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Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) Semester—I (C.B.C.S.) Examination

Compulsory Paper—6
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
N.B. :— (1) ALL questions are compulsory.
(2) All questions carry equal marks (16 marks each).
1. (a) How has quantitative analysis changed the current scenario in the management world
today ? Discuss the importance and limitations of statistics.
(b) Calculate the mean, median and mode for the following data pertaining to marks in statistics
out of 140 marks for 80 students in a class :
Marks More than : 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
No. of students : 80 76 50 28 18 9 3
2. (a) Find the co-efficient of variation from the following data :
Weekly Wages No. of Workers Weekly Wages No. of Workers
Upto Rs. 300 12 Upto Rs. 700 157
Upto Rs. 400 30 Upto Rs. 800 202
Upto Rs. 500 65 Upto Rs. 900 222
Upto Rs. 600 107 Upto Rs. 1000 230
(b) From the following table, compute the coefficient of correlation between savings banks
deposits and strikes and lockouts over a period of seven years :
Saving Bank Deposit (Lakh of ` ) : 51 54 56 59 65 60 70
Strikes and Lockouts : 38 44 33 36 33 23 13
3. (a) What are the objectives of Business Research ? In your own words, describe the process
and essentials of business research in an organization with suitable examples.
(b) Define attitude measurement. What are the techniques of measuring attitudes ?
4. (a) What are the factors of probability and non-probability sampling ? Elaborate sampling
design and sampling procedures.
(b) Define data collection. Write in detail the advantages of primary data and secondary data.
5. Write short notes on the following :
(a) Significance of diagrams and graphs.
(b) Importance of time series analysis in organization.
(c) Attitude rating scales.
(d) Hypothesis testing.


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