The Role of Free Living Nematode Population in The Organic Matter Recycling

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Sci (2018) 7(6): 2726-2734

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 7 Number 06 (2018)
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Review Article

The Role of Free Living Nematode Population in the

Organic Matter Recycling

Saroj Yadav*, Jaydeep Patil and R. S. Kanwar

Department of Nematology, College of Agriculture, CCS HAU Hisar, Haryana, India

*Corresponding author


Organic matter as truly the key to soil fertility and health. Free-living nematodes play
important roles in soil nutrient cycling. Nematode excretion may have contributed soluble
Keywords nitrogen in soil. Nematodes have more C: N ratio and lower N content as compare with the
bacteria C: N ratio they consume. Growth efficiency of nematodes is smaller than those of
Organic matter recycling,
mineralization, the bacteria. Nitrogen mineralization, abundance of many free-living nematodes
bacterivorous, populations in soil mainly bacterivorous, omnivorous, and predatory nematodes. They
omnivorous, and
predatory nematodes etc. were also found to correlate with concentrations of many other soil nutrients in a fallow
land. Bacterial grazers protozoa and bacterivorous nematodes contributed more of the
Article Info nitrogen mineralized by fauna, which was as compared with the mineralized by microbes.
In the soil, nematodes have a function to decrease the remains of larger animals and plant
20 May 2018 tissues. Under field conditions, bacterivorous and predatory nematodes are contributed
Available Online: directly and indirectly about for the nitrogen mineralization in conventional and integrated
10 June 2018 farming systems, respectively. Predatory nematodes also regulate nitrogen mineralization
by feeding on microbial grazing nematodes, a conduit by which resources pass from
bottom to top trophic levels.

Introduction with tapered ends typically, head, and a tail

with a well-developed central nervous and
Soil health is the natural dynamic body fertility system with a complete digestive
having the capacity to function within system, so they are considered the most
ecosystem boundaries to sustain biological primitive animal.
productivity, maintain environmental quality
and promote plant and animal health. Fertile They are microscopic that’s why it fit in most
soil should be able to support life processes soil pores and soil aggregates. It is classified
such as plant anchorage and nutrient supply, in the animal phylum Nemata and is best
retain optimal water and soil properties, known for causing infectious disease in plants
support soil food webs, recycle nutrients, and animals, but they also play an important
maintain microbial diversity, and remediate role in soil and crop ecology. On the basis of
pollutants, and sequester heavy metals. their feeding habits, nematodes are known as
Nematodes or roundworms are unsegmented plant feeders, bacterial feeders, fungal

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 2726-2734

feeders, algal feeders, animal predators, and overgrazing of bacterial or fungal populations
omnivores (Yeates et al., 1993). All these by nematodes can result in a reduction of the
types of nematodes co-occur in soil. overall activity of these decomposers.
Nematologists assert that nematode disease Fortunately, in the hierarchy of the soil food
suppression also should be a function of soil web, generalist predators such as the
health. omnivorous and predatory nematodes) prey
on these bacterivorous and fungivorous
Nematodes are aquatic organism; it requires nematodes, improving nutrient cycling and
adequate soil moisture to move in the soil. allowing more nutrients to be released
Most of the species are responsible for (Yeates and Wardle, 1996). Therefore, free-
cause’s economic losses but far less is known living nematodes play important roles in soil
about the majority of the nematode nutrient cycling. Nematode excretion may
community that plays beneficial roles in soil. contribute up to 19% of soluble N in soil
Many beneficial nematodes serve as (Neher, 2001). This is due to the fact that
biological pest control agents in managed nematodes C: N ratio of 8-12 have a lower N
systems and others regulate the natural content than the bacteria C: N ratio of 3-4 and
ecosystem and soil nutrient cycling. Few feed they consume (Wasilewska and Bienkowski,
on the plants and algae (first trophic level); 1985). In addition, the growth efficiency of
others are grazers that feed on bacteria and nematodes (< 25%) is smaller than those of
fungi (second trophic level); and some feed the bacteria (> 30%) (Hunt et al., 1987).
on other nematodes (higher trophic levels). A
different nematodes function at several Therefore, nematodes excrete a majority of
trophic levels of the soil food web. both the assimilated Carbon and Nitrogen that
Nematodes are most abundant in the surface they consumed from the bacteria. In the other
soil horizon. hand, bacteria respire most of the assimilated
Carbon, but immobilized most of the
When farmers are adding organic matters to assimilated Nitrogen. Therefore the
the soil, organic residues must be decomposed contribution made by nematodes to nitrogen
to release nutrients for plant to uptake. mineralization making nitrogen available to
Decomposition of organic matter in a soil can plants is relatively high compared to bacteria
be divided into two channels, a faster in soil ecosystems.
bacterial channel and a slower fungal-based
channel. Soil ecosystem types and nutrient Besides contributing to N mineralization, the
forms e.g., Carbon to Nitrogen ratios or C: N abundance of many free-living nematodes,
ratios determine the predominant especially bacterivorous, omnivorous, and
decomposition channels (Ingham et al., predatory nematodes, also were found to
1985). Moreover bacteria and fungi are the correlate with concentrations of many other
primary decomposers in the soil food web, soil nutrients in a fallow field (Wang et al.,
these microbes also can immobilize inorganic 2004), suggesting the possibility of
nutrients in the soil (Ingham et al., 1985), nematodes mineralizing many other soil
making nutrients unavailable for plants to nutrients. Adding organic amendments to the
uptake. soil, growing cover crops as green manure,
covering soil with organic mulch, and
Nematode metabolites may stimulate specific practicing conservation tillage are various
bacterial growth by releasing growth-limiting methods to enhance population densities of
nutrients such as N and vitamins. However, beneficial free-living nematodes in the soil.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 2726-2734

The categorization of trophic groups of Bunonema spp. which is found in moss,

nematodes decaying vegetable matter, cow dung and
rotting wood of bark beetle tunnels, Rhabditis
Based on feeding habits, nematodes, which sp., Acrobeliodes tricornis, Caenorhabditis
are recognized as the major elegans, Panagrolaimus subelongatus (Zunke
& Perry 1997; Laakso & Setala 1999).
Consumer group in the soil can be divided
into five categories, namely: Predatory nematodes that feed on other
nematodes have a monochous type of stylet or
Plant-feeding nematodes (root-feeding a wide cup-shaped cuticular line stoma armed
nematodes; phytophagous; plant parasites) with powerful teeth (Nicholas 1975 in
Ingham, 1996) for instance, Mononchus spp.,
Fungal-feeding nematodes (fungivorous; Parazercon radiatus. Omnivorous nematodes
mycophages) feed on algae, bacteria, fungi, protozoas,
rotiferas, tardigrads, etc. for instance,
Bacterial-feeding nematodes (microbivorous; Dorylaimus spp., Lysigamasus lapponicus
bacterivorous) which feed on microarthropods (Laakso &
Setala, 1999).
Predatory nematodes
Ecological importance of nematodes
Omnivorous nematodes (Zunke and Perry
1997; Norton and Niblack 1991; and Ingham The nematodes species live every habitat such
1996) as prairies, woodland, cultivated fields, etc.
The abundance of nematodes depend on many
Plant parasitic nematodes which feed on factors, viz., soil texture, soil structure, air
higher plant usually have stylets to suck the and soil temperature, rainfall, soil moisture,
nutrients from the plants which have a wide evaporation, soil conductivity, pH, plant
diversity of size and structure. These groups material and topography (Wallace, 1973).
of nematodes have an ability to cause plant Nematodes can be abundant in areas with a
disease and reduce crop yield (Yeates 1970 particular condition. In an experiment, Neher
and Ingham, 1996). and Blair (1997) found that the number of
nematodes increases in habitats with least
Fungal-feeding nematodes, which feed on moisture, and the number of nematodes
fungal mycelium, hyphae, conidia, including decreased considerably in the aquatic areas.
plant pathogenic fungi, have "protusible
hollow stylets". For example, Aphelenchus Temperature also affects the abundance of
sp., Aphelenchoides hamatus (Zunke & Perry nematodes in the soil. The change of moisture
1997; Ingham 1996) and temperature may cause preventing the
nematodes from persisting in the soil.
Bacterial-feeding nematodes which feed on Climatic factors mainly, Moisture and
bacteria and other micro flora have “a simple, temperature become fluctuated due to the
open and unarmed stoma in the form of cultivation and as a result it changes soil
cylindrical or triangular tube, terminating in structure. Consequently, the diversity of
teeth valve-like apparatus” (Nicholas 1975 in nematodes in the agricultural ecosystem is
Ingham 1996). For example, Acrobeles spp. lower than in natural ecosystem (Norton and
which are mainly live in sandy soil, Niblack, 1991).

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 2726-2734

Nematodes biomass is also responsible for the 5%-25%: the bacterial standing crop
influences with the soil porosity. The total
soil biomass was greater in sandy soils (0.6%) 4%-22%: contribution to total net nitrogen
of biomass carbon than in loamy soils (0.3%) mineralization
or clay soils (0.1%) lead to the influence of
nematode (Badgett and Griffiths, 1997). This 10%: the ecological growth efficiency
can occur because of the movement of the (production per consumption)
nematodes through soil pores. The nematodes
can move in the soil more easily and more Compared to the five categories of
quickly because they microscopic organism nematodes, microbial-feeding nematodes viz.,
and they may affect the nematodes bacterivorous, fungivorous, and omnivores
abundances is the soil depth. There are and plant-feeding nematodes are more
greatest numbers of nematodes at 5-10 cm important in decomposition and nutrient
depths and they decrease at 0-2.5 cm or mineralization than predatory nematodes. It
warmer surface soil (Neher and Blair, 1997). probably leads to the abundance of the
It can see due to the soil profile or different nematodes in environment, their high
layers in forest litter (Bardgett and Griffiths, turnover rate, and the strong interactions with
1997). Besides that, some species of soil microbes (Laakso and Setala, 1999).
nematodes prefer different soil depth Another reason is that the nematodes’ food
(Wallace, 1973) comes from the microorganisms, microflora,
and higher plants in the soil (Nielsen, 1967).
The role of nematode in the soil In addition, there is significant effect among
bacterivorous, fungivorous, and predatory
However, they cannot decompose the organic nematodes. Laakso and Setala (1999) found
matter or influence the mechanical and that predatory nematodes could be important
physical of the soil directly (Nielsen, 1967). regulators of microbial-feeding nematodes,
There are several factors of indirect effects of because they can reduce the microbivorous’
microbial-feeding nematodes, the biomasses. Due to the feeding habits of
modification of the microbial community, nematodes are different, they are also have
accelerated turnover of microbial cells and the different role in soil food web. Plant-feeding
inoculation of new substrates. Consequently, nematodes are usually live in grass fields or
bacteria and fungi as primary decomposer other habitats with many types of vegetation
have important role of decomposition. (Nielsen, 1967). All the nematodes, plant-
Primary decomposition begins with the living feeding nematodes are deleterious to the plant
plant or with dead plant remains. After the growth, because they can decrease the
organic matter is decomposed, the amount of productivity of the plants with damaging the
organic matter, availability of organic root systems. There are several controls of
chemicals and the ability of number of plant-feeding nematodes, such as vesicular-
microorganism decomposing substrate are arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, nematode
reduced considerably. trapping fungi, or other fungi and bacteria
which can prevent the presence of the
According to Bardgett and Griffiths (1997), nematodes (Ingham, 1996).
the consumption of microbial feeding
nematodes is: Bacterial-feeding nematodes are dominant in
forest litter, compost heaps, and agriculture
5%-8%: organic matter input and grassland systems (Ingham 1996; Nielsen

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 2726-2734

1967). This group of nematodes usually slower fungal-based channel. Soil ecosystem
consumes 106 bacteria per day; as a result net types and nutrient forms e.g., C: N ratios
nutrient immobilization can increase whereas determine the predominant decomposition
nutrient mineralization decreases (Ingham, channels. (Ferris et al., 2003 and Ingham et
1996). The number of bacterivorous can al., 1985) Although bacteria and fungi are the
increase with the presence of plant-feeding primary decomposers in the soil food web,
nematodes which due to the greater these microbes also can immobilize inorganic
distribution of the food source in the soil nutrients in the soil (Ingham et al., 1985).
(Griffiths and Bardgett, 1997). These decomposition channels, when the
bacterivorous and fungivorous nematodes
Fungal-feeding nematodes are dominant in graze on these microbes, they give off CO2
the soil that is dominated by fungi, such as and NH4+ and other nitrogenous compounds,
conifer and deciduous forests. The affecting carbon and nitrogen mineralization
fungivorous can consume the cytoplasm in directly (Ingham et al., 1985)). Indirectly,
10-50 meters of hyphal length per day nematodes can disseminate microbial
(Ingham, 1996). Both bacterivorous and propagules throughout the soil (Freckman,
fungivorous have more important role in soil 1988), which advances the colonization of
food web rather than other types of substrates and mineralization of nutrients.
nematodes. A large percentage of nitrogen is Nematode metabolites may also stimulate
released by this group of nematodes when specific bacterial growth by releasing growth-
attacking their prey (Ingham, 1996). Both limiting nutrients such as N and vitamins.
predatory nematodes and omnivorous However, overgrazing of bacterial or fungal
nematodes do not give as great contribution as populations by nematodes can result in a
bacterial-feeding nematodes and fungi- reduction of the overall activity of these
feeding nematodes. However, they also affect decomposers. Fortunately, in the hierarchy of
the chain of food in the soil. Laakso and the soil food web, generalist predators prey on
Setala found that predatory nematodes could these bacterivorous and fungivorous
become important regulators for bacterial- nematodes, improving nutrient cycling and
feeding nematodes and then can affect the allowing more nutrients to be released
microbial activity. In contrast, omnivorous (Yeates and Wardle, 1996).
nematodes did not have strong effect on
fungi-feeding nematodes (Laakso and Setala, Therefore, nematodes play important roles in
1999). soil nutrient recycling. Nematode excretion
may contribute up to 19% of soluble N in soil
Role of Nematodes in Soil Nutrient Cycling (Neher, 2001). This is due to the fact that
nematodes (C: N ratio of 8-12) have a lower
Nematodes play an important role in essential N content than the bacteria (C: N ratio of 3-4)
process of the soil organic matter they consume (Wasilewska and Bienkowski,
decomposition. The direct contribution of 1985). In addition, the growth efficiency of
nematodes to nitrogen mineralization and nematodes (< 25%) is smaller than those of
distribution of biomass within plants and the bacteria (> 30%) (Hunt et al., 1987).
detritus and organic residues must decompose Therefore, nematodes excrete a majority of
to release nutrients for plant uptake. both the assimilated C and N that they
Decomposition of organic matter in a soil consumed from the bacteria. Bacteria, on the
food web can be divided into two energy other hand, usually respire most of the
channels, a faster bacterial channel and a assimilated C, but immobilized most of the

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 2726-2734

assimilated N. Therefore the contribution also increase in the presence of microbial-

made by nematodes to N mineralization is grazing nematodes. Under field conditions,
relatively high compared to bacteria in soil bacterivorous and predatory nematodes are
ecosystems. Besides contributing to N estimated to contribute (directly and
mineralization, the abundance of many free- indirectly) about 8% to 19% of nitrogen
living nematodes, especially bacterivorous, mineralization in conventional and integrated
omnivorous, and predatory nematodes, also farming systems, respectively (Beare, 1997).
were found to correlate with concentrations of Nematodes contribute to nitrogen
many other soil nutrients in a fallow field mineralization indirectly by grazing on
(Wang et al., 2004), suggesting the possibility decomposer microbes, excreting ammonium,
of nematodes mineralizing many other soil and immobilizing nitrogen in live biomass
nutrients. (Beare, 1997; Ferris et al., 1998; Ingham et
al., 1985).
More clear-cut relationships between
nematodes and soil nutrients were observed in Predatory nematodes also regulate nitrogen
a field that had been fallow for 1.5 years mineralization by feeding on microbial
compared to a recently cultivated field (Wang grazing nematodes, a conduit by which
et al., 2004). The abundance of many resources pass from bottom to top trophic
bacterivorous genera followed predators and levels (Wardle and Yeates, 1993). Although
omnivores and correlated significantly (P < plants depend on nitrogen for their survival
0.10) with most soil nutrient concentrations. and growth, ecological disruptions such as
However, few significant correlations cultivation or additions of mineral fertilizer
occurred with genera in fungivorous and increase nitrogen availability, sometimes in
herbivore groups. excess of, or asynchronous with, plant needs.
Increased availability of nitrate and
Role of Nematodes in Soil Health ammonium is associated inversely with
succession maturity of nematode communities
The direct contribution of nematodes to in cultivated mineral soils for agricultural
nitrogen mineralization and distribution of purposes (Neher, 2001).
biomass within plants has been demonstrated
in controlled experiments. In laboratory The rate of N mineralization per nematode
experiment studied about the more nitrogen is may increase during an early adaptation phase
available in the ammonium form when as nematodes adjust to conditions in sand
bacterivorous and fungivorous nematodes are columns and decline during a later resource
present than when they are absent (Trofymow limitation phase. Smaller nematodes have
and Coleman, 1982). Nitrogen mineralized higher mineralization rates per unit weight,
through microbial grazing is available related to their higher metabolic rates.
subsequently to plants (Seastedt et al., 1988; However, the N-mineralization rate per
Sohlenius et al., 1988) and has been individual was independent of body weight.
demonstrated to affect biomass allocation in Nitrogen mineralization rates will change
plants. In a microcosm experiment with with temperature and that the relationship
buffalo grass (Bouteloua gracilis), Ingham et with temperature will mirror that of the
al., (1985) demonstrated that plant shoots metabolic rates for these nematodes (Ferris et
grow larger in soils with bacteria, fungi, and al., 1995). The respiration rate reflects the
their respective grazers than in soils with less integral metabolic activity of an individual
complex soil food webs. Root biomass may nematode. The temperature relationships of

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 2726-2734

developmental rates of nematodes do not Authors’ contributions

necessarily mirror those of respiration rates
(Ferris et al., 1995, 1996a; Venette and Ferris, JP prepared the review article. SY and AK
1997). Therefore the coefficients for they revise the manuscript and JP has been
estimating the N-mineralization potential of incorporated all the suggestion. Both authors
species of bacterial-feeding nematodes would read and approved the final manuscript.
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counts to provide an estimate of the N- References
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How to cite this article:

Saroj Yadav, Jaydeep Patil and Kanwar R. S. 2018. The Role of Free Living Nematode
Population in the Organic Matter Recycling. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(06): 2726-2734.


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