves. Between them, sharing the large pectoral
following entities.
muscle fibers, there are numerous fascial bridge.
From the front ends of III-V ribs to subcoracoid small triangle projected pectoralis
minor, ie pectoralis minor (Fig. 3.2). With this muscle on the skin under 
As a result, the spread of suppurative processes in the muscle occurs from the
surface to depth. Along the jumpers are also lymphatic vessels, which explains the
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spread of metastases in breast cancer at the deep surface of the large pectoral About clavicular fascia is also sealed. Here it is adjacent to the subclavian
muscle. Vienna, which with a sharp derivation hands can be squeezed between the fascia,
clavicle and rib with the possibility of acute thrombosis of the vein.
Superficial and deep fascia pectoralis at the top of the sheets are attached to the
fascia of the subclavian muscle, as well as to the superficial fascia sheet own neck F. clavipectoralis makes case for the pectoralis minor and subclavian
(second fascia on Shevkunenko). Downstairs they accrete on the outer edge of the muscles, m. subclavius.
large pectoral muscle, thus forming a closed case for it. Behind the clavicle to the I
part of the fifth rib is attached the fascia of the neck (prespinal), covering the
scalenus anticus.
 Thus subpektoralnoe klegchatochnoe space located between the major and
minor pectoral muscles and their fascial veils.
The next layer (Fig. 3.3) is a fiber subpektoral-space, spatium
The front wall of the space - a deep piece of fascia pectoral muscle.
subpectorale (detail of its wall will be described below).
Rear - clavicular-pectoral fascia, covering the small pectoral muscle.
Deeper still lies clavicular-pectoral fascia, fascia clavipectoralis. At the top it
starts from the clavicle and the rostral process of the scapula, with the medial side -
at the beginning of low breast - Above it is closed at the clavicle, where both fascia fused.

Medially it is locked in place of the beginning of the two muscles of the ribs.
     I - clavicula; 2 - m. sub-clavius; 3 - m. pectoralis major, 4 -
m. pectoralis minor, 5 - spatium subpectorale; 6 - fascia tho-racica; 7 - fascia Lateral and bottom of the space is closed fusion fascia of the pectoral muscle and
clavipectoralis; 8 - cellulose axillary fossa, 9 - fascia axillaris; 10 - fascia the clavicular-pectoral fascia on the outer edge of the pectoral muscle.
endothoracica; 11 - fascia thoracica; 12 - m. serratus anterior; 13 - pleura
The next layer - fiber upper division axillary fossa, which is the main
parietalis; 14 - a. et v. axilkres. neurovascular bundle - axillary vessels and the first beams, and then the branches
of the brachial plexus (sometimes this layer is called a deep subpektoralnym

Noah muscle (III-Vrebra), bottom and outside of it is attached to the deep fascia Behind this fiber has its own pectoral fascia, fascia thoracica, covering the serratus
sheet m. pectoralis major at its outer edge. Thick bundles of clavicular-grutsnoy anterior and intercostal space (see Fig. 3.3).
fascia at this point form a bundle that attach to the axillary fascia, fascia axillaris
(Fig. 3.4). Topography of the neurovascular bundle

In the subclavian region is considered the topography of that part of the armpit of

These bundles are called suspensory ligament, lig. suspensorium axillae, or a the beam, which passes within-clavicular and thoracic triangle (between the
bunch of poles [Gerdy]. clavicle and the upper edge of pectoralis minor).

In this triangle just below the clavicular-pectoral axillary fascia

is Vienna, v. axillaris, emerging from beneath the upper edge of the pectoralis
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minor and in an oblique direction going from the bottom up to a point located at 2. In the course of tissue that accompanies the main neurovascular bundle,
2.5 cm medially from the middle of the clavicle. The area between the rib and purulent process may spread to the lateral triangle of the neck.
clavicle I already called subclavian Vienna. Fascial sheath veins are closely 3. Along the same fiber bundle associated with the lower-lying parts of the
associated with the subclavian muscle fascia and periosteum I edge that serves as axillary fossa.
an obstacle to spadeniyu its walls.

In this regard, if damaged veins there is a danger of air embolism. However

temhoroshaya fixation veins can produce at this stage of its puncture.
Axillary artery, a. axillaris, lies laterally and deeper veins. In clavicular-pectoral
triangle from the axillary artery leaves the upper thoracic artery, a. thoracica External benchmarks. The top edge of the scapula is located on level II edge
superior, branching in the first and second intercostal space, and (medial angle reaches a level I rib), the bottom corner - at the level VIII
grudoakromialnaya artery, a. thoracoacromialis, almost immediately falls into ribs. Arista shoulder corresponds roughly III edge.
three branches: the deltoid, chest and acromion. They pierced Klyucharev-
The most accessible to palpation, and therefore the most reliable external
chichno-thoracic fascia and sent to the appropriate muscles. On the same site landmarks are the medial edge of the blade, its lower corner, barb and scapula
through the fascia of the deltoid-pectoral sulcus in the axillary fossa is lateral acromion. The line connecting the lateral part of the acromion and the bottom
subcutaneous Vienna hands, v. cephalica, and empties into the axillary vein (see corner of the blade corresponds to the lateral margin of the scapula, which is often
Fig. 3.4). not possible to palpate because for the cover up his muscles.

Bunches of the brachial plexus are located laterally and deeper into the artery. Boundaries. Upper - line from acromion-Klyucharev-chichnogo junction
perpendicular to the backbone, the lower - the horizontal line running through the
Thus, in the direction from front to back, and with the medial side of the lateral lower angle of scapula, medial - the inner edge of the scapula to the intersection
elements of the neurovascular bundle are the same: first Vienna, then the artery, with the upper and lower boundaries; lateral - from the lateral end of the acro-
then the brachial plexus (a method for storing - VAPleks). Mioni vertically down to the lower limit.

At the medial margin of the axillary vein is located apical group of lymph Projections of the major neurovascular structures field. A. et n. suprascapularis
nodes under the arm pits. projected on a line running from the middle of the clavicle to the point
corresponding to the base of the acromion, ie the boundary of the outer and middle
Communication cellulose subclavian region with neighboring third of the scapula spine. The projection line, the profundus a. transversae colli (a.
areas scapularis dorsalis, PNA) is along the inside edge of the scapula 0,5-1 cm inwards
from it. Place of entrance a. circumflexa scapulae in the infraspinatus box
1. With fiber axillary fossa through a defect in the rear wall (f. projected on the projection of mid-lateral margin of the scapula.
clavipectoralis) subpektoralnogo space, along the branches of
a. thoracoacromialis. Layers

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The skin is thick, physical inactivity, it hardly can be gathered into the scapula, the scapular spine and the lateral edge of the scapula. Contents of the base
fold. Sometimes the male skin is covered with hair. If contamination of skin are so infraspinatus, m. teres minor, a small layer of tissue located between the
friction of clothing in the places, the elderly and malnourished people with
diabetes in this area may have boils (furunculosis). In the skin of many of the muscles and bones, as well as vessels and nerves: a. et v. suprascapularis,
sebaceous glands, with their occlusion in this area often arise sebocystoma - a. circumflexa scapulae, n. suprascapularis. Also included are the branches, the
atheroma requiring surgical removal. profundus a. transversae colli, butting their own
Subcutaneous fat-layer, dense, mesh because the connective tissue partitions,
reaching from the skin in depth, to its own fascia.

Superficial fascia can be represented by several sheets of different    fascia at the medial edge of the scapula. artery, the
densities. Nadfastsialnyh entities there is little, thin subcutaneous nerves are envelope of the blade, on the way of the axillary fossa is also pierced this fascia,
branches of the axillary and supraclavicular nerves (Fig. 3.5). but the lateral margin of the scapula.

Own superficial fascia of the muscles (m. trapezius, so deltoideus, so latissimus These three branches of arteries anastomose with each other in the infraspinatus
dorsi) makes their cases. tissue and thicker infraspinatus muscles. The result is a so-called scapulohumeral
collateral arterial circle. If a loss or cessation of blood flow in the trunk - arm -
Fascia supraspinata et fascia infraspinata - its own deep fascia of shoulder above the artery (proximal to) the place of a discharge from her subscapularis
muscles, starting from its rear surface. These are dense fascia, have aponeurotic artery (a. subscapularis) by anastomosis of the blade circle of blood circulation can
structure. As a result of their attachment to the edges of the scapula and spine be maintained throughout the upper extremity. More information stated in the
formed by two bone-fibrous space - supraspinous and infraspinatus. section "collateral circulation in the areas of shoulder girdle.

Topography over-and infraspinatus spaces blade (Fig. 3.6) From the angle of the scapula and the lower half of its lateral margin and on the
outer surface of the infraspinatus fascia begins a large round muscle. Its upper
Supraspinous fossa supraspinata space corresponds to the scapula. Above it is edge adjoins the bottom of the veiled infraspinatus fascia small circular muscle;
closed as a result of attachment f. supraspinata to  gap between them is formed. In the middle of a circular muscle during most of its
crosses behind the long head tendon of triceps, which extends anteriorly, a small
upper edge of the blade, to the fascial sheath subclavian muscle and circular muscle. The gap between the circular muscle is divided thus into two
lig. coracoclaviculare. Below it is closed scapular spine. Outside, the grounds and divisions: the medial (triangular hole) and lateral (four hole) (Fig. 3.7).
under the acromion acromion-Klyucharev-chichnym joints, supraspinatus space
open in podos-Local and subdeltoid kletchatochnye space. Content supraspinal Edges of the triangular aperture blades are below - a large, round muscle, top - a
small, round, and with the lateral side - the long head tendon of triceps. Through
space (box) is m. supraspinatus, as well., v. et n. suprascapulares.
this hole in blade area of the armpit is a. circumflexa scapulae. Then she pierced
Infraspinatus fibrous-osseous space formed by its own fascia and the scapula fascia-tial case of small circular muscle and the branches in the muscles
infraspinatus fossa.
below the scapular spine. Fascia infraspinata adherent to the medial margin of the
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Quadripartite hole is located outside the shoulder area and is seen in the section 1. In the course nadlopatochnogo beam - with the fiber of the lateral triangle
"Axillary Region. of the neck.
2. In the course of a. et v. circumflexae scapulae through a triangular hole -
  with fiber axillary fossa.
3. In the course of the tendon and infraspinatus muscles - with fiber
Fig. 3.7. Tripartite and quadripartite holes from the blade (on Shpalteholtsu, as subdeltoid space.

1 - acromion; 2 - tuber-culum majus humeri; 3 - m. teres minor; 4 - foramen

quadrilateram; 5 - foramen trilateram; 6 - caput laterale m. tricipitis brachii; 7 - Deltoid AREA, REGIO DELTOIDEA
caput longum m. tricipitis brachii; 8 - m. teres major; 9 - m. infraspinatus; 10 -
spina scapulae; 11 - m. supraspina-tus. The region is located outwards from the shoulder corresponds to the contour of the
deltoid muscle covering the shoulder joint and upper third of the humerus.

External benchmarks. Clavicle, acromion and scapula arista, the convexity of the

The next layer - blade (scapula). deltoid muscle, its front and rear edges of the deltoid-pectoral groove. When
dislocations in the shoulder joint, the convexity of the deltoid muscle is smoothed
out, replaced by the dimple.
Subscapularis space. M. subscapular ^ located on the front side of the blade in
the bone-fascial bed, formed by fusion subscapularis fascia with the edges of the
Boundaries. Upper - outer third of the clavicle, acromion and the outer third of the
scapula. Subscapularis, moving in a fairly strong tendon, is sent to subdeltoid scapular spine. The bottom - line on the outer surface of the shoulder that connects
space in which the tendon is attached to a small tubercle humerus. Before the lower edge of pectoral muscles and latissimus dorsi. Front and rear
attaching the tendon is closely adjoins to the anterior capsule of the shoulder boundaries correspond to the edges of the deltoid muscle.
joint. Under the subscapularis tendon is a fairly large synovial bag, bursa
Projections. In the course of the deltoid-pectoral sulcus projected lateral
synovialis subscapularis, permanently connected to the cavity of the shoulder joint
capsule. The front of the subscapularis muscle with its fascia is involved in the subcutaneous Vienna hands, v. cephalica. The vertical line lowered down from the
formation of posterior wall of the axillary fossa and the posterior posteroexternal acromion angle to the intersection with the rear edge of the
wall prescapular kletchatoch-dimensional space, which is a continuation of the m.deltoideus (average 6 cm in the derivation of the upper extremity of the torso to
the right angle, this distance is equal to 2,5-3,0 cm), projected onto the
axillary space in the dorsal direction. Front wall of this space is the serratus
anterior, covered with its own fascia, fascia thoracica. neurovascular bundle region - n. axillaris et aa. circumflexae humeri anterior et
posterior. At the same level is the surgical neck of the
Communication fiber shoulder area with the neighboring shoulder. Projection recessus axillaris - protrusion of the lower articular bags
areas shoulder joint is determined by a point situated on the same vertical line at 4 cm
below the posterior angle of acromion, ie, 2 cm above the projection of the axillary

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nerve. Here in inflammation (arthritis), the shoulder joint is determined at a Subdeltoid kletchatochnoe space goes up under the acromion and more posteriorly
in podtrapetsievidnoe space.
pressure sore. This point is located under the rear edge of the deltoid muscle.

Topography of vessels and nerves. The main element of the neurovascular bundle

- n. axillaris, branch of the posterior bundle of the brachial plexus. It innervates the
Leather relatively thick, inactive. deltoid muscle. Fascial sheath of the beam associated with a piece of deep fascia
of the deltoid muscle. Passing of the axillary fossa through the foramen
Subcutaneous adipose tissue is well defined, especially near caudineural border
quadrilaterum, it adjoins to the armpit volvulus, recessus axillaris, capsule of the
region, has a cellular structure. Approximately in the middle of the rear edge of the
shoulder joint, and then goes around the surgical neck, shoulder, back to front.
deltoid muscle in the subcutaneous fat from under their own fascia beyond the
axillary nerve branch, n. cutaneus brachii lateralis superior. N. axillaris lies proximal posterior artery, the envelope of the humerus.

Superficial fascia is poorly developed.

On the deep surface of the deltoid muscle a. circumflexa humeri
posterior anastomose with a. circumflexa humeri anterior, coming also from the
Own fascia, fascia deltoidea, the upper boundary of the region is firmly fused
axillary fossa, but on the front surface of the surgical neck of the shoulder. The
with the clavicle, acromion and spine of the scapula. At the front and the bottom
two arteries anastomose well as with the deltoid branch of
line, it freely passes into the fascia pectoralis and the fascia brachii. At the front of
a. thoracoacromialis. These anastomoses provide collateral circulation in a loss of
the border area, in the sulcus deltopectoralis, in the cleavage of its own fascia is
blood flow to the axillary artery at the site between grudoakro-mialnoi artery and
v. cephalica, which goes further into the subclavian region. the two arteries, the envelopes of the humerus. Anastomosis is also an important
anastomosis between the deltoid branch of the same name grudoakromialnoi artery
Own fascia is superficial and deep sheets, which form the case for the deltoid and a branch of the deep artery of the shoulder. This anastomosis plays an
muscle. Both leaf bind numerous spurs that divide the individual muscle fibers. In important role at a loss of blood flow in the arm - the brachial artery in the area
two places the spurs are particularly well developed: they share the three portions between the subscapularis artery and the deep artery of the shoulder.
of the deltoid muscle to the places of their attachment - clavicular, pars
clavicularis, acromion, pars acromialis, and spinous processes, pars spinalis. At the turn of the humerus at the surgical neck of possible infringement of the
axillary nerve. Sometimes the nerve is involved in developing callus and
P oddeltovidnoe kletchatochnoe space located between the deep leaf of fascia compressed it. It is also possible involvement of the nerve in the inflammatory
deltoidea (at the deep surface of the deltoid muscle) and the proximal end of the process in suppurative disease of the shoulder joint, and the breakthrough of pus
humerus with the shoulder joint and its capsule. In the fiber space is the from the capsule through the recessus axillaris. In all such situations there is an
neurovascular bundle, as well as subdeltoid synovial bag, bursa subdeltoidea, infringement of cutaneous sensitivity in the area of its branches, and most
surrounding a large tubercle humerus. This tubercle attached to the tendon- importantly, develops paresis or paralysis of the deltoid muscle.  It will be
dostnoy, infraspinatus and a small circular muscle. Almost as a rule, subdeltoid apparent inability abduction of shoulder to the horizontal level (loss of function of
bag communicates with the other mucosal pouch, located under the acromion the deltoid muscle). 
(bursa subacromial).

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Communication fiber subdeltoid space with neighboring the brachial neurovascular bundle with it the same. By the same line is
regions projected v. basilica.

1. In the course of the neurovascular bundle and then through the four-sided Projection n. ulnaris in the upper third of the shoulder corresponds to the projection of the
hole subdeltoid space associated with axillary. main neurovascular bundle, and from a point between the upper and middle third of the
2. In the course of supraspinal and infraspinatus tendons, muscles associated declines in the medial side to a point 1 cm lateral tip-over of the medial condyle (at the
with supraspinal and infraspinatus spaces scapula. base nadmyschelka).
3. Above fiber is continuing under the acromion and more posteriorly in
N. radialis projected onto the front surface of the skin in the lower third of the shoulder
podtrapetsievidnoe space.
along the Sylvian fissure. (Portion of the lateral fissure shoulder on examination revealed
poorly because of excessive growth of subcutaneous adipose tissue. In such cases, the
projection lines use the lateral border of the front side of the shoulder.)

The skin in front of the shoulder on a thin, especially in the medial part of the region,
quite moving. In the skin of the medial surface of the upper half of the arm medial
cutaneous nerve branches shoulder, P. cutaneus brachii medialis, the medial bundle of the
FRONT shoulder problems, REGIO BRACHII ANTERIOR brachial plexus.
Subcutaneous adipose tissue is loose. Superficial fascia is well expressed in the lower
External benchmarks. Attaching to shoulder a big chest and latissimus dorsi, biceps
third of the field, where it forms a pouch for the surface of neurovascular structures in the
brachii, the inner and outer nadmyschelki shoulder, medial and lateral grooves in the
rest of the field is weak.
respective edges of the biceps muscles of the shoulder. Sylvian fissure proximally moves
in the deltoid, thoracic furrow. Distally both furrows pass in front elbow. In the course of Surface area of education: from the medial side (along the sulcus bicipitalis medialis) in the
the medial sulcus can palpate the humerus and here clung to her brachial artery with bottom third of the shoulder is located medial subcutaneous Vienna hands, v. basilica, and
bleeding. For this reason, the imposition of harness most effectively, it is in the shoulder. next to her branch subsection cutaneus antebrachii medialis. On the lateral side, along the
sulcus bicipitalis lateralis, in its entirety is lateral subcutaneous Vienna hands, v. cephalica,
Boundaries. The upper boundary of the region is on the line connecting the point of
which is near the upper boundary of the region goes into sulcus deltopectoralis.
attachment to shoulder a big chest and latissimus dorsi, the lower boundary is drawn
through the points located at 4 cm above nadmyschelkov shoulder, the two lateral
boundaries correspond to vertical lines drawn from the nadmyschelkov. Own fascia, fascia brachii, around the shoulder as a whole. On the border of the middle
and lower third of the shoulder to shoulder in the medial sulcus own fascia has a hole
Projections on the skin major neurovascular structures through which the splitting of the fascia (the channel Pirogov) enters v. basilica, and from
it comes forth cutaneus antebrachii medialis.
Projection a. brachialis and n. medianus conducted from a point on the border of the
From the inner surface of its own fascia with the medial and lateral side of the humerus
anterior and middle third of the line defining the upper boundary of the region until the
depart intermuscular partitions (septa intermusculare laterale et mediale), resulting in a
middle of the elbow or, more precisely, about 1 cm medial to the tendon of the biceps
shoulder formed two fascial floor: front and rear.
muscles of the shoulder. If sulcus bicipitalis medialis well defined, the projection line of

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The walls of the anterior fascial bed shoulder, compartimentum brachii anterius, are: responsibility of the deep fascia that covers the shoulder muscles. On its way it gives
front - own fascia, rear - are attached to the humerus to her intermuscular septa (Figure branches to all muscles of the front fascia-vidual bed.
At the border of the front of the shoulder and underarm area just below the lower edge of
The contents of the front floor muscles are: lying deeper rostral-brachial (upper third of the
shoulder), short head biceps arm and shoulder (bottom two-thirds of the shoulder), and the latissimus dorsi tendon behind the artery is determined by a large trunk n. radialis. Almost
immediately, he sent to the rear fascial bed between the long and lateral heads of triceps
surface - long head of the biceps brachii. Shoulder muscles, or muscle Kasserib [Casserio],
covers the deep fascia.
Brachial artery in the upper third of the shoulder gives a large branch - deep artery of
 Fig. 3.16. Fascial floor shoulder to the cross section of the middle third. 1 - m. biceps brachii; 2 arm, a. profunda brachii, which almost immediately goes along with the radial nerve in the
- t. brachialis; 3 - n. mus-culocutaneus; 4 - n. medi-anus; 5 - a. bracliialis; 6 - v. basilica et
back fascial bed. On the border of the upper and middle third of the shoulder of the
n. cutaneus an-tebrachii medial is in the channel Pirogov, 7 - n. ulnaris; 8 - septum intermusculare
brachial artery departs another branch: the upper ulnar collateral artery, a. collate-ralis
mediale; 9 - fascia brachii; 10 - m. triceps brachii; 11 - n. radialis et a. collaterals radialis; 12 -
ulnaris superior, which is then accompanied by ulnar nerve.
septum intermusculare laterale.

On the inside the first rostral-shoulder, then arm the biceps muscle in its entirety in the In the middle third of the shoulder n. medianus located in front of the brachial artery
fascial case, formed by the medial intramuscular partitioning is the main neurovascular (intersecting it).
bundle of the field - brachial artery, accompanying veins and the median nerve. N. ulnaris shifted more medially from the arteries and on the border with the upper third
Rear shoulder fastsialyyue bed, conipartirnenturn brachii posterius, limited front humerus pierced the medial intermuscular wall, passing into the rear bed of the shoulder. Along
with partitions, in the back - its own fascia. In the back of the box is m. triceps brachii. with him, and goes well. collateralis ulnaris superior.

Topography of the vessels and nerves of the anterior fascial bed N. cutaneus antebrachii medialis and left anterior fascial bed, going to the splitting of its
own fascia (channel Pi-horns), where in a fascial space goes v. basilica.
In the upper third of the shoulder n. medianus located next to the artery laterally from
it. Medially from the artery is n. ulnaris and more medial - n. cutaneus antebrachii N. musculocutaneus directed obliquely downward and outward from the inside between the
medialis. Medially from the main beam and the most medial surface lies v. basilica, which biceps and shoulder muscles.
is joined to the beam at the boundary of the upper and middle thirds, immediately upon
emerging from the channel Pirogov. In the upper third of the shoulder, the Vienna falls In the lower third of the shoulder n. medianus is already medial artery, but next to it. From
either in one of the brachial vein, or goes into the axillary region and empties into the here departs artery, another branch of: a. collateralis ulnaris inferior. It comes down
axillary vein (Figure 3.17). sideways on the surface of the shoulder muscles in the elbow region (the name of the artery
is not associated with ulnar nerve, which is in the front bed is gone, and only refers to
elbow aside of course), which participates in the formation of ulnar collateral network.
 Fig. 3.17. Perednevnugrennyaya povfhnost shoulder. 1 - v. brachialis; 2, 5 - a. bracliialis; 3 -
v. sfpaIsa 4 - n. musculocutaneus; 6 - a. profunda brachii; 7 - n. radialis; 8 - channel Pirogov, 9 - n.
On the lateral side of the lower third of the shoulder in the front box
ulnaris; 10 - n. medianus; 11 - v. basilica; 12 - n. cutaneus antebrachii medialis.
reappears n. radialis. which pierced the lateral intermuscular partition and passes from the
N. musculocutaneus goes with the lateral side rostral-shoulder muscles, which he pierced rear bed in the front. It is located deep between the muscles: the humerus and the lateral
on its way from the axillary fossa to the anterior surface of the shoulder, and goes head triceps. At the border with the elbow, he is just as deeply, but between the first and
underneath the long head biceps shoulder, and on the border with the middle third of the
9 Глава 3
brachioradialis muscles. In these cracks intermuscular nerve is accompanied by radial Subcutaneous adipose tissue are often developed considerably. After subcutaneous to the
collateral artery, a. collateralis radialis, - the terminal branch a. profunda brachii. skin area are cutaneous nerves: n. cutaneus brachii lateralis superior (from P. axillaris),
n. cutaneus brachii lateralis inferior and posterior cutaneous nerve of the shoulder, n.
Here, on the border of the lower third of the shoulder with the front elbow, from the biceps cutaneus brachii posterior (from n. radialis), innervate nelateralnuyu rear surface of the
shoulder out a finite branch of the musculo-cutaneous nerve, which here is called the lateral
shoulder. At the boundary of the back of the shoulder and the back elbow goes through its
cutaneous nerve of forearm, n. cutaneus antebrachii lateralis. From under their own fascia
in subcutaneous he goes dis-experimental, within the front elbow. own rear fascia of the forearm cutaneous nerve, n. cutaneus antebrachii posterior (from n.
radialis). The abundance of cutaneous nerves in this area explains the frequent painful
Thus, within the anterior fascial bed shoulder throughout the pass, only brachial artery with intramuscular injection in the triceps brachii.
a vein (closest to the bone), median nerve and musculo-cutaneous nerve. Median nerve
branches to the shoulder does not. The rest of the neurovascular education or go back to Own fascia covers m. triceps brachii. However, as mentioned the medial and lateral
bed (radial nerve with the deep artery of the arm in the upper third, ulnar nerve from the intermuscular septa own fascia forms the rear fascial bed shoulder, compartimentum
upper ulnar collateral artery in the lower third) or in the subcutaneous tissues of the brachii posterior. Content fastsialnogo rear bed are m. triceps brachii and radial nerve with
the accompanying deep artery of the shoulder. In the lower third of the shoulder in the
Communication fiber front of the shoulder with the neighboring back of the bed are n. ulnaris and the a. collateralis ulnaris superior. Right under their own
areas fascia determined with the medial side of the long head of m. triceps brachii. and with the
In the course of tissue surrounding the main neurovascular bundle, fiber anterior fascial bed
lateral - lateral. The medial head is deeper.
shoulder proximally related to the fiber axillary fossa.
In the distal direction it is connected with fiber front elbow.
In the course of radial nerve - with the rear fascial bed shoulder.
Through the channel Pirogov - with subcutaneous adipose tissue.
Topography of the neurovascular bundle
Radial nerve comes on the back surface of the shoulder from the front fastsialnogo bed
External benchmarks. Latissimus dorsi, where it is attached to the shoulder, the deltoid through the gap between the long and lateral heads of triceps. He then located in
muscle, the convexity of triceps brachii, medial and lateral nadmyschelki humerus. plechemyshechnom canal, canalis humeromuscularis, helically envelope of the humerus in
its middle third. One wall of the channel formed bone, the other - the lateral head triceps
Boundaries. The upper boundary runs obliquely to the posterior edge of the deltoid muscle (Fig. 3.18).
to the latissimus dorsi. The bottom is located at 4 cm above nadmyschelkov
humerus. Lateral boundaries are vertical lines going up from nadmyschelkov. In the middle third of the shoulder in the canalis humeromuscularis radial nerve adjoins
directly to the bone, which explains the appearance of paresis or paralysis after applying
Projection n. radialis corresponds to the spiral line drawn from the lower edge of tourniquet at mid-shoulder for a long time, or in cases of injury with fractures of the
diaphysis of the humerus.
m. latissimus dorsi to the point located on the border of the middle and lower thirds of the
lateral boundaries of the region.
However, the nerve is deep artery of arm, a. profunda brachii, which soon after the start
Layers gives important for collateral circulation between the areas of shoulder girdle and shoulder
ramus deltoi-deus, anastomosing with the deltoid branch grudoakromial-Term arteries and
The skin is thicker than on the front of the shoulder, m & topodvizhna. arteries, envelopes humerus. In the middle third of the shoulder a. profunda brachii is
10 Глава 3
divided into two terminal branches: a. collateralis radialis and a. collateralis media. Radial
nerve with a.collateralis radialis on the border of the middle and lower third of the area
pierced the lateral intermuscular wall and returns to the front bed of the shoulder, and then
to the front elbow. There artery anastomose with a. recurrens radialis.A. collateralis media
anastomose with a. interossea recurrens.

In the lower third of the shoulder in the posterior fascial bed passes ulnar nerve with
a. collateralis ulnaris superior. Then they are sent to the back elbow.  FRONT elbow, REGIO CUBITI ANTERIOR

 Fig. 3.18. Povfhnost Rear shoulder External benchmarks. Epicondyli medians et lateralis, tendon m. biceps brachii,
m. brachioradialis, lateral elbow crease. Three elevation - the lateral (from m.
1 - m. irifra ^ inatus; 2 - t. teres minor; 3 - t. teres major, 4 - a brachialis; 5 -, the brachioradialis), the mean (ie biceps brachii) and medial (due to muscle-flexors, starting
from the medial nadmyschelka) - limit the deepening called cubital fossa, fossa
muscularis a profundae brachii; 6 - n. cutaneus brachii medial is; 7 - m. triceps brachii
cubiti. Between them visible front lateral and medial ulnar grooves, sulci cubitales
(caput longum); 8 - r. muscularis n. radialis; 9 - m. triceps brachii (caput laterale); 10 -
anteriores lateralis et medialis, which are a continuation of the grooves of the shoulder. At
m. triceps brachii (caput mediale); 11 - tendo m. tricipitis brachii; 12 - n. ulnaris et a the lower boundary fossa cubiti continues in a radial sulcus, sulcus radialis.
collateralis ulnaris superior, 13 - n. cutaneus antebrachii posterior; 14 - a collateralis
media; 15 - m. anconeus; 16 - m. flexor carpi ulnaris; 17 - m. trapezius; 18 - spina Boundaries. The horizontal line drawn at 4 cm above and below the line connecting
nadmyschelki arm (elbow line), separate front elbow from the front of the shoulder at the
scapulae; 19 - m. del-toideus; 20 - n. axillaris et a circumflexa humeri posterior, 21 - a top and from the front of the forearm at the bottom. The two vertical lines drawn through
circumflexa scapulae; 22 - humerus; 23 - n. radialis et a profunda brachii.  both nadmyschelka, anterior ulnar region is separated from the posterior elbow. Line elbow
(lateral skinfold) divides the region into two parts - upper and lower.
Communication fiber rear of the shoulder with the neighboring areas
Projections. A. brachialis is projected at the medial margin m. biceps brachii, and P.
1. In the course of radial nerve proximally linked to the cellulose fiber anterior medianus of 0,5-1,0 cm medial to the artery. (It is worth recalling that the terms "medial"
fascial floor of the shoulder. and "lateral" indicate the position of anatomical education for the middle axis of the whole
2. Distal - with fiber cubital fossa. body, not legs. Thus, artery lies closer to the tendon, and the median nerve - closer to the
medial nadmyschelku.) At the level of the medial nadmyschelka near the inner edge of
3. In the course of the long head triceps brachii is related to fiber axillary fossa.
m. biceps brachii to take the pulse on a. brachialis. This place is also for the auscultation
of tones in the measurement of blood pressure.

Place division of the brachial artery to radiation, a. radialis, and second, a ulnaris, the
artery is projected at 1-2 cm below the elbow.

N. radialis projected in the upper half of the area along the medial margin of the
m. brachioradialis.

11 Глава 3
Layers 15 - v. mediana cubiti; 16 - n. cutaneus antebrachii medialis, ramus ant. et ramus ulnaris;
17 - v. cephalica; 18 - m. biceps brachii.
The skin is thin, through it often reveals the subcutaneous veins, which become strained
when you apply tourniquet on his shoulder. Keep in mind the mobility of the skin when
At the level of the elbow from under their own fascia in the subcutaneous branches come
performing intravenous injections (good record with fingers). forth cutaneus antebrachii lateralis (continued p. musculocutaneus), which are in the distal
direction close to v. cephalica.
Subcutaneous adipose tissue is developed individually, from a very thin layer to a
thickness of several centimeters. It is loose, layered. This explains the fact that the
Own fascia over the medial group of muscles is of the form aponeurosis, as the fascia is
hematoma, particularly after intravenous injection, spread wide, sometimes taking the form strengthened radiating surface of the tendon of the biceps muscle fibers aponeurosis
of extensive bruising in the antecubital fossa.
(aponeurosis bicipitalis, or bicipital aponeurosis Pirogov [Pirogoff]). At the edge of the
In the deep layer of subcutaneous fat are the superficial veins and nerves (Fig. 3.19). medial elbow fascia fused with the ulna.

From own fascia by the retreating deep into the sulci medial and lateral intermuscular
On the medial side is v. basilica, next to which are branches of subsection cutaneus
septum. Medial attached to the humerus and the medial nadmyschelku, lateral - to the
antebrachii medialis. At the level of the medial nadmyschelka inwards from v. basilica are
elbow joint capsule and fascia of the m. supinator. At the lower boundary of these
superficial ulnar lymph nodes, nodi lymphoidei cubitales superficiales. On the lateral side partitions are joined, forming the front wall beam intermuscular forearm.
is v. cephalica. These veins connect going sideways medial ulnar Vienna, v. mediana
cubiti. Anastomosis with a form letter and or N. Sometimes, instead of v. mediana cubiti Own fascia and walls form three fascial bed: medial, middle and lateral.
here are v. mediana cephalica and v. mediana basilica, originating from v. mediana
In the medial bed located muscles, starting from the medial nadmyschelka: in the first layer
antebrachii. Anastomosis in this case has the shape of the letter M. In any case, the is the most medial (closer to the edge of the elbow) is an elbow flexor wrists, so flexor
superficial veins are connected branch, perforating its own fascia, with deep veins. carpi ulnaris, laterally from it - a long palmar muscle, m.palmaris longus, flexor wrists and
then radiotherapy, m. flexor carpi radialis, and the most laterally, closer to the center field -
Intravenous injection produced in v. mediana cubiti or v. mediana cephalica and a round pronator, m. pronator teres, attach to the radial bone. Deeper is a superficial flexor
v. mediana basilica no two reasons. The first - with deep vein anastomosis, resulting in of fingers, m. flexor digitorum superficialis. It should be noted that in the elbow to
these veins are fixed to its own fascia and become inactive. Second, in addition to these separate these muscles can be difficult, to trace their progress can already distally, in front
superficial veins is no subcutaneous nerves, in contrast to v. cephalica and v. basilica. of the forearm.

 Figure 3.19. Topography of the surface (subcutaneous) formations front elbow. On average, the bed surface is m. biceps brachii, attach to the radius, and deeper -
m. brachialis, attach to the ulna. Shoulder muscle covers the deepest layer of the area - the
I - n. cutaneus brachii medialis; 2 - septum intermusculare brachii mediale; 3 - branch elbow with its capsule.
subsection cutaneus antebrachii medialis; 4 - v. basilica;- 5-Nodi cubitales (surface
In the lateral bed is brachioradialis muscle, so brachioradialis, supinator and under it,
groups);- 6-Epicondylus medialis; 7 - m. pronator teres; 8 - aponeurosis m. bicipitis
m. supinator.
brachii; 9 - v. mediana antebrachii; 10 - v. basilica; II - m. extensor carpi radialis longus;
12 -v. cephalica; 13 - m. brachioradialis; 14 -- n. cutaneus antebrachii lateralis;

12 Глава 3
tomoziruya together, form the front and rear elbow arterial network, rete articulare cubiti,
providing blood supply to the elbow joint. These anastomoses are the collateral pathways
of blood supply of limbs at different levels of damage and ligation of the brachial artery.

A. interossea communis on the border with the anterior area of the forearm is divided into
anterior and posterior intercostals arteries.

In place of bifurcation of a brachialis are nodi lymphoidei cubitales, taking deep lymphatics
Topography of neurovascular structures of the distal limb tion department.

A. brachialis with accompanying veins located near the inner edge of the tendon of the N. cutaneus antebrachii lateralis out of the gap between the m. biceps brachii and brachialis
biceps muscle in the splitting of the medial wall at the m. brachialis, and n. medianus lies in so lateral margin of the final section of the biceps muscle and will soon pierced own
0,5-1,0 cm medial (Fig. 3.20). fascia, leaving in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, which is located next to v. cephalica.

 Fig. 3.20. Topography of the deep (podfastsialnzh) formations of the front elbow. 1 - N. radialis and a. collateralis radialis in the splitting of the lateral intramuscular
m. biceps brachii; 2 - n. ulnaris et a collateralis ulnaris superior; 3 - n. medianus; 4 - a partitioning in the upper half of the area run deep between m. brachioradialis, and so
brachialis; 5 - m. brachialis; 6 - nodus cubi-talis (deep), 7 - aponeurosis m. bicipitis brachialis, and at the level of the lateral nadmyschelka directly on the capsule of the
brachii; 8 - m. pronator teres; 9 - a ulnaris; 10 - a radians; 11 - n. radialis (ramus super- joint. Here radial nerve divides into two branches: the superficial and deep. R. superficialis
ficialis et ramus profundus); 12 - connecting branch v. mediana cubiti with deep veins. n. radialis continues to move the nerve and becomes intermuscular slit formed
m. brachioradialis, and so pronator teres. R.profundus n. radialis is directed laterally and
Under the aponeurosis m. bicipitis brachii 1-2 cm below the line connecting over the goes to the canalis supinatorius between the superficial and deep parts of the
condyle humerus, brachial artery divided into a. radialis and a. m. supinator, skirting along with the muscle of the neck radius. From the deep branch of
the channel goes back between the muscles of the forearm, which innervate.
ulnaris. A. radialis. crossing the tendon of the biceps muscles of the shoulder in front, is
directed laterally into the crack between v. pronator teres and so
When fractures of the neck radius may suffer and deep branch of radial nerve.  This
brachioradialis. A. ulnaris goes under the m. pronator teres, and then placed between the
function drops the extensor muscles, but still skin sensitivity in the areas innervated by the
superficial and deep flexor of fingers. N. medianus first at a short distance adjoins to the superficial branch. More proximal radial nerve damage - to the point of division on the
ulnar artery, and then moves to the forearm, passing between the two heads of m. pronator branches - like leading to paralysis of muscles, and the spillage of skin sensitivity.  

Within the cubital fossa of the radial artery departs returnable radial artery, a recurrens
radialis, but from the ulnar artery - general intercostals artery, a. interossea communis, and
then returnable ulnar artery, a. recurrens ulnaris. The latter is divided into two branches:
the front and rear; g. anterior to the fissure between the medial and secondary muscle
groups anastomose with a. collateralis ulnaris inferior, and posterior in the back, the medial
ulnar groove - with a.collateralis ulnaris superior. Returnable and collateral arteries, Anas-
13 Глава 3
Own fascia is a dense, fibrous reinforced beams from the fibers of the tendon m. triceps
brachii. Fascia is firmly adherent with nadmyschelkami shoulder and the back edge of the

Under the fascia in the upper half of medially located medial head triceps brachii, which
merges into a strong tendon.

BACK elbow, REGIO CUBITI POSTERIOR On the lateral side it forms the tendon of the lateral head muscles. The tendon is attached to
the olecranon, olecranon. Under a tendon, in place of its attachment to the olecranon, is
External benchmarks. The medial and lateral nadmyschelki humerus, ulna tine ulna and bursa subtendinea m. tricipitis brachii.
located on either side of his rear medial and lateral elbow sulcus, sulcus cubitalis posterior
medialis et lateralis. From the lateral nadmyschelka start-extensor muscles of the hand and fingers.

Boundaries. Cyclotomic line drawn at 4 cm above and below mezhnadmyschelkovoy lines
N. ulnaris, accompanied by a. collateralis ulnaris superior out of the thick medial head
on the sides - the vertical line drawn through nadmyschelki.
triceps. At the level of the condyles, he is placed under the fascia in the sulcus cubitalis
posterior medialis, in the osteo-fibrous canal formed by the medial nadmyschelkom,
Projections. N. ulnaris projected to sulcus cubitalis posterior medialis. In the middle of the
sulcus cubitalis posterior lateralis palpable, especially in supination and pronation of the olecranon and its own fascia. Here it is closely adjacent to the elbow joint capsule. At the
forearm, the head of the radius, and slightly higher - articular gap brachioradialis joint. lower boundary of the region goes under subsection ulnaris m. flexor carpi ulnaris, and so
flexor digitorum superficialis, heading for the front bed of the forearm.
Being close to the surface and bone formation, ulnar nerve is often injured, that may
The skin is thick, mobile. manifest itself well to all the well-known short-term burning pain, and in more severe
cases - falling out of its functions. 
In subcutaneous adipose tissue over the tip of the olecranon, is synovial bag, bursa
subcutanea olecrani (Figure 3.21).

Bag may be inflamed (bursitis) prolonged pressure on it (at the engravers, watchmakers,
etc.) and with the injury.

 Figure 3.21. Topography posterior elbow. I - fascia bracliii; 2 - n. cutaneus

antebracliii posterior, 3 - m. anconeus; 4 - margo posterior ulnae; 5 - flexor forearm, b -
bursa subcutanea olecrani; 7 - ring tendon m. flexor carpi ulnaris; 8 - n.ulnaris; 9 - a
collateralis ulnaris superior, 10 - m. triceps bracliii.

Visible rear arterial network of elbow

14 Глава 3
1 - humerus' 2 - fossa olec-attachment of a fibrous capsule and 
rani; 3 - capsula articularis; 4 - wrapped in the bone. Promezhut - 
olecranon; 5 - ulna; 6 - ha-tion between the fibrous and sinovial - 
dius; 7 - processus coronoideus Noah shell in these places are busy 
ulnae; 8 - recessus sacciformis; loose fat. 9 - trochlea humeri; 10 - fossa through the radius
Elbow, ARTICULATIO CUBITI and ulnar side of the recoronoidea dny and posterior joint cavity connected only by narrow
slits, which are at an inflammation of the synovial membrane can close the joint and
Main external benchmarks are tine ulnar, olecranon, and nadmyschelki humerus. Note completely isolate the anterior joint cavity from the rear.
that the lateral epicondyle is located at 1 cm below the medial.
In place of attachment of fibrous capsule to the neck radius synovium forms a katabatic
The projection of the articular gap corresponds to a transverse line drawn at 1 cm below inversion, called saccular volvulus, recessus sacciformis. Fibrous capsule is thinned, so this
the lateral and 2 cm below the medial nadmyschelka. section is called "weak spot" capsule of elbow joint inflammation when it accumulates a
purulent exudate, and in his break purulent process may extend into the deep fiber forearm.
Articulatio cubiti formed humerus, ulna and radius bones that make up the complex joint,
having a common capsule. Block of the lower epiphysis humerus articulated with the Outside the capsule is strengthened ulnar and radial collateral ligaments, ligg. collateralia
semilunar notch ulna, forming ginglymoid humeroulnar joint, articulatio humeroulnaris
ulnare et radiale, as well as a bunch of ring radius, lig. anulare radii.
(Figure 3.22).

The front of the bag is almost completely covers the joint m. brachialis, with the exception
 Head condyle humerus, capitulum humeri, articulated with a dimple on the head of
of the lateral area. Here the lateral margin m. brachialis directly on the capsule is
the radius, forming a spherical joint brachioradialis, articulatio humeroradialis. Incisura
radialis articulated with the lateral surface of the head radius, forming a cylindrical n. radialis. The outer capsule is covered by Section m.supinator (Fig. 3.23, 3.24).
proximal radioulnar joint, articulatio radioulnaris proximalis. Form of the joints allows
movement along two axes: flexion and extension, and rotation (pronate-supination).  Behind in the upper joint is covered tendon m. triceps brachii, and in the inferolateral
- m. anconeus. On the medial side the capsule is not protected by muscle and covered only
Fibrous capsule fibers elbow attached to the periosteum of the radius arm front and crown
holes, in the back - over the cubital fossa, and lateral parts - the base of both property      Noah fascia. Here in the posterior medial sulcus of the bag joint
nadmyschelkov. Nadmyschelka Both humerus remain outside the joint cavity. adjoins n. ulnaris.

At the radius and ulna capsule is attached on the edges of articular cartilage, as well as the Front caudineural capsules on each side of the olecranon, where the capsule is not
neck radius.Synovium front enhanced by any muscle, is the second "weak point".

Fig. 3.22. Sagittal cross-section of Th-U coronary fossa humerus, and  Directly under the distal end of the tendon m. triceps brachii is a spacious plot glenoid
Res elbow (on the back-sleepers, the olecranon fossa,  cavity, corresponding fossa olecrani humeri. This department is the joint cavity over the tip
teholygu, as amended). fossa olecram, does not reach the place of the olecranon is the most convenient place for the puncture.

15 Глава 3
Synovial bags back of the elbow with the joint cavity are not reported. Blood supply to the a. recurrens ulnaris; 10 - ramus anterior a. recurrens ulnaris;II - ramus posterior
joint via rete articulare cubiti, formed by the branches of a. brachialis, a. radialis and a. recurrens ulnaris; 12 -- a. collateralis ulnaris inferior; 13 - a. collateralis 
a. ulnaris. Venous outflow is the same name on the veins. ulnaris superior; 14 - a. profunda brachii. 

Innervation of the branches carried nn. radialis, medianus and n. ulnaris.

The outflow of lymph occurs in deep lymphatic vessels in the elbow, and axillary lymph


In the elbow, as well as in the shoulder, there is a collateral arterial network, compensating
the loss function of the main vessel (a. brachialis) as a result of stenosis, occlusion or
injury, followed by ligation. It can be seen (Figure 3.25), the largest number of collaterals, External benchmarks. M. brachioradialis, radial groove, sulcus radialis, ulnar groove,
begins operations in violation of blood flow in the area between a discharge from the sulcus ulnaris, tendon m. flexor carpi radialis and m. palmaris longus, subulate appendages
brachial artery a. collateralis ulnaris inferior and a place of division and radial artery at the radiotherapy and ulna, pisiform bone.
Boundaries. Upper - horizontal line at 4 cm distal to the level of the elbow, lower - the
Immediately anastomosing with each other branches are presented below.  transverse line drawn at 2 cm proximal to the top subulate sprouts radius. Vertical lines
connecting lifted up, pussy-shoulder with awl-shaped appendages share the forearm to the
Top a. collateralis a. collateralis a. collateralis a. collateralis front and rear area.
media ulnaris superior ulnaris inferior
radialis Projections. N. medianus projected on a line running from the middle distance between
Belo a. recurrens a. interossea ramus posterior ramus anterior the tendon and the medial nadmyschelkom m. biceps braehii the middle distance between
the awl-shaped appendages. In the lower third of the guideline for § medianus a groove
radialis recurrens a. recurrens a. recurrens
formed by tendons m. flexor carpi radialis, and so palmaris longus.
ulnaris ulnaris

N. ulnaris is projected along the line connecting the base of the medial nadmyschelka
The most unfavorable end of the main blood flow in the area above the deep artery of the shoulder with the lateral edge pisiform bone.
Ramus superficialis n. radialis projected on a line running from the middle of the distance
between the medial and lateral lifted up, snapping to the boundary between the middle and
distal radius edge of the forearm.
 Fig. 3.25. Arterial collaterals elbow.
The projection line a. radialis is the direction from the middle of the elbow to the medial
I - a. brachialis; 2 - a. collareralis radialis; 3 - a. collateralis media; 4 - a. recurrens radialis; margin subulate sprouts radius and corresponds to the radial groove.
5 - a. interossea recurrens; 6 - a. interossea communis; 7 - a. radialis; 8 - a. ulnaris; 9 -
16 Глава 3
A. ulnaris in the upper third of the forearm is projected along the line connecting the intercostals membrane; laterally - the front beam intramuscular septum and medial - own
middle of the elbow, to connect to a line drawn from the medial nadmyschelka shoulder to fascia, fused with the rear edge of the ulna.
the lateral edge of the pisiform bone on the border of the upper and middle third of the
forearm, and then goes on this line.
In the front bed under its own muscle and fascia are the neurovascular education. Muscles
are arranged in 4 layers.

In the first layer (Fig. 3.27) are 4 muscles: the most medial - m. flexor carpi ulnaris, and
The skin is thin, often through her shine in the lateral edge of v. cephalica and at the
then - m. palmaris longus, m. flexor car - 
medial - v. basilica. The best they can be seen upon application of tourniquet on his
shoulder (Figure 3.26).
 Subcutaneous adipose tissue developed individually. It is loose, layered. Superficial
fascia is poorly developed. For injuries skin flap with subcutaneous fiber easily and at Fig. 3.27. Superficial layers of anterior forearm. Fascia of the forearm partially removed
length may delaminate from its own fascia, as if scalped wounds on the vault of the skull. and turn visible superficial muscles, blood vessels and nerves.

In the subcutaneous tissue at the inner edge of m. brachioradialis is v. cephalica 1 - skin with subcutaneous adipose tissue, 2 - m. pronator teres; 3 - Vol flexor carpi
accompanied by branches of the n. cutaneus antebrachii lateralis, and at the medial edge of radialis; 4 - Vol palmaris longus; 5 - Vol flexor carpi ulnaris; 6 - n. ulnaris; 7 - a. et
the area - v. basilica with branches subsection cutaneus antebrachii medialis. w. ulnares; 8 - m. flexor digito-rum superficialis; 9 - n. medianus; 10 - w. radialis; 11 -
ramus superficialis n. radialis; 12 - m. brachioradialis; 13 - fascia antebrachii.
Own fascia, fascia antebrachii, in the proximal thick and shiny and thinner distally. With
ulnar hand it all over fused with the ulna. From his own depart two intermuscular fascia pi radialis and the most laterally, closer to the middle of the forearm, m. pronator
walls that attach to the radius: front radial wall musculature passes along the medial edge teres. They all start from the medial nadmyschelka humerus and initially appear as a single
so brachioradialis, and back - along the lateral. Bones of the forearm, fascia and muscle head, only more distally, on the border between the upper and middle third, they are
intermuscular own partitions separate the forearm into three fascial box: front, outside and
back, hundred-partimenti antebrachii anterius, pos-terius et lateralis. seen as self-education. M. flexor carpi radialis covers outgoing depth to the radius distal
m. pronator teres, and then at an angle close to the m. brachioradialis and then runs parallel
Lateral fascial bed limited to the front and laterally to it. M. palmaris longus is often absent.

- Own fascia medially - front beam intramuscular septum and the radius, the rear - the rear
beam intramuscular septum. In the second layer is m. flexor digitorum superficialis. It also starts from the medial
nadmyschelka. It is a wider muscle, so in the middle and lower third of the forearm, it is
visible in the lumen "between the muscles and tendons of the first layer. Behind, from the
In the lateral bed is m. brachioradialis, which is in the middle of the forearm moves in a
deep surface of the muscle to it adjoins a deep piece of fascia, which separates the first two
long tendon, and in the lower third is attached to the radial bone. In the upper third of the
layers from the third (Figure 3.28).
muscle under the belly m. brachioradialis is m. supinator, covered with deep fascia. In the
thicker muscle passes deep branch of radial nerve.
Fig. 3.28. Deep layers of anterior forearm. Superficial muscles partially removed. There
Front fascial bed is limited: its own front fascia, rear - the bones of the forearm and are deep muscles, blood vessels and nerves. 1 - m. pronator teres; 2 - Vol flexor carpi

17 Глава 3
radialis; 3 - Vol palmaris longus; 4 - Vol flexor digitorum superficialis; 5 - n. ulnaris; 6 - n. radialis; 15 - ramus profundus n. radialis; 16 a. brachialis.
m. flexor carpi ulnaris; 7 - a. et w. interosseae anterior; 8 - a. et w. ul-nares; 9 - m. flexor
digitorum profundus; 10 - n. median us; 11 - m. pronator quadratus; 12 - m. flexor pollicis - Top - a place of attachment to the intercostals membrane m. flexor
longus; 13 - n. interosseus anterior; 14 - ramus superficialis n. radiales; 15 -
m. brachioradialis; 16 - a. etw. radialis; 17 - fascia antebrachii; 18 - skin with poUicis longus, and so on flexor digitorum profundus.
subcutaneous fatty tissue.
Lower wall space in Paron - Pirogov no: it turns your wrist into the canal, canalis carpi,
where the tendons are superficial and deep flexors of the fingers, as well as the long flexor
of the thumb of the brush. This circumstance makes the space of great practical importance,
since it applies here suppurative processes of the lateral and middle floor brush. The
In the third layer is laterally m. flexor pollicis longus, and medial - ie flexor digitorum amount of space Paron - Pirogov is big enough: it can accommodate from 100 to 300 ml of
profundus. Both muscles begin from the bones of the forearm and intercostals membrane at fluid (exudate).
the boundary between the upper and middle third.
Topography of neurovascular structures
In the fourth layer in the bottom third of the forearm is so pronator quadratus (Fig. 3.29).
Under its own front fascia of the forearm floor there are 4 neurovascular bundle.
Between the muscles of the third and fourth layer is a deep part of the anterior fascial floor
of the forearm, or kletchatochnoe space Paron [Ragopa] - Pirogov. Its walls are:
The radiation beam, a. radialis with accompanying veins and the city superficialis n.
radialis, is the most superficially and laterally. In the upper third of the vessels and nerves
 front back (deep) surface of the m. flexor pollicis longus, and so on flexor
digitorum profundus; are located between m. brachioradialis laterally and the m.pronator teres medially, and in

 Rear - membrana interossea and so pronator quadratus from its fascia; the middle and lower thirds - respectively, between m. brachioradialis, and so flexor carpi
radialis. From a. radialis in the lower third of the forearm deviates ramus carpalis palmaris,
 lateral - anterior radial musculature partition separating the space of
which goes towards this branch of the well. ulnaris. On the border with the anterior area of
m. brachioradialis;
the wrist the radial artery passes outwards under the tendons of mm. abductor pollicis
 medially - own fascia of the forearm, fused with the ulna;
longus et extensor pollicis brevis and falls into the so-called anatomical snuffbox of the
 fig. 3.29. The deep fascial floor of the anterior forearm. Superficial muscles
removed. Round pronator dissected and turn away. We see the division of the brachial R. superficialis n. radialis lies laterally from the artery and accompanies her to the border
artery, derogation obshey intercostals artery, median nerve along its entire length, deep between the middle and lower third of the forearm. At this level the nerve deviates
muscle, blood vessels and nerves. outward, passes under the tendon m. brachioradialis, pierced his own fascia and enters the
subcutaneous layer of the wrist and the rear of the brush.
1 - m. pronator teres; 2 - a. interossea communis; 3 - n. ulnaris; 4 - n. interosseus anterior;
5 - Vol flexor carpi ulnaris; 6 - a. et w. ulnares; 7 - a. et w. interosseae anterior; 8 - Elbow neurovascular bundle is formed at the boundary of the upper and middle third of the
area. In the upper third of the ulnar nerve and ulnar artery run separately. A. ulnaris passes
m. flexor digitorum profundus; 9 - n. medianus; 10 - m. pronator quadratus; 11 - m. flexor
from the middle of the cubital fossa obliquely to the medial side of the front surface of the
pollicis longus; 12 - a. et w. radiates; 13 - m. brachioradialis; 14 - ramus superficialis
forearm, having a m. pronator teres, and so flexor digitorum superficialis. At the boundary
18 Глава 3
between the upper and middle third of the forearm, it is with the ulnar nerve lies between back to bed, where it participates in the rear of the arterial network of the wrist, rete carpale
the flexor carpi ulnaris so medially, and so flexor digitorum superficialis dateralno. Next dorsale.
ulnar neurovascular bundle is in the depth between the muscles anterior to the deep flexor
of fingers, and the border with the wrist - anterior to the m. pronator quadratus. Contact kletchatochnogo space with neighboring regions

At the upper border of the forearm from a. ulnaris starts overall intercostals Kletchatochnoe space Paron - Pirogov, which may accumulate a considerable amount of
artery, a. interossea communis, which soon divided into aa. interosseae anterior et pus, relatively closed. There is one natural opening through which pus can spread to the
posterior. Last through the hole in the intercostals membrane goes into the rear bed of the back of the forearm fascial bed. The hole in the intercostals membrane through which the
forearm. space Paron - Pirogov to the rear area of the forearm passes anterior intercostals artery.
Spread of pus along the course of the same artery, but in the proximal direction, it is very
rare, as the artery of its adventitia fused with the muscles, starting from intercostals
On the border of the middle and lower third of the forearm from a. departs ulnaris ramus membrane.
carpalis dorsalis, which passed under the tendon m. flexor carpi ulnaris medially, pierced
his own fascia and enters the subcutaneous tissues towards the rear of the wrist of the same Distally, as already mentioned, the space is directly connected with the canal of the wrist
name the branches of the radial artery. Together they form a rete carpale dorsale. and palmar surface of the brush.

N. ulnaris in the upper third lies between the heads so flexor carpi ulnaris, and only on the Collateral blood flow
edge of the middle third united with the arteries in the beam and the rest of the medially
located for her. On the front surface of the forearm are three fairly large artery: radial, ulnar and anterior
intercostals. They go hand in hand, have a lot of muscular branches, anastomosis between
the pol-a, which may well compensate for the difficulty, or even a complete cessation of
N. medianus accompanied by a small artery of the same name, departing from a. interossea blood flow in one of them.
anterior, located in the upper third of the forearm between the heads of m. pronator teres,
and on exit from this interval passes in front of the ulnar artery, emerging from under the Such a situation arises in contemporary clinical practice, when for coronary artery bypass
round pronator. In the middle third of the nerve lies between the superficial and deep flexor surgery as a material for the shunt using a radial artery. 
of fingers, firmly fixing to the rear of the fascial its case m. flexor digitorum superficialis.
Often it is difficult to find, because the nerve will blend together with the delays the
superficial flexor of fingers. In the lower third of the forearm median nerve is out of the
muscle and lies directly under their own fascia in the median sulcus, sulcus medianus,
formed m. flexor carpi radialis and m. palmaris longus. Because of the surface location of
this portion of the nerve is particularly vulnerable to injury. Distal median nerve goes
along with the flexor tendons in the canalis carpi.

Fourth beam - the deepest, it is front intercostals neurovascular bundle, a. et v. interossea

anterior, with the same nerve (from section medianus) on the front surface of the
intercostals membrane.

Artery, reaching m. pronator quadratus, through a hole in the membrana interossea goes
19 Глава 3

Posterior regions of the Forearm, REGIO ANTEBRACHII


External benchmarks. Lateral and medial nadmyschelki shoulder edge ulna, subulate

appendages radiotherapy and ulna.

Boundaries. The upper limit is on the line, a distance of 4 cm from the line connecting

nadmyschelki shoulder. Lower limit - on a transverse line drawn 2 cm above the tops of the
appendix subulate radius. The rear area is separated from the front of the vertical lines
from shoulder to nadmyschelkov subulate appendages bones of the forearm.

Projections. Ramus profundus n. radialis projected on a line running from a point at the

lateral margin of tendon of m. biceps brachii in the front elbow to a point on the border of
the upper and middle thirds of the median line of the rear surface of the forearm. Next but
this line is projected onto the entire neurovascular bundle: Rear intercostals artery and deep
branch of radial nerve.


The skin is thicker than on the front surface of the forearm, has hair, enough fluid.

Subcutaneous adipose tissue are relatively weak, as the superficial fascia. In the

subcutaneous tissue is a network of veins, which is bringing blood to the front surface, in
the main subcutaneous veins - v. cephalica and v. basilica.

N. cutaneus antebrachii posterior originates on n. radialis in canalis humeromuscularis, and

in subcutaneous out at the beginning of m. brachioradialis. The rest of the innervation of
the dorsum of the forearm are involved sprigs of n. cutaneus antebrachii medialis et

Own fascia in the upper half looks aponeurosis. With ulnar sides proper fascia tightly
adherent to the posterior edge of the ulna. Since radiation side of the fascia to its own
radius departs beam rear wall musculature, which separates the muscle from the back
surface of the forearm m. brachioradialis. The result is a rear bed fascial
forearm, compartimentum antebrachii posterius, having the following wall.
20 Глава 3
Front - the bones of the forearm and intercostals membrane. Rear - own fascia. and intercostals membrane. The most medial (closer to the ulna) are:

Lateral - rear radial wall musculature.

6) the index finger extensor, m. extensor indicis, начина - 
yuschiysya from the lower third of the ulna;
Medial - symphysis own fascia with the rear edge of the ulna.

Under its own fascia in two layers are the extensor muscles of the wrist and fingers. 7) the long extensor of the thumb brushes, m. extensor 
pollicis longus, which starts from the middle third of the ulna 
All the muscles of the surface layer starts from the lateral nadmyschelka and intercostals membrane, its the tendon out from under the time - 
shoulder. Since the medial side, the ulna, they are located in the following order (Figure gibatelya fingers, obliquely crosses the tendons of long and short 
extensors of the wrist, while more superficially. Attaches - 
Hsia to the base of the second (distal) phalanx of the thumb.
1) ulnar wrist extensor, m. extensor carpi ulnaris, attach to the base of the V metacarpal

 Fig. 3.30. Muscles of the back surface of the forearm (on Shpalteholtsu, as amended). Fig. 3.31. The muscles of the deep layer of the back of the forearm (on Shpalteholtsu, as
1 - t. brachioradialis; 2 - Vol extensor carpi radialis longus; 3 - epicondyius lateralis; 4 -
m. extensor carpi radialis brevis; 5 - m. extensor digitoram; 6 - m. abductor pollicis 1 - m. extensor carpi radialis longus; 2 - epicondylus lateralis; 3 - m. supinator; 4 -
longus; 7 - m. extensor pollicis brevis; 8 - processus styloideus radii; 9 - m. extensor m. extensor carpi radialis brevis; 5 - m. abductor pollicis longus; 6 - m. extensor pollicis
pollicis longus; 10 - m. extensor carpi radialis brevis; 11 - m. extensor carpi radialis brevis; 7 - m. extensor pollicis longus; 8 - m. extensor indi-cis; 9 - processus styloideus
longus; 12 - m. extensor pollicis brevis; 13 - retinaculum musculorum extensorum; 14 - radii; 10 - retinaculum musculorum extensorum; 11 - m. extensor carpi radialis longus; 12 -
processus styloideus ulnae; 15 - m. extensor digiti minimi; 16 - m. extensor carpi ulnaris; m. extensor carpi radialis brevis; 13 - tendo m. extensoris carpi ulnaris; 14 - channel so
extensor digiti minimi; 15 - processus styloideus ulnae; 16 - channel so extensor digitorum
17 - m. flexor carpi ulnaris; 18 - ulna; 19 - m. anconeus; 20 - olecranon; 21 - epicondyius
et m. extensor indicis; 17 - m. extensor carpi ulnaris; 18 - m. flexor carpi ulnaris; 19 - ulna;
20 - m. anconeus; 21 - olecranon; 22 - epicondylus medialis. 

2. little finger extensor, m. extensor digiti minimi, going to the little finger and the Even more laterally, from the radius, a number are two muscles:
accession to the finger extensor tendon;
3. finger extensor, m. extensor digitorum, the tendons that go to all the fingers
8) short extensor of the thumb brushes, m. extensor 
except the large;
4. short wrist extensor, m. extensor carpi radialis brevis, attach to the back surface of pollicis brevis, are attached to the base of the proximal fa - 
the base III metacarpal bone; Lango thumb;
5. long wrist extensor, m. extensor carpi radialis longus, is the most laterally and is
attached to the back surface of the base of metacarpal II bone. 9) long arm, tapping thumb, m. abductor 
pollicis longus. It is partially attached to the base I-Piast 
In the deep layer (Fig. 3.31), almost all the muscles begin from the bones of the forearm Noah bone, in part to the beginning of a short tendon diverter 
21 Глава 3
muscles of the thumb. Tendons 8 th and 9 th muscles and ne -  3. - M. supinator; 4 - m. extensor carpi radialis brevis; 5 - m. extensor carpi radialis
rekreschivayut tendon of long and short extensor of -  longus; 6 - fascia antebrachii; 7 - skin with subcutaneous fat, 8 - m. abductor
wrist, passing over the surface, but the proximal tendon  pollicis longus; 9 - m. extensor pollicis brevis; 10 - membrana interossea; 11 -
long extensor of the thumb; ramus superficialis n. radialis; 12 - radius; 13 - a. interossea anterior; 14 -
m. extensor pollicis longus (cut), 15 - n. interosseus posterior; 16 - m. extensor
10) m. supinator, located in verhnenaruzhnom department pre - 
digitorum; 17 - rami musculares; 18 - a. interossea posterior; 19 - m. extensor
shoulders, partly related to the muscles of the lateral fascial  carpi ulnaris; 20 - ulna.
bed, partially - to the back muscles.

The muscles of both layers are separated by fascia lining the deep (anterior) surface of the  Fig. 3.33. Transverse sections of the right forearm at the top, middle and lower thirds.
muscles of the first layer and the surface (rear) surface of the muscles of the second layer.
Between the fascia is kletchatochnoe space, which is the neurovascular bundle. 1 - m. palmaris longus; 2 - n. medianus; 3 - a. ulnaris et w. ulnares; 4 - Vol flexor carpi
ulnaris; 5 - n. ulnaris; 6 - m. flexor digitorum profundus; 7 ulna; 8 a. interossea communis;
Topography of neurovascular structures
9 - ramus dorsalis manus n. ulnaris; 10 - m. flexor digitorum superficialis; 11 - m. pronator
Neurovascular bundle posterior area of the forearm are the deep branch of radial nerve, the quadratus; 12 - m. extensor carpi ulnaris; 13 a. et v. interossea posterior; 14 - m. extensor
profundus n. radialis, and rear intercostals artery and nerve, a. interossea posterior with pollicis longus; 15 - membrana interossea; 16 - radius; 17 - m. flexor pollicis longus; 18 -
accompanying veins and n. interosseus posterior, the continuation of deep branch of radial m. abductor pollicis longus; 19 m. extensor carpi radialis brevis; 20 - ramus superficialis
nerve. R. profundus n. radialis comes back in a bed of canalis supinatorius, the envelope n. radialis; 21 - a. et w. radiales; 22 - m. flexor carpi radialis; 23 - m. supinator; 24
radius, while the rear intercostals vessels - from the upper hole intercostals membrane. m. extensor carpi radialis longus; 25 m. brachioradialis; 26 - m. pronator teres; 27 - space
A. interossea posterior medial nerve is located. In the bottom third in the same box comes Paron - Pirogov.
a. interossea anterior, passing through the intercostals membrane. This artery caliber often
not inferior to a. radialis and participates in collateral circulation in case of damage and
tying the major arteries of the forearm, including the posterior intercostals arteries (Fig.
3.32, 3.33). The deep branch of radial nerve innervates all muscles of the rear bed of the forearm, as
well as the muscles of the lateral bed, so in case of damage to this branch paralysis of the
  extensor, and wrist hangs. 

Figure 3.32. The deep vessels and nerves of the back of the right forearm.

1. - N. cutaneus antebrachii posterior;

2. - N. cutaneus antebrachii lateralis;
22 Глава 3
HEAD area of the wrist, REGIO CARPALIS ANTERIOR The next layer is very thick and strong bunch brush - retinaculum flexor tendons,
retinaculum muscu -
External benchmarks. Subulate appendages radiotherapy and ulna (subulate appendage
radius of 1 cm below the elbow).  Figure 3.34. Carpal tunnel (for Netter, as amended). 1 - radius; 2 - tendo m. palmaris
longus; 3 - a. radialis; 4 - ramus palmaris superficialis a. radialis; 5 - tendo m. flexor carpi
In the ulnar edge palpable pisiform bone, 1 cm lateral of the median sulcus of the forearm, radialis; 6 - n. medianus; 7 - tendo m. flexor pollicis longus; 8 - aponeurosis palmaris; 9 -
continuing in the region wrist palpated hook hamate bone. On the front surface is often tuberculum ossis scaphoidei; 10 - tuberculum ossis trapezii; 11 - retinaculum musculorum
clearly visible tendons of m. palmaris longus (benchmark for ae medianus on the border of flexorum; 12 - hamulus ossis hamati; 13 - ramus palmaris profundus a ulnaris; 14 - ramus
the forearm), and so flexor carpi radialis. At the edge beam at the wrist lead I finger visible profundus n. ulnaris; 15 - os pisiforme; 16 - tendines m. flexor digitorum superficialis; 17 -
fossa, called the anatomical snuffbox. The skin defines three transverse folds of the wrist. tendines m. flexor digitorum profundus; 18 - tendo m. flexor carpi ulnaris; 19 - n. ulnaris;
20 - a ulnaris; 21 - membrana interossea; 22 - ulna. 
Boundaries. The front area of the wrist is separated from the forearm of the transverse line
drawn 2 cm above the subulate sprouts radius. Radial and cubital margins it is separated lorum flexorum. This ligament consists of strong transverse fibers, radius sides are attached
to the navicular bone, os scaphoideum, and the bone-trapezoid, os trapezium, but with your
from the back of the wrist. From the palm is separated transverse line at a distance of 2 cm
below the appendix subulate radius. elbow - to the pisiform bone, os pisiforme, and kryuchkovidoy bone, os hama - tum. Bunch
has a superficial and deep sheets.
Projections. In the lateral margin of pisiform bone projected ulnar neurovascular bundle. It
Retinaculum musculorum flexorum with the bones of the wrist makes the wrist canal,
may perform nerve block ulnar nerve. In the lateral (radial) edge of the wrist at 0,5-1 cm canalis carpi, through which the flexor tendon and forth medianus pass from the forearm to
lateral tendon t. flexor carpi radialis projected radial artery. Since in this region, it lies the palm and fingers. The front wall of the carpal canal is the surface, the most powerful
directly on the radius, it is palpable pulse. part of the retinaculum musculorum flexorum, and back - a deep piece of bone and
wrist. Medial part of the canal space occupied by the tendon superficial and deep flexor of
Average transverse wrist crease is the projection line of wrist. fingers II-V. Laterally from them is tendon m. flexor pollicis longus, and more surfactants
and between them in tissue is n. medianus (see Fig. 3.34). 
Own fascia in the front area of the wrist before it thickened distal forearm fascia. Splitting
own fascia in the lateral margin of pisiform bone forms the canalis ulnaris, or channel External benchmarks. Subulate processes of radiation and ulnar bones, tendons,
Guyon [Guyon], which houses the ulnar neurovascular bundle: artery - superficially and muscles I long finger.
laterally, the nerve - deeper and medial. Under the fascia with the ulnar side is a tendon
m. flexor carpi ulnaris, attach to the pisiform bone (sesamoid bone) and then to the V
Boundaries. Cross the line, a distance of 2 cm above and below the line passing through
metacarpal bone. With radiation to the base of metacarpal II is tendon m. flexor carpi the tip of the appendix subulate radius.
radialis, surrounded by a synovial sheath. The upper end of the vagina is 1-2 cm above the
upper edge of the retinaculum musculorum flexorum. On the midline of the tendon is Projections. In the top subulate sprouts ulna projected g. dorsalis n. ulnaris. Apex subulate
m. palmaris longus, passing on the palmar surface of the wrist in palmar aponeurosis sprouts radius corresponds to the situation, the superficialis n. radialis. Projection wrist is
(Figure 3.34). on an arc, whose peak is located at 1 cm above the line connecting the tops subulate
23 Глава 3
Layers 5. Osteo-fibrous canal radial wrist extensors, mm. Extensores carpi longus et brevis,
is lateral and deeper than the previous one. Their common synovial sheath, vagina
The skin is thin, agile. tendinum mm. Extensorum carpi radialium, begins at 20-30 mm above the
retinaculum extensorum, but below the extensor retinaculum are located in
Subcutaneous adipose tissue is loose, moderately developed. It is easily accumulated separate sheaths, continuing to the place of attachment of tendons. Synovial
edematous fluid. sheath of tendons of these muscles can communicate with thecavity wrist.

Own fascia dorsum of the wrist thickened and forms the extensor uderzhivatel, 6. Canal m. abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis so located on the lateral
retinaculum musculorum extensorum. surface of the appendix subulate radius. Their common synovial sheath, vagina tendinum
mm. Ab-ductoris longi et extensoris pollicis brevis, begins at 20-30 mm above the
Beneath that are 6 bone-fibrous canals, resulting from a discharge from the retinaculum retinaculum mm . extensorum and continues to the navicular bone.
mm. Extensorum fascial partitions are attached to bones and ligaments wrist. The channels
are tendons muscles - extensors of the wrist and fingers, surrounded by synovial sheaths Under the extensor tendons located rete carpale (carpi) dorsale. It is formed from a
(Figure 3.35). combination of dorsal wrist branches of radial and ulnar arteries and branches of the
intercostals arteries. From a network go to the nearest branch of the joints, as well as in the
Since the medial (ulnar) side, this is the following channels. second, third and fourth intercostals spaces - aa. Metacarpals (metacarpeae) dorsales.

1. Canal elbow wrist extensor, m. extensor carpi ulnaris. His synovial sheath extends from BEAM of your wrist
the head of ulna to attach the tendon to the base of V metacarpal bone.
If a strong lead I finger on the radial side of the wrist between the tendons of mm.
Abductor pollicis longus et extensor pollicis brevis with radiation side and m. extensor
 Fig. 3.35. Synovial sheath of muscles, the extensor tendons of the wrist and fingers pollicis longus with ulnar form a triangular hollow "anatomical snuff box (Figure 3.36).
(for Spalt-Holtz, as amended). 1,5 - vag. Tendinum mm. Extensoris digitorum et extensoris
indicis; 2 - retinaculum mm. Extensorum; 3 - vag. tendinis m.extensoris carpi ulnaris; 4 -
In the subcutaneous tissue there are v. cephalica and ramus superficialis n. radialis. under
vag. tendinis m. extensoris digiti minimi; 6 - vag. tendinis m. extensoris pollicis longi; 7 -
their own fascia is a. radialis, closely adjacent to the navicular bone. Here you can palpate
vag. tendinum mm. extensorum carpi ra-dialium; 8 - vag. tendinum mm. abductoris longi her pulse and press it with the bleeding.
et extensoris pollicis brevis; 9 - vag. tendinis m. extensoris pollicis longi.
2. Chat little finger extensor, m. extensor digiti minimi. Synovial sheath proximal
extensor little finger is at the level of the distal radio-ulnar joint and distal - below External benchmarks. On hand, there are two elevations - thenar with radiation side and
the middle of V metacarpal bone. hypothenar - with an elbow. They are formed by the muscles I and V fingers. Between
3. Channel tendon m. extensor digitorum, and so extensor indicis, prisoners in the them is a triangular palmar depression facing apex proximal.Palmar basin is separated from
triangular synovial sheath with the base, facing toward the toes, vagina tendinum the longitudinal thenar skinfold. There are also two lateral skin folds - proximal and distal.
mm. Extensoris digitorum et extensoris indicis. It ends blindly in the middle of the Approximately 1 cm proximal interdigital folds are visible 3 interdigital pads (Figure 3.37).
metacarpal bones and proximal extends 10 mm above the retinaculum mm.
extensorum. Boundaries. Proximal - cross the line at 2 cm below the top subulate sprouts radius, distal -
4. Channel m. extensor pollicis longus. The tendon of this muscle in the ownership interdigital folds. 
of the synovial sheath, vagina tendinis m. extensoris pollicis longi, turns at an
acute angle in the lateral direction and crosses the front of the radial extensor
tendons of the hand, mm. extensores carpi radiales longus et brevis. Fig. 3.36. Nerves, arteries and veins of the left hand (radial surface). 1 a. digitalis palmaris
24 Глава 3
propria; 2 p. digitalis proprius; 3 - m. adductor pollicis; 4 - nn. digitals dorsales; 5 - tendo The skin is thick, it is particularly developed stratum corneum. From the skin to a depth of
m. extensoris pollicis brevis; 6 - tendo m. extensoris pollicis longi; 7 - a. radialis; 8 ramus palmar aponeurosis leaves many connective jumper, because of what the skin palm
superficialis n. radialis; 9 -- v. cephalica; 10 - retinaculum mm. extensorum; 11 - tendo in. inactive.
extensoris carpi radialis longi; 12 - ramus carpalis dorsalis a. radialis; 13 a. radialis; 14 rete
venosum dorsale; 15 - m. interosseus dorsalis I; 16 - a. metacarpalis dorsalis I. Subcutaneous adipose tissue has a cellular structure due to the jumpers, located in between
the adipose tissue. Cellular structure of cellulose makes the spread of suppurative processes
 Fig. 3.37. Skin folds his hands - external benchmarks. 1 - proximal transverse from the surface to depth.
crease, 2 - center line, 3 - distal transverse wrist crease, 4 - line thenar 5 - distal transverse
crease. Surface fascia in the palm of there (at the expense formed by vertical connective jumper).
In the subcutaneous tissue palms are numerous small-caliber venous vessels and superficial

Own fascia is a thin plate covers thenar and hypothenar muscles, and the section palmar
In the proximal third of the folds projected thenar motor branch of the median nerve, which
depression adherent of a palm aponeurosis.
runs to short muscles I finger. You can not make cuts, so this area is called the forbidden
(exclusion zone Kanavela).
Palmar aponeurosis, aponeurosis palmaris, has a triangular shape. It starts from the bottom
Palmar aponeurosis is projected in the form of a triangle, the apex turned towards the of the retinaculum mm. Tlexorum. It interwoven tendon bundles long palmar muscle (Fig.
middle of the wrist, and the reason - to interdigital gap. His lateral side of thenar crease and 3.38).
the medial - hypothenar.
 Fig. 3.38. Surface layers of the palm.
The top of the superficial palmar arterial arch is projected on the proximal transverse fold
of the palm. This is projected distal end of common synovial tendon sheath of muscles-
flexor II-V fingers. 1 - a. digitalis propria; 2 - a. digitalis communis; 3 - n. digitalis palmaris proprius; 4 -
aponeurosis palmaris; 5 - m. palmaris brevis; 6 - ramus cutaneus palmaris n. ulnaris; 7 -
I flexor tendon of long finger is projected on the line, the proximal point of which is the a. ulnaris; 8 - ramus cutaneus palmaris n. mediani; 9 - ramus n.cuta-nei antebrachii
beginning of thenar crease, and the distal - reason I (main) phalanx of the thumb. lateralis.

At the distal transverse crease palm projected proximal ends of the synovial sheaths of Longitudinal tendon aponeurosis fibers are combined in 4 bunches, heading to the grounds
flexor tendons, muscles II - PG-fingers and the metacarpophalangeal joints falangovte. II-V fingers. In the dis-tal department aponeurosis (the base of the triangle) between the
longitudinal and transverse bundles, fasciculi transversi, there are three gaps, which are
Inter-digital pads correspond to commissural holes palmar aponeurosis. In the grooves called commissural holes. They are filled with fatty tissue, which vybuhaet and on the skin
between the pads are projected tendon flexor muscles II-IV fingers. in the form of pads. After commissural opening in the subcutaneous tissues of lateral
surfaces of the fingers extend from the aponeurosis own finger artery.

From the edges of the palmar aponeurosis deep depart two fastsial-WIDE intermuscular
partitions - lateral and medial. Musculature lateral wall is initially vertically inwards,
towards the II metacarpal bone, and then changes its course to the horizontal direction, as
Layers well as falls on the front surface of the muscles resulting in 1 finger and with it attached to
the III metacarpal bone. musculature medial septum is attached to the V metacarpal
25 Глава 3
bone. Thus, in the palm there are three fascial floor: lateral, middle and medial (Fig. 3.39). medial intermuscular septa, and rear - flexor tendons of the fingers.

In subgaleal space kletchatochnom most superficially located superficial palmar

 The average bed palm, compartimentum palmaris medius, has four walls: the
front formed palmar aponeurosis, the lateral - the vertical part of the lateral intramuscular arch, arcus 
wall, medial - medial intramuscular septum, the back - the deep fascia covering the Palmar
intercostals muscles, and the horizontal part of the lateral intramuscular septum. palmaris superficialis, formed by the barrel a. ulnaris and superficial branch of a. radialis
(Fig. 3.41).
Proximal middle floor is directly related to carpal canal, from whence come the median
nerve, tendons, muscles, finger flexors (superficial and deep) and the long flexor tendon of
From her start general Palmar finger artery, aa. digitales palmares communes, which are
the thumb.
divided into their own Palmar finger artery, aa. digitales palmares propriae. At the level of
Long flexor tendon of the thumb brushes the average bed is located laterally, and only in its commissural holes they go through them in the subcutaneous layer on the fingers.
upper third, and then pierced the lateral intermuscular wall and goes into the lateral
bed. The tendon is enclosed in the radiation of the synovial sheath, vagina tendinis Under the surface of an arterial dutoy are 4 common finger nerve (nn. digitales palmares
communes). Three of them are separated from subsection medianus immediately after
m. flexoris pollicis longi, proximal blind end of which is located in the space of Paron -
leaving him out of the carpal tunnel. The first branch almost immediately pierced the
Pirogov 2 cm above the retinaculum mm. flexorum. Distally it continues to the base of the lateral intermuscular
distal phalanx.

Tendons flexor muscles of fingers II-V are in general (elbow) synovial flexor sheath,
vagina communis tendinum musculorum flexorum. Its proximal end is located in the space
of Paron - Pirogov, 3-4 cm above the retinaculum mm.flexorum, and distal tendons along Fig. 3.41. Vessels and nerves of the left hand.
the II-IV fingers reaches the middle metacarpal bones. The medial side of the general
continues along the tendon sheath V finger and ends at the base of the distal phalanx (Fig. 1 - a digitalis propria; 2 - a digitalis communis; 3 - n. digitalis palmaris proprius n. ulnaris;
3.40). 4 - arcus palmaris superficialis; 5 - n. digitalis palmaris communis n. ulnaris; 6 -
m. abductor digiti rmnimi; 7 - m. flexor digiti minimi brevis; 8 - ramus palmaris profundus
In 10% of the proximal ulnar (general) and radiation synovial sheaths communicate with a ulnaris; 9 - ramus palmaris profundus n. ulnaris; 10 - ramus palmaris n. ulnaris; 11 - a
each other, which may be the cause of the so-called cross, or V-shaped, phlegmon.
ulnaris; 12 - w. ulnares; 13 - n. medianus; 14 - a radialis; 15 - ramus cutaneus palmaris
On the fingers of synovial tendon sheath of fingers II-IV, vaginae synoviales digitorum n. medi-ani; 16 - ramus palmaris superficialis a. radialis; 17 - retinaculum mm. flexorum;
manus, starting proximally at the level of heads of metacarpal bones under the longitudinal 18 - m. abductor pollicis brevis; 19 - m flexor pollicis brevis; 20 - n. digitalis palmaris
beams of palmar aponeurosis, between commissural holes, and ends at the base distachnyh
communis n. mediani; 21 - m. adductor pollicis; 22 - m. lumbricalis I; 23 - tendo
phalanges. Thus, land-flexor muscle tendons of the fingers located in the middle bed of
m. flexoris digitorum superficialis; 24 - vagina tendinis.
tissue between the vagina and the common finger sheaths are not covered by synovial
partition and innervates the thenar muscles and the skin I finger. The level of its passage at
Tendons flexor muscles of fingers divide the average couch for two spaces: subgaleal and the border corresponds to the upper and middle third of the plica thenaris (exclusion
podsuhozhilnoe. zone). The second and third run along the second and third mezhpyastnyh intervals and
divided into their own Palmar finger nerves, nn. digitales palmares proprii, which went
Subgaleal space is limited palmar aponeurosis in the front, on both sides - the lateral and
26 Глава 3
through commissural holes together with the arteries and innervate the skin I-III and the metacarpals artery, aa. metacarpales (metacarpeae) palmares, which are connected with
beam surface PG fingers. GIs common finger nerve departs from the ramus superficialis n. common palms finger arteries in the commissural holes.
ulnaris in the medial subgaleal space and are divided into three nn. digitales palmares
propriae , V innervates the skin surface and second fingers of PG (Fig. 3.42). If you read
the first letters of the names of the nerves from the medial surface of the palm, they are Figure 3.43. The deep arteries and nerves of the left hand.
easy to remember (UMRU).
1 - a digitalis palmaris propria; 2 - n. digitalis palmaris proprius; 3 - a digitalis palmaris
Subgaleal space associated with subcutaneous adipose tissue through commissural holes, communis; 4 - tendines flexorum; 5 - in. lumbricalis; 6 - m. inter-osseus palmaris; 7 - a
along the la  metacarpal is palmaris; 8 - m. opponens digiti niininii; 9 - m.abductor digiti minimi; 10 -
ramus palmaris profundus a ulnaris; 11 - ramus palmaris profundus n. ulnaris; 12 - ramus
  palmaris superficialis n. ulnaris; 13 - n. ulnaris (ramus palmaris); 14-a. ulnaris; 15 -
m. flexor carpi ulnaris; 16 - rete carpi palmare; 17 - m. pronator quadratus; 18 - a radialis;
Bottom metacarpal artery - with fiber podsuhozhilnogo space.
19 - tendo m. flexoris carpi radialis; 20 - ramus palmaris superficialis a radialis; 21 -
In the proximal part of the average bed and in the carpal canal myshp-flexor tendon fingers retinaculum mm. flexorum; 22 - m. abductor pollicis brevis; 23 - m. opponens pollicis; 24
very tightly prilezhat the palm aponeurosis and the retinaculum mm. flexorum, therefore, - m. flexor pollicis brevis; 25 - m. adductor pollicis; 26 - arcus palmaris profundus; 27 - a
direct communication with the space Paron - Pirogov in podaponevrotiches-whom space is princeps pollicis; 28 - m. interosseus dorsalis I.
usually no.

Podsuhozhilnoe kletchatochnoe limited space in front of deep flexor tendons of the The deep branch of the n. ulnaris, arriving at podsuhozhilnoe middle floor space of the
fingers on the sides - the lateral and medial intermuscular septa, behind - the horizontal part medial, innervates all intercostals muscles (and the palm, and back), mm. interossei
of the lateral walls and intramuscular fascia volar intercostals muscles. palmares et dorsales, third and fourth lumbrical, m. adductor pollicis and the deep head of
t. flexor pollicis brevis.
Immediately below the distal end of the general (an elbow) synovial bags (at the level of
the proximal transverse folds his hands) from the deep flexor tendons of the fingers
Podsuhozhilnoe kletchatochnoe space communicated with the proximal carpal canal and
begin lumbrical 4, mm. lumbricales. Heading to the fingers, flex the head lumbrical continue with the space Paron - Pirogov; distally - the course of worm-like muscles with
metacarpal bones with radial side and attached to the back of the proximal phalanx to the
subcutaneous fiber rear fingers; along aa. metacarpales palmares - with subgaleal space.
common extensor tendon stretching fingers. Lumbrical bend and straighten the proximal
middle and distal phalanges II-V fingers. Two muscles with radiation side-innervate ARE These relationships can serve as a cellular pathways purulent processes.
median nerve, but with cubital - ulnar nerve.
The next layer is the deep fascia covering the three Palmar intercostals muscles of the
It is because of the attachment sites lumbrical tendon flexor muscles II-IV fingers located
second, third and fourth mezhpyastnyh intervals. Palmar intercostals muscles begin from
in the fat middle floor, not covered by synovial sheath. Tendons in general, the synovial
sheath and located between the lumbrical well isolated podsuho-veined from subgaleal metacarpal bones and lead V, PG II and III fingers to the finger. They are attached, as well
space. as worm-like muscles, to the backing aponeurosis extensor of fingers at 11, PG and V
fingers, so they just bend and unbend the proximal phalanx of the middle and distal.
Fiber podsuhozhilnogo space is deep carpal arch, arcus palmaris profundus, formed by the
a. radialis, arriving here through the first period of mezhpyastny "anatomical snuffbox", Lateral bed, compartimentum palmaris lateralis, or bed thenar, limited to its
and the city palmaris profundus a. ulnaris (Fig. 3.43).From the deep arc depart Palmar own front fascia, rear - the deep fascia on the back I intercostals muscles, and I metacarpal
27 Глава 3
bone, medial - lateral intramuscular septum laterally and closes by its own fascia Back of the hand, REGIO DORSALIS MANUS
attachment to the I metacarpal bone (see Fig. 3.39).
External benchmarks. On the back surface of the brush well palpable all the
There are muscles I thumb: superficially and laterally - short arm, tapping 1 finger brushes, metacarpals. At the maximum unbending fingers under the skin are visible strained finger
etc. abductor pollicis brevis, deeper - muscle, opposing 1 finger brushes, m. opponens extensor tendons.
pollicis, medially from them - short I thumb flexor, m.flexor pollicis brevis, between the
superficial and deep heads of which are long flexor tendon I thumb. These muscles are I metacarpal bone is situated at an angle to the rest of the metacarpal bone, resulting in the
innervated by the motor branch of the n. medianus, passing through a bed of thenar lateral formation widest mezhpyastny gap and interdigital fold. In the first mezhpyastnom gap is
intermuscular septum. Inwards from flexors under the horizontal part of the lateral clearly visible bulge the back of the first intercostals muscles.
intramuscular partitions, is a muscle, causing I finger brushes, m. adductor pollicis,
consisting of oblique and transverse heads. As noted above, it starts from Projections. The joint gap metacarpophalangeal joints of line, located at 8-10 mm below
the III metacarpal bone and innervi zero tolerance of deep branch of the ulnar nerve. the heads of metacarpal bones.

Tendon m. flexor pollicis longus enclosed in a synovial sheath, the proximal blind end of The skin is thin, mobile, contains the hair sacs and sebaceous glands, which may be a place
which is located in the space of Paron - Pirogov 2 cm above the retinaculum of furuncles.
mm. flexorum. After going into the carpal canal, it goes in the distal proximal middle floor
Subcutaneous cellular tissue is loose, it can accumulate edematous fluid, including patients
palms, and then pierced the lateral intermuscular partition runs in pasterns in thenar tissue
between the short head I finger flexor and then continue to the base of the distal phalanx. with inflammatory processes in the palm. In the subcutaneous layer of the venous network
located in the rear of the brush through numerous anastomoses. With radiation side they
A. princeps pollicis separated from the radial artery in the first mezhpyastnom interval. It is form v. cephalica, but with cubital - v. basilica. On the border with the back of the wrist
directed downward and outward so between adductor pollicis, and so along the flexor v. cephalica accompanies g. superficialis n. radialis, v. basilica - g. dorsalis n. ulnaris (Fig.
pollicis brevis tendon so flexor pollicis longus. At the level of metacarpophalangeal joint I 3.44).
thumb it is divided into 3 branches, reaching on both sides of fingers I and II radiation side

Medial thenar (closer to the lateral intramuscular septum) took slit kletchatochnoe space
Figure 3.44. Superficial veins and nerves of the back surface of the left hand.
bounded by the front of the horizontal part of the lateral intramuscular walls, and behind -
m. adductor pollicis (see Fig. 3.39). In the lateral direction, it continues until the synovial
I - nn. digitales dorsales; 2 - w. in-tercapitulares; 3 - v. cephalica; 4 - ramus superficialis
tendon sheath m. flexor pollicis longus, and the distal - to the first interdigital folds, which
communicates with the deep The cells chatochnym space located between the rear surface n. radialis; 5 - v. basilica; 6 - ramus dorsalis n. ulnaris; 7 - arcus venosi digitales.
of the muscles resulting in finger I and the front surface of the back of the first intercostals
muscles. At the top subulate sprouts ulna from the city dorsalis n. ulnaris wastes 5 dorsal finger
nerves, nn. digitales dorsales, en route to innervation of the skin V, IV and III ulnar side of
Medial bed, compartimentum palmaris medialis, or bed hypothe / iar, bounded in front and your finger. At the top subulate sprouts radius from the city superficialis n. radialis wastes
medially own fascia that attach to the V metacarpal bones, in the back - V metacarpal 5 dorsal finger nerves innervating the skin-ing I, II and radial sides of fingers III finger.
bone, lateral - medial intramuscular septum (see Fig. 3.39). It houses the V finger muscles:
muscle, finger tapping, m. abductor digiti minimi, muscle, opposing finger, m. opponens Own fascia, fascia dorsalis manus, well pronounced. With ulnar side it merges with
digiti minimi, and the little finger, short flexor, m. flexor digiti minimi brevis. Vpyastnoy bone, but with the beam - with P. Deep fascia covers the second, third and
28 Глава 3
fourth dorsal intercostals muscles. All intercostals muscles, as the backing and palms, are mm. extensorum; 12 - tendines m. extensoris digitorum communis;
innervated by the deep branch of the ulnar nerve.
13. - Tendo m. extensoris indicis proprii;
Between the property and the deep fascia is subgaleal space of the rear brush, limited on
each side attaching its own fascia to II and V of the metacarpal bones. 14. - Tendo m. extensoris carpi ulnaris;
15. - Ramus dorsalis manus n. ulnaris.
In the subgaleal space are the extensor tendons of the fingers, between which at the level of
heads of metacarpal bones are mezhsuhozhilnye connection, connexi intertendi-nei, thus
straightening the two middle digits (III and IV) is possible only together. The index finger
and little finger are independent in part due to the existence of their own extensor (Figure
PALM surface with your fingers, FACIES PALMARES
Podfastsialnye neurovascular branches are represented by a. radialis, which on leaving the DIGITORUM
anatomical snuffbox is the first mezhpyastnom interval on the back of the first intercostals
muscles. From this site is a. radialis leaves a. meta-carpalis dorsalis prima, which allows 3
External benchmarks. On the palmar surface of the skin of the fingers are clearly visible
branches to 1 and II of the fingers. It is an independent source of blood supply to the finger
I ", not receiving branches from the superficial arterial arch. A. radialis then goes through metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal creases. They are below the respective joints.
the muscle on the palm, where it participates in the formation of deep palmar arterial arch.
Projections. Articular gap metacarpophalangeal joints of line, located at 8-10 mm below
From rete carpale dorsale go in the second, third and fourth periods mezhpyastnye the heads of metacarpal bones. The projection is defined slits interphalangeal joints in the
position of full flexion of the fingers of 2-3 mm below the bumps heads phalanges.
aa. metacarpals dorsales, each of which is at the base of the finger is divided into
aa. digitales dorsales. Layers

First mezhpyastny interval is well defined first rear intercostals muscles. Its front (palm) Skin is thick, inactive.
surface adjoins to the resulting muscle I thumb, located in the box thenar. They shared the
fascial plate. Subcutaneous fiber mesh due to a number of partitions of connective tissue running from
the skin in depth. At the end
Fiber rear subgaleal space communicates with the proximal carpal canal, and through them
- with the rear bed of the forearm. (nail) phalanx these walls connect the skin and bone (periosteum), on the other - the skin
and fibrous sheath of tendons flexor muscles. In connection with this, felon (purulent
 Figure 3.45. Vessels and nerves of the rear left hand. inflammation of a layer finger) suppurative process extends from the surface to depth. At
the nail phalanx that can lead to the rapid emergence of bone felon (Figure 3.46).
1 - nn. digitales dorsales; 2 - aa. digitals dorsales; 3 - a. radialis; 4 - aa metacarpales
In the subcutaneous tissue along the lateral surfaces of the fingers, just below the middle,
dorsales; 5 - tendo m. extensoris pollicis longi; 6 - tendo m. extensoris pollicis brevis; 7 -
pass the neurovascular bundle, consisting of the palm own finger blood vessels and
ramus carpeus dorsalis a. radialis; 8 - ramus superficialis n.radialis; 9 - tendo m. extensoris
nerves. Skin 1, II, III and IV finger radial side innervate nerves branching off the median
carpi radialis longi; 10 - tendo m. extensoris carpi radialis brevis; 11 - retinaculum nerve. Loktev side IV and V both sides of the fingers branches innervate the ulnar nerve.
29 Глава 3
pro-prii, which are branches of the dorsal metacarpal.
 The next layer to the core (proximal) and average phalanges are the bone-fibrous
canals, which are formed by phalanxes of the fingers and the tendon bundles: ring at the
Extensor tendon at the back of the middle part of the finger is attached to the base of the
diaphysis of the phalanges and cross into the area because of tax-mezhfalan joints. In
sections of annular ligament fibrous channels are narrowed, and in cruciform - middle phalanx, and two lateral - to the base of the distal phalanx. By aponeurotic tension
over the proximal phalanx of the tendon attached worm-like and intercostals
expanded. Between the ligaments and bone located only synovial sheath, through the co -
muscles. These muscles bend and unbend the main phalanx of the distal and middle
 Fig. 3.47. The cross section of the finger at the level II phalanx.
OPERATIONS upper limbs
I - tendo m. extensoris digitorum; 2 - me-sotendineum; 3 - tendo m. flexoris digitorum
profundi; 4 - epitenon; 5 - vagina s synovialis tendinum digitorum; 6 - vagina fibrosa digiti Arthrocentesis used to determine the nature of the contents of the joint cavity for the
manus; 7 - peritendineum; 8 - a. digitalis palmaris propria; 9 - a. digitalis dorsalis.  evacuation of a pathological fluid, introduction of medicinal substances, as well as for the
introduction of instruments during arthroscopy. As with all other puncture, the needle is
introduced through a biased finger skin over the puncture site to the return of the skin on its
Thoroe translucent tendon. The most proximal annular ligament is at the
place was left direct wound channel through which the infection could get into the joint
metacarpophalangeal joints.
cavity. In most cases, a needle injected through a previously anesthetized area of skin on
the extensor surface of the joint-tion, where there are no major blood vessels and nerves.
At the level of heads of the main phalanx of superficial flexor tendon divides into two legs
that attach to the sides of the middle phalanx, and transmits it to the splitting of the deep
flexor tendon that attach to the base of the terminal (distal) phalanges. Puncture of shoulder joint. Puncture produced in the position of the patient lying on the
healthy side or sitting, it can be done in the front, outside and behind.
Synovial tendon sheath II, III and IV fingers isolated.
Front shoulder joint dotted line, focusing on the coracoid blade, which is palpable in the
subclavian fossa at 3 cm down from the acromial end of clavicle. A needle is introduced
Synovial sheath is composed of the parietal leaflet, adjacent to the inner surface of the
under the coracoid and pushed backward between him and the capitellum to a depth of 3-4
fibrous sheath and the inner covering the tendon itself (Figure 3.47). In place of transition
from one sheet to another formed by tendinous mesentery, mesotendineum. In her column
are the vessels and nerves from the periosteum phalanx to the tendon. In the
interphalangeal joints is not. mesenteric injury, including during surgery can lead to When arthrocentesis needle is injected down the outside of the most convex part of the
acromion in the frontal plane through the thickness of the deltoid muscle.
necrosis of the relevant part of the tendon. 
When the shoulder joint puncture needle is introduced down the back of the acromion, in
Dorsal surface with your fingers, FACIES DORSALES DIGITORUM the recess formed by them and the rear edge of the deltoid muscle, perpendicular to a depth
of 4 -5 cm (Fig. 3.48).
Puncture of the elbow joint.'s Hand bend at the elbow at a right angle. Behind puncture
The skin is thinner than on the palmar surface. At the proximal phalanx has a scalp,
expressed in varying degrees. performed on the tip of the olecranon and guide the needle forward. Behind outside needle
injected between lateral nadmyshelkom humerus and ulna olecranon and penetrate into the
Subcutaneous cellular tissue is weak, it is loose. In the subcutaneous tissue on the lateral joint head of the radius (Fig. 3.49).
surface closer to the back pass dorsal neurovascular bundle: a., v. et n. digitales dorsales
30 Глава 3
Lang (by VK Gostischevu).

Operations on the dorsum of the distal (ungual) phalanges

Figure 3.48. Brachial puncture cycle Fig. 3.49. Puncture elbow cycle - 
tava (explanation in the text). tava (explanation in the text).  When paronychia cross-section cut through the skin nail fold (cuticle) and from the ends of
the incision in the proximal direction are two parallel slits for purulent infiltration, have
Transactions in purulent diseases of the hand and fingers developed in okolonogtevogo bed. The resulting U-shaped flap is giving way proximally
and resecting delaminations pus edge nail (Figure 3.53).
 Panaritium. Panaritium - acute purulent inflammation of the tissues of the
Hyponychial felon, which has developed as a result of suppuration hyponychial hematoma,
finger. Types panaritiums called under the layer of the finger, which has developed
drain through the holes created in the nail plate or a scalpel, removing layers of nail to
inflammation. By VK Gostischevu distinguished 12 species panaritiums (Figure 3.50): 1 - purulent focus, or trepanatsionnoy cutter.
hyponychial felon; 2 - paronychia, 3, 4 - paronychia with a break of pus under the nail, 5 -
skin felon; 6 - subcutaneous felon; 7 - subcutaneous felon as a "cuff" 8 - tendinous felon; 9 When hyponychial panaritiums that grew around the splinters, penetrated under the free
- articular felon, 10 - bone felon (sequestration of diaphysis of middle phalanx of the edge of the nail, producing wedge-shaped excision of part of the nail plate, the cover
finger), 11 - sequestration of the terminal phalanges; 12 - pandaktilit. splinter and surrounding abscess (Fig. 3.54).

Treatment panaritiums, like other suppurative diseases, surgical. The task of the surgeon is
to create a purulent outflow, resulting relieves stress, pain and swelling of inflamed tissue,
improves flow of antibacterial drugs in purulent.
Fig. 3.53. Kanavela operation to total defeat of the nail shaft (for VK Gostishevu).
When subcutaneous panaritiums ungual phalanx good outflow of purulent exudate reached
1 - skin incision, 2, 3 - excision of the nail and the base roller, 4 - look after the operation.
with klyushkoobraznogo incision (Figure 3.51). Scalpel injected with the side of the
phalanx (hooked stick) and lead the direction of the interphalangeal joints in the frontal
plane, thus cutting through the connective tissue bands that come from the skin to the
bone. As a result, all the cells filled with pus, break down easily and pus flowing. On the
lateral surface of the phalanx is cut (handle sticks), which after elimination of purulent Figure 3 .54. Operation in hyponychial panaritiums (by VK Gostishevu). 1,2 - trepanation
process heals with the formation of a thin elastic scar. From Fig. 3.51 understand that the nail plate; 3,4 - wedge-shaped excision of the distal part of the nail plate with the
holding of the middle section can not be effective, as will reveal only a limited number of instantaneous removal of foreign body
pus cells. In addition, the incision on the palmar surface limits the function of the finger.
Operations at gnoynyhtendovaginitah
Subcutaneous panaritiums 2 nd and 3rd phalanges opened on Clapp anterolateral cuts, as a
scalpel slicing through the subcutaneous tissues (Figure 3.52). Abscess - an acute purulent inflammation of the synovial tendon sheath. This disease is
dangerous, because of the passing-PRINCIPLES FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE feeding
vessels may occur necrosis of the tendon. Surgical treatment consists in opening the
 Figure 3 .51. Autopsy subcutaneous Figure 3 .52. The incisions with subcutaneous th
panaritiums terminal phalanx panaritiums secondary and primary fa - synovial sheath and the evacuation of purulent content. When tenosynovitis-max II, III and
IV fingers of small incisions of the skin, subcutaneous tissue is produced at the lateral
surfaces of the middle and anterior to the main phalanx palpable bony phalanx (Fig. 3.55).
klyushkoobrazngm cut. 

31 Глава 3
Then expose the bone-fibrous canals and synovial sheath, guided by the brilliant intercostals muscles perform a cut from I to II finger on the first interdigital fold.
tendon. These cuts should not go on skin Palmar interphalangeal creases, and the
corresponding circular bundles of bone and fibrous channels, which if damaged from the
wound dislocating finger flexor tendon with subsequent desiccation and loss of function. In
addition to these cut sections performed at the site of projection of the blind proximal ends Autopsy phlegmon rear brush. Subcutaneous phlegmon rear brush reveal a cut through
of the synovial sheaths in the palm. Through the side sections of phalanges hold drains the center of fluctuation.
anterior to the tendon. The attempt to drain behind the tendon leading to tendon damage
mesenteriolum and necrosis. Autopsy subgaleal phlegmon rear brush. Incisions are performed on II and V of the
metacarpal bone, which attaches itself to the fascia. In both sections give birth to the
drainage tube.
 Tentsovaginity I and V of the fingers is also called tendobursitami, radial and
cubital. Their treatment differs from the previous holding of additional cuts in the palm of
the projection of the tendons. Almost always, additional cuts are carried out on the
appropriate side of the lower third of the forearm for the opening of the space Paron -
Pirogov, where the blind proximal radius and ulna bags synovial bags. 

Operations at phlegmons brush

On hand there are the following purulent-inflammatory diseases: skin abscess (Namin,
chiropodist abscess), subcutaneous (nadaponevroticheskaya) phlegmon palm;
podaponevroti-Ceska phlegmon palm; phlegmon thenar, hypothenar abscess, subcutaneous
abscess rear brush; subgaleal abscess rear brush.

Opening phlegmon secondary subgaleal fascial bed hand in the war-Yasenetsky - Pico

made a longitudinal incision on the rise I finger inwards from the projection of the long
flexor tendons of the fingers and over the rise of muscle V finger (Figure 3.56).

 In the mean bed penetrate through the lateral and medial intermuscular walls,
destroying their blunt way.

Drainage pipes depending on the location of a phlegmon injected into the subgaleal or
podsuhozhilnuyu middle shelf of the box through both slits. Hands and fingers are fixed on
the bus in half-bent position.

Autopsy podfastsialyyuy phlegmon bed thenar. Incision of all layers of 4-5 cm in length

produced in parallel and outward from the projection of I flexor tendon of the long
finger. Drainage kletchatochnoy deep fissure between the muscles, resulting

oolypoi finger, and the first back


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