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British Journal of Anaesthesia 111 (1): 95–104 (2013)


Differential diagnosis of facial pain and guidelines for

J. M. Zakrzewska*

Facial Pain Unit, Division of Diagnostic, Surgical and Medical Sciences, Eastman Dental Hospital, UCLH NHS Foundation Trust, 256 Grays Inn
Road, London WC1X 8LD, UK
* E-mail: j.zakrzewska@ucl.ac.uk

Summary. The diagnosis and management of facial pain below the eye can be very
Editor’s key points different dependant on whether the patient visits a dentist or medical practitioner. A
† Accurate diagnosis of structure for accurate diagnosis is proposed beginning with a very careful history. The
facial pain is the first step commonest acute causes of pain are dental and these are well managed by dentists.
in successful Chronic facial pain can be unilateral or bilateral and continuous or episodic. The
management. commonest non-dental pains are temporomandibular disorders (TMDs), especially
musculoskeletal involving the muscles of mastication either unilaterally or bilaterally;
† Dental and non-dental
they may be associated with other chronic pains. A very wide range of treatments are
causes are both common,
used but early diagnosis, reassurance and some simple physiotherapy is often effective
with consequent
in those with good coping strategies. Dentists will often make splints to wear at night.
difficulties in appropriate
Neuropathic pain is usually unilateral and of the episodic type; the most easily
recognized is trigeminal neuralgia. This severe electric shock like pain, provoked by light
† The evidence for touch, responds best to carbamazepine, and neurosurgery in poorly controlled patients.
management is often Trauma, either major or because of dental procedures, results in neuropathic pain and
extrapolated from other these are then managed as for any other neuropathic pain. Red flags include giant
chronic pain conditions. cell arteritis which much be distinguished from temporomandibular disorders (TMD),
† Well-designed clinical especially in .50 yr olds, and cancer which can present as a progressive neuropathic
trials of facial pain are pain. Burning mouth syndrome is rarely recognized as a neuropathic pain as it occurs
needed, with clinically principally in peri-menopausal women and is thought to be psychological. Chronic facial
relevant outcome pain patients are best managed by a multidisciplinary team.
Keywords: diagnosis; facial pain; guidelines

The area from the eyes down to the lower mandible of the classifications (e.g. neuropathic and vascular) which are
face is a territory shared between the medical and dental pro- helpful in management (Fig. 1). It must always be remem-
fessions. The public remain confused as to who they should bered that facial pain can be secondary to primary cancer or
consult when they develop chronic pain in this area. The a metastasis from elsewhere. It is important to attempt a diag-
care pathway may be very different depending on who they nosis as Durham and colleagues3 have shown that lack of
consult. Dentists will refer their patients to dental schools a diagnosis in patients with temporomandibular disorders
and oral and maxillofacial surgeons, whereas general practi- (TMDs) impacted on sufferers’ daily lives.
tioners will refer to ear, nose and throat (ENT) neurology, or
pain medicine. Dental pain is extremely common and it can Approach to facial pain diagnosis
also co-exist with other conditions. Patients with facial pain History and examination
will often have other co-morbidities, including depression
To make an accurate diagnosis it is essential to listen to the
and chronic pain elsewhere: a biopyschosocial approach is
history and allow time for the patient to complete their
needed for successful management.
opening statement. The pain history needs to include
The diagnostic criteria for orofacial pains can be found both
details on:
in the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)
classification1 and in the International Headache Classifica- † Timing: onset, duration, and periodicity.
tion2 (to be re-published in 2013); there are some variations † Location and radiation (e.g. within nerve distribution).
between the two classifications. Very few of the criteria for † Quality and severity.
facial pain have been validated by case control studies. From † Relieving and aggravating factors (e.g. effect of hot,
a clinical perspective, it may be most useful to divide chronic cold sweet foods, prolonged chewing, eating, brushing
pain into those with continuous or episodic pain and then uni- of teeth, touching the face, weather, physical activity,
lateral or bilateral, rather than using the more conventional posture, stress, and tiredness).

& The Author [2013]. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved.
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BJA Zakrzewska

Chronic continuous pain

Yes No

Unilateral continuous orofacial pain Unilateral episodic orofacial pain

Yes No Yes No

• Post herpetic neuralgia • Temporomandibular • Trigeminal neuralgia • Tension type

• Post traumatic trigeminal disorders** classical (Type 1) headache
pain • Persistent orofacial • Trigeminal neuralgia • Medication
• Anesthesia dolorosa muscle pain ** symptomatic overuse
• Persistent dentoalveolar • Trigeminal neuralgia + headache
pain (atypical odontalgia) Burning mouth syndrome concomitant pain (Type 2)
• Referred pain • Glossopharyngeal
Persistent idiopathic facial
• Post stroke pain pain
• Giant cell arteritis * • Trigeminal autonomic
Chronic migraine • Episodic migraine *

Cancer pain

Fig 1 Causes of chronic orofacial pain. *Can be bilateral, **can be unilateral. Types of pain: blue box, neuropathic; red, vascular; purple, mus-
culosketetal; green, primary headaches; orange, mixed, or unknown.

† Associated factors (e.g. taste, salivary flow, clenching, ability to open and fixed, and removal appliances. The oral
bruxing habits, locking or clicking of jaw joint, altered mucosa is examined for soft tissue lesions.
sensation, nasal, eye, or ear symptoms).
† Other pain conditions (e.g. headaches, migraines, Investigations
chronic widespread pain, and fibromyalgia). As pain is subjective, it is useful to use questionnaires to help
† Impact of pain (e.g. sleep, mood, concentration, fatigue, in assessment and monitoring of effects of therapy. Ques-
beliefs, and quality of life). tionnaires such as the Brief Pain Inventory, Beck Depression
Inventory, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, McGill
As with all chronic pain, psychological assessment, family Pain Questionnaire, and Oral Impacts on Daily Performance
history (e.g. TMDs have a genetic predisposition), social (OHIP) have all been well validated and are sensitive. Labora-
history, and significant life events need to be determined. tory investigations are not of great importance, except in the
It is useful to ascertain the healthcare professionals they potential diagnosis of cranial arteritis and for auto-immune
have accessed including complementary and alternative disorders such as Sjogren’s syndrome. Imaging is especially
medicine practitioners. A full drug history is important and important for dental pain and consists mainly of local
a past and present medical history. X-rays which can be carried out in every dental practice.
Extraoral examination is confined generally to the head Dental panoramic tomographs are very useful for bony
and neck region. Visual inspection will show up any colour lesions or cysts and are available in most hospitals but
changes, swellings, and skin lesions. Palpation of lumps or also in larger dental practices (for further details, see e.g. Zakr-
salivary glands may be indicated in some circumstances. zewska4). Salivary gland diseases are best investigated using
Examination includes the muscles of mastication, head and ultra sound. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs) and compu-
neck muscles for tenderness and trigger points, muscle terized tomography (CTs) are indicated in some conditions.
hypertrophy, and movement of the temporomandibular
joint including crepitus. The cranial nerves need to be exam- Acute facial pain
ined. Intraoral examination includes the hard tissues and The conditions described in this section are rarely seen in pain
teeth for obvious dental pathology including decay, mobile clinics as they are relatively easy to diagnose and are effectively
teeth, excessive wear facets (indicating bruxism), occlusion, managed by the dental profession or general practitioners.5

Facial pain diagnosis and management BJA
Dental and oral causes it is too complex for routine clinical use and has been modi-
The majority of dental pain is acute and most are likely to be fied by others17 and updated (to be published in late 2013) by
unilateral and located within the mouth, some very specific- an international panel in order to be more clinically useful.18
ally relating to a tooth, but sometimes difficult to localize. Patients can have more than one diagnosis (e.g. muscle pain
The major features are summarized in Table 1. A good light with or without disc displacement and limitation in opening).
is required to examine the teeth, the attached gingiva and The commonest form is an acute onset pain often related
then the soft tissues of the oral mucosa. If any dental to prolonged opening (e.g. dental treatment or trauma).
causes are identified, patients need to be encouraged to Management is reassurance, soft diet, and analgesics.
seek early dental care. If they have special needs (i.e. Muscle pain is the commonest cause and often involves
complex medical histories or physical disabilities), they may both the muscles of mastication and the neck.9 It is import-
need to be treated by dentists specializing in special needs. ant to take a comprehensive history to elicit yellow flags as
Diseases of the oral mucosa are painful and will be asso- they often result in chronicity.19
ciated with a lesion (e.g. lichen planus, herpes zoster, The features of the masticatory form of TMD are given in
herpes simplex, recurrent oral ulceration, and Sjogren’s Table 1. To make the diagnosis, it is crucial to appreciate
syndrome).6 that palpation needs to induce the same pain reported by
the patient. Intra articular disc problems, with or without dis-
Maxillary sinusitis placement, result in clicking and, if the disc does not reduce,
intermittent locking. Limited opening is defined as ,40 mm
Most sinusitis is acute and the chronic form is less likely to be
maximum with assisted opening (distance between the an-
associated with pain. The International Headache Society2
terior incisors). Degenerative disorders present with marked
suggests that the diagnostic criteria for all sinusitis is the
crepitus (reported by the patient and detected on palpation)
same—the only difference is location (Table 1). Acute sinus-
and are often not associated with pain. Subluxation problems
itis is most frequently caused by viruses or bacteria but it can
are mainly found in patients with hypermobility and are
occur after a dental infection or after treatment to upper pre-
associated with deviation of the jaws on opening. Imaging
molar or molars, especially extractions. Dental surgical pro-
is not required for masticatory problems but can be useful
cedures can result in an oral antral fistula and patients will
in joint disorders to confirm the clinical findings; however,
complain of oral and nasal discharge. Imaging may indicate
its use is controversial.20
the presence of a foreign body in the antrum. The fistula
The aims of management are to decrease pain and func-
needs to be closed by oral/maxillofacial surgeons and then
tional limitation and improve quality of life. This is done
managed as for any maxillary sinusitis.
through a wide range of therapies but overall self-
management through education needs to be encouraged
Salivary gland disorders
as improved self-efficacy leads to fewer symptoms.21 Therap-
Tumours, duct blockage and subsequent infection of the sal- ies range from diet, splint, physiotherapy, drugs, psychological,
ivary glands also elicit pain in the trigeminal nerve. Salivary and surgical.
stones are most frequent in the submandibular gland. The RCTs and systematic reviews of treatments have been
pain is intermittent and characteristically occurs just before published.22 23 Many studies suffer from significant bias,
eating. There may be associated tenderness of the involved but more recent RCTs are of higher quality.22 24 The
salivary gland. Bimanual palpation will enable the stone to primary outcome measures in most of the studies were
be palpated. If it is in the duct then salivary flow from the pain; quality of life, daily activities, and psychological status
duct will be slow or absent. Imaging and ultrasound are were rarely reported23 25 even though there is good evidence
useful and referral for further management to oral/maxillo- that oral health related quality of life is impaired by TMD.26
facial surgeons is indicated. The most common form of therapy, carried out by den-
tists, is the use of a variety of intraoral appliances, mainly
Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) worn at night.27 There may be some efficacy for the hard
By far the commonest non-dental cause of facial pain are the full coverage stabilization splints whereas others, which do
TMDs. They affect !5–12% of the population and the peak not take into account occlusion, are prone to cause signifi-
age is 20–40 yr. Depression, catastrophizing, and other psy- cant adverse events if misused (e.g. movement of teeth
chological factors increase the risk of chronicity.7 TMDs are and malocclusion).22 25 A recent RCT suggests that, in the
also linked with back pain,8 fibromyalgia,9 10 and head- longer term, education may be more beneficial than
aches.11 Schiffman and colleagues12 have put forward cri- splints.28 Acupuncture is of limited long-term benefit23 29 30
teria for headache secondary to TMD. The large US OPPERA and there is insufficient evidence to support the use of low
study confirms its complexity and that TMD is not just an iso- level laser therapy.31 32 There is currently some evidence
lated facial pain.13 – 15 for the effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT)33
Dworkin and colleagues16 published the Research Diag- and physiotherapy.34 35
nostic Criteria1 for TMD in 1992 suggesting a dual axis ap- A Cochrane systematic review found 11 poor-quality
proach, taking into account psychological factors. It has studies on pharmacological therapy and there is inconclusive
been used as a basis for research internationally. However, evidence for analgesics, benzodiazepines, anticonvulsants,

Table 1 Dental and musculoskeletal characteristics of facial pain
Disorder Location radiation Timing Quality Aggravating Associated factors Examination Investigations Management
severity factors
Dental caries Local tooth Intermittent, Dull, Hot, cold, sweet Decay visible old May require Removal caries, filling
length of stimuli moderate foods fillings intraoral X-ray dentist
Pulpal Local tooth Intermittent Sharp, Cold, hot, sweet Caries, dental trauma Tender to percussion, Apical intraoral Endodontics or
reversible seconds to throbbing, foods caries X-ray extraction
minutes severe
Pulpal Difficult to localize Intermittent Sharp, Cold, hot, sweet Caries Tender to percussion, Apical intraoral Endodontics or
irreversible several hours throbbing, foods, lying caries, may be X-ray extraction
moderate supine gingival swelling
Dental Local affected teeth Intermittent Sharp, Especially cold Receded gingiva Nil Brushing advice,
sensitivity seconds to moderate foods, air varnishes, topical
minutes fluoride
Periodontal Local teeth Intermittent Aching, dull Eating Mobile teeth, gingiva
disorders hours low intensity erythematous,
pocketing, may have
discharge from
Pericoronitis Partially erupted tooth Continuous Aching, Biting Lymphadenopathy, Tender glands, Debridement, hot salt
most commonly wisdom throbbing malaise, fever, trismus impacted tooth with mouthwashes,
moderate to redness, often upper antibiotics if systemic
severe wisdom tooth manifestations,
extraction upper
wisdom tooth initially
Premature Recently restored tooth Intermittent on Initially Biting History of recent fillings
contact but can radiate to local stimulation sharp, later
ones dull
Cracked tooth Tooth but difficult to Intermittent Sharp, Eating, biting Often difficult to see X-rays not Dependant on
localize seconds to sometimes crack, sometimes always effective, location may need
minutes dull, biting on cotton wool may require use extraction
moderate roll will elicit pain of dye
Alveolar Local tooth socket Continuous 4 – 5 Sharp deep None Halitosis Loss of clot, exposed Nil Irrigation if persistent
osteitis (dry days post ache bone antibiotic -
socket) extraction metronidazole
Maxillary Over maxillary sinus Continuous Dull, aching, Bending Nasal discharge, history Upper posterior Occipito mental Inhalations
sinusitis unilateral or bilateral boring, mild of either respiratory teeth tender to if X-ray
often intraoral upper to moderate infection or dental percussion, tender necessary
quadrant treatment over maxillary sinus
Facial pain diagnosis and management BJA
and other miscellaneous drugs.36 An open-label study of
amitriptyline showed some benefit37 whereas no benefit

cognitive behaviour
was noted in an RCT of Botulinum Toxin.38
Surgical removal

Physiotherapy, If there is a functional element (e.g. crepitus, limitation in

movement), surgical therapies may be useful. The least inva-
sive is arthrocentesis, a form of lavage performed under local

anaesthesia but results are not maintained.39 Arthroscopy is

a more invasive procedure performed under general anaes-
thesia and allows more exploration. It can be taken a
Lower occlusal

stage further to perform open surgery on the joint; this


may increase functionality but relapses are common.40

A proposed management pathway for TMD is summarized
in Table 1.
Tender in the floor of

salivary flow through

bimanual palpation

Neuropathic pain
least temporalis or
familiar pain of at

round joint itself

tenderness also
feel a stone. No

Tenderness and
the mouth. On

Neuropathic pain often presents on the face in the territory

masseter. In

of the trigeminal nerve (see Table 2).


Trigeminal post herpetic neuralgia

Trigeminal post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN) has the same clinic-
Clenching habit, may be

problems, often have

al features as other neuralgias presenting elsewhere; man-

associated with disc

agement should follow guidelines for neuropathic pain (e.g.

headaches and

O’Connor and Dworkin41).


Post traumatic trigeminal pain/trigeminal

neuropathic pain/atypical odontalgia
It is being increasingly recognized that it is not just injuries
Just before and

Jaw movement

such as trauma to the facial skeleton that can result in

while eating


neuropathic pain of the trigeminal nerve but also various


dental procedures ranging from root canal therapy and

extractions to dental implants. Diagnostic criteria are being
proposed.42 – 45 In cases of dentally induced injuries, there
Aching, deep
Dull, aching,

is often a history of poor analgesia at the time of the proced-

but can be

ure when the symptoms often start. In other instances, no


clear trauma can be identified and yet the pain is very

clearly localized in the dental area; this has been called atyp-
ical odontalgia.46 Currently, management is as for other
worsen through
continuous can
sudden mostly

neuropathic pain but there is a high percentage of failures.47

day and night

Onset often

Burning mouth syndrome

Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is a rare chronic condition
characterized by burning of the tongue and other parts
retromolar area, neck. In
Muscles of mastication,
floor of mouth or over

of the oral mucosa in which no dental or medical causes

arthralgia the pain is
Submandibular area,

often more localized

radiates to temple,

are found. It is seen predominantly in peri- and post-

around and in ear

mouth especially

around the joint

menopausal women. This condition is most commonly seen

parotid area

by the dental profession and the oral mucosa is normal in ap-

pearance (Table 2). Neurophysiological testing, biopsies and
functional MRI suggest that it is a disorder of peripheral
nerve fibres48 with central brain changes.49 The prognosis is
other muscles

poor with only a small number resolving fully; however,

Salivary stone


patients can be reassured that it will not get worse and

referral to

this is often crucial.50 Secondary causes of BMS (local and

with or

systemic) include oral candidiasis, mucosal lesions, haem-


atological disorders, auto-immune disorders, and pharmaco-

logical side-effects.

Table 2 Neuropathic and other non-dental causes of facial pain

Disorder Location radiation Timing Quality severity Aggravating Associated Examination Investigations Management
factors factors
Post herpetic Site of herpes zoster Continuous Burning, tingling, Light touch, Allodynia, Nil Neuropathic pain
neuralgia extraoral and itchy, tender, can eating hyperalgesia medications
intraoral be sharp at times
moderate to
Post traumatic Trigeminal area at Continuous within Burning, tingling, Variety of triggers History of dental Allodynia, or other Qualitative Neuropathic pain
trigeminal pain/ site of injury 3 –6 months of can be sharp at including touch, procedure or sensory changes sensory testing medications
trigeminal trauma times and very thermal, trauma
neuropathic severe mechanical
Atypical odontalgia/ Localized to tooth or Continuous Aching, dull, Sometimes touch May be Intraoral X-rays to Cognitive
persistent tooth bearing area throbbing, hyperaesthesia in ensure no dental behaviour therapy
dentoalveolar pain sometimes the area problems
sharp, mild to
Burning mouth Tongue most Continuous in most Burning, Sometimes eating Dry mouth, Nil Exclude other Reassurance,
syndrome commonly bilateral instances stinging, itchy aggravates, in abnormal taste, causes education, CBT,
especially tip, lips, sore, mild to others relieves often depression, haematinics, possibly drugs for
palate, buccal severe poor quality of life blood glucose neuropathic pain
Trigeminal neuralgia Unilateral Paroxysmal attacks Sharp, shooting Light touch Fear if severe Light touch evoked MRI Anticonvulsants,
trigeminal nerve of 2 s to minutes, electric shock washing, cold depression pain, rarely sensory surgery
most common refractory period like, frightful, but wind, eating, changes
second and third between attacks, in some aching, brushing teeth,
divisions extraoral 10 – 30 attacks burning after many attacks are
and intraoral daily, may remit for pain, moderate evoked but some
weeks, months. to very severe can be
Other types can spontaneous
have a longer pain
that can last for
Glossopharyngeal Unilateral deep in Paroxysmal attacks Sharp, shooting Swallowing, Syncope rarely Light touch MRI Anticonvulsants,
neuralgia the ear and or back of 2 s to minutes, electric shock coughing, touch provoked surgery
of tongue, tonsils, recurrent like, frightful, ear
neck throughout day, moderate to very
may remit for severe
weeks, months
Short unilateral Unilateral mainly Rapid attacks Sharp, stabbing, Mostly Tearing, red eye, During an attack MRI including Lamotrigine
neuralgiform pain first and second lasting seconds to moderate to spontaneous, eye oedema, may see some of pituitary fossa
with autonomic division trigeminal several minutes, up severe some light touch rhinorrhoea, or the autonomics
features (SUNA)/ nerve to 200 attacks evoked blockage, redness
SUNCT conjunctival daily, no refractory cheek, ear fullness
injection and tearing period between
attacks rare for
remission periods
Facial pain diagnosis and management BJA
RCTs with respect to BMS are often of poor quality.51 CBT
may be effective.52 There have been several RCTs evaluating

behaviour therapy
minimum 40 mg


the role of alpha lipoic acid (antioxidant), but the evidence is

conflicting.53 – 57 One study combining alpha lipoic acid with

High dose

gabapentin 300 mg reported the best outcome.58 Topical clo-



nazepam and capsaicin were shown to have some effect in a

single short-term trial.59 Systemic capsaicin for 1 month gave

good results but resulted in significant gastric problems.60
within 2 weeks of
C reactive protein
ESR.50 mm h21

raised, temporal

Topical benzydamine,61 trazadone,62 hypericum perfora-

CT MRI sensory
artery biopsy

tum,63 and lafutidine64 have all been shown to have

limited efficacy.



Trigeminal neuralgia and its variants

cyanosis of tongue
Scalp tenderness,

Trigeminal neuralgia is defined by the IASP as ‘a sudden

temporal artery,
abnormality of

if claudication

pulse absent,

usually unilateral severe brief stabbing recurrent episodes

of pain in the distribution of one or more branches of the tri-

geminal nerve’; it has a profound effect on quality of life.1 Al-


though rare, is it the most frequent diagnosis proposed for

unilateral episodic pain. Its clinical features are given in
Can occur in other

Other widespread
weight loss, up to

bowel, significant

Table 2. In rare cases, trigeminal neuralgia is symptomatic

diplopia, loss of
vision, malaise,
fever, myalgia,

40 –60% have

pain, irritable

of other conditions (e.g. tumours, mostly benign), multiple



life events

sclerosis. There is an increasing literature describing variants


of trigeminal neuralgia termed type 2,65 and/or trigeminal


neuralgia with concomitant pain.66 In these cases, there is

more prolonged pain in between the sharp shooting
attacks. In the classical types, the most common cause is
Fatigue, stress

neurovascular compression of the trigeminal nerve in or

around the route entry zone whereas Type 2 may be of


more central origin.66

International guidelines and Cochrane reviews suggest
that carbamazepine remains the primary drug of choice
pricking, mild to
severe if tongue

Aching, burning
claudication is

but oxcarbazepine is equally effective with fewer side-

throbbing but

Dull, aching,
can be very
Dull aching


effects.67 – 70 Other drugs for which there is some evidence



include lamotrigine and baclofen. Also, there has been a


RCT of gabapentin combined with ropivicaine71 and a long-

term cohort study of pregablin72 suggesting efficacy.
after a stroke within

However, in many patients, side-effects become intolerable

some report hours
Continuous begins

or days of no pain
a few months but
Continuous often

can be delayed
Continuous but

or pain control becomes sub-optimal; in these cases, surgical

sudden onset

interventions are considered. It is important that a neurosur-

gical opinion is obtained at an early stage. There are very few
randomized control trials of surgery.73 The only non-ablative
(destructive) procedure is that of microvascular decompres-
Temporal region jaw

sion; however, this is a major neurosurgical procedure in

the face, periorbital
Ipsilateral to stroke
often whole side of

which access is gained to the posterior fossa in order to iden-

extraoral and

tify and remove a vascular compression of the trigeminal

area may be

nerve. The nerve remains intact and so it is rare to get com-


plications related to the trigeminal nerve, although 2–4%

may suffer from hearing loss and, as with any major proced-
ure, there is a 0.4% mortality. The chance of being pain free
idiopathic facial pain

at 10 yr is 70%.74 Other peripheral ablative procedures are

Persistent (chronic)
Giant cell arteritis

available [e.g. neurectomy, cryotherapy, Gasserian ganglion

Post stroke pain

(e.g. radiofrequency thermocoagulation, glycerol rhizotomy,

balloon compression), and posterior fossa level (e.g. rhizot-
omy, Gamma Knife)]. All destroy to a greater or lesser
extent the sensory fibres of the trigeminal nerve and hence
result in varying degrees of sensory loss. These procedures

BJA Zakrzewska

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Handling editors: L. Colvin and D. J. Rowbotham


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