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TM 11-666



Unittd Statu GorJtrnmtnt Printing Ojfict

Washington: 1953
W AsHINGTON 25, D. C ., 9 Februarv 1953
TM 11-666 is published for the information and guidance of all concerned.
[AG 413.44 (20 Oct 52)]


WM . E. BERGIN Chief of Staff, United States Army
Major General, USA
The Adjutant General

Active Army:
Tech Svc (1); Tech Svc Bd (1); AFF Bd (ea Svc Test Sec) (1);
AFF (5); AA Comd (2) ; OS Maj Comd (5); Base Comd (3); MDW
(5); Log Comd (2); A (10); CHQ (2); FT (2); USMA (3); C&GSC
(3); P.MS&T 11 (1); Gen Dep (2); Dep 11 (20); RTC (2) except 11
(100); POE (1), OSD (3); Lab 11 (2); 4th & 5th Ech Maint Shops
11 (2); Mil Dist (1); T/0 & E 's, ll - 7N (2); ll - 15N (2).
NG: Same as Active Army.
Army Reserve: Same as Active Army.
For explanation of distribution formula, see SR 310- 90- 1.

The manuals on electronic fundamentals form a progressive series of
educational texts which present the theory and application of electronics
for the military services. The series starts with the basic electrical funda-
mentals and extends to the most recent technical concepts, as applied to
telegraphy, telephony, radio, loran, facsimile, radio direction finding, radar,
meteorological radio, television, and other military equipments. See SR
310-2o-4 for published, available manuals in this series.



Section I. The electromagnetic wave------------------------------- 1-6 1
II. Wave propagation______________________________________ 7-9 10
III. Summary and review questions__________________________ _ 10, 11 14,15


Section I. Ground-wave propagation ______________________________ _ 12-18 17
II. The ionosphere __________ ______ ______________________ __ _ 19-25 24
III. Sky-wave propagation __________ ________________________ _ 26-33 37
IV. Summary and review questions __________________________ _ 34,35 51,53
Section I. Basic theory ___ -------------- - -------------------- ----- 36-43 54
II. Transmission lines ____________ __ _______________ ________ _ 44-46 67
I II.Basic feeder systems ___________________________________ _ 47-51 79
IV. Basic radiation patterns ________________________________ _ 52-55 89
V.Practical half-wave antennas __________________ ____ ______ _ 56-68 97
VI. Grounded antennas ____________________________________ _ 69-79 118
VII. Summary and review questions __________________________ _ 80, 81 135,
CHAPTER 4. LONG-WIRE ANTENNAS __ _________ ___________________ _ 82-93 139
Section I. Introduction __________________________________________ _ 94-97
II. Driven arrays ____________________________________ _____ _ 98-104 177
III. Parasitic arrays ______ .. ________________________________ _ 105-107 198
IV. Summary and review questions __________________________ _ 108, 109 208,
INDEX------ --------- - ------------------- --· ------------- ----- ----- ------- 221

li'igure 1. Aaaorted antennas and their uaea.



1. General the power of the transmitter, the distance between
transmitter and receiver, and the sensitivity of
a. The study of antennas and wave propagation the receiver. The ability of the earth's atmos-
is essential to a complete understanding of radio phere to conduct the energy to its destination,
communication, radar, loran, and other e!ectronic together with the nature of the terrain. between
systems. In such systems, energy in the form of the sending and the receiving points, may, however,
radio or electromagnetic waves is generated by be responsible for the frequency selected; inter-
electronic equipment and fed to an antenna by fering signals may make reception impossible at
means of special transmission lines. The antenna a desired time, and the amount of noise present
radiates this energy out into space at the speed of and transmission line losses may combine to make
light (approximately 186,000 miles per second). an otherwise good signal unintelligible. To under-
Receiving antennas, when placed in the path of stand the proper importance of all these factors it
the traveling wave, absorb part of this energy is necessary first to investigate the nature of the




Figure e. Simple radio communications network.

and send it to the receiving equipment by means radio wave and the factors affecting its successful
of a transmission line. Thus, the components propagation.
required for successful transmission of intelligence
by means of radio waves are a transmitter and 2. Wave Motion
transmission line, a transmitting antenna, a
medium through which the waves travel (for a. Heinrich Hertz, in 1887, demonstrated tha~
example, the atmosphere surrounding the earth), electromagnetic energy could be sent out intp
a receiving antenna, another transmission line, space in the form of radio waves. It is known,
and suitable receiving equipment. Figure 2 is a of course, that an induction field exists about any
block diagram showing the arrangement of these wire carrying an electric current. Another field,
components. called the radiation field, exists, becomes detached
b. The ability to obtain successful communica- from the wire, and travels through space to make
tion by means of radio waves depends chiefly on radio communication possible. Attempts have
If -

· been made to ·illustrate the ~~oction involved by (D of fig. 4). Here the leading wave has conti.nded
comparing it to the waves formed by dropping a to move outward, and is followed by a seriee of
stone on the smooth surface ·of a pond. Although waves of gradually diminishing amplitude; meiUl-
.t he analogy is not exact, it does serve a useful while, the agitation in the immediate vicinit:f of
purpose because it makes comparison with a well the original point of contact gradually subsides.
]mown physical action. Figure 3 shows such an Note that the leading wave has amplitude (:o()te
event taking place, the waves appearing to be a A, fig. 4) and wavelength (note B, fig. 4) cott~
series of regularly alternating crests and hollows sponding to 1 complete cycle.
·moving radially-outward in all directions from the c. Of course, this action fails to compare with
point of disturbance on the surface of the water. that of electromagnetic radiation, since a ~
b. Figure 4 presents a graphical analysis of this tinuous wave motion is not imparted to the surface
action, showing how the stone imparts its energy of the water by a dropped stone, the action jUSt
to .the water surface. A of figure 4 shows the described being that of a damped oscillatiOn.
falling stone just an instant before it strikes the But suppose a string to be attached to the stone
water. Its energy has been derived from the of figure 4 8Q that its upward and downward
gravitational pull exerted on it by the earth, and motion can be controlled from above. Before the
the amount of this energy depends not ouly on the event shown in 0 of figure 4, takes place, the stone
weight of the stone but also on the height from is pulled sharply upward afterits initial fall to the
which it bas been dropped. B of figure 4 shows position shown m
A of figure 5, and then lowered
the action taking place at the instant the stone again to the position shown in B · of figure 5.
strikes the surface, pushing the water around it The result, of these upward and downward motions
upward and outward, thereby imparting an initial is to reinforce the diminishing amplitude of the
velocity to the mass of water at this point of con- succeeding waves, and, if the timing and the do\fll-
tact~ In C of figure 4 the stone has sunk deeper ward force of the stone are exactly right, waves of
into the water, which closes violently over it, constant amplitude continue to travel outwllol'd
causing some spray, while the leading wave has from . the disturbing source at a velocity, 11,
moved radially outward because of its initial determined by the product of the frequency, J,
velocity. An 'instant later, the stone will have of the downward motion (those that impart
sunk out of sight, leaving . the water agitated energy to the medium) multiplied by the measured

Figure S. Formation of wave& in water.


-- - - -- -- -- -
- ---- -- ---=-=-=-=-:=:-:=:-=-=-========-=======~=====:~:===-======~==~=======:=:==:-:-:=:=:=:=:=:=-:-:-:-=-=-=---- - --- - --.



Figure 4. How a falling stone imparts wave motion to a water surface.

wavelength X (lambda), of the resulting waves.

(Since L is used conventionally as the symbol for
inductance and l for dimensional length, the
equivalent Greek letter, X, is used for the length
of waves.) Thus: v=Xf. If the frequency and
the velocity of propagation are known, then the
wavelength may be determined:
d. This same type of action takes place at the
antenna of a radio transmitter, the medium in this
case being the free space about the antenna
instead of a water surface, and the disturbing
source a fluctuating induction field in place of a
moving stone. The preceding formulas (c above)
hold for this wave motion and for all types of
wave motion, whether it be of water waves, sound
waves in air, or light and electromagnetic waves
in free space. It should be noted, however, that
the terin free space is used to denote the unob-
structed medium through which radio waves
travel. Free space implies that the source (trans- B
mitter and antenna in the case of radio waves) is
surrounded by nothing except ordinary air or Figure 5. Formation of continu ous waves in water.
vacuum. The presence of trees, hills, lakes, or crosses. The electric flux lines also are closed, or
other aspects of the local 't errain modifies in each endless, lines in the present case, and consist
case the effective radiation of an electromagnetic essentially of arcs of circles lying in planes con~
wave. And thus, although the surface of the taining the antenna and joined in the manner
earth, or the air near its surface, _is not considered shown. These electric flux lines reverse direction
to be free space, the formula in c above still will at precisely the places where the magnetic fluJC
hold in terms of properly modified factors. lines reverse, and their density varies along the
e. Like light a.nd radiant heat, radio waves radial direction in the way that the magnetic fluJC
are a form of radiant energy propagated through density varies. In fact, the electric flux density
space at a speed of nearly 300,000,000 meters is everywhere proportional to the magnetic :fluJC
(186,000 miles) per second. Thus, a wave alternat- density.
ing at a frequency of 1,000,000 cycles per second c. The correct configuration of flux lines for a.
has a wavelength of approximately 982 feet. single instant of time is shown in figure 6. As
time passes, these flux lines expand radially with
Since: :\=vlf= 186,000/1,000,000 the velocity of light, and new flux lines are created
:\=0.186 mile at the antenna to replace those that travel
Converting to feet: :\=0.186 x 5,280
:\=982 feet. outward. Thus, oscillating electric and magnetic
Then one half-wavelength or :\/2=982/2=491 feet. fields are produced along the path of travel. The
frequency of the oscillating fields is the same as the
3. Radiation from a Half-wave Antenna frequency of the antenna current, and the magni-
tudes of both fields vary continuously with this
a. Although nothing has been said about the current. The variations in the magnitude of the
characteristics of a half-wave antenna, it is con- electric component (called the E field) and those
venient to use this element in describir.g the of the magnetic component (called the H field)
mechanism of radiation. Simply stated, a half- are in time phase, so that at every point in space
wave antenna is one which is approximately a the time-varying magnetic field ind'!lces a differ-
half-wave long at the operating frequency. For ence in voltage, which is the electric field. The
example, at 30 megacycles, a half-wave antenna is electric field also varies with time, and its varia-
approximately 16 feet long. When power is tion is equivalent to a current, even though it is
delivered to such an antenna, two fields are set not associated with a movement of charge. This
up by the :fluctuating energy: one the induction is called the displacement current, and it estab-
field, which is associated with the stored energy lishes a magnetic field in precisely the way that a
(par. 6), and the other the radiation field, which conduction current does. Thus, the varying mag-
moves out into space at nearly the speed of light. netic field produces a varying electric field, and the
At the antenna, the intensities of these fields are varying electric field, through its associated dis-
large and are proportional to the amount of power placement current, sustains the varying magnetic
delivered to the antenna. At a short distance field. Each field supports the other, and neither
from the antenna, and beyond, only the radiation can be propagated by itself, without setting up the
field prevails. This radiation field is made up other.
of an electric component and a magnetic compo- d. The mechanism by which the flux lines of the
nent at right angles to each other in space and radiation field become separated from the antenna
varying together in intensity. and are radiated out into space can be understood
b. Figure 6 shows the manner in which the by considering the movement of the charges which
radiation field is propagated away from the pass back and forth along the length of the antenna
antenna. The electric and magnetic components as a result of the driving current. At an instant
are represented here by separate sets of flux lines, of time when positive charges are distributed
which are at right angles to each other and to the along one half of the antenna, and negative
radial direction of propagation. The picture is charges along the other half, electric :flux lines
representative of any plane containing the antenna, originate on the positive charges and terminate
and applies for only a single instant of time. The on the negative charges. These flux lines follow
magnetic flux lines are shown as circular lines paths in space such as those indicated in A of
having the axis of the antenna as their axis so figure 7. As time passes, the separated charges
that they appear in the illustration as dots 'and again come together, bringing the two ends of the


TM 666-4

Figure 6. Electric and magnetic fields about an antenna.

flux lines together, as in B of figure 7. When the flux lines become joined, creating closed lines
unlike charges meet, they seem to cancel each which are snapped free from the antenna and
other, and the flux lines attached to them collapse propagated outward, as shown in 0 and D of
and cease to exist. Thus, the two ends of the figure 7.

A B c
TM 666-5

Fi(J'Ure 7. Creation of closed electric lines at an antenna.


\ . \ I

' •·
"" \

4. Th• Wave Front a. E and H Fields. In considering the radio
signal path between a transmitting and a reeeiving
Actually, the radiation field may be conceived antenna, the concept of a moving wave front
of as a series of concentric expanding surfaces becomes important. This path is assumed to
following one after the other. On of these follow a straight line in the dir~tion of travel. In
surfaces, the radiation field is at a constant phase traveling this way, the radio wave may be
of vibration and is ealled a wave front. Figure described as moving electromagnetic field, having
3 illustrates this concept. 'If the surface of the velocity in the direction of travel, and with com-
water about the point of disturbance is examined, ponents of electric intensity arid magnetic in,ten-
water waves are observed to be radiating outward, sity arranged at right angles to each other (fig. 9)~
increasing in circ\unference as they travel. At This figure indicates that the in$tantaneous ampli-
a distance from the origiil, the circular pattern tudes and phase relations of the electric field, E,
becomes less apparent and, when a small trans- and the magnetic field, H , change with time
verse section of the disturbed surface is studied, according to the frequency of the wave. In order
only arcs of relatively large circles of the wave to visualize this action, imagine a receiving antenna
front appear, and these seem to be transverse in the path of the oncoming wave (fig. 10). Now
straight lines. . Similar effects occur with radio consider that the entire wave is moving at a con-
waves that ~e radiated from an antenna, so that, stant speed in the direction indicated. The
at great distances from the antenna, a small por- intensities of both the electric and the magnetic
tion of the wave front may be taken to be a fields will be maximum at the same instant as the
transverse plane surface (fig. 8). FroJD. the point crest of the wave passes the anteim.a, and mini-
of view of the observer, the wave fronts march mum at the same instant the zero point is ·reached,
past, varying sinusoidally in direction and mag- but at all times the fields are perpendicular to each
nitude, as shown by the graphs at the top of the other. It should be kept .in mind that figure 10
picture. shows only one transverse section of the entire
wave front, which fills all the space shown in the
b. Directional Oonventiom. The direction of the
electric or magnetic component of an electromag-
netic wave at any instant is determined by the
conventions described below. I t should be noted,
however, that the electric and magnetic compo-
nents of a radiated field are in phase in respect to
time and 90° out of phase in respect to space, but
that the electric and magnetic components of the
TM6M~ 8
induction field are 90° out of phase in respect. to
Figure 9. Compcmenll of electromagnetic wave. both time and space. Therefore, for the duration

Figure 10. Band H fieldaoj radiated wat~e.

of a given electric induction field, the magnetic wave is said to be polarized vertically; if the plane
induction field is first in one direction at right is horizontal, as in ® of figure 11 the wave is said
angles to the increasing electric field and then in to be polarized horizontally. This polarization of
the opposite direction for the decreasing electric the wave front is an important factor in the
field. efficient transmission and reception of signals.
(1) Electric field. The direction of any elec- Thus, if a single-wire antenna is used to extract
tric field is, like that of voltage, taken to energy from a passing radio wave, maximum pick-
be from plus to minus; that is, an arrow up will result when the antenna is so placed
representing the direction of an electric physically that it lies in the same direction as the
field carries the plus sign at its tail and electric field component. Therefore, a vertical
the minus sign at its head. This con- antenna (one perpendicular to the ground) should
vention is based on the arbitrary selec- be used for the efficient reception. of vertically
tion of a unit positive charge as a t~st polarized waves (those transmitted from a. verti-
charge, which in such a field would move cal antenna.), and a horizontal antenna should be
from plus to minus. used for the reception of horizontally polarized
(2) Magneticjield (radiated). If the radiated waves (those transmitted from a horizontal an-
field is moving away from an observer tenna). In both cases, the direction of travel is
with the arrows indicating direction of taken to be parallel to the earth's surface.
the electric field pointing downward the ·
direction of the magnetic field is giv.e~ by 6. Field Intensity
&rroWfi! pointing to the left. This con-
vention is based on the generation of a a. The conventional measure of the field inten-
magnetic field by current defined as sity of a radiated wave is, as mentioned in the
electron flow-that is, moving negative previous paragraph, a measure of the intensity of
charges-and determined by use of the the electric field. This intensity usually is ex-
left-hand rule. , pressed in volts, millivolts, or microvolts per
(3) Magnetic field (induction ). To an observ- meter which is a measute of the dielectric stress
er looking outward from a transmitting produced' by the electric field, or the voltage
antenna, an increasing electric field of induced in a conductor 1 meter long when held so
d?wnward direction would be accompa- that it lies in the direction of the electric field and
rued by a magnetic field with arrows is at right angles to the direction of propagation
point~ to the left, and a decreasing and to the direction of the magnetic field. As the
electnc field of downward direction distance between the traxwnitting antenna and
would .be accompanied by a magnetic the receiving antenna becomes greater and greater,
field With arrows pointing to the right. the field intensity of the radiated wave falls off
By the same token, the electric induction proportionately to the distance. For example, if
field reverses direction for the duration the received field intensity of a signal is 50 milli-
of a given magnetic field. volts per meter at a distance of 25 miles, then at
50 miles, or twice the distance, the field intensity
5. Polarization is one-half as much, or 25 millivolts. Thus,
electric field intensity varies inversely with the
In describing the principal characteristics of a distance from the transmitting antenna.
wave fro~t, the electric field component is taken b. In order to understand this variation of the
~ the pomt of reference. For example the inten- field intensity of a radiated wave, consideration
sity of .l: '
a rc.wo wave usually is measured in terms of

must be given to the relationship between the

t~e strength of the electric field, and the orienta- power radiated and the field intensity. As was
tiOn of the wave in space usually is described in
v t~rms. of the direction of wave travel and by the
directiOn of the electric field. The direction of
known before the era of electronies, the power
of a radiated wave, such as a. light wave, falls off
as the sq:uare.. of the distance between the source of
the electric field, in particular determines the light and the point of measurement. Thus, if a
polarization of the wave. Thus, ~ shown in @ of lighted candle is placed in the center of a dark
figure 11, when the plane containing the electric room, the intensity of its light will vary accord-
field and the direction of travel is vertical the ing to the square of the distance from it. In other



: I .. . . .··.. .. .· ..... . 1 1


TM 673-226

Figure 11. Vertical and horizontal polarization.

words, a sheet of paper held perpendicular to the candle as A. This law is expressed by the
rays of a candle and a certain distance from it will formula:
be lighted four times as brightly as one held at
twice this same distance. The reason for this is
illustrated in figure 12, where it may be seen that where A is the area of any portion of the surface of
the same amount of light that is intercepted by the a sphere of radius, r, having its center at the
paper at A must be used to cover jour times as source of the light. If r in figure 12 is equal to 1
great an area at B, which is twice as far from the foot, the area of the sheet at A is then 411" (1) 2 or

411' whereas the area of the sheet at B is equal to this field are related to distance has been described
411', (2)2 or 161r. The amount of light intercepted above. The induction field , on the other hand I
tit A is equivalent to the amount intercepted at B, is present only in the immediate area of the trans-
which has an area four times as great. This same mitting antenna, since its power falls off as the
law holds for the field intensity of electromagnetic fourth power of the distance. Close by the an-
waves when the power intercepted in a unit area tenna, the induction field is stronge;: than the
is considered. However, since electric power ex- radiation field, but, at a distance equal to a few
pressed in terms of the voltage present is propor- wavelengths of the frequency transmitted, the
tional tQ E 2 (because P=E 2 /R), then the square induction field is so small as to be negligible. The
of the vQltage falls off as the square of the distance, induction field is the field usually associated with
or voltage itself falls off as the distance. the voltage and current in any conductor, and as
such not only is the electric component at right
angles to the magnetic component (as it is about
any inductance carrying alternating current), but
also the usual phase shift of 90° between voltage
and current prevails. The result is that the in-
duction field is made up of two fields separated
in space by 90° and in time by 90°, or (aEl soiJJ.e-
times expressed) two fields in space quadrature and

t ----zr--~

Figure tS.
How light wave& decreaae in intenaity 48 the
in time quadrature. The electric and magnetic
components of the radiation field, as harJ been
shown, are also in space quadrature but are in
time phase.
square of the diatance. d. Perhaps some notion of the characteristics
of the induction field may be gained from con-
c. This analysis of field strength and the man- sidering that its components are the stored energy
ner iii which it decreases at a distance from the usually associated with a resonant circuit-the
radiating antenna supplies the basis for under- energy stored alternately by an inductor and a
standing the relationship between the various capacitor. Thus, the energy in the electrostatic
fields and their components present at a trans- field is the energy in the magnetic field (oscillating
:oiitting antenna. As mentioned in paragraph 3a, . continuously from one to the other), and this
two major fields are set up about a transmitting energy in either case is returned to the antenna
antenna when alternating current power is applied. circuit. Therefore, the power in the radiation
The radiation field persists to great distances, and field is the power delivered to a transmitting an-
the manner in which the power and intensity of tenna, less the heat loss in the antenna itself.


7. The Atmosphere edge of the composition of the earth's atmosphere
is extremely important in solving this problem,
The study of wave propagation is concerned and therefore, for purposes of understanding wave
chiefly with the properties and effects of the actual propagation, various layers of the atmosphere
medium through which radio waves must travel have been distinguished. These are the tropo-
in following any given path between a transmit- sphere, the stratosphere, and the ionosphere. Their
ting antenna and a receiving antenna. Since the relative positions are shown in figure 13.
atmosphere about the earth is not uniform, chang- a. The Troposphere. The troposphere is that
ing with a change in height or geographical lo- portion of the earth's atmosphere extending from
cation, or even with a change of time (day, night, the surface of the earth to heights of about 11 km
season, year), the lack of uniformity appreciably (kilometers), or approximately 61% miles. The
influences the passage of electromagnetic waves temperature in this region varies appreciably with
.through it, thereby adding many new factors to altitude.
complicate what at first might seem to be a rel- b. The Stratosphere. The stratosphere is that
atively simple communication problem. A knowl- portion of the earth's atmosphere lying between
Figure 19. Layers of the earth's atmosphere.

the troposphere and the ionosphere. The tem- (megacycles) per suond are cO'TI.8'i.lkred. The sPecial
perature in this region is considered to be almost considerations involved in the · use of higher fre-
constant, and, hence, it is called the isothermal quencies may be found in TM 11--667, Hig~er­
region. frequency Techniques, and in TM 11--673 1 Qen-
c. The Ionosphere. Besides the usual varia- era.t.i.on and Transmission of Microwave En~.
tions of moistur~ oontent and temperature, and
the variations in density associated with. a change 9. Propagation In the Atmosphere
in elevation, the atmosphere is distinguished
principally by the variation in amount of ioniza- There are two principal ways in which r~io
tion present. The ionosphere accordingly is de- waves travel from a transmitter to a receiver: by
fined as that portion of the earth's atmosphere · means of ground waves which travel directly f!;'om
above the lowest level at which ionization affects the transmitter to the receiver, and by mea~ of
the transmission of radio waves. The ionization sky waves· which travel up to the electriC\Uy
of this layer is large compared with that near the conducting layers of the earth's atmosphere (the
surface of the earth. It extends from about 50 ionosphere), and are reflected by them back to
kilometers to 250 kilometers above the earth. the earth. Long-distance radio transmission takes
The ionosphere is itself cOmposed of.severallayers, place principally by means of sky waves) and sh()rt-
as shown in figure 13, where ionization occurs at distance transmission and all ultrahigh-frequel).ey
di1ferent levels and intensities. The properties transmission take place by means of ground wa~es.
of these layers and their effects upon the propa- Some forms of transmission consist of combiba-
gation of electromagnetic waves are treated in tions of both. The propagation of the grotmd
detail in the next chapter. wave is in part affected by the electrical chal'&c-
teristics of the earth (soil or sea), and by dijfraaioo,
8. Frequency Claulflcations or bending, of the wave with the curvature of the
earth. These characteristics differ in diffe~nt
An understanding of the effects of the atmos- localities, but under most conditions they
pheric layers described above is complicated practically constant with time. Sky-wave pro})a-
further by· variations in the frequency of the gation, on the other hand, is variable, since the
transmitted wave. The characteristics of low- state of the ionosphere is always changing and
frequency propagation are different from those of this, therefore, affects the reflection, or the ref~­
high-frequency propagati~n, and therefore, for tion, of the waves.
ease of identification, the frequencies of propaga- a. Refl¢,ion.
tion usually are clasSed in ranges, as shown in (1) The reflection of a radio wave is like that
table I. The choice of a given frequency as the of any other type of wave. For instance,
point of division between classes, such as that when a beam of light falls on the surface
between the very-high frequencies and the ultra- of a mirror, nearly all of it is turned back
high frequencies, is more or less arbitrary and is or reflected. As with light waves, the
agreed upon for eonvenience. Note that in this efficiency with which reflection of radio
manual &nly #l,oae radio jrequenciu below SO me waves occurs depends on the material of
the reflecting medium. Large, smooth,
Tabk I. Btldio-Frequmcfl ClaalificatiOM metal surfaces of good electrical cond\lc-
tivity (such as copper) are very efficient
J'reci_,. (me) n-!ptlon
tlon reflectors of radio waves, reflecting ne8l'ly
all of the energy carried by the incident
Below .03------------ Very-low frequency ____ vlf waves. The surface of the earth is itself
.oato .3 Low frequency_------- lf a fairly good reflector of radio waves,
.3 to 8. 0 Medium frequency _____ mf
High frequency __ ______ hf particularly for waves that are incident
3.0 to 80
80 to 800 Very-high frequency___ vhf at small angles from the horizontal; and
300 to 3,000 Ultrahigh frequency___ uhf the ionosphere, even though it is not a
3,000 to 80,000 Buperhigh frequency___ ehf surface such as a mirror, is also a fairly
80,000 to 800,000 Extremely-high fre- ehf good reflector of radio waves.
quency. (2) Figure 14 shows a planar wave front re-
flected from a smooth surface. It should

Fig·ure 14. Reflection of a planar wave front.

be remembered here that, as in the re- that a wave front is a surface of equal
flection of light, the angle of incidence is phase perpendicular to the direction of
always equal to the angle of reflection. travel of the wave . In the case of water
However, the incident wave front, A-AI. waves previously discussed, the crests
is reversed by the reflecting surface and of adjacent circular expanding ripples
appears at B-Bl 180° out of phase. would correspond to the wave fronts
The reason for this is that point X of the shown in the figure.
incident wave reaches the reflecting sur- (2) Consider the wave front, A-Al (fig. 16),
face before point Y and is reflected to one portion of which is arriving at the
point Xl during the time it takes for surface of the water. Since the speed of
point Y on the wave front to move to light is less in water than it is in air, the
the point of reflection Yl. The parallel point marked A will advance the dis-
arrows indicate this change in phase. tance, d1, in a given length of time,
b. Refraction. whereas the point marked Al will travel
(1) If a beam of light shines on a smooth a greater distance, ch, in the same length
surface of water, some of the light will be of time, since it is still passing through a.
reflected and the remaining portion will faster medium. As a result, the wave
penetrate the water, as shown in figure front will be turned into a new direction,
15. The phenomenon by which light and the beam will follow this new direction.
waves penetrate the water in the manner Note that refraction occurs only when
shown is called refraction, and can be the wave or beam of light approaches
observed readily by examining a glass of the new medium in an oblique direction;
water into which a spoon is immersed . if the whole wave front arrives at the new
If viewed from an angle, the spoon ap- medium at the same moment, it is slowed
pears broken or bent at the point where
it enters the surface of the water. The
reason for this is that light waves travel
at a slower speed through water than
through air. Thus, in figure 15, the
direction of travel of the refracted light -ANGLE or ~ErLECTION
is different from that of the light beam
incident on the surface of the water.
Figure 16 shows how this change of di-
rection of the light beam occurs. The
parallel lines in this figure, which look
like steps of a ladder; represent wave
fronts of a beam of light incident on the TM 888·8

surface of the water. It will be recalled Figure 15. Reflection and refraction of a tight beam.



TM 666-41

Figure 16. Bending of a wave front by refraction.

up uniformly and no bending occurs.

The amount any wave is refracted or
bent as it passes from one medium to
another is called the refractive index.
This index depends on the relative densi-
ties of the two media and is actually a
ratio which compares the velocity of an
electromagnetic wave through a perfect
vacuum to its velocity through a denser Figure 17. Diffraction of waves around solid object.
medium such as the earth's atmosphere.
c. Diffraction. If a beam of light in an other- waves. A and B of figure 17 illustrate this phe-
wise blacked-out room shines on the edge of an nomenon and help to explain why raclio waves ~f
opaque screen, it will be observed that the screen the proper frequency can be received on the f~
will not cast a perfectly outlined shadow. The side of a hill or other natural obstruction, and w4y
edges of the shadow are not outlined sharply be- sound waves can be heard readily from aroun.d
cause the light rays are bent around the edge of the corner of a large building. Diffraction is 1\n
the object and decrease the area of total shadow. important consideration in the propagation ~f
The diffraction or bending of a light wave around radio waves at a dist~nce, because the largest ob-
the edge of a solid object is slight. The lower the ject to be contended with is the bulge of the earth
frequency of the wave, or the longer the wave- itself, which prevents a direct passage of the wa.\l'e
length, the greater the bending of the wave. from the transmitter to the receiver. This prob-
Thus, radio waves are more readily diffracted than lem is analyzed in detail in paragraphs 12 to 18
light waves, and sound waves more than radio on ground-wave propagation.


10. Summary d. When power is delivered to an antenna, two
fields are set up ·proportional to this power, a.n
a. Electromagnetic waves are a form of radiant induction field and a radiation field.
energy propagated into space at nearly the speed e. At a distance from the antenna, only the
of light, 300,000,000 meters or 186,000 miles per radiation field prevails.
second. f. The radiated field has both electric and mag-
b. A radio wave may be described as a moving netic field components. Each field component
electromagnetic field having velocity in the direc- supports the other, and neither can be propagated
tion of travel. by itself without setting up the other.
c. The wavelength of a radio wave in free space g. The wave front of an electromagnetic wave
is equal to its velocity divided by its frequency is an expanding spherical surface all the points of
('A.=vff). which are of the same phase.
h. The electric and magnetic field components u. The atmosphere is composed of three regions,
of a wave front are at -:right angles to each other named in order of their relative heights-the
and to the direction of travel. troposphere, the stratosphere, and the ionosphere.
i. The direction of the components of a radiated v. The ionosphere is defined as that portion of
field are determined by convention: If the field is the earth's atmosphere above the lowest level at
moving away from an observer with the direction which ionization affects the tran.smission of radio
of the electric field given as downward, the direc- waves. It is composed of several layers in which
tion of the magnetic field is to the left. ionization occurs at different levels and intensities.
j . The polarization of an electromagnetic field w. The propagation of radio waves depends on
is determined by the direction of its electric com- the frequency of the wave, the location and height
ponent. of the antenna, and the ability of the earth's at-
k. When the direction of the electric field is mosphere to conduct the wave.
vertical, the wave is said to be polarized vertically; x. Long-distance transmission takes place prin-
when the electric field is horizontal, the wave is cipally by means of sky waves, and short-dista.nce
said to be polarized horizontally. transmission and all ultrahigh-frequency trans-
l. Vertical antennas should be used for the mission take place by means of ground waves.
transmission and reception of vertically polarized y. Sky-wave propagation is variable, depending
waves, and horizontal antennas for horizontally on the reflection or refraction of the wave from
polarized waves. the ionosphere; ground-wave propagation is more
m. The power in a radiated field at any point constant, depending on the characteristics of the
is measured in terms of the intensity of its electric terrain, on reflection from the earth's surface, a.nd
field, which is expressed as volts, millivolts, or on the diffraction of the wave around the curvature
microvolts per meter. This intensity is a measure of the earth.
of the dielectric stress produced by the electric z. Radio waves reflected from the surface of the
field, or the voltage induced in a conductor 1 meter earth, from large metal objects, and from the
long so held that it lies in the direction of the ioPosphere suffer a change of phase polarization of
electric field and is at right angles to the direction the wave front.
of the magnetic field and to the direction of aa. Refraction is the bending of the beam of a.
propagation. radio wave when it passes from a medium of one
n. The power of any radiated wave falls off as density to that of another.
the square of the distance between the source and ab. The refractive index is a ratio that com-
the point of measurement. pares the velocity of an electromagnetic wave
o. The intensity of the electric field of radiated through a perfect vacuum to its velocity through
electromagnetic waves falls off proportionally as a denser medium.
the distance. ac. Diffraction is the bending of a. wave around
P·. At a distance of approximately 10 wave- the edges of a solid object; the lower the frequency,
lengths, or less, of the frequency transmitted, the or the longer the wavelength, the greater is the
power in the induction field is so small as to be bending of the wave.
q. The induction field is made up of two fields 11. Review Questions
(the electrostatic and the magnetic) separated in
space by goo and in time by goo-that is, in space a. Describe an electromagnetic wave.
quadrature and in time quadrature. b. What is the velocity of propagation of a
r. The electric and magnetic components of the radiated wave in free space?
radiation field are in space quadrature and in time c. Describe simple wave motion in water.
phase. d. Give the formula for the length of any wave
s. The energy in the induction field is the stored in terms of its velocity and frequency. .
energy usually associated with a resonant circuit, e. When did H ertz fil'st demonstrate the radia-
being returned each cycle to the antenna circuit, tion of an electromagnetic wave?
except for slight losses. f. What two fields are set up about a trans-
t. The power in the radiation field is the power mitting antenna?
delivered to the antenna less the heat losses in the g. D escribe the components of the radiated
antenna circuit itself. field.

h. What is the conventional determination of electrostatic field vary with distance? Of the
the direction of the components of the radiated magnetic field? Of the radiated field?
field? q. Describe the storage action of the induction
i. What is a. vertically polarized wave? A hori- field.
zontally polarized wave? r. How is the power in the radiation field
j. What type of antenna. should be used for rela,ted to the total power delivered to the
receiving vertically polarized waves? antenna?
k. What is the unit used in measuring the in- s. Name the major regions of the atmosphere
tensity of a radiated field? and describe the characteristics of each.
z. What is the meaning of the expression micro- t. Define the ionosphere.
u. What major factors affect the propagation of
volts per meter?
radio waves?
m. Give a possible explanation of the propaga- v. WhaL type of transmission uses sky waves?
tion of radio waves away from an antenna.
Ground waves?
n. What is the relationship between power and w. What effect does reflection have on the
distance for a radiated wave? phase of a wave front?
o. How are the components of the induction x. What is refraction?
field related in time and space? The components y. Define the refractive index.
of the radiated field? z. What is diffraction? How does it vary with
p. How do the. power and the intensity of the frequency?



12. Types of Ground Waves field intensity can be accounted for in terms of
certain of these factors. Moreover, the earth it-
a. Ground-wave propagation refers to those self is a semiconductor, and, upon contact with
types of radio transmission that do not make use its surface, some of the energy of the radiated
of reflections from the ionosphere. Therefore, the wave is absorbed and rapidly dissipated in the
field mtensity of ground waves depends on other form of heat. Thus, the losses suffered by ground:-
factors--the transmitter power, the characteristics wave transmission are sometimes excessive and its
of the transmitting antenna, the frequency of the use generally is limited to moderate-distance com-
waves, the diffraction of the waves around the munication (up to several hundred miles) at low
curvature of the earth, the electrical characteristics frequencies and to exceptional high-frequency
(conductivity and dielectric constant) of the local applications.
terrain, the nature of the transmission path, and b. Figure 18 shows the way in which ground
also, local meteorological conditions such as the waves take a direct or reflected course from the
distribution of the water vapor content of the at- transmitter to the receiver, or may be conducted
mosphere. Most of the received ground-wave by the surface of the earth and also refracted in

Figure 18. Poatrible routes for ground waves.

the troposphere. The resulting ground wave, 13. Direct-Wave Component
therefore, can be considered as being composed of
one or more of the follow~g components: the a. The direct wave is that component of the ~n­
direct wave, the ground-reflected wave, the surface tire wave front willch travels directly from the
wave, and the troposp~ric wave. transmitting antenna to the receiving antelll\a.
4,000 180
~600 170
160 ¥00
..,......, ~000
~ I !SO 2,800 ....
a 140
a: en 2,200 ~
130 :I
cP 2,000 ...J 0
.., ~900 2,o00 a:
2 ~900 ~
~ \800 120 1,800 Ill
1;700 !: 1,700 >
1.600 Ill ~600 ~
~ 1,500 0 110
z ~500 ~
~ 1~00 ~
.., 1;500 .... 1,400 ....
:s: en
100 ~300 ;
1.200 Q
lw200 Ill
~100 .... 1,100:z:
~ 90 ~000 ~
~0 900 ~
I 80 800 z
z c
::::i 70 600

40 200

--- ---

--- --- --- --- --

20 _ _ _


0 0
Figure 1.9. Nomograph-antenna heights and line-of-sight distance.
This component of the ground wave is limited ing distance, then , is computed easily b:v assum-
only by the distapce to the horizon, or line of sight, ing an ear th wi th a radius 4/3 times its proper
from the transmitter plus th e small distance radius. Such an earth would have a larger cir-
added by the atmosphere diffraction of the wave cumference and, hence, a longer distance t.o the
around the curvature of the earth. The total;limit- horizon. This distance can be extended by in-

30~ 11.~ ~. 1n.1 ....,. 11111111

40 .-
~· -+ - --
.............. 1'-L I IIIII I ""t--J.. I I FREE-SPACE FIELD
50 f...... ......._ ll'{.ll I rN.. 1 WATT RADIATED
......._ - .._ J-..' _1. I ~ . _I I ......._ RECEIVED ON
.....":::... "'j-,. 100-~~Eh!N~H~~~ f- ~ - - II
60 i=-~~.... R~"io:t~~~:=-=::,..;o:ffilr--=F=t-tJ'fHF-.c:..::....:"""':f-._-FH+FOR 1,000 WATTS RADIATED ADD +30 DB
I~ I~ " 10,000 " " " -1-40DB
" 100,000 " " " -1- 50 DB

701--..... 3·~ ~. ~.
": :. ,.; ;- :J."-F1l=t-lo. =l~J=·lt i+=IA:V. ~=Ljl"-N~~T=-J~
l~.t,/1_ -_
. : ~T':!PA'fTt H~~=-=~r-........J~R-~Frn~lf-1-flq
=--+ l
m - j
i 1:: ~-~=-::-f-::1:oi:l:~~i:A~v~E:LE:~N~t"""":H:~:AT:1::~
11- ~~ '
:::----ru-,r"rrm ~,_~~"
J: 110 ,_ "

1-- 106 - WAVELENG+H l PAT~
- "~'--.

111111 I I Ill
170 10 100
.I .3 .5 .7 1 1,000 10,000

Figure 20 . Attenuation of power with fr equency and di stance.






... 80
J: 90

J: 100
w 110
m ./'-"'
0 120 v . . v,_ v_...v

150 ~~~~~~~+--~~-H4+ij--}-~~~
vv-t~ l1i1

Vv 1111
100 1 10 100
1 3 10

Figure 21. Attenuation of power in terms of fi eld intensity.

creasing the height of either the transmitting or be converted into terms of electric field intensity
the receiving antenna, and so effectively extend- (microvolts per meter) by referring to figure 21.
ing the horizon. The nomograph of figure 19 On this latter chart, note that at 10 megacycles a
gives an approximation of the line-of-sight trans- loss of 80 db below 1 watt results in an electric
mission range without any mathematical calcula- field intensity of about 200 microvolts per meter.
tions. Simply lay a straightedge on the chart so Also, note that the attenuation increases as the
that it is alined with both the receiving-antenna frequency of transmission is increased, but that
height scale and the transmitting-antenna height attenuation is constant when distance is read in
scale, which are arranged on the two outside ver- terms of wavelength, since the higher the fre-
tical lines of the chart. The transmission range quency, the shorter the distance represented by a
then is indicated on the center vertical line at the given number of wavelengths. Furthermore, the
point where the straightedge crosses it. An in- direct wave is not affected by the ground or by the
stance is shown by the dotted line-If the trans- earth's surface, but is subject to refraction in the
mitting-antenna height is 30 feet and the receiv- tropospheric air between the transmitter and the
ing-antenna height is 100 feet, the line-of-sight receiver. This refraction is particularly important
transmission range is approximately 20 miles. at very high frequencies and is explained in greater
b. The electric field intensity of a direct wave detail in paragraphs 17 and 18.
varies inversely with the distance of transmission,
as described in paragraph 6. This inverse-dis- 14. Ground-Reflected Component
tance attenuation is shown by the graph in figure
20. For instanr.e, the chart shows that for a 10- a. The ground-reflected component, as its name
megacycle wave, 1 watt of radiated pow-er suffers indicates, is the portion of the radiated wave that
an attenuation of more than 80 db (decibels) below reaches the receiving antenna after being reflected
1 watt over a 25-mile direct-wave path. This may from the ground or from the sea. For communi-

tv 1\v rv
rv IN
V"leo• OUT
v 90° OUT







Figure 22. Comparison of wave fronts of direct and rejle~ted wave~.

cation between points lower than a few thousand type of surface for surface··wave transmission is
feet and separated by a distance of several miles, sea water; this accounts for the fact that relatively
the ground-reflected wave takes on an importance long-distance radio contacts have been established
comparable to the direct wave as a means of propa- across the ocean. The electrical properties of the
gation. Upon reflection from the earth's surface, underlying terrain that determine the attenuation
the reflected wave undergoes a phase reversal of of the surface-wave field intensity vary little from
180°, as noted previously, and this fact is impor- time to time, and therefore, this type of transmis-
tant in determining the effect of its combining sion has relatively stable characteristics.
with the direct-wave component upon arrival at
the point of reception. Since the reflected com- Table II . Propagation Characteristics of Local Terrain
ponent travels a longer time in reaching its des-
tination, a phase displacement over and above the Type of surface I Relative Dielectric
- -- - - - - - - ~nductivity
180° shift caused by reflection will result.
b. In figure 22, it may be seen that the waves Sea water .. .. . . _. . . .. _______ Good _ _ ______ 80
start out with fronts of equal phase and continue Large bodies of fresh water__ __ Fair _____ ____ 80
Wet soiL _____________ _____ _ Fair. _ _ ______ 30
in phase up to the point of reflection of the ground
Flat, loamy soiL _____________ Fair ___ . _____ 15
component. Beyond this point, corresponding Dry, rocky terrain _________ ___ Poor_ ______ __ 7
wave fronts are 180° out of phase, plus whatever Desert_ - ______ __ - ___________ Poor_ ___ ____ _ 4
small phase displacement results from the rela- Jungle _- -- ____ --------- -_ ___ Unusable __ ___ ____ ___ _
tively longer path of the reflected component.
Where the reflected component strikes the ground
at a small angle of incidence, the time lag will be b. The surface-wave component generally is
small. The reflected wave will arrive at the re- transmitted as a vertically polarized wave, and it
ceiving antenna nearly 180° out of phase with the remains vertically polarized at appreciable dis-
direct wave, and a cancelation of signal energy tances from the antenna. This polarization is
will result. This cancelation effect can be mini- chosen because the earth has a short-circuiting
mized by increasing the height of either antenna, effect on the electric intensit:y of a horizontally
since this tends to decrease tlie phase difference polarized wave but offers resistance to this com-
between the direct and the reflected components, ponent of the vertical wave. The ground cur-
and thus decreases the degree of signal voltage rents of the vertically polarized surface wave do
cancelation. not short-circuit a given electric fiP.ld but rather
serve to restore part of the energy used to the
15. Surface-Wave Component following field (fig. 23). The better the conduct-
ing surface, the more energy returned and the less
a. The surface wave is that component of the energy absorbed. Since no surface is a perfect
ground wave that is affected primarily by the con- conductor or perfect ground (one returning all of
ductivity and dielectric constant of the earth and the energy) the loss retards the grounded edge
is able to follow the curvature of the earth. When of any given wave front, causing it to bend for-
both transmitting and receiving antennas are on, ward in the direction of travel so that the successive
or close to, the ground, the direct and ground- wave fronts have a forward tilt (fig. 23) . The
reflected components of the wave tend to cancel conducting surface of the earth is then, in effect,
out, and the resulting field intensity is principally a part of a waveguide, and the tilt has the effect
that of the surface wave. The surface-wave com- of propagating the energy in the direction of wave
ponent is not confined to the earth's surface, how- travel. Poor conducting surfaces cause high loss
ever, but extends up to considerable heights, and greater tilt and, finally, total absorption of
diminishing in field strength with increased height. the energy. Table III shows the variation in
Because part of its energy is absorbed by the angle of tilt from the vertical for frequencies
ground, the electric intensity of the surface wave from 20 kc (kilocycles) to 20 me, propagated over
is attenuated at a much greater rate than inversely sea water and over dry ground. As frequency
as the distance. This attenuation depends on the increases, the angle of tilt increases. At 20 me,
relative conductivity of the surface over which the the tilt is negligible over sea water, being little
wave travels. Table II shows the relative con- more than 1°, but over dry ground it is 35°,
ductivity for various types of surface. The best effecting a considerable change in polarization.
This tilting of the electric vector of an electro- foliage grows vertically and absorbs vertica.ll}
magnetic wave is not to be confused with the polarized energy. Above 30 me, where the diree~
bending of a wave, or diffraction, which is a wave is the predominant component, the differenc(l
phenomenon associated with a wave front striking between vertical and horizon tal polarization i!l
the edge of a solid object, the greatest bending negligible.
taking place at the lowest frequencies. b. These variations of the ground-wave compo,
nents. with frequency may be summarized, ~
Tnble II I. Angle of Tilt Versus Frequency
Angle of tilt over Angle of tilt over
(1) The low-frequency band (0.03 to 0.3 me)
Frequency (me)
sea water dry ground is used for moderate-distance ground.
wave communication. In this band, th!.\
0.02- --- ------ - -------- - -- 0°2. 5' 4°18' ground losses of a polarized.
.20--- ------------- -__----- 0°8' 13°30' wave are small, and the wave is able tQ
2.QQ __ ______________ ___ _ 0°25' 32°12'
20.QO _____ __________ ____ __ _ 1°23' follow the curvature of the earth for
several hundred miles.
(2) The medium-frequency band (0.3 to 3
DIRECTION OF TRAVEL me), which includes the standard broad~
cast frequencies-amplitude modula'
tion-is used for moderate-distance com,
munication over land and for long·
distance communication over sea water
/ ---~-......- ---~-' EARTH
up to 1,000 miles.
(3) The high-frequency band (3 to 30 me) is
Figure £3. Tilting of electric vector of wave front . used for short-distance communication.
At these frequencies, the dielectric con·
16. Frequency Characteristics of Ground Waves stant of the earth plays a greater part in
the decrease of surface-wave field in·
a. The frequency characteristics of the ground tensity and is the chief factor causing
wave determine in large part the particular com- attenuation at very-high frequencies .
ponent of the wave that will prevail along any (4) The very-high-frequency band (30 me
given signal path. When the conductivity of the and over) is used for line-of-sight com·
earth is high and the wave frequency below 30 me munication. At these frequencies, the
the surface wave is the predominant component: direct-wave component is increasingly
except in the case of plane-to-plane or plane-to- important . The direct-wave range there-
ground transmission, in which the direct wave and fore can be extended greatly by increasing
ground-reflected waves are the principal means of the height of transmitter and receiver
communication. At frequencies greater than 10 antennas. Thus, it should be noted that
me and less than 30 me, the dielectric constant of whereas the distance range of the ground
the terrain determines the surface-wave trans- wave at low frequencies can be effectively
mission characteristics, the signal being largest for increased only by increasing radiation
the higher dielectric constants and for the lower power, the distance range of frequencies
frequencies. At frequencies greater than 30 me, of 30 me and higher can be effectively
the losses suffered by the surface wave become so increased by increasing antenna heights
excessive that transmission is usually possible only as well as by increasing radiation power.
by means of the direct wave. However, at fre-
quencies where the ground-wave field intensity is 17. Tropospheric-Wave Component
largely determined by the surface-wave com-
ponent, vertically polarized radiation is superior to a. The tropospheric wave is that component of
horizontally polarized radiation, except in heavily the entire wave front which is refracted in the
wooded or jungle areas . In such areas, horizontal lower atmosphere by relatively steep gradients
polarization provides better gain, even at distances (rapid changes in respect to height) in a.tmosphel'ic
and frequencies where the surface-wave component humidity and sometimes by steep gradients in
normally would predominate, because most of the atmospheric density and temperature. At heights
of a. few thousand feet to a. mile or f:!O, huge masses above a cloud layer by reflection of the sun's rays
of warm and cold air exist near each other, causing from the upper surface of the clouds. Tropo-
abrupt temperature differences and changes in spheric-propagation effect depends on weather
density. The resulting tropospheric refraction conditions, and since these vary from minute to
and reflection make communication possible over minute, they can cause fading or variable field
distances far greater than can be covered by the intensity. In tropospheric-wave communication,
ordinary ground wave. A of figure 24, shows the the receiving and the transmitting antennas should
downward bending of o. wave front which enters have the same type of polarization, since the
a layer o:i air the dielectric constant and moisture tropospheric wave maintains essentially the same
content of which decrease with height above the polarization throughout its travel.
surface of the earth; B of figure 24 shows the up-
ward bending of the same wave for the opposite 18. Abnormal Effects of the Troposphere
condition. Since the amount of refraction in-
creases as the frequency increases, tropospheric a. Propagation characteristics of the tropo-
rl3fra.ction is more effective at the higher fre- sphere vary under special weather conditions, and
quencies, providing interesting communication in some parts of the world such conditions may
possibilities at 50 me and above. prevail over long periods. In the tropics and over
large bodies of water, temperature inversions are

present almost continuously at heights up to
3,000 feet, particularly in the range from 100 to

500 feet. When the boundary of the inversion is

defined sharply, waves traveling horizontally or
at very low angles of elevation become trapped by

the refracting layer of air and continue to be bent
back toward the earth. Figure 25 shows how such
a trapped wave follows a duct, the upper and lower
walls of which are formed by the boundary and the
earth. The waves are guided along within this
duct in much the same manner as in a metallic
A waveguide, and since attenuation in a waveguide
is slight; the energy does not fall off inversely as
the square of the distance. Thus, the waves fol-

low the curvature of the earth for distances far
beyond the optical horizon of the transmitter, and

in some localities may consistently reach distances

of many thousands of miles.
b. Tropospheric ducts also are formed by the

"'77)~[ll'll':l'll':ftfn?'71'<~77;>~f~;;m;m;ILOW DIELECTRIC CONSTANT
waveguiding effect of two layers of air with sharply
defined temperature inversions. The refraction
from the upper boundary bends the wave down,
and the refraction from the lower boundary bends
the wave up, effectively trapping the energy within
the layer. The height of the duct determines the
minimum frequency, and if this height is only a
Figure l4. Refraction in the troposphere.
few feet above the surface of the earth, or from
boundary to boundary, transmission may be pos-
sible only at the ultrahigh or superhigh frequencies.
b. One common cause of tropospheric refraction Occasionally, the heigl).t and the dielectric char-
is temperature inversion. Temperature inversion acteristics of the layer are suitable for vhf trans-
results from several causes-a warm air mass mission. However, a necessary feature of duct
overrunning a colder mass; the sinking of an air transmission is that the angle of approach of the
mass heated by compression; the rapid cooling of incident wave be approximately half a degree or
surface air after · sunset; and the heating of air less in order for the wave to be trapped. In addi-

Figure B5. Tranamiaaion b11 meana of tropospheric duct.

tion, both the transmitting and the receiving no signals by this means will be received at the
a.ntennas must be inside the duct, if communica- receiving antenna. Moreover, a receiving antel\na.
tion is to be established by this means. A trans- below a duct will receive no signals from an 1\.ir·
mitting a.ntenna above the duct, as on a tower or plane flying in or above the duct, even thoUgh
promontory, will not operate into ·the duct, a.nd line-of-sight conditions prevail.


19. General layers actually did exist, and that these lay~rs
consisted of ionized gases of the atmosphere, the
In the early days of radio, mathematical name ionosphere was suggested for the region in
physicil.~s reasoned that it would be impossible which the layers were found.
to receive radio signals at very great distances
because of the attenuation resulting from the 20. Formation of Ionosphere
absorption of the energy by the earth. When it
was found experimentally that signals could be As indicated in figure 13, the earth's atmosphere
received across the Atlantic Ocean, the work of the extends up to a distance of over 250 miles. How-
physicists was questioned. Their result was ever, the density of the 'gases that compose this
correct, of course, for the problem to which it atmosphere decreases with height, so that abo'Ve
applied-namely, the propagation of ground waves 250 miles the air particles are so rare as to be prac-
around a curved earth surrounded by free space, tically none,pstent. Also indicated in figure 13 is
as has been noted in the section of ground waves. the constant state of bombardment to which the
Obviously, some other means of propagation had atmosphere is subjected ·by radiation and parti~le
to exist. The experimental evidence of trans- showers from the sun, and by cosmic rays, the
Atlantic communication proved only that the source of which is not yet known. The radiation
assumption of an earth surrounded by nothing but from the sun includes not only the light rays that
free space was unjustifiable in this connection. we see, but also all the components of' the entire
It was then suggested by both Heaviside and Ken- spectrum, ranging from infrared rays to ultraviolet
nelly, the one an English scientist and the other an rays, and particle showers composed of positrons
American, that the earth actually is surrounded and electrons moving at almost the speed of light.
by an electrified layer which .acts as a reflector and As these different forms of radiation approach· the
prevents the escapeof the wave into free space by atmosphere of the earth, they reach certain critical
bending it toward the earth. Such a layer levels·where the gases are of such density as to be
also could form the source of the electric currents particularly susceptible to ioniz·a tion by their
in the upper atmosphere which had been suggested action, and at these levels ionized layers are
as the cause of changes in the magnetic field of the formed. The upper layers of air appear ·to be
earth during magnetic storms. Later, when it affected most by particle radiation, although the
was shown that not only one, but several such predominant source of ionization is the ultraviolet
radiation. To understand how this ionizatiOn are called negative ions. The term ion is, in fact,
takes place, a brief review of the mechanics of applied to any elemental particle that has ail
gas·es is necessary. electric charge.
(1) Although a few ions may exist in any gas,
external energy must be applied to the
atom in order to produce an abundance of
ions. A state of ionization is said to exist
NUCLEUS .,. .... ,......
I NUCLEUS when all or a large proportion of the parti-
/~ _...s:.___
'___ __ __ ,. . - '
cles in the gas are positive and negative
ions. The external energy necessary for
tI, /

ionization can come from several sources,

HYDROGEN ATOM HELIUM ATOM the most important being fro~ an impact
A 8
TM666-17 with another particle, from cosmic waves
Figure S6. Structure of hydrogen and helium atoms. such as light waves, X-rays, gamma rays,
and ultraviolet rays; from chemical re-
a. Matter. All matter (solids, liquids, and action, or by the. application of heat.
gases) is made up of fundamental units called (2) The natural ionization in air caused by
molecules. The molecule, the smallest subdivision any of the energies listed above produces
of a substance that exhibits all its characteristic approximately 2 ions per cubic centimeter
properties, is constructed of atoms of the elements per second at atmospheric pressure. At
comprising the substance. higher altitudes such as in the ionosphere,
(1) The · atom is made up of a central part the rate of ionization is approximately
called the nucleus, around which mi. 100 times as great. In the upper atmos-
nute particles or charges of electricity phere, where the pressure is low, condi-
called electrons circulate (fig. 26), some- tions are excellent for ionization to take
what as the planets revolve around the place. The sun constantly gives off
sun. In the normal or neutral atom, the ultraviolet rays of the proper wavelength
electrical charge of each electron is to ionize the gas particles of the upper
balanced by an equal charge of opposite atmosphere.
kind associated with the nucleus. The c. Recombination. The atoms and ions in a gas
kind of charge represented by the electron are in constant motion, and frequent collisions
is conventionally called negative, and take place between them. When an electron col-
that associo.ted with the nucleus is called lides with a positive ion, it may combi• with the
positive. ion and form again a neutral atom . the gas.
(2) In the atoms of many substances, such as The process of recombination goes on cor.; ~antly,
gases, one or more of the outer electrons so that an atom, once it has been ioniz, ., does
are bound so loosely to the nucleus that . not remain so indefinitely. The time that it takes
they can be detached from the atOm by for recombination, or deionization, depends on
suitable means, thus leaving the atom as several factors, but principally on the average
a whole with a net positive charge. When distance between the particles of the gas. If only
this occurs, electrical activity becomes a few particles are present, as in the upper atmos-
evident. phere, collisions will not occur very frequently,
b. Ionization. It has been found that energy and the particles remain ionized for relatively long
in the form of electromagnetic radiation is capable periods.
of dislodging some of the loosely bound electrons d. Source of Ionization-the Sun. Although the
from their atoms, provided that the radiatipn is sun is composed of the same elements that are to
of the proper wavelength and energy. When a be found on the earth, these elements exist in such
number of such events happens in any gas, the a vjolent state of solar activity as to remain con-
gas is said to be ionized, since it has atoms lack~g stantly in a molten or gaseous state. Probably
their normal quota of electrons, and free electrons because of intense internal stresses and the play
unaE~ociated with any atom. Atoms lacking in of atomic forces on a gigantic scale, the sun con-
their normal quota of electrons are called positive stantly emits huge amounts of energy in the form
ions, and electrons unassociated with any atom of heat, particles, and electromagnetic waves.
Figure 27. Solar eruption.

Eruptions at the surface of the sun have been radiation and hence on the extent of ionization
noted to shoot immense clouds of hot gases to caused by' this radiation.
distances of half a million miles above the surface (1) Effect of sunspots. During periods of high
(fig. 27). Another disturbance of the sun's sur- sunspot activity, the extent of ionization
face is the appearance of sunspots, which have of the various layers is greater than the
part.icular effects on the amount of ultraviolet average. The sunspots are dark areas

Figure 28. Sunspots.

which appear on the disk of the sun (fig. density, a greater proportion of molecules are ion-
28), and although their relative darkness ized, but the wave energy becomes so attenuated
would seem to indicate lower tempera- by the process of ionization that it is too weak to
tures and lower ultraviolet radiation, produce further ionization. The higher the fre-
they have bright gaseous clouds about quency of the waves, the further they will pene -
them, and the processes invc;>lved in the trate the atmosphere before reaching this level of
formation of the sunspots probably pro- critical density. Thus, an ionized layer is formed
duce .vast amounts of ultraviolet l'lnergy. with the. greatest intensity of ionization at its
The sunspots usually appear in groups, center and lesser intensities at its edges. How-
and follow a more or less definite cycle of ever, both the greater ra.te of recombination and
activity, with an average time interval of the attenuation of the waves serve to decrease the
11.1 years between the maxima of two extent of ionization in the lower or atmospherically
consecutin cycles. Magnetic storms on denser part of an ionized region.
the earth aJ::;o are related to the presence
of large sunspots. 21. Ionosphere Layers or Regions
(2) DeUinger jade. Bright visible flares on
the sun's disk instantaneously produce By means of ionospheric sounding, it has been
great effects on the ion density of the determined that there are four distinct layers of
various ionospheric layers. This effect the ionosphere, which are called, in order of in-
is known as the Dellinger fade, or sudden creasing heights and intensities, the D, E, Fl, and
atmospheric disturbance. Great in- F2layers. The relative distribution of these layers
creases .are noted in the ionization pro- about the eartl:t is indicated in figure 29. As ma.y
duced at low levels of the ionosphere as be seen in this figure, the four layers are present
the result of these flares. only during the daytime, when the sun is directed
e. Formq.tioo of an Ionized Layer. When ultra- toward that portion of the atmosphere. During
violet radiation of a particular wavelength enters the night, the F1 and F2layers seem to merge into
the earth's atmosphere from above, the waves a single F layer, and the D and E layers fade out,
penetrate to a depth at. which the critical density because of the recombination of the ions compos-
of the medium is sufficient to absorb the larger ing them. However, the actual number of layers,
portion of the incident energy in the process of their heights above the eartk, and the relative intensity
producing ionization. Before reaching this depth, of ionizatioo present in them all vary from hour to
the air particles are dispersed so sparsely that oilly hour, from day to day, from month to month, from
a relatively few molecules of the rarefied gases be- season to season, and from year to year.
come ionized. Upon reaching the level of critical a. D Region. At somewhat more than twice the

Figure B9. Ionosphere layers and regions.

highest altitude ever reached by man or between miles"(145 to 380 km) above the earth's surface is
heights of 30 to 55 miles (50 to 90 kilometers) another region of ionization, known as the F layer.
above the surface of the earth, is the first region of Ionization exists at all hours, usually with two
pronounced io~ization; kno~. as the ~egio~. In well defined layers during the daytime and one
comparison with the conditiOns existmg m the during the night. In this region, at night, the
layers at greate~ heights, th~ amount of .ionization single F layer lies at a height . of about 170 miles,
in the D region IS not extensive and has httle effect or 270 km. The atmosphere is so rare at these
in bending the paths of high-frequency radio waves. heights that recombination of ions takes place at a
The chief effects of the ionization in this region are very slow rate, and sufficient ions remain through-
to cause a weakening or an attenuation of the field out the night to refract high-frequency waves back
intensity of high-frequency rt.dio waves as the to earth.
transmission path of such waves crosses -through d. Ft and F2 Layers. During the daylight hour8,
this region, and to cause complete absorption of especially when the sun is high, as in tropica.l
low- and medium-frequency radio waves. The D latitudes and during summer months, the F region
region exists only during the daylight hours, and splits up into two distinct lay~rs-theF1, ~ith a
its intensity follows the variation of the sun's al- lower limit at a height of approximately 90 miles
titude, becoming most dense at noon, and fading (145 km), and the F2, with a lower limit at a
out shortly after sunset because of the rapid re- height of about 160 to 220 miles, depending on
combination of ions at this atmospheric height. the seasons and the time of day. The F2 layer is
It is chiefly responsible for the fact that the inten- the most highly ionized of all the layers and is the
sity of high-frequency wav:3s is lower when the most useful . for long-distance radio communica-
transmission path lies in sunlit hours than when tion. The degree of ionization for this layer ex-
the path traverses these regions during darkness. hibits an appreciable day-to-day variation in com-
b. E Layer. At heights between 55 and 90 parison with that of the other layers. The
miles (90 to 145 km) lies the second region in intensity of ionization reaches a maximum in the
order of height, called the E layer. This layer afternoon and gradually decreases throughout the
sometimes is known as the Kennelly-Heaviside night. The rise of ion density is very rapid in the
region after the names of the men who first pro- morning, and the low recombination rate permits
posed its existence. The layer height varies some- this high ion density to persist.
what with the season, lower heights occurring e. Other Layers. In addition to these regions of
when the sun is in that latitude, probably because ionization which appear regularly and undergo
the solar ultraviolet radiation penetrates farther variations daily, seasonally, and from year to year
into the earth's atmosphere when the sun is more in height and ionization, other layers occasionally
directly overhead. Since the rate of recombina- appear, particularly at heights near that of the E
tion is large at this atmospheric level, the intensity layers, much as clouds appear in the sky. Fre-
of ionization of the E layer follows the sun's alti- quently their appearance is iq sufficie~t intensity
tude variations closely, reaching a maximum at to enable good radio transmission to take place by
about noon, and fading to such a weak level during means of reflection from them. At other times,
the night as to be practically useless as an aid to especially during disturbed conditions in polar
high-frequency radio communication. The num- regions such as those that cause the aurora borealis,
. ber of electrons per unit volume in this layer is diffuse ionization may occur over a fairly large
usually great enought to refract back to earth range of heights and may be detrimental to radio
radio waves at frequen~ies as high as 20 me. transmission because of the excessive absorption
Thus, the E layer is of great importance to radio produced.
transmission for distances less than approximately
1,500 miles. For longer distances, transmission by 22. Ionosphere Characteristics
tbi.s means is rather poor, because the necessarily
k vertical angle of departure of the wave from Although a detailed analysis of what happens to
the ground results in greater absorption of the electromagnetic waves as they enter the ionosphere
wave in the ionized region. At distances greater is beyond the scope of this manual, the principal
than 1,500 miles, better transmission can be ob- factors and assumptions are described in this
tained by means of the F, Fl, and F2layers. paragraph in terms of practical effects.
c. F Layer. At heights between 90 and 240 a. Critical Frequeru:-11. In addition to the height,

the principal ionosphere characteristic which con- ionosphere. Two of these signals are
trols or determines long-distance radio trans- returned directly to the ~arth and the
mission is the ionization density of each of the third passes through both layers and is
layers. The higher the frequency, the greater the not returned. Each of the returned
density of ionization required to reflect waves waves is at the critical frequency for its
back to earth. In other words, the shorter the layer-that is, the highest frequency that
leng.t h of the waves, the denser or Jl1.0re closely is returned. All frequencies below the
compacted must be the medium to refract them. critical frequency are returned in the ·
Therefore, the upper layers, which are the most same manner. The unreturned signal
highly ionized, reflect the higher frequencies, is at a freql}.ency above the critical
whereas the D layer, which is the least. ionized, frequency for either layer and therefore
does not reflect frequencies above approximately passes through to outer space.
500 kc. Thus, at any given time, for each layer (2) This phenomenon may be understood in
there is a value of highest frequency, called the terms of the combined refractive and
critical frequency, at which waves sent vertically reflective effects of ionization on an
upward are reflected directly back to earth. electromagnetic wave. When a ray, or
Waves of frequencies higher than the critical train of waves, enters an ionospheric
frequency pass on through the ionized layer and layer, it is slowed down as soon as it
are not reflected back to earth, unless they are starts to penetrate the layer. This
reflected from an upper layer. Waves of frequen- process of refraction is similar to that of
cies lower than the critical frequency are reflected the refraction of light passing from air to
back to earth, unless they are absorbed by, or water, as explained in paragraph 9.
have been reflected from, a lower layer. When the signal enters the ionosphere at
(1) Figure 30 shows waves of different fre- a 90° angle, there is no bending of the
quencies radiated vertically into the wave-the whole wave front is slowed

Figure 30. Critical jreguencie1.

down uniformly. The higher the fre- reached at which the wave ·is reflected back \,
quency of the signal, the deeper it must earth. This angle is called the critical angl~.
penetrate the layer before it surrenders The point at which the wave returns is a minimum
all of its energy. It should be remem- distance, called the skip distance; at smaller angl~s
bered, however, that an ionization layer of incidence, the wave returns at greater II.Jl,d
is most dense near its center, and that greater distances.
the wave will pass on through if this (1) The concept of critical angle may be Ul}-
center density is insufficient to absorb all derstood by consideration of a sirnlltu-
of the energy. The surrendered energy optical phenomenon (fig. 31). If a bea~
is reradiated by the layer, directly
downward to the area of transmission.
By analogy, thi~ effect ~s similar to. that
obtained in tossmg tenms balls vertically
upward to a wir~ screen. If the openings
in the screen are smaller than the diam-
eter of the ball, all of those thrown are
reflected back almost as effectively as
though the screen were a. solid piece of
metal. But if golf balls were thrown at
the same screen, most of them would
pass through the screen and not be
reflected. Thus, it may be concluded
that .(like frequency in respect to ioniza-
tion) there is for a given screen a critical
diameter of ball which will be reflected
back; any smaller ball will pass on
through .
. b. (}ritical Angle. The determination of a criti-
cal frequency by vertical propagation is useful be-
cause it marks a boundary condition. Electro-
magnetic waves used in radio communications,
however, are generally incident at some oblique
angle to the ionosphere. These waves are re-
fracted by the ionosphere and may or may not be
returned to the earth. Obviously, any frequency
at or below the critical frequency will be returned
to the earth, but frequencies above the critical fre-
quency also will be returned if propagated at cer-
tain angles of incidence. This effect can be under-
stood by considering for a moment. our former
analogy of the screen and the tennis balls. If, for Figure 81. Critical angle of li ght beam.
instance, the critical diameter for a given screen
is the diameter of a tennis ball, then golf balls of light passes from a dense meditml
thrown obliquely at the screen will hit the wire (water) to one ofless density (air) at right
mesh at an angle and be reflected downward, even angles to the boundary between them, it
though they would pass easily through the screen passes through with no change in direc-
if thrown vertically upward. Thus, for this screen tion. As the angle of incidence becomes
· there is a certain angle of incidence at which most smaller than 90°, the beam is only slightly
of the golf balls would be reflected downward. In reflected back into the water, most of the
electromagnetic-wave propagation the same . con- light being refracted or bent in the air.
ditions prevail. At angles of incidence near the The amount of bending increases as the
vertical, a given frequency passes on through the angle grows smaller, but at a given angle,
ionosphere. But as the angle lessens, a point is which is the critical angle, no light is re-
fracted by the air, all of it being reflected ing process continues and the waves are
back into the water. At angles smaller directed back toward the earth at
than the critical angle, the light beam is point B.
reflected back at greater and greater dis- c. Virtual Height. The oversimplified curved
tances from the source. At this point, path shown in the figure also helps to make clear
it should be noted that this optical phe- the notion of virtual height of an ionospheric
nomenon cannot be applied strictly to layer. In following the curved path, as illustrated
radio waves, since the boundaries be- in the schematic drawing of figure 33, the time of
tween the dense ionization of the layer VIRTUAL HEIGHT
and the air above it are not sharp bound-
ries. The wave is both bent and re-
flected, and therefore, in propagation
work the terms refraction and reflection
tend to be used interchangeably.
(2) The popular explanation of the return of
radio waves as a phenomenon in refrac-
tion alone is illustrated in figure 32.

I I \
Figure 33. Virtual height of ionospheric layer.

transmission of the radio wave along the actual

path BCD in the ionized layer is considered to be
the same as would be required for transmission
along path BAD if there were no ionized particles
present, and a perfect reflecting surface at A in-
stead. The height, H, from the earth to the inter-
section of the two projected straight parts of the
path is called the virtual height of t.h e layer.
Note that this:! virtual height is considerably
greater than the actual layer height. However,
Figure St. Idealized refraction of radio wave.
it is a convenient and an important quantity in
measurements and applications involving ion.o-
Suppose a train of wave fronts to be spheric reflections.
propagated from A so that it enters the
ionosphere at an angle, 0. As each wave 23. Regular Variations of Ionosphere
front enters the ionosphere, the upper
part of the wave front feels the effect of a. General. Since the existence of the iono-
lowered index of refraction first. There- sphere is dependent on radiations from the sun, it
fore, the upper part of each wave front is obvious that the movements of the earth about
has an increased phase velocity, so t.hat the sun, or changes in the suD's state of activity
the entire wave front as it enters the which might serve to cause an increase or decrease in
ionosphere wheels about like a column of the amount of its radiation will result in variations
soldiers obeying the command, "Column
in the conformation of the ionosphere. These vana..
right." Since the central parts of the tions include those which are more or less regular
ionosphere a greater ion density, the in their nature and, therefore can be predicted in
bending effect on the upper part of the advance, and the irregular 'variations resulting
wave front is greatest, so that the wheel- from the abnormal behavior of the sun. For pur-
poses of discussion, the regular variations may be variations together with the resulting effects upon
divided into four classes: the diurnal or daily the ionosphere and on radio communications, and
variation, the seasonal, the 11-year, and the 27- also gives suggestions that may be followed in
day. For convenience, table IV lists the regular compensating for these effects.

Table IV. Regular Variations of Ionosphere

Type of variation Effect on ionosphere Effect on communications Method of compensation

Diurnal (variation F layer: Height and density de- Skip distance varies in 1- to Use higher frequencies dur-
with hour of day). crease at night, increase after 30-mc range. Absorption ing day, lower frequencies
dawn . During day, layer increases during day . at night.
splits into-(1) F1 layer:
Density follows vertical angle
of sun; (2) F2 layer: Height
increase8 until midday, den-
sity increases until later in
E layer: Height approximately
constant, density follows verti-
cal angle of sun. Practically
nonexistent at night.
D layer: Appears after dawn,
density follows vertical angle
of sun, disappears at night.
Seasonal- ------------ F2layer: Virtual heights increase MUF's (maximum usable fre- Provide greater spread be-
greatly in summer, decrease in quencies) (par. 28), gen- tween nighttime and day-
winter. Ionization density erally reach higher midday time operating frequen-
peaks earlier and reaches values in winter but main- cies in winter than in
higher value in winter. Mini- tain high values later into summer.
mum predawn density reaches afternoon in summer. Pre-
lower value in winter. dawn dip in MUF's reaches
lower value in winter. Less
absorption encountered in
Fl, E, and D layers: Reach
lower maximum densities in
winter months.
11-year sunspot cycle _- Layer density increases and de- Higher critical frequencies Provide for higher operating
creases in accord with sunspot during years of maximum frequencies to be used
activity (maximum, 1947- sunspot activity. MUF during periods of sunspot
1948 and 1958-1959; mini- variation: Sunspot max: maximum and lower fre-
mum 1944 and 1955). 8-42 me.; sunspot min: quencies for use during
4-22 me. mm1mum . (Consult TB
11- 499 to determine
27 -day (sunspot) ------ Recurrence of SID's (sudden See effects of SID's and iono- See compensation for SID's
ionospheric disturbances) and spheric storms in table V. and ionospheric storms in
ionospheric storms at 27-day table V.
intervals. Disturbed condi-
tions frequently may be identi-
fied with particularly active
sunspots whose radiations are
directed toward the earth
every 27 days as the sun

b. Diurnal. For the most part, the diurnal seasonal shifts occur. Note that, in winter the
variations and their effects upon the ionosphere ion density of the F2 layer rises to a sharp peak
layers have been discussed in the description of at about noon, and assumes a much higher
these 'layers (par. 21). Note, in table IV, that density than in summer. Also, note that the
to compensate for the resulting variations in the separation of the Fl and F2 layers is not so well
skip distance, it is suggested that higher medium defined in summer, since the height of the F2
frequencies be used during the daytime, and layer is relatively less during that season.
lower medium frequencies at night. The reason d. Eleven-year . That sunspot activity varies
for this appears in the fact that the ion density according to an 11-year cycle has been known
of the F2 layer is greater during the daytime, and since 1851. Shortly after the discovery of this
will reflect radio waves of higher frequency than phenomenon, a method was devised for measuring
the F layer will reflect during the night. The the relative intensity of sunspot activity, and,
higher frequency waves suffer less absorption in by means of this method, the alternations from
paesing through the D region, whereas at night maximum to minimum have been followed closely
the disappearance of the D region permits the use throughout the years. Briefly, the method entails
of lower frequencies. the use of the so-called Wolf sunspot number, a
number obtained for each day by multiplying
by 10 the number of distinct visible sunspot
groups and adding thereto the number of individ-
- ual spots observable in the groups. For months
T ~--- at a time, the visible surface of the sun may be
tl 0
devoid of spots and so that sunspot number ' ..
zero (comparing views shown in fig. 28). Th1s
frequently occurs during times of sunspot minima.
At other times, even the mean annual sunspot
number has been known to rise as high as 140,
with daily values running into the hundred».
These conditions occur at the maximum of the
sunspot cycle. Although the time from minimum
to minimum has been found to be variable, it
averages around 11 years. Also, the height of
the maximum and the depth of the minimum vary
from cycle to cycle. The increased activity at
times of sunspot maxima is reflected in an increase
in ion density of all the ionosphere layers,
resulting in higher critical frequencies for the
00 oe E, Fl, and F2 layers, and higher absorption in the
TM &&& · 23 D region. This permits the use of higher fre-
Figure 84. Daily and seasonal variations in ion density. quencies for communication over long distances
a.t times of sunspot maxima than would be usable
c. Seasonal. As the apparent position of the at times of sunspot minima. The increased
sun moves from one hemisphere to the other with absorption in the D region, which has the greatest
corresponding changes in season, the maximum effect on the lower frequencies, requires that higher
ion density in the D, E, and Fllayers shifts accord- frequencies be used, but the over-all effect is an
ingly, each being relatively greater during the improvement in propagation conditions during
summer. The F2 layer, however, does not follow sunspot maxima as the critical frequencies are
this pattern in seasonal shift. In most localities, raised more than the absorption limits.
the F2 ion density is greatest in winter arid least e. Twenty-Seven Day. Another cycle that is
in summer, which is quite the reverse of what due to sunspot activity is the 27-day variation re-
might be expected from simple theory. Figure sulting from the rotation of the sun on its axis.
34 shows graphs of the relative ion densities of all As the number of sunspots changes from day to
layers, and also the relative heights of these day with solar rotation or the formation of new
layers above the surface of the earth, · as the spots or the disappearance of old ones on the
visible part of the sun, absorption by the D region eral, tropical stations exhibit less sporadic E than
also changes. Similar changes are observed in the stations in higher latitudes.
E layer critical frequency. These variations ex- b. Sudden Iono spheric Disturbance or Dellinger
hibit wide geographic range; they are not effects Fade. The most startling of all the irregularities of
that are observ ~d at one station and not observed the ionosphere and of radio wave transmission is
at others. Although fluctuations in F2 layer criti- the sudden type of distrubance manifested by a
cal' frequencies from day to day are greater than radio fad eout. This disturbance, abbrevia.ted
for any other layer, these fluctuations are not gen- SID, and sometimes called the Dellinger fade,
erally of a world-wide character. Because of the comes without warning and may prevail for a
variab-ility of the F2 layer; precise predictions of length of time from a few minutes to several hours.
its critical frequencies cannot be made for indi- All stations lying wholly or in part on the sunward
vidual days, although seasonal and long-term side of the earth are affected, and, at the onset of
trends and geographic distribution may be out- SID, receiving station operators are inclined to
lined accurately in advance. It is necessary in believe that their radio sets have suddef\ly gone
selecting frequencies for long-distance communica- dead. Examination of the sun at the times of
tion to allow for these fluctuations. occurrence of these effects, however, has revealed
that in all cases where reliable solar data were
available the appearance of this ionospheric dis-
24. Irregular Variations of Ionosphere
turbance was coincidental with the onset of a
bright solar eruption (fig. 35), and its duration was
In addition to the more or less regular varia- the same as that of the eruption. Such an eruption
tions in the charactl:lristics of the ionosphere, a causes a sudden abnormal increase in the ionization
num her of singular, transient effects, though un- of the D region, frequently with simultaneous dis-
predictable, have important bearing .:m propaga- turbances in terrestrial magnetism and earth cur-
tion phenomena. Some of the more prevalent rents. Such increases in D region ionization
of these effects are: sporadic E; sudden ionospheric usually result in total absorptic;m, in this region, of
disturbance (Dellinger fade); ionospheric storms; all frequencies above 1,000 kc.
and scatte.r ed reflections. These variations have c. Ionosphere Storms. An ionosphere storm is a
been listen for convenience in table V where their period of disturbance in the ionosphere, during
effects on the ionosphere and on radio communica- which there are large variations from normal, of
tion, together with suggestions for compensating critical frequencies, layer heights, and absorption.
for them, are given. These storms may last for periods of varying in-
a. Sporadic E. The sporadic E, also known as tensity (from several hours to several days), and
the E, layer, is an ionized cloud that appears at usually extend over the entire earth. High-
indefin~te intervals, and at a slightly greater height frequency sky-wave transmission above approxi-
than the normal E layer. The nature and cause mately 1,500 kc then shows low intensity and is
of this abnormal layer are as yet unknown. Some- subject to flutter fading. During the first few
times the sporadic E consists of an extremely hours of severe ionosphere storms, the ionosphere
efficient radiating surface that is capable of re- is turbulent, stratification is destroyed, and radio-
flecting so much of the energy radiated from the wave propagation is erratic. During the later
transmitting antenna, even at frequencies of 10 stages of severe storms and during the whole
to 15 me, that reflections from the other layers of perioa of more moderate storms, the upper part of
the ionosphere are blanked out completely. At the ionosphere is expanded and diffused. The
other times, the sporadic E may be so thin that, critical frequencies are much lower than normal
although its presence can be verified by sounding, because of a decrease in ion density, and the virtual
reflections from the upper layers easily can be re- heights of the layers much greater, so that the
ceived through it. The sporadic E layer may maximum usable frequencies are much lower than
occur during the day or night. Its occurrence is normal. It is often necessary to lower the working
frequent, and thus, from 25 to 50 percent of the frequency to maintain communication during one
time, long-distance propagation at frequencies up of these storms. There is also increased absorption
to 15 me is rendered possible by its means in of radio waves during the storm. Ionosphere
middle latitudes. Occurrence of sporadic E is storms are most severe at the higher latitudes and
not usually simultaneous at all stations. In gen- decrease in intensity toward the equator. These
Table V. 1rregular Variations of 1onosphere

Type of variation Eftect on Ionosphere Eftect on communications Methods of compe1188tlon

Sporadic E layer__ __ __ Clouds of abnormal ionization Excellent transmission within Frequency may have to be
occurring in the E layer or nor~al skip distance. Oc- lowered to maintain short-
slightly above for a large por- casionally, long-distance skip communications. At
tion of time each month result communications on fre- times, long-distance com
in abnormally high critical quencies of 60 me or higher munications on abnor
frequencies. Usually spotty are possible. mally high frequencies are
in geographic extent and time. possible. (See TB 11-
Sudden ionospheric Unusual amount of ultraviolet Normal frequencies above 1 Raise working frequency
disturbance (SID)·. radiation from solar flare re- or 1.5 me are rendered use- above normal for short-
sults in abnormally high ion- less because of high absorp- hop transmission. Lower
ization in all layers. Ioniza- tion in .the abnormally-ion- frequency below normal
tion increase occurs with great ized D layer. Frequencies for long-hop transmission .
suddenness throughout day- considerably higher than
light portion of earth. normal will survive this ab-
sorption for short hops.
Low frequencies may not
penetrate the D layer and
thus may be transmitted for
long distances.
Ionospheric storm.____ Usually accompanies magnetic Limits number of usable high Use frequencies lower than
disturbance occurring about frequencies. normal, particularly in
18 hours after SID's. Prob- high latitude circuits.
ably both are due to abnormal
particle radiation. Upper
iqnosphere expands and dif-
fu~es, critical frequencies be-
low normal, virtual heights
above normal.
Severest effects toward geo-
magnetic poles, decreasing to-
ward equator. Few minutes
to several hours in dura.tion;
effects disappear gradually in
few days.
Scattered reflections.__ The ionospheric layers are not Because of irregularities in the Fading of short duration .
smooth. Irregularities in den- ionosphere, the electric field No compensation required.
sity and in height are normal. at a receiver consists of
several fields arriving from
slightly different directions
with varying phase relation-
ships. The result is fading
of the signal resulting from
cancelation and reinforce-

storms probably are caused by abnormal particle sphere layers are irregular, and the presence· of
radiation from the sun, and are likely to occur ionized clouds or scattering patches at E layer
during periods of great solar activity. The storms heights has been mentioned previously. Irregular
are most likely to start about 2 days after an reflections are obtained from these because of the
active sunspot group crosses the center of the sun's rapid change of ionization with height. A radio
disk. wave can reflect from either the top or bottom of
d. Scattered Reflections. An irregular type; of one of these scattering clouds, and these reflections
reflection from the ionosphere occurs at all seasons make possible the reception of signals within the
and is prevalent both day and night. The iono- normal skip zones and at frequencies much higher
pointed. The field intensity at the receiving sta..._
tiOI). may be the sum of the components of severa}
contributing radio waves of varying phase rela..,.
tiona. Figure 36 shows the effect of just two Of
these scattered signal components arriving a.t \
receiving station by different paths, the one b~
re~ection from the lower surface of the scatterin~
cloud of ionization, the other after re-reflectio~
from the top of this same cloud. It is obvious that,
with respect to the latter signal component, \
time lag will occur which either will serve to cane~
a portion of the signal reflected directly from tb~
bottom surface of the scattering cloud, and thulil
cause fading, or will augment this signal, depend...
ing upon the phase relations of the two componen~
at the receiving station.

25. Ionosphere Predictions

By sounding the ionosphere it is possible to pre,
diet for several ·months in advance the variou"
Figure S6. Bri{lht::solar. eruption. important characteristics of the ionosphere abov~
any point on the surface of . the earth. Sue~\
than those well receivable from the regular' layers. predictions are useful in the selection.of optimum.
The reflections may cause signal distortion and frequencies for radio communication over"a ·defi,
contribute to so-called flutter fading. Signals nite path at particular times. The average vari,
received from such reflectipns either may arrive ations of the critical fr.equency and maximum.
from all directions or, if the transmitter operates usable frequency factors are sufficiently well
with a highly directional antenna, may appear to known to permit long-range predictions to be made
come· from the direction in which the antenna is for average conditions on ionospherically quiet


36 Figu~e SB. Scattering of signal components of radio wave.

days (days without ionosphere disturbances). One ionos.phere, these ~~ing rather localiz~d .and der
of the basic principles employed in all ionosphere pendmg on condtttons of solar radtat10n and
predictions is the relation of ionospheric charac- terrestrial effects of the particular days. Also~
teristics to the sunspot cycle. The actual predic- no account is taken of ionospheric disturbances~
~ion consists essentially of first predicting the either of the ionosphere-storm type ·or of · the
solar activity and then deducing, from the mass of sudden ionosphere-disturbance type. These ab..
data available, the corresponding trends of sea- normalities constitute a different forecasting
sonal, diurnal, and geographic variations of the problem. Regular predictions now are published
ionosphere characteristics. No attempt. is made monthly, for a period of 3 months in advance, as
at present in these long-ra~ge predictions to TB 11--499- ( ), Basic Radio Propagation Predic-
estimate the detailed day-to-day variations in the tions.


26. General Other components: of the wave, which are assumed
to be of the correct frequency for reflection from
Sky-wave propagation refers to those types of the ionosphere layer, are returned to earth, and
radio transmission that make use of ionospheric it is these components of the wave that provide
reflections to provide signal paths between trans- commUAications. Note also that the skip distance
mitters and receivers. Sky-wave transmission, is that distance from the transmitter at which the
being by .far the most important method for long- ion density of the layer will just support reflection.
distance radio communication, presents many The skip zone and its relation to the ground wave
problems tpat can be solved adequ~tely only are shown in figure -38. When the skip distance
through a complete understanding of the prin- becomes less than the inner limit of the skip zone,
ciples involved. A typical question in sky-wave both the sky wave and the ground wave may
propagation is whether the ionosphere will support have nearly the same field intensity but a. random
(reflect) a radio wave of a particular frequency relative phase. When this occurs, the field of the
~nd whether the received signal will be strong sky wave successively reinforces and cancels that
enough at the receiver to be heard above tl)e noise of the ground wave, causing severe jading of th.e
level present at the receiver. The answer to this signal. Note the distinction between the terms
question can be given only after considering the skip distance and skip zone. For each frequency
inany factors involved-what particular path the (greater than the critical frequency) at which
radio wave will take in traveling frc,m transmitter reflection from an ionosphere layer takes place,
to receiver, whether the frequency of the radio there is a skip distance that depends only on the
wave lies between the limits determined by the frequency and the state of ionization. The skip
maximum usable frequency and the lowest useful zone, on the other hand, depends on the extent of
high frequency for the particular signal path; and the ground-wave range and disappears entirely if
the field strength that may be expected of the the ground-wave range equals or exceeds the skip
signal upon its arrival at the receiver (received distance.
signal strength). a. Sky-Wave Modes. The distance at which
the wave . returns to the earth depends on the
27. Sky-Wave Transmis.sion Paths height of the ionized layer and the amount of
bending of the path while traversing the layer,
Figure 37 illustrates .some of the many possible the latter depending on the frequency of the wave
paths of radio waves from a transmitter to a. re- as compared to the.' ion density of the layer
ceiver as transmitted by reflection from an elec- required to refract or, bend the wave. Upon re-
trically conducting layer of the ionosphere. Note turn to the's surface, part of the energy
that some of the components of the entire wave enters the earth~ to be rapidly dissipated, but
front, which in this case are assumed to be of too part is reflected· baclt iQ;tQ, th.e ionospher.e again,
high a frequency for reflection by the ionized layer, where it may . be reflQcted downward again at a
pass on through and are lost in outside space, still greater dist.a.nce from the transmitter. This
unless they happen to be reflected from some means of travel in hops, by alternate reflections
higher layer having a greater degree of ion density. from the ionosphere and from the surface of the

Fjpre ~. Varicnlf •lV"f"GV' lrammillion pGIM.

Figure !16. Skip zorn~.

earth, may continue, and enables transmission waves emanated at New York City might travel
to be received at long distances from the trans- cross-country, or westward, to reach San' Fran-
mitter. Figure 39 illustrates this means of travel cisco, which would be along the minor arc of the
for paths involving one and two reflections from great-circle path between these cities or these
the ionosphere (single- and .double-hop modes). waves might travel eastward, altnost around' the
Figure 40 further illustrates this means of travel world to the same destination,, which would be
and reflection from different layers, with the along the major arc. The two types of trans-
layers represented by lines for simplicity. Figure mission are called short-path and long-path trans-
40 also rel&tes th~ heights of the various ionized mission, respectively.
)ayers to actual distances along the earth's c. Frequency. As noted previously in the dis-
surface. cussion of the ionosphere, the higher the fre-
b. Great-Circle Path. The paths which the radio quency of a wave, the less it is refracted by a given
waves normally traverse in traveling from the ion density, Thus, if the angle of incidence of
transmitter to the receiver lie in the plane passing the wave with the ionosphere is fixed and the
through the center of the earth and the trans- frequency increased, the minimum distance be-
mission and reception points. The intersection tween the transmit~r and the point of return of
of this plane with the surface of the earth is the the wave to the earth increases slightly. Figure 41
great-circle path between the transmission and shows three separate waves. of different fre-
reception points. Radio-wave transmission paths quencies entering at the same angle an iono-
which lie in this plane generally are called,· for spheric layer of a given density. Here, the 100-
brevity, great-circle paths. "Frequently, however, .mc wa'Ve is not refracted sufficiently by the
waves do not follow paths confined to this plane, ionosphere and is not returned; the 5-m9 and
and this deviation is called non-great-circle trans- the 20-mc waves are returned but the 20 me
Dllsslon. The part · of the ionosphere which w:ave, being refracted less than' the 5-mc wave,
co:r;1trols sky-wave propagation is the portion returns at a greater distance.
directly above the great-circle path. For single- d. Incident Angles. For a radio wave of a
hop transmission, this portion is a region centered parti~!Jlar frequency and for an ionized layer of a
above the midpoint of the great-circle path. particular density of ionization, there iS an angle
The situation becomes more complicated when the of incidence of the wave, called the critical angle,
transmission path is too long for a single hop, at which the wave is reflected and returns to earth
and it is necessary to consider ionsphere con- near its minimum or skip distance. This phe-
ditions at more than one point along the path nomenon is explained in detail in paragraph 22,
between the transmitter and the receiver. Waves but it should be noted that the critical angle of a
can· follow either the major arc or the minor arc given wave sometimes is defined as the angle at
of the great-circle path. For instance, radio which the wave is propagated horizontally within






Figure 40. Relating rt;jlected waves to distance•4long earth'& surface.

100 .. c

Figure 41. Frequency versus distance for returned wavt-3.

the ionospheric layer and, therefore, does not from the ionosphere to the center of the earth;
return to earth. On consideration, it will be seen however, for ease of explanation, the critical angle
that these two definitions 'are the same, since the and all other angles of incidence are taken as
angle at which the wave first returns and the angle angles made by the wave with either the earth or
at which it just does not return are the same the ionosphere considered as horizontal plane
_angle. Also, the critical angle is measured (for surfaces.
purposes of calculation) between 'the wave path at (1) Figure 42 shows a given wave at various
incidence with the ionosphere and a line extended angles of incidence ·with the iono11phere
Figure 4B. Incilknt waPe palM for a plane eartll and a plane ionoapllere.

Figure 43. Hig1.-frequn&CfJ tDGPe at PGrioua anglu of incidence.

and its resultant variation in refraction the critical angle, the wave returns to
or reflection. Note that at angles ~f earth at decreasing distances from the
incidence ·larger than the critical angle, transmitter until a point of minimUJn
the wave is not sufficiently refracted in distance, the skip distance, is reached.
the ionosphere and escapes into space. Then, as the angle of incidence continues
As the angle of.incidence decreases below to decrease, the distance between the

Figure 44. Relation of angle of incidence !o usable frequency.

transmitter and the point lit which the at goo to the ion<,>sphere). Although a
wave returns increases and continues to vertically propagated frequency higher
increase for smaller and smaller angles of than . the critiQal frequency does not
incidence. Also, any high-angle wave return to the earth, it is possible that this
which returns beyond the skip distance is same frequency propagated at a different
attenuated greatly, and the skip distance angle will return. In other words, fre-
remains as the point at which the wave quencies higher than the critical fre-
first is returned in strength to the earth. quency may be used if the angle of
(2) This irregular variation of the return incidence is less than goo. Figure 44
distance with regular variation of the illustrates this relationship between the
incident angle results from the fact that angle of incidence and the use of fre-
the ionosphere acts principally as a quencies higher than the critical fre-
refracting medium for the larger angles quency to obtain communication.
of incidence. If the angle of radiation of
the transmitted wave can be controlled, 28. Maximum Usable frequency (MUF)
the smaller angles of radiation result in
greater distance of communication. a. For any given ionized layer of fixed height
Figure 43 shows sky waves of a fixed and ion density, and for a transmitting antenna.
frequency propagated at the critical with a fixed angle of radiation, there is a frequency
angle and at various smaller angles. (higher than any other) that will return to the
Note that the smaller the angle the earth at a given distance. This frequency is the
greater the distance at which the wave is maximum usable frequency for that distance; more-
returned to earth. over, it is always a frequency higher than the
(3) The critical angle for a given frequency is critical frequency because the angle of incidence is
not to be confused with the critical less than goo. Thus, for any given great-circle dis-
frequency for a given layer of the iono- tance along . the earth, there is a maximum usable
sphere. The critical frequency, as ex- frequency which is the highest frequency that will
piained in paragraph 22, is the highest be reflected from a given layer of the ionosphere
frequency a given· density of · ionization and that will return to the earth at the great circle
will return directly to the earth when distance. If the distance between transmitter
propagated at a vertical angle (incident and receiver increases, the maximum usable fre-

/\ \

••• Lt ••

Figure 1,6. Relationship of distance, time, angle, and frequency.

quency. in_creases. In other words, the greater the path for.any time in any future month. Since the
transmission distance, the higher the maximum method of problem solution entails the use of
usable frequency. world-contour charts and the use of complicated
"- b. In selecting the proper operating frequency procedures, it is beyond the scope of this manual,
for sky ~aves which tl'avel-along a fixed radio path, but, f!.S mentioned previously, this information
~he maximum usable frequency is pethaps the most may be obtained by consulting TM 11-499, Radio
~portant factor to be considered. If the oper- Propagation, and TB 11-499-( ), the monthly
/ atmg frequency is above the maximum usable fre- supplement thereto.
q~ency, the wave is said to escape, since it then c. If the density of the ionosphere is such that
w~l not be reflected by the ionosphere layer but the maximum usable frequency is at a frequency
will pass on through. On the other hand if the near the critical frequency, the wave is exces-
operating frequency is decreased below th; maxi- sively retarded in the ionized layer, and, because
mum us~ble fre_quency in the daytime, the wave of the effects of the earth's magnetic field, splits
becomes mcreasmgly attenuated since in the high- into two components known as the ordinary wave
frequency range, the lower the fre~uency, the and the extraordinary wave. These components,
more wave energy is lost through ionospheric ab- shown in figure 46, are usually of different polari-
sorption. Hence, it is usually desirable for trans- zation and phase. The critical frequency for
mission to occur on a frequency as near to the the extraordinary wave is higher than that for
maximum usable frequency as possible. A direct the ordinary wave, the difference varying with
relationship exists between the maximum usable the intensity of the earth's magnetic field, which
frequency, the condition of the ionosphere, time, changes with geographic position. Since the
and the angle of radiation, as shown in figure 45. critical frequency for the ordinary wave is lower
· Thus, it is possible to predict mean values of maxi- than that for the extraordinary wave, a layer of
mum usable frequency for propagation over any given ion density bends the ordinary wave less


TM 666·29
Figure 46. Ordinary and extraordinary waves.

than it does the extraordinary wave. From with neighboring molecules of air reduce the
another point of view, the ordinary wave, which intensity of the radio wave below that result-
obeys the laws of simple refraction, must penetrate ing from the normal spreading of the wave
a greater distance into the layer than the extraor- front as it travels out from the transmitter. This
dinar-y wave, which responds to both refraction absorption process is also of great importance in
and reflection. Figure 46 shows these two waves the practical use of ionospheric radio transmission.
in conjunction with the MUF. However, it During the day, absorption takes place mainly in
should be noted that this effect is important only the D region of the ionosphere. Electron densi-
for F layer transmission, causing interference fad- ties in this region are considerably less than in the
ing. The extraordinary wave reflected from the higher regions, but the increased density of the
E layer is so weak that it does not affect radio re- atmosphere itself results in an increase in the
ception. number of collisions between electrons and mole-
cules of air, and more than compensates for the
29. Lowest Useful Frequency (LUF) scarcity of electrons. During the night, ioniza-
tion and absorption in the D region become negli-
a. Absorption. The presence of ions in the gible. However, there is some absorption for
upper atmosphere not only causes bending aild frequencies near the MUF of the F2layer because
the return to earth of a radio wave of sufficiently waves at such frequencies are retarded to such an
low frequency, but also causes part of the wave extent that there is sufficient time for appreciable
energy to be absorbed. The collisions of electrons energy loss to take place in spite of the relatively
small number of collisions. Such absorption is m the greatest possible strength as o~e
called deviative absorption, because it occurs in wave.
conjunction with retardation, which causes bend- (5) Frequencies above the MUF will escll~e
ing of the waves. Absorption which takes place and not be received, except as scattered
even though the wave is not appreciably retarded waves (par. 24).
is called nondeviative absorption. The absorption d. , Summary for Variable Distance. Assumi~g
in the D region is largely nondeviative . constant ionospheric conditions, a fixed frequen(ly,
b. Lowest Useful High Frequency (LUHF). At and single-hop transmission, it can be said that---
certain frequencies of transmission, radio waves (1) At short distances, the wave will skip &t_d
penetrating into the ionosphere, primarily in the not be received, except of course as a
D region and in the lower portion of the E region, ground wave .
lose some of their energy by absorption . Generally (2) At just a certain distance, called the s~ip
speaking, the higher the frequency used, up to the distance, the wave will be received as on.e
limit of the maximum usable frequency, the less wave and at its greatest strength.
will be the total absorption and the more satisfac- (3) At a greater distance, the wave still Will
tory will be the level of communication. Absorp- be received but as an ordinary wave and
tion is at a maximum for frequencies of about 500 extraordinary waves, with resultant ff\.d-
kc to 2 me in the daytime, and decreases for both ing because of random polarization.
higher and lower frequencies at night. Thus, for (4) At still greater distances, the ordinary and
frequencies above about 1 me, the strength of the extraordinary waves will be received, but
received sky waves will, in the daytime, increase either or both will be attenuated consid~r­
with frequency (corresponding to decreasing ab- ably by deviative absorption.
sorption). Finally, a frequ ency will be reached (5) At even greater distances, the wave Will
for any given sky-wave path where the strength be attenuated greatly by both deviative
of the received signal just overrides the noise level. and nondeviative absorption.
This frequency is called the LUF. Frequencies Note. An. important fact to be borne in mind
lower than the LUF are absorbed to such an extent is that radio waves of fixed radiation angle ~re
as to render them too weak for useful communica- receivable at distances greater than the st-ip
tion. It should be noted, however, that the LUF distance, but that as this distance is incrca%ed
depends on the power of the transmitter as well appreciably, increased attenuation results.
as on _the distance concemed. At night, the noise
30. Optimum Working Frequency (FOT)
level mcreases with decreasing frequency so that,
as the fre_quency is lowered, the signals become Variations in the ion density of the ionosph~re
weaker wtth respect to the noise and the LUF layers occur from day to day, and from hour to
eventually is reached. Thus, the term lowest hour. Predictions on which the .MUF's are based
usejul.~re~uency may apply to either clay or night are made by averaging long-range observations,
transmtsswn. and do not take into account these day-by-day
c. Sum"!"ary for Fariable Frequency. Assuming fluctuations. Therefore, the actual upper limiting
constant IOnospheric cond itions a constant dis- frequency must be selected at a value which will
tance, and single-hop transmission it can be said insure against the probability of the operating
that - ' frequ ency becoming greater than the ~fUF for
(1) Fr_equencies consid0rably below the MUF any particular day. For the F2layer, the optimum
~tll be attenuated greatly by nondevia- working frequency thus is selected at approxi-
ttve absorption. mately 85 percent of the :\1UF for that particular
(2) Frequencies somewhat bdow th e MUF transmission path. The optimum working fre-
will be reflected as ordinary and extraor- quency for the combined E- F1 layer may be
dinary waves, eith er or both of which taken as th e ~fUF, since the day-by-day variations
may be attenuated greatly by deviative in E layer ionization are small . Of cou rse, if the
absorption. LUF is nearly equal to the :\1UF for a given
(3) Frequencies near the ~fUF will be re- transmission path, the optimum working fre-
flected as ordinary and extrao rdinary quency must be selected at a value consistent
waves, both of fair strength. with both. During moderat e ionospheric storms,
(4) Frequencies at the ~1UF will ~ e received commun ication often can be assurPd by ope rating
at frequencies slightly lower than normal, since is lost from the wave, and the only decrease in
critical frequencies are usually lower than normal field intensity is that caused by the spreading out
during these periods. of the wave front, the inverse distancr. attenuation.
The field intensity along a path, encountering no
31. Received Signal Strength obstacles (neither large masses nor ions) and
no interfering wave trains, varies inversely as the
a. Factors. Whether the ionosphere will support distance from the emitting source; the energy
transmission of sky waves over a given signal path density in the waves, which is proportional to the
at a certain time may be determined by finding square of the field intensity, varies inversely as
the MUF and LUF for this path. If a consistent the square of the distance (the familiar inverse-
optimum working frequency can be derived from square law). As mentioned previously, the field
these factors, radio communication over this intensity usually is measured in microvolts
signal path is known to be possible. In the per meter.
downcoming sky wave, we are not dealing with a d. Absorption. The presence of ions in the
steady wave of constant amplitude and phase, but upper atmosphere not only causes bending and the
one which may fade suddenly and greatly, whose return to earth of a radio wave of sufficiently low
polarization may be changing constantly, which frequency, but also causes part of the wave energy
may be composed of not one but many component to be dissipated because of the collisions of the
waves, which is affected by reflection at the electrons with neighboring molecules of air. This
ground near the receiver, and which is subject to reduces the intensity of the radio wave below that
the variations in height and energy absorption in resulting from the normal spreading of the wave
the ionosphere, and to focusing by the ionosphere. front as it travels out from the transmitter. This
These difficulties may be minimized by due absorption process is of great importance in the
regard to certain factors upon which the received practical use of ionospheric radio transmission.
signal strength depends, such as transmitter During the day, absorption takes place mainly
power, ant.enna gain, transmission-path distance, in the D region of the ionosphere. Here, electron
absorption function of the signal path, and densities are considerably less than in higher
interference losses. It is obvious that the trans- regions, but the increased density of air molecules
mitter must supply the amount of power required results in an increase in the number of collisions
to provide a field of sufficient strength at, the which more than compensates for the scarcity of
receiver. electrons. During the night, i'o nization and ab-
b. Gain of Antenna. The gain of an antenna sorption in the D region become negligible. How-
depends primarily on its design. The various ever, there is still some absorption for frequencies
types of antennas and their characteristics will be near the MU:F of the F 2 layer because waves at
discussed in chapter 3, but it may be said here such frequencies arc retarded, and there is suffi-
that transmitting antennas are designed for high cient time for appreciable energy loss to take place
efficiency in radiating energy, and receiving in spite of the relatively small number of collisions.
antennas are designed for the efficient pickup of As stated before, such absorption is called deviative
energy. On many radio circuits, transmission is absorption because it occurs in conjunction with
requirea between a transmitter and only one retardation, which also causes bending of the
receiving station. In such cases, it is desirable to waves. Absorption which takes place even when
radiate as much energy as possible in the proper the wave is not .appreciably retarded is called
direction since radiated energy is useful o,nly in nondeviative absor·ption . Absorption in the D
that direction. Directional characteristics in a region is largely nondeviative.
receiving antenna increase the energy pickup or e. Antenna Height. The received signal field is
gain in the favored direction and reduce the usually a combination of the direct field resulting
reception of unw anted noise and signals from from the downeoming sky wave, together with
other directions. The general requirements for that caused by the wave refl ect~d from the ground.
receiving and transmitting antennas arc that The resultant electric vector at the antenna, there-
they have small energy losses and that they be fore, is dependent on variations of the ground-
efficient as receptors and radiators. reflection coefficient as well as on the instantaneous
c. Field Intensity . In Lraversing a nonion izcd changes in both the amplitude and direction of
region of the atmosphere, practically no energy the downcoming sky wave. The height of the
receiving antenna and the angle at which the sky c. row,nzatwn Fading. Additional variation in
wave approaches it may thus be contributing the field intensity affecting the receiving anten~a.
factors to the received signal strength, since occurs as a result of changes in the state of pola:ti-
polarization and phase of the ground-reflected zation of the downcoming wave relative to the
component may serve either to cancel out, or to orientation of the antenna. This variation is
contribute to, the resultant field strength at the called polarization fading. In general, the stl\te
antenna. of polarization of the downcoming sky wave is
changing constantly. This is due mainly to the
32. Fading combination, at random amplitudes and phas~s,
of the two oppositely polarized components, the
Because of fluctuations in ionospheric condi- ordinary and the extraordinary wave. The pol~tr~
tions, the received intensity of the sky wave is riot ization of the downcoming sky wave is generally
constant, but varies with time: The termjading elliptical. By elliptical polarization is mea;flt th~tt,
refers -to relatively rapid variations which occur as the wave travels along the signal path, the
during a space of minutes, seconds, or even frac- electric and magnetic fields remain at right angles
tions of a second. In general, fading is more to each other and to the direction of propagatiQn
sudden on high than on low frequencies. A type but rotate about the signal path in more or l~ss'
of fading known as selective jading also can cause corkscrew fashion instead of remaining constantly
distortion in radiotelephone signals. In such in either a vertical or a horizontal plane with
cases, the fading affects certain frequencies more respect to the path, as does the plane polarized
than others and, therefore, may affect the side wave. This results in random and constantly
ba~ds ~nd the carrier wave differently. Fading, changing values of the amplitude and orientation
whiCh IS usually a nuisance, may be reduced by of the electric field with respect to the receiving
several methods, such as automatic volume con- antenna. The state of polarization of sky wav-es
trol, s~ppresse.d carrier transmission, and diversity varies more rapidly the higher the frequen~y,
receptiOn. Discussion of these methods is beyond which accounts in part for the rapid fading on the
the scope of this manual. higher frequencies.
a .. Types of Fading. The many types of fading d. Absorption Fading. Absorption: fading is
fall. mto four principal classes-(1) interference caused by short-time variations in the amount of
~ad~ng, (2) polari~ation. fading, (3) absorption energy lost from the wave because of absorption
ad~ng,. and (4) sktp fadmg. Most of the rapid in the ionosphere. In general, the per1od of this
fadmg m the input to a receiver is a combination type of fading is much longer than for the other
of the first two types; the other two are responsible two types, since the ionospheric absorption usually
for slower changes.
changes slowly. The sudde~ ionospheric disturb-
b. Interference Fading. Interference fading is ance is an extreme case of this type of fading,
caused by phase interference of two or more waves although usually it 1s classified as an irregular dis-
from t?e same source arriving at the receiver turbance rather than as fading. Somewhat siiO.i-
o~er shghtly different paths. If the paths are of lar to this type of fading, although 'not caused in
different lengths, and their relative lengths vary the ionosphere but by reflections and absorption
for so~e reason, such as fluctuations in the height in objects close to the receiver, is the type of fading
of the 10n~s~here layers, the relative phases of the experienced .in receiving a signal while moving
waves arnvmg over the different paths vary with along in an automobile. The fading out of the
t' .
1~e, causing alternate reinforcem~nt and cancel- signal when the automobile is passing under a
atiOn of the field intensity. Because of irregu- bridge or ~ear a heavy steel structure is caused by
laritie~ in the ionosphere, one downcoming sky absorption of the wave's energy by the structure.
wave 1s really the summation of a great number of
Effects of this sort are involved in so-called dead
waves of small intensity and of random relative
phases, and thus the resultant field intensity can spots or places .where radio reception is particu-
vary over wide limits. The rms (root mean larly difficult. Also, r~diation from wires, fences,
square) value of the fading intensity is equal to the and steel structures can cause an interference pat-
homogeneous field, or the steady value of the field tern that is relatively fixed in space, and can be
that would have existed had the ionosphere not noticed on moving the receiving equipment
broken the wave up into m·a ny components. around. Where there are nearby structures which
can cause these effects, care must be exercised in ponents of impedance elements in the receiver or
the selection of the receiving site. brought about by the fluctuations of electrons
e. Skip Fading . Skip fading is observed at within vacuum tubes. Another example is the
places near the limit of the skip distance, and is noise generated by cosmic rays, whieh are suffi-
caused by the changing angle of refraction. Near cently high in frequeney to penetrate the atmos-
sunrise and sunset, when the ionization density of phere of the ea rth . This cosmic noise is noticeable
the ionosphere is changing, it may happ en that the only in r eceivers capable of detecting these
MUF for a given transmission path flu ctuates frequencies.
about the actual operating fr equ ency. When the (1) Atmospheric noise. At the frequencies
skip distance moves out past th e receiving station under consideration in this manual, at-
(sometimes called going into the skip ) the received mospheric noise and precipitation noise
intensity abruptly drops by a fnctor of 100 or more, are the most important types to be
and just ns abruptly increases ngnin when the skip considered. Radio noise from electrical
distance moves in again. This may take place apparatus, such as the ignition systems
many times before steady cond itions for trans- of automobiles", may be very serious, but
mission nre established. is, more or less, under the control of the
observer, and can be largely eliminated
33. Radio Noise and Required Signal Strength if neeessary . Atmospheric or precipita-
tion noise, on the other hand since it
a. R equired Signal Str-ength. The minimum originntes in thunderstorms, or' in rain,
radio field intensity necessary to allow the satis- snow, or dust storms, usually cannot be
factory reception of an intelligible signal of a eliminated nnd thus sets the limit for
particular type in th e presence of radio noise at rndio reception. Most atmospheric noise
the receiving station is called. the r equired signal is consid ered to originate in the lightning
strength for this type of service. As a propaga- flashes associated with thunderstorms.
tion factor, the required signal strength is subject. Generally, thunderstorms occur much
to wide variation. It dep ends on the receiving more frequ ently over the land than over
set: the local noise or static; the type of modulation the sea and are more common at low
of the radio wave, or, in other words, the type of than at high altitudes.
service; and the grade of service desired-e. g., (2) Cosmic and solar radio noise. Between
barely intelligible, high fid elity, and so on. It frequencies of about 10 and 100 me,
also varies, with the radio noise, according to the cosmic radio noise originating in inter-
time of day and season. stellar space is known to be the principal
b. Types of Radio Noise. Radio noise may be source of interference to reception under
defined as interference, the energy of which is not many circumstnnces. As stated above,
confined to a narrow band of frequencies . Two cosmic noise has about the same char-
general types of radio noise may be distinguished- acteristics as the flu ctuation noise orig-
(!) impulse noise, which is interference resulting inating in components of a receiving set.
from a single elementary disturbance, or from an The sources of cosmic noise are not dis-
aggregate of elementary disturbances with sys- tributed evenly over the sky but tend to
tematic relative phase; nnd (2) random, or fluctua- be concentrated in several regions of the
tion noise, which is the aggregate of a large number celestial sphere, the principal of these
of elementary disturbances with random relative regions being near the center of the
phases . A distinction between impulse and ran- Milky Wny. Consequently, when re-
dom noise is not always easy to make. However, ceived on a directional antenna, the
electrical, or man-made, noise caused by the opera- noise varies in characteristic manner
tion of electrical equipment is usually of the from hour to hour and from day to day.
impulse type, wherens atmospheric noise, originnt- The reason for the existence of cosmic
ing in thunderstorms or caused by other a,tmos- noise is not well known . Some investiga-
pheric conditions, ordinarily may be considered to tors believe it to be radio-frequency
have the bandwidth characteristics of random radiation from eruptions, similar to the
neise. The best example of random noise is the spot eruptions on our sun, occurring on
fluctu ~ tion noise originating in the resistnnce com- nll the s·t ars in the galaxy; others have
considered it as originating in electron mal noise, presenting a readily computed V(\}tage
activity in the space between the stars. offers a satisfactory standard against whi~b th
Recently, it has been found that the sun noise introduced by a receiver or an amplifi.~r cB
also acts as a radiator of radio noise at be rated. B~tsed on this principle, a systelll
frequencies from about 200 me up. rating a receiver in terms of its noise figtlre h
Except at the time of large sunspot been devised for this purpose.
eruptions, solar noise is important only (1) In a receiving system, the total n.oise •
on very high frequencies and when highly the sum of the tube noise, the t~ew
directional antennas actually are pointed noise in the input circuit, the t~ew
at the sun; therefore, it need not be con- noise in the output circuit, an.d tb!
sidered in relation to practical problems antenna noise. Antenna noise \s til
of propagation. induced atmospheric and cosmic no·
(3) Receiving set noise. Noise generated in- appearing at the receiver input.
ternally in a receiving set is caused by (2) The signal-to-noise ratio of an id~a.l r
the random motion of electrons in resist- ceiving system can be expressed a~
ance components of impedance elements
and in the fluctuations of the electrons in available sigJJ
vacuum tubes. In the absence of all Signal-to-noise power _ powet
ratio of ideal system- ideal aV~tilabl
external noise, signals, to be intelligiblE>,
noise P~wer
must be strong enough to override this
internal noise. With only internal noise where the ideal available noise power
present, the ability of a receiver to re- the power developed across the an.tenll
ceive a signal usually is expressed as the resistance by the thermal noise V<:Jltage
noise figure of the receiver. Experi-
The available signal power at tl\e r
mental determination of the receiver
ceiver input is the power that the signa.
input terminal voltage required to over-
will develop across an input resi!>tan
ride the internal noise in typical Army
equivalent to the antenna resistance
communications receivers shows a value
Noise figures usually are expressed i
of approximately 2 microvolts for 90 per-
terms of power ratios or in db.
cent intelligibility of 100 percent modu-
(3) The noise figure of an actual receiver i
lated radiotelephony. Though this value
obtained from the following ratio:
~s somewhat dependent on frequency, it
IS considered sufficiently accurate for all signal-to-noise power rati(}
frequencies between 1.5 and 20 me. . fi for an ideal receivet
c. Noise Figure. For many years, radio engi- N o1se gure= s1gna
. . .
1-:to-nOJse power ratJC>
neers were faced with the· problem of devising a of an actual receiver
syst~m for rating a receiver or an amplifier on its
ments from the standpoint of low noise. The (4) The required signal power at the inputo
problem was complicated by the fact that in ad- an acLual receiver is the required sign
dition to the useful output voltage of a generator power for an ideal receiver multiplied b
(the generator, under operating conditi.ons, being the receiver noise figure for the saiJl
~n ant~nna ~nd the useful output voltage being signal-to-noise ratio.
. he desired s1gnal voltage) a certain noise voltage d. Types of Modulation and Senrice Gain. Otbe
lS always present. In an antenna this noise factors upon which the required signal strength o
~oltage '_"Ould include that caused b; thermal re- a receiving system depends are known as type o
Sistor n01se, and atmospheric and cosmic noise; in modulation and type of service gain. Higher signnl
~ standard voltage generator, this voltage would to-noise ratios are required in commercial high
m~lude only that resulting from thermal resistor quality broadcast work than in many other type
n01se. Because of the fluctuations of atmospheric- of service. On the other hand, in general cod
and cosmic-noise voltages with time, location, and systems, such as automatic high-speed telegraph)
construction and orientation of the antenna these or teletypewriter systems, the output signal-to
. '
n01se voltages do not offer a constant standard for noise ratio need not be large, since the mechanislll
rating a receiver or an amplifier. However, ther- operates when ·t he signal exceeds the noise by onlr
a small margin. The gain required for a certain This reference type of service corresponds to 90
type of service is the relative signal strength re- percent intelligibility of speech and is comparable
quired for that type ot' communication as com- to the grade of service known as order wire in
pared with the signal required for a reference type. telephonic communications.


34. Summary q. Ionization occurs in different layers, depend-
ing on the frequency of the ultraviolet radiation
a. Ground-w~ve propagation refers to those causing it, and on the critical density of the
types of radio transmission which do not make use atmosphere.
of ionospheric reflections. r. Although the number of layers is subject to
b. The direct-wave component travels directly variation from time to time, there are usually four
from the tJ;"ansmitting to the receiving antenna. distinct layers during the daytime.
c. The ground-reflected component undergoes a s. During the nighttime, only one ionized
phase reversal of 180° upon reflection from the layer- the F layer- usually exists.
ground . t. The D region is the lowest layer, and it is
d. This phase reversal may cause serious signal- chiefly important for its absorption effects.
voltage cancelation between the ground-reflected u . The E layer is important for reflection of
and the direct-wave components. radio waves up to about 20 me.
e. The surface-wave component is affected pri- v. For transmission above 20 me, the F, FI, and
marily by the conductivity and dielectric constant F2 layers are most important.
of the earth. w. The virtual height, or apparent height, of an
f. The surface-wave component is essentially ionized layer is eonsiderably greater than the
vertically polarized at appreciable distances from actual layer height.
the antenna. x . The chief factor that controls lon0'-distance
g. The tropospheric-wave component is re- communication is the ionization densi7.y of the
fracted in the lower atmosphere by sharp changes ionized layer.
in density and humidity of the air. y. The higher the frequency of transmission, the
h. One of the common causes of tropospheric greater must be the density of ionization to reflect
refraction is temperature inversion. waves baek to earth.
i. Trapped waves may follow the curvature of z. The eritieal frequency is the highest frequency
the earth for distances far beyond the optical at which waves sent vertically upward are re-
horizon of the transmitter. flected back to earth.
j. The frequency eharacteristics of the ground aa. The upper layers arc the most highly ionized
wave determine what particular component will anfl, therefore, they reflect t.he higher frequencies.
prevail along any given signal path. ab. Waves of all frl'quenr.ies highrr than t.he
k. For frequencies above 30 me, the distance critical frcquenr.y arc not reflectPd back to earth,
range of the ground wave can be increased by but arc said to escape.
increasing the antenna height as well as by
ac. Changes in the sun's state of activity which
increasing the radiation power.
cause var iations in the amount. of its rudio.tion will
l. The ionosphere is eomposed of one or more
rrsult in variat.ions in the conformation of the
electrically condueting layers which bend radio
waves back toward the earth.
m. The ionosphere layers are formed by ioni7.a- ad. Regular variations can hr predicted, and
tion of the gas molecules composing them . full into four elasses: diurnal, seasonal, 11-year,
n. Recombination goes on constantly, so that and 27-duy.
an ionized layer does not. necessarily last indef- ae. Diurnal variation is eausecl by the rotation
initely. of the rarth and rc·sults in higher intensities of
o. The chief cause of ionization of the ionosphere ionization during the
is ultraviolet radiation from the sun. af. Seasonal variation causes shifts in the maxi-
p . Sunspots have the effect of increasing the mum ion density in the D, E, and F lu.ycrs, being
ionization of ionized layers. greater in summer than in winter.
ag. The ion density of the F2 layer, however, is quency usua.lly is selected at approximately 85
much greater in winter than in summer. percent of tho MUF for the particular signal path.
ah. The 11-year variation is caused by the cycle ba. The received signal strength depends upon
of sunspot activity whieh rises to a maximum such factors as transmitter power, antenna gain,
approximately every 11 years and decreases to a transmission path distanee, absorption function,
minimum in the intervening years. and interference losses.
ai. At times of sunspot maxima, higher fre- bb. The gain of an antenna depends primarily
qupncies may be used generally for comm unica- upon its design.
tions over long distances . be. The general rrquirements for receiving and
. aj. The 27 -day variation results from the rota- transmitting antennas arc that they have small
tion of the sun about its axis. energy losses and are effieien t receptors or
ak. The sporadic E is an ionized cloud which radiators.
appears at indefinite intervals and at a slightly bd. The free-space electric field intensity is
higher level than the normal E layer. inversely proportional to th e distance from thr
al . Sudden ionospheric. disturbances are the tran srn it ter.
cause of sudden radio fadeouts. be. Absorption that takes place evrn when the
am. During ionospheric storms, there are large wave is not appreciably retard ed in the ionosphere
variations from normal of critical frequencies, is called nondeviative absorption.
layer heights, and absorption. ~f. Deviative absorption occms in con junction
an. Scattered reflections may cause signal dis- with retardation which also causes bending of the
tortion and so-called flutter jading. waves.
ao. Sky-wave transmission is possible because of bg. The height of the antenna and the angle
reflections from ionosph ere layers. at which the sky wave approa.ches it may be con-
ap. The skip distance is the shortest distance tributing factors to the reeeived signal strength.
from the transmitter at which radio waves of a bh. Phase interference of two or more waves
given frequency will be reflected back to earth. from the same source arriving at the receiver by
aq. The skip zone depends upon the extent of different paths is called intujerence jading.
ground-wave range and disappears entirely if the bi. Changes in the state of polarization of down-
ground-wave range equals or exceeds the skip coming sky waves relative to the orientation of the
distance. antenna is called polari zation fading.
ar. Signal paths involving one and two reflec- bj. Absorption fading is caused by short-time
tions from the ionosphere are called, respectively, variations is the amount of energy lost from the
single- and double-hop modes of transmission . wave absorption in the ionosphere.
as. Paths which radio waves normally traverse bk. Skip fading is cat.: sed by waves alt.ema trly
in traveling from transmitter to receiver are escaping and returning to earth.
usually directly above great-circle paths. bl. The required field strength is the minimum
at. _The MUF is the highest sky-wave frequency radio field intensity necessary to the satisfaetor}'
that IS usable for a particular radio circuit at a reception of an intelligible signal.
particular time. bm. Radio noise may be classified as impulse
au. The greater the tran.srnission distance, the noise, and random, or fluctuation, noise.
higher may be the MUF.
bn. Most atmospheric noise is considered to
av. The chief effect of the extraordin ary wave
originate in lightning flashes associakd with
on communications is to cause severe interference
fading. thunderstorms.
~w. The LUF is the lower limiting frequ ency for bo. Cosmic noise originates in outer spaee and
s~tJsfactory sky-wave communication for a radio usually affects reception at frequencies of from
Circuit at a particular time. .10 to l 00 me.
'· ax. The LUF is determined by the strength of bp. Receiving set noise is caused by the random
~he sky-wave signal in relation to that required to fluctuations of electrons in resistance components
JVercome noise. and in vacuum tubes.
ay: The sky-wave field intensity is equal to the bq. Radio receivers may be rated according to
:-eqmred field intensity at the LUF. their noise figure.
- - az. For the F2 layer, the optimum working fre- br. The noise figure is equal to the ratio between
the signal-to-noise ratio for an ideal receiver and u. Briefly describe the regular variations of the
that for an actual receiver. ionosphere.
bs. Different types of service require diffl'rcnt v. What is sporadic E'l
values of signal-to-noise ratio for satisfactory w. What usually happens to radio communica-
operation. tions during severe ionosphcrie storms?
x. What are scattered reflections?
35. Review Questions y. Give the factors affecting sky-wave propa-
a. What arc the factors affecting ground-wave z. What is the skip zone?
propagation? aa. What is the difference between the skip
b. What are the separate components of the zone and the skip distance?
ground wave? ab. Describe single- and double-hop radio paths.
c. What happen~ to the ground-reflected com- ac. What is meant by short-path and long-path
ponent upon reflection from the earth's surface? Lransmission'?
d. What may be done to reduce t.he signal- ad. Define maximum usable frequency.
voltage cancelation caused by the ground-re- ae. How docs variation in the oblique angle of
flected component arriving at the receiver out of incidence affect the MUF?
phase with the direct-wav e component? aj. How does the extraordinary wave affect
e. ·what affects the surface-wave component? communications?
f. What is meant by temperature inversion? ag. What happens to waves of frequencies
g. What is the normal range of frequency for greater than the MUF?
ground waves? ah. What is meant by the lowest usable high
h. Describe trapped waves. frequency?
i. How are the ionosphere layers formed? ai. What happens to waves of frequencies lower
j. What is meant by ionization? By recombi- than the LUF?
nation? aj. What optimum working frequency usually
k. What is the principal cause of ionization? is selected for F2 layer propagation?
l. What effects do sunspots have on the ion ak. What is received signal strength?
layers? al. What are the general requirements for
m. What is meant by Dellinger jade? receiving and transmitting antennas?
n. N arne the ionosphere layers and their relative am. What is the cause of absorption?
heights. an. How does the height of the receiving anten-
o. What general effect does the D region have na affect reception?
on hf waves? ao. What is meant by interference jading? By
polarization fading?
p. What happens to the various layers during
the night? ap. When does skip fading usually occur?
aq_. Upon, what factors does reouired signal
q. Are the ionosphere layers limited to any strength depend?
given number? ar. What is the cause of atmospheric noise?
r. How does refraction take place in the iono- Cosmic noise? Receiving set noise?
sphere? as. What is the noise figure of a radio set?
s. Describe virtual height. at. How does the type of service affect the
t. Define critical frequency. required signal-to-noise ratio?



36. Introduction r----------------~
The electric and magnetic fields radiated from I
an antenna form the electromagnetic field, and
this field is responsible for the transmission and
reception of electromagnetic energy through free
space. An antenna, however, is also part of the
electrical circuit of a transmitter or a receiver and,
because of its distributed constants, it acts as a
circuit containing inductance, capacitance, and
resistance. Therefore, it can be expected to dis-
play definite voltage and current relationships in
respect to a given input. A current through it
produces a magnetic field, and a charge on it pro- L----------------
duces an electric field. These two fields taken r11 en-se
together form the induction field. To gain a Figure 47. Charges on pl.ates of a capacitor.
better understanding of antenna. theor,Y, a review
of the basic electrical concepts of voltage and straight line. Instead of flat metal
electric field, and current and magnetic field is plates, as in the capacitor, the two ele-
necessary. ments can take the form of metal rods or
wires. The three-dimensional view io
37. Voltage and Electric Field figure 49 depicts the electric field more
accurately . In A of figure 49 the wires
a. Electric Field. are approximately 30° apart, and the
(1) When a capacitor is connected across a flux lines are projected radially from the
source of voltage, such as a battery (fig. positively charged wire to the negatively
47), it is charged some amount, depend- charged wire. In B of figure 49 the two
ing on the voltage and the value of wires lie in a straight line, and the flu~
capacitance. Because of the emf (elec-
tromotive force) of the battery, negative
charges flow to the lower plate, leaving
the upper plate positively charged. Ac-
companying the accumulation of charge +

is the building up of the electric field.
The flux lines are directed from the
positive to the negative charges and at
right angles to the plates.
(2) If the two plates of the capacitor are
spread farther apart, the electric field
must curve to meet the plates at right
angles (fig. 48) . The straight lines in A A 8
become arcs in B, and approximately
semicircles inC, where the plates are in a Figure 48. Electric field between plates at various angU 1


TM eee-154

Figure 49. Electric field between wires at varioua angles.

lines form a. pattern similar to the lines of antenna also indicates voltage. Since
longitude around the earth. To bring the polarity and the amount of charge
out the picture more clearly, only the depend on the nature of the transmitter
lines in one plane are given. output, the antenna voltage also depends
b. Voltage. on the energy source. For example, if a.
(1) Assume that the sphere marked E in B battery constitutes the source, the an-
of figure 49, is a. transmitter supplying tenna charges to a voltage equal and
r-f energy. The two wires then can opposite to that of the battery. If r-f
serve as the antenna. for the transmitter. energy is supplied to a half-wave antenna,
R-f energy is radiated from the antenna. the voltage across the antenna lags the
and charges move back and forth along current by 90°. The half-wave antenna
the wires, alternately compressing and acts as if it were a capacitor, and it can
expanding the flux lines of the electric be described as capacitive.
field. The reversals in polarity of the
transmitter signal also reverse the direc-
38. Current and Magnetic field
tion of the electric field.
(2) When a charge is put on the plates of a
capacitor by means of a battery, an a. Current. A moving charge along a conductor
electric field is set up between its plates. constitutes a current and produces a magnetic
The flow of charge from source to capaci- field around the conductor. Therefore, the flow
tor ceases when the capacitor is fully of charge along an antenna also will be accom-
charged, and the capacitor is said to be panied by a magnetic field. The intensity of this
charged to a voltage equal and opposite to field is directly proportional to the flow of charge.
that of the source. The charged capaci- When the antenna is uncharged, the current flo~
tor can be used as a source of emf since is maximum, since there is no opposing electriC
it stores energy in the form of an electric field. Because of this current flow, a charge
field. This is the same as saying that accumulates on the antenna, and an electric field
an electric field indicates voltage. The builds up in increasing opposition to the emf of
presence of an electric field about an the source. The current flow decreases and when
configuration, with the magnetic flux lines dra.wo
according to a definite rule (fig. 50). Whereas ,
in the electric field, the electric lines are dra.WD
from a positive charge to a negative charge, in the
magnetic field, the flux lines are drawn according
to the left-hand rule. The direction of curren
.flow is upward along both halves of the antenna. .
.The lines of magnetic flux form concentric loops
which are perpendicular to the direction of current
flow. The arrowheads on the loops indicate the
direction of the field. If the thumb of the left
hand is extended in the direction of current flo
and the fingers clenched, then the rough circles
formed by the fingers indicate the direction of the
magnetic field. This is the left-hand rule, o~;
convention, which is used to determine the direc-
DIRECTION OF MAGNETIC tion of the magnetic field .

39. Combined Electric and Magnetic Fie!ds

Til &6&-1111

Figure 50. Magnetic field about a half-wave antenna. a. When r-f energy from a transmitter i~
supplied to an antenna, the effects of charge ,
the antenna is fully charged, the current no longer voltage, current, and the electric and magnetic
flows. fields are taking place simultaneously. These
b. Magnetic Field. The magnetic field in the effects (fig. 51) have definite time and space
space about a current-carrying device has a specific relationships to each other. If a half-wave


1--------'U PWARD MOV ING _ _ _-:
Tl ME ___,f----- I
I------CLOCKWISE - - - - 1

TM 666· 56

Figure 51. Electric and magnetic fields 90° out of phase.

antenna is used, the relations between charge and field, in which the electric and magnetic flux
cu;rent flow can be predicted because of the maximum intensities occur goo apart in time, or
capacitive nature of this antenna. The voltage in time quadrature. Physically, they occur at
will lag the current by goo and the electric and right angles to each other, or in space quadrature.
magnetic fields will be goo out of phase. With To sum up, the electric and magnetic fields about
no electric field present (no charge), the current th1:1 antenna are in space and time quadrature.
flow is unimpeded, and the magnetic field is
maximum. As charge accumulates OB the an- 40. Standing Waves
tenna, the electric field builds up in opposition
to current flow an'd the magnetic field decreases a. The Infinitely Long Conductor. Assume that
in intensity. When the electric field reaches its it is possible to have a wire conductor with ope
maximum strength, the magnetic field has decayed end extending infinitely, with an r-f transmitter
to zero. connected to this wire. When the transmitter
b. A reversal in polarity of the source reverses is turned on, an r-f current in the form of sine
the direction of current flow as well as the polarity waves of r-f energy moves down the wire. These
of the magnetic field, and the electric field aids waves of energy are called traveling waves. The
the flow of current by discharging. The magnetic resistance of the conductor gradually diminishes
field builds up to a maximum, and the electric the amplitude of the waves, but they continue
field disappears as the charge is dissipated. The to travel so long as the line does not come to an
following half-cycle is a repetition of the first end.
half-cycle, but in the reverse direction. This b. The Finite Conductor tAntenna) . The an-
process continues as long as energy is supplied tenna, however, has some finite length. There-
to the antenna. The fluctuating electric and fore, the traveling waves are halted when they
magnetic fields combine to form the induction reach the end . of the conductor. Assume that


' ~'v~·==========~==-=:J


Til 666·57

Figure 5e. Traveling waves on an antenna and typical resultant wave.

the r-f transmitter is turned on just long enough conductor that causes current to flow back toward
to allow one sine wave of energy to get on the the source, as in B of figure 52. The wave is
line (A of fig. 52). This traveling wave is moving reflected back to the source, and, if a continual
down the antenna toward the end. When this succession of waves is sent down the line, they will
wave reaches the end of the conductor, the be reflected in the same continual pattern. The
current path is broken abruptly. With the wave moving from the transmitter toward the
stoppage of current flow, the magnetic field end is called the incident wave, and its reflection
collapses. A voltage is induced at the end of the is called the reflected wave.



TM 666-58

Figure 53. Development of standing wave from traveling waves .


c. Standing Waves.
(1) A continuous flow of incident waves
results in a continuous flow of reflected
waves. Since there is only one con-
ductor, the two waves must pass each
other. Electrically, the only current
that actually flows is the resultant of
both of these waves. The waves can rein-
force or cancel each other as they move.
When they reinforce, the resultant wave
is maximum; when they cancel, the
resultant wave is minimum. In a con-
ductor which has a finite length, such as
an antenna, the points at which the
maxima and minima of the resultant TM 666·!19
wave occur (C of fig. 52) are stationary. Figure 64. Standing wavea.
In other words, the maximum and
minimum poibts stand still, althoagh both with reference to figure 53. As the travel-
the incident and reflected waves are ing waves move past each other, the
moving. The resultant wave stands still standing wave changes only its ampli-
on the line, only its amplitude being tude. The fixed minimum points are
subject to change. Because of this called node~, and the curves representing
effect, the resultant is referred to as a the amplitude are called loops.
standing wave. (4) The concept of the standing wave can be
(2) The development of the standing wave applied to the half-wave antenna with
on an antenna by actual addition of the reference to either current or voltage
traveling waves is illustrated in figure 53. distribution at any instant. This appli-
At the instant pictured in A, the incident cation is possible because there are
and reflected waves just coincide. The traveling waves of both voltage and
result is a standing wave having twice current. Since voltage and current are
the amplitude of either traveling wave. out of phase on the half-wave antenna,
In B, the waves move apart in opposite the standing waves also are found to be
directions, and the amplitude of the out of phase.
resultant decreases, but the points of
maximum and minimum do not move. 41. Voltage and Current Distribution on Half·
When the traveling waves have moved
Wave Antenna
to a position of 180° phase difference, the
resultant is zero along the entire length a. Instantaneous Voltage and Current.
of the antenna, as shown in C. At this (1) When an r-f transmitter is feeding a
instant there can be no current flow in half-wave antenna, positive and negative
the antenna. The continuing move- charges move back and forth along the
ment of the traveling waves, shown in antenna (figs. 55 and 56). The first
D, builds up a resultant in a direction picture shows the position of the charges
opposite to that in A. The in-phase at some arbitrary time, TO. The r-f
condition of the traveling waves results charges being observed are at the ends
in a standing wave, in E, equal in ampli- of the antenna, and there is a maximum
tude, but 180° out of phase with the difference in potential between the ends,
standing wave in A. A and B. The remaining illustrations
(3) If the progressive pictures of the standing show the instantaneous positions of the
wave are assembled on one set of axes, charges at regular intervals of 22.5°
the result is as in figure 54. The net throughout a complete cycle.
effect of the incident and reflected waves (2) To the right of each instantaneous posi-
is apparent. The curves are lettered tion of the charges are curves representing
TO (~~~--------------------~8 01------

Tl () (+) (-)
- 2 2 .5°

T2 () (+) (-) )

n ...
c~....~)~-----=--- (+)._______...c-.)...._______,)
--67. 5~

T4 Cu)~--------~~~»--------~)

T5 () 0 (+) )

T6 () (-)
e )

T7 () (-j

Te Ea~~--------~--------~

TM 666-SOA

Figure 55. Voltage and current distribution in terms of positive and negative charges.


A C 8


T9 {) (-)

TIO {~)!...-_ ____,..(-~)_ _ _ _ ___;(u+)'---_ ____.)


Til {u.)~---~(-)'--_ ____._•[+.L.)_ _ ______,)

Tl2 {u)~_ _ _ ____._.(-))u...__ _ _ _---.J) 0~------


Tl3 (+)'-------'';u-)_ _ _ ____.)

( ' - ' ) ' - - - - - - '.....
-----292.5 0 - - - - - -
- - - - - - 292.5°---·

n4 () S H )
- - - - - - 315°---------
- - - - - - - - - 315°:.___ _ _--i~

n5 c) (+) H )
- - - - - - - 337.5°'--------

+)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~(-)
TIS (....

TM 666-608

Figure 56. Voltage and c·urrent distribution in terms of positive and negative cll.u.ryes.
the current and voltage at that particular point B. Since the positions of the
time for any point on the antenna. For charges have been reversed from TO to
example, at time TO, the positive and T8, the voltage loops in T8 are 180° out
negative charges are at points A and B of phase compared with the loops in TO.
on the antenna. The voltage between (7) From T8 to T16 in figure 56, the move-
these points represents a maximum dif- ment of the charges is shown in the
ference of potential. The current, being opposite direction, the current loop
90° out of phase in respect to the voltage, reaching a maximum at T12. When the
is everywhere zero. These distribution entire r-f cycle is completed at time Tl6,
curves are standing waves derived in the the charges have returned to the posi-
same manner as those discussed in the tions they occupied at TO. The distri-
previous paragraph. bution curves of voltage and current also
(3) The next illustration shows the position are in their original conditions. The
of the charges at time T1. The standing entire process then is repeated for each
wave of current is a relative maximum r-f cycle.
at the center of the antenna. This b. Standing Waves of Voltage and Current.
current loop has nodes which remain at (1) The distribution curves of th£' current and
the ends of the antenna, and it is, there- voltage are standing wav£'s. This means
fore, 90° out of phase with the standing that they are th£' resultants obtained by
wave of voltage. adding two trawling waves. The two
(4) At T2 and T3, the charges move closer traveling waves are associat£'d with the
together, and the standing wave of positive and negntiw charg£'s. The wave
voltage slowly decreases in amplitude. caused by th£' negatiw charge can be
Conversely, the current loop increases called the incid£'nt wave, and the wave
in magnitude. When the charges meet caused by the positive charge the re-
after 90° of the r-f cycle (T4), the effect flected wave." The discussion, however, is
is that of having the positive and negative clearer when th£' conc£'pt. of n£'gative and
charges cancel. The voltage loop accord- positive charg£'s is us£'d.
ingly is zero everywhere on the antenna, (2) The positive charge abow, tnken at time
and the current loop rises to its maximum TO in figure 55, produces a traveling wave
value, unimpeded by any charge on the of voltage, shown by th£' dashed line in A,
antenna. figure 57. The negative charge at the
(5) At time T5, the charges have passed each opposite end of the. antenna produces an
other, each charge having moved past the identical traveling wave (dash-dot curve).
center point of the antenna. The polarity These two add together to produce the
of the voltage loops is reversed, and they TO voltage distribution curve, which is
build up in the opposite direction, keep- the resultant wave of A of figure 55.
ing the node always at the center point of Both of these waveforms are identical,
the antenna. The reversal of polarity is being the standing wave of voltage at
shown in the charge positions at T3, T4, time TO. All the following distribution
and T5. The separation of the charges curves of figuro 57 are produced in the
also is accompanied by a decrease in the same manner. They are the standing-
amplitude of the current loop. wave resultants caused by the traveling
{6) From T5 to T8, the charges move out to waves accompanying the charges.
the ends of the antenna. During this (3) In B of figure 57, each of the traveling
time, the voltage loops increase and the waves has moved 45°, the positive travel-
current loops decrease in amplitude. At ing wave moving to the right and the
time T8, which occurs 180° after TO in negative traveling wave moving to the
the r-f cycle, the charges have moved to left. This time corresponds to T2 in
opposite ends of the antenna. Compare figure 55. The standing wave produced
the picture in TO to the picture in T8. corresponds to the voltage distribution
It is seen that the negative charge is now curve at T2. The standing waves of cur-
at point A and the positive charge at rent are produced in the same manner.

........ ......
-- ---

A 0

.... ........

8 E

c F


TM 861•61

Figure 57. Standing waves of voltage and current.

TO T l6

T2 Tl4

T3 Tl3
:IE T4 T l2
T5 Til



TO Tl T2 T6 T7 TB T9 TIO T l 3 Tl4 Tl5 Tl6

- - - - - VOLTAGE AT Y
TM 666·62

Figure 58. Standing waves of voltage at a point on the antenna.

The current curves at D, E, and F of direction at T8, returning through zero

figure 57 correspond to times TO, T2, to its original position from T8 to Tl6.
and 1'4 of figure 55. (2) Between TO and T16, therefore, an entire
c. Standing Waves of Voltage. sine-wave cycle, Y, is reproduced. This
(1) In A of figure 58, voltage standing waves is true also of any other point on the an-
occurring at different times are brought tenna with the exception of the node at
together. on one axis, AB, representing a X. The peak amplitude of the sine
half-wave antenna. Essentially, these wave produced at any point depends on
are the same curves shown progressively its position on the antenna. The nearer
in figures 55 and 56 as voltage distribu- the point is to either end, the greater its
tion curves. They can be used to deter- peak amplitude.
mine the voltage at any point on the d. Standing Waves of Current. The standing
antenna at any instant of time. For waves of current occurring at various times.
example, if it is desired to know the through the r~f cycle are assembled on a single
variations of voltage occurring at point ·axis in figure 59. This axis, AB, represents the
y on the antenna over the r-f cycle, the half-wave antenna. If the current variations at
variations are graphed in respect to point Y from TO to T16 are graphed iu respect to
time, as shown in B of figure 58. At TO time, the result is the sine wave in B of figure 59.
the voltage at Y is maximum. From This is true for any point along the antenna with.
TO through T3 the voltage decreases, the exception of the nodes at the ends . The
passing through zero at T4. The voltage current has its greatest swing at X, the centPr of
builds up to a maximum in the opposite the antenna. Comparison of the voltage varia·




M TO T8 Tl6


Tl2 Tl2


- - - - CURRENT AT Y 8
TM 666 • 63

Figure 59. Standing waveB of current at a point on the antenna.

tion curve (A of fig. 58) with the current variation 42. Velocity of Propagation and Antenna
curve (A of fig. 59) shows the voltage curve lead- Length
ina0 the current curve by 90° at Y. This •
can be expected on any half-wave devwe. a. In free space, electromagnetic waves tra...·el
e. Measurement of Standing Waves. In figure at a. constant velocity of 300,000 kilometers or
60, the standing waves of voltage E, and current 186,000 miles per second. The r-f energy o~ an
I are indicated along the antenna. There are antenna however moves at a. velocity consider-
c~rrent nodes at A and Band a. voltage node at X. ably less' than that' of the radiated energy 1D
· f ree
These standing waves are found on any half-wave space because the antenna has a dielectric co~tant
antenna. A meter that indicates the effective greater than that of free space. Since the diele~­
value (0 .707 of peak) of the a.-c signal can be used tric constant of free space (air or vacuum) IS
to measure the standing waves present on the approximately 1, a dielectric constant greater
half-wave antenna. than 1 retards electromagnetic-wave travel.
b. Because of the difference in velocity between
the wave in free space ·and the wave on the an-
tenna, the physical length of the antenna. no longer
corresponds to its electrical length. 'rhe ante~~
is a half-wavelength electrically, but somew ~
shorter than this physica.lly. This is shown ~n
the formula for the velocity of electroma.gnetlc
Tllf 111 •14
r;'igure 60. Standing waves as measured with a meter. Vj'A
where Vis the velocity,} is the frequency, and X of metallic or dielectric materials. The chl\n~
is the wavelength. Since the frequency of the in velocity resulting from stray capacitance i8
wave remains constant, a d~crease in the velocity called end effect beilause the ends of the antenn~
res~lts in a decrease in the wavelength. There- are made farther apart electrically than they IJ.~
fore, the wave traveling in an antenna has a physically. End effect is counteracted by ma.kin~
shorter wa,velength than the same wave traveling the ph}.\sical length about 5 percent shorter tha~
in free space, and the physie~il length of the the electrical length, as expressed in the formul~
antenna can be shorter.
c. The actual difference between the physical L=O. 95 (492/.f)
length and the electrical length of the antenna =468/J
depends on several factors. A thin wire antenna, where L is the physical length in feet. and j is the
for example, has less effect on wave velocity than frequency in megacycles . This formula is ac.
an antenna with a large cross section. As the curate for all practical purposes in
circumference of the antenna. increases, the wave the physical length of an antenna 1
velocity is lowered as compared with its free-space length at the operating frequency.
velocity. The effect of antenna. circumference e.· The capacitive end effect also change&
on wave velocity is illustrated in the graph of slightly the standing waves of voltage and current.
figure 61. When the standing waves are measured, it is
found that the nodes have some value and do not

\ reach zero, because some current is necessary to
charge the stray capacitance. The standing
waves measured in figure 62 show the results of
end effect.
\ 43. Resonance, Resistance, and Impedance
a. Resonance. The antenna is a circuit element
\ having distributed constants of inductance, capaC·
itance, and resistance, which can be made to form
a resonant circuit. The half-wave antenna is the
shortest resonant length of antenna. However,
ante.nnas which are 2 or more half-wavelengths
also can be resonant. Such antennas are said to
operate on harmonics. If an antenna is 4 half·
wavelengths at the tl'ansmitter frequency, it is
being operated at the fourth harmonic of its
.002 lowest resonant frequency. In other words, this
antenna is a half-wavelength at one-quarter of the
frequency of operation. An antenna operating on
.2 .6
the third harmonic is shown in figure 53 .
.8 1.0
b. Resistance.
WAVE VELOCITY (1) A cuiTent flowing in the antenna must
FREE-SPACE VELOCITY contend with three kinds of resistance.
TN eee-ee With the antenna considered as a radi·
Figure 81. Effect of antenna circumference on wave velocity. ator of energy, the power expended in the
form of radiation can be thought of as an
d. Other factors are involved that lower wave PR, loss. R, is called the radiation
velocity on the antenna. Stray capacitance, for resistance . With the antenna considered
example, increases the dielectric constant and ·as a conductor, a certain amount of
lowers wave velocity. This capacitance can be energy is dissipated in the form of heat.
caused by the line connecting the antenna. to the In this f2Ro loss, Ro is the ohmic resist-
transmitter, the insulators used to give physical ance . There is also an PR loss because of
support to the antenna., or nearby objects made the leakage resistance of dielectric ele-
menta, such as insulators. This R usu- 2,500
ally is included in the ohmic resistance. -OHMS
(2) The purpose of the antenna is to dissipate
as much energy as possible in the form of
radiation. The energy dissipated by the
radiation resistance, therefore, is the use-
ful part of the total power dissipated.
Since the actual power loss depends on
the ohmic resistance, this resistance
should be kept as low as possible. In
the half-wave antenna, the radiation re-
sistance is large to the ohmic
resistance, and most of the available ''
energy is radiated. The half-wave anten- ' .......
na is, therefore, a very efficient radiator
for most purposes. 1~--.-
.. - - - - - ~ ------~
(3) For a half-wave antenna fed at the center
point, the radiation resistance is equal TM sas-s-
to 73 ohms. The reference point is the Figure 6f. Impedanu along half-wave antenna.
center of the antenna at the time of peak
current flow. Ohmic resistance is refer- antenna is cut to a length of exact
resonance, the reactance is zero and the
red to this point. The total resistance is
impedance is purely resistive. However,
of importance in matching the antenna
if the antenna is longer or shorter than
to a transmission line.
resonance, reactance is present. When
c. Impedance. the antenna .is made shorter, capacitive
(1) Because the half-wave antenna has differ- reactance is present; when the antenna
ent conditions of voltage and current at is made longer, inductive reactance is
different points and because impedance is present.
equal to the voltage across a circuit (3) The impedance at the antenna input
divided by the current through it, the terminals is important in terms of power
impendance will vary along the length of efficiency. If the transmitter is feeding a
the antenna. If E is divided by I at nonresonant antenna, a power loss is
each point of the voltage and current caused by the reactive component of the
curves in figure 62, the result is the antenna impedance. Conversely, if the
impedance curve, Z. The impedance is frequency of the transmitter is changed,
about 73 ohms at the center point and the electrical length of the antenna also
rises to a value of about 2,500 ohms at changes. If the frequency is made some-
the ends. what higher, the electrical length is made
(2) The impedance of the half-wave antenna greater, and inductive reactance is added
usually is considered to be the impedance to the impedance. If the frequency is
as seen by the transmitter at the input lowered, the electrical length is shortened,
terminals. This impedance consists of and capacitive reactance is added to the
both re8ista.nce and reactance. If the impedance.


44. Introduction possible to connect the antenna directly· to the
transmitter, the antenna generally is located some
a. A transmission line is a device for guiding distance away. In a vehicular installation, for
electrical energy from one point to another. example, the antenna is mounted outside and the
Therefore, it can be used to transfer the output transmitter inside the vehicle. A transmisHion
of a transmitter to an antenna. Although it is line, therefore, is necessary as a connecting link.
b: The transmission line has a single purpose in (2) The ratio of voltage to current at the
respect to both the transmitter and the antenna. input end is known as the input im.ped.
This purpose is to transfer the power output of ance. The ratio of voltage to current at
the transmitter to the antenna with the least the output end is known as the oUtp14l
possible loss. How well this purpose is accom- impedance. If the line were of infinite
plished depends on the characteristics of the length, the characteristic impedance would
transmission line used. be the ratio of voltage to current on this
infinite line. This value is a constant
45. Transmission-Line Characteristics for a given transmission line.
(3) By comparing its electrical length to the
wavelength of the energy to be trana.
a. Terminology. ferred, a transmission line can be called.
(1) The transmission line used to couple long or short. It is short when its length
energy from the transmitter to the an- is short compared with a wavelength,
tenna has an input end and an output and long when its length is long com.
end. The output circuit of the trans- pared with a wavelength. This beco:tnes
mitter is coupled to the input end, also important when considering the efficiency
called the generator end or source. The of energy transfer through the line, be.
antenna is coupled to the output end, cause the line has distributed constan~
also called the load end or the sink. the effect of which increases with length.





2 3 B
TM 666-67

Figure 63. Basic transmission line and equivalent circuit.

b. Distributed Constants. were connected to a sour~e of emf. This
(1} The transmission line is essentially a four- is also true of the wires that constitute
terminal device. Two terminals (input the transmission line. 1'he intensity of
end) .a re connected to the transmitter, this electric field is a measure of the dis-
and two terminals (output end) a,re con- tributed capacitancy, which is expressed
nected to the antenna. Between these in micromicrofarads per ·unit length.
terminals are ·distributed constants of These wires act as a - capacitan~e, 0,
inductance, capacitance, and re~istance; shunted across the line (B of fig . 63).
their values depend on the physical ch~r- c. 'Characteristic Impedance . In addition to
acteristics of the line. . having t.he dis~ribu,ted constant!>, a transmission
(2) A of figure 63, sP,ows a basic system con- line has a ch4racteristic impedance . If an infinitely
sisting of a transmitter, two wires, and long transmission line is assumed, then the charac-
an antenna. The equivalent circuit, .B, teristic impecianceJ .z., determines the current that
shows that any given .section of the line flows when a given ·voltage is applied. This
has a certain amount of distributed con- impedanbe is purely resistive, and it: is constant
stants which are divided into three equal for a given transmission line. The characteristic
sections of lumped constants. The hum- impedance is important in determinln(J' how well
ber of · sections depends on the uxlit of 'energy is transfer:red from the source t~ the load.
le~gth . chosen. · The amounts of induct- For the infinitely long line, all of the ~n~rgy is sent
ance, c11-pa.c itance, and 'resistan<{e depe~d out on the line, and none returns to the source. If
on the 'le.n gth of the line, the size of the a finite line is terminated }v~th a purely resistive
conducting wires, the spacing between load equal to z., the. source appears to see an infi-
the wires, ·and the dielectric (air or insu- nitely long lin~, and all the energy passes into the
lating medium) .between the wires. line. If the line is terminated in any, other load,
(3) These constants actually cannot be djs- ~nergy is reflected back to the source.
t.inguished in the manner shown in B of d. Attenuation and Losses. The ideal trans-
figure 63. For example, the resistance is mission line has no losses. It transfers all the
distributed uniformly along the entire energy available at the transmitter to the antenna..
len<Zth of the line 11-nd usually is measured Actual transmission lines, however, power
in: ~hms per unit length. This is repre- in three wjl.ys.
sented as Rs in section 1. There is also (1) Radiation. The tx:ansmissjon line tends
a certain 'amount .of leakage resistance to act like an antenna . . Radiation losses
between the wires, represented as R8a. can be considerable with certain types of
This resistance is in shunt with the input lin~s .
and output ends and is the result of cur- (2) Heating . The resistance. of the conduc-
rent leakage between. the wires through tors dissipates a certain amount of power
the dielectric. in thE! form of heat (PR loss). At higher
(4) The wires forming the. transmission line frequencies, an appreciable amount of
also possess distributed inductance. Thi~ heat Joss can result from skih effect. An
inductance can be seen in ·the action of PR'loss also results from leakage between
magnetic fields set up by current flow. the conductors (dielectric loss). Heat
For example, if current flow attempts to loss increases with lines having a lower
drop to zero sudderily, the collapsing characf.erystic i.rqpedance because of the
magnetic fields sustain the .eurrent for a higher currents that are permitted to flow·
· time. The time .during which the current . (3) Reflection. It has b.een explained that ·a
is sustained is·a mea.sure·of the distributed load other than z. ·reflect!! energy .back
inductance. The distributed induc·t~nce, along the lihe. Thi~ res'u lts in the reflec-
L, is co'o.Sidered to be in series ,with tion loss explained below '
the line, and is measured in microhenries e. Reflection of Energy .
per unit length. ' (1) In diSC}lssing 'the infinitely lo-qg antenna.
(5) The two wires ·substituted for the plates wire, it ' was pointed out that energy
of a capacitor in figure 49 show an electric injected · by the transmitter results in
field produced betweel).. them when they traveling wave8. The saroe can be said
of an infinitely long transmission line. ance seen by the transmitter can be
Traveling waves of voltage and current changed by changing the load. The
continue to move down the line so long traveling waves reaching the load sud-
the line has no end. denly encounter an impedance different
(2) Assume a finite line where the two con- from that along the line, resulting in the
ductors terminate abruptly, as it they formation of standing waves and reflec-
were cut. Traveling waves reaching this tion of energy. Reflections occur so long
open end are reflected in the same manner as the load differs in any way from z..
and this results in the formation of stand- g. Basic Line Terminations . The load which
ing waves of voltage and current that are terminates the transmission line can vary from
out of phase, just as on the antenna. zero to infinity. It can be either resistive or reac-
The reflected waves represent energy t.ha.t tiye, or both, A line terminated in a resistance
is not absorbed by the load but is reflected equal to z. is said to be properly terminated. In
back along the line. This is undesirable this case, the line appears to be infinitely long
in a transmission line, where the object is looking from the source toward the load, and no
to transfer as much energy as possible to reflection occurs. Any other load causes reflection
the load. and the formation of standing ~aves. The two
(3) If energy is reflected, standing waves are extreme cases of line terminations are shorted or
formed, which means a changing ratio of open output terminals. In the first, the short
voltage to current along the line, and represents a load equal to zero. Since a zero load
therefore a changing line impedance. If differs from the characteristic impedance, standing
all energy is reflected from the output waves are set up on the transmission line. This
end anrl none is absorbed by the load, the. short-circuited line is known as a closed-end line.
impedance is purely reactive all along the If the output terminals are left open, the load is
line. If some energy is absorbed and infinite, also resulting in standing waves. This is
some reflected, the line impedance either called an open-end line. In either the closed-end
can be resistive (more or less than Z.) or or the open-end line discussed in (1) and (2) below,
can have both re3istive and reactive no power is delivered to the load (antenna). The
components. use of either line results in complete reflection of
f. z. and R~flection . energy back to the source (barring line losses).
(1) There can be no reflected waves, and (1) The standing waves created on a closed-
hence no standing waves, on an infinitely end line are shown in A of figure 64.
long line. However, an infinitely long line The line used is a half-wavelength at the
has an impedance of z•. When the trans- operating frequency . For simplicity, the
mitter injects energy into a line impedance waves are shown using the top wire as
equal to the characteristic impedance, a zero baseline. Because of the short
there are no standing waves and no across the output terminals, the current
reflections. The transmitter can appear loop is maximum at that point, and the
to see an infinitely long line if a resistive voltage is zero. A quarter-wavelength
load equal to the characteristic im- back along the line, there is a current
pedance is placed across the output end. node with a maximum on the voltage
Consequently, a line terminated in this loop . A half-wavelength back (at the
manner causes no reflection of energy and input terminals), there is a voltage node
no standing waves. This results in a with a current loop (maximum negative).
maximum transfer of energy from trans- The voltage and current ratio, and there-
mitter to antenna. fore, the impedance, continually change
(2) Inductance, capacitance, and resistance along the line. At the load, the im-
found in a transmission line are distrib- pedance is zero. At the current node,
uted uniformly along its length. There- the voltage is maximum and the im-
fore, no reflection of energy takes place pedance infinite (there is no current
unless the impedance at some point on flow). At the source, the current again
the line is different from that caused by is maximum and the impedance zero.
the distributed constants. The imped- At the load end, therefore, no power is
absorbed (P=PZ=P x 0=0), all of it the standing waves shown in B of figure
being reflected back along the line. At 64 . Although the standing wave of
the source, the transmitter is working voltage is maximum at the open end,
into zero impedance, and there is no ex- current is zero. At a quarter-wavelength
penditure of power. (In the actual case, back, the current is maximum, the voltage
however, some loss is caused by numerous is zero, and the impedance is zero. At
factors, such as radiation or hea.t.) Con- the source, the current again is zero, the
sequently, no energy is transferred to
voltage maximum, and the impedance
the antenna if there is a short across the
infinite. Since the transmitter is work-
output terminals of this line.
(2) In a half-wavelength section of open-end ing into an infinite impedance, no current
line, the load, ZL, is infinite, and creates flowsand no power is expended (P=PZ=
0 X Z=O).
(3) If a transmission line is terminated in

. . ._ E ,...-.! ~---....._E either a low or a high resistance (fig. 65),
'' '' as compared with z.,
the effect is similar

14 '·
/ /

/ /
to a.n open or a closed end. The low
resistance termination causes standing
v waves, which have nodes and loops a.t
the same points as with a. closed end.
The amplitudes of the standing waves are
8 lower, however, and the nodes no longer
A reach zero. This is because some power
TM sss-ee
Figure 84. Standing-wave formation on closed- and open-end is absorbed by the low resistance, al-
half-wave tran3mi311ion line3. though most of it is reflected to the

~-ro----- ~ -----<,Oooj

z z

TM 666"69

Figure 85. Half-wave lines terminated in low and high resistance.

source. Compare A of figure 65 . with
A of figure 64.
(4) Iri B 'of figure 65, the line is terminated
in a high resistance. · This produces
standing waves similar to those produced
by an open end, as in· B of figure 64 .
Again, the difference is only in standing-
wave amplitude. Figure 66 shows that
the standing waves decrease in amplitude
when the characte~istic impedance i's
approached from either side. Values of
resistire load ranging from a closed to an
open end are noted.
(5) The effects of purely reactive loads are
shown ' in figure 67. In A, a half-wave
section of line is terminated in a purely --:--====-=-~-..;I;;._-::=-:-....::.=-=--·E
capacitive loll-d. Compare the standing
waves in this case to :the standing waves
resulting from an open-end line. The
standing waves are shifted an eighth-
wavelength forward from the source and
the current leads the voltage, the latter
condition resulting in an 'input impedance
consisting ·of capacitive reactance. As
th~ capaci'tance is increased, the voltage
node moves nearer and nearer the output
end. The result of having a tr~nsmission
line terminated in capacitance is to in-
crease · the effective electrical length. E
This is the same type of change that --~-:=-:>--.;:::__"~ - ----
results from end effect on an antenna.
The effect is equivalent to adding an
open-end section of line which is less than
a qufl.~te.r;-wavelength ·long.
(6) Terminating the line in an inductance
results in the standing waves shown in
Bof .figure 67. Compar.ed to the op'en-end
termination, the current wave is shifted
an eigb,th-wavelength back toward the
source. This results in an input imped-
ance copsisting of inductive reactance
(voltage lead& current). Placing an in-
ductance jl.Cross the output is equivalent
to adding a close~-end section' .of line less
than . a quarter-wavelength long,. De-
creasing the inductance moves the volt-
age node nearer the output end.
h. Other 'Line ,Terminations. ·
(1) It is possible to connect either the generOr-
tor or the load at other points .along the
transmission: line besides the ends. So
TM 666-70
long as the line is not terminated in a
resistive load equal toz., standing waves Figure 66. Varying resistive lpad from zero to infinity on
the half-wave line.
distance between a quarter- and a half-
wavelength from the load, the input
impedance consists of inductive react-
ance. Connecting the generator to the
same point on the shorted line in B of
figure 68 results in an input impedance
consisting of capacitive reactance.
(3) If the generator in A of figure 68 is con-
nected exactly a quarter-wavelength from
the open end, the input impedance is a
very low resistance. The equivalent
lumped-constant circuit, however, is not
A B simply a small resistor, but a series-
TM 666"71 resonant circuit. In other words, the
Figure 67. Half-wave lines terminated in capacitance and transmission line has resonant lengths
inductance. like an antenna. If the generator in B
is connected a quarter-wavelength from
exist. This results in a line impedance the load, the input impedance consists
which varies all along the line. The of a very high resistance. The equiva-
generator then can be connected to work lent circuit in this case is a parallel-
into different impedances at different resonant circuit.
points. (4) It is possible to connect the load at differ-
(2) Assume an open-end half-wavelength line ent points along the line. In figure 69,
(fig. 68). The impedance curve along the load is connected a sixteenth-wave-
the line not only changes its value in length from the end of a shorted quarter-
ohms, but also changes in type of imped- wavelength line. The generator is con-
ance. If the generator is connected a nected at a point of high voltage and low

).. 1 - - - - - - ) . . _ _ _ _--.j
1----- - 2 - - - - - - l 2

5>. ).. 7>. 3>. 5>. ).
). ).
4 8 2 8 4 8 2
1 1 ..l.

~T ~T ~
TM 166·72

Figure 68. Line impedance changes on a half-wave open-end line and on a half-wave closed-end line.
1+ B
Til 116•73

Figure 69. Open and closed lines as step-up and step-down transformers.

current. The load is connected to a ance consists of a parallel~resonant circuit

point of relatively lower voltage and on open-end lines an even number of
higher current. The equivalent circuit quarter-waves long.
for the line, therefore, is a step-down (2) In B of figure 70 different lengths of
transformer. The equivalent of a step-up shorted line are given. For shorted
transformer can be obtained by connect- lines, series resonance occurs at even
ing the load to the same point on an quarters and parallel resonance at odd
open-end quarter-wavelength line, as in quarters. This is the reverse of the
B of figure 69. situation with open-end lines. For
1.. Changing Line Length. lengths of line shorter and longer than
(1) For open- and closed-end lines, the even or odd quarters, the input imped-
impedance seen by the source is given in ance is indicated as either inductive or
figure 70. In A, different lengths of capacitive. The generator also can be
open-end line are given. These vary inserted at different points along any of
from less than a quarter-wavelength to these lines. The input impedance then
1 wavelength. The impedance seen by is simply the line impedance at that
the source is repeated in half-wave steps. point.
For example, the series-resonant circuit j. Standing-Wave Ratio.
seen at 1 quarter-wavelength is seen (1) The actual loads connected to the trans-
again at 3 quarter-wavelengths. It also mission line usually have both resistive
is to be seen at the fifth and seventh and reactive components. The result is
quarter-wavelengths, and for every the formation of standing waves on the
length measured in odd quarters. On the line. Considering the standing wave of
other hand, the generator sees a parallel- voltage, the ratio of maximum to mini-
resonant circuit at a half-wavelength, 1 mum voltage along the line is called the
wavelength, and 3 half-wavelengths and standing-wave ratio. This ratio also elm
so on. In other words, the input imped- be obtained by measuring maximum and


~ Xcj ~Lt

'"'"" t ~· t ~

'"""" t ... ~ I ""- 1

'\J (9 I




JC 1----~---1




>.. _ _ _ _ ~

AND). 4



Til 111·?4

Figure 70. Changinflline length changes the impedance seen by source.

minimum current along the line. The it still can be used with relatively high
standing-wave ratio provides a measure efficiency.
of the energy reflected. l. Impedance Matching. Assume that a trans,
{2) When the line is terminated in a resistance mission line has a characteristic impedance of 100
equal to the maximum and minimum ohms. This line must be used to feed an antenna
values of current are the same. The with 75, ohms of resistance and 30 ohms of indue,
SWR (standing wave ratio) is 1 to 1, or 1. tive re~ctance at the operating frequency. Since
In this condition the load is said to be a mismatch occurs if the line is connected directly
matched to the line. All of the energy is to the antenna, an intermediate element must be
absorbed by the load (neglecting line used between the line and the antenna. Such S.ll
loss~s), and there are no standing waves. element is called an impedance-matching device.
~uch a line is called flat, since the For this purpose, a carefully constructed sectioll
Impedance is the same value Z all of transmission line can be used. This is possible
along the line. ' .,
because a line exhibits an impedance which varies
{3) If standing waves occur on the line with with length. If the proper length is selected, thi
a given load, the SWR is a measure of length then can serve as the matc.hing element.
the degree of mismatch between load and m. Velocity of Propagation. Wave travel Oll
line. For example, assume that a the transmission line is retarded in the same man-
resistive load of 500 ohms is used to ner as on the antenna. Consequently, the
terminate a line with z. of 50 ohms. electrical length and the physical length are not
If the SWR is measured, it is found to the same. The electrical length depends directly
be 10. This is the same as dividing 500 on the dielectric m edium, the physical dimensions
by 50. of the conductors, and the space between them.
k. Resonance.
All the factors on which the electrical length de-
{1) If a load resistance equal to z. terminates pends can be reduced to a single constant factor
the line, then the line is matched, or fiat. for a specific type of line. The electrical length
There are no reflections, and the SWR is then can be expressed as-
unity. By definition, a matched line
is nonresonant. This means that there is l =246 k/f
no reflection of energy and there are no
standing waves, resulting in maximum where l is the electrical length in feet, k is the
transmission of energy. factor for the specific line, and f is the frequency
{2) Assume a -section of line which is termi- of operation in megacycles. Typical values of k
nated in a load not the same as z•. range from 0.56 to 0.975 .
This line has standing waves which are
greater than 1, indicating the degree of 46. Types of Transmission Line
mismatch. This line is called resonant. Until now, only one type of transmission line
Depending on the type of load and the has been discussed. This is the type using two
length of line used, the transmission line parallel conductors, uniform in every dimension.
can be represented by a series- or a So far as general theory is concerned, the previous
parallel-resonant circuit. discussion applies to all types of transmission
(3) The nonresonant, or matched, line is used lines. Physically, however, transmission lines
principally in fixed or semifixed opera- differ considerably in their construction and
tion, since its design and constru ction specific characteristics. The various types are
take into consideration a great many fac- di&cussed below.
tors. Even in fix ed installations, how- a. Single-Wire Line. This is the simplest type
ever, only a need for very high efficiency of transmission line. A single-wire conductor
warrants the use of a nonresonant line. links the transmitter to the antenna. The return
The resonant line, on the other hand, is path completing the circuit is ground . Because
simple in construction and fl exible in there is only one metallic conductor, the line is
operation, and therefore, is used in most unbalanced. This condition leads to large radia-
field or mobile installations. Although a tion losses, which is a definite disadvantage.
maximum SWR exists on a resonant line, Another disadvantage is the lack of a. constant
800 I I

700 - ~

- a~b-~
500 - ,J- • v
400 ......
;n 300
,..,........ v
0 200 ......
0 /
0 /
2 5 10 50 100 500

Figure 71. Variation in Z • with changes in b/a ratio, open two-wire line.

physical relationship between wire and ground, spreaders, shown in A of figure 71. The
which leads to a varying characteristic impedance, actuf!.l distance used between the con-
making the line difficult to match to the antenna. ductors depends on the impedance re-
Because of these two disadvantages, the single- quired, the diameter of the wire, and the
wire line is used rarely. It is found where its frequency of operation.
advantage of easy installation outweighs its (2) The characteristic impedance of a two-
dis ad vantages. wire line is relatively constant. For a
b. Open Two-Wire Line. two-wire line having air as a dielectric
(1) Because it uses two parallel conductors, medium, Zo is given by the formula
this is called also the parallel-conductor
line, and because the dielectric medium b
is air, it is · known also as an open-wire Zo=276 log1o-
line (fig. 71). The constructio.1 and
installation of the open two-wire line where b equals the space between the
are nearly as simple as for the single- conductors measured from their centers
wire line. Although the balanced con- and a equals the radius of the wire used.
ductors act to reduce radiation loss, the This formula is sufficiently accurate
balance is critical, and nearby metallic provided that the ratio bfa is 4 or greater.
objects tend to unbalance the line and The graph in B of figure 71, demonstrates
cause large radiation losses. The two the variation in Zo produced by changing
wires used in this line are kept at a con- the ratio, bfa.
stant distance from each other by means (3) Currents flow through the two parallel
of insulating bars called spacers, or conductors in opposite directions. If
the two currents are exactly 180° out of MATERIAL
phase, the fields nearly cancel and the
radiation loss approaches zero. At
relatively low frequencies, this condition
can be approached. As the frequency
of operation is raised, however, the two RUBBER
currents tend to be more and more out COPPER COVERING
of phase, causing considerable radiation BRAID SHIELD
loss. The loss can be reduced by moving
the conductors closer together. Because TM 611·'1'7

of radiation, the distance between the Figure 79. Shielded pair.

conductors should never exceed 0.01 X,
where }. is 1 wavelength at the operating ductors. In the insulated type, the
frequency. dielectric is solid enough to keep the
(4) Moving the conductors closer together conductors evenly spaced, but flexible
lowers the characteristic impedance of enough to bend easily around corners.
the line. This can be seen from the (2) In one type of insulated line, the two
equation given above. In order to have conductors are molded into the edges of'
a relatively high impedance and close a plastic ribbon called polyethylene
spacing, it is necessary to reduce the (fig. 72). The dielectric losses are
size of the conductors. Reduction in
size, however, decreases the power capa-
bilities of the conductors. The higher
the frequency of operation, the more
difficult these problems become. A
practical limit to the use of two-wire
lines having air as the dielectric medium
is reached at approximately 200 me. OUTER
c. lMulated Two-Wire Line. CONDUCTOR A
(1) Instead of .having air as a dielectric
medium, the two-wire line can be in-

cased in a solid dielectric. This type of
130 -
line has several advantages over the 7
open line. Installation is simplified 120 - /
considerably because of its flexibility. 110 1--
For example, it is difficult to run the 100 1--
open-wire line around a corner without 90
changing the spacing between the con- 1 80
~ /
0 !50
40 v
30 /
20 /
0 /
1 2 4 6 8

TM 666•76
Figure 74. Variations in z. with changes in the b/a ran&
Figure 7f. Insulated two-wire line. open coaxial line.
higher than in a comparable open-wire the outer conductor confines radiation
line, and the higher dielectric constant to the space inside the line. External
lowers the characteristic impedance. objects consequently have no effect on
d. Shielded Pair. A further development of transmission, making this line definitely
the insulated two-wire line is the shielded pair superior to the two-wire type. Instead
(fig. 73). The two parallel conductors are im- of air, the line can be filled with a.
bedded in a solid dielectric, such as the plastic flexible, plastic dielectric, forming a solid,
copaline. The insulated pair then is inclosed in a coaxial line which has the advantage of
tube made of braided copper. The entire assembly greater flexibility compared with an open
is giv~n a weatherproof coating. The principal coaxial line. The use of a solid di-
advantage of the shielded pair over other types electric, however, increases the dielectric
of two-wire lines is its low radiation loss. This losses.
is true because the shield provides a uniform (2) The characteristic impedance of the open
ground for both conductors, resulting in a well- coaxial line can be calculated from the
balanced line. Furthermore, the shield provides formul!t,
protection from stray pickup in the presence of
external fields. Zo=138log 10 bfa
e. Twisted Pair. If two insulated wires are
where b equals the inner diameter of the
twisted together, a flexible transmission line
outer conductor and a equals the outer
results without the use of spacers. This type is
diameter of the inner conductor. Vari-
limited to use as a short untuned line because of
ations in Zo with changes in the ratio
its high losses. It should not be used at frequen-
bfa are given in the graph shown in B,
cies above 15 me. figure 74, which includes open coaxial
f. Coaxial Lines. lines. The formula for Zo of a solid
(1) It is possible to place one conductor
coaxial line is given by
inside the other to form a transmission
line. Such a line is called coaxial, or 138 b
concentric. The open line (air dielec- Zo=-- log 10 -
E a
tric) is shown in A of figure 74. Usually,
it consists of a wire conductor placed where E is the dielectric constant of the
inside a flexible metal tube which serves dielectric material used. The other quan-
as the second conductor. The inner tities (b and a) are the same as for the
wire is fixed along the central axis of the open coaxial line. If E is equal to 1,
outer tube by spacers, usually plastic then the two formulas become identical.
beads. The open coaxial line is used to From both formulas, it can be seen that
provide efficient operation at relat.ively a high ratio of b/a means a high Zo, and
high frequencies. There is little radi- conversely, a low ratio of bfa means a
ation loss from this type of line because low Zo.


47. Introduction matching device if necessary), and the antenna
The transmission line used to couple the trans-
mitter to the antenna sometimes is called a 48. Transmitter-to-Line Coupling
feeder. Because two general types of tram,-
mission line are used (resonant and nonresonant), a. Transmitter Coupling to Untuned Lines.
methods of feed can be divided into two classes- (1) On the untuned line, the SWR is 1.5 or
tuned (resonant) and untuned (nonresonant or less, and the line is considered properly
matched). Both types of line involve a trans- terminated. For a single-wire feeder,
mitter, means for coupling the transmitter to the two types of transmitter coupling are
line, the transmission line, means for coupling the shown in A and B of figure 75. In A,
line to the antenna (including an impedance the matched line is coupled capacitively
to a tap on the coil in the output circuit mitter output circuit is single-ended (}I
<;! the final amplifier. The tap is ad- double-ended. It also depends on tht
justed for maximum. power transfer. input impedance of the two-wire
Although this method has the advantage If the impedance is low and the out~11 ·
of simplicity, it allows a great deal of circuit is single-ended (unbalanced), t~er
harmonic radiation from. the antenna. the circuit in 0 can be used. A mllr
In B, a link is used to couple the trans- flexible coupling arrangement is shoWll, ii
mitter output circuit to the feeder input D . This link circuit permits coupling t
circuit. The coils forming the links can a high- or low-impedance two-wire feedeJ
be connected by a low-impedance section from the single-ended output circuit.
of line. This allows the transmission (3) When the output circuit of the transmitte:~
line to be moved a distance from. the is double-ended (balanced), the two-wrr
transmitter. This method is relativ.ely feeder can be coupled capacitively to th
simple and efficient, permitting little output tank, as in E. This meth,0 ·
harmonic radiation. usually is found with open two-Wifi
(2) The coupling used with two-wire systems lines. A link arrangement, as shown iJ::
depends in part on whether the trans- F, also is available for balanced outpu




c D

TM &66-79

Figure 75. Various methods of coupling the transmitter to untuned transmission lines.
TM 666-80

Figure 76. Two methods of coupling the transmitter to tuned transmis1lion lines.

circuits. The line taps in both cases are 49. Methods of Feed
placed symmetrically in respect to the
center of the coil. a. Line Conditions.
b. Transmitter Coupling to Tuned Lines. (1) Between the transmitter coupling network
(1) If a resonant transmission line is used, and the antenna input terminals, certain
the type of coupling depends on whether factors must be taken into consid eration
the line input impedance is the equivnlent with r egard to the transmission line.
of a series- or a parallel-resounnt r.ircu it. These factors apply equally to both tuned
The .circuit in A of figure 76, is an arrange- and untuned lines, and they deal with the
ment used with a line presenting 11 low problem of minimizing radiation loss
impedance to the transmitter. The extra from the lin e.
link serves to reduce harmonic radiation (2) A minimum of radiation loss is attained
from the antenna. when thP fields surrounding the two con-
(2) An arrangement that can be used for ductors forming the line are equal and
either series- or parallel-tuned lines is opposite in phase, and hence cancel each
) shown in B. In this circuit, the link
reduces harmonic radiation to a mini-
other. In this condition, a transmission
line is called balanced. If the line is unbal-
mum. Except for the method of employ- anced, excessive radiation loss occurs.
ing the link, the circuits in A and B are The radiation loss is directly proportional
almost identical. to the amount of line unbalance. Com-
c. Pi-Section Coupling Network. The pi-section mon causes of line unbalance are-
circuit is a versatile network which can be used (a) Unequal size, length, or spacing of the
with both tuned and untuned lines. It also can conductors.
be used with balanced and unbalanced final- (b) Unequal loading of the two conductors.
amplifier circuits over a wide range of line imped- This can result either from the antenna,
ances. A single pi-section is used for coupling to or from co upling between one conduc-
a single-wire feeder (A of fig. 77). For a two- tor and a nearby conducting surface.
wire feeder, a double pi-section provides the (c) Acute angle in the line.
necessary coupling, as in B. (3) Various methods are available for bal-


Til 666-81

Figure 77. Pi-section coupling to tuned or untuned lines.

physical construction as the nonresonant lin
standing waves are present on the resonant t
Since standing waves are present on the ante
so far as the transmitter is concerned the antet
A is merely an extension of the transmission line,
b. For all practical purposes, there are t
points at which a resonant line can be used to t
a half-waw antenna. The point of highest i
pedance occw·s at either end; the point of lo'l\r
B impedance occurs at the center. If the an~
Til 151515-82
is a half-wavelength at the operating frequel{c
,-oltnge loops occw· at its ends and a current l
Figure iB. Derices for balancing transmission lines.
occurs at its center. If this antenna is fed at o
end. it. is being fed at a point of high impeda.n
ancing differt'nt types of trnnsmission (nbout 2,500 ohms) and, also, at a voltage 1~
lines. Open-wire nnd shit:>lded-pnir lint's If it is fed at the center, the conneGtion is to a lo
haw constant dimensions. If the lint• is impt>dnnee point. (about 73 ohms), which is al~
a wavelength long, it usually i:> bnlnneed. ewTtlnt loop in this case .
If an open-wire line longt:>r thnn 1 wnw- t' . •\n opt'n-end resonant line can be either
length is used, transposition blocks enn odd or tlll t•n•n number of quarter-wavelengt
be substituted for spaet:>rs. Tlw positions If it. is 1lll odd munber, it acts as an impeda.n
of the conductors are reversed nt rt:>gulnr tmn:>fonut•r. If it. is n.n eYen number, it has t
intervals by means of these blocks (A. of snnw input nnd output impedance. Either
fig. 78). This &erves to balance the lint:> tht:>st• typt's cnn be eomwcted to the center or t
to ground and nearby objects. t:>nd of t.he hnlf-wnn~ tmtenna .
(4) The properties of a quarter-wave section d. Tht• four possiblt> nrrnngements for feed_·
of line can be utilized to balance unequal the half-wnn• antl'llllll with tuned lines are sh<l"
line currents in the transmission line in figure i9. In ..!. tht' nntt'llllll is center1ed. 't
proper. The balancing section used with impedance curn for the nntennn sl.wws. that til
a coaxial line, as in B, is called a bazooka. antenna impednnCt', Z.{• is Jow nt thiS pomt. 'til
It serves to make the impedance of the output impedance, ZT, of the lint:>. therefore, mus
outer conductor equal to that of the be low. Since the line used is nn ewn numbet o
inner conductor. If the unbalance is 10 quarter-wave lengths, a low output. impcd~n~
percent or less, the line can be considered results in a low input impedance . This deternun
balanced for all practical purposes. the type of transmitter-to-line coupling. A scrie5
b. Feeding the Antenna. Two important factors resonant circuit. is used to provide the necessnr_
must be considered in answering the question of low-impedance match. The arrangcmen t in A aJ
how to connect the line to the antenna. An is called current1ed; since the point of feed occur:
antenna at resonance has standing waves on it, at a current loop.
presenting a varying impedance along its length. e. In B of figure 79 the antenna is.end1e~. 1'1t
For maximum transfer of energy, the impedance antenna therefore is being fed at a pomt of !ugh Z.t.
at the output end of the line must match the In order to obtain a high ZT, the even quarter-war-•
ant'3nna input impedance. One factor to consider, length line is coupled to the transmitter by ~ea~'
therefore, is the antenna impedance. Another of a high-impedance, parallel-resonant . Cll'CUit
factor is the type of antenna used. Methods of This type of feed results in an unbalanced hne COil-
feed arc divided into two classes, tuned and un- clition, and little radiation from the line occu ~
tuned, corresponding to the two classes of trans- provided that the antenna is cut to a resonan t
mission line. If it is no longer than 1 wavelength, length. An antenna far from resonance caus -
a resonant line works with relative efficiency. If serious line radiation loss. The end-fed half-wa ~ ·
it is longer, a matched line should be used. antenna is more common, and sometimes IS
referred to as Zepp1ed.
50. Tuned Methods of Feed f. By comparison, center feed is a better arrange-
a. Although the resonant line can have the same ment than end or Zepp feed. In the center-fed



LEVENO~UtBERJ "'-----_j




_j_ v HIGHZA

~::: j

l ~~rER J"'-----_j
wwz 2
4 OF~

c D
TM 666 ' 83

Figure 79. Four arrangements for feeding the half-wave antenna by means of tuned linea.
method, equal lengths of the antenna are added impedance matching device sometimes mu~t be
to each side of the line. Even if the antenna is inserted between the line and the antenna. 'fh
actually not at resonance, the line remains near a input impedance of this device matches the c4arac-
balanced condition, and there is little line radia- teristic impedance of the line, and its Otltpu·
tion loss. The symmetry of the center-fed method impedance matches the antenna impedance.
allows the antenna to be used over a wide fre- b. Single- Wire Feed.
quency range, since it does not have to be near (1) The single-wire feeder can be used as
resonance to prevent line radiation loss. nonresonant line to feed the reS<Jnan
g. The center-fed antenna using a tuned line an half-wave antenna. For simplicity o
odd number of quarter-wavelengths is shown in (! construction, an impedance-matchil"lg d
of figure 79. The distinguishing feature of this vice generally is not used. The c4ara
length of line is its impedance transforming action. teristic impedance of this line ranges fro
A low impedance across the output terminals is 500 to 600 ohms. Since the antenJl
reflected as a high impedance at the input ter- impedance varies from 73 ohms at th
minals. The antenna in Cis being fed at a point center to 2,500 ohms at the end, by con
of low impedance. The resulting high impedance necting the line to a suitable ):loin
reflected at the input end necessitates the use of a between the end and the centel', a
high-impedance, parallel-resonant circuit for cou- impedance match can be made \vbic
pling to the transmitter. If the same line is used results in a relatively flat line. This typ
to end-feed the antenna, as in D of figure 79, the of connection is called off-center fee
high ZA is reflected as a low input impedance. A (A of fig. 80).
series-resonant circuit, therefore, is used for cou- (2) The impedance point on the antenn
pling to the transmitter. As in B, end feed results whieh matches approximately the char
in a condition of line unbalance which must be ucteristie impedance of the line Occu
kept below 10 percent. about one-half of a half-wavelength fro
the center of the antenna. A precautio
51. Untuned Methods of Feed to be observed in bringing the feeder t
the antenna is to keep the two elentent
a. General. For all practical purposes, a non- at right angles to each other for at leas
resonant transmission line is defined as a line with one-third wavelength. This serves t
SWR of 1.5 or less. To obtain this low standing- prevent antenna coupling to the lille.
wave ratio, the lin' must be terminated in an (3) The off-center feed method just dcsctibe
impedance very close to its characteristic imped- is limited in use, despite it.s simplicity
ance. The antenna impedance may vary con- because it requires the presence of
siderably from this value. Consequently, an highly conductive ground return, Whic

l_·----~~-x_1_2 _-_-_-_-_--_-~~·ll~·--------
__ ·I
ZA = 500 TO 600 OHMS ZA ~ 73 OHMS

z0~ 500 TO 600 OHMS Zo= 70 TO 80 OHMS

™ 666 - 84
Figure 80. Single-wire and twisted-pair feed systems.
serves as the line return to the tank. twisted pair is used. In this case, it is
This coupling occurs through the an- called a delta match.
tenna-to-ground capacitance, and it re- (2) An example of the use of a delta match is
quires a well grounded tank circuit. An- illustrated in figure 81. The delta match
other disadvantage is the excessive radia- is obtained by spreading the transmission
tion loss from a single-wire feeder, since line as it approaches the antenna. As-
there is no parallel conductor to cancel its sume that the line has a characteristic
radiation field. impedance of 600 ohms. The antenna
c. Twisted-Pair Feed. An emergency method impedance at its center is 73 ohms. The
for center-feeding a half-wave antenna (B of fig. delta section theref~re must have an in-
80) uses a twisted-pair line, t.he characteristic put impedance of 600 ohms to terminate
impedance of which is approximately 70 to 80 the line properly. Proceeding from the
ohms. The line in the figure is matched to the center to either end, a point is passed
antenna. If Z0 is less than ZA, the ends of the line where the impedance equals the imped-
are spread, or fanned, to get the correct match. ance at the output terminals of the delta
This follows from the principle that incre&.sing the section. The delt.a section then is con-
space between the conductors increases the an- nected this distance on either side of the
tenna impedance seen between the terminals. center of the antenna.
This method normally is not used because of the (3) Electrically speaking, the delta section is
high line losses associated with the twisted pair. actually part of the antenna. The delta,
In emergencies, how.ever, the twisted pair forming therefore, introduces a radiation loss,
a lamp cord or a field telephone wire can be uned which is one of its disadvantages. An-
as a transmission line. other disadvantage is that cut-and-try
d. Two- Wire Feed Using Delta Match. methods must be used to determine di-
(1) A common system for feeding the half.. mensions A and D of the delta section
wave antenna uses a balanced open-wire (fig. 81). Since both A and D can be
transmission line . Because of construc- varied, adjustment is difficult. The ad-
tional difficulties, the open two-wire line vantage of the delta section is that it
usually cannot have a characteristic im- permits the use of a balanced transmis-
pedance to match the antenna input sion line. This means that there is a
impedance. A practical line of this type minimum of line radiation, which allows
has a Z0 of 400 to 700 ohms. If this line is the mounting of other lines and antennas
used to center-feed a half-wave antenna nearby with minimum effect. A group
having a 73-ohm input impedance, some of antennas using deltas is shown in B
type of impedance transformation is nec- of figure 81. Such a group is known as
essary. A method similar to fanning the an antenna park, or an antenna farm.

TA 'ly2


TM 666-85

Figure 81. Delta-matched antenna and antenna park.

e. Two- Wire Feed Using T Match. ment and not part of the nonr~nan
(1) A method of feed having some advantages feeder.
over the delta-section method uses a T f . Two- Wire Feed Using J Match. Still all,othe
match (A of fig. 82). The essential dif- method for feeding the half-wave resonant antenn
ference between the delta and the T lS with a nonresonant line is by means of t\te ~
in the shape of the matching section. matched section (fig. 83). The assembly consis
When the antenna consists of a tubular of a shorted quarter-wave section of transJnissio
conductor, the T-match method is easier line end-feeding a half-wave antenna. A sh.0 rte
to construct than the delta section . quarter-wave section of line acts as an impetian
Furthermore, its dimensions are not transformer. A high impedance is seen at t
nearly as critical. open end, and this end accordingly is conQecte
to the high-impedance end of the antenna. T
impedance of the line is relatively low com~are
to the open end of t.he matching section. 0 0 nst
quently, the lines are connected near the sh0 rte
end of the J match, and are made adjustable f
optimum performance. The J-matched ant 6on
is in wide use in mobile installations, where sin:
plicity and ease of operation are important.

1 >-12 (ANTENNA l



Figure 82. T-matched antenna showing T-matching section.

Figure 89. J-matched antenna.

(2) A sketch of the physical appearance of a
two-wire line feeding a T-matched an- g. Two-Wire Feed Using Stub Matching.
tenna is shown in B of figure 82. In this (1) A method of feed which uses sections o
arrangement, insulators can be used to transmission line to connect a nonz·es
support the assembly, and the line can nant line to the antenna is known as stu
be connected to the matching section by matching. The stub usually is a quatter
means of simple soldering lugs. The wave section of open or shorted line, al
shorting bars permit dimension A to be though longer stubs can be used. I
adjusted for the best possible match. figure 84, two types of stub matchin
The radiation loss of the T section is less are shown. One uses the open stub, i
than that of the delta section. It must A, and the other the shorted stub, in B
be borne in mind, however, that the T (2) Assume that a 600-ohm nonresonant lin
match also is part of the radiating ele- is used to center-feed a half-wave antenna.
with input impedance of 70 ohms. The operation, and the antenna must be near
stub to be used therefore must have high a resonant length to operate properly.
input impedance and low output imped- This is especially true of the center-fed
ance, as shown in A of figure 84. One antenna, where the current loop present-
end of an open quarter-wave stub is con- ing a low impedance can become a node
nected to the low-impedance antenna ter- presenting a high impedance. This must
minals. From transmission-line theory, be borne in mind when determining what
it is known that a quarter-wave line acts type of impedance-matching device is to
as an impedance transformer. The im- be used.
pedance along this stub rises to a maxi- h. Two- Wire Feed Using Q Match.
mum at the open end. At some point
along the stub, the impedance matche.~ (1) In the stub-matching system, the line is
that of the line. In the case given, this connected to taps on the stub and the
point occurs a short distance from the correct point at which to connect the line
antenna terminals, and the transmission to obtain an impedance match is deter-
line is connected to the stub at this point. mined by trial-and-error methods. The
(3) A shorted quarter-wave stub can be used, Q-matching method eliminates the neces-
as in A, to end-feed a half-wave antenna. sity for finding the correct impedance
As in B, the line is connected to the stub ~atch ?Y ~eans of taps. The Q-match-
near the low-impedance end. This type Ing devwe IS an open quarter-wave section
leads to a certain amount of unbalance in of line placed in series with the untuned
loading the transmission line which transmission line. It has an input im-
should not exceed 10 percent. pedance matching the characteristic im-
(4) If the line cannot be brought close enough ?edance of the line, and an output
to the antenna to use a quarter-wave Impedance matching the antenna input
stub, longer st\lbs can be used. For· ex- impedance.
ample, any open stub an odd number of (2) Since Zo is the characteristic impedance of
quarter-waves long can be substituted the line and z.. is the terminal impedance
for the quarter-wave stub shown in A. of the antenna, then
In B, any shorted stub an odd number of
quarter-waves long can be substituted.
The impedance match to the line is made
in the last quarter-wave section of the where Zo is the characteristic impedance
stub. Other arrangements also are pos- of the line used for the matching section.
sible, as explained previously. For example, if a 600-ohm line is used to
(5) The stub-matching system has the dis- feed an antenna with input impedance of
advantage of limiting the frequency of 70 ohms, then

,. ),/2 ~,


TM 41416-841

Figure 84. Matching with the shorted and open quarter-wave stubs.

Z0 =" (600) (70) instead of one. This requirM
quarter-wave sections.
="42,000 (4) In the example given above, a ~05
quarter-wave section is used to m
=205 ohms a 600-ohm line to a 70-ohm ~tnt ~
impedance. In using two sections
If a quarter-wave section of line having a intermediate impedance is selec~ed ,
characteristic impedance of 205 ohms is the first-section characteristic im:t>eds
inserted between the transmission line found from the formula. For e~am
and the antenna terminals, a perfect the Jirst section matches the 600-ahm
match results. to an impedance of 300 ohms. T~en
(3) The Qmatch is flexible in that any type of
line can be used for the matching section, ZQI =...f(600) (300)
provided only that it has the character-
istic impedance necessary. The quarter- =...f180,000
wave matching section can have either
air or solid dielectric. The Q match, =425 ohms
however, loses its effectiveness rapidly as
the frequency of operation swings away The characteristic impedance of the
from the resonant frequency of the section is 425 ohms. Its input im.t>ed
antenna. To lessen this effect, the is 600 ohms, and its output impe(jan
impedances can be matched in two steps 300 ohms. The second quart~r-'

--~----I,..._ _ _,


c D
TM 666·811

Figure 85. Artificial-line matching to antennas.

section then must have an input im- line. This condition lowers the ettiClency
pedance of 300 ohms and an output of energy transfer from the transmitter to
impedance of 70 ohms. Its character- the antenna. Thus far in this paragraph,
istic impedance therefore must be the methods evolved for matching a
nonresonant line to an antenna have
Z 02=.J (300) (70) involved transmission-line sections, such
as stubs or quarter-wave transformers.
Since transmission lines have distributed
= 145 ohms constants, it is possible to replace the
distributed constants of the line section
The second section then can be connected with the lumped constants of coils and
directly to the antenna terminals. As capacitors to obtain impedance matches.
stated previously, there is no limitation Methods using lumped constants are
on the type of line used to form the classified under the heading of artificial-
matching section. line matching.
i. Coaxial Line Feed. Coaxial cable using a solid (2) The chief advantage of the artificial line
dielectric can be constructed with a characteristic over the transmission-line section in im-
impedance equal to the input impedance of a impedance matching is the negligible
center-fed antenna. This provides an extremely amount of space occupied by lumped
simple method of feed. The inner conductor is constants. Coils or capacitors in sealed
connected to one leg of the antenna, and the outer weatherproof containers can be mounted
conductor to the other end. The line is un- right at the input terminals of the
' balanced in this arrangement, and a bazooka sec- antenna. The main use of this type of
tion, therefore, is used to restore balance. If the line is at the lower frequencies, where
coaxial cable is not a direct match for the antenna, equivalent transmission-line sections
stub matching can be used in the same manner as would have to be of excessive length.
with the two-wire stubs. This is not practical, (3) Several typical feed systems using artifi-
because the line must be tapped on the stub to cial-line matching are shown in figure 85.
obtain the correct impedance match. A simple In A and R, high impedance lines are
method is to use a Q-matching section of coaxial used to feed a resonant antenna having
line. Open coaxial lines also can be used to feed low input impedance. The coil is divided
antennas. These are found in special transmitting equally between the two line conductors
applications. Usually, the line is filled with a gas in order to maintain line balance. In C
dielectric and sealed to preserve a uniform and D, the low-impedance line is used to
impedance. feed a resonant antenna having high
j. Artificial-Line Matching. input impedance. The coils again are
(1) Matching systems are used because a mis- divided in order to preserve line balance,
match between the line and the antenna with the capacitor being placed across
causes standing waves to appear on the the line.


52. Introduction pattern for use with a particular installation
The radiation pattern is a measure of the energy
The first three sections in chapter 3 covered the radiated from an antenna taken at various angles
various circuits necessary to transfer energy from and at a constant distance from the antenna.
the transmitter to the antenna. This energy is
radiated from the antenna and forms a field having 53. Radiation Types and Patterns
a definite pattern, depending on the type of
antenna used. It is desirable, therefore, to be able a. General .
to put the radiation pattern of an antenna on (1) A source of radiant energy such as the sun
paper where it can be examined. In fact, the radiates light in all directions equally. A
antenna usually is designed to have a specific radiator of this type is known as an
___ ......2 __ .........

3 /
-- ......
' 1
J( 9

---r?5--- ~\
I 8.
I 7
I z
I ..... / 0 6
I i=


- +
0 0
I /
I I I \'"
\ /;/ I 0
w 3
\ I a:
\ I ::I
1/) 2
\ / .q
... /
tl w
5 '- / 7
' ..... ........ _ _ + _ /

0 2 3 4 5 6
Til e61-

Figure 86. The sun as an isotropic source of radiation.

isotropic source of radiation. This sim- ured is shown to be seven units at

ply means that the energy coming from pos1t10n . The graph of the meo.
the source is found to be constant at a radiation, therefore, is a straight li
fixed distance from whatever angle it is plotted against positions along the ~ir
measured . Assume that a measuring (3) The graph of measured radiation j
device is moved in a circle around the described is a form of radiation po. te
sun. At any point along the circle, the The straight line represents the radi~ti
distance from the measuring device to pattern of an isotropic source tak
the sun is the same. The measured radi- the plane of the measuring circle.
ation also remains the same. possible to have a radiator which
(2) If the measured radiation is plotted stronger radiation in one . direction
against various positions taken along the in another. Such sources are ~II
circle around the sun, the result is the anisotropic. An example, shown in ~~u
graph in figure 86. Assume that the 87, is the ordinary ftashligh t. The be
radiation is measured on a scale of 0 to illuminates only a portion of the t.ot
10 units, and that the radiation meas- space sunounding the flashlight. Jl

5 3

t 10


7 !i 7
8 0 4
0,16 w
a: 3
::> 2

9 15 <1:
::::li ~~-.~~~~~~~~~~

O I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t1 12 13 14 15 16


TM 666 · 91

Figure 87. Flashlight as anisot1·opic source of 1·adiation.

circle is drawn having the light source as tenna, therefore, follows the same basic
center, the radiation can be measured procedure as the one just described for
at different positions along the circle. the sun and the flashlight. These meas-
Each position used for measurement is urements can be graphed to obtain a
the same distance from the light source. radiation pattern for the antenna.
In other words, conditions are exactly Before proceeding with the study of
those used in measuring the light. radiat-ed antenna patterns, however, it is desirable
from the isotropic source. to understand in detail the various
(4) At position 0 on the circle, which is methods used to graph measured values
directly behind the light source, the of radiation.
radiation measured is negligible. A zero b. Rectangular-Coordinate Pattern.
value accordingly is assigned to this ( 1) In figures 86 and 87, the rectangular-
position on the graph at the right. coordinate type of graph is used to plot
Until position 4 is reached, the radiation the measured value of radiation against
remains negligible. Between 4 and 6, the position at which the measurement is
the circle passes from comparative dark- taken. For convenience, the graph of
ness into the flashlight beam. This is figure 86 is reproduced in A of figure 88.
an area of sharp transition from darkness The numbt'red positions along the circle
to brightness, as can be observed easily are laid out along the horizontal axis of
on the graph. Radiation is relatively the graph from 0 to 7. The units of
constant moving from positions 6 to 10, measured radiation are laid out along the
reaching a maximum at position 8, vertical axis from 0 to 10. Units on both
which is directly in the path of the beam. axes usually are chosen so that the
Between 10 and 12, the measured radia- p:1ttern occupies a convenient area of
tion falls off sharply, becoming and the graph.
remaining negligible from 13 to 16. (2) The horizontal and vertical ax,~s are at
(5) Radiation from a light source and radia- right angles to each other. The point
tion from an antenna are both in the
I~ form of electromagnetic waves. 'rhe
at which the axes cross each other is
called the origin. In this case, t.he origin
measurement of radiation from an an- has the value of zero on both axes.

- - - - POSITION
Q 6
< 5
0: 4

0 2 4 5 6 7
Til 666-92

Fig1tre 88. Comparison of rectangular-coordinate and polar-coordina.te. graphs for isotropic source.
Now, assume that a radiation value of the sun. AssumC' a radius, R, drawn fn.:
seven units is measured at position 2. the sun as center to position 0 on t
From position 2 on the horizontal axis, a circle. Moving to position 1, the rad
line (vertical dashes) is projected running moves to position I; moving to position
parallel to the vertical axis. From 7 on the radius also movC's to position 2; 8
the vertical scale, a line (horizontal so on . This moving radius constitu
dashes) is projected running parallel to the moving axis of t.hc polar-coordin
the horizontal axis. The point at which graph.
the two lines intersect represents the (3) The positions of the radius arc marked
value of seven radiation units at position the polar-coordinate graph for each llo
2. Note that this is the only point on tion at which a measurement is ta.k
the graph that can represent this value. Note how the position of the radiu in
(3) The vertical and horizontal axes plus the cates the actual rlirection from which l
two dashed lines used to plot the point measurement was taken. This is ad
inclose an area forming a rectangle tinct ad van t.age over the rectangu!
(shaped area). H is for this reason that coordinate system, in which the positi
this type of graph is called a rectangular is indicated along a straight-line u.
coordinate. A new rectangle is formed having no physical relation to the positi
for each different point plotted. In the on the circle. Having established t
case given, all the points plotted lie direction in which the measurement 1r
along a straight line extending from taken by means of the rotating n.xi ,
seven units on the vertical scale to the remains to devise means for indica.ti
projection of position 7 on the horizontal the measured radiation.
scale. The straight line, therefore, is the (4) The rotating axis passC's from the cent
characteristic pattern in rectangular co- of the graph to some position marked
ordinates of an isotropic source of the edge of the graph. In so doing,
radiation. intersects a set of concentric circl
c. Polar-Coordinate Pattern. spaced at equal distances from each oth
(1) Although the rectangular-coordinate Going out from the center, the circle g
method of graphical analysis is used larger and larger. These circles a re us
widely, another method has proved to be to indicate the measured radiatio
of greater use in studying radiation pat- They are numbered successively fro
terns. This method is the polar-coordi- the center outward, the center indicatin
nate type of graphical analysis (B of fig. a zero measurement. In the gmph i
88). Note the great difference in the B of figure 88, a radiation scale goin
shape of the radiation pattern when it is from 0 to 10 units is used. Conseq uent!.
transferred from the rectangular-coordi- 10 concentric circles go from the cent
nate to the polar-coordinate graph. to the circumference of the graph. The~
The scale of values used in both graphs circles are marked 1, 2, 3, and so on, w it·
is id.entica.l, and. the measurements taken I 0 designating the largest circle. Th · both the same. The basic difference, scale corresponds to the scale marked o
which results in the difference in physical the vertical axis of the rectangular
appearance, is in the type of axes used. coordinate graph in A.
(2) In the rectangular-coordinate graph, (5) Summing up, the rotn.ting radius of tlu
points are located by means of project.ions polar-coordinate serves the san1
from a pair of axes at right angles to each purpose n.s the stationary horizontal uxi:
other. These axes remain stationary at of the rectangular-coordinate graph. I
all times. In the polar-coordinate graph, has the advantage of inclicating tho actua.
one axis consists of concentric circles, and direction from whieh the ·measurement i,
the other axis consists of a rotating radius taken. The concentric circles serve th ·
extending from the center of the concen- same purpose as the verticle scale oL
tric circles. Recall how radiation was the rectangular-c.oordinate graph. The.
measured by traveling in a circle around allow the same scale to be used no matte
what the position of the rotating radius. coordinate graph is more useful in
The distance from the source is constant plotting radiation patterns.
for both types of graphs. (8) In fignre 87, the radiation pattern of the
(6) At position 0 in B, the radius extends from common flashlight was graphed in rec-
the center outward to the right. The tangular · coordinates. This graph is re-
radiation measured is seven units in this produced for convenience in A of figure
position. This point is recorded by go- 89. From the physical picture of the
ing out. seven circles along the radius. flashlight beam, it is evident that the
The point is the place where the radiu!> light source is anisotrop ic in nature.
intersects the seventh circle. The re- This is not evident in the radiation pat-
cording of the radiation measured in tern traced on the rectangular-coordinate
position 1 follows the same procedurr.. gmph. Conversely, the radiation pat-
Since the source is isotropic, the measured tern of the flashlight shown in B of figure
radiation again is seven units. The ra- 89 bears some physical resemblance to
dius is rotated to position 1, and its the actual beam. This is the same pat-
intersection with the seventh circle is tern, drawn using polar coordinates.
marked. (9) The positions on the <:irde marked off on
(7) When all points are recorded through the two polar-eoordirmte graphs given
position 7, it is found that they all lie on have been sele<:ted and numbered arbi-
the seventh concentric circle. The radia- trarily. It is possible to mark off posi-
tion pattern of the isotropic source, there- tions around the cirde in a standard way
fore, is a circle. This contrasts sharply so that one radiation pattern can be
with the straightline pattern obtained compared easily with another. The
with a rectangular-coordinate-type graph. standard method is based on the fact that
The advantages of the polar-coordinate a circle is divided into 360°. The radius
graph are evident immediately. The extending from the center horizontally to
source, which is at the center of the the right (position 0 in B of fig. 89) is
observation circle, is at the center of the designated 0°. Advancing to position 4
graph. Also, the direction taken by the rotates the radius until it is at right angles
radiated energy can be seen directly from to the 0° radius. This radius position
the graph . For these reasons, the polar- accordingly is marked 90°. Position 8


0 1
i= 7
0 6
<l 5
0 4
w 3
::> 2
w 15
~ (337.5°)
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

A (292.5°)
(270°) B
TM 666-93

Figure 89. Comparison of rectangular-coordinate and polar-coordinate graphs for anisotropic so1trce.
is, therefore, 180°, position 12 is 270°, pattern g1ven, there is one lobe l\tl<:l 0
and position 16 is 360°, by the same continuous null.
reasoning. The various radii drawn on
the graph all are marked according to the 54. Dipole Antenna Radiation
angle each radius makes with the refer-
ence radius at 0°. a. Definitions. In the following discussiof\ t
(10) In B of figure 89, the polar-coordinate term dipole is used to mean the basic half·~·s
graph shows a definite area inclosed by antenna. The term doublet is used to indiciJ.te
the radiation pattern, indicating the antenna that is very short compared witt)_ t
general direction of radiation from the wavelength of the operating frequency . .?hy
source. This area is called a lobe . Out- cally, it has the same shape as the dipole.
side of this area, no radiation is emitted b. Radiation Pattern of a Doublet.
in any direction . For example, at an (1) The doublet is the simplest form of l:lr
angle of 45° (position 2), the radiation is tical antenna. Since it is a so~tr~e
zero. Such a point is called a null. radiation, its radiation can be mea.!ilu
Practically speaking, there is usually .~ome and a radiation pattern plotted in t
radiation in every direction. A null, manner in which a flashlight a.n<:l. i
therefore, also is used to indicate direc- beam were shown in figure 87. Figu
tions of minimum radiation. In the 90 is a perspective view of the radi!lti





Til IU-t4

Figure 90. Development of 11ertical- and horizontal-plane polar paitcrns from solid radiatiort pattern.

pattern of a doublet. This is not a picture through the antenna.. This can be seen
of the radiation, but a. three-dimensional in the figure to the right of the solid
view of the pattern itself. In three pattern. Note how the vertical plane
dimensions, the pattern resembles a view of the radiation pattern differs
doughnut. sharply from the horizontal plane view.
(2) From this perspective view, two types of The vertical pattern exhibits two lobes
polar-coordinate patterns can be drawn. and two nulls. The difference in the
The first is obtained by getting a top vertical pattern is caused by the fact that
view of the doughnut in a horizontal no radiation is emitted from the ends of
plane through its center. This plane is the doublet. Also, there is maximum
the same as that of the circle drawn with radiation from the doublet in a direction
dashes in the solid pattern. Looking perpendicular to the antenna axis. This
down on the horizontal plane, the antenna type of radiation pattern is both non-
axis is seen head on, so that it becomes directional (in a horizontal plane) and
simply a dot in the horizontal polar directional (in a vertical plane).
pattern. It can be seen from the hori- (4) From a practical viewpoint, the antenna
zontal pattern that the radiation is con- can be mounted vertically or horizon-
stant in any direction along the hori- tally. The doublet shown in figure 90 is
zontal plane. mounted vertically, and the radiated
(3) A vertical plane view of the doughnut energy spreads out about the antenna
pattern can be drawn, from which is nondirectionally in the horizontal plane.
obtained a vertical polar pattern. To Since this usually is the useful plane, this
obtain this pattern, the doughnut is arrangement is termed nondirectional,
sliced in half along a vertical plane and its directional characteristic in other




- - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~--r--.0::

Til 666-95

Figure 91. Radiation pattern of dipole (half-wave) antenna.

planes is ignored. If the doublet is
mounted horizontally, it has the effect of HALF-POWER
turning the pattern on edge, reversing the )POINTS

patterns given in figure go. The antenna

is now directional in the horizontal plane.
The terms nondirectional, directional,
and so on are used for convenience in
describing specific radiation patterns.
A complete description always involves
a figure in three dimensions, as in the
solid pattern of figure go.
c. Radiation Pattern of a Dipole. The r&.diation
pattern of a dipole is similar to that of the doublet.
Increasing the length of the doublet until it is a
180° 180°
half-wavelength has the effect of flattening out the RELATIVE RELATIVE
doughnut pattern (fig. g1), or forming a flattened FIELD STRENGTH POWER
figure 8. The radiation pattern in the horizontal A
plane is a larger circle than in the doublet. The
vertical radiation-pattern lobes no longer an Figure 92 . Beam width measured on relative field stren_
circular. They are flattened out, and the radia· and relative power patterns.
tion intensity is relatively greater. The elonga-
tion of the pattern is greatest perpendicular to the fi eld strength and relative power. In prac ti
antenna axis. On the vertical radiation pattern , there is little difference between the pattern a
0° is used to indicate a position off one end of the both are used. Relative field-strength and rel
antenna. All angular measurements around the tive power patterns for the same sou rce of radi
graph are made from this point. A position at tion are illustrated in figure g2. Maxilll!l
right angles to the source of radiation accordingly radiation is taken to be 1, and radiation in e w
is designated goo or 270° . A position off the other direction is expressed in terms of fractions
opposite end of the antenna is marked 180°, and the maximum .
so on. This method of starting at one end of the c. Although the radiation pattern consists
antenna axis is conventional. areas inclosed by curves, it must be rememberE"'
that the actual radiation streams out from tb
55. Using Radiation Pattern source for great distances. The radiation tak
the general directions indicat.ed by the radiatio
a. Antennas usually are constructed to obtain a pattern lobes. There is li ttle or no radiation ·
specific radiation pattern . Actual tests then are the directions indicated by nulls. For conveni enl"
conducted to discover whether the practical in indicating the general direction of radiation , tl
antenna radiation pattern conforms to the pattern term beam width is used . The radiation bearn •
desired. Field tests of this type usually are considered to leave the antenna between the point
carried out by measuring the relative field strength where the fi eld strength falls off to 0.707 of max·-
of the antenna in terms of microvolts per meter. mum, or where the power fall s off to 0.5 (11
This measurement utilizes the E field of the maximum .
antenna. Since power is directly proportional to d. In A of figure g2, the field strength is maxi-
the square of voltage (P = E 2/R), the measure- mum at goo and 180°. There are nulls at 0° an
ments obtained can be used to plot a radiation 270°. Between each null and maximum, the fiel
pattern. This is the simplest and most common strength rises from zero to one. The angle a
method for taking measurements of antenna fi eld which the voltage is 0.707 are marked in the-
strength. Measurements involving actual power figure. The beam is assumed to be containe.
require elaborate equipment. within the total angle from 0.707 through a maxi-
b. Since two types of pattern can be obtained mum to 0.707 . This total angle is the beam widtn
the voltage measurements can be used to plot ~ In this case, the beam is goo wide, as indicated ill
field-strength pattern, or can be squared to plot a the figure.
power pattern . These patterns indicate relative e. The field strength pattern in A is related
directly to the power pattern in B. This is voltage. The beam width on the relative power
because the power is directly proportional to the pattern, therefore, is found by locating the half-
square of the voltage. The same points can be power points. The beam width in B is also 90°.
found on the power pattern by taking the square In other words, the beam width is constant wbich-
of t,he voltage values used to determine the beam ever type of graph is used. '
width. f. When looking a.t the plane patterns in figure
P,::E/ 92, bear in mind that they are cross sections of
solid radiation patterns. Although there are two
:: (0.707)2
lobes in the plane radiation pattern, there is only
::.5 one lobe in the solid pattern, and only one beam.
It is possible to have more than one beam as will
where P, is the relative power and E, is the relative be shown in chapter 4. '


56. Introduction ward traveling wave from the horizontal antenna
q. The half-wave antenna has been discussed
is reflected with practically no loss and a. reflected
previously without reference to the effect produced wave of energy travels outward toward the distant
by the presence of ground on the radiation pattern. point, P. The angle between the reflected wave
Since all practical antennas are erected over the and the perpendicular is exactly equal to the angle
earth and not out in free space, it is necessary to between the downward traveling wave from the
antenna and the perpendicular.
determine just what effect the ground produces.
The presence of ground may alter completely the c. Du~ing the actual reflection process, a ISO ··
radiation pattern produced by the antenna, and phase shift takes place so that the reflected wave
ground also will have an effect on some of the is 180° out of phase with the direct wave. The
electrical characteristics of the antenna. highly conducting ground plane then cannot
b. In general, the ground has the greatest effect sustain the horizontal lines of electric force pro-
on those antennas which must ,be mounted fairly duced by the antennas. In order to produce zero
dose to it in terms of wavelength. For example, voltage along the ground, a.n electric field is
medium- and high-frequency antennas elevated assumed to be produced that is equal in amplitude
above ground by only a fraction of a. wavelength but opposite in direction to that produced by the
will have radiation patterns that are quite different antenna. If a. vertical antenna is used the electric
' no phase
field is vertiea.l. Under these conditions,
from the free-space patterns.
c. In addition to ground effects, several examples reversal takes place during the actual reflection.
of practical half-wave antennas are discussed in d. Regardless of whether a phase shift is pro-
this section. These include the conventional duced, the distant point, P, is acted on by ·:,wo
single-wire, half-wave dipole, the folded dipole, waves . One of these waves is the direct wave and
the coaxial antenna, and the conical antenna. the other is the reflected wave. The reflected
wave travels a greater distance than does the
direct wave. Therefore, there is an additional
57. Ground Effects
phase shift so far as the reflected wave is concerned,
a. Assume that a horizontal half-wave antenna because of the greater distance it must travel.
is erected at a vertical distance, H, from a ground For example, if the reflected wave travels a. distance
plane, as illustrated in figure 93, where B is the end to point P that is n half-wavelength longer than
view. Some of the energy that leaves the antenna the distance traveled by the direct wave, an
travels directly to some distant point, P. This additional 180° phase shift will result from the
energy is referred to as the direct wave in the greater path length.
figure. The direction followed by the direct e. The signal strength at point P depends on
wave makes a certain angle, A, in respect to the the amplitudes and phase relations of the direct
horizontal. and reflected waves. If the ground is a good
b. Some of the energy leaving the antenna conductor so that very little absorption of energy
travels downward toward the ground plane. Since occurs during the reflection process, the reflected
this ground plane is a good conductor, the down- wave has the same amplitude as the direct wave.
A 8

c D



Figure 94. Vertical-plane radiation patterns of horizontal half-wave antennas.

Figure 95. Solid pattern produced by horizontal half-wave antenna located a half-wavelength above grourld.

(3) In a similar manner, solid radiation pat- approaches a half-wavelength . Finally,

terns can be visualized from the plane at a height of a half-wavelength, the
views shown in figure g4, Picture the pattern splits into two separate lobes.
pattern as being produced by the smooth The radiation at a vertical angle of goo
transition from one vertical plane view (straight up) is zero at this height, as in
shown to the other vertical plane view D of figure g4. As the antenna height
shown as an angle of goo is covered. increases still more a lobe of radiation
(4) Although vertical patterns are shown for begins to grow out' of the center of the
only four specific heights above ground, pattern at a vertical angle of goo. As this
it is not too difficult to predict the pat- lobe increases in amplitude with increas-
terns produced at intermediate heights. ing antenna height, the two side lobes are
This is true since the patterns do not spread farther apart so that their maxima
change abruptly as the height of the occur at lower vertical angles. This ver-
antenna is increased gradually. Instead, tical lobe has its maximum amplitude
there must be a smooth transition from and begins to flatten somewhat (F of fig.
the pattern shown for a height of a g4) at an antenna height of 3 quarter-
quarter-wavelength, to the pattern shown wavelengths. As the antenna height is
for a height of a half-wavelength. increased still more, the vertical lobe
(5) At heights less than a quarter-wavelength develops a depression that grows deeper
above ground, the vertical patterns pro- as the height is increased. Finally, at a
duced by a horizontal half-wave antenna height of 1 wavelength, the center lobe
are almost perfectly circular. As the splits into two separate lobes and the
antenna is raised, the vertical pattern is radiation at a vertical angle of goo is
flattened somewhat at its top, at a ver- again zero . Now four distinct lobes exist
tical angle of go 0 ( B of fig. g4). As the (H of fig. g4).
height is increased above a quarter-wave- (6) The patterns that are produced at antenna
length, a depression begins to appear at heights in excess of 1 wavelength also can
the top of the pattern, and the pattern be determined by studying figure g4,
width increases. The depression grows When the height of the horizontal an-
deeper and deeper as the antenna height tenna is an odd number of quarter-wave-
lengths above ground, a lobe of maximum this distance, the field immediately 8
radiation is produced at a vertical angle rounding the antenna has g9ne throllgh
of 90° straight up. complete cycle and is now back to i
(7) Consider an antenna with a height of 1 original direction or polarity. The
quarter-wavelength above ground . As- fleeted wave, therefore, with its fiel
sume that the instantaneous electric field reversed by the reflection process, b
immediately around the antenna is maxi- comes 180° out of phase with the dir
mum in a given direction, designated as wave from the antenna. As a resul
positive. A portion of this field moves cancelation occurs at the vertical ang
downward a distance of a quarter-wave- of 90°, and a null is produced. 'I'b'
length to the ground. Upon being re- cancelation, as described above, occu .
flected, a 180° phase shift occurs, and the not only at heights of a half-wavelellg
instantaneous electric field is now maxi- above ground, but also at heights of
mum in the opposite direction, designated wavelength, 1~ wavelengths, and so 0
as negative. This negative field now Consequently, null is produced at a go
moves upward from the ground for a vertical angle for all antenna height!
distance of a quarter-wavelength. By the which are an even number of quat
time the reflected field returns to the wavelengths from ground.
antenna, a total distance of a half-wave- (9) One other factor can be observed from
length has been covered. Meanwhile, the patterns in figure 94 which can b
since one-half cycle of operation has used to determine the vertical radiatio
elapsed during the time required for the pattern of a horizontal half-wave an
downgoing wave to move from the an- tenna at heights greater than are show
tenna to the ground and from the ground At a height of 1 quarter-wavelengtl:i
back to the antenna again, the polarity above ground, the radiation pattern i
of the energy on the antenna itself has seen to consist of one lobe only. At
reversed. As a result, the reflected wave height of 2 quarter-wavelengths ('>./2
arrives back at the antenna in exactly the above ground, the radiation pattern con
right phase to reinforce the direct wave. sists of two lobes. At a height of
The reinforcement occurs not only at quarter-wavelengths, the pattern con-
heights of a quarter-wavelength above sists of three lobes. At a height of 4
ground, but also at heights of 3 quarter- quarter-wavelengths (X) above ground,
wavelengths, 5 quarter-wavelengths, 7 the radiation pattern consists of four
quarter-wavelengths, and so on. Con- lobes. Consequently, the number of
sequently, a lobe of maximum radiation vertical lobes produced is numerically
is produced at a 90° vertical angle for all equal to the height of the antenna above
antenna heights which are an odd number ground in quarter-wavelengths and con-
of quarter-wavelengths from ground. tinues for any antenna height. It is pos-
(8) When the height of the antenna is an sible to get a fairly good idea of the
even number of quarter-wavelengths vertical radiation pattern of a horizontal
above ground, a null (zero radiated half-wave antenna at any height above
energy) occurs at the goo vertical angle. ground. For example, if the antenna is
Consider the action of the horizontal located at a height of 2 wavelengths
half-wave antenna that is located at a above ground, which is an even number
distance of a half-wavelength above of quarter-waves, a null is produced at a
ground . The portion of the radiated vertical angle of goo. Then, since 2
field from this antenna which travels wavelengths represent 8 quarter-wave-
downward toward the ground must cover lengths, the radiation pattern consists of
a total distance of 1 wavelength before eight lobes.
it arrives back at the antenna. The direc- c. Vertical Half- Wave Antenna.
tion of this field is reversed by the reflec- (1) When the proper reflection factors are
tion process. During the time that is applied to the free-space radiation pat-
required for the reflected wave to cover tern of a vertical half-wave antenna, the

c 0
TM 666•100

Figure 96. Vertical-plane radiation patterns produced by vertical half-wav~ antennas.

Figure 97. Solid pattern produced by vertical half-wave antenna located a half-wavelength above ground.
patterns shown in figure 96 are produced. b. The change in radiation resistance oc urs
Only a simple plane view need be shown because of the effect of the wave reflected up
here because the vertical half-wave an- from the ground plane. This reflected Wave
tenna is nondirectional in the horizontal induces a voltage which causes a current to 4ow
plane. Its free-space horizontal radia- in the antenna. The phase of this induced
tion pattern is a circle. Therefore, the current in respect to the current in the ante~na
effect of the reflection factor is the same produced by the transmitter depends on the
in all horizontal directions. height of the antenna and its orientation. At
(2) To visualize more clearly the solid radia- some antenna heights, it is possible for the two
tion pattern, it is necessary only to currents to be in phase so that the total ante~
picture the plane patterns shown in current is greater than it would be if no gro~nd
figure 96 being rotated. One such solid reflection had taken place. At other antettna
radiation pattern is shown in figure 97, heights, the two currents may be 180° out of
where the pattern is produced by a phase so that the total antenna current is les
vertical half-wave antenna the center of than it would be if no ground reflection ~ad
which is a half-wavelength above ground. occurred. Intermediate antenna heights t~ult
(3) In general, two effects are shown when the in induced currents having different phase r~la.­
patterns of figure 96 are observed. First, tions. Therefore, the total antenna current va.l'ies
there is always a null at the vertical angle widely, depending on the antenna height.
of 90° because there is no radiation from c. If a given input power is applied to an
the end of the vertical antenna. There- antenna and the antenna current increases. the
fore, regardless of the value of the reflec- antenna behaves as though its resistance w~re
tion factor at this angle, no radiation occurs re9pced. Since the ohmic resistance of the
directly upward. At all antenna heights, antenna does not change, the radiation resista~ce
then, the vertical half-wave antenna is lowered effectively. Similarly, if the antenna
produces a null at 90°. The second height is such that the total antenna curr~nt
effect noted is that, as the antenna is decreases, the antenna radiation resistance is
r11.ised above ground, a greater number increased.
of lobes appear in the pattern. At a d. The actual variation in radiation resistan.ce
height of 1 quarter-wavelength, for of a half-wave antenna at various heights above
example, two lobes appear (A of fig. 96) . ground is shown in the graph in figure 98. The
When the antenna is raised to 1 half- solid curve shows the radiation resistance of a
wavelength, four lobes appear, as in B. horizontal half-wave antenna, and the dashed
The amplitude of the upper lobes is curve shows the radiation resistance of a vertical
much smaller than that of the lobes half-wave antenna. The radiation resistance of
which lie along the ground. At a the horizontal antenna rises steadily to a m~i­
height of 3 quarter-wavelengths, there mum value of 98 ohms at a height of about
are still four lobes, but the amplitude 3 eighths-wavelengths. Then the radiation resist-
of the upper lobes has increased,· as ance falls steadily to 58 ohms at a height of about
shown in 0. When the antenna is 5 eighths-wavelengths. The resistance then coll-
raised to a height of a full wavelength, tinues to rise and fall around an average value
as in D, six lobes appear. · of 73 ohms, which is the free-space value. As the
height is increased, the amount of variation keeps
59. Changes in Radiation Resistance decreasing. The curve is similar to a damped
a. The radiation resistance measured at the e. The variation iu radiation resistance of a vet-
center of a half-wave antenna in free space is tical antenna is much less than that of the hori-
73 ohms. However, the radiation resistance of a zontal antenna. The radiation resistance is a
practical half-wave antenna located over a ground maximum value of 100 ohms when the center of
plane may have any value of radiation resistance the antenna is a quarter-wavelength above ground.
from 0 to almost 100 ohms. The exact value The value falls steadily to a minimum value of 70
of radiation resistance depends on the height ohms at a height of a half-wavelength above
of the antenna above ground . ground. The value then rises and falls by several
RADIATION RESISTANCE OF considerable variation in ground effects
occurs over different types of surfaces.
I ,/'\
0 I r,___ ,\ /""... Table VI. Ground Mate rial Conductivity.
z 80 _!__, ' --/~ ~_-:..--~ ---- II-=~ -- --- ~

I tr-. I 1\../ '-""" Ground materia.! Relative

I I -
(/) 50
o:I: 40
I VERTICAL ANTENNA Sea water _____________________________ _
4, 500
30 L Fl11t, rich soiL __ ___ _______________ _____ _
Average flat soil ____ ___________ _____ ___ _
Fresh water lakes ______________________ _
a:: 10 I Rocky hills ___ _____ ____________________ _
II Dry, sandy, flat soiL __ ______________ ___ _ 2
0 City residential area __ __ _______ _____ ____ _ 2
City industrial area ____ ________________ _

Til 666-102 b. Ground Losses.

Figure 98. Radiation resistance at various heights. (1) Unless the ground behaves as a nearly
perfect conductor, the amplitude of the
ohms about an average value slightly above the ground-reflected wave will be much less
free-space value of a horizontal half-wave antenna. than the amplitude of the wave before
f. Because of the variation in antenna current reflection. A portion of the wave which
and radiation resistance at various antenna heights, ordinarily would be reflected is absorbed
the field intensity produced by a given antenna by the resistance of the ground. Such
also changes. In general, as the radiation re- absorp~ion by the ground constitutes
sistance is reduced, the field intensity increases. ground 1 losses. This means that the
An increase in ra.diation resistance results in a drop value of the ground reflection factor
in the radiated field intensity. will be reduced considerably.
(2) The maximum value of the ground
60. Effects of Practical Grounds reflection factor is 2 (par. 58a(l)).
At those values of vertical angle at
a. General. which the factor is 2, the total signal
(1) Up to this point, all of the effects pro- strength (resulting from the direct and
duced have been the result of a ground ground-reflected waves) is twice the
which has a uniform high conductivity. value of the direct wave alone. If the
In practice, the nature of the ground over ground is a poor conductor, the maximum
which the antenna is erected is subject to value of the ground reflection factor is
considerable variation. This results not much less than 2. As a result, the
only from the ground material itself but maximum value of the lobes never
also the manner in which it is found. rises to twice the value without ground
For example, the antenna may be erected reflections. In addition, no nulls are
over a ground which has high or low con- produced over an imperfect ground.
ductivity, and over a ground with uni- To produce a null, the ground-reflected
form or nonuniform conductivity in the wave must be 180° out of phase with the
vicinity of the antenna. All of these direct wave and must be of equal ampli-
characteristics of the ground have an tude. As a result, complete cancelation
effect on the radiation patterns and re- occurs and a null results. If the ground
sistance of the antenna. is imperfect, some of the wave that
(2) Table VI gives the approximate relative would be reflected is absorbed instead.
conductivities of various surfaces that Ground losses occur, and the amplitude
may be found under an antenna. Note of the ground-reflected wave is reduced.
the wide variation in conductivity that Consequently, complete cancelation can-
occurs. It is not strange then that a not occur at a given vertical angle.
Therefore, instead of an actual null being when low and medium frequencies a.~e
produced, a reduction in resultant signal used.
strength occurs. (3) At higher frequen cies (3 to 30 me), the
(3) The value of ground reflection factor depth of penetration of a radio wave intu
over a perfectly conducting ground the earth is limited to about 5 to 10 feet.
(that is, one with no ground losses) Unless the antenna is erected over salt
varies from 0 to 2. Nulls are produced water or over a very highly conductin~
at those values of vertical angle where soil, considerable ground losses occur and
the factor is 0, and lobes of double much absorption of radiated energy oe-.
signal strength occur where the factor is 2. curs at vertical angles less than about
Over a moderately conducting ground, 10° to 12°. At very low vertical angl~
the factor may increase to a maximum (approximately 1° to 3°) so much ah-.
value of only 1.5 and may drop to a sorption occurs because of ground losse
minimum •ralue of 0.5. As a result, the that the ground reflection factor is re ..
vertical radiation pattern shows a series duced to a very low value, and th~
of high and low signal strengths rather vertical-plane radiation patterns showl:).
than a series of double-amplitude lobes in figure 96 must be modified to tak~:~
separated by well defined nulls. When this factor into account. These pattern
the ground acts as a very poor conductor, should show little or no radiated fielq
practically all of the energy directed intensity at very low vertical angles,
down toward the ground is absorbed The large lobe of radiation which li~
and ground reflections do not occur. along the ground plane then is reduceq
The ground reflection factor is then 1 in amplitude, and a null is produceq
over a wide range of vertical angles, along the ground.
resulting in a free-space pattern. d. Radiation Resistance Effects .
c. Frequency E.ffects. (1) The graph in figure 98 shows the variation
in radiation resistance for half-wave
(1) From the preceding discussion of the antennas at various heights above
effects of imperfect grounds and from ground. The curves in this figure have
the relatively low conductivities of all been plotted for antennas erected above
surfaces (table VI), it would appear a highly conducting ground . If an im-
that the entire previous discussion con- perfectly conducting ground is used, the
cerning ground effects is not too impor- <'urves shown must be modified.
tant. However, such is not the case. (2) In general, the usc of an imperfectly
(2) At low and medium frequencies, the conducting ground shifts the curves
radio wave that strikes the ground shown slightly toward the left. In addi-
causes ground currents to flow which tion, the curves do not rise to as high
penetrate the ground to a depth of 50 values nor do they fall to as low values
feet or more. In general, a greater as when a highly conducting ground is
penetration occurs when the top layer used. The effect is to smooth out the
of ground has a low conductivity. curves and reduce the amount of change
Consequently, even though the actual in radiation resistance as the antenna
conductivity of the soil itself may n()t height is increased above ground.
be great, the volume of soil in which e. Antenna Height.
current can flow is considerable. As a (1) It is not possible always to answer ac-
result, the resistance of the ground is curately the question of what determines
low, and, for all practical purposes, most the exact height of a given antenna above
types of soil act as rather good reflectors. ground. lt might be assumed that it is
Only a relatively small amount of ground necessary simply to measure the distance
loss occurs and the ground reflection between the antenna itself and the sm•face
factors vary from 0 to 2. The vertical of the ground. This method, however,
radiation patterns shown previously in may not give accurate results so far as
this chapter then apply almost exactly reflection factors and vertical-plane pat-
terns are concerned. Instead, several half-wavelength or slightly less in all directions.
feet must be added to the actual meas- c. Two specific advantages are to be gained
ured height. It is just as though ground when a ground screen is used. First, the ground
reflections take place from a plane located screen reduces ground absorption losses which
a few feet below the surface of the ground . would occur when the antenna is erected over
(2) If the ground were a perfect conductor, imperfectly conducting ground. Second, by using
no penetration of the radio wave would the ground screen, the height of the antenna above
occur. Under these conditions, reflection ground is set accurately. As a result, the radiation
takes place at the surface of the ground, resistance of the antenna is known and the radia-
and the actual height above ground can tion patterns of the antenna can be predicted more
be used. In an imperfectly conducting accurately.
ground, reflection seems to occur from a d. For the ground screen to have any effect on
plane that is located below the surface the very low-angle radiation produced by the
anrl the actual depth of the reflecting antenna, it would have to be unreasonably large,
plane is determined largely by the nature since ground reflections that effect such radiation
of the ground and the frequency used . take place at a considerable distance from the
This depth may be considerably greater antenna. When a ground screen is used which
than the few feet mentioned above. extends for only a half-wavelength in every direc-
Since it is difficult to determine the actual tion from the antenna, only the high-angle radia-
depth of the ground reflecting plane, the tion is affected. The ground reflections that con-
exact effect on the radiation patterns tribute to such radiation take place rather close
and resistance of the antenna cannot be to the antenna itself. Therefore, the ground screen
determined precisely, but sufficiently ac- is effective in such cases.
curate results are obtained for all prac-
tical purposes. 62. Polarization

61. Ground Screens a. General.

(1) Polarization of a radiated wave is de-
a. A ground screen consists of a fairly large area termined by the direction of the lines of
of metal mesh or screen which is laid on the surface force making up the electric field. If the
of the ground under the antenna. Special mesh lines of electric force are at right angles
made of copper, Copperweld, or g~:~.lvanized iron to the surface of the earth, the wave is
is available in large sheets for this purpose. said to be vertically polarized. If the
Ordinary chicken wire also can be used although it lines of electric force are parallel to the
will introduce some losses. When sheets of mesh surface of the earth , the wave is said to
are used, they must be bonded together at several be horizontally polarized.
places to keep the over-all resistance of the ground (2) When a single-wire antenna is _used to
screen low. Although a ground screen simply can extract energy from a passing rad1o wave,
be laid on the surface of the ground, lower losses maximum pickup results if the antenna
occur if it is connected to the earth by means of is so oriented that it lies in the same
ground rods. The rods are driven into the earth to direction as the electric-field component.
a depth of 4 to 8 feet. The metal screen then is Thus a vertical antenna is used for effi-
bonded to the rods. Sometimes a ground screen is cient' reception of vertically p~larized
laid on a wooden framework that is erected 8 to waves and a horizontal antenna 1s used
12 feet off the ground . . The metal mesh usually is for the reception of horizontally polarized
stapled to the framework; the grounding wires waves. In some cases, the orientation of
are run from the mesh to ground rods. the electric field does not remain constant.
b. The purpose of the ground screen is to simu- Instead, the field rotates as the wave
late to some extent the effect of u. perfectly con- travels through space. Under these c_on-
ducting ground under the antennn.. The screen ditions , both horizontal and vertical
should extend for a considerable distance in every components of the field exist and the
direction from the antenna. In practice, however, wave is said to have elliptical polariza-
the ground screen seldom extends more than a tion.
(3) When a half-wave antenna is used for the various rotating machinery, and man.
radiation of energy, the electric lines of electrical appliances produce vertical!
force are built up from one end of the an- polarized interference signals. The r!'l
tenna to the other. At a distance from the sponse to t,hese signals is minimized b
antenna, the lines of force have a direc- using horizontllJ polarization. Suppor
tion that is parallel to the direction of the for horizontally polarized antennas are o
radiating antenna. Therefore, the hori- more convenient size. There also is I
zontal half-wave antenna produces a absorption of radiated energy by buildin~
horizontally polarized radio wave and the or wiring when horizontal polarization~
vertical half-wave antenna produces a used.
vertically polarized radio wave. (4) With frequencies in the very-high or ultra-
b. Polarization Requirements for Various Fre- high range, either horizontal or verti
quencies. polarization is satisfactory. The radi
(1) At medium and low frequencies, ground- wave travels directly from transmittin
wave transmission is used widely, and it antenna to receiving antenna and th
is necessary to use vertical polarization. ionosphere is not used. The origina
The lines of electric force are perpen- polarization produced at the transmittin~
dicular to the ground and the radio wave antenna is maintained throughout th
can travel a considerable distance along entire travel of the wave to the receiver.
the ground surface with a minimum Therefore, if a horizontal half-wave an-
amount of attenuation. Horizontal po- tenna is used for transmitting, a hori-
larization cannot be used since, under zontal antenna must be used for receiv-
these conditions, the electric lines that ing. If a vertical half-wave antenna i
touch the earth do so parallel to it. used for transmitting, a vertical antenna
Because the earth acts as a fairly good must be used for receiving.
conductor at these low frequencies, the (5) In some cases, the orientation of the
horizontal lines of electric force are receiving antenna need not be the same
shorted out, and little useful range can as the transmitting antenna for vhf and
be covered with horizontal polarization. uhf signals. For example, when duct
(2) At high frequencies, with sky-wave trans- transmission occurs, as described in
mission, it makes little difference whether chapter 2, the orientation of the wave
horizontal or vertical polarization is used. may ·change as the energy travels to the
The sky wave that has been reflected by receiving antenna in much the same way
the ionosphere arrives at the receiving as when a high-frequency sky wave is
antenna elliptically polarized. This is reflected from the ionosphere. Similar
the result of the effect of the earth's antenna orientations are not required
magnetic field on a wave traveling ob- when a large amount of the received
liquely through it and striking the energy arrives at the receiving antenna
ionosphere. The radio wave is given a through diffraction or by reflection from
twisting motion and its orientation irregular surfaces or from large fiat
changes continually because of the un- oblique surfaces- for example, when the
stable nature of the ionosphere. The receiving antenna is located in an urban
relative amplitudes and phase difference area near large buildings. Since duct
between the horizontal and . vertical transmission is an abnormal condition
components of the received wave cha:;.ge and most military vhf and uhf antennas
at random, and the transmitting and are located in the clear away from large
receiving antennas therefore can be reflecting surfaces, the same antenna
mounted either horizontally or vertically. orientation generally is used for the
(3) One reason for the preference for hori- receiving antenna as for the transmitting
zontally polarized antennas in the high- antenna.
frequency range is that less interference c. Advantages of Vertical Polarization.
is experienced because of man-made (J) Simple, vertical, half-wave antennas can
noise source. Vehicular ignition systems, be used to provide omnidirectional (in
all directions) communication. This is (4) Small ehanges in anteuna locat· d
. . IOU 0 not
advantageous when it is desired to com- cause large vartatwns in the field m
. t ens1ty
municate with a moving vehicle. o f h ortzontally polarized waves when
(2) When antenna heights are limited to 10 antennas located among tr ees 01.
. d.
feet or less over land, as in a vehicular b. UI1 mgs. When vertical polariza.tion
installation, vertical polarization results 1<; used, a change of only a few feet in
in a stronger received signal at frequen- the antenna location may have a con-
cies up to about 50 me. From approxi- siderable effect on the received sianal
mately 50 to 100 me, there is only a slight strength. This is the result of intc~fe'f­
improvement over horizontal polariza- ence p.atterns which produce standing
tion with antennas at the same height. waves m space when spurious reflections
Above 100 me, the difference in signal from trees or buildings occur.
strength is negligible. One polarization (5) Since the interference patterns will vary
may produce a greater or smaller signal even when the frequency is changed by
strength, depending on local conditions. only a small amount, considerable dis-
(3) For transmission over sea water, vertical tortion may occur when complex types
polarization is decidedly better than of modulation are used, as with tele-
horizontal when antennas are below vision signals or with certain types of
approximately 300 feet at 30 me, but pulse-modulation systems. Under these
only 50 feet at 85 me, and still lower at conditions, horizontal polarization is pre-
the higher frequencies. Therefore, at ferred.
ordinary antenna mast heights of 40 feet, (6) When simple half-wave antennas are
vertical polarization is advantageous for used, the transmission line, usually ver-
frequencies less than about 100 me. tical, is less affected by a horizontally
(4) Radiation using vertical polarization is mounted antenna. By keeping the an-
somewhat less affected by reflections tenna at right angles to the transmission
from aircraft flying over the transmission line and using horizontal polarization,
path. With horizontal polarization, such the line is kept out of the direct field of
reflections cause variations in received the antenna. As a result, the radiation
signal strength . This factor is important pattern and electrical characteristics of
in locations where aircraft traffic is heavy. the antenna arc practically unaffected by
(5) When vertical polarization is used, less the presence of the vertical tcansmission
interference is produced or picked up line.
because of strong vhf and uhf broadcast
transmission and reception (television 63. Reciprocity
and f-m (frequency-modulation)), all of
\\hich use horizontal pcla.rizat':m. This a. The half-wave antenna has the property of
factor is important when an antenna reciprocity since, when it is used for transmitting,
must be located in an urban area having it has the same characteristics as ;vhen used for
several television and f-m broadcast receiving.
stations. b. The function of a transmitting antenna is
d. Advantages of Horizontal Polarization. to convert the output power delivered by a radio
(1) A simple horizontal half-wave antenna transmitter into an electromagnetic field that is
is bidirectional. This characteristic is radiated through space. As such, the transmit-
useful if it is desired to minimize inter- ting antenna is a transducer which converts energy
ference from certain directions. having one form to energy having another form.
(2) Horizontal antennas are less apt to pick The receiving antenna is also a transducer; how-
up man-made. interference, which ordin- ever, it makes the energy conversion in the
arily is polarized vertically. opposite direction. The function of the receiving
(3) When antennas are located near dense antenna is to convert the electromagnetic field
forests, horizontally polarized waves suf- that sweeps by it into energy that is delivered to
fer lower losses than vertically polarized a radio receiver. In transmission, the antenna
waves, especially above about 100 me. operates as the load for the transmitter; in recep-
tion, it operates as the power source for th~ at a sJightly different vertical angle, and a different
receiver, which is the load. part of the directive pattern will be used.
c. A half-wave antenna used for transmitting g. For complete reciprocity to exist, it is
radiates its maximum energy at right angles to the necessary that antennas be terminated simila.rly
antenna itself and no energy is radiated in the when transmitting and receiving. If proper
direction of the antenna elements. When such an impedance matching is used when an antenna. is
antenna is used for reception, it receives maximum transmitting, a proper match must exist also waen
energy at right anglea to the antenna and no energy the antenna is used for receiving. If it does n.<Jt,
is received in the direction of the antenna elements. the antenna will have somewhat different chsr-
A vertically mounted half-wave antenna radiates acteristics when it is used for transmission t~*n
energy equally in all horizontal directions. A when it is used for reception.
similar antenna used for reception receives energy
equally in all hori,zontal directions. Consequently, 64. Single-wire Antenna
a pattern which shows the radiation of an antenna
can be used also to show the reception of that an- a. General.
tenna. A radial line drawn at a given angle from (1) A single-wire, half-wave antenna is O::r:Je
the center of such a pattern to its edge not only can constructed of a single conductor <Jf
be used to indicate the magnitude of the radiated proper length. In the high-frequency
field traveling outward on the pattern from the an- range, the conductor is usually a stranded
tenna but also shows the magnitude of the received copper-alloy wire which is suspended
field traveling inward on the pattern toward the between two upright supports. In the
antenna. vhf and uhf frequency ranges, aluminun
d. This reciprocity of radiation and reception tubing frequently is used, and tl:u
applies not only to the half-wave antenna but also antenna length is sufficiently short tha.t
to more complicated antennas and arrays de- the tubing need be supported only at ta~
scribed later in this manual. In all cases, if an center.
antenna is highly directive as a transmitting (2) The single-wire antenna can be mountec:l
antenna, it will have exactly the same directivity either vertically to produce a vertical~
as a receiving antenna. polarized radio wave, or horizontally, t.<J
e. The gain of an antenna is the same regardless produce a horizontally polarized wa-ve.
of whether the antenna is used for transmitting Any of the feeding methods previousl::y
or for receiving (par. 82). The impedance and the described can be used, depending on th.E
distribution of standing waves of voltage and type of transmission line or the nature ()1
current are identical regardless of whether the the output circuit of the transmitter tha. t;
half-wave antenna is used for transmitting or for is to be connected to the antenna. Most
receiving. of the figures so far in this manual sho~
f. If the reciprocity of an antenna is to be single-wire, half-wave antennas. Details
realized fully, it is necessary that the nature of the of erection and construction have beei'l.
wave remain unchanged as it travels from trans- omitted since only the theory of the
mitting antenna to receiving antenna. If it does antenna operation was under discussion-
not, two identical antennas similarly oriented may b. Typical Military Antennas.
not act as though their characteristics were truly (1) The typical military half-wave antenna.
reciprocal. For example, assume that two sucli in figure 99 is suitable for transmissiol'l
antennas, A and B, are used for communication by and reception. It can be used in con-
way of the ionosphere. When antenna A is trans- junction with a transmitter having ail
mitting to antenna B, the radiated energy follows output power of less than 100 watts.
a certain path up toward the ionosphere and then All of the component parts required for
down toward antenna B. When antenna B is the installation are furnished in kit form.
transmitting to antenna A, it is possible that a When the antenna is disassembled, it is
slightly different path is followed by the radiated highly portable.
energy in travelling toward antenna A. Under (2) Sufficient antenna wire is provided to
these conditions, the received wave at A will arrive construct a half-wave antenna resonant

•· WI•

....l,p I' I
,1l11 '····

It I 'I
;I . ,' 1'I''·1 ,

... ,,

I ' ..,J~.J~~,\
. • Mff: •• I I
I .

I ~:' . •

. •.
• · I

'...J I
.. I '
t. •.,
- -·
"::1!:":; ---
. ., - ~- -..JO·--...-:..-.
,, ~ -~
I -- --=::....- ~
~ --_.--C.:

::- 7---- - - ~·~·,..,... :--::::__-

Tal &66-103

Figure 99. Typical military single-w1:re antenna.

to a frequency as low as 1.5 me, that is halyu.rd is passed through a pulley at ~he
312 feet long. If the antenna is to top of one of the antenna supports w1th
operate on a frequency as high as 18 me, the free end made fast to a guy stake on
the length is shortened to 24.3 feet. In the ground. Both halves of the antenna
actual practice, antenna wire forming are made up in this way. The insulator
one-half of the antenna is wound on a at the center of the antenna is fitted
small reel. The wire is unwound from with a female coaxial fitting. This
the reel until one-half the required accommodates a 72-ohm coaxial line
antenna length is obtained. Then the which leads to either the transmitter or
free end of the wire is attached to an the receiver, providing the correct im-
insulator at the center of the antenna. pedance for matching to the center of
The reel then is attached to a halyard the half-wave antenna.
which has a strain insulator in it. The (3) A single-wire transmission line also can
~10'•1 A ------t-110'1


WIRE SIZE, *"68 a S


TM 666·104
Figure 100. Delta-matched military antenna.

be us~dq ~itk this antenna. Here, the (6) A delta-matched, half-wav antenna u ed
cente~• olo'l'l
inshlator is not used and the two
'f o at a frequency of 5 me would have the
portions . of ,.the antenna are connected. following dimensions (fig. 100): heigh t,
The sin~le-wi,re line is connected at a H , 70 feet, antenna length , A, 94 feet,
point 0,. 18-wave length from one end of maximum spread of matching section, B,
the ant~~il~, giving it a proper impedance 23.6 feet, and length of matching section,
match. C, 29 .5 feet.
(4) Another ~ommon high-frequency, single-
wire antenna is illustrated in figure 100. 65. Folded Dipole
T his delta-matched military antenna
often is used with transmitters having a. Operation.
output powers up to several kilowatts (1) The fold ed-dipol e antenna consists of an
o-.,rer distances of 500 miles or less for ordinary half-wave antenna (dipole)
point-to-point, fixed-station communi- which has on e or more additional con-
cation. For transmission up to about du ctors conn ected across the ends of the
200 miles, the antenna height should be antenna. The additional condu ctors are
less than a quarter-wavelength in order to mounted parallel Lo the dipole elements
produce the required high angle of radi- at a di stance that is a very small fraction
ation. For longer distances, th e antenna of a wavelength in whi ch spacings of
height may be as great as a half-wave- several inches are common (fig. I 01). In
length to produce lower radiation angles. A, the two-wire fold ed dipole is con-
(5) The antenna consists of a single, hori- structed of metal tubing. In B, the
zontal wire of ab.o ut one half-wavelength. three-wire fold ed dipole is mad e of wire.
The power from the station transmitter is The electrical length of both antennas is
transferred from a balanced 600-ohm a half-w ave, which is about 95 percent
transmission line to the antenna by means of the fre e-space half-wavelength .
of a delta-matching section. The ends of (2) Consider first th e simple, two-wire folded
the wires of the transmission line are dipol e. Assume th at the additional con-
fanned out and attached to the antenna du ctor is removed at points 1 and 2.
at equal distances from the center. The Assume furth er that t,he charge remain-
dimensions must be such as to match the ing on the simple half-wave antenna is
line to the antenna so that the standing such that the end of the antenna at point
waves on the line are minimized. The 1 is maximum posiLivc and th e end of the
exact dimensions depend on th e antenna antenna at point 2 is maximum negative.
height, ground conditions, frequ ency, Ordinarily, current then wou ld start to
and the effect of structures near the flow from point 2 toward point 1. Now,
antenna. if the additional conductor is connected

300fi soon

Til 888-105
Figure 101. Folded-dipole antennas.

as shown in the figure, this current finds larger diameter than the conductor to
two paths available. Consequently, the which the transmission line is connected,
current divides so that about half flows the impedance step-up produced by the
from right to left in the additional con- folded dipole is increased. Under these
ductor, and the remaining half flows in conditions, the spacing between the two
the same d irection in the lower conduc- conductors has considerable effect on the
tor making up the simple half-wav' impedance step-up .
antenna. This occurs with no change in (2) Assume that a folded dipole (fig. 102) is
input power. constructed so that the diameter of con-
(3) Since impedance varies inversely as the ductor No. l is twice the diameter of
square of the current (Z=P/f2), a reduc- conductor No. 2. The effect of various
tion in the current flowing in that branch spacings (S) is shown in the following
of the folded dipole to which the trans- chart, which gives the input impedance
mission line is connected results in an in- of this particular folded dipole arrange-
crease in th e input impedance of the ment:
antenna. As the current is reduced to
one-half its original value, the impedance Ratio of spacing (S) Input im- Ratio of spacing (S) Inputim-
to aiamctcr of con- pedancc to diameter of con-
of the antenna ir:1ereases to four times 73
ohms, or close to 300 ohms. Therefore,
ductor No.2 (ohms)
ductor No.2

12:} ____________

a 300-ohm transmission line can be con- 2:1_ ____ ___ _____ 730 360
nected to the folded dipole, and a correct 4:1_ ______ _____ _ 25:1 ___________ _ 330
impedance match occurs. 8:1_ ____________ 365
(4) If three cond uctors are used instead of
two, a given input power will produce
only one-third the original current in c. Radiation Pattern and Frequency Response.
each conductor. As a result, the input (1) The radiation pattern produced by the
impedance of th antenna rises to nine folded dipole is similar to that produced
times 73 ohms, or about 600 ohms . This by the conventional half-wave ante~na.
provides the proper impedance match Maximum radiation occurs at nght
for an ordinary 600-ohm transmission angles to the antenna itself and mini-
lin e, and th fold ed dipole antenna pro- mum radiation occurs off the antenna
vides an impedance step-up that can be ends.
used to affect an impedance match to (2) An advantage of the folded dipole is t~at
common transmission lines. its characteristics do not change w1th
b. Effect of Different Conductor Sizes. frequency as much as do those of an
(1) The fold ed dipoles discussed previously ordinary dipole. Therefore, the folded
were constructed of conductors of equal dipole has a broader frequency response.
diameter. If the added conductor has a This increased bandwidth is the result
CONOUC ,·oR I ~ antenna, designated as the whip. The
~============~ -.s outer conductor of the cable is connected
throu~h a shorting ring to the top of an
~==:====t 9=====-:;::;L- -_ t outer skirt. This skirt or sleeve is a
CONDUCTOR 2 ___j hollow metal cylinder that is m ounted
around the outside of the moun ting s taff
which supports the antenna. A sm all air
space exists between the skirt a nd the
outer surface of the mounting staff except
TRANSMISSION at the location of the shorting ring. The
TRANSMITTER skirt then acts as the lower portion of
the antenna.
TM 666·10 6 (3) T he skirt has an additional function. In
Figure 102. Folded dipole constructed of different conductor conj unction with the outer surface of the
/ sizes. metal mounting staff, it forms a quarter-
wave section of transmission line which is
of th e greater cross-sectional area of the short-circuited at one end by the shorting
antenna which resul ts from the fol ding. ring. The impedance at the bottom end
As a resul t, the fold ed dipole has greater of the line so formed is very high. As a
cap acitance and a smaller inductance per result, current flow is minimized on the
unit of length than does the ordinary mounting staff and on the ou ter con-
dipole. The reduction in the L-0 (in- ductor of the coaxial cable. Such cm-rea t,
ductance-capacitance) ratio of the an- if allowed to flow, would produce radi-
tenna res ul ts in a lowered Q and a red uced ation at a high vertical angle. By reduc-
frequency selec tivity. ing this current to a minimum value,
(3) The greater bandwith of the fol ded dipole the radiation is reduced . In this way, uhe
is explained by t he fact that it acts not low-angle, line-of-sight transm ission r e-
only as an antenna but as two short- quired in the vhf and uhf bands is
circuited qu arter-wave transmission lines produced.
connected end to end (at the antenna b. Dimensions.
center). Since the reactance at the center (1) The dimensions of the whip an d especially
of an an tenn a varies in the opposite of the skirt are highly critical. The u pper
direction to t he reactance at the end of a rndiating portion (whip) (A, fig. 103) is
quarter-wave section of transmission line, made 95 percent of a free-space quarter-
the resul t is a reduction in the rate of wavelength. The length of the lower
reactance ch ange which decreases the Q radiating portion (skirt) (B) is made
of the an tenna and increases the fre- equal to a free-space quarter-wavelength.
qu ency range. Actually, the skirt shou ld be somewl1at
shorter than this value to produce maxi-
66. Coaxial Antenna mum efficiency as a radiator. Its 1 noth,
however, is chosen for best operation
a. Description and Operation. as a quarter-wave line, which produce
(1) The coaxial or sleeve antenna is a common slightly higher radiation cffieiency. Ad-
ver tical radiator that is used in t he vhf justing clamps arc provided both for th
and uhf band s. In figure 103, the typical skirt and for the whip so that the antenna
mili tary coaxial antenna consists of a may be adjusted for any frequency in a
vertical ha1f-wave antenn a so constructed given bank.
as to provide a co nvenient, mechani cal (2) O!!.e particular military coaxial antenna
feed arrangem ent. The antenna is fed by has a frequency range of from 30 to 40
m eans of fl exible coaxial cable which runs me. Another military coaxial antenna
up through th e supporting staff. has a frequency range of 70 to 100 me.
(2) The inner conductor of the coax ial cable Markings sometimes arc provided on the
is co nnected to the upper por tion of the elements themselves to show the c.orrect





Figu re 103. Mi/ita1y coaxial antenna.

whip and sleeve lengths for various reso- 67. Conical Antenna
nant frequencies. For example, a coaxial
antenna suitable for 35 me would have a a. Description and Characteristics.
whip length of 80 inches and a skirt (1 ) The conical antenna is one of a large num-
length of 84 inches. ber of special antennas that have been
c. Characteristics. The horizontal radiation developed to operate satisfactorily over _a
pattern produced by the coaxial antenna is circular wide frequency band. One type of com-
and, therefore, provides omnidirectional radiation cal antenna, constru cted of two solid
or reception. Maximum radiation occurs at right metal cones is shown in figure 104. Fre-
angles to the antenna itself. The input impedance
' .
quently the conical antenna IS con-
of a coaxial antenna is about 50 ohms, and a proper structed of metal mesh or is simpl:y a
impedance match i s produced when 50-ohm fram ework of metal rods that forms the
coaxial line is used. required shape. The cones are arranged
cent of a free-space half-wavelength.
When such short lengihs arc us~d, the
inp ut impedance is approximat~)y 40
ohms. When the conical antel\tla i·
operated as a full-wave antenna, th~ over.
all length commonly is made 73 Percent
of a free-space wav length and tho il'lpUt
impedance is several hundred ohm .
When such an antenna has an apex: angle
TRANSMISSION of 10°, the input impedance is 950 ohm ;
LINE TM 666-108 with an apex angle of 20°, the input
Fi gure 104. Simple conical antenna. impedance is 600 ohms; with an ape.';
angle of 30°, the input impedance is 300
on a common horizontal or vertical axis, ohms. The valu e may be reduc~d by
depending on whether horizontal or using large apex angles, in excess Of 30°.
vertical polarization is required. (3) The large, cross-sectional area Of the
(2) If the conical antenna is to operate as a conical antenna account for its wide
half-wave antenna, its over-all length frequ ency response. Like the folded
must be considerably shorter than a dipol e, the co nical antenna has a large
free-space half-wavelength. This is th e capacitance but a small inductance pet
result of the large end effect produced by unit length . This reduces the effective Q
the bases of the cones forming the an- of the ant,enna a nd ca u cs its characteri ·
tenna. As the apex angle, A, is increased, tics to change more slowly as th ~ fre-
the length of antenna required is red uced . qu ency is varied away from resonance.
For example, if angle A is 10c, the over- As the apex angle, A, increases, the ~alld­
all length r equired is about 75 percent of width of the con ical antenna incr~a es.
a free-space half-wavelength. With angle The radiation pattern of the copies]
A at 20°, the length is only about 70 per- antenna is similar to that, produced by a.n

TM 6116 - 1011

Figure 105. Typical milita1y conical antenna assembly.

ordinary half-wave antenna which IS antenna are exactly like those of its larger, lower-
similarly oriented. frequency counterpart. It has about the same
radiation pattern, the same distribution of stand-
b. Typical Military Antenna.
ing waves along its length, and the same radiation
(1) The typical military conical antenna as- resistance for similar conditions. However, the
sembly shown in figure 105 consists of amount of signal pick-up when such a small an-
two modified conical antennas mounted tenna is used for receiving is reduced greatly . Any
at opposite ends of a cross arm atop a receiving antenna is able to pick up energy from a
mast. The antennas can be mounted section of an incoming wave front that extends less
either as shown for the reception of verti- than a quarter-wavelength away from the antenna.
cally polarized signals, or they can be Therefore, a r eceiving antenna that is, say, 50 to
rotated through 90° for the reception of 100 feet long is able to pick up a far greater amount
horizontally polarized signals. Each of of energy than can a microwave antennlt only
these antennas has its own transmission about an inch in length. So poor is the signal
line. These lines lead to separate input pick-up that a simple, half. wave antenna rarely
circuits of a vhf, uhf receiver. is able to pick up enough microwave energy to
(2) One antenna has an over-all length of overcome the noises generated within the receiver
slightly more than 23 inches, with a maxi- \tself. As a result, a simple, half-wave antenna
mum cone diameter of 8X inches. The seldom is used alone in the microwave range.
other antenna has a length of about 16% c. The great advantage of the small size of
inches with a cone diameter of 6X inches. microwave, half-wave antennas is that it becomes
The larger antennr1 operates over a fre- convenient to use a large number of these together
quency range from 145 to 300 me, the to form an array of antennas. All antenna arrays
smaller antenna over a frequency range have two things in common: First, an array
from 300 to 600 me. Because of the produces a concentration of radiated energy in
large apex angle (about 60°), the varia- certain directions; that is, the array is highly
tion in the input impedance of the an- directional-it has gain. Second, an array occupies
tenna is very small over an extremely a greater space than does the single, half-wave
wide frequency range, n,nd the antenna antenna, since it is made up of a number of half-
length is not particularly critical. wave antennas, and the greater the number of
(3) The dimensions of the conical antenna individual antennas that make up the array, the
were computed to maintain an imped- greater are the directivity and gain. In the
ance centered at about 95 ohms over the microwav.e range, the construction of very elab-
frequency range for which they were de- orate arrays of half-wave antennas can be ac-
signed. Two shielded, two-wire lines complished in a reasonably small space. Some
having a characteristic impedance of 95 microwave arrays are made up of as many as
ohms are used to connect the antennas to 32 64 100 or even 250 individual half-wave
) ) )

the two input circuits of the receiver. dipoles.

d. Other microwave antennas are compose_d
68. Microwave Antenna of a single half-wave dipole or an array that Is
used in conjunction with specially shaped re-
a. The half-wave antenna can be used at any flectors. These operate in much the same way
operating frequency. When microwave frequen- as the parasitic reflectors (pars. 94 through 109)
cies (at the upper part of the uhf band and higher) except that these reflectors are much larger than
are used, the antenna length required is extremely the dipole and they are specially shaped. . A
small. For example, the microwave frequency of e. One commonly used reflector, shown m
5,000 me has a free-space, half-wavelength of only of figure 106, is the corner-reflector type. The
a little more than 1 inch. .The length of the half- r eflector is composed of two flat, metal she~ts
wave antenna at this frequency would have a which meet at an angle to form a corner. WJre
value somewhat less than this small distance. mesh or metal tubing sometimes is used instead
b. The small size of a microwave, half-wave an- of the solid metal. The half-wave, microwave
tenna i& both a disadvantage and an advantage. antenna is located so that it bisects the corner
The electrical characteristics of the microwave angle because maximum radiation occurs out of



T\1 666 - 110

Figure 106. Half-wave antennas used with special reflectors.

the corner. The field strength produced by such focal point of the paraboloid. Energy arnvmg
an arrangement is considerably more than would at any angle from the antenna is reflected by the
be produced by the antenna alone. paraboloid in parallel rays. This results in a very
f. Another commonly used reflector, shown in narrow beam of radio energy in the direction
B, is the paraboloidal type. The shape is shown. A small, metal, hemispherical reflector
similar to that of reflectors used in searchlights prevents direct radiation from the half-wave
that concentrate energy from a light bulb into a antenna from interfering with the beam produced
narrow, well defined beam. The reflector is by the paraboloidal reflector. The small re-
constructed of solid metal or metal mesh. A flector causes all of the energy from the antenna
half-wave, microwave antenna is located at the to be directed back into the paraboloid.


69. Ouarter-wave Antenna ground takes the place of the m1ssmg quarter-
wavelength, and the reflections supply that part
a. The ground is a fairly good conductor for of the radiated energy that normally would be
medium and low frequencies and acts as a large supplied by the lower half of an ungrounded
mirror for the radiated energy. This results in half-wave antenna.
the ground reflecting a large amount of energy c. When the charge on the quarter-wave
that is radiated downward from an antenna grounded antenna is maximum positive at its upper
mounted over it. It is just. as though a mirror end, the charge at the lower end of the image
image of the antenna is produced, the image antenna is maximum negative. Current begins to
being located the same distance below the surface flow toward the positive end of the quarter-wave
of the ground as the actual antenna is located antenna, as illustrated by the arrow in the figure.
above it. Even in the high-frequency range and Current in the image antenna begins to flow away
higher, many ground reflections occur, especially from the negative end of the image. Note that
if the antenna is erected over highly conuucting the current flow is up in both cases. This is
earth, salt water, or a ground screen. similar to conditions in a vertical half-wave
b. Utilizing this characteristic of the ground, antenna that has negative polarity at the bottom
an antenna only a quarter-wavelength long can and positive polarity at the top. It is just as
be made into the equivalent of a half-wave though the half-wave antenna were driven halfway
antenna. If such an antenna is erected vertically into the earth.
and its lower end is connected electrically to the d. From figure 107, it must not be assumed that
ground (fig. 107), the quarter-wave antenna if a hole were dug into the earth under the antenna
behaves like a half-wave antenna. Here, the to a depth of a quarter-wave, conditions of voltage
+" ______________________


Till lllt·lll
Figure 107. Ouarte1-wave antenna connected to ground. Till 666-112

Figure 108. Formation of image flashlight.

and current such as described above would be
found. Actually, this is not 'true, since the fields transmission is used, which requires vertical polar-
produced by the grounded quarter-wave antenna ization, and vertical antennas are necessary. If
terminate only a short distance below the ground the half-wave antenna were used, an extremely
surface. None of the radiated field from the tall structure would be required. At 1,000 kc,
antenna penetrates the earth to any great extent. for example, the length of a vertical half-wave
The following assumption with reference to a antenna would be almost 500 feet. When oper-
lighted flashlight will help to clarify the concept. ated as a grounded type, the antenna need be only
e. Assume that a soldier is standing before a half that length, and loading devices make possible
mirror with a lighted flashlight in his hand (fig. the use of even shorter lengths. These will be
108). He holds the flashlight in such a way that described below. Even in the high-frequency or
its light is reflected by the mirror into his eyes; very-high-frequency range, where the length of a
that is, the head of the actual flashlight is pointed half-wave antenna is much shorter, the use of the
away from him, whereas the head of the image grounded quarter-wave antenna is common for
flashlight is pointed toward him. This is a 180° portable and mobile installations. Here, resonant
shift in position. The effect is the same as if a antennas of minimum length are required so that
flashlight were located behind the mirror the same they can be carried easily by vehicles or by hand.
distance as the actual flashlight is located before h. The term ll1arconi antenna sometimes is used
the mirror, without the mirror in the way. The to designate the grounded quarter-wave antenna,
image flashlight in the mirror is shining directly but this term is being replaced gradually by more
into the eyes of the soldier, although it is not a descriptive terms which relate to specific. types of
physical object as drawn in the figure, and if he grounded quarter-wave antennas. The term
looked behind the mirror he would find no flash- Hertz antenna, occasionally used to designate ~he
light. If the mirror were removed, there would ungrounded half-wave antenna., also is bemg
be no reflected ray and the effect would be · as replaced by more descriptive t.erms to designR.te
though the image flashlight had disappeared. specific antenna t.ypes.
f. The idea of an image flashlight can be applied
to an image antenna formed by the ground. No 70. Current and Voltage Distribution
antenna actually is located deep in th ground,
but, because of the reflection of energy, conditions a. The distribution of the standing waves of
are similar to those that would occur without the voltage and current on a grounded
reflecting surface and with a source of energy anteuna is the same as the distribution on one-half
located as shown by the dashed lines in figures 107 of a half-wave n.ntenna. The voltage is maximum
and 108. Just as the position of the image flash- and the current is zero at the end of the antenna.
light is reversed, the polarity of charge on the fart.her from gmund. As a result., the impedn.nce
image antenna is opposite to that of the actual which is the ratio of voltage to current., is highe~t
antenna. at this point. The voltage and current vary lll
g. At medium and low frequencies, ground-wave amplitude sinusoidally along the antenna; at the
grounded enu of the antenna, the voltage is zero 71. Polarization
and t.he current is at its maximum value. As a
result, the impedance is lowest at this point. Th e a. The polarization of the radiated fit'ld pro·
distribution of the standing waves of voltage and duced by the grounded quarter-wnve antennl\ is
current is shown in A of figure 109. always verticnl. Figure 110 shows the electric
lines of force existing around the antenna at a
particular instant of time.
\ I


TM 666-113
TM 666"114
Figure 109. D1:stribution of voltage and current on grounded
Figure 110. Electric field around a grounded quarter-wa~
quarter-wave antenna .

b. Frequently, loading coils are used at the base

b. In some grounded antennas, a portion of tbe
of the grounded quarter-wave antenna. The
antenna is mount,ed horizontally. Even here,
added ind11ctance of the loading coil reduces the
when short antenna lengths are used, a VN'tically
resonant frequency of the antenna. This causes
polarized radio wave is produced, since the electric
the antenna to appear as though it were longer
field is built up between the antenna and the
electrically than it is physically, and grouncled
ground rather than between one horizontal portion
antennas which are shorter than a quarter-wave-
of the antennn and another horizontal portion.
length may be made to opemte as quarter-wave
antennas. The distribution of voltage and current
on such an ~tntenna are as shown in B. The 72. Radiation Characteristics
current is zero at. the ungrounded end of the a. General.
antenna and rises sinusoidally along the nntenna (1) The radiation pnttern produced by a
llntil the position of t.he loading coil is reached. grounded quarter-wave antenna is shown
The current then remains relatively uniform in figure 111. It resembles the pattern
throughout. the length of the coil. The voltage is of 11 vertical half-wave antenna in free
at its maximum value at the ungrounded end ·of space except that the latter pattern is cut
the antenna, falls sinusoidally until the coil is in two horizontally. Maximum rndia-
reached, and then falls uniformly to zero at the tion (or reception) of energy occurs Rt
ground connection. right angles to the antenna and along tl,e
c. If a loading coil having a higher value of surface of the ground. The radiatiort
inductance is used, the length of the antenna can falls off as the vertical angle is increased,
be reduced further. However, even though an until directlv over the antenna (at n.
extremely short flntenna can be brought to verticnl angi~ of 90°), no radiation of
resonance by a sufficiently large loading eoil, the energy occurs. A tme semicircle is
effect.ivc radiation of such an ant.enna is lowered shown so that a compa.rison can be made
and the ratio between the amount of power with the radiation patt.ern.
radiatrd and the amount of power dissipated in the (2) A top view of the radiation pattern shows
resistance and ground connection of the coil is that this pattern is circular. The an-
reduced considerably. tenna, therefore, is omnidirectional in the



TM 666-115
Figure 111 . Radiation pattern produced by a grounded quarter-wave antenna.

horizontal plane, and radiates equally more, the intensity of radiation at higher
in all horizontal directions. The solid vertical angl~s is increased, as shown in
radiation pattern of the grounded 0 and D. Such antennas are not suit-
quarter-wave antenna also is shown. able for ground-wave transmission or for
b. Other Radiation Patterns. transmission of large amounts of energy
(1) Although most grounded vertical an- in the horizontal direction.
tennas are a quarter-wave length, it is c. Radiation Resistance.
common to find grounded antennas used (1) The radiation resistance of a grounded
with loading coils so that their length can quarter-wave antenna is just half that of
be made shorter than a quarter-wave. the ungrounded half-wave antenna. For
The radiation patterns produced by such very thin antennas, the value of the
antennas are similar to the pattern radiation resistance is 36 ohms. If
shown in the previous illustration .except large-diameter tubing or wide towers are
that the amount of radiation is reduced used, the value is reduced.
and the side view of the pattern is (2) When grounded vertical antennas are
practically a true semicircle. used that are shorter than a quarter-
(2) Consider nt-xt the vertical-plane radiation wavelength, the radiation resistance . is
patterns of vertical antennas which arc reduced still more. This can be seen in
longer than a quarter-wave length. As the followinP" chart where the value of
0 I

the antenna length is increased to a half- radiation resistance is shown for vertical
wavelength, the amount of radiation is grounded antennas of various lengths .
increased at very low vertical angles and
the pattern becomes flatter (A of fig. Antenna lengths Radiation
resistance Antenna lengths resistance
(wavelengths) (wavelengths) (ohms)
112). As the antenna length is increased (ohms)
still more toward 5 eighth-wavelengths,
even greater radiation occurs at very 0.30 __________ 60 0.15 __________ 8
0.25 _______ ___ 36 0.10 __________ 2
low vertical u.ngl s. However, small 0.20 _______ ___ 0.05 __________
20 1
minor lobes begin to appear at vertical
angles of about 60°, as shown in B.
(3) If the antenna length is increased still (3) When very short antennas are used, it is


').. .n.


3). "')..

TM 666 ·11 6

Figur e 11 2. Vertical-plane radiation patterns produced by grounded vertical antennas of various lengths.

possible that the ohmic resistance of the power uselessly have been reduced to an
antenna is considerably greater than the absolute minimum, the amount of energy
radiation resistance. For example, the radiated can be increased by increasing
ohmic resistance of the loading coil used the radiation resistance of the antenna.
might be several ohms, the resistance of One method of accomplishing this is to
the ground connection might be several increase the length of the antenna toward
ohms, and the resistance of the antenna a half-wavelength. At this length, the
itself might be 1 or 2 ohms, or more. radiation resistance is about 100 ohms.
The power that is dissipated in all these The current maximum is no longer at the
resistances may be considerably greater grounded end of the antenna but is
than the power that is radiated into instead halfway up the antenna. As a
space. If an antenna length used is .1 result, more energy is concentrated along
wavelength the radiation resistance is the ground level and less energy is radi-
only 2 ohms, and the total ohmic re- ated at high vertical angles (A of fig. 106) .
sistance is 8 ohms. In addition, since a greater portion of the
(4) The power that is appli ed to this antenna antenna is carrying high current, a
is applied effectively to two resistances, greater radiated field strength is pro-
one having a value of 2 ohms and the duced.
other having a value of 8 ohms. The
input power is applied to a total re- 73. Types of Grounds
sistance of 10 ohms. Since the power
dissipated or radiated is directly propor- a. General.
tional to the resistance, eight-tenths of (1) When grounded antennas are used, it i
the total power applied is used to over- especially important that the ground
come the antenna losses and only two- have as high a conductivity as possible .
tenths of the total power applied pro- This is necessary to reduce ground losses
duces useful radiation. Therefore it and to provide the best possible reflcctino-
can be seen how important it is to keep' surface for the down-going radiated
the ohmic resistance of the antenna as energy from the antenna. Since at low
low as possible, to use a good ground and medium frequencies the ground acts
connection, and to use a well designed as a sufficiently good conductor, t.h
loading coil. problem is how to make connection to th~>
(5) Once all the resistances that dissipate ground in such a way as to introduce the
least possible amount of resistance in the a short distance beneath the surface of
ground connection. At higher frequen- the earth. Sometimes one radial ground
cies, artificial grounds constructed of system serves two vertical antennas
large metal surfaces are common. which operate over different frequency
(2) The ground connection takes many forms, ranges (fig. 113).
depending on the type of installation and (2) Both antennas are constructed of several
the loss that can be tolerated. For fixed conductors connected to form a cage.
station installations, very elaborate Antenna A is used over a frequency range
ground systems are used. These fre- of 7 to 12 me; antenna His used over a
quently are arranged over very large frequency range of 2.5 to 7 me. Each
areas so that they operate as part of the antenna is connected to the transmitter
reflecting surface in addition to making by means of a feed-through insulator
the connection to ground itself. In (mounted on the wall of the transmitter
many simple field installations, the house). Horn gaps, mount.ed on the in-
ground connection is made by means of sulators and connected to ground rods,
one or more metal rods driven into the provide lightning protection for the an-
earth. Where more satisfactory arrange-, tennas and transmitter. · The guys and
ments cannot be made, it may be possible horizontal supporting wire are broken
to make ground connections to existing up by insulators to prevent resonance ef-
devices which are themselves grounded. fects which would cause absorption of
Metal structures or underground pipe power from the antennas. All of the
systems (such as water pipes) commonly radials forming the ground system are
are used as ground connections. In an bonded together a.t the center and con-
emergency, a ground connection can be nected to the transmitter ground.
made by plunging one or more bayonets (3) A common military ground system kit
into the earth. which is supplied for use with grounded
(3) Sometimes, when a.n antenna must be vertical radiators consists of 36 radials
erected over soil having a very low made of #12 Copperweld wire. These
conductivity, it is advisable to treat the radials, spaced every 10°, extend out-
soil directly to reduce its resistance. ward for a distance of a.t least 350 feet
Occasionally, the soil is mixed with a from a common terminal near the lower
quantity of coal dust for this purpose or end of the antenna. The conductors are
it can be treated with substances which buried in trenches, 6 t.o 8 inches deep.
are highly conductive when in solution. Soldered to the free end of each radial
Some of these substances, listed in order conductor a 6-foot ground rod is driven
of preference, are sodium chloride (com- into the earth.
mon salt), calcium chloride, copper G. Ground Rods.
sulphate (blue vitriol), magnesium sul- (1) With a. less elaborate ground system, a.
phate (Epsom salt), and potassium number of ground rods can be used.
nitrate (saltpeter). The amount required These rods usually are made of ga.lva.niz~d
depends on the type of soil and its iron, steel, or copperplated steel m
moisture content. When these sub- lengths up to 8 feet. One end of. the
stances are used, it is important that rod is pointed so that it can be dnven
they do not get into nearby drinking easily into the earth. The other end
water supplies. frequently is fitted with some type of
b. Radial Grounds. clamp so that the ground lead can be at-
(1) The most common ground system used tached. Some ground rods are supplied
with vertical grounded antennas at fixed with a length of ground lead already
stations is the radial ground. This attached.
consists of a number of bare conductors (2) A fairly good ground connection can be
arranged radially and connected. The made by using several ground rods, 6 to
conductors, which may be from a tenth- 10 feet apart, connected in parallel.. If
to a half-wavelength or more, are buried possible, the rods should be located m a.



INSULATOR --------~~~~~
"'....!.. -'.:


GROU.ND SYSTEM Til 666 ' 117

Figure 113. Ground system for two vertical antennas.

moist section of ground or in a depression the same as that of a leaky capacitor.
which will collect moisture. Ground re- Leakage currents flow between the coun-
sistance can be reduced considerably by terpoise and ground so that a poorly in-
treating the soil with any of the sub- sulated counterpoise introduces more
stances previously mentioned. A trench losses than no counterpoise at all.
about a foot deep is dug around each (3) The shape and size of the counterpoise are
ground rod and fill ed with some common not particularly critidal. In some field
rock salt, Epsom salt, or any of the other antenna installations, 1~ t.ype of grounded
materials mentioned. The trench then antenna is used in which a large portion
is flooded with water, after which it is of the antenna is folde~ into a horizontal
covered with earth. To remain effec- position. The coun~erpoise used with
tive, this treatment should be renewed such an antenna ha!f the same shape
every few years. and approximate diJ?ensions as does
(3) For simple installations, a single ground the antenna itself. 'i'·his counterpoise is
rod can be fabricated in the field from mounted directly under the antenna at a
pipe or conduit. It is important that a height of about 8 to 12 feet off the ground.
low resistance connection be made be- (4) When the antenna is mounted vertically,
tween the ground wire and the ground the counterpoise is made to have any sim-
rod . The rod should be cleaned thor- ple geometrical pattern such as those
oughly by scraping and sandpapering at shown in figure 114. Although perfect
the point where the connection is to be
made, and a clean ground clamp installed.
A ground wire then can be soldered or
joined to the clamp. The joint should
be covered with tape to prevent an in-
cr~ase in resistance caused by oxidation.
d. Counterpoise .
(1) When an actual ground connection cannot
be used because of the high resistance uf
the soil or because a large buried ground
system is not practicable, a counterpoise
may replace the usual direct ground
connection in which current actually
TM 666·118
flows to and from the antenna through
the ground itself. The counterpoise con- Figure 114. Wire counterpoises.
sists of a structure made of wire erected
a short distance off the ground and in- symmetry is not necessary, the counter-
sulated from the ground. The size of poise should extend for equal distances at
the counterpoise should be at least equal all angles from the antenna. The area
to and preferably larger than the size of covered by the counterpoise should be ~s
the antenna. great as possible, although very tittle. IS
(2) The counterpoise operates by virtue of gained by extending the counterpoise
its capacitance to ground. Because of more than a half-wavelength from the
this capacitance, the ground currents lower end of t.he antenna. The distance
which flow normally and usually are col- between parallel adjacent wires making
lected by conduction now are collected up the counterpoise should be ab~ut
in the form of charge and discharge cur- equal to the height of the counterpoise
rents. The end of the antenna which above ground, because long conductors
normally is connected directly to ground become resonant and absorb power from
now is connected to ground through the the antennas. To avoid this, the use of
large capacitance formed by the counter- short jumpers between the conductors
poise. If the counterpoise is not well in- causes the counterpoise to behave onlY
sulated from ground, the effect is much as a capacitance to ground. Smaller
separations should be used with small ground level (as it is in a groundecl
counterpoises. tenna of o. quarter-wavelength or leas
(5) In some vhf antenna installations on but is elevated above ground by th.
vehicles, the metal roof of the vehicle length of the vertical dovmleo.d, tll~
is used as a counterpoise for the antenna. are several advantages. First, the bi
Small counterpoises made of metal mesh angle radiation is reduced and JDQ
sometimes are used with special vhf an- energy is propagated along the qurf~l"
tennas that must be located a consider- of the earth. This is particularly i
able distance off the ground . This portant when ground-wave transmissi 0
counterpoise provides o.n artificial ground is used. Second, because more of th.
which helps to produce the required antenna is carrying a high value of Cit
radiation pattern. rent, a. greater amount of radia.tio
74. Bent Antenna (4) When the vertical downlead of a bell
antenna. is approximately a q U&rter-
a. Description and Operation. wavelength, the current in the downl
(1) A bent antenna is a grounded antenna. falls to a minimum value at the ell
so constructed that a portion of it is connected to the transmitter. Here th
mounted horizontally. Such an antenna radiation resistance of the antenna
takes the form of an inverted L or T. high value because the ratio between th
In an inverted-L antenna, a fairly long radiation resistance and the ohmic r
horizontal portion, or flattop, is used, sistance of the antenna is a maximu~a
and the vertical downlead, which forms and a. large proportion of the po~
an important part. of the radiating sys- applied to the antenna. is radia-ted
tem, is connected to one end of the flat- When using a downlea.d of 1 nu&rte
top. The length of the antenna is wave, a. parallel resonant circuit shoul
measured fl·om the far end of the flattop be employed for antenna. tuning wbic
to the point. at which the downlead is requires high impedance for proper illl
connected to the transmitter. In the pedance matching; but if the downlea
T antenna, a hori~ontal portion, or flat- is 1 eighth-wavelength or shorter, seri
top, also is used. Here the downlead, tuning is used to provide ihe requ ·
which is a part of the radiating system, low impedance.
is connected to the center of the flattop. (5) Even when very short vertical downlesd..,
The over-all length of the T antenna is are used, the addition of a horizon!
equal to the entire length of the down- flattop to form a bent antenna produces
lead plus one-half the length of the the a.dvanta.ges mentioned above. B.en
flattop. antennas of only a. quarter-wavelengt
(2) The purpose of the bent antenna is to (including downlead) frequently are ltsl'<l
afford satisfactory operation when it is in the field. The radiation produced bf
not convenient to erect tall vertical such antennas is considerably greater:-
antennas. This is particularly necessary than would he produced by a simp!
wt en operation at low frequencies is vertical antenna having the same length.
required. as the height of the bent antenna.
(3) When the lengtl: of the flattop of a bent (6) When bent antennas are used a.t low·
antenna (the entire length of the in- frequencies, it is common to construct
verted L or one-half the entire length of the flattop of several connected con-
the T) is 1 quo.rter-wA.Yelength long, a ductors. This increases considerably t he
full quarter-wave of current appears as capacitance between the flattop and t he
a standing wave on the flattop. The ground. As a result, the resonant fre·
current is minimum at the far end of the quency of the antenna. is reduced, a.nd
flattop and m11.ximum at the point where the antenna operates as a simple vertic al
the downlead is connected. Since the antenna. of much greater height. The
current. maxinmm is no longer at the higher capacitance produced by this type
25· '62o·
y X 2o'


Til 111-119
Figure 115. lnverted-L military antenna.

of flattop raises the position of the current This antenna is particularly suitable for
maximum still higher above the ground, ground-wave transmission, although it
with the resultant advantages previously is very efficient for sky-wave use.
pointed out. (2) Small jumpers are provided at the various
b. Military Types. insulators so that these may be shorted
(1) One common military bent antenna used out if it is required to increase the length
at frequencies from about 1.5 to 12.5 me of the flattop and counterpoise. Clip
(fig. 115) is an inverted-L type with a leads atE and Z connect the counterpoise
single-wire counterpoise. This antenna and the flattop to the leads which run to
is designed to operate with a total length the radio set. When operation from 1.5
of about 1 quarter-wavelength at a lower to 2 me or from 4.5 to 6 me is required, all
portion of its frequency range and 3 jumpers are connected so that the lengths
quarter-wavelengths at the upper por- of the antenna and the counterpoise are
tion. It affords a low-impedance load each 100 feet. When operation from 2
on the radio set with which it is used. to 3 me or from 6 to 9 me is required, the


'-----}-ro RADIO SET

Till Ill· It O

Figure 116. Crowfoot antenna.

connections at A and X are broken. The jacent sections carry current flowing in opposite
antenna and the counterpoise then are directions. In this way, the field produced around
each 80 feet long. When operation from one section is opposite in direction to that pro-
3 to 4.5 me or from 9 to 12.5 me is re- duced around the adjacent section. As a result,
quired, the connections at A, B, 0, D, X, almost complete cancellation of fields occurs, and
and Y are broken, making the length of ra.diation is largely prevented. Unless an even
the antenna 60 feet and the length of the number of sections is used, appreciable csmcells-
counterpoise 45 feet. tion will not occur.
(3) Another inverted-L antenna used for c. T"Wo folded-top antennas are shown in figure
military communication in the frequency 117. In both cases, the flattop
range below 800 kc c0nsists of a flattop which is rcquirerl to bring the current ma.xirnum
constructed of five parallel conductors to the top of the vertical downlea.d is folded in
from 250 to 400 feet long and separated such a way as to prevent radiation from the flat-
from each other by about 3 feet. The top. In A, the downlead to the traJlsmitter is
vertical downlead is connected to each connected to one end of the folded section. This
of the flattop conductors at one end of section consists of o. of wire
the antenna. An extensive underground that is doubled back on itself so that the over-all
radial ground system is used with this length of the folded section is an eighth-wavelength.
antenna. Note that the two wires forming the folded section
(4) Still another inverted-L antenna used for are connected at the left and are not connected at
low-frequency military communication the right. At any instant, the current in the two
is shown in figure 116. The flattop is wires flows in opposite directions as shown by the
seen to consist of three conductors, each arrows. Consequently, the field produced by ?ne
100 feet long, which are joined at one end eondnctor is opposite in direction to that produced
and fan out at the other end to a maxi- by the other eonductor. Therefore, negligible
mum separation of about 30 feet. A radiation occurs from the folded section.
counterpoise is used with this antenna, d. In B, the downlE>ad is connected to the center
which is shaped like the flattop. Because of the folded flattop. Note that the downlead is
of the appearance of this antenna, it connected to the left half of one of the two con-
commonly is referred to as a crowfoot ductors forming the folded top, and the direction
antenna. of current fl~w in the folded quarter-wave section
is as indicated by the arrows. Other arrange-
75. Folded-top Antenna ments can be used in addition to those shown.
For example, the top quarter-wave section can be
a. A folded-top antenna is a modified bent an- folded into four lengths, each of which is a. six-
tenna in which the flattop is folded in such a way teenth-wavelength long.
that it prevents radiation. If radiation from the
flattop is prevented, or at least reduced consider- 76. Top-loaded Antenna
ably, more energy can be radiated from the vertical
downlead of the antenna. The main advantage a. Roth the bent and folded top antennas oper-
of preventing radiation from the horizontal flattop ate at frequencies t,hat are much lower than the
is that this part of the antenna may produce con- length of t.he vertical portion of the antenna would
siderable radiation that is horizontally polarized. seem to it•dicate. The length not supplied by the
In addition, this energy is radiated at high vertical vertical downlead is furnished by the bent or
angles. Since the radiation does not add to the folded flattop. As a result, the standing w1we of
verti~ally polarized ground wave required, its current appears higher on the vertical section of
elimination will improve the operation of the the antenna and its radiation resistance rises.
antenna. Another advantage of the folded-top Consequently, greater effective rndiation occurs
antenna is that less horizontal space is required for and at smaller vertical angles.
its erection. b. Another method of increasing the effective
b. The simplest method of preventing radia- length of a vertical antenna to obtain these nd-
tion of energy from tl:e flattop portion of the an- vantages is to use top loading. This usually is ac-
tenna is to fold the flattop in such a way that ad- complished by- a.dding a concentrated amount of
""-vERT! CAL

TM 666-121
Figure 117. Folded-top antennas.

capacitance or inductance at or near the top of the coil and shield are moved to the center of the
vertical antenna. Such an antenna is a top-loaded antenna. Although this is not as effective as
a.ntcunn. true top-loading, the radiation produced by such
c. When inductance is used, t.he inductor simply a center-loaded antenna is better than would be
is inserted in series with the antenna near the top. produced by a single loading coil at the base oi
When capacitance is used, a capacitor cannot be the antenna or in the transmitter itself.
inserted in series with the antenna, since this f. The low-frequency bent antennas already
would reduce the total capacitance of the antenna, discussed actually use some top-loading to incre. -
making it appear electrically shorter rather ~han the electrical length of the antenna and to produce
longer as is desired. Shunt capacitance muc;t be the advantages mentioned above. The an ten! .li.S
used instead so that the total cn.pacitance be- shown in figure 116 utilize two or more insulator~
tween lhe antenna and ground is increased. The as the flattop to provide an increase in shunt.
most common method of producing the required capacitance. The term top-loaded antenna, ho w-
shunt capacitance is to usc a disk or n. hat of ever, usually refers only to those vertical antennas
sheet metal, mesh, or wire skeleton. The disk is in which the shunt capacitance is supplied by s.
centered on tl1e top of the antenna. and mounted structure (such as a disk) the size of whit::h is small
at right angles to it. Such an arrangement. pro- compared with the length of the antenna. Be-
vides an added capacitance of about 1 1-'1-'f (micro- cause of the small size of t.he top-loading disk,
microfarads) for each inch of disk diameter. little radiation is produced .
d. Sometimes both inductance and capacitance g. Figure 118 shows the current distribution -' 0
are used. The hat then must be insulated from top-loaded antennas which are somewhat shorter
the top of Lh<' vertical antennn. and an induct.or than a quarter-wavelength. The current i& ~he
inserted between the hat and the antenna. The same as would be produced if the top-loading d1sk
inductor frequently is made variable so that an or coil were removed and the actual height of the
adjustment of the ltmount of the top-loading is antenna extended as shown.
possible. This is more convenient thnn trying to h. In general, as the ground resistance is
m!!.ke such an adjustment by varying the amount
of shunt capacitance, since this would involve
a change in the size of the top-loading disk.
e. In some portable or mobile installations
where top loading is used, the top-loading coil is
inserted near the top of the antenna and a large
T ').

metal shield is installed around the coil. The

shield not only affords protection for the coil but
also provides some shunt capacitance for top-
loading the antenna. Where the top-loading coil A
1 B
and its shield would cause the antenna to be un- TM 666-122

stable physically because of top-heaviness, the Figure 118. Top-loaded antennas.

increased, the size of the top-loading disk can be (square) construction is common. The
reduced. However, large ground resistances re~ self-supporting tower has a wide base so
quire top-loading coils with higher inductance that no guying is needed. The guyed
values. As the size of the top-loading disk is tower, on the other hand, usually has a
increased, the effective length of the antenna is fairly uniform cross section.
increased. For example, the length of the antenna (4) Mast and tower radiat.ors can be sub-
shown in A can be reduced further physically if divided into insulated and noninsulated
the top-loading disk is increased in size. The types. An insulated mast or tower uses
actual size of the top-loading disk or coil required special compression- type base insulator
has been determined experimentally for a large that carry the .weight of the structure and
number of special cases. handle the r-f voltage that exists. A
i. It is desirable to increase the radiation resist- spark gap is used across the base insulator
ance of an antenna so that a greater proportion of for lightning protection (fig. 119). In
the input power can be radiated. Assume that a
vertical antenna having a length of 0.2 wavelength, ___.....!C~LEARANCE
used without a top-loading disk, has a radiation LIGHT
resistance of 20 ohms. If a small top-loading
disk is installed which has such a size as to increase
the effective length of the antennas by about 0.05
wavele11gth, the radiation resistance is increased
to 34 ohms. If the size of the disk is increased so
that the effective length of the antenna is increased
by about 0.1 wavelength, the radiation resistance
rises to 45 ol1ms. A further increase in disk size,
so that the effective antenna length is increased
by about 0.15 wavelength, causes the radiation
resistance to rise to 50 ohms.

77. Mast and Tower Radiators

a. Description.
(1) · Most of the antennas discussed so far
have been constructed of suitably sup-
ported wire. Since vertical supports are
required for such antennas, it seems
reasonable to consider use of the support
itself as the antenna. This support must
be constructed of metal so that it can be
used as the antenna. Metal masts are
used in the field and large metal towers ™ 666-!23
are used for fixed-station installation as FigUI e 119. Typical insulated guyed-tou-er radtatOI.
vertical radiators.
(2) Metal masts usually are made of aluminum noninsulated towers and masts, the base
alloy or steel tubing, sectionalized with of the structure is in direct contact with
metal coupling so that they can be taken the base support which is in the earth.
apart for easy portability. Some short When the insulated tower is used, the
antenna masts, approximately 25 feet energy applied to the tower must be
high, use a telescoping section construc- series-fed. Shunt feeding is used with the
tion. Masts usually are supported by noninsulated tower.
means of guys. b. Operation.
(3) Metal antenna towers are designed to be (1) The operation and radiation of a mast or
either self-supporting or guyed. Both tower radiator are similar to the opera-
three-sided (triangular) and four-sided tion and radiation of a grounded vertical
antenna constructed of wire. Because of This section can be considered to be a
the greater cross-sectional area of these portion of a one-turn loop made up of the
radiators, reduction of ohmic resistance inclined wire (with capacitor), the portion
results in a slight increase in over-all of the tower between point X and
efficiency and in electrical length. ground, and the ground return between
(2) When a self-supporting tower is used, the the bot.tom of the tower and the trans-
tapering construction of the tower alters mission-line ground connection. Since
the current distribution so that it is no the transmission line usually sees an in-
longer sinusoidal. Instead of the current ductive reactance in the direction of
rising sinusoidally at increasing distances point X, a series capacitor is used to
from the tower top, the current increase is cancel out this reactance. Noninsulated
somewhat more gradual. Since the elec- masts or towers using this arrangement
trical length of the tower is reduced, the are shown in B.
radiation resistance falls, and increased c. Military Types.
high-angle radiation occurs. This con- (1) One type of tower radiator used for mili-
dition is reduced by adding a top-loading tary communication involving trans-
disk or hat on top of the tower. mitter powers of several kw (kilowatts)
(3) When insulated masts or towers are used, is 180 feet high and is guyed for support.
the output of the transmitter is applied The tower is an insulated type using a.
between the lower end of the structure single compression insulator at its pointed
and ground. The transmitter output is, base. ThE> tower consists of nine 20-foot
in effect, connected directly across the sections, triangular in shape and lattice
base insulator (S), as shown in A of braced, with guys at five different levels,
figure 120, and is referred to as series three guys to each level.
feeding. (2) Another military tower radiator used for
(4) The output of the transmitter is con- transmitter powers up to about 1 kw is
nected through a capacitor to point X, 125 feet high and is self-supporting, a
about one-fifth of the way up the tower. square construction with insulators being
The inclined wire usually makes an angle used at the tower base.
of about 45° with respect to ground. The (3) Still another military tower radiator used
exciting voltage from the transmitter is for transmitter powers up to about 1 kw
developed between point X and ground, is 90 feet high and is guyed for support.
across the lower seetior. of the tower. This tower is an insulated type with


TM 666·124

Figure 1£0. Series·· and shunt-jed tower 1adiators.

triangular, lattice construction, equipped spokes are not connected directly to ground, they
with one set of guys located 30 feet from may be referred to as a counterpoise. This term
the tower top. is used rarely, however, this part of the antenna
usually being called simply an elevated ground
78. Ground-plane Antenna plane.
b. The ground-plane antenna is used when
a. A ground-plane antenna consists of a quarter- nondirectional horizontal radiation or reception is
wave vertical radiator which, in effect, carries its required. It is particularly useful in the very-
own artificial ground. The artificial ground or high-frequency range and higher. At these fre-
ground plane consists of a flat disk of metal or a quencies, the length of a vertical quarter-wave
number of metal rods or spokes located at the antenna is not great. Any desire to operate such
bottom of the radiator and usually at right angles an antenna in conjunction with the actual ground
to it (A of fig. 121). Since the metal disk or would create high ground losses and would prevent





TM 666-IZ5
Figure 121. Typical ground-plane antenna.

efficient radiation or reception. The ground-plane that a coaxial transmission line having a charac-
antenna, on the other hand, is usually well elevated teristic impedance near this value can be used.
so that ground losses are minimized. When the ground-plane rods are bent downward
c. The elevated ground plane also prevents below the horizontal, the input impedance is
circulating currents from flowing in a vertical raised to about 50 ohms.
metal mast that might be used to support the
antenna. These currents, if not prevented, would 79. Whip Antenna
cause the vertical support itself to radiate in the
same manner as a long-wire antenna. As a result, a. The most common antenna used for tactical
undesired high-angle radiation would be produced. radio communication when relatively short dis-
d. The radiation produced by a vertical quarter- tances are to be covered is the whip antenna (fig.
wave grounded antenna erected adjacent to the 122). This term is applied to almost any type of
earth itself is maximum along the surface of the flexible radiator used in conjunction with portable
earth (at a vertical angle of 0°). The intensity of or mobile radio equipment. Whip antennas rang-
the radiation falls off at higher vertical angles ing in length up to 25 feet are mounted on vehicles.
until, at a vertical angle of 90°, no radiation occurs. Shorter whip antennas are mounted on small
A side view of this radiation pattern is shown hand-held radio sets or portable sets used in the
dashed in B of figure 121. Since this type of field.
radiation occurs at all horizontal angles, a top
v~ew of the pattern would be circular. When a
b. Most whip antennas are constructed of tel-
ground-plane antenna is used, the limited size of escoping sections of metal tubing which can be
the elevated ground plane alters the radiation as coll~pse~ when not in use simply by pushing one
shown, and maximum radiation is no longer along sect10n .u~to another. In this way, the antenna
the horizontal plane but occurs at some angle has a mm1mum length and portability is increased.
above. In certain lightweight portable equipment, the
ant~nna c~n be collapsed completely into the
e. When maximum radiation is required in the
horizontal direction, it is common practice to bend eqmpment Itself so that none of it is exposed.
down the spokes forming the elevated ground c. Sometimes a whip antenna mounted on a
plane to an angle of about 50° below the hori- vehicle must be left fully extended so that it can
zontal. When the solid metal construction is be used instantly while the vehicle is in motion.
used, the elevated ground plane takes the form of In such antennas, the base mounting insulator of
a cone, and the lobes of maximum radiation, shown the whip is fitted with a coil spring attached to a
in B, are pulled downward to a much lower mounting bracket on the · vehicle. The spring
vertical angle. base allows the whip antenna to be held in a
f. In almost all cases, coaxial line is used to feed nearly horizontal position by insulated guy lines
the ground-plane antenna. The inner conductor so that the vehicle can be driven under low
of the coaxial line is connected to the quarter-wave bridges or obstructions, although the radiation
vertical radiator; the outer conductor is connected produced under these conditions is reduced. An-
to the elevated ground plane. other advantage of the spring base is that even if
g. The input impedance of a ground-plane the antenna is vertic~tl and it does hit an obstruc-
antenna with elevated ground plane at right angles tion, the whip usually will not break or be bent
to the radiator is between 20 and 25 ohms. Since since most of the bending occurs at the spring
this is a lower value of impedance than is found in base.
most coaxial lines, a quarter-wave matching sec- d. One common mobile radio station installed
tion sometimes is inserted between the antenna in a 2}~-ton, 6 by 6 cargo truck uses three such
and its transmission line. The matching section whip antennas-two 15-foot whips for receiving
can be constructed of two quarter-wave sections and a single 25-foot whip for transmitting. The
of coaxial line connected in parallel to produce truck chassis is used as a ground.
the required low impedance. In some ground- e. When whip antennas are operated in the
plane antennas, the radiator is folded back on high-frequency range, their length usually is a
itself so that it resembles one-half of a folded small fraction of a wavelength. Here, large load-
dipole. Under these conditions, the input imped- ing coils must be used to resonate the whip antenna
ance of the antenna is raised to about 80 ohms, so properly. The radiation resistance of a short whip



/ BASE --------------

------- Til 111111 - 1211

Figure 122. Typical whip antennas.

is very low and it is quite possible that the ohmic antenna is raised. A 25-foot whip, for example,
losses which result from the resistance of the load- is a half-wavelength long at about 18.5 me.
ing coil, antenna connection, and the antenna f. In the very-high-frequency band (and higher)
itself may exceed the radiation resistance. The short whip antennas can be a quarter- or a half·
radiation efficiency of this antenna is low, being wavelength long. For example, a 4-foot whip is
approximately 0.5 to 2 percent in the l0w end of a quarter-wavelength long at about 60 me and a
the high-frequency range. If large whips or even half-wavelength long at about 120 me. Under
higher frequencies are used, so that the whip length these conditions high radiation efficiencies a.ra
is a quarter- or half-wave, the output of the whip possible.

80. Summary wave ratio. This ratio provides a measure of
the energy reflected.
a. The presence of an electric field about an n. A properly matched line is nonresonant.
antenna indicates the presence of a voltage on It produces no reflection of energy and there are
the antenna, resulting from the charge placed no standing waves. As a result, there is maxi-
on the antenna by the transmitter. mum transmission of energy.
b. The presence of a magnetic field about an o. A resonant line is terminated in a load not
antenna indicates the presence of a current in the same as z.. This line has standing waves
the antenna. This current is the charge moving so that the standing-wave ratio is greater than 1.
in the antenna. Such a line, when cut to certain lengths, exhibits
c. The electric and magnetic fields that im- the properties of a resonant circuit.
mediately surround an antenna, forming the p. The transmission line used to couple the
induction field, are in space and time quadrature. transmitter to the antenna sometimes is called
d. Standing waves on an antenna are the result a feeder.
of incident and reflected traveling waves moving q. In determining how to connect a feeder line
in opposite directions on the same conductor. to the antenna, it is necessary to consider the
e. The standing wave of voltages on a half- antenna impedance at the connection point and
wave antenna is so distributed that it has maxi- the type of antenna that is used.
mum amplitude at the antenna ends and minimum r. A single-wire transmission line must be
amplitude at the center of the antenna. connected to a suitable point on the antenna
f. The standing wave of current on a half- between the end and the center in order to effect
wave antenna is so distributed that it has maximum an impedance match. Two-wire and other lines
amplitude at the center of the antenna and usually are connected at the center or at the
minimum amplitude at the antenna ends. end of the antenna.
g. The velocity of wave travel on an antenna s. A delta-matching section used with a two-
is lower than in free space. As a result, the wire line is made by fanning out the end of the
physical length of a half-wave antenna is about transmission line as it approaches the antenna.
5 percent shorter than its electrical length. t. T-matching and J-matching are two com-
h. A current flowing in an antenna must monly used impedance-matching systems with
contend with radiation resistance, ohmic resiB- two-wire feeders.
ta.nce, and leakage resistance. u. Stub matching, which utilizes sections of
i. In the half-wave antenna, the radiation transmission line, frequently is used to connect
resistance is large compared to the other resist- a nonresonant feeder line to an antenna.
ances, so that most of the available energy is v. The radiation pattern is a measure of the
radiated. energy radiated from an antenna taken at various
j. If an antenna is cut to a length of exact angles and at a constant distance from the
resonance, the reactance is zero and the impedance antenna.
of the antenna is purely resistive. If the antenna w. Most radiation patterns are plotted in polar
is made somewhat shorter, capacitive reactance coordinates. This system of graphing has the
is present; if the antenna is made longer, induc- advantage over the rectangular coordinate graph
tive reactance is present.- in that positions are indicated on the graph which
k. A transmission line is a device for guiding are directly related to the actual positions at
electrical energy from one point to another. which measurements are taken around an antenna.
Such a line has electrical constants of inductance, x. The radiation pattern of a dipole is circular
capacitance, and resistance distributed along its in a plane at right angles to the antenna. Broad-
length. side, the pattern resembles a somewhat flattened
l. A line terminated in a resistance equal to figure 8.
its characteristic impedance is said to be termi- y. The beam width is measured between the
nated properly. points where the field strength falls off to 0.707
m. The ratio of maximum to minimum voltage of maximum, or where the power falls off to 0.5
along a transmission line is called the standing- of maximum.
z. The presence of ground beneath an antenna mounted just below it. The sleeve acts a t
affects the radiation pattern. lower portion of the antenna.
aa. The energy received at a distant point is am. The conical antenna is a wide-band ante
the sum of the direct wave and the ground- whose elements are constructed in the form
reflected wave. cones.
ab. The reflection factor is a term by which the an. A quarter-wave antenna which operate·
free-space radiation pattern of an antenna must be conjunction with ground operates as a reson
multiplied in order to determine the radiated field antenna.
strength of a practical antenna at a given vertical ao. The current in a quarter-wave, ground
angle. antenna is maximum at the grounded end and t
ac. In general, ground reflections result in the voltage is a minimum. The impedance of such
breaking up of the vertical-plane radiation pattern antenna is minimum at the grounded end.
into a number of separate lobes. ap. The radiation resistance of a ground
ad. The radiation resistance of a practical, half- quarter-wave antenna is about 36 ohms. Short
wave antenna located over a ground plane may antennas h!Lve lower radiation resistance.
have any value of radiation resistance from 0 to aq. Loading coils are used frequently to incre '
almost 100 ohms, depending on the exact height. the electrical length of short, grounded, quart
ae. Because the ground has resistance and is not wave antennas.
a perfect reflector, a portion of the wave which ar. Maximum radiation from a grounde
ordinarily would be reflected is absorbed in the quarter-wave antenna occurs at righ~ angles tot
ground resistance. This absorption constitutes antenna and along the surface of the ground. •
ground losses. radiation occurs directly over the antenna.
aj. With an imperfectly conducting ground, the as. With grounded antennas, it is especiall
vertical radiation pattern shows a series of high important that the ground connection be good an
and low signal strengths rather than a series of that the ground conductivity is high.
double-amplitude lobes separated by well defined at. Large, underground, radial grounds ar
nulls. common for fixed-station installations. Groun
ag. A ground screen can be used to establish rods also are useful in providing good ground col
accurately the location of the reflecting ground nection.
plane and to minimize ground losses. The ground au. A counterpoise is utilized when an actu
screen consists of a fairly large area of metal mesh ground connection cannot be used because of th
or screen which is laid on the surface of the ground high resistance of the soil or because a large buri
under the antenna. ground system is not practical.
ah. The polarization of a radio wave is deter- av. A bent antenna is a grounded antenna whic
mined by the direction of the electric flux lines is constructed so that a portion of it is horizontaii.-
with respect to the surface of the earth. mounted.
ai. In general, the characteristics of an antenna aw. The advantages of a bent antenna are th
used for transmitting are much the same as when reduction in high-angle radiation and an increas
the antenna is used for receiving. The antenna in the amount of radiation produced.
receives best in those directions in which it radiates ax. A folded-top antenna is a modified ben
best. antenna in which the flattop is folded in such
aj. A single-wire, half-wave antenna is one way that it prevents radiation.
which is constructed of a single conductor of proper ay. Top-loading increases the electrical length
length. of the antenna. When top-loading is used, the
ak. The folded-dipole antenna consists of an radiation resistance of the antenna is increased and
ordinary, half-wave antenna which has one or the radiation efficiency of the antenna rises.
more additional conductors connected across the az. Metal masts and towers can be used as
ends of the antenna. These are mounted parallel grounded vertical radiators. These are either
to the dipole elements at a distance that is a very self-supporting or guyed, insulated or noninsu-
small fraction of a wavelength. lated.
al. A coaxial or sleeve antenna consists of a ba. A ground-plane antenna consists of a quar-
quarter-wave vertical radiator with a quarter- ter-wave vertical radiator which carries its own
wave sleeve that fits around the antenna support ground consisting of a flat, metal disk or a number
of metal rods or spokes located at the bottom of the feeders be connected to the half-wave antenna?
the radiator and at right angles to it. w. Give some advantages and disadvantages
bb. The whip antenna, which is a short, flexible, of the single-wire feeder.
vertical radiato", is the most common antenna used :t. Give some advantages and disadvantages of
for tactical radio communication when short the delta-matching system.
distances are to be covered. y. What are some characteristics of the T-
matching system?
81. Review Questions z. Describe the J-matcbing system.
aa. Give several examples of impedance match-
a . What is the direction of the electric flux ing by the use of stubs.
lines that surround an antenna? ab. Describe the Q-matching system.
b. What is responsible for the magnetic field ac. What is an isotropic radiator? Give an
that surrounds an antenna? example.
c. Explain the expression, space and time quad- ad. What constitutes a lobe on a radiation
rature . pattern? A null?
d. What is m<>ant by a loop, a node? ae. Do radiation patterns actually picture the
e. Describe the distribution of the standing radiation produced by an antenna?
waves of voltage and current along a half-wave af. Distinguish between a dipole and a doublet
antenna. as used in this section.
f. Give several factors that cause the velocity ag. Why does the presence of ground beneath
of wave travel on an antenna to be lower than in the antenna affect the radiation pattern?
free space. ah. What is meant by an image antenna?
g. What is the free-space length (in feet) of a ai. What are the minimum and maximum
half-wave at a frequency of 7 me? values of reflection factor?
h. How long is a half-wave antenna which is to aj. What determines the value of the reflection
operate at 7 me? factor?
i. What causes radiation resistance? Ohmic ak. Describe the vertical-plane radiation pat-
resistance? Dielectric resistance? tern produced by a horizontal half-wave antenna
j. What is the value of the radiation resistance when its height above ground is increased gradu-
as measured at the center of a half-wave antenna? ally.
k. Why is it important to minimize the react- al. \Vhy does the radiation resistance of an
ance seen by a transmission line that is connected antenna change at differing heights above ground?
to an antenna? am. Ho~ does the frequency of the radiation
l. What is the purpose of a transmission line? from an antenna affect the amount of ground
m. Why is it advantageous to terminate a losses?
transmission line properly? an. What effect does an imperfect ground have
n. Give three methods by which transmission on the radiation resistance of an antenna.?
lines dissipate power. ao. Give two specific advantages that gained
o. Describe the current and volLage distribution by the use of a ground screen.
on closed-end lines. On open-end lines. ap. How does the orientation of a.n antenna.
p. How does the standing-wave ratio indicate affect the polarization of the radiation produced_?
the amount of line mismatch? aq. Give some advantages of horizontal polan-
q. What is the purpose of an impedance-match- zation.
ing device? a7'. Give some advantages of vertical polariza-
r. Describe several types of practical trans- tion.
mission lines. as. What is meant by the reciprocity of a.n
s. What is a tuned line? An untuned line? antenna?
t. What lengths of open-end, resonant, trans- at. What is the input impedance of a. folded
mission line are required to cause the line to act dipole antenna?
as an impedance transformer? au. Explain the greater bandwidth of the folded
u. Where is a current-fed, half-wave antenna dipole.
fed? av. What is the function of the sleeve or skirt
v. If voltage feeding is required, where should on the coaxial antenna?
aw. What are the characteristics of a coaxial bi. Why do low-frequency, bent antennas U8(l
antenna? flattops constructed of several connected conduc-
ax. Describe some simple microwave antennas. tors?
ay. Wnat is a Marconi antenna? bj. What is the crowfoot antenna?
az. Whatis the current and voltage distribution bk. Why is it advantageous to minimize radia-
on a grounded, quarter-wave antenna? tion from the fla t top of an antenna?
ba. What is the function of a loading coil? bl. Describe some devices commonly used for
bb. Describe the radiation pattern produced by top-loading an antenna.
a vertical, half-wave antenna. bm. Distinguish between an insulated and
be. Compare the radiation resistance of a quar- noninsulated tower.
ter-wave antenna with an antenna that is only a
bn. When is a tower radiator series-fed? Shunt-
tenth-wavelength long.
bd. Describe a radial ground.
be. What is the purpose of a ground rod, and bo. What is the radiation pattern produced by
how does chemical treatment affect the operation a ground-plane antenna?
of a ground rod? bp. What advantages occur when the rods for!ll-
bj. For what purpose is a counterpoise used? ing the elevated ground plane in a ground-plane
bg. When are bent antennas used? antenna are bent downward below the horizontal!
bh. What lengths are desirable for the flattop in bq. Why do some whip antennas have spring
a bent antenna? bases?


82. Introduction strength m other directions. As a.

result, a distant receiving antenna will
Long-wire antennas are long single wires, have a greater or lesser amount of
longer than 1 half-wavelength, in which the induced voltage depending on its position
current in adjacent half-wave sections flows in with respect to the orientation of the
opposite directions. Such antennas have two radiating antenna. The half-wave an-
basic advantages over the antennas discussed in tenna produces an increase or gain in
the previous chapters. These advantages are field strength in the direction at right
increased gain and directivity. angles to itself, and a decrease or loss in
a. Antenna Gain. field strength in other directions. In
(1) All of the antennas discussed so far the direction of maximum radiation,
have been basic half- and quarter- the antenna produces an increased field
wave antennas that radiate equally in strength (field strength gain) that is
all directions. Greatest amounts of about 1.28 times that produced by the
power are radiated in directions that isotropic radiator. This is equivalent
are broadside to the antenna itself, and to an increase in power (power gain)
very little power is radiated off the of 1.64 times that obtained from the
antenna ends. Consequently, the basic isotropic radiator. In other words, if
antennas already discussed have a certain the power applied to the isotropic
degree of directivity, which is the ability radiator were increased 1.64 times, ex-
to radiate and receive energy better in some actly the same field strength would be
directions than in others. produced for all directions as is obtair.ed
(2) An isotropic antenna is one that radiates from the basic half-wave antenna in the
equally in all directions. In actual direction of maximum radiation.
practice, every antenna radiates more (4) Gain frequently is expressed in terms of
energy in certain directions than in the logarithmic ratio, the decibel. In
others. The imaginary isotropic an- order to convert the figures to decibels,
tenna, however, can be used only as a it is necessary only to use the formulas
standard for comparison. below:
(3) Assume that a certain amount of power
is applied to an isotropic radiator. Gain (in db)= 20 log 10 x field-strength ratio
This produces a field having a certain Gain (in db) = 10 log 10 x power ratio.
strength at a distant receiving antenna.
If the same amount of power is applied
to a half-wave antenna that is far When either or both of these formulas are
removed from ground, this antenna will solved, it is found that the gain of the
produce a field the strength of which is basic half-wave antenna is 2.15 db over
greater in certain directions than that that of the isotropic radiator.
produced by the isotropic radiator. b. Calculation of Gain. . .
This increase in field strength in some (1) Since no antenna is truly isotropic, 1t lS
directions can be produced only at the common practice to use a basic half-wave
expense of field strength in other di- antenna as a standard for reference.
rections; that is, an increase in field The reference field strength is the field
strength in certain directions must be intensity at a fixed point produced by the
accompanied by a decrease in field half-wave antenna in the direction of
its maximum radiation. The reference if less power must be applied to the 1lw·
power is the power applied to the stand- wave reference antenna. to produce the
ard antenna. If any antenna produces same field strength, the antenna IUl er
a greater field strength at the same fixed test has a loss with respect to the r-- f
point than does the standard antenna, it ence antenna.. The ratio betweell t e
is said to have gain with respect to the two input powers (reference anter1n.
standard. Conversely, if the antenna divided by tested antennas) gives t e
produces less field strength at the fixed gain (or loss) of the antenna being teste-
point than does the standard antenna, it Because an accurate measurement of d- .
is said to have loss with respect to the ferent field strengths cannot be mad. e
standard. easily as an accurate measureme!l
(2) In actual practice, the procedure is first different antenna input powers, tlri·
to set up the antenna to be checked. A method is preferred to that describec:l u
given amount of input power is applied (2) above.
and tlie field strength is measured at a (4) If the antenna under test produces th.e
distant receiving point. Then, the half- same field strength at a certain dista..nce
wave antenna is set up at the same posi- with exactly the same power applied a.s is
tion and height above the earth, and produced by the reference half-1v- .$>
oriented so that a field having the same antenna, there is neither a gain nor al<Jss.
polarization as the original antenna is The ratio between the two input po~ers
produced. Exactly the same power is is unity (1 to 1) as is the ratio betii'"EeD
applied to the half-wave antenna as was the two field strengths with the SIWll
applied to the other antenna. The field input power. Since the logarithm of j~
strength then is measured at the same zero, the gain in decibels as calcu!a. 'b
distant receiving point. Comparison be- by the formulas previously given is 0 <:l~ ­
tween the two field strengths indicates This is simply another way of saying t.lJa
whether the antenna being checked pro- there is neither a gain nor a loss. 'r'be
duces a gain or a loss in field strength reference level of field strength produ eli
compared with the reference antenna. by the half-wave antenna, or a Je-,r
(3) Another method used to measure the gain equal to the reference level, is referred. fj)
(or loss) of an antenna involves an actual as the zero db level. The standard hllJf-
measurement of the input power to the wave antenna which produces the refiiE:lr-
antenna. The amount of input power ence field strength often is referred to a>
applied to the antenna to be checked is the zero db antenna.
measured, the field strength at a certain (5) If a certain antenna has a gain of 10 d b
distant point is noted, and the half-wave produces a field strength that is o ~
antenna is set up as in the preceding three times greater than that produced by
method. The power applied to this the half-wave antenna with the sn~e
reference antenna then is adjusted until input power. This same antenna p~·
exactly the same field strength is pro- duces the same field strength as tl1~t
duced at the distant point. If more produced by the half-wave antenna wh v
power must be applied to the reference the power applied to the half-wa e
antenna to produce the same field antenna is 10 times greater than t h t
strength at the point as produced by the applied to the antenna under test. Tbt..e
antenna under test, the antenna under chart given below gives the db gain or lo~
test has a gain with respect to the for various field strength and po,~ r
reference antenna. On the other hand, ratios.

to produce a large increase in radiated
Db gain or loss strength Power ratio (or received) energy in one direction.
The idea, however, may be to prevent
radiation (or reception) in a certain direc-
o__________________________ _ 1.0 1.0
! ___ _______________________ _ tion. For example, assume that two
1. 12 1. 26
2______________ ____________ _ 1. 26 1. 56
powerful transmitters are located near
3 __________________________ _ 1. 41 1. 99 each other. To prevent these trans-
1. 68 2. 82 mitters from interfering with each other,
5- ------------- --- ------- -_
_____________________ 1. 99 3. 98 it is necessary to use directional antennas
8. ___ _________ ________ _____ _ 2. 51 6. 31
10 _________________________ _ with respective nulls pointing toward
3. 16 10. 0
4. 22 17. 8
each other. Under these conditions, the
12. 5- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
15 _____ ___ _________________ _ 5. 62 31. 6 antennas may be adjusted to produce the
20 __ __ ___ __________________ _ 10. 0 100. 0 least amount of radiated energy in the
30. ___________ _____________ _ 31. 6 1, 000. 0 direction of each other, rather than the
40 ____________ __ __ _________ _ 100. 0 10,000.0 greatest amount of energy in any given

c. Directivity. 83. General Characteristics of Long-wire An-

(1) Since all antennas are directional to a tennas
certain degree, the term directional usu-
ally is applied only to those antennas that a. If the length of a long-wire antenna is such
are rather highly directional. The main that two or more half-waves of energy are distrib-
advantage to be gained from the use of uted along it, it often is referred to as a. harmonic
the long-wire antennas and arrays is in antenna. Consider the half-wave antenna shown
their greater directional qualities. These in A of figure 123 . At a given instant, the polarity
antennas all concentrate a larger amount of the r-f generator connected to the center of the
of the available radiated energy into a antenna is positive at its left-hand terminal and
smaller sector. negative at its right-hand terminal. As a result,
(2) Some antennas are directional in some current in the left half of the antenna flows toward
planes but practically nondirectional in the generator, whereas current in the right half of
others. Consider, for example, the basic the antenna flows away from the generator. In
half-wave antenna that is mounted in a both halves of the half-wave antenna, current
vertical position. If a vertical plane is flows in the same direction, from left to right, as
passed through the center of the antenna shown by the wave of current above the antenna
and the radiation pattern is drawn on that wrre.
plane, the pattern would take the form of b. Now assume that the antenna JUSt discussed
a figure 8. Maximum radiation occurs is increased until it is 2 half-wavelengths, as in B.
in the two directions that are at right With the r-·f generator still connected at the cent~r
angles to the antenna itself and no and with the same instantaneous polarities as Ill
radiation occurs off the ends. The A, current in the left side of the antenna must flow
antenna is said to have two lobes of toward the generator, and current in the right
radiated energy and two nulls. Conse- side must flow away from the generator. Since
quently, this antenna is said to be bi- the antenna is now 2 half-wavelengths, 2 half-
directional (it radiates in two directions) waves of current can be accommodated on the
in the vertical plane. If the horizontal antenna and the current polarity is the same in
plane is considered, however, it is seen both halves of the antenna. It is important to
that the antenna radiates equally in all note that this is not a true long _wire or harmom-
directions. The antenna therefore is cally operated antenna since there is no reversal of
nondirectional in the horizontal plane. current flow in adjacent half-wave sections. In-
When highly directional antennas are stead, this arrangement is simply 2 half-wave
used, it is important to know in which antennas operating in phase at their fundamental
plane the desired directivity occurs. frequency. Such an arrangement is called a
(3) Highly directional antennas are designed driven collinear array (paragraphs 94 through 109)
d. The harmonically operated antenna, there-
fore, must be fed either at a current loop or at its
end for proper operation. If the antenna is anY
odd number of half-wave lengths (l}i, 2~, 3~, and
so on) so that a current loop occurs at the center
of the antenna, center feeding can be used.
A e. As the length of an antenna is increased, it is
natural to expect a change in the radiation pattern
produced by the antenna. A long-wire antenna
can be considered to be one made up of a number
of half-wave sections fed 180° out of phase and
spaced a half -wavelength apart. As a result, there
is no longer zero radiation off the ends of the
antenna, but considerable radiation occurs in the
direction of the long wire as a result of the com·
bined fields produced by the individual half-wave
sections. In addition, radiation also occurs broad·
side to the long wire. Consequently, the resultant
maximum radiation is neither completely at right
angles to the long wire nor completely along the
line of the long wire. Instead, the m11.ximmn
radiation occurs at some acute angle in respect to
the wire, the exact angle being determined by the
length of the antenna.
f. It will be shown that as the length of a long·
wire antenna is increased, the following charac·
teristic changes occur: First, the gain of the
antenna increases considerably compared with
that of the basic half-wave antenna, especially
when the long wire is many wavelengths. Second,
the direction along which maximum radiation
occurs makes a smaller angle with respect to the
wire itself. Consequently, as the antenna is made
longer, its major lobe of radiation lies closer to the
direction of the wire itself. Third, more minor
TM 888-127 lobes are produced as the antenna length is
Figure 1£3. Harmonic and nonharmonic antennas. increased.

and has characteristics quite different from those 84. Harmonically Operated Antennas in Free
to be discussed for the tru.e harmonically operated Space
or long-wire antenna.
c. The antenna in B can be converted into a a. Oalc'lllation of Length.
true long-wire, harmonically operated antenna (1) It already has b'een pointed out (pars. 36
simply by moving the generator to a current loop through 81) that the electrical and physi-
as shown in 0. With the r-f generator polarity as callengths of a half-wave antenna are not
shown, current flows from left to right in the half- the same because of the reduction in wave
wave section of the antenna. The direction of velocity on the antenna resulting from
current flow then is reversed in the second half- its thickness and because of end effect.
wave section. If the generator is moved to the The main factor producing end effect is
extreme end of the antenna as shown in D, the the use of insulators at the antenna ends.
antenna is also a long-wire antenna, and the cur- These introduce additional capacitances
rent distribution on the antenna is exactly the to the antenna which lower its resonant
same as in 0. frequency and increase the electrical
length of the antenna. Consequently, b. Standing Waves and Impedances at Various
the half-wave antenna. is foreshortened by Frequencies.
5 percent to compensate for these effects. (1) As the length of the antenna is increased
(2) Since, in a long-wire antenna, the insu- so that it operates on higher harmonic
lators are used at the ends and not frequencies, or, as the frequency applied
between adjacent half-wave sections, it to an antenna of fixed length is raised, a
is only the half-wave sections at the greater number of half-waves of voltage
antenna ends that are affected by end and current occur on the antenna. This
effects. Therefore, a harmonically oper- is shown in figure 124, where antennas
ated antenna of 1 wavelength is fore- operating on the second, third, fourth,
shortened by only 2}~ percent over-all, and fifth harmonics appear. The
one of 2 wavelengths is foreshortened by standing waves of voltage and current
IX percent over-all, and so on. A con- are 90° out of phase.
v~nient formula that is used to determine (2) The impedance of the harmonic antenna
the length in feet of a harmonic antenna at any point is determined by the re-
for any given frequency in megacycles is actance and the resistance of the antenna
at that point. The impedance often is
492 (H- 0.05) measured at a current loop, because this
length is where the feed line usually is attached.
When the antenna length is such that
exact harmonic resonance occurs or if the
where H is the number of half-waves on reactance is tuned out otherwise, only
the antenna. resistance remains. This resistance is
(3) Note that the foreshortening of the long- largely radiation resistance, since the
wire antenna is less than for the simple ohmic losses of the antenna usually are
half-wave antenna. For this reason, a so low that they can be neglected com-
long-wire antenna with, say, 3 half-waves pared with the value of radiation resist-
on it is slightly longer than three times ance.
the length of a half-wave antenna. There- (3) The following chart shows the approxi-
fore, the length of the half-wave antenna mate radiation resistance, measured at a
is not an exact submultiple of the length current loop, of harmonic antennas of
of the harmonic antenna. various lengths. As the antenna length




TM 666·128

Figure 124. Standing waves on harmonic antennas.

as the ant.enna is changed from 11_ t
Radiation Radiation
Antenna length
(wavelengths) resistance Antenna length
(wavelengths) resistance 2% wavelengths, from 2% to 3 ~ ,.,..av~
(ohms) (ohms)
----- lengths, and so on.
1_______ __ __ __ 5 _____________
(5) During the time the reactanre is goi
90 138
17L ___... _. _. 100 6 _____ _____ ___ through a cycle, the resistive compone
2 ___ ____ ______ 110 g _______ ___ ___ of the impedance also varies with tit
117 10 _____ _____ __ ehange in frequency. It is at a mini
2~ ----- -- ---- 162
3... .. . . ------ 122 13 __ __ ___----- 170 mum value when the frequ ency is sue
4 __________ _ .. 130 that the antenna is about a half-\\-aYe-.
length and reaches a maximum v-aht
when the antenna is about 1 wavelengt
is increased, the value of radiation and back to a minimum value when th
resistance a.lso increases. antenna length is approximately 1
(4) When the frequency applied to an wavelength. These cyclic variation- i
antenna is no longer the resonant fre- reactance and resistance are shown i
quency, a considerable reactive com- figure 125 . As a rE>sul t of these va.ria
ponent is present. Consider a half-wave tions, the impedance of the antenna al
antenna that is fed at the center. As has a cyclic varia tion as the frequenc:-
the frequency of the r-f generator is is raised from one harmonic to another
increased above the resonant frequency (6) The rate at which the impedance varies:
of the antenna, the antenna becomes is in creased at the higher frequenc ies.
inductive with an inductive reactance. The impedance at the center of an an-
This inductive reactance reaches a maxi- tenna varies from minimum to maximum
mum value and then begins to fall off as when the frequ ency applied increases
the frequency is raised still more. When from the fundamental to the second
the frequency is such that the antenna harmonic. A similar variation must
length is slightly less than a full wave- place when the frequ ency applied in·
length, the reactance is zero. An in- creases from the fifth to the sixth har-
crease in frequency above this value monic. From the fundamental to the
causes the antenna to behave as a capac- second harmonic, however, a frequen cy
itive reactance. As the frequ ency is increase of 100 percent occurs, and fron1
ra.ised still high er, the capacitive react- the fif th to the sixth harmonic, there is a
ance reaches a maximum value and then freq uency increase of only 20 percent.
falls off toward zero. When the fre- Therefor e, the impedance must change
quency is such that the antenna is fiv e times faster in the vicinity of the
slightly less thA.n 1M wavelengths, the fifth harmonic than in the vicinity of the
reactan ce again is zero. An increase in fundamental.
frequency above this value rauses the (7 ) As the fr equ ency applied to a given an-
antenna to behave as a indnrti ve react- tenna or as the length of an antenna is
ance. As the frequenc_v is raised still increased, the resistive component of
higher, the inductive re1": tance reaches its impedance rises, and as the radiation
a maximum value and then falls off resistance of an antenna rises, the leng th
toward zero. When the frequency is and losses increase. As a result, as the
such that the antenna is slightly less than antenna varies from a half-wavelength
2 wavelengths, the reactance again is to 1 }~ wavelengths, and the resistance
zero . An increase in frequency above does not drop to as low a value at 1 1 ~
this va1ue causes the antenna to behave wavelengths as aL a half-wavelength,
as a capacitance once more. Conse- nor do es it rise to as high a value at 2
quently, a complete cycle of reactance wavelengths as at l wavelength (fig. 125 ) .
changes occurs as the frequency is This is tru e nlso as the freq uenc~- in-
increased so that electrically the antenna creases to 5, 6, or more times the funda-
is changed from a hA.lf-wavelength to mental , or as th e antenna increases to 3
1}f wavelengths. A similar cycle occurs wavelengths, 4 wavelengths, and so on .
+ ends of the antenna. Instead, the maxi-

t I'</ 2__.,,\ 1\...
mum radiation forms lobes which lie
:z:: - .., - I ; - closer and closer to the direction of the
antenna itself as the length of the
/ ' 1--/ .... antenna increases. The angle of maxi-
+ I mum radiation is the angle between the
FREQUENCY--- F 2F 4F 5F line running through the center of the
LENGTH-~ )\ 2'), 2~">- lobe and the antenna wire.
TM 666 - 129
(5) The approximate angles of maximum
radiation for harmonic antennas of vari-
Figure 125. Cyclic variations of re actance and resistance
at center of antenna. ous lengths are given in the following
Although cyclic changes in impedance
still occur at long antenna lengths or at Antenna length Angle or maxi- Angle or maxi-
mum radiation Antenna length mum radiation
high applied frequen cies, the impedance (wavelengths)
(degrees) (wavelengths) (degrees)
does not rise to as high a value nor does
it fall to as low a value as occurs at low 1 __ __ ___ _____ _ 54 g _____ ____ ___ _ 18
harmonic frequencies or short, antenna 36 10 ____ ____ ___ _ 17
____ -________
- -------_
lengt,hs. 25 12 _____ -- -- --- 16
6 ____ ________ _ 20
c. Directivity and Gain.
(1) The maximum radiat.ion from a har-
monic antenna forms a lobe which covers
a smaller and smaller sector as the an- d. Radiation Patterns.
tenna length is increased . Since a (1) Figure 126 shows ~he radiation patterns
greater amount of power is concentrated of harmonic antennas up to 3 wave-
into a smaller sector, the harmonic an- lengths. The field strength produced by
tenna has a power gain with respect to the half-wa~e antenna is shown for com-
the half-wave antennn . parison. Note that as the antenna
(2) The approximate power gain of harmonic length is increased, more lobes are pro-
antennas of various lengths is shown in duced. The 1H-wavelength antenna,
the following chart : which opera~es on the third harmonic,
has three lobes-two major lobes and
one minor lobe, the latter lying at right
Antenna length
I p .
ower gam
Antenna length
(wa velengths)
Power gain
angles to the antenna. The a-wave-
length antenna, which operates on ~he
1_____ ____ ___ ___ 1. 2
g __ ________ _____ ~ 3 sixth harmonic, has six lobes-two maJOr
2_____ _______ ___ 1. 4 10_____________ _ ~ 6 lobes and four minor lobes.
12_____________ _ ~ 2
4----- -- --------
6________ _______
aa 11 (2) The harmonic antennas which operate on
the even harmonics (2d, 4th, and so on)
have an even number of half-wave pat-
terns distributed along their leng~h.
(3) Very little gain occw·s when the antenna Since the adjacent half-wave sections
is only a few wavelengths. When the have currents of opposite phase, a distant
length becomes appreciable, however, point in space located equidistant from
considerable power gains result, and the ends of the antenna is acted on by
increased power gain is accompanied by equal and opposite fields. Cancellation
greater directivity. This is true since of fields occurs and a null is produced on
an increase of power in certain directions a plane at ricrbt an"'les to the antenna,
cutting it at the ce~ter. On the other

is attained by reduction of power in other

directions. hand, harmonic antennas which operate
(4) The radiation produced by a harmonic on the odd harmonics have an odd
antenna is neither completely at right number of half-wave sections. Complete
angles to the antenna itself nor off the cancellation of radiated fields does not
),y2 I !f2X

'X 2'X 3'X

TM 666-130

Figure 126. Radiation patterns of harmonic antennas.

occur at points equidistant from the ends the harmonic antenna is the same as the half-wsn
of the antenna because of the odd half- antenna.
wave section. This results in a minor c. Some horizontal radiation patterns at various
lobe being produced in a direction that is vertical angles above harmonic antennas parallel c
perpendicular to the antenna, and com- the ground are shown in figure 127. As tlte
ing from its center. vertical angle is reduced-that is, approaching a
horizontal plane which includes the antenna-t~e
85. Effects of Ground pattern resembles those shown previously olD
figure 126 . However, as the vertical angle Ill-
a. The radiation patterns of a harmonic antenna creases toward the angle of the lobe maximum , the
are modified considerably by the presence of the patterns become filled in. The nulls in the direr-
earth under the antenna. Some of the energy tion of the antenna itself disappear.
radiated from the antenna travels downward d. The shapes of the patterns are not altered by
toward the earth, where it is reflected . If the the earth. The effect of the e1uth is to change the
reflected energy arrives at some distant point in relative amplitude of a pattern, which can be een
phase with the direct energy from the antenna, by comparing the 10° pattern with a 15° patterll.
then reinforcement of the signal strength occurs. on A, B, or C. It is possible for the maximum lobe
On the other hand, if the reflected energy arrives which occurs at one vertical angle to be reduced to
180° out of phase with the direct energy, a reduc- zero, whereas the maximum lobe which occ~rs .at
tion or cancellation of signal strength takes place . another vertical angle can be increased to twiCe II'
b. Energy reflected from ground will induce a normal free-space value. In order to note tl~e
voltage into the harmonic antenna. This causes effect of the ground on the radiation pattern, iti'
a current to flow which combines with the original necessary to alter the patterns produced at various
antenna current . The total antenna current then angles by taking into account the antenna heighk
will be greater or less than the original antenna
current, depending on the height of the antenna. 86. Feeding Long-wire Antennas
Consequently, the radiation resistance of the
hurmonic antenna varies, depending on the height a. Both resonant and nonresonant lines can be
above ground. In this respect, the behavior of used to feed long-wire antennas. The same
general principles apply here as in the half-wave
antenna. Since a point on the antenna which is a
current loop becomes a current node on the next
higher harmonic, a current-fed antenna behaves
as a true long wire only at odd harmonics of the
original frequency. Therefore, for operation on
all harmonics, end feeding is preferred. However,
with end feeding, unbalanced transmission-line
currents result and a nonsymmet.rical radiation
pattern is produced. The intensity of the lobes
in the direction off the feeder end of the long wire
is reduced, and the intensity of the lobes in the
direction away from the feeder end is increased.
When matching sections of line are used with
nonresonant feeders, it must be realized that these
operate over only a. narrow band of frequencies .
b. An end-fed long-wire antenna with a reso-
nant feeder line is shown in figure 128. Operation
on all harmonic frequencies is possible with this
arrangement, provided the tuning unit at the
input end of the resonant line has sufficient
range to match the input impedance to the trans-
mitter. Arrangements for using nonresonant
lines are shown in B and 0. In both, quarter-
wave matching sections are used to match the
nonresonant line to the long-wire antenna. In B,
the feeder is tapped on the matching section at
a point where an impedance match occurs.



CJ---=L~O~NG~-~W~I~R~E~A~N~TE~N~N~A~~ fnLOOP


TM 666 · 131

Figure 127 . Horizontal patterns of harmonic antennas at Figure 128. Feeding long-wire antennas.
various vertical angles . 147
In 0, the feeder is connected to a Q-matching tenna is the Beverage or wave antenna
section the characteristic impedance of which is which consists of a single wire preferably
made equal to the square root of the product of of 2 or more wavelengths, parallel with
the radiation resistance of the long-wire antenna Lhc arLh and supported on poles at a.
and the impedance of the nonresonant line. height of 10 to 20 feet above ground. The
far end of the wire is connected to ground
87. Resonant and Nonresonant Antennas through a noninductive resistor of about
500 ohms. This resistor must be able
a. Only resonant antennas have been discussed to dissipate about one-third of the power
heretofore in this manual. These have standing fed into the antenna. This is about the
waves of voltage and current distributed along characteristic impedance of a single-wire
their length which are set up by the reflection of transmission lin e with a ground return.
waves at the ends of the antenna. If one end of A wave antenna is shown in figme 129.
an antenna is terminated in a resistance that is A reasonably good ground, such as a
equal to the characteristic impedance of the number of ground rods or a counter-
antenna, waves can travel in one direction only. poise, should be used at both ends of
As a result, no standing waves are set up . Instead, the antenna.
the current and voltage are distributed uniformly (2) Sometimes two or more antenna. wires
along the length of the antenna. Such an antenna are used in parallel instead of a. single
is known as a nonresonant antenna. wire. This reduces the characteristic
b. The radiation pattern of a nonresonant impedance of the antenna and ground-
antenna is quite different from the pattern pro- return circuit and permits a lower value
duced by a resonant antenna. Consider the of terminating resistance to be used.
radiation patterns shown in figure 126. Assume The input impedance of the antenna is
that all these resonant antennas are made non- reasonably constant with frequency, and
resonant by connecting a terminating resistor the antenna may be used over a wide
between the right end of each antenna and frequency range without changing its
ground. All of the antennas then radiate only length.
in the direction of the terminating resistor, or (3) The wave antenna is directional and is
toward the right in the figure. The lobes of used primarily for either transmitting or
energy to the left are largely attenuated. Conse- receivin~ low-frequency signals. Maxi-
quently, the major lobe takes the form of a mum reception or radiation is in line with
single cone of radiation surrounding the antenna the wire and off the terminated end.
in the direction of the terminating resistor. The There is a minimum of radiation in the
antennas are converted from bidirectional types opposite direction if the antenna is ter-
(which produce maximum radiation in two di- minated properly. The forward lobe
rections) to unidirectional types (which produce may be made narrower and the gain in-
maximum radiation in only one direction) . If a creased by using a longer antenna wire.
radiation pattern were drawn to show the radi- However, if extremely long-wave anten-
ation at the vertical angle at which maximum nas are used, the forward gain falls off.
radiation occurs, a single major lobe of radiation (4) At frequencies below 800 kilocycles, a
appears in the direction of the antenna itself properly located wave antenna should
and toward the terminating resistor. give results equivalent to a vertical an-
c. An important characteristic of a nonreso- tenna several hundred feet high. One
nant antenna is that it radiates efficiently over a particular military wave antenna (fig.
very wide frequ ency range. Therefore, it is not 130) consists of three cond uctors ar-
necessary to cut the antenna for any exact length ranged in the form of an equilateral
so long as it is at least several wavelengths. triangle 5 feet on a side, erected about
15 feet above ground on short telephone
88. Beverage or Wave Antennas poles, and usually of 2 wavelengths. At
a frequ ency of 500 kilocycles, such an
a. Description and Design. an~enna would be almost 4,000 feet long.
(1) One type of nonresonant, long-wire an- If ground space limitations prevent the

\ ( W A V E F\RONTS~
\ I
\ \ I I I I
\ I I I I

TM 5005-18
Figure 129. Beverage or wave antenna.

use of such a long antenna, an antenna pends on a process known as wave tilt.
under 1 wavelength can be used . Are- When a vertically polarized radio wave
duction of forward gain will result under travels over the surface of an imperfect
these conditions. conductor, such as the earth, the wave
b. Wave Tilt. fronts lean forward in the direction of
(1) The operation of the wave antenna de- propagation. This is caused by the

Figure 180. Three-wire wave antenna.

slower propagation constant of the earth. the ground is less than the distance traveled by
The amount of forward tilt depends on the energy along the wire, because of the lower
the frequency of the r-f wave and the velocity of propagation of the earth wave. This
characteristics of the surface oyer which effect produces an out-of-phase relationship be-
the wave is traveling. At the lower tween the wire wave and the ground wave. As a
frequencies at which the wave antenna result, the wave front is caused to tilt forward
is used, the wave tilt is approximately (fig. 129) and the traveling wave off the end of the
proportional to the square root of the antenna. contains both verticar and horizontal
product of frequency and soil resistivity. components of wave energy with respect to a path
As the resistance of the surface is in- of travel parallel to the ground. The radiated
creased, the wave travel along the sur- energy then is considered as elliptically polarized.
face is reduced and a. greater wave tilt At a distance from the transmitter, however, the
results. Consequently, over rocky and predominant component of polarization is ver-
sJ,lndy soil, a. considerable forward tilt re- tical, as a result of normal ground-wave propaga-
sults, whereas over salt marshes and sea. tion effects.
water, almost no tilt occurs. This means (1) Generally, the forward or desired radia-
that wave antennas, which depend on tion increases as the antenna is length- tilt for proper operation, should ened. As an example of the effect of
not be insta.lled over highly conducting difference in length on efficiency, data.
surfaces, but, instead, should be installed taken on 1,200-foot and 3,600-foot wave
only over poor or medium soil. Wave antennas at 250 kc and 500 kc erected
antennas also give good results when in- over poor ground are indicated in the
stalled over ground which has a. perma- following chart:
nent layer of ice (such as permafrost) a.
short distance below the surface, or over
260 kc liOO kc
certain types of ground found in northern
Length (ft)
or polar regiona which are very moist in Length Gain Length Gain
(wavelength) (wavelength)
the summer and have poor conductivity
because of lack of mineral content. Ac-
1,200_________ 0. 306 0 db 0. 612 0 db
tually, it is the average ground conduc-
3,600- -- ---- -- . 918 8 db 1. 826 9 db
tivity for a. considers ble distance below
the surface that is important rather than
the character of a. thin top-soil layer.
(2) The wave antenna operates in conjunc- Note. Gain of the 1,200-foot antenna is taken
as 0 db at each frequency.
tion with ground, so that a vertically
polarized radio wave is radiated. How- (2) Experimental' data indicate that a. wave
ever, because of the forward wave tilt, antenna having a wire length equivalent
there is a horizontal component of the to 2 wavelengths and erected over poor
electrical field. The vertical and hori- ground has a radiation efficiency in the
zontal components are not exactly in forward direction equivalent to the radia-
phase, a'nd the resultant pqlarization of tion of a quarter-wave vertical antenna.
the radiated wave, therefore, is elliptical. A wave antenna having a wire length
The wave is radiated in the direction of eq-uivalent to 4 electrical wavelengths
the tilt which is off the end of the antenna under the same conditions shows a radia-
that is terminated in the resistance load. tion efficiency in the forward direction
c. Transmitting Antennas. When the wave an- equivalent to a half-wave vertical an-
tenna is used for transmitting, the r-f output of tenna. Experiments in the range of 100
the transmitter is connected between the wire con- to 200 kc with wave antennas of 0.6 to
ductor of the antenna and ground (fig. 129). 1.5 wavelengths, compared with stan-
Ground can be considered as one conductor of a dard-type flat-top antennas mounted on
transmission line and the antenna wire as the 180-foot towers, showed gains of approx-
other conductor. As the r-f energy travels down imately 10 db for the wave antenna.
the line, the distance traveled by the energy along Highest gains were noted with the longer
wave antennas erected over poor ground. characteristic impedance of the line also
(3) The efficiency of the wave antenna in- must be 500 ohms.
creases rapidly as the height is increased {2) The most common feeding arrangement
from 0 to the range of 12 to 15 feet. is a single-wire transmission line con-
Above 15 feet, is little increase in nected to the end of the antenna. If co-
efficiency. axial line is to be used, an impedance-
d. Receiving Antennas. Wave antennas also matching transformer is inserted between
are used for receiving and, in this application, the transmission line and the antenna.
their performance also depends on wave tilt.
However when receiving, the radio waves ap-
proaching' the antenna already are tilted because 89. V Antenna
of their propagation over poor soil in the locality
of the antenna. a. General Description. The V antenna con-
(1) As the tilted wave moves in a direction sists of two horizontal, long wires arranged to
from the terminating resistor toward the form a V, and fed at the apex with currents of
receiver, energy is induced along both the opposite polarity. Major lobes from each wire
antenna wire and the ground. The effect combine in such a way that maximum radiation
of this induced energy is cumulative, occurs in the direction of a line that bisects the
since energy from the traveling wave is angle betwee~ the two wires . Figure 131 shows a
absorbed by the antenna, and a large cur- V antenna With the individual radiation patterns
rent is produced at the input to the re- of each of the wires. The shaded lobes produced
ceiver. Actually, the induction of energy by each individual leg of the V lie in exactly the
along the ground is a continuing process same direction. These lobes combine to form the
throughout the entire travel of the wave shaded lobes in the resultant pattern. Most of
and not only at the antenna location. the other lobes are more or less attenuated. The
When so regarded, the antenna wire can pattern is bidirectional, and radiation occurs
be considered as the me:iium of extracting a~ong. a line that bisects the apex angle in both
energy from the space surrounding it, d1rect10ns.
and guiding this energy to the receiver b. Design.
with the proper phasing with respect to (1) As with other long-wire antennas, t~e
the receiver ground, so that a high level greater the leg length the higher the gam
input is obtained. and . directivity of the antenna. The
(2) The polar pattern of the antenna is the gain of the V antenna is about twice that
same for transmitting and receiving, with of a single long-wire antenna, since .the
maximum antenna gain in a direction radiation from the lobes of two wrres
from terminating resistor to receiver. combines to produce the radiation pat-
When maximum gain is desired in the tern of the V antenna. In actual prac-
opposite direction, a special circuit ar- tice, the gain may be even higher than
rangement can be used. This arrange- this value because of the effects of one
ment consists of using reflection trans- leg of the V on the other. .
formers at each end of the antenna and {2) The following chart shows the appro;I-
placing the terminating resistor at the mate power gains of V antennO:S or
receiver location. various leg lengths, using the optimum
{3) When bidirectional reception is desired, value of apex angle in all cases.
the normal antenna circuit is used except
for omission of the terminating resistor.
e. Feeding Methods.
{1) Since the wave antenna is a grounded an-
tenna with a wide frequency range, it
usually is fed by means of an unbalanced,
An tenna length

_ _ ___
Power gain

2. 1
1- - - - - - J

8 ____ _____ _____ _

2. 9 10 __ _____ ____ ___
6 ____ _____ __ ___ _
Power gain

8. 0
11. 9
3 _____ ___ ___ ___ _ 17. 8
nonresonant transmission line. The in- 4 ___ ___ ____ __ __ _
3. 8
put impedance of the single-wire antenna 5. 0
is approximately 500 ohms, so that the
(3) The optimum apex angle for the V an- various lengths. A height above ground
tenna is, ordinarily, twic.e the angle be- of a half-wavelength is assumed.
tween the lobe of maximum radiation and
the wire itself when the wire is used as a
Antenna length Vertical angle Antenna length Verticle angle
conventional long-wire antenna. Here, (wavelengths) (degrees) (wavelenrths) (degrees.
the lobes of maximum radiation from the
1___ __ ________ 31 6_ __ ___ _____ __ 16
two long wires making up the V antenna
2_ __ _________ _ 27 s_____ _______ _ 1~
are in the same direction so that they 3_ ____________ 23 10__ __ ____ __ __ 13
combine as shown in figure 131. In prac- 4___ _________ _ 20
tice, a somewhat smaller angle than this
value is used when the V-antenna legs
are shorter than about 3 wavelengths. c. Feeding Methods . Balanced lines are used to
This increases slightly the gain of the feed the V antenna. Resonant lines are used if a.
antenna. wide frequency range is to be covered. N onreso-
(4) The following chart shows the optimum nant feeders can be used in conjunction with
apex angle for V antennas with equal legs quarter-wave matching sections at the apex of the
of various lengths: V antenna, but only a fairly narrow frequency
band can be accommodated.
d. Unidirectional V Antenna.
Antenna length Optimum apex Antenna length Optimum apex (1) The V antenna. can be made unidirec-
(wavelengths) angle (degrees) (wavelengths) angle (degrees)
tional by making the antenna non-
!_ __ ___ _ ___ __ _ 90 6 ______ ____ __ _
resonant. This is accomplished by con-
2 _____ ____ ___ _ 70 8 ________ __ __ _
35 necting noninductive resistors of about
3 ____________ _ 58 10_____ ____ __ _
4 ______ ______ _ 33 500 ohms between the far end of each
50 leg of the V antenna and ground (A of
fig. 132). The resistors must be able to
dissipate about one-third the power ap-
(5) When the V antenna is to be operated plied to the antenna and must go to a
over a wide frequency range, an average good ground. Since no standing waves
optimum apex angle should be used. eYist on the antenna, the length of the
Reasonably good results are obtained by legs need not be a multiple of the half-
noting the optimum apex angle for the wave. In a nonresonant antenna, maxi-
antenna at its lowest operating frequency mum radiation occurs in the direction of
and the angle for its highest operating the terminating resistor. The lobe o
frequency, and then using the average of maximum radiation then.. is directed
these two values. toward the open mouth of the V antenna .
(6) The V antenna does no~ radiate the major whereas the radiation in the oppo ite
portion of its energy along the surface of direction is largely suppressed.
the earth. Instead, the energy is radi- (2) A unidirectional V antenna is shown in
ated upward at a certain vertical angle figure 132. The exact values for the
in respect to the earth. The size of this terminating resistors can be found by a
angle depends on the length of the an- cut-and-try method in which variou
tenna legs and the height of the antenna values of resistance are used until mini-
above ground. In general, as the an- mum standing waves appear on the an-
tenna length is increased or as the height tenna. The proper value should be in
above ground is increased, the vertical the vicinity of 500 ohms. A nonresonan t
angle at which maximum radiation oc- open-wire line is used to feed the antenna.
curs gradually becomes smaller. The The unidirectional radiation pattern pro-
vertical angle is measured in respect to duced by this antenna is shown in B of
the horizontal antenna wires. figure 132.
(7) The following chart gives the approximate e. Obtuse-Angle V Antenna.
value of the vertical angle at which maxi- (1) If the angle between the legs of the
mum radiation occurs for V antennas of antenna is greater than 90°, the antenna


TM 666·135

Figure 131. Formation of radiation pattern of V antenna.

Antenna length Angle between Antenna length Anglo between

(wa velengtbs) legs (degrees) (wavelengths) legs (degrees)

! _____________ 90 6 ____ _______ __ 140

2_____________ 110 g_____________ 145
3 _____________ 10 ____________ 147
4__________ ___ 130

(3) The obtuse-angle V antenna has the. ad-

vantage of maintaining the same drre?-
tivity over a wide frequency range. Th~s
A is so because when the frequency IS
changed, the major lobe of radiation p:o-
duced by one leg shifts in one directron
and the major lobe produced by the other
leg shifts in the opposite direction. Al-



Figure 13~.
TM 666·136

Unidirectional V antenna.
is an obtuse-angle V antenna (fig. 133) .
The value of the obtuse angle is obtained
by subtracting from 180° the value of
apex angle for the conventional V antenna
with the same leg length.
(2) The following chart shows the correct TM 666-137
angle for obtuse-angle V antennas of
various leg lengths: Figure 133. Obtuse-angle V antenna.
though a broadened lobe occurs and the These are called V beams. The same
gain is reduced somewhat, the directivity principles apply to combinations of V
is exactly the same. Obtuse-angle V an· antennas to produce beams as apply to
tennas frequently are terminated by a combinations of other antennas for the
resistor, however, which makes the an- same purpose (pars. 94 through 109).
tenna nonresonant and unidirectional.
Such obtuse-angle V antennas are known 90. Half-rhombic Antenna
as half-rhombic antennas.
(4) The obtuse-angle V is objectionable be- a. General Description. The half-rhombic an-
cause it requires twice the distance of an tenna is a terminated vertical antenna which
ordinary V antenna and produces less resembles the obtuse-angle V antenna. With the
gain. For this reason, this antenna is not obtuse-angle V, a balanced transmission line is used
too populnr. and ground does not form part of the radiating
f. Combination V Antennas. system. With the half-rhombic antenna, how-
(1) A single unterminated V antenna radiates ever, an unbalanced transmission line is used and
energy in two directions that are opposite ground or a counterpoise is utilized. As a result,
to each other. Combinations of Vantennas a vertically polarized radio wave is produced.
can be used if it is desired to cover more b. Directional Characteristics .
directions. For example, nine 6-wave- (1) The development of the radiation pattern
length antenna wires can be erected radi- produced by the half-rhombic antenna is
ally with angles of 40° between them shown in figure 134. In A, the half-
like the spokes in a wheel. This forms rhombic antenna has not been termi-
nine V antennas, with all apexes meeting nated. Assume that each leg is 2 wave-
at a common point. Each one of the lengths and that the angle between the
radial wires serves as a leg for two ad- two legs is correct. A transmitter is con-
jacent V antennas. Separate feeder lines nected between the end of the antenna.
are used for each V antenna. Any one and a good ground. A single-wire count-
of nine different directions can be covered erpoise frequently is used which extends
by selecting the proper feeder lines. for the entire projection of the antenna
(2) The radiated power produced by a V an · length on the ground. Current from the
tenna can be doubled approximately by transmitter flows toward the untermi-
the use of two V antennas operating si- nated end of the antenna where it is re-
multaneously. There are, in general, flected back along the antenna, as shown
three methods of arranging these two an- by the arrows. As a result of this re-
tennas. First, they can be erected paral- flection, standing waves are set up on the
lel to each other in such a manner that antenna and lobes of radiation appear as
one of the V's is a half-wavelength above shown.
the other. They now said to be (2) Lobe 2 combines with lobe 5 to produce
stacked. When the antennas are fed in strong forward radiation from left to
phase, approximately twice the radiated right. Lobe 4 combines with lobe 7 to
power is produced. The vertical angle produce strong rear radiation from right
of maximum radiation is reduced. Sec- to left. These lobes exhibit bidirectional
ond, the antennas can be erected in such directivity along the direction of the
a way that a W is formed . The two V's antenna itself. The remaining lobes
making up the W must be fed in phase. combine in various ways to produce
Third, the two antennas may be at the several minor lobes in other directions.
same height above ground, but one V is As a transmitting antenna, maximum
located a quarter-wavelength in front of energy is radiated in the directions shown
the other. When the antennas are feel by tl~e large two-headed arrow, and as a.
so that their currents are 90° out of phase, receiving antenna best reception occurs
unidirectional radiation occurs. The .in these same directions.
maximum radiation is in the direetion of (3) When a terminating resistor of about 500
the antenna with the lagging current. ohms is connected between the far end of





Til 111-151
Figure 134. DeveloprMnt of radiation pattern of half-rhombic antenna.

the antenna. and ground (or counter- for transmission it is unidirectional, and
poise), conditions become different. Cur- radiates ma.x~um energy along. the
rent from the transmitter can flow only antenna. in the direction of the termmat-
toward the resistor, a.s shown in B. This ing re~istor, a.s shown by the large arrow
resistor absorbs any energy that is not in B. .
radiated, and, in so doing, prevents any (4) When the antenna is used for receivmg,
reflection of energy back along the an- the antenna current will flow from the
tenna.. As a. result of using the termi- terminatinO' resistor toward the receiver.
nating resist,or, lobes 3, 4, 7, and 8 dis- Signals ori~inating from the direction of
appear and only the forward lobes re- the resistor will produce maximum_e_ffect
main. Lobes 2 and 5 combine to produce on the receiver. Under these condttwns,
intense radiation in the forward direction, all arrows in B would be shown reversed.
from left to right, whereas lobes 1 and 6 This is in accordance with the usual
produce minor lobes. Consequently, reciprocity of antennas.
when this half-rhombic antenna. is used (5) Two important angles are illustrated.
T, commonly known as the tilt angle, is the wave angle. Second, the tilt an,.l~
half the apex angle between the two legs must have su h a value that the radiat ion
of the antenna. It is made to have a in thf' forward lobe of one leg of the h £-
certain value which is determined by the rhombic antenna combines in phase with
leg length. The wave angle, W, is be- the radiation in the forward lobe of the
tween either maximum lobe of radiation other leg. This usually requires the pro-
and the antenna wire itself. The same jection of either leg of the half-rhom · c
value for this angle is obtained if meas- antenna on the ground to be a half-
urement is made between lobe 5 and its wavelength shorter than the actualleng h
antenna leg or between lobe 2 and its of the leg. When this condition is me ,
antenna leg. the tilt angle will be somewhat small r
c. Design Information. than the first value obta-ined. In pra c -
(1) Assume that a unidirectional half-rhom- tice, the actual size of the tilt angle i~
bic antenna using a single-wire counter- compromi between these two alu ~ .
poise is to be designed. It is desirable (4) The following chart gives the value of tilt
that the legs of the antenna be many angle to be used in half-rhombic antenna.s
wavelengths in order to provide maxi- of various leg lengths. As in most of the
mum gain and directivity. For satis- charts given so far, antenna length i e.-..-:-
factory performance, each leg of a half- pressed in wavelengths. In order t
rhombic antE:nna must be at least, 1 wave- convert these lengths to f et, the formul
le~gth at the lowest. frequency of oper- given previously can be used. Th
at.lOn. In practice, a leg of at least 2 formula is:
wavelengths at the lowest frequency gen- len th (feet)= 492 (H-O.OS)
erally is used, and some h~lf-rhombic g frequency (me)
antennas use legs of 10 or 12 wave- where H is the number of ha{f-wave o
lengths. The leg length usually is limited the antenna. A somewhat more co -
by the size of the available site and the venient form is:
directivity required.
len th (feet)= 984 (N-0.0 25 )
(2) The half-rhombic antenna maintains its g frequency (me)
eharacteristics over a wide frequency where N is the number of full waves on
range. Frequency ranges of 2 to 1 and the antenna. Because the length i no
4 to 1 are common in practice. For especially critical and the end effect i~ s
example, a half-rhombic antenna de- small for long antennas, the factor 0.02-
digned for a frequency of 10 me would may be neglected in practice. If th
operate satisfactorily to 20 me and would value of the angle between the two le~:
be useful to 40 me. Depending on the of the half-rhombic antenna is desired .
amount of change in gain and directivity simply double the value of the tilt angle.
that can be tolerated, an even greater
frequency range can be accommodated.
In genera~, as the frequency is raised, Antcnnn length
Tilt angle
I Antenna length
Tilt ang e
greater gam and directivity occur. ----- - - -----·-
(3) Once the leg length has been decided it 30 6 ____________ _
Is necessary to determine the tilt angle
' l_ ____ -------- 6i
2 ___ _________ _ 50 g ____________ _
required for that leg length. The op- 3 ____________ _ 57 lQ ___ ________ _ j
timum value of tilt angle is a compromise 4 ____________ _ 62 12 ___________ _
between two sets of conditions. First,
the tilt angle must have such a value that
th~ lobes of maximum radiation from (5) Once the tilt angle and leg lengths a
both legs are in exactly the same direc- known, the height of the apex of the an-
tion. This is necessary so that the two tenna above ground and the require
forward lobes can combine properly to counterpoise length can be calculate .
produce the unidirectional pattern. This In figure 135, a right triangle is form
value of tilt angle is simply 90° less than by one of the legs of the antenna, JJ
the height of the apex above ground, . T ~0
sm =y
H, and one-half the length of the counter-
poise, ~ C. The tilt angle, T, is one of
the angles in the right triangle. The sin 50°=~ 0
ratio of the height to the leg length,
H/ L, is equal to the cosine of the tilt
angle, cos T. Assuming that the leg is 0.766=~2°
2 wavelengths and the tilt angle is 50°,
as shown in the preceding chart, the ~ 0= 1.532 or 1.5
following relation can be written and
solved: 0=3.

H Therefore, the counterpoise required is 3

cosT= L wavelengths.
(7) The following chart gives the height of
the apex and the length of the counter-
poise required, both in terms of wave-
lengths at the operating frequency, for
0.643=2 half-rhombic antennas of various leg
H = 1.286 or 1.3.
Hence, the height of the apex is 1.3 Lee length {wavelength) Apex height length (wave·
(wavelengths) lengths)
wavelengths above ground. To convert
this height into feet, it i~ necessary only 1
to use the same formula ( (4) above) for 21--- --------------------------_
____________________________ 0.87
converting lengths in wavelengths to feet, 5
3--------- ---------- --- -------
4 _______________________ __ __ __ 1.6
except that end effect need not be con- 6 ______ __ __ _________ _________ _ 1. 9
2. 3 11
sidered. Simplified, the formula is: g ____________________________ _ 15
2. 7
io ______ __ _____ __ __ ______ ____ _ 3.3 19
984 N 12 __________________ __ _______ _ 23
le th (ft)= 3. 5
ng frequency (me)

where N is the number of full wave-

lengths. d. Practical Antennas.
(1) The factor that most frequently limi~s
the size of the half-rhombic antenna IS
the height of the apex above ground.
If a very tall support is available for the
apex, a large antennl!< can be erected.
It is necessary that ! the single support
required. be. made ef wood, or other non-
conduc'tor, so that the ope.ration of the
COUNTERPOISE C antenna is not affected. Steel masts, or
TM 888-159 wooden masts using metal guy wires,
Figure 195. Right triangk formed by half-rhombic antenna. should not be used.
(2) The typical military half-rhomb~c an-
(6) The ratio between one-half the length of tenna shown in 'figure 136 consists of
of the counterpoise, ~ 0, and the leg a 100-foot antenna wire erected over a
length, L, is equal to the sine of the tilt single 30-foot wooden mast (supported
angle, sin T,. Using this relation, the by three rope guys) and an 85-foot
length of the counterpoise ean be cal- counterpoise wire laid along · the groun~.
culated for the example given above as The antenna and counterpoise are teriDI-
follows: nated in a 500-ohm resistor contained
Figure 136. Typical military half-rhombic anunna.

in a small terminal box at the far end to 8 me, has a ground-projected length
of the antenna. of 1,600 feet and an apex height of 560
(3) The antenna shown can be used with feet.
lo~-power transmitters or receivers oper-
atmg at frequencies from 30 to 70 me 91. Rhombic Antenna
~nd equipped with eithet ati r-f output
Impedance of 500 ohri'ts vr ·a . suitable a. GeMra.Z Description.
anteruia-matching netv.:-orS,.. )\.t 30 me, (1) The highest development of the long-
the Je? is 1~ waveleng!hs, , and at 70 wire antenna is the rhombic antenna
me It IS 3~ wavelengths. A power gain (fig. 137). It consists of four conductors
of 4 or 5 occurs at the lowest frequency, joined to form a rhombus, or diamond.
and a power gain of about 10 occurs at All sides of the antenna have the S&Dle
t~e highest frequency. length and the opposite comer angles
(4) Smce the transmitter or receiver used are equal. The antenna can be con -
~ith the half-rhombic antenna generally sidered a.s being made up of two V
Is located at the end of the antenna antennas placed end to end and termi-
direct connections can be made to th~ nated by a noninductive resistor to
antenna. If a transmission line must produce a unidirectional pattern. A.
be used between the antenna and the rhombic antenna can be made of two
radio set, a two-wire line with a char- obtuse-ang\e V antennas which are
acteristic impedance of 500 ohms can placed side by side, erected in a hori-
be used. zontal plane, and so terminated as to
(5) A large half-rhombic antenna, designed be made nonresonant and unidirectional.
for frequencies from 3 to 18 me has a (2) In common with previous nonresonant
ground-projected length of 625 feet ' and antennas, the rhombic antenna radiates
an apex height of 225 feet. The antenna best in the direction of the terminating
is supported by a hydrogen-filled balloon resistor and receives best from the direo-
in low winds or by a kite in high winds. tion of the resistor. Maximum radiation
A ballon- or kite-supported half-rhombic does not occur in the same direction as
antenna, designed for frequencies of 1 the plane of the antenna, that is, hori-



Ill ~

Til Ul - 141

Figure 137. Basic rhombic antenna.

zontally. Instead, it occurs at some results, and standard military rhombics

vertical angle above the horizontal plane, cover a frequency range of 5 to 1 or 6 to
as shown by the wave angle, W. The 1 satisfactorily.
tilt angle, T, is one-half the angle between (2) Another advantage of the rhombic anten-
the two legs making up one side of the na is that it is much easier to construct
antenna. and maintain than other antennas of
b. Advantages. The rhombic antenna is used comparable gain and directivity. Only
four supporting poles of common herg · hts
widely for long-distance high-frequency transmis-
sion and reception, for reasons explained below. from 50 to 75 feet are needed for the
It is one of the most popular fixed-station anten- antenna, which has a simple form, be~ng
nas, being very useful in point-to-point work. made up of four straight lengths of Wlfe.
(1) The rhombic antenna is useful over a (3) The rhombic antenna also has the advan-
wide frequency range, a range of 2 to 1 tage of being noncritical so far as opera-
being covered easily with excellent re- tion and adjustment are concerned.
sults. Although it is true that some This follows from the broad frequency
changes in gain, directivity, and charac- characteristics of the antenna.
teristic impedance do occur with change (4) Still another advantage is that the volt-
in operating frequency, these changes are ages present on the antenna are much
small enough to be neglected. A fre- lower than those that would be produced
quency range of 4 to 1 can be covered by by the same input power on a resonant
a typical rhombic antenna with good antenna. This is particularly important
when high transmitter powers are used or a considerable amount of the input
'when high-altitude operation is required. power is dissipated uselessly in the ter-
The lower voltages mean less possibility minating resistor. However, this resistor
of corona loss. is required in order to make the antenna
c. Disadvantages. unidirectional, and the great gain of the
(1) The rhombic antenna is not without its antenna more t.han makes up for thi
disadvantages, probably the principal loss.
one being that a fairly large antenna site
is required for its erection. Each leg is d. Operation.
made at least 1 or 2 wavelengths at the (1) Figure 138 shows the individual radia-
lowest operating frequency, and when tion pa.tterns produced by the four legs
increased gain and directivity are re- of the rhombic antenna and the resultant
quired, legs of from 8 to 12 wavelengths radiation pattern. If the tilt angle, T,
are used. Such requirements mean that is properly chosen for the length of the
high-frequency rhombic antennas have legs used, the shaded lobes all add to-
leg lengths of several hundred feet, and gether to form an intense forward lobe
they are used then only when a large plot in the direction of the terminating re-
of land is available. sistor. The principle of operation is the
(2) Another disadvantage is that the hori- same as for the V and the half-rhombic
zontal and vertical patterns depend on antennas.
each other. If a rhombic antenna is made (2) Practically all rhombic antennas are
to have a narrow horizontal beam, the erected in the horizontal plane. The
beam is also lower in the vertical direc- two sides of the antenna are fed with
tion. Therefore, it is impossible to currents of opposite polarity. As a
obtain high vertical-angle radiation ex- result, the vertical electric field com-
cept with a very broad horizontal pat- ponent of the radiated energy produced
tern and low gain. Rhombic antennas by one side of the antenna is largely can-
are used, however, for long-distance sky- celled by an equal and opposite electric
wave coverage at the high frequencies . field produced by the other side of the
Under these conditions, low vertical antenna. Lines of electric force are pro-
angles of radiation (less than 20°) are duced from one side of the antenna to the
desirable. With the rhombic antenna other. Therefor , the polarization of the


A 8
lM 666-142

Figure 138. Formation of rhombic antenna beam.

radiated field produced by a horizontal account the power lost in the terminating
rhombic antenna is mainly horizontal. resistor.
(3) Very small rhombic antennas can be used
Leg length
at the very-high or ultrahigh frequencies. (wavelengths) Power gain Leg length
(wavelengths) Power gain
These antennas are erected in a vertical - ------------11-----------
plane and a vertically polarized wave is !_ ______ _____ _
2. 5 6 _____ _______ _
2____________ _ 17. 0
radiated. Since the greatest percentage 5. 4 g ____________ _ 22. 4
of rhombic antennas are used at high 3 ____________ _ 10 ____ _______ _
8. 3 28.2
4 ___ _________ _
frequencies where the lengths of the legs 11. 2
are several hundred feet, most rhombics
are horizontal. Therefore, the horizon-
tal polarization is most common. f. Terminating Devices.
e. Directivity and Gain. (1) To operate properly, the rhombic antenn8
(1) Typical radiation patterns produced by must be terminated correctly by correct
rhombic antennas having various leg value of resistance, which will make it
lengths are shown in figure 139. These unidirectional and nonresonant. The
radiation patterns clearly show an m- input impedance of the rhombic antenna
crease in gain and a reduction in the then remains constant over a wide fre-
beam width of the main lobe as the quency range, and antenna coupling
lengths of the legs are increased. The circuits need not be readjusted when the
wave angle, W, also is reduced as the frequency applied to the antenna is
leg lengths are increased. Information changed. The proper value for the
concerning the exact dimensions for termination is about 800 ohms. When
optimum ouwut from a rhombic antenna this is used at the far end of the antenna,
is given in paragraph 91i (4). the input impedance of the antenna is
(2) The gain of the rhombic antenna for a approximately 700 to 800 ohms. Thus,
given leg length is considerably greater the terminating resistor is slightly higher
than for any of the other long-wire in value than the input impedance of the
antennas discussed previously. The ap- antenna, because of the loss of energy by
proximate power gains of rhombic an- radiation as the traveling wave from the
tennas of various leg lengths are shown transmitter moves toward the terminat-
in the following chart, which takes into ing resistor.


Til 666-143

F iuure 139. Radiation patterns produced by various rhombir,.. antennas.

(2) The termination used with the rhombic times are connected in series, and t.
antenna must be a pure resistance at all capacitances acroSB each resistor thet..
frequencies at which the antenna is to are in series so that a reduction in ter-
operate. If any reactance is associated mination capacitance results. The ter-
with the termination, some reflection of minating resistors frequently are mount-
energy occurs and standing waves are set ed within a weatherproofed wooden bo~
up on the antenna, causing variations in located atop the pole which supports th
characteristics and radiation pattern terminated end of the antenna. Con-
when the frequency applied to the an- necting leads to the terminating re-
tenna is changed. sistors are made as shprt as possible to
{3) The terminating resistance must dissipate minimize the amount of added reactance.
a little less than one-half the power ap- (4) The insulators used with the rhombi
plied to the input terminals of the an- antenna, and the supporting wires and
tenna. For transmitter powers up to fittings, sometimes int.roduce enough
1,000 watts, noninductive carbon re- reactance to require precise adjustmen
sistors generally are used. These re- of the terminating load to balance it ou .
sistors are available in power ratings up It is more convenient, then, to mount
to approximately 100 or 200 watts' each. the terminating resistors in a box that
Frequently, several resistors are paralled is near the ground rather than at the top
to provide for adequate power rating. of a pole. When this is done, the far
The total rated wattage of the resistors end of the rhombic antenna is connected
should equal one-half the transmitter to the terminating resistors by means ol
wattage. For example, five 150-watt, an 800-ohm nonresonant transmission
3,000-ohm carbon resistors connected line.
in parallel provide a 600-ohm load (re- (5) For powers in exceBB of 1,000 watts, car-
quired for special types of rhombics) bon resistors are not available that will
which will handle a transmitter power of diBBipate the neceSBary power. Lengths
1,000 watts with a 50-percent safety of transmission line constructed to have
factor. To reduce capacitance in the the proper impedance value, and made
terminating load, several resistors some- of wire that is a poor conductor, are used.

-+ @- ~··'"*' II




Figure 140. DiBBipation line used with standard military rhombic antonna.
Most of these dissipation lines are made rhombic antenna. The downlead portion
of #14 A WG solid, annealed, stainless- is made up as a two-wire line with each
steel wire, and take two general forms: wire being made of two strands of the
(a) One, a two-wire stainless-steel trans- steel wire twisted together. The spacing
mission line, is spaced properly to pro- between the two wires is 12 inches so that
vide a correct termination for the the characteristic impedance produced
rhombic antenna. The spacing is is about 650 ohms. The downlead be-
uniform along the entire length of the comes part of the horizontal portion of ·
line. If sufficient length is provided, the dissipation line by a right-angle bend,
the energy is so attenuated by the high and at this point a modified exponential
resistance of the wire that the far end line begins (fig. 141).
can be grounded directly for lightning (7) The two-wire downlead is transformed
protection. One such diasipation line into a four-wire dissipation line without
is 1,000 feet long and is run back and the necessity of joining or splicing. The
fourth four times between supporting 12-inch spacing starts diminishing and
poles, 250 feet apart. The entire dis- the two strands making up each line of
sipation line is mounted beneath the the two-wire line now become separate
rhombic antenna which it terminates. spaced lines. In this manner, in a line
(b) A more common dissipation line which length of 62.5 feet, the 12-inch spacing
requires less than one-third as much. tapers down to a 5.5-inch spacing as the
steel wire is shown in figure 140. This side members spread apart to 1.3 inches
line is used with standard military at the dissipation-line spreader insulator.
rhombic antennas. From this point on, in a line length of an
(6) The dissipation line includes, all in-· one additional 62.5 feet, the 5.5-inch spacing
length, the downlead from the end of the tapers down to 1.3 inches, whereas the

Figure 141. DiuipatiMl line detail showing terminating assembly.


# 14


3 STRAND, # 12

Til 6116-1411
Figure 142. Dissipation line detail showing terminating assembly.

side members remain spaced 1.3 inches g. Checking Termination.

apart. Then, the line continues as a (1) Unless the correct value of termination
1.3-inch, square-spaced, four-wire line. for the rhombic antenna is used, unde-
The modified exponential portion of the sired resonance effects OC(mr. This
dissipation line transforms the approxi- makes the antenna coupling·critical, and
mately 650-ohm impedance of the do..,'n- adjustments must be made when the
lead to about 200 ohms. applied frequency is changed. Lack of
(8) The equally spaced four-wire po<tion of symmetry from improper termination
the dissipation line is fundamentally two causes an undesirable shift in the
400-ohm lines in parallel, one terminated directivity pattern of the antenna, and
in an open circuit and the other ter- the resultant unbalanced reactance may
minated in a short circuit. Such an introduce undesirable resonance effects.
o.rrangement improves the electrical (2) In checking the rhombic antenna for
balance and symmetry of the termination. proper termination, advantage is taken of
The short-circuited end can be connected the fact that a properly terminated an-
to ground (fig. 142) to provide for tenna has an input impedance that is
lightning protection. The three small purely resistive. With a perfectly bal-
pulleyf' shown are used to equalize the anced antenna having the correct value of
tension on the individual wires making terminating resistance, no reflection of
up the line. A wire rope at the end of energy occurs on the antenna a.nd no re-
the assembly is passed thTough the large actance appears at the input terminals.
pulley and made fast to a concrete Therefore, if a balanced oscillator is con-
weight which maintains tension on the nected to the input terminals of a prop-
line, preventing excessive sagging. erly terminated rhombic antenna, no
change in oscillator frequency should the oscillator can be carried up the pole
occur. which supports the input end of the
(3) The balanced (push-pull) osc.illator used antenna to permit direct connections at
should have a high L-0 ratio-tank circuit the input terminals. If the oscillator
so that small valut>s of rt'actance, which must be used on the ground below the
are usually c.apaeitive with improperly rhombic antenna, a. length of two-wire
terminated rhombic antennas, may have line is used to connect it to the input
considerable effect on the O'lcillator fre- t erminals of the antenna. This line
quency. To insure that. the oscillator is must be a. half-wavelength a.t the fre-
not too heavily loaded, t.he correct tap quency at which the rhombic termination
points on the oscillator tank coil can be is to be checked. The frequency of the
predetermined with an 800-ohm nonin- oscillator should be adjusted so that
ductive resistor as load. there is no change in oscillator frequency
(4) The oscillator first is set at a frequency when the connecting line is connected or
within the operating range of the rhombic disconnected from the oscillator. Sev-
antenna. The oscillator frequency then eral separate half-wave connecting lines
is carefully measured with a heterodyne must be used to check the antenna ter-
frequency meter or with a stable com- mination at several frequencies within
munication receiver having a beat-fre- the operating range.
quency oscillator, and the antenna is h. Design Information.
connected to the oscillator. If the rhom- (1) In- designing a rhombic ant-enna, the
bic antenna is perfectly terminated, the first consideration is usually a determi-
frequency meter or the receiver should nation of the wave angle, W, needed to
indicate no change in oscillator frequency. cover the required distance when a given
In actual ·practice, since a perfect termi- frequency is used a.t a. certain time of the
natio,n is difficult to produce, a very small day. Such information can be obtained
frequency shift can be tolerated. A from charts a.nd information given in
possibility exists in which little or no TM 11-499, Radio Propagation Hand-
change in oscillator frequency occurs, book.
with the antenna not properly terminated. (2) The following chart shows some typical
This happens if the antenna is resonant wave angles required to provide sky-
at the particular frequency used for the wave communication over various great-
check. To eliminate this possibility, circle distances. The wave angles used
the frequency shift should be measured are invariably less than 30°.
at a different oscillator frequency. If
considerable frequency shift occurs when Wave angle (degrees)
the antenna is connected to the oscillator, Oreat-clrcle distance (miles) -------~
bop F
l ·hop E l·hop F 2· ission
a recheck should be done with the value of transmission transmission trsnsm
the terminatin~ resistor changed about 5 ---------------·1-------·1-------!-------
or 10 percent, and this procedure should 250__ _________ __ ____ 25
be continued until a resistance value is 500__ _______ ___ __ ___ 13
found that produces the least effect on 750________ ____ _____ 7 24
1,000 -- ------ - - --- - 4 17
the oscillator frequency when the antenna 9
is connected. When a rhombic antenna 1,500 -- . ------ - ---- - --- - - ---- 17
2,000 ------ - -- - --- - - ------ --- 12
is to be used over a wide frequency range,
this procedure should be repeated for
several frequencies within the desired
2,500 ------- - ---- - - -- --- --- - - ----------
frequency range. Then an average value (3) For a given vertical wave angle, a rhombic
antenna produces max1mum po wer out-
for the proper terminating resistance can
be used. put when its leg length, L, tilt angle, •
(5) To use the procedure explained above, it
and he1ght above ground , H ' have
is necessary that the test oscillator be certain definite values. These values.
battery-operated and portable, so that are all interdependent and any change
from the optimum value results in a
reduction in power at the desired wave Wave angle (degrees) Tllt angle
(4) The following chart gives the proper 5 ____________________________ _
52 3.00
values for these factors at various wave 10 ___________________________ _
52. 5 1. 45
angles. Wave angles less than 10° are 15 ___________________________ _
54 1. 00
not shown. This does not mean that 20 __ ____ __ ______ __ ___ ____ ____ _
55 . 75
25 _______________________ __ __ _
such angles are not required but rather 30 __________________________ __
57.5 • 60
that the rhombic antenna designed for 60 . 50
maximum output at such low angle.s 1s
prohibitively large. (8) When the limit is 3 wavelengths, the
dimensions in the following chart apply.
Wave angle (degrees)
t tangle
leg length height above The required heights above ground are
(degrees) (wavelengths) (wavelengths) the same as given in the previous table
for similar wave angles.

10---------- - --- - ---_

14 _________________ 80 17.0 1.45 Wave angle Tllt angle Wave angle Tlltan&Je
76 8.5 1.04 (degrees) (degrees) (degrees) (decrees>

18--------- - - - -- - --- 72 5.3 . 81

68 3. 7 .67 5 ____________ _ 59 20____________ __ ~ 5
22--------- - ----- - --_
26 _________________
64 2. 7 .5 7 10 ____ _____ __ _ 60 25_____ ___ ___ __ _ 65
30------------------ 60 2. 0 .50 15 ___________ _ 62 30 __ _________ ___ -------- - -

(5) Frequently, a sufficiently large antenna A tUt anll'le Ia not given when a wave angle of ao• Ia reqalred. No com·
promlae In dealgn b needed, slnoa a rhombic antenna with leg limited to onlT
site is not available for the erection of a 2 wavelengths and wltb a tnt angle or eo• oan be uaed to produoa mulmum
rhombic antenna of proper size to pro- output.
duce maximum output. For example,
according to the chart above, a leg of (9) When the leg is limited to 4- wavelengths,
17 wavelengths is required for a wave the dimensions given in the following
angle of 10°. If such an antenna is to chart apply. Here again the required
operate on a frequency of 8 .me, for heights above ground are the same as
example, each leg would have to be those given in the previous charts for
over 2,000 feet long. This antenna similar wave angles. Where no tilt
would require over a mile and a half angle is given, no compromise in dimen-
of antenna wire for its construction, and sions is required.
the installation would prove difficult. Wave angle Tllt angle Waveanl{le Tllt ancl6
Therefore, rhombic antenna dimensions (degrees) (degrees) (degrees) (d~)

are chosen which represent a compro-

mise design. 5 ____ ________ _ 20__________ 68. 5
63. 5
10 ___ ________ _ 25 ____ ____ __ --------- -
(6) When a rhombic antenna is designed 64. 5
15 ____ __ __ ____ 66. 5 30 ______ ____ - - ---- - - --
with leg length definitely limited, the
gain of the antenna is less than if the
dimensions shown in the preceding chart ~- Starukl,rd Designs.
are used. All of the advantages of the (1) Most rhombic antennas used for military
antenna given previously still apply, applications are based on certain stand-
however, and rhombic antennas of a ardized dimensions which make satisfac-
compromise design are used widely. tory operation possible over a frequency
(7) The following chart shows the dimensions range of from 4 to 22 me. This range
to be used when constructing a rhombic includes the frequencies that commonly
antenna limited to legs of 2 wavelengths. are used for long-distance point-to-point

sky-wave communication between fixed antennas B through F inclusive have
stations. intermediate ranges and leg lengths.
(2) !fhe seven standard sizes used are desig- (3) Complete kits are available which include
nated as rhombic antennas A through all necessary material for the construction
G, inclusive. Antenna A is the largest of standard military rhombic antennas.
rhombic and it is used when communica- The four large poles or metal supports
tion is required between points over used are designated as side poles, front
3,000 miles apart. The leg of this pole, and rear pole in the isometric view
antenna is about 1~ wavelengths at the of the rhombic antenna (fig. 143).
lowest operating frequency (4 me) and Terminating resistors, or a dissipation
about 8~ wavelengths .a.t the highest line, are connected at the corner of the
operating frequency (22 me). Antenna. antenna. supported by the front pole.
G, the sma.llest rhombic, is used when The transmission line which connects
communication is required between points the transmitter or receiver to. the antenna
that are from 200 to 400 miles apart. is attached to the corner supported by
The leg of this antenna. is somewhat less the rear pole. As shown in the plan
than 1 wavelength at the lowest operating view, the side poles and the front pole
frequency and about 5 wavelengths at the are located 3 feet from the corners of the
highest. operating frequency. Rhombic antenna which they support, and the





Figure 14S. S14ndard milil4ry rhombic antenna&.

rear pole is located 8 inches from the cor- and rear poles. T refers to the size of the
ner which it supports. These distances tilt angle in degrees, as previously defined.
permit the installation of strain insulators H is the average height of the antenna
and supporting harnesses which attach above average ground level. The harness
the antenna to the poles. which ties the antenna corners to the
(4) The chart given below indicates the essen- poles usually is attached to the poles at a
tial dimensions used in the seven standard height 1 to 2 feet above H. W is the pole
rhombic antennas, 'along with the useful spacing along the minor axis of the an-
ranges of these antennas. The various tenna. X is the distance between the
letters designate dimensions that are indi-
rear pole and the point at which the axes
cated in the plan view of figure 143. All
linear dimensions are given in feet. L cross as measured along the major axis,
refers to the leg length measured from and Y is the distance between the front
corner to corner. This includes the length pole and the point at which the axes cross
of the strain insulators used at the front as measured along the major axis.

R~~ L T H W X Y
__________T_Y_P_e---------J---~~=tl=M~)---J-~(t_oo_t>___ __<_
de_~_~_>__ ___<_~_t_>___ ___<r_
oo_~___ ___<_~_t>___ ___<_roo_t_>__
1 1 1 1 1
A ____ ___ _
3, 000+ 375 70 65 262. 4 352. 7 355
B--------~~~~~~~-------- - --- 70
0 ______________ ----------- - 2,00(}-3,000 350 60 245. 6 329. 5 331. 8
]) ______________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1, 50(}-2,000 315 70 57 221. 6 296. 7 299
1,00(}-1,500 290 67. 5 55 228 268. 7 271
60(}-1, 000 270 65 53 234 245. 4 247.7
:;::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 40(}-600 245 62. 5 51 232 219 221.3
20(}-400 225 60 50 231 195. 7 198

j. Multiwire Rhombics. impedance is reduced somewhat so that

(1) A rhl)mbic antenna will improve in per- a better impedance match to ordinary
~ormance if more than a single conductor two-wire line is possible. An ordinar -
1s used to form each leg. The most com- single-wire rhombic antenna designed to
mon of the multiwire rhombics is the operate over a frequency range from 4
three-wire type (fig. 144). The spacing to 22 me may have an input resistance of
betwee~ the three wires forming this an- 850 ohms at 4 me, 700 ohms at 14 me
tenna mcreases continuously as the side and 625 ohms at 22 me. If a three,
poles are approached. At this point, a wire rhombic is used instead, it will havE
separation of 6 feet exists between an input resistance of 600 ohms plus 01
adjacent conductors. minus 50 ohms over this same frequenc
(2) When this type is used, the capacitance range. At the same time, a conv ntion
of the antenna per unit length increases 600-ohm two-wire line can provide pra
~ the separation between the two sides tically an ideal impedance match. l1
mcreases. Along the minor axis where addition, the three-wire rhombic has
the two sides of the antenna are spread slight gain (about 1 db) over the singl
farthest apart, the three conductors have wire type.
their maximum capacitance, and the k. Methods of Feeding.
characteristic impedance of the antenna (1) The most common method of feeding
~refore, does not vary along its length
rhombic antenna is by means of a no
as 1t does in a single conductor. resonant two-wire line. With this lin
( ) T~o advantages occur with the multi-
the wide frequency range of the rhom
Wire rhombic. First, the input im- antenna is not restricted by transmissio
pedance of the antenna is held at a more line limitations.
constant value over a given range of (2) When a single-wire rhombic is used, tb
frequencies. Second, the value of input transmission-line impedance required


a~pro~imately 700 to 800 ohms. A two- . pro d uce d at a vertical
power actually 1s he
Wire lme having such a high value of angle which is a few degrees less than t
characteristic impedance would ha k f the
f .I "d ve a desired wave angle. The pea 0 b
a~r Y Wl .e spacing. As a result of the maximum radiation lobe falls slightly e-
Wide spacmg, considerable radiation loss low the wave angle for which the ante~&
occurs from the line. To avoid this loss is designed, as illustrated by lobe A m
two a~ternati~es are possible. First, a Ion~ the vertical pattern of figure 145.
tapermg sectlOn of transmission can be
used as ~n impedance-matching section.
;r'he spacmg between the two conductors
Is greatest at the end of the section con-
nected to the antenna; therefore the im-
pedance is high enough to match the
antenna. The spacing at the other end
?f the tapered section is least, resulting
m a low value of impedance. If the
taper~d secti~n, known as an exponential
r_natchtng sectwn, is designed to have an
•m~edance of 600 ohms at its small end,
ordmary 600-ohm two-wire line can be
used between the low-impedance end of
the matching section and the transmitter
or receiver that is to be connected to the HORIZONTAL PATTERN
Til eee-t4e
antenna. If the exponential matching Figure 140. Lobe ali.M?Mnt pattern..
section is designed to have a. low im-
pedance of 200 to 300 ohms ordinary (2) Since no other combination of leg lengt~,
four-wire line can be used The se~ond tilt angle, and height above groun~ will
~lternative involves the use of 600 _0 hm produce a rhombic antenna havmg e.
two-wire line directly connected to the greater radiation at the desired
end of the rhombic antenna. Since the angle changing e.ny of these factors
standing-wave ratio is so small the would 8erve to reduce the gain of the
added loss resulting from a slight mis- antenna at the desired wavelength. I t
match may be low enough to neglect in is entirely normal then for the pee.k of .the
all ~ase~ except those in which peak lobe to occur at a vertical e.ngle that 1s e.
effiCienCies are required. In this method few degrees less than the wave e.ngle for
the coupling to the transmitter rna; which the antenna is designed.
have to be readjusted slightly as the (3) When a rhombic antenna is designed so
frequency is changed. that the peak of the lobe occurs i';lst. e.t
(3) When a three-wire rhombic antenna is the desired wave angle, the rad1at10n
used, the transmission line impedance pattern produced is illustrated by lobe
required is 600 ohms. It is then neces- B. THis may be desirable if a somewhat
sary only to connect an ordinary two- sharper vertical radiation pattern is re-
wire open line having a 600-ohm imped- quired along with a somewhat broader
ance between the antenna and the trans- horizontal radiation pattern. Some
mitter. rhombic receiving antennas are designed
l. Lobe Alinement. that produce this type of pattern in order
(1) When a rhombic antenna is designed to minimize noise originating near the
according to the information given in the ground level, and to improve the signal-
previous charts, it produces maximum to-noise ratio of the antenna.
output at the supposedly desired vertical (4) When the pattern illustrated by lobe B
wave angle. If the vertical radiation is required, the lobe alinement method is
pattern of such an antenna is examined, used in designing the antenna. The
it will be noted that the maximum output dimensions given in the previous charts
can be used in the lobe alinement design, considerably different for a given wave·
except that the length of each leg of the angle than is shown in the graph. If a
antenna is shortened tO three-quarters of rhombic antenna must be installed above
the leg length required to produce maxi- uniformly sloping ground, it is possible
mum output. When the lobe alinement to design the antenna in such a way that
method is used, there is a reduQtion in it compensates for the ground slope.
gain of about 1 or 2 db at the desired For example, assume that a rhombic
wave angle. antenna is to be designed with a wave
m. Ground Effects. angle of 15°, to be erected over ground
(1) The effect of ground reflections on the which has a 5° downward slope toward
radiation pattern of the rhombic antenna the front pole of the antenna. The
is exactly the same as with any horizontal required wave angle can be produced by
antenna. There is one optimum height designing the rhombic to produce a 20°
above ground at which reflection of wave angle and mounting the antenna
radiated energy from the ground acts to parallel to the ground.
produce maximum radiation at a given n. Resonant Rhombics.
wave angle. This is the height which
has been given in the preceding charts (I) All of the rhombic antennas discussed so
that show rhombic antenna dimensions. far have been terminated properly so
(2) As the height of the antenna above that a unidirectional radiation pattern is
ground is increased, the wave angle at produced. In practically every case
which maximum radiation occurs is where a. rhombic antenna. is referred to,
reduced (fig. 146) . this is the type used. If, however, the
terminating resistance is removed from
the antenna., a. resonant rhombic is
3.00 produced .
0 2.75 (2) Since the resonant rhombic antenna is
z 1\ untermina.ted, energy traveling from the
\ transmission line to the far end of the
antenna. is reflected back, and standing

... ...J
'\ 1\
waves of voltage and current are set up
along the conductors making up the
%w 1.50
c:J~ 1\.
w• 1.2!5 (3) The input impedance of such an antenna
1.00 f'... is no longer in the vicinity of 800 ohms,
~:=; [' but instead, is a much higher value.
"" -- t--.r-. This means that it must be fed by resonant
transmission lines, or that impedance-
.2!5 matching sections are necessary. As a
5 10 15 20 25 30
result, the antenna cannot be used over a
wide frequ ency range unless extensive
retuning of the coupling syst.em occurs
along with considernble readjustment of
Fi9ure 1116. Graph showing variation in wave angle for
different antenna heights . the impeda.nce-ma.t.cbing sections.
(4) The radiation pattern of a resonant
(3) The ground above which the rhombic rhombic antenna. is bidirectional along
antenna is installed should be flat and the major axis of the antenna. If it is
free from obstructions, and it should desired to transmit or receive in only one
have a uniform conductivity. If these direct.ion the resonant rhombic should
precautions are not observed, the actual not be ~sed. This may interfere with
required height of the antenna will be other communication when the antenna
difficult to determine because the actual is used for reception, since undesired
height required above ground may be signals and noise will be received from
the direction that is opposite to the terminated wire of 2 or more wavelengths, sup-
desired dirf\ction of reception. This low- ported on poles a short. distance above ground.
ers the signal-to-noise ratio. It is used to tnmsmit or receive vertically polar-
(5) In addition to the undesired major lobe ized ground waves, particularly at low radio
that is produced to the rear of the anten- frequencies. The operation depends on a process
na, the radiation pattern of the resonant known as wave tilt.
rhombic antenna changes considerably h. The V antenna consists of two horizontal
when the applied frequency is changed. long wires a.rranged to form a V, and fed at the
For example, a certain lobe pattern is apex with currents of opposite phase. The radia-
produced when the antenna leg is 2 tion pattern is bidirectional along a line .vhich
v. avclengths, and anotl>er pattern is bisects the apex angle.
produced when the freqQency is raised ~. The V a.ntenna cn.n be made unidirectional by
so that the leg is 2}~ wavelengths. connecting 500-ohm noninductive resistors be-
(6) The gain of a resonant rhombic antenna is tween the far ends of the legs of the V antenna and
less than that of a nonresonant terminated ground.
rhombic. In the terminated antenna, j . The half-rhombic antenna is a terminated
less than one-half the input power is dis- vertical antenna which has the form of an obtuse-
sipated by the terminating resistanee so angle V. This antenna works in conjunction with
t.hat more than one-half the input power a ground or a coun tcrpoise. An unbalanced
is radiated into space. In the unterm- transmission line is used to feed the antenna.
inated or resonant rhombic antenna, the k. The radiation from .a half-rhombic antenna
radiation divides equally; one-half the is unidirectional in the direction of the terminating
available input power is radiated toward resistor. A vertically polal'ized radio wave is
the front and one-half toward the rear. produced by this antenna.
l. The rhombic antenna is the highest develop-
92. Summary ment of the long-wire antenna. It is used widely
for long-distance high-frequency point-to-point
a. Antenna directivity is the ability of an communication.
antenna. to radiate or receive energy better in m. The rh.ombic antenna is useful over a wide
some directions than in others. frequency range. It is easier to construct and
b. An antenna is said to have gain when it pro- maintain than are other antennas of comparable
duces a greater field strength at a given diRtant gain and directivity. The antenna is noncritical
receiving point than does a standard half-wave so far as operation and adjustment are concerned.
antenna. The standard antenna is assumed to be n. N oninductive resistors are used to terminate
at the same position and height above the earth the rhombic antenna used for receiving or for
and is oriented to produce the same polarization. low transmitter powers. Dissipation lines are
c. A long-wire or harmonic ant.enna is one with used for termination when high transmitter powers
length greater than a half-wavelength and with are applied to the rhombic antenna.
current distribution such that there is a reversal o. A balanced oscillator can be used to check a
of current flow in adjacent half-wave sections. rhombic antenna for correct termination. If the
d. As the length of a long-wire anterma is in- oscillator frequency does not change when it is
c~eased, the gain increases, the lobes of maximum connected to the antenna, no reactance is present
radiation lie closer to the antenna itself, and a at the input terminals of the antenna, and proper
greater number of minor lobes is produced. termination exists.
e. In general, the effects of ground on long-wire p. Standard military rhombic antennas are
antennas are the same as with the basic .balf-wave designed for frequencies from about 4 to 22 me
antenna. at ranges from 200 to over 3,000 miles.
f. A nonresonant antenna is terminated in a q. A multiwire rhombic antenna has a lower
resistance equal to its characteristic impedance. and a more constant value of input impedance
As a result, standing waves no longer exist on the over a given frequency range than does the single-
antenna. and the radiation pattern becomes wire type.
unidirectional. r. Resonant rhombic antennas have bidirec-
g. The Beverage or wave antenna is a single tional radiation patterns, high input impedances,
varying characteristics over a given frequency antenna and describe in general how such a pattern
range, and slightly less gain than do the conven- is produced.
tional terminated rhombic antennas. n. Distinguish between the angles known as
the tilt angle and the wave angle.
o. Describe the half-rhombic antenna.
93. Review Questions p. What is the radiation pattern of the half-
rhombic antenna?
a. What is meant by antenna directivity? q. Distinguish between the half-rhombic an-
b. How is antenna gain measured and in what tenna and the obtuse-angle V antenna.
units is it expressed? r. Give several methods of supporting the
c. Describe a long-wire antenna. apex of the half-rhombic antenna.
d. In general, what happens to the radiation s. Give several advantages of a rhombic
pattern of an antenna as its length is increased? antenna.
e. Calculate the length in feet of a long-wire t. Give some disadvantages of a rhombic
antenna which is to have two full waves of current antenna.
distributed along its length at 4 me. u. What is the polarization of a radiated wave
f. How is radiation resistance affected as the transmitted by a rhombic antenna? How is this
length of a long-wire antenna is increased? polarization produced?
g. How can long-wire antennas be fed? v. What is the purpose of a dissipation line?
h. Distinguish between resonant and nonreso- w. How can the termination of a rhombic
nant antennas. antenna be checked?
i. What is the wave antenna? :r. Describe the multiwire rhombic antenna
j. What value of terminating resistance 1s and give some advantages of this type over the
required for the Beverage antenna? single-wire antenna.
k. What is meant by the term wave tilt? y. How co.n rhombic antennas be fed?
l. Describe the V antenna. z. Give some characteristics of the resonant
m. Discuss the radiation pattern of the V rhombic antenna.


94. Multielement Arrays its power from another element in the
same array. It is placed close enough to
One means of attaining increased antenna gain the other element to permit coupling and
and directivity is by use of the multielement it is excited in this way.
array. The long wire, regardless of its length, is (3) If all of the elements in a gi~en array are
looked upon as a single radiating or receiving ele- driven, the array is called a driven arra.y.
ment; the array is a combination of elements The term connected array. sometimes is
which, considered separately, could be individual used to described this type. If one or
antennas. These elements act together or upon more elements are parasitic, the entire
each other to produce a given radiation pattern. system usually is considered to be a
Various factors influence the choice of methods parasitic array.
used to produce high directivity. Whereas the (4) A parasitic element sometimes is placed so
long-wire antenna often is preferred where recep- that it will produce maximum radiation
tion or transmission on more than one frequency (in transmission) from its associated
is required and where gain or directivity require- driver, and it operates to reinforce energy
ments are moderate, the more exact phasing and going from the driver toward itself. When
determination of element lengths in the array so used, the parasitic element is referred
make for a. more regular radiation pattern. Since to as a director. If a parasitic element is
fewer minor lobes are developed, available power placed on the other side of the driven
is concentrated in the major lobe or lobes, and element ·and causes maximum energy
therefore there is greater gain and sharper direc- radiation in the direction from itself to-
tivity in the favored direction. In a given avail- ward the driven element, it is called a
able space, the elements of an array can be so reflector.
arranged as to provide greater g,ain than a long- b. Directivity. Multielement arrays frequently
wire antenna confined to the same space.
are classified as·to their directivity. A bidirectional
array radiates in both opposite directions along the
95. Definitions line of maximum radiation. A unidirectional arra
radiates in only one direction.
a. Types of Elements.
(1) As a special arrangement involving new c. Types oj Arrays.
factors and concepts, the array requites (1) Arrays have been described above with
special terminology. It is made up of respect to their radiation patterns and
more than one element, but the basic the types of elements which comprise
element is, generally, the half-wave dipole. them. It is useful, however, to identify
Sometimes it is made to have more or them by the physical placement of the
less than this length, but the deviation elements and the direction of radiation in
usually is not great. respect to these elements. Generally
(2) A driven element is connected directly to speaking, the term broadside array desig-
the transmission line. It obtains its nates any one in which the direction of
power directly from the transmitter or, maximum radiation is perpendicular to
in reception, it applies the received the plane containing the elements. In
energy directly to the receiver. A para- practice, however, this term is confined
sitic element, on the other hand, derives to those arrays in which the elements

themselves are also broadside or parallel a circle with the antenna at its center.
in respect to each other. Suppose, however, that current is being
(2) A collinear array is one in which all the fed to both antennas from the same
elements lie in the same straight line. transmitter, but in such a way that thE'
The direction of propagation is broadside current fed to antenna B lags the current
to the array. in antenna A by 90°, or the time required
(3) An end-fire array is one in which the for a quarter of a cycle. Energy radiat-
principal direction of radiation is along ing from antenna A toward receiving
the plane of the array itself. location X reaches antenna B after X
(4) Sometimes a system is used incorporating cycle of operation. When it reaches an-
characteristics of more than one of the tenna B, it meets the radiation from that
three types mentioned above. For antenna toward X in exactly the same
instance, some of the elements may be phase. Therefore, radiation from both
collinear, others may be parallel. Such antennas add, and propagation toward
an arrangement often is referred to as a X is strong. Radiation from antenna B
combination array or an array of arrays, toward receiving location Y reaches an-
although, since maximum radiation tenna A after X cycle. Since the energy
occurs at right angles to the plane of the in antenna A was }~cycle behind that of
array, the term broadside array could be antenna B to begin with, the radiation
used. from both antennas toward receiving
d. Front- To-Back Ratio. Thejront-to-back ratio point Y are exactly 180° out of phase
is the proportion b etween energy radiated in when they join. As a result, they cancel
the principal direction to the energy radiated in and no radiation occurs toward Y. At
the opposite direction. receiving points away from the line of
radiation, indicated by the broken ar-
96. Phasing rows, there are phase differences not
quite so pronounced as to produce com-
a. Coupling in Space. plete addition or outright cancelation.
(1) Various reflected and refracted compo- The over-all effect is indicated by the
nents of the propagated wave create cer- radiation pattern shown. The physical
tain effects of reinforcem en.t and cancela- phase relationship caused by the quarter-
tion. At certain points distant from the wave spacing between the two elements,
transmitter, some of these components
meet in space. R eception at these points [!]
is either impaired or improved . If the t
different components arrive at a given I
point in the same phase, they add, mak- I
ing a stronger signal available, and if they I
arrive out of phase, they cancel. I
(2) Effects of this kind are caused by factors I
operating some distance from th e point I
of transmission. It is possible to cause
somewhat similar effects to occur at the
transmitting point itself. Consider an- _i "

tennas A and B, figure 147. They are

two dipoles perpendicular to the plane of
the page and are, therefore, shown as
points. They are spaced a quarter- I
wavelength apart at the operating fre- I
quency. The radiation from either an-
tenna, operating alone, is uniform in all
directions in this plano. Consequ ently, 0• TM 666·151
the pattern produced by each antenna is Fi gure 147. Phasing of antennas in space.


I as well as the phase of the currents in When the current reac he:
them, has acted to change the radiation element, it is in the desired p .
pattern. the current in one sid e of the s
b. Stub Phasing. and opposite to current on
(I) In the case just discussed, it was men- side, the fi elds produced Cl
tioned that the currents fed to both an- consequently, there is no rad j
tennas from the same transmitter were the stub itself.
goo out of phase. No explanation was
given of the manner in which this is done.
Sections of transmission line, caiied 97. Mutual Impedance
stubs, frequently are used for this pur-
pose. These can be adj~sted. to produce a. Definition.
any desired phase relatwnsh1p between
connected elements.
(2) When two collinear half-wave elements
(1) The impedance of an ante.nn.
point can be calculated by
fr~m the ?urre~t and voltage
are connected directly so that their cur- pomt, but, man Isolated ante.nn
rents are in the same phase, the effect is this impedance is known as se~
that of a full-:wave antenna (A of fig. ance. When another ele.rnen t. -,
148). The current in the first half-wave- ~he impedance is changed. Sup~
length is exactly 180° out of phase with m figure 147, driven element ....,. -
.oC:I.. l.S
that in the second half-wavelength, as to and near unconnected (par: -
shown. This is the opposite of the mentB. Duringoperation radl._asJ._
' &.tJ.
desired condition. (In addition to the antenna A reaches antenna B -
. h I , ll
current waveform, arrows are used to c~rrent .m t .e atter. The fielc
indicate the direction of current flow mated With this current in turn in1J
which is more convenient for determining antenna A. In other words ;,...,
the phase of current on more complicated t o th e current supplied to ' ant.
~ 8.(

arrays.) from the source, current is ind eJ

ante~na f!· The . current and U.,:.
relatwnsh1p at a given point on
A now will be different from th a.n
sh'Ips that exist
· when no other el
e rela

nearby. Therefore, the impeda e.t:n
culated from current and voltag .ll.cei
w- different also . e, W:J
"- (2) Whe~ a~ ant~nnha ehlement is operatin
assomatwn Wit ot er elements d-
ent value of impedance is .:.._a
. h. f .......... easu
w h IC IS re erred to as its actual ·
ance. Mutual impedance is the : :P,

ance that results from the coupt
between the two elements whi h
W- responsible for the difference betweec tl
"- 8 self impedance and the actual impedn
TM 666·152 of a given element. an
Figure 1,48. Phasing of connected elements. b. Current Amplitude. When two parallel an

(3) When the elements are connected by a

quarter-wave stub as in B, current travels
tenna elements are close together, the curr
induced in one by the other will be great. If 0
of these elements is driven and the other is note
e: 1

down one side of the stub and up the the current in the driven element then is the cur~
other. It travels a distance of .a half- rent supplied by the transmitter simply added to
wavelength in the stub itself, and, as a that induced by the parasitic element, if there is
result, it moves through Mcycle of change. no phase difference. Mutual impedance perznit.s
t:,be next greater gain in the array than in a single antenna, antenna works with another element
~ SinC8
b,_,B.BB- .1 although there is no actual increase in transmitter (parasitic) so that the current induced
b is equtu PoiV'er, and mutual impedance acts to decrease the back into the former is exactly in phase
1-£-u tber
t:,be o ~ctuaJ impedance, since the current in the driven with the original, there is increased ampli-
. 1 and,
~c.e' .Ill .eelllent has increased. As the parasitic element tude with no change in phase. Although
'J,..;;f31- -t:,ioD fro ~ llloved farther from the connected element, the actual impedance has decreased, it
.here is less coupling. As a result, less current is still is purely resistive. When the in-
;duced in the driven element, and less gain is duced current is exactly 180° out of phase
roduced. The effect of mutual impedance de- with the original, there is decreased am-
~reases and the actual imped~nce of the driven plitude but still no change in phase.
elllent approaches its self impedance. Again, the actual impedance remains re-
c. Current Phase. sistive, although it is now greater than
(1) The amplitude of the induced current is the self impedance. When the induced
not the sole factor deten;nining gain . In current is not exactly in phase or 180°
Practice, antenna gain can be reduced to out of phase with the original current,
a smaller value even as the amplitude of the phase of the total current shifts in
the induced current becomes greater. respect to voltage. This change of rela-
This occurs when the induced and origi- tive phase between current and voltage
nal currents are 180 ° out of phase, at indicates that a reactive effect is present.
Which time mutual impedance acts to As a result of this reactive effect, the an-
increase the actual impedance, since the tenna can be tuned off resonance by the
( ) current in the driven element is reduced. presence of another element. It is cor-
The distance between two elements in rect, therefore, to say that mutual im-
terms of wavelength at the operating fre- pedance may contain both reacUve and
quency determines the relative phase resistive components.
between them. Then, cancelation and (4) If a resonant antenna associated with a
reinforcement of signal resulting from parasitic element is tuned off resonance,
Phase difference are particularly notice- the phase of the current induced in the
able when the distance between the two parasitic element is shifted. Therefore,
elements is a fra ction of a wavelength. the phase of the current induced back
(a) Consider an antenna that is cut to reso- into the resonant antenna also is shifted.
nance at a given frequency. Since there- In other words, the tuning of a parasitic
active components cancel out, its self im- element also affects the reactive com-
Pedance is purely resistive. When this ponent of mutual impedance.


• General addition to high directivity, because
the driven array introduces less over-all
a. Description. power loss than occurs in other multiele-
(1) Driven arrays form a major subdivision ment systems where loss of energy is
~f multielement arrays . The distinc- caused by insufficient coupling between
tive property of the driven array is the elements.
fact that all of the elements used derive b. Problems of Feeding.
their power from the same source, the (1) Special attention must be given to
transmitter. This property differenti- certain factors involved in feeding driven
ates this group from the other major arrays. Current distribution is one of
these, and phasing is another. For
. . of multielement systems ' the para-
s1t1c arrays, in which one or more ele- exam ple, in an array consisting of four
ments are driven directly whereas others clements, the same amount of power
are excited by these driven elements. must be fed to each element, and the cur-
(2) The driven array is preferred when rent in each element must be in phase
high-power transmission is desired in with the current in each of the other
three. Care must be exercised to main- of BT at A 8 , as shown by the broken
tain these conditions as exactly as possi- arrows. This effect is emphasized if the
ble. If deviations exist, undesired receiving antennas intercept energy well
cancelations and reinforcements occur. in all directions.
As a result, undesired lobes can be intro-
duced into the radiation pattern. De-
aired lobes can be emphasized. or deem- ~------------------~
phasized, but beam width and directivity
are affected and the advantages sought in
the use of a given array can be nullified
in this way.
(2) Care must be taken in interconnect·
ing the elements of an array since radia-
tion from sections of transmission line
used for interconnecting can reduce
effectiveness. Pick-up by these sections
when the array is used for receiving may
cause interference.
TM 1166-153

99. Directivity Figure 149. Directi11ity and interference.

a. Directivity and Gain. The directivity of an (2) The use of highly directional arrays as
antenna or an array can be determined by exam- radiators from AT and BT, beamed along
ining its radiation pattern. In an array propa- the paths of the solid arrows and with
gating a given amount of energy, greater radiation low radiation along the paths of the
takes place in certain directions than in others. broken arrows, tends to solve the prob-
The elements in the array can be manipulated in lem. With this arrangement, consider-
such a way that they change this pattern and able power is available from the desired
distribute it more uniformly in all directions. sources at the respective receiving points,
They can be considered as a group of antennas, and little power is available from the
fed from a common source, facing in different unwanted sources. Further improve-
directions. On the other hand, the elements can ment along these lines is obtained by the
be disposed in such a manner that the radiation use of narrowly directed arrays as receiv-
will be focused or concentrated in a single direc- ing antennas at locations An and BR.
tion. With no increase in power, the amount of (3) The effect of this arrangement is to select
radiation il\ a given direction is greater. Since a desired signal while discriminating
there is no increase in the input power, this is against an interfering signal. The same
achieved at the expense of gain in other directions. approach can be used to overcome types
b. Directivity and Interference. of radiated interference other than un-
(1) There are many applications in which wanted transmissions. In such cases, it
sharp directivity is desirable although is more important to prevent radiation in
there is no need for added gain. Examine certain directions than it is to produce
the physical disposition of the units greater gain in other directions.
shown in figure 149. AT and BT are (4) The differences between the single-ele-
transmitters. It is desired that they send ment antenna and the array are illu -
information to receivers An and Bn, re- tra.ted in figure 150, in which A gives the
spectively, along the paths shown by the relative fil3ld strength pattern for a hori-
solid arrows. The distance between AT zontal polarized single antenna, and B
and An, or between AT and Bn, is not so shows the horizontal radiation ·pattern
great as to require high-power trans- for one particular array. The antenna.
mission. If the antennas of AT and BT at A radiates fairly well in the desired
propagate well in all directions, however, direction, toward receiving point 1
there is some pick-up of AT at Bn and It radiates equally well, however toward
point 2 , although no radiation is de- produced by the single dipole. The
sired in this direction. If the antenna at addition of another radiator, however,
B is used in the same situation, it radiates tends to intensify the pattern. A
strongly to point 1 but very little in comparison of the two patterns in
the direction of point 2 Conse- figure 151 shows that each consists of
quently, more satisfactory operation re- two major lobes in opposite directions
sults. along the same axis, Q to QJ. Along
this line of maximum propagation, radi-
ation is stronger with the added element.
Moving toward the PPJ axis, this
reinforcing effect falls off. The pattern
in B is sharper or more directive. This
ANTENNA is the same as saying that gain along
the line of maximum energy propa-
gation is increased, whereas the beam
width is reduced. As more elements
are added, the effect is heightened,
although unimportant minor lobes are
LOBE added.

A 8
TM-666 -1S4

Figure 150. Single antenna versus array.

c. Major and Minor Lobes. The pattern shown

in B has radiation concentrated in two lobes.
The radiation intensity in the B 1 lobe is
considerably stronger than in the B 2 lobe.
B 1 is called a major lobe, B 2 a minor
lobe. Since the complex radiation patterns
associated with arrays frequently contain several A ot 8
lobes of varying intensity, it is convenient to TM 666-155

adopt appropriate terminology. In general, Figure 151 . Single half-wave antenna versus two half-wave
major lobes are those in which the greatest antennas in phase.
amount of radiation occurs. Minor lobes are
those in which the radiation intensity is less. (2) If all of the elements in a driven agay lie
in a single straight line, the array is
100. Main Systems known as a collinear array. The cur-
rents in the various elements are always
Within the family of driven arrays, there are in the same phase. The elements are
three basic types-collinear, broadside, and end- connected to each other by stubs adjusted
fire. Any driven array is one of these types or to assure proper phasing. These ele-
represents a combination of more than one of them. ments usually are a half-wavelength, but
a. GoUinear Arrays. greater lengths also are used. To as~ure
(1) Radiation from a half-wave antenna is proper phasing, the connecting sectiOns
represented by two broad lobes in are a quarter-wavelength. Ho"",
opposite directions. A method of con- when the length of the elements ts m-
necting two such clements arranged in a creased, the length of the connecting sec··
straight line to operate in the same tions must be decreased.
phase is shown in B of figure 148. (3) A method using four collinear eleme~ts is
Basically, the pattern radiated by this shown in figure 152. The arrows Ill A
latter combination is similar to that (side view) illustrate the distribution and
relative phase of current in the array. had been fed to a single half-wave dipole.
At the frequency for which it is designed Radiation toward point P1 is built up in
to operate, any collinear array regard- the same manner.
less of the number of elements, produces a
a bidirectional pattern (top view in B)
with axis perpendicular or broadside to
the line of the elements.
).. ).. ~ ~
2' 2 2 2

- JLt-w~-JL*-

- Ql

Figure 153. Parallel elements in phase.

TM 666"157

(2) Consider next a wavefront traveling

toward point Q from antenna B. By
the time it reaches antenna A, a half-
wavelength away, half a cycle has
elapsed. Therefore, energy from B meets
TOP VIEW the energy from antenna A 180° out of
B phase, with the result that energy from
™ 666-156 the two sources moving toward point Q
Figure 152. Typical collinear array. cancels. In like manner, radiation from
antenna A traveling toward point Q1
b. Broadside Arrays . meets and cancels the radiation from
(1) Figure 153 shows an end view of two par- antenna B in the same direction. As a
allel half-wave antennas, A and B, oper- result, there is little propagation in either
ating in the same phase and located a direction along the Q to QJ axis, most of
half-wavelength apart. At a given point, it being concentrated in both directions
P, far removed from the antennas, they along the P to PJ axis. When both
appear as a single point. Energy radi- antenna elements are fed from the same
ating toward P from antenna A starts source, the result is the basic broadside
out in phase with energy radiating from array.
antenna B in the same direction. Prop- (3) When more than two elements are used
agation from each travels over the same in a broadside arrangement, they are all
distance to point P, arriving there in the parallel and in the same plane, as shown
same phase. In other words, the an- in figure 154. Current phase, indicated
tennas reinforce each other in this direc- by the arrows in A, must be the same
tion, making a strong signal available at for all elements. The radiation pattern,
P. Field strength measured at that shown in B, is always bidirectional.
point is greater than it would be if the This pattern is sharper than the one
total power supplied to both antennas shown in the previous illustration be-
number of elements and on the spacing
between them.
c. End-Fire Arrays.
(1) The radiation pattern for a pair of parallel
half-wave elements is shown in A of
figure 155, fed 180° out of phase. The
A elements shown are spaced a half-wave-
length apart, but, in practice, smaller
spacings are used, for reasons to be dis-
cussed later. Radiation from elements
A and B traveling toward point
P starts· out with the 180° phase differ-
ence. Moving the same distance over
0 0 0 0 approximately parallel paths, the respec-
tive wave fronts from these elements
maintain the 180° phase difference. In
other words, there is maximum cance-
lation in the direction of P. The same
condition holds true for the opposite
direction. The P to P1 axis, which is
the line of propagation in the case of the
(END VIEW OF ELEMENTS) broadside array, becomes the line of least
radiation in figure 156, where the end-
B fire principle is used.
TloiiiU-158 (2) Consider what happens along the Q to
Figure 154-. Typical broadside array. QJ axis. .Energy radiating from element
B toward Q reaches antenna A about
cause of the addition of two elements. half a cycle or 180° after it leaves its
Directivity and gain depend on the source. Since radiation from element

p PI Rl



Figure 155. Parallel elements 180° out of phase.

A is originally 180° out of phase, the the term end-fire is used. The pattem
wave fronts are now apptoximately in may be dibirectional or unidirectional,
the same phase moving toward Q, and depending on the distance between
they reinforce. Similar reinforcement elements and the relative phase of the
occurs along the same axis toward QJ. currents flowing in them. Gain also
(3) In the example above, a bidirectional depends on these two factors. Direc-
pattern is developed, which is not always tivity is achieved in two planes, but is
true in end-fire operation. Figure 147 sharper in one than in the other. The
is another application of the end-fire pattern in the plane shown in A IS
principle where elements are spaced a sharper than that for the plane in B.
quarter-wavelength apart and phased 90°
from each other to produce a unidirec-
tional pattern. The importance of spac-
ing and current phasing is apparent.
(4) In A, figure 155, elements A and B
are seen perpendicular to the plane
represented by the paper and, therefore,
only the ends of the antennas appear. A
If the antennas are rotated a quarter of
a circle in space around the Q to Qt axis
so that they are seen in the plane of the - - ~ -- - - ~---~----~--
elements themselves, as shown in B, SIDE VIEW OF ARRAY
th~ P to PJ axis, now perpendicular to (END VIEW OF ELEMENTS)
the page, is not seen as a line. The axis, B
R to RJ, now seen as a line, is perpen- Til 6 66·160

dicular to P to PJ as well as to Q to QJ. Figure 156. Typical end-fire array.

The end-fire array is directional in this
plane also, although not quite so sharply. 101. Collinear Arrays
The reason for the greater broadness of
the lobes can be seen .by following the a. General Description.
path of energy radiating from the mid- (1) The simplest type of collinear array is
point of element B toward point S. the center-fed" two half-waves in phase"
This energy passes the A element at arrangement shown in A, figure 157.
one end after traveling slightly more The array in B also consists of two
than the perpendicular distance between dipoles, but end feeding is used here,
the dipoles. Energy from these, there- making necessary the use of a p,hase-
fore , does not combine in exact phase reversing quarter-wave connecting stub
toward point S. Although maximum between the elements. For purposes of
radiation cannot take place in this direc- feeding, notice that both arrangements
tion, energy from the two sources com- mentioned so far are fed at voltage
bines closely enough in phase to produce loops. In this connection, the terms end-
considerable reinforcement. A similar jed and center-jed are likely to be mis-
situation exists for wave fronts traveling leading. In 0, a three-element array is
toward T, but 'the wider angle accounts used. In D, the three-element array is
for a greater phase difference with a center-fed with feed being introduced at
resulting decrease in the strength of the the midpoint of one element. This is an
combined wave. instance of current feed. The system
(5) To sum up, end-fire arrays consist of shown in E is the frequently used,
half-wave elements in which the currents balanced four-element collinear array.
are 180° out of phase. Directivity is (2) More than four elements seldom are used,
off either or both ends of the array because, as more elements are added
(along the axis of the array), as shown farther from the point of feeding, accu-
by the broken arrows in figure 1[i6; hence mulated losses cause the farthest ele-
/ / /
A B c
! ! ~ !

/ /
Til 568·151

Figure 157. Repre1entatiPe collinear array1.

ments to have less current than the for the collinear element, greater Iengt~
nearest ones. This introduces an un- often are used. Effective arrays of this
balanced condition in the system, which type have been constructed in which the
impairs its efficiency. Space limitations elements are 0.7 and even 0.8 wavelength
often provide another reason for limiting which provides efficient operation at
the number of elements. Since this type more than one frequency or over e. wider
of array is in a single line, rather than in a frequency range. One frequent varia-
stacked arrangement, the use of too many tion uses elements cut to 0.64 wavelength.
elements results in an antenna of several Whatever length is decided on, it is
wavelengths~ important that all of the elements in a'
(3) The characteristic radiation pattern of a particular array closely adhere to it.
given array is obtained at the frequency If elements of different lengths are ~m­
or band of frequencies at which the sys- bined, current phasing and distributiOn
tem is made resonant; but the desired are changed, throwing the system out.of
gain and directivity characteristics are balance and seriously affecting the radia-
lost when the antenna is not used at or tion pattern.
near this frequency. The array then (2) When the elements are made longer, it is
tunes sharply and acts as a simple long- necessary to decrease the size of t~e
wire antenna. However, it will be shown connecting stubs in order to mainte.m
later that collinear arrays have higher proper current phase (A of fig. 158).
radiation resistances than other types. The arrows indicate the phase reversal
If the resistance is higher, the Q is lower, at every half-wavelength. The first el~­
and the antenna does not tune as sharply. ment, at the left, has current flowing 10
A collinear antenna, then, is more effec- one direction for a quarter-wavelen~th
tive when used off its tuned frequency and current flowing in the opposite
than an end-fire array. This feature is direction for the remaining half-wave-
considered when transmission or recep- length. The eighth-wavelength stub doe~
tion is to be over a wide frequency band. not allow for a complete reversal ?
When more than two elements are used, current flow. Instead, the change lD
b this advantage largely disappears. direction takes place a quarter-wave-
· Length and P/w,sing. length along the length of the secon_d
(1) Although the half-wavelength is the basis element, making the distribution in this
length exactly like that in the first pacitive effects of spacers and support-
element. The current wave forms are ing insu]Jl.tors. When rigid elements
shown to make this clear. In B, another used, the greater thickness of these ele-
possible distribution is shown for the ments can be considered to have much
same two elements. In each case, there the same effect.
are half-wave sections of both elements c. Gain and Directivity.
in the same phase. The distance be- (1) Number of elements. As a general prin-
tween one half-wave section as it exists ciple, increasing the number of elements
on one element in the array and the in a collinear array also increases gain
corresponding similarly phased half-wave and directivity. Figure 159 shows the
section on the adjacent element (the change in shape of the radiation patterns
distance from 1 to 2) is greater in each of various collinear arrays. The increase
of thesa examples than it is . when the in gain produced is not shown in these
elements themselves are exactly 1 half- patterns. Parts A, B, and 0 represent
wavelength long and are separated by respectively the radiation patterns of
quarter-wave connecting stubs. This typical two-, three-, and four-element
affords an advantage, which will be arrays, all patterns being shown broad-
discussed later. side to the line of the elements. There
is a practical limit, howeyer, to the num-
ber of elements. Availability of space is
one limiting factor, the danger of unbal-
ancing the array is another, and the third
is a nonlinear gain over one array element
less, which is shown in the chart below.
The figures are for collinear arrays using
half-wave dipoles with negligible spacing
between the elements. Adding a third
dipole to the basic two-element array
provides an additional gain of 1.5 db.
A fourth dipole affords another 1.2 db of
gain; a fifth element provides only 0.8
db of additional As the number
of elements is increased, the added gain
TM 666-162
thus achieved does not go up proportion-
ally. When greater gain is important
Figure 158. Collinear elementa longer than a half-wavelength in a particular installation, good practice
indicates the use of some type of array
(3) The length of the basic half-wave ele-
other than the collinear. The addition
ment used in this type of array and all
of elements to a collinear array increases
driven arrays is determined from the
loss resistance, both in the phase-
following corrected formula:
reversing connecting stubs and in the
L-468 elements themselves. Power consumed
- j by this resistance is not radiated. Th t:~.
addition of dipole sections tends to un-
where L is the length in feet, and f is the balance, because some of the energy fed
frequency in megacycles. The same to the array is radiated by the elements
formula applies whether the elements are nearest the point of feed before it can
of rigid construction or are made up of reach the sections farthest from this
lengths of wire. For wire arrangements, point. Consequently, the end elements
the formula takes into account the ca- radiate less than the center segments.

Power gain Oa!n over array
Number or elements (db) using one element
less (db)

~ a2-________________
-------- ------ -------- ----_
__________ 1.8
3. 3 1.5
4 __________ _______ ____ _____ _
4. 5 1.2
5--- ------------- ------- ---- 5. 3 0. 8

(2) Spacing.
(a) The lower relative efficiency of collinear
arrays of many elements compared
with other multielement arrays relates
directly to spacing and mutual im-
pedance effects. Mutual imped~nce
is an important factor to be consider-
ed when any two elements are parallel
and are spaced so that there is consid-
erable coupling between them. Be-
tween collinear sections there is very
little mutual impedance, but, where it
does exist, it is caused by the coupling
between the ends of adjacent elements.
(b) Constructional problems, especially
where long lengths of wire are involved,
frequently make it necessary to place
the ends of the elements close together.
Another limit on · the spacing is the
physical construction of the connecting
stub. If the width of the stub is made
too great or if the stub is not connected
properly between the segments, un- B
desired radiation results. When rigid
elements are used 1\..t the higher fre-
quencies and correspondingly shorter
wavelengths, the advantages of opti-
mum spacing can be realized in a
practical way. The graph of figure
160 shows the relationship of spacing
between adjacent ends and gain for two
half-wave collinear elements.
(c) Spacing often is referred to as the dis-
tance between the center points of ad-
jacent elements rather than the ab-
solute distance between their ends.
If the spacing is given as 3 quarter-
wavelengths, center to center, where
half-wave dipoles are involved it is the
same as saying that the space between 90" c
their ends is slightly greater than a TM 666-163
quarter-wavelength. It is slightly
greater because end effect accounts for Figure 159. Free-space patterns for collinear arrays.
the dipoles being shorter than a half- problems usua.lly dictate smaller prac-
wavelength. tical spacing.
((/) The effects of spacing, and the advan- (e) Optimum spacing is difficult to a.rrange
tages of proper spacing, can be demon- in general, and it is particularly a
strated by some practical examples. problem when wire elements rather
0 than rigid elements are used at fre-
quencies having fairly long wave-
lengths. The only spacing between
20 wire elements genera.lly is provided by
30 :r the insulator between lengths of wire.
There is a practical way, however, of
40 z
achieving the desired effects of in-
~4 50 ~ creased spacing without actually in-

g ~ creasing the physical distance between
.... 3 v - ~
60 !!?
the ends of the elements. This is done

v 70 0::

by making the elements themselves
longer, which, although it gives the
2 ~ effect of increased spacing, simplifies
~ 90 0
<I construction.
100 d. Feeding Metlwds and Adjustment.
(1) Feeding. Collinear systems usually are
fed at a.n end point between half-wave
120 elements. Since there is a. voltage loop
0 and a current null at such a. point, the
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0
impedance is relatively high, generally
ELEMENTS UN WAVELENGTHS) around 1,500 ohms. This impedanc.-e,
TM 666-164 together with the low Q of collinear
Figure 160. Spacing and gain for collinear elements. arrays resulting from the relatively high
radiation resistance and consequently
A collinear array consisting of two lower standing-wave ratio, permits a
half-wave elements with half-wave- certain amount of mismatch between the
length spacing between centers has a feed line and the antenna. For this
gain of 1.8 db. If the ends of these reason, flat or nonresonant lines are used
same dipoles are separated so that the widely. The usc of the flat line provides
distance from center to center is 3 another advantage if operation is to be
quarter-wavelengths, and they are on more than one frequency. The per-
~riven from the same source, the gain missible degree of mismatch makes it
mcreases to i-.2 db. Reference to the possible to feed a. conventional collinear
chart above shows that a three- array with open-wire 600-ohm line in
dipole array with negligible spacing be- which the standing-wave ratio is 2 to 1 or
tween elements gives a gain of 3.3 db. less. In the less frequently encountered
In other words, when two elements are case of the current-fed collinear array
used with wider spacing, the gain thus (when feed is introduced at the center of
obtained is approximately equal to the one clement aq it sometimes is with the
gain obtainable from three elements three-element arrangement to maintain
with close spacing. The spaced array balance), impedance at the feed point
permits simpler construction, since closely matches 300-ohm line. The use
only two dipoles are used, and occupies of 600 ohm line also is permissible here,
less space. Reference to the graph of since the standing-wave ratio is still low.
figure 160 shows that maximum gain Conventional matching devices can be
is reached when spacing between the used, however, if it is desired to connect
elements is in the vicinity of 0.4 or 0.5 line and antenna.
wavelength. However, constructional (2) Adjustment. When only two elements are
used with center feed (bet.ween the ele- problems. Compared with collinear systems,
ments), both lengths must be the same arrays of this kind tune sharply, and therefore,
and no great problem exists. When more lose efficiency rapidly when not operated on
than two elements are involved, adjust- the frequencies for which they are designed. The
ment to resonance should begin with the higher Q resulting from the lower radiation resist-
two connected directly to the feed line ance is responsible for this.
and with a. constant input to the antenna.. b. Gain and Directivity.
The length thus obtained may not cor- (1) Spacing. The physical disposition of di-
respond exactly to the calculated length. poles operated broadside to each other
It is important, however, that all elements allows for much greater coupling between
be of the same length to maintain balance. them than can occur between collinear
Once this measurement is determined, elements. Moving the parallel antenna
cut all elements to be used to the same elements closer together or farther apart
size. The length of the phasing stubs materially affects the actual impedance
must be determined by formula for the of the entire array and the over-all
particular type of line used. Cut them radiation resistance as well . This critical
slightly longer than calculation indicates. effect of spacing may be seen from the
Effective adjustment for proper phasing graph of figure 161, in which the gain
can be made only during actual assembly. of two broadside elements is plotted
One additional element with its associated against the spacing between them.
stub is added to one side of the basic Compare this with a. similar graph for
two-element array. Next, using a two collinear dipoles (fig. 160). Both
shorting bar, determine the point along curves follow the same general path,
the stub at which current is maximum. but the one for broadside elements is
Cutting at this point makes the length of much sharper. For collinear elements,
the stub correct. If the array is not to since spacing is varied between 0 and
be fed at its center (with respect to all its 1.0 wavelength, there is a variation in
elements), add one element at a time gain of about 1.5 db. For broadside
with its associated stub. If the array is dipoles, the range of variation in gain
balanced, add two elements at a time, is nearly 5 db over the same range of
0 ne to either end. In either case, the spacings. In addition, the optimum
procedure just mentioned for phasing the spacing as far as gain alone is concerned
stub or stubs is repeated. After the occurs at a slightly greater spacing
addition of. each new element or pair of than is the case for collinear dipoles,
elements, the entire system must be approximately 0.65 wavelength. How-
checked to make that it is tuned ever, to simplify phasing and feeding,
properly. If a matching stub is used half-wave spacing generally is used.
between antenna and line, it must be Less than 1 db of gain is sacrificed by
adjusted for maximum current also, but this expedient. Where more elements
onlY after all elements have been con- are used, the gain sacrjficed is even
nected and phased properly. greater. However, it can be recovered
easily since the space saved can be
102. Broadside Arrays used to accommodate one or more
additional elements. As the spacing
a. beneral Descriptiffn. Physically, a broadside between broadside elements is increased,
array looks li_ke a ladder.. When_ the array _and the the effect on the radiation pattern is to
elements in 1t are polanzed honzontally, 1t looks sharpen the major lobes. When the
like an upright ladder. When the array is polar- array consists of only two dipoles exactly
ized verticallY, it looks like a ladder lying on one a half-wavelength apart, there are ~0
side. Horizontally polarized arrays using more than minor lobes at all. Increasing the dis-
two elements are common, since the requirement tance between the elements beyond that
that the bottom of the array be an appreciable point, however, tends to throw o~ _the
distance aboVe the earth presents constructional phase relationship bet~en the ongmal

current in one element and the current
Gain in db (X/2 Gain In db
induced in it by the other element. The Number of clements spacing) (3X/4 spacing)
result is that, although the major lobes
are sharpened, minor lobes are introduced 2 ____ ___ ________ __ ____ ____ __ 4. 0 4. 5
even with two elements. These, how- 3- -- ------------------ ----- -_ 5.o-5. 5 7.0
4 ____________ ______ __ ______ 6. o-7.0
ever, are not large enough to be of 5 _____ ___________________ __ _
8. 5
consequence. 6 ______________ ____________ _
7. o-s. o 10. 0
s.o-9.o 11.0
v-- ~

4 .0 ' i\. (3) Radiation patterns. A representative pat-

tern for a broadside array with four
3.5 J \ elements is shown in figure 154. The

z 3.0 1/ 1\ pattern is taken in free space in the

plane perpendicular to the elements.
2.5 J ' Since the elements are vertical, the
2.0 I characteristic broadside pattern is devel-
oped horizontally; the vertical pattern
II is that of the ordinary half-wave antenna.
) The characteristic pattern varies slightly

v from the illustrated free-space pattern
when the elements are horizontal or
l/ stacked. This variation is a function
0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 of ground reflection. The resulting pat-
SPACING BETWEEN ELEMENTS tern can be developed by applying the
(IN WAVELENGTHS) reflection factor discussed in paragraph
58. For this purpose, the height above
TM 666·16~
the earth of the center element (or the
Figure 161. Spacing and gain, broadside elements.
average height of the entire ~~Xray) is
(2) Number of elements. The increase in considered to be the height from ground.
gain of a broadside aiTay as more The resultant low angle of radiation is
elements are added is :·ma.rked as-com- a feature of this type of polarization.
pared to the increase with a collinear c. Variations. When an antenna system con-
system. Reduced radiation resistance sists of purely broadside, in-phase elements,
resulting from the efficient coupling there is little difference between one and another
between dipoles accounts for most of aside from tl:l.e number of elements and the
this. However, certain practical factors spacing, both of which have been discussed, and
limit the number of elements that the means of feeding. The lazy H, Sterba
may be used. The constructional prob- curtain, and Bruce array all represent systems
lem increases with the number of ele- using collinear as well as broadside elements.
ments, especially when they are polarized There is also a popular four-element arrangement
horizontally (upright ladder). The fol- combining broadside with end-fire elements.
lowing chart shows the effect on gain d. Phasing and Feeding.
by adding elements. With 3-quarter- (1) Phasing.
wavelength spacing, the combined effects (a) One frequently used means of supplying
of optimum coupling and additional currents in the same phase to broadside
elements act to increase gain still fur- elements is shown in figure 162. In
ther, and whenever more than two A, the feed line is connected directly to
elements are used, minor lobes are the center of the phasing section
developed regardless of the spacing. (vertical) between the dipoles. Con-
These lobes are greater than those sider that leg of the vertical section
developed by collinear aiTays using connected directly to the dipoles and
the same number of elements. its associated side of the feed line.
The two halves of this side of the
section are parallel with respect to the
feed point. Current traveling up this
side of the feed line continues to move
in exactly the same phase up one
side of the section and down the other.
Phase reversal in either portion of
this line occurs at exactly the same
distance away from the point of fe-ed .
Electrically, the driven elements are
merely series extensions of these ex-
actly ·phased portions of line. There-
fore, current in them must be also
in the same phase. FEED

(b) Although the elements are represented A
as being exactly a half-wavelength
apart, this need not be considered a rule
when only two sections are involved.
If the feed is introduced at the exact TN 666·166
midpoint, correct phase is maintained
Figure 161!. Phasing broadside arrays, first method.
regardless of the length of the phasing
line. Advantage then may be taken
of the larger optimum spacing, as indi- matching device) and one of the ele-
cated in the graph of figure 161. In ments (A of fig. 163). Current phase
B (fig. 162), where the array consists in the lower element, shown by the
of more than two elements, adherence arrow, is determined by the feed . At
to half-wavelength sparing becomes the other end of the vertical phasing
necessary. The phasing of the two line (180° or 1 half-wavelength away),
center dipoles is the same as in A. the upper dipole is connected to the
However, current traveling up the opposite side of the line. Phase re-
half-wavelength phasing section feed- versal in the line is canceled out, and
ing the upper dipole undergoes a half- the elements are kept in the same phase
cycle of phase reversal. At the point as desired . In B , phase is established
where the section joins the top element, for the upper element in the same way
the current is 180° different from the as for the upper dipole in A. The
desired phase. Connecting the ele- center dipole in B is connected just as
ment to the opposite side of the line, is the lower element in A. The bottom
however, puts it exactly in the correct element in B is connected and phased
phase. The bottom element is driven exactly as is the top dipole in the same
in the same way. For the sake of array . Since they are exactly 1 wave-
clarity in showing the connections, the length apart, and exactly the same
top and bottom dipoles have been made distance from the point of feed, they
to appear slightly out of line with must be in the same phase. When
respect to the two in the center. In three or any other odd number of
practice this is not . necessary. The broadside elements is used, this method
phasing lines may be transposed or of applying signal to the center of the
dressed to accommodate the position- array is desirable because it makes for
ing of the dipoles. Here, spacings better balance. If more elements are
greater than a half-wavelength are not added to either side of the array, they
possible since the phasing lines must are connected to alternating sides of
be exactly that long. / the phasing line. In this way, every
(c) Energy also can be introduced at the even dipole is connected to one side
junction between the feed line (or of the phasing line; every odd dipole is
additional elements are added to this
basic arrangement, the array assumes
the appearance shown in 0, and the

--- jI
extreme dipoles must be connected to
;<IN that side of the phasing section which
is opposite to the side feeding the cen-
ter elements. Another method for
-- ~ center-feeding the elements is shown in

B. Energy is introduced to one of the
t<IN LINE extreme dipoles as though it were an
ordinary, center-fed, half-wavelength
section. All additional elements are
LINE joined at their centers to the continu-
ous phasing line; the sides of the feed-
ing line to which the respective halves
Figure 16S. Pha8ing broadaide arrayB, Becond method. of the elements connect are alternated
throughout. The half-wavelength
connected to the other side. The same spacing restriction limits all of the ar-
spacing restrictions are applied. rays shown here just as it limits all of
(d) The widely used method of feeding a the multielement broadside arrays
half-wave dipole at its current loop presented up to this point.
(center of the dipole) also can be ap- (e) When space permits, full advantage of
plied to the broadside array. In A of the gain attainable with 0.6- to 0.7-
figure 164, the elements are a pair of wavelength spacing can be taken.
dipoles, fed at their center points, and Phasing sections a full wavelength long
connected in parallel. At any spacing are inserted between one dipole and
the elements are always in phase pro- another. These connecting lengths are
vided that energy is introduced at the bent or dressed as shown in figure 165,
center of the line between them. If or in some similar fashion. The space


-- -
-J( ~t ! --
t ~
2 ~
- - !
- - A
t !
- - c
TM Ill-Ill

Figure 164. Phasing broad8ide elemen£8, third method.

between elements in this example is 3
quarter-wavelengths. Current moving case where the transmission line is intro-
in any phasing section undergoes a duced at the end of one element, the im-
full, 360° cycle of change so that it is pedance is approximately 1,000 ohms.
fe~ to an ?lement at the same phase
When the transmission line is introduced
pomt. W1th full-wave connecting as shown in A of figure 164, the input im-
lengths, all dipoles connect to the same pedance is about 3,000 ohms. Where
~ore ele~ents are used with open-wire
side of the l~e. Any spacing up to 1
wavelength 1s made possible by this hne as m 0, the input impedance is
about 1,500 ohms. Matching to the in-
method. The feed line or matching
put of broadside arrays has to be workecl
device usually is connected where the
out for individual cases.
phasing section joins an element.
Feeding at the center section gives the
best balance.
103. End-fire Arrays

a. General Description.
(1) In appearance, an end-fire system does
not look very different from a broadside
array, the ladder-like appearance being
characteristic of both. The currents in
3~ the elements, however, are 180° out of

phase with each other. Because the
plane in which the maximum radiation

f - develops is in the plane of the elements,

however, a vertically stacked arrange-
ment is not likely to be operating as an
end-fire array. Instead, the end-fire
array is more likely to be constructed like
3~ a ladder lying on its side (elements

vertical) or like one lying flat (elements
horizontal). Moreover, the dipoles in
an end-fire system are closer together
~'{/~~ (eighth-wavelength to quarter-wave-
length spacing) than they are for broad-
FE Eo/ side radiation.
UNE (2) Closer spacing between elements permits
compactness of construction. For this
Figure 166. Phalling broadaide elemenu, fourth method.
reason, an end-fire system is preferred
(2) Feeding. Broadside arrays may be fed by to other types when high gain or sharp
either resonant feeders or flat lines with directivity is desired in a confined space.
matching devices. A two-element array However, the close coupling creates
phased by the resonant feeders presents certain disadvantages. Radiation re-
an impedance of less than 100 ohms at sistance is extremely low, sometimes in
the point of feed. Although the phas- the order of 10 ohms, making the
ing line between the elements may be possibility of antenna losses greater.
longer than a half-wavelength, it is only Furthermore, this lower resistance is
with an exact half-wavelength that the responsible for a higher Q, with the result
feed impedance is purely resistive. With that end-fire antennas are narrowly tuned
other lengths, there is a reactive compo- affairs. This confines the array closely
nent that must be tuned out. When ~:~.n to a single frequency and introduces t~e
array phased in this manner has four danger of detuning with changes m
elements (B of fig. 162), the impedance climatic or atmospheric conditions.
at the point of input is about 250 ohms (3) The major lobe or lobes occur along the
with open-wire phasing line. In any axis of the array. The pattern is sharper
5.0 100
/ -
iii 90
I """"' "'\
"""" \ :I:
0 80
!/ \
3.5 ~ 70
z 3.0
'\ I I&J
z 60
Ci 'f\ I ~ I
2.5 1/) 50

II: 40
r- z
~0 I
1.0 20

10 I
0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .!5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0

TM 666-170

Figure 166. Spacing, gain, and radiation resistance with. end-fire elements.

in the plane which is at right angles to bidirectional system is illustrated in

the plane containing the elements. If figure 155, where A shows radiation
the elements are not exact half-wave- along the array axis in a plane perpen-
length dipoles, operation is not affected dicular to the dipoles, and B shows
materially. However, the required bal- radiation along the array axis in the
ance of phase relationships and critical plane of the elements. These patterns
feeding makes it important that the were developed with 180° phase differ-
.array be symmetrical. Folded dipoles ence between the elements. Additional
are used frequently because the im- elements introduce small, minor lobes.
pedance at their terminals is higher. (3) With 90~ phase difference in· the energy
This is an effective way of reducing Qand fed to a pair of end-fire elements spaced
avoiding excessive antenna losses. approximately a quarter-wavelength
Another expedient to reduce losses is the apart, unidirectional radiation can be
use of tubular elements of wide diameter. obtained. The pattern perpendicular
b. Gain and Directivity. to the plane of two elements is shown in
(1) The gafu available from a pair of dipoles A of figure 167. The pattern shown in B,
phased 180° apart at different spacings taken in the same plane, is for a six-
is graphed in A of figure 166. A com- element array with 90° phasing between
parison with a similar graph for the same adjacent elements. Since both p~tterns
pair of elements operated in phase, or as show relative gain only, the increase in gain
a broadside array (fig. 161) shows an produced by the six-element array is not
inverse relationship between the two. evident. End-fire arrays are the only ones
This is caus~d by the inverse phase wholly made up of driven elements that
relationship. In B, the relationship can be unidirectional.
between spacing and radiation resistance c. Variations.
is shown. (1) End-fire elements are used frequently in
(2) In end-fire arrays, directivity increases combination with other types of elements
with the addition of more elements and to procure a particular kind of radiation
with spacings approaching the optimum. pattern or to obtain extra gain. In figure
The directive pattern for a two-element, 168, a four-element antenna, arrows

1\r r-tdl

•1 3).
4 ~


A 8

TM 811·17!

Figure 1P8. Combination end-fire and broadside elements.

90°. The pattern shown in Cis like that

of B, figure 155.
(2) The dipoles in figure 168 are fed at their
centers, the main feed line branching into
go• four legs, one feeding each element. The
B top and bottom elements on the right, in
Tlllll-171 A I are in the same phase I or broadside.•

Figure 187. Unidirectional end-fire arrays.

The two elements to the left are also m
the same phase, but they are 180° out of
phase with the elements on the right, as
indicate the directions in which bidirec- indicated by the arrows in D. The ele-
tional radiation develops. This antenna ments on the left are connected directly
system can be regarded as ·a pair of two- to the phasing section of the transmis~ion
element end-fire arrays, operating broad- line without transposition. ConnectiOns
side to each other. The two top ele- to the right-hand elements are trans-
ments can be considered as one end-fire posed. Spacing between the left and
array, the bottom pair as another. The right elements, shown a.S eighth-wave-
radiation pattern developed in the plane length in the figure, actually can vary
shown in A is similar to that shown in from that measurement up to a quarter-
A of figure 155, except that the lobes are wavelength. Spacing between top and
sharper and the entire pattern is rotated bottom elements shown as 3 quarter-
' 193
wavelengths, can vary from 3 eighth-
wavelengths to 3 quarter-wavelengths.
.... ·l_j_

Depending on spacing, gain for this
combination array varies from about 6.5
db to about 9 db. The 9-db gain is
obtained with the spacing indicated in
' A
A. Gain for any combination of spac-
ings is obtained by adding the gain as
read from the graph of figure. 161 for the
8 4
broadside spacing used to the reading
from the graph of A of figure 166, for the FEED_/
J-==!=====- _j_
end-fire spacing used. LINE
d. Phasing aniJ, Feeding.
(1) Phasing.

t ·I
(a) Principal methods of operating parallel ~~~~
elements 180° out of phase are shown
in figure 169. The method shown in
A is acceptable when spacing is no FEED__/ C
more than an eighth-wavelength.
Here, either side of the single-leg I· ~ ·I

phasing section is no gr.eater than a
sixteenth-wavelength, and very little
radiation takes place from these short
lengths. The methods used in B and
0 appear similar to broadside phasing
techniques. Two fundamental differ-
1r •
ences, however, account for the 180°
phase difference here as contrasted to -h
to the in-phase relationship of broad-
side elements. The phasing sections
and spacing are always considerably
tI ! ll
less than a half-wavelength, and the
point of feed can be different. The
arrows indicate the direction of current
flow at a given instant. In D, a
method for center-feeding many ele-
ments is shown. Whatever the spac-
_jLJ D
Til 81&·175
ing between elements, the lengths of
the phasing lines between one element Figure 169. Phasing end-fire elements.
and the next must be exactly 1 half-
wavelength to maintain the phase ment. The transmi8sion lines are
difference desired. Energy always matched individually to the elements,
must be applied at the junction of the and one of the lines is exactly a quarter..
phasing line with one of the elements. wavelength shorter or longer to produce
(b) Phasing of unidirectional end-fire arrays the desired phase relationship. Both
requires a 90° difference and must be lines are of the same type and are fed
arranged in a different manner. simultaneously from a coupling circuit
Quarter-wavelengths of phasing line at the transmitter. The advantage of
can be used to provide the quarter- this method is that it provides control
cycle phase difference required. at the transmitter of the amount of
Another popular method for a two- current fed to each element. In this
element array involves two separate mode of operation, mutual coupling is
transmission lines, one for each ele- not the same for both elements, with
the result that each has a different wires carrying in-phase currents results in
radiation resistance. an increase in gain of slightly more than
(2) Feeding. With eighth-wavelength spacing 1 db over the gain of the basic collinear
of center-fed elements, radiation resist- array with two half-wave dipoles. Un-
anoe falls as low as 8 ohms, and the desired radiation is small from the
standing-wave ratio becomes very high. center of the array in which current flows
The ratio can be in the order of 30 to 1 or in the opposite direction, because of the
higher, and this accounts for the critical short sections of wire used (0.64 minus
tuning of such arrays. If the array is 0.5 is only 0.14 wavelength).
reasonably close to the transmitter, a (3) The radiation from this array is bidirec-
tuned, open-wire line can be used, but tional in a plane containing the two
when longer transmission lines are used, elements. A circular radiation pattern is
they should be matched carefully at the produced in a plane that is at right angles
operating frequency to reduce the high to the elements.
standing wave ratio (SWR). Folded b. Laey-H Antenna Array.
dipoles as end-fire elements are used to (1) The lazy-H antenna. array consists of two
take advantage of the higher impedance collinear arrays connected in parallel as
at their terminals. The folded elements shown in B of figure 170. Each collinear
are fed and matched individually through array, consisting of two half-wave ele-
quarter-wave stubs to increase impedance ments, usually is spaced a. half-wave-
still further. It then is possible to reduce length from its neighbor. The current
the SWR to no more than 2 to 1. in each of the four half-wave elements is
in phase, so that maximum radiation
1 04. Other Driven Arrays occurs at right angles to the plane of
the array.
All of the driven arrays discussed so far have (2) The la.zy-H array shown in B has a gain
been basic collinear, broadside, and end-fire types. of about 6 db. Although smaller spac-
Some special combination driven 8.1Tayr:. are ing between the two collinear portions
discussed in the following paragraphs. can be used, a. reduction in gain results.
a. Extended D()'IJ}Jle-Zepp. Larger spacing can be used also, which
(1) A of figure 170, shows a two-element results in a. slight increase in gain; how·
collinear array, with wide spacing, in ever, the input impedance is no lo~er
which each element is longer than a purely resistive as it would be w1th
half-wavelength, the optimum length half-wave spacing. .
usually being 0.64 wavelength. (3) With the half-wave spacing, the mput
(2) The greater than normal spacing between impedance is about 100 ohms (resisti:e).
the half-wave sections at the ends of the When a. high input impedance is reqmred




Figure 170. E:r:tended double-Zepp and lazy-H arraya.

that is also resistive, the transmission top section and a similar number as the
line is connected directly at the lower bottom section (actually two half-wave
center insulator, and the connecting line elements in the center and two quarter-
to the upper elements is transposed once. wave elements at the ends) it can be
This is required to put the currents in the extended to include many more elements.
upper elements in phase with the cur- (4) The gain of the array is increased as it
rents in the lower elements. The input is lengthened to include more collinear
impedance then is in the vicinity of elements. In the array shown, the
2,000 ohms. equivalent of three collinear elements
(4) The radiation pattern produced by this provides a gain of over 3 db. To this
array is bidirectional in both horizontal must be added the gain provided by
and vertical planes. The beam width operating the additional set of collinear
is not as broad as in the horizontal plane. elements beneath the first. This pro-
c. Sterba Curtain. vides an additional gain of about 4 db,
(1) The Sterba curtain, shown in A of figure so that the total gain of the array is
171, consists of two collinear arrays, about 7 db.
usually made up of a large number of (5) When the Sterba curtain is fed as illus-
elements stacked one above the other. trated, the impedance is about 600 ohms.
The spacing between the two collinear This permits the use of a 600-ohm non-
arrays is a half-wavelength. resonant two-wire line. Another com-
(2) When the array is arranged as shown, mon feeding point is at the exact center
only the horizontal elements prodl!.ge of the lower collinear array between the
useful radiation. The three twisted ver- two half-wave sections. At this point,
tical sections of line do not radiate since the input impedance of the array is
one conductor of each pair carries current about 1,000 ohms.
in one direction and the other conductor (6) A unique advantage of the Sterba curtain
carries current in the opposite direction, is that it provides a closed circuit for
and their fields, therefore, cancel. Also, power-frequency alternating current or
the two single vertical half-wave con- direct current. Such current sometimes
ductors at either end of the array pro- is used to heat the elements to prevent
duce little radiation since the current ice formation.
flow in the upper half is in the opposite d. Bruce Array.
direction to that flowing in the lower half. (1) The Bruce array consists of a single wire
(3) Although the array shown in A consists fold ed as shown in B of figure 171. All
of only three half-wave elements as the vertical and horizontal lengths are a


A 8
™ 666•17!1
Figure 171. Sterba curtain and Bruce array.

quarter-wavelength with the exception of two pairs of collinear elements, each a
of two at the ends of the array which are half-wavelength, mounted in a horizontal
only 1 eighth-wavelength. plane and separated from each other by
(2) The distance from the extreme left end 1 quarter- to 1 eighth-wavelength. Be-
of the array to point 1 represents a total cause of the transposed transmission line
distance of a half-wavelength (an eighth- connecting these pairs, the direction of
wavelength plus a quarter-wavelength current flow in one pair of collinear
plus an eighth-wavelength). In this elements is opposite to that in the other
section of the array, current flows in the pair. This is indicated by the small
direction toward point 1 which is indi- arrows in A. The array is not only
cated by the current wave and the small collinear but is also end-fire, as indicated
arrows. In the next half-wave section, by the two large arrows which represent
between points 1 and 2, a current re- the directions of maximum radiation.
versal occurs. The current now flows These directions are in the plane of the
from point 2 toward point 1. In the next elements.
half-wave section, between points 2 and
3 another current reversal occurs. The
c~ent now flows from point 2 to point 3.
This portion of the array is unfolded in
the dotted view so that the directions of
current flow are made clear. Similar
reversals occur throughout the length of
the array.
(3) Because of the folding of the wire, the
direction of current flow is the same (that
is down) in each of the six vertical
quarter-wave sections comprising the
antenna. On the other hand, half of the
small amount of current that flows in the TRANSMISSION
horizontal sections of the array flows in LINE
one direction and half flows in the oppo-
site direction.
(4) As a result of the current distribution de-
scribed above, the radiation produced by
the vertical sections adds together,
whereas the radiation produced by the
horizontal sections is canceled out. Con-
sequently, strong vertically polarized
radiation results.
(5) The Bruce array functions are similar to SOLID PATTERN
those of a simple broadside array made Tlol 666· 176
up of six vertical elements. However,
since the vertical elements are only a Figure 17$. Flat-top array.
quarter-wavelength instead of the usual
half-wavelength, considerably less gain (2) The gain of the array shown is und~r 6 d~
is obtained than from an ordinary six- when 1-quarter-wavelength spacmg h
used. With eighth-wave spacing.' ~ e
element broadside array. As a result,
gain increases slightly. The rad~at1b0 ~
the array must be made at least several . arr ay 1S . 1-
wavelengths in order to produce a worth- pattern produced by th1s
. . 1m
d1rect10na . b oth h onzo
· ntal and vertiCal
while gain. The Bruce array usually is
planes The beam width is narrower m
fed at a current loop as in the illustration.
the h~rizontal plane, as shown by the
e. Flat- Top Array. solid radiation pattern in B.
(1) The flat-top array (A of fig. 172) consists
(3) The input impedance of the array is (4) The flat-top array can be constru<'ted also
several thousand ohms. Therefore, reso- of two half-wave elements instead of four.
nant feeders generally are used. If a Here the array is not collinear, but is
nonresonant line is to be used, a matching merely a close-spaced end-fire array. The
is required and the feeder must be con- gain is about 3 to 4 db and the input
nected properly on the matching section. impedance is a low value.


105. Parasitic Elements which then has a voltage induced in it.
The magnitude and phase of the induced
a. Ge'Mral. voltage depend on the length of the
(1) Parasitic arrays represent another method parasitic element and the spacing be-
of achieving high antenna gains. A par- tween the elements. In actual practice
asitic array consists of one or more para- the length and spacing are arranged ~
sitic elem£"nts placed in parallel with each
other and, in most cases, in the same RADIATED
line-of-sight level. The parasitic ele-
ment is fed inductively by radiated r t /z
energy coming from the driven element
connected to the transmitter. It is in
. f. . .- =*II//
·=· ::¢::';:::»;:::DIRECTOR

no way connected directly to the driven
(2) When the parasitic element is placed so
that radiation is in the direction shown
in A of figure 173, the element is a
direct.or. When the parasitic element is FEEDER
placed so that radiation is in the direction
shown in B, the element is a reflector.
(3) The directivity pattern resulting from the RADIATED

action of parasitic elements depends on SIGNAL
two factors. These are the tuning, y /Z
determined by the length of the parasitic
element and the spacing between the .-====;:~DRIVEN
parasitic and driven elements. To a
lesser degree, it also depends on the
\ X- __ -t*f-_ ~LEMENT
diameter of the parasitic element, since L . FEEDER /~EFLECTOR
diameter has an effect on tuning. B
b. Operation.
Til IUI11•177
(1) When a parasitic element is placed a
fraction of a wavelength away from t.he Figure 178. Poaition of the director and reflector with reference
to the driven element.
driven element and is of approximately
resonant length, it will rera.diate the
radiated energy it intercepts. The par- that the phase and magnitude of th~
asitic element is effectively a tuned induced voltage. cause a unidirectional,
circuit coupled to the driven element horizontal radiation pattern, with a.n
much as the two windings of a trans- increase in gain.
former are coupled together. The radi- (2) In the parasitic array in B of figure 173,
ated £Onergy from the driven element the reflector and driven elements are
causes a voltage to be developed in the spaced a quarter-wavelength apart. The
parasitic element which, in turn, sets up radiated signal coming from the driven
a magnetic field. This magnetic field element strikes the reflector after a.
extends over to the driven element, quarter-cycle. The voltage developed in
the reflecoor is 180° out of phase with the direction at right angles to the plane of
driven element voltage. The magnetic the elements.
field set up by the reflector induces a. (4) It can be shown also that when the para-
voltage in the drivE.'n element a. quarter sitic element is a director, the horizontal
of a. cycle later, since the spacing between and vertical radiation patterns will be
the elements is a. quarter-wavelength. as in A, figure 174.
The induced voltage is in phase with the (5) The radiation patterns shown have several
driven element voltage, causing an in- advantages and disadvantages. The two
crease in voltage in the direction of the main advantages of a parasitic array are
radiated signal indicated. This forms increased gain and unidirectitrity. There
the horizontal pattern in B of figure 174. is a. reduction of transmitted energy in
(3) Because the voltage induced in the para- all but the desired direction. This makes
sitic element is 180° out of phase with the parasitic array useful in antenna
the signal produced by the driven ele-
systems that can be rotated to a given
ment, there is a. substantial reduction in
direction. These are known as rotary
signal strength behind the reflecoor. In
practice, since the JU&.gnitude of an in- arrays. Size for size, the gain and
duced voltage never quite equals that of directivity of a parasitic array are
the inducing voltage even in very closely greater than for a driven array. The
coupled circuits, the energy in the minor disadvantages of these arrays are that
lobe is not reduced w zero. In addition, their adjustment is critical and they do
very little radiation is produced in the not operate over a wide frequency range.


t t



Til iii·ITI

Fi{lure 174. Paturns obtained using a parasitic element.

c. Relative Power Gain. (3) The gain of a parasitic array depends on
(1) Figure 175 is a graph of the relative power the leng-th of the parasitic element as
gain for various element spacings. The well as the spacing between elements.
curve was plotted under the special con- Figure 176 shows the gain when the
dition that both elements are a half- length of the parasitic element is ad-
wavelength long. The dotted curve justed to obtain the most possible gain
shows the power gain when a reflector at any given spacing. There is, then,
is used as the parasitic element. The an increase in gain at any spacing be-
zero reference line shows the power gain tween elements.
from the driven element alone.

:Ia: :Ia: :Ia: :Ia:

!~Ci ::1~-
::1~- !~Ci xo"'
::1 ;~r <IlL C)
v "" +6

+3 I
/ '1\v'
.... 1-

- ~ z
/ [,""' ~~-~-
""' ~ ...... ......
~ .....
:;;; +2
J DIRECTOR """ "' 1'- ...
' a:
" !'-....
Ci +1
IL i'-
J 1\. 1&1
\. ~ 0
1&1 a:
2: -1 I \.
~ I -1.5
~ 0 .05 .1 .15 .2 .25 .3 .35

n• 666·180

-3 Figure 176. Relative gains of a parasitic array for variou11

spacing between elements when the parasitic element is
-4 adjusted for greatest gain.
0 .05 .1 .15 .25 .3 .35
ELEMENT SPACING (WAVELENGTHS) (4) In figure 176, it can be seen that the maxi-
TM 666·179 mum gain with a director is almost 6 db
Figure 176. Relative gain for various spacings between
at a spacing of slightly more than 0.1
elements. wavelength. With a reflector, the maxi-
mum gain is 5.5 db at a spacing of 0.15
(2) From the curves, it is seen that when thl' wa'Velength. The same power gain is
director is placed about 0.1 wavelength, obtained when the director is placed 0.15
or when the reflector is placed about 0.2 wavelength from the driven element.
wavelength from the driven element there Comparison of figures 175 and 176 indi-
is power gain of 3 to 4 db. The curves cates that more gain is obtained at any
also show that the director provides a spacing when tne length of the parasitic
greater power gain with less spacing be- element is changed by tuning.
tween elements than does a reflector. d. Front-to-Back Ratio.
However, the curves show that the gain (1) The front-to-hack ratio of an array is the
does not change as rapidly when the proportion of energy radiated in the
spacing of a reflector is changed. Con- principle direction of radiation (or re-
sequently, with only a single parasitic ception) to the energy radiated (or re-
element the reflector is used, since its ceived) in the opposite direction. It is
spacing is not so critical. desirable to have a high value of front-to-
back ratio because this means that the
minimum amount of energy is radiated maximum power gain. With the director
in the undesired direction . Since it is that is tuned for maximum power gain
impossible to suppress all such radiation (6 db? fig. 176), the resonant length of
completely, an infinite ratio cannot be the ~1rector can be changed by experi-
achieved, but rather high values can be mentmg so that the front-to-hack ratio
attained in practice. It is usual to is increased 10 times with a reduction in
adjust the length and spacing of the the power gain of less than 1 db.
parasitic element so that a maximum 3.0
front-to-hack ratio is obtained rather l/ "'\
than maximum gain in the desired direc-
2.5 1\
(2) In general, as the length of the parasitic 0

element is reduced from a half-wave- ~ 2.0 1 \

length, it has a greater capacitive react-
ance. A.f., the length is increased from a ~ 1.5
half-wavelength, it has a greater induc-
tive reactance. The variation of the I 1.0 f- t-- DIRECTOR J
front-to-hack ratio for diff rent reactance z
values of parasitic elements is shown in Q:
1<. .5 I
figure 177. Here the front direction is f"'. ~ J
assumed to be in a line from the parasitic ........ f-
element to the driven element. The -60 40 20 0 +20 +40 +60
spacing between elements in this partic-
ular case is held constant at 0.1 wave- ~EACTANCE~REACTANCE~
length. At all negative reactance values (OHMS) (OHMS)

(capacitive reactance) and at low values TM 666·1 Bl

of positive reactance up to about +8 Figure 177. The front-to-back ratio of a parasitic array with
ohms, the parasitic element acts as a varying reactance of the parasitic element.
director with this value of spacing. When,
the inductive reactance increases beyond e. Radiation Resistance .
+8 ohms, as the parasitic element length (1) The elements of a parasitic array must
is increR.sed, this element acts as a re- be spacPd a fraction of a wavelength
flector and the front-to-hack ratio is 0 ..5. from each other to high power
When the length of the parasitic element gain and high front-to-hack ratio. When
equals that of the driven element-that this is done, however, the radiation re-
is, when both are tuned to the resonant sistance of the driven element is altered
frequency-the parasitic element is purely considerably. The closer the spacing
resistive and its reactance is zero. The between elements, the smaller the radia-
parasitic element then behaves as a direc- tion resistance becomes; the greR.ter the
tor and only half as much energy is spacing, the larger the radiation resist-
radiated from the parasitic element ance (approaching the free-space value).
toward the driven element as is radiated The resulting low values of radiation
in the opposite direction. When the resistance in parasitic arrays have sev-
reactance of the parasitic element is +8 eral effects, not only limiting the number
ohms, the front-to-hack ratio is 1. This and type of feeding systems that can be
means that there is equal radiation in used, but also reducing the radiation
both directions and the parasitic element efficiency of the array.
behaves neither as a director nor as a (2) The reason for the low values of radiation
reflector. resistance in parasitic arrays is explained
(3) Tuning a parasitic element for a maxi- as follows: Since both elements are
mum front-to-hack ratio does not mean, placed extremely close to one ano~her,
necessarily, that the array provides a the voltage induced back in the drtven
element as a result of the parasitic ele- 72

ment is almost equal in magnitude to the

original driven element voltage. Since 64
these voltages are out of phase with each v
other, a cancelation effect exists at the ; 56
driven element. This reduces the voltage \ :z:
£ .1
at the driven element which, therefore, - I
causes a reduction in its feed-point re- 1\ z 1-
sistance with the same input power. The ~
closer the elements, the greater is the
\ !!40
cancelation effect, and the lower is the
radiation resistance.

~ 32 I'
{3) The manner in which radiation resistance \ i= I
varie.<~ with different element spacings is \ "'
4 24
shown in figure 178, where both driven ct:
1\ J
and parasitic elements are resonant. \ 16 I
Note from the. curve that the radiation 1\.
resistance increases as either the reflector ...... lL
or the director is moved farther away 8
from the driven element. The lowest 4
radiation resistance is slightly greater
.3 .2 .1 0 .1 .2 .3
than about 8 ohms when the elements
are very close together. For spacings as
great as 0.3 wavelength, when a reflector TM 868·182

is used, the radiation resistance goes as Figure 178. Curve showing radiation resistance at the driven
high as 66 ohms. When a director is used element for various spacings of driven and parasitic
at this spacing, the resistance is about elements.
56 ohms. This indicates that larger
radiation resistance values can be ac- f. Radwticn Patterns.
quired when using the parasitic elflment (1) The radiation patterns of a parasitic
as a reflector. array depend on the spacing between
elements and the length of the parasitic
(4) The maximum power gain with a reflector
element. The reactance reflected by the
and a director occurs at element spacing parasitic element is a direct function of
of 0.2 and 0.1 wavelength, and the para- its length. When the parasitic element
sitic elements are the same length as the is longer than a half-wavelength, it be-
driven element. At these spacings, the haves as an inductive reactance. The
radiation resistance values with the re- induced parasitic voltage leads the in-
flector and director are 36 ohms and 14 duced current, and the parasitic phase
ohms, respectively. These values are angle is positive. When the parasitic
very small compared with a radiation re- element is shorter than a half-wavelength,
sistance of about 73 ohms for the driven it behaves as a capacitive reactance.
element alone. So, although the power The induced parasitic voltage lags the
gain of a parasitic array is large, the induced current, and the parasitic phase.
radiation efficiency may be low. In the angle is negative. These angles are indi-
selection of the type of array that i& to be cated in figure 179, which shows several
used for an antenna system, it first must radiation patterns in the horizontal (xz)
be determined whether maximum power plane for various element spacings and
gain or radiation efficiency is desired. parasitic phase angles. The power input
For maximum radiation efficiency, the to the driven element is the same in each
driven array is used, and for maximum case. The radiation resistance is shown
power gain the parasitic array is used. above each pattern.
RADIATED..,_ _ -~
z I

Gx (j,x =Bx
z z \
z z

i.1sft ~ ~ ~-B-
25.6 OHMS 41.6 OHMS


!··-Ef 4 ~'\$ 41

~ \

~.25 ~
-E}: fj:
+20° oo
_ 20 o \
$_ 40 o
Til 668•183

Figure 179. Radiation patterns of a parasi tic array for various element spacings and phaae angles.

(2) At 0.15-wavelength element spacing and a the parasitic element is shorter than its
phase angle of 0° (with parasitic element resonant length which ordinarily makes
resonant), the radiation pattern is bi- it appear as a director. However, the
directional. When the spacing is 0.15 radiation pattern indicates that it ac-
wavelength and the angle is +20°, the tually behaves as a reflector.
parasitic element acts as a reflector, but g. Frequency Response. .,.
at a spacing of 0.15 wavelength and an (1) As mentioned previously, the parasr~1c
angle of -20°, the parasitic element acts array has a comparatively narrow fre-
as a director. The diagonal dotted line quency range. Well outside this_ range,
indicates the dividing line between re- the effect of the parasitic element 1s small
flector and director action. If the spac- and the driven element alone controls
ing between elements is other than 0.15 the over-all characteristics. Figure 180
wavelength, making the length of a para- shows the frequency response of a dri~e.n
sitic element shorter than a half-wave- element alone contrasted with a paras1t1C
length (resonant length) does not neces- array using a director and a reflector.
sarily make it behave as a director, as The reflector curve is that obtained when
shown by the pattern obtained at a spac- the length of the reflector produces max-
ing.of 0.25 wavelength and a phase angle imum power gain with a spacing betwee~
of -20°. Since the angle is negative, elements of 0.2 wavelength. The dl-
'I' '. ......... !'... DIRECTOR
~ y
, f?

-- '
... ,
..... .....
~ ....
........ ........

,,.... ~ V" v ONLY '\
.6 .7 .8 .9 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
TM 666·184

Figure 180. Frequency coverage of a driven element contrasted with an array using a director and a reflector.

rector curve is that obtained when the quency response. When the applied fre-
physical length of the director produces quency is increased by only 10 percent
maximum power gain, with the spacing (j,jf 0 =1.1), the power gain drops 2 db-
between elements 0.1 wavelength. The that is, from +5 to +3 db. When the
diameter of the elements is about 0.006 applied frequency is decreased 10 percent
wavelength. Ratio j,Jf. is the frequency (f,/J.=0.9), the power gain drops 4.5 db,
applied to the array compared with the from +5 to +0.5 db. At the .f,/f. ratios
resonant frequency of the driven element. of 0.88 and 1.23, there is a no-power gain
(2) In the curve showing the frequency range compared with that of the driven ele-
of the driven element alone, a maximum ment acting alone. The points where
power gain of 0 db (reference gain) is the driven element curve and the reflector
obtained when f,Jfo equals 1; that is, curve mtersect (j,/f.=0.84 and 1.45) in-
when the frequency of the radiated signal dicate that the same power gain results
equals the resonant frequency of the at this frequency ratio regardless of
driven element. As the frequency of the
whether the reflector is used in the array.
applied signal decreases, the j,/J. ratio
decreases, and the relative power gain At all ratios lower than .f,//.=0.84, a
decreases. As the frequency of the greater power gain is obtained when using
applied signal increases, the f,/f. ratio the driven element alone.
increases, and the relative power gain (4) In the director curve, a similar action
decreases. In other words, a decrease results. When.f,/fo ratio equals 1, max-
or an increase in the applied frequency imum power gained is obtained. As the
causes a decrease in the power gain. frequency ratio increases or decreases,
This curve tapers off gradually as the the curve drops off rapidly, showing a
frequency is changed, which indicates sharp decrease in power gain. The direc-
that the frequency response of the driven tor curve tapers off much more rapidly
element alone is fairly broad.
for ratios greater than 1 compared to the
(3) Consider the reflector curve. Maximum
reflector curve. With ratios less than 1,
power gain ( +5 db) results when the
applied frequency equals the resonant the curve tapers off slightly less rapidly
frequency of the driven element. How- than the reflector curve. Therefore, the
ever, the power gain decreases sharply frequency response of the array with a
as the applied frequency is increased or director is very much narrower than that
decreased. This indicates the narrow fre- of the array with a reflector.
1 06. Multi parasitic Arrays
gain; the one farthest away has the least effect.
a. A multiparasitic array is one which contains Consequently, as more directors are added, the
two or more parasitic elements with the driven ele- effect on radiation resistance becomes smaller and
ment. If the array contains two parasitic elements smaller. Regardless of how many directors are
(a driven element, a reflector, and a director) it added to the array, only a single reflector is used
usually is known as a three-element beam. If th~ee because very little radiation goes behind thi~
parasitic elements are used, the array then is reflector.
known as a jour-element beam, and so on. Gen-
erally speaking, if more parasitic elements are ~-
added to a three-element beam, each added ele- RADIATED SIGNAL

ment is a director. For example, a five-element R[FLECTOR

beam contains one driven element, one reflector, R DR D
----1'). • • • . 1-.15').-
and three directors. Most parasitic arrays do not
use a greater number of elements than this.
b. The parasitic elements of a multiparasitic
array usually are positioned as shown in figure 181. R DR Dl D2
.......__.1"). • ... .1"" .... :1- . 15~----...e
A shows a three-element beam, B a four-element
beam, and 0 a five-element beam. Although the B
spacing between elements is typical of those nor-
mally encountered, many variations may be found.
R DR Dl D2 D3
Frequently, the best spacings are found experi- ---.1'). I •• .I'). ••• .1-,., I• I .1-.t!l'),-
mentally. In a three-element beam, the director c
TM 666-185
usually is made slightly shorter and the reflector
is made slightly longer than the driven element. Figure 181. Examples of spacing between elements of multi-
parasitic arrays.
The length of the second director in a four-element
beam usually is shorter than the one nearest the d. When there are two or more parasitic ele-
driven element, and each additional director is ments in a multiparasitic array, it sometimes is
made shorter than the previous one. A folded referred to as a yagi array. A typical yagi array
dipole can be used as the driven element to obtain used for receiving and transmitting radio energy
greater values of radiation resistance. is shown in figure 182. This antenna, used by the
c. The reason for using a multiparasitic array is military services, operates at frequencies from 12 to
to obtain greater power gain and unidirectivity. 50 me and consists of two separate arrays
In addition, a larger front-to-hack ratio can be ob- mounted on one frame (one high-frequency and
tained with proper parasitic tuning. In general, one low-frequency antenna array.) The various
the more parasitic elements used, the greater is the elements are indicated in the figure. The high-
power gain. However, a greater number of such frequency array consists of one reflector, one
elements causes the array to have a narrower driven element and two directors; the low-fre-
frequency response _ characteristic and become quency array has the same arrangement with one
critical to adjust. The gain of a parasitic array less director. The lengt-hs of the elements in the
does not increase directly with the number of high-frequency array are shorter than those in the
elements used. For example, the three-element low-frequency array. The pbysicallengtbs of the
beam shown in the figure has a relative power gain elements in the individual arrays are equal, but
of 5 db. Adding another director results in only a the electrical lengths can be varied by means of
2-db increase, or a total gain of about 7 db. If the tuning ..stubs at the center of the elements.
another director is added to the array, an increase The array can be rotated in any desired direction
of less than 1 db results, making the total gain less by a remotely controlled, electrically driven, an-
than 8 db. It is seen that the director closest to tenna rotator. Some of the characteristics of this
the driven element has the greatest effect on the arra.y are given in the chart below.

(2) A simple field intensity meter or high-
Range of ele-
back ratio Feeding of driven element input impedance vacuum-tube voltmeter
may be used as the adjustment indicator.
- (3) No transmitter adjustments are necessary.
1-f___ ~-- 3 7 db 25 db 52- to 600-ohm trans- (4) The r-f voltage induced in the antenna
mission line fed
directly toT-match- elements is of such low magnitude that
ing section of driven the elements, including stubs and T-
element. match sections, may be touched and
h-L--- 4 9 db 30 db 52- to 600-ohm trans-
mission line using handled without endangering personnel
inductive . coupling with r-f burns.
to driven element. (5) Fewer personnel are needed to make the

: ..



Till 161"181

Figure 18t. A typical paraaitic array u.aed for "ceilling and tranamiUing.

107. Tuning, Adjusting, and Feeding b. In many instances, the elements of a para-
sitic array contain telescopic sections which permit
a. There are many methods of tuning and the physical length of the elements to be length-
adjusting parasitic arrays. Regardless of which ened or shortened. It is customary first to adjust
method is used, and whether it is to be used for physical lengths approximately before attempting
transmitting or receiving, the pera.sitic array final adjustments. The following formulas can be
usually is set up as a array when it is used:
4 8
'adjusted. Some of the reasons for doing this are length (in feet) of driven element= ~
given below. 4 2
(1) The parasitic array is immersed in a length (in feet) of reflector= ~
radiated field of constant intensity which,
in turn, gives truer indications. length (in feet) of director= ~O
wherejis in megacycles in all cases. As an exam- e. The method and points to remember in tuning
ple, if a three-element beam is to operate at a and adjusting the array are as follows:
frequency of 100 me, the approximate physical (1) The height of the array should be a rea-
lengths of its driven element, reflector, and di- sonable distance from the ground so that
rector, respectively, are 468/100 or 4.68 feet, 492/ the element adjustments may be made
100 or 4.9 feet, and 450/100 or 4.5 feet. conveniently. Very large arrays should
c. The method by which the driven element of a be placed as much as 10 to 12 feet off the
parasitic array is fed determines the method used ground. In this case, the adjustments
in adjusting it. can be reached by a ladder.
(2) The height of the exciting array must be
d. A typical arrangement used for tuning and
the same as the parasitic array so that a
adjusting the elements of a four-element beam is
constant large amount of radiated energy
shown in figure 183. A half-wave exciting dipole may be received by the array.
is fed by a low-power transmitter. This dipole (3) The low-power transmitter must be as
radiates energy to the parasitic array. The power close to the exciting dipole as possible.
output of the transmitter must be held constant This means that the transmission line
during the procedure. The spacing between the connecting the two must be as short as
parasitic array and the exciting dipole is 2 or more poBBible. In this way, it is less likely
wavelengths. The driven element of the parasitic that the parasitic array will pick up radi-
array is connected through a 600-ohm balanced ation from the transmission line or from
line to a field intensity meter or a high-impedance the transmitter directly.
vacuum-tube voltmeter by means of a T-matching (4) The spacing between the exciting dipole
and parasitic array must be 2 or more
section. These meters need not be calibtated,
wavelengths for the reason given above.
since only relative values of r-f voltage are required If the distance is made too great, on the
to be measured. The lengths of all of the elements other hand, the parasitic array might not
are adjusted electrically (tuned) by the adjustable pick up sufficient energy to ~ctuate the
tuning stubs. meter.



10 TO 50 WATTS





Til eee· rer

Figure 183. Typical arrangement for tuning and adjusting a four-element beam.
(5) The T-matchi~g section and the tuning (6) The antenna is rotated 180° so that the
stub of th~ dnven element are adjusted reflector element is closest to the exciting
for a maximum meter reading, and the dipole. The stub of the reflector then is
stub of the director element closest to the adjusted for a minimum meter reading,
driven element is adjusted for maximum to insure that the reflector produces a
meter reading. The stub of director No. maximum attenuation in the unwanted
2 then is adjusted for a maximum reading. direction of radiation.


108. Summary h. Matching stubs or sections are used between
a. An array is a combination of half-wave ele- elements to maintain current in the desired phase.
ments operating together as a single antenna. i. The impedence of an antenna element acting
Arrays provide more gain and greater directivity alone (selfimpedance) differs from its impedance
than single-element antennas. when it is acting with other elements in an array.
b. In a driven array, all elements derive their Mutual impedance accounts for the difference
power directly from the source. In a parasitic between these two.
array, one or more (parasitic) elements derive j. When collinear elements are a half-wave-
power by coupling from another elemen·t or other length, the length of the stub between them is a
elements. quarter-wavelength. W'hen the elements are
c. Arrays can be bidirectional or. unidirectional. longer, the length of the stubs is reduced cor-
A bi~irecti?nal. array radiates . equally in two respondingly. In any one array, all elements
opposmg directiOns along a line of maximum must be of the same length.
radiation. A unidirectional array radiates well k. The gain of a collinear array depends on the
in a single direction. number of elements used and the space between
d. The elements in a collinear array lie in the elements . Gain is greatest when this spacing
same straight line, and maximum radiation occurs is 0.4 to 0.5 wavelength. Gain also increases as
at right angles to this line. The currents in all the number of elements is increased.
elements must be in the same phase. l. Collinear antennas can be fed adequately
e. The elements in a broadside array are all by resonant lines. Feed usually is introduced
parallel and in the same plane. Maximum radia- at a point between the ends of two elements,
tion develops in the plane at right angles to the where the impedance is in the order on ,500 ohms.
plane of the elements. The currents in all ele- Feed also can be introduced at the center of one
ments are in the same phase. of the elements. For best balance, the trans-
f. The elements in an end-fire array also are mission line is introduced at the center of the
parallel to each other and in the same plane but array.
maximum radiation occurs along the axls of m. Optimum gain is obtained from broadside
the array. Currents in adjacent elements are arrays when the elements are spaced 0.65 wave-
never in the same phase. A 180° phase difference length apart. However, half-wave spacing, which
from element to element is most common and provides good gain, simplifies phasing.
produces bidirectional radiation. A 90° phase
n. When a broadside array is stacked vertically,
difference results in a unidirectional pattern.
height requirements usually limit the number of
g. At points distant from the array, radiation
elements used; when the dipoles are vertical,
is either stronger or weaker than from a single
element, depending on the direction of the point more than six elements rarely are used.
with respect to the array. At some angles, com- o. There are two principal means for bringing
bined radiation from the various elements results currents into broadside elements in the same
in reinforcement; at other angles, combined phase. When the phasing line between dipoles
radiation results in cancelation. The degree of is a half-wavelength, alternate elements are con-
cancelation of reinforcement is a function of the nected to opposite sides of the line. When the
relative phase of radiation from different elements lengths are 1 wavelength, all elements are con-
combining in space. nected to similar sides of the line.
p. The optimum spacing between end-fire ad. The radiation resistance of the driven ele-
elements is an eight-wavelength. ment of a parasitic array is very much less than
q. The radiation resistance of end-fire arrays is that of a driven array. This, in turn, reduces its
very low. radiation efficiency.
r. Radiation resistance can be increased and ae. The parasitic array has a comparatively
feeding can be simplified by the use of folded narrow frequency range of optimum operation.
dipoles and impedance step-up matching devices. af. The frequency response of a parasitic array
s. The extended double-Zepp antenna consists using a reflector is wider than the frequency re-
of a two-element collinear array in which the sponse of an array using a director.
length of each element is somewhat longer than ag. Multiparasitic arrays are used to obtain
a half-wavelength. greater power gain, directivity, and front-to-hack
t. The lazy-H antenna array consists of two ratios.
collinear arrays connected in parallel and spaced ah. When tuning and adjusting a parasitic
a half-wavelength apart in the vertical plane. array, it usually is set up as a receiving array.
u. The Sterba curtain consists of two collinear ai. The approximate physical lengths of the
arrays, usually made up of a large number of elements of a parasit.ic array are as follows:
elements, stacked one above the other at a spac-
ing of a half-wavelength. The form of the array length (driven element)=468
is such that a closed loop is formed by the con- T
length (reflector) =492
ductors making up the array.
v. The Bruce array consists of a single wire T
length (director)=450
folded into horizontal and vertical quarter-wave -.f-
w. The flat-top array consists of two pairs of where the length is in feet and f is in me.
collinear elements, mounted in a horizontal plane aj. When tuning a parasitic array, the elements
and separated from each other by a small spacing are tuned in this order: the driven element, the
(approximately an eighth- to a quarter-wave- director nearest the driven element, all other
length). directors, and the reflector.
x. A parasitic array consists of one or more
parasitic elements along with a driven element. 109. Review Questions
y. The director usually is made shorter and the
reflector usually is made longer than the driven a. What is an array? A driven array? A
element to obtain a large power gain. parasitic array?
z. The amount of power gain and directivity b. What are the advantages and disadvantages
of a parasitic array depends on the lengths of the of arrays as compared with other antennas?
parasitic elements and the spacing between c. Describe a collinear array, with special atten-
elements. tion to the following features: arrangemen~ ~nd
aa. When the length of a parasitic element number of elements, phase relationship, riuhat10n
equals that of the driven elemen~,. a maximu~ pattern.
power gain exists when the paras1tte element 1s d. In what ways is a broadside array likely to
used as a director and is placed 0.1 wavelength differ from an end-fire array in appearance?
from the driven element, or when it is used as a e. Explain the difference in operation between
reflector and placed 0.2 wavelength from the broadside and end-fire arrays. Compare th~~ as
driven element. to the following features: plane of directiv~ty'
ab. When the length of a parasitic element is radiation resistance, phase relationship, spacmg,
tuned for a maximum power gain at any given feeding.
spacing between elements, it is found that maxi- f. What is mutual impedance?
mum power gain for the director results at 0.1 g. What is the gain of three collinear ele~ents
wavelength spacing and for the reflector at
with negligible spacing between the elements·
0.15 wavelength spacing.
h. What is the gain of two collinear elements
ac. Some power gain must be sacrificed when a
with 3-quarter-wavelength center-to-center spac-
parasitic array is tuned to obtain a maximum
front-to-hack ratio. ing?
i. What is the radiation resistance of two col- u. To what use can the closed-loop structure of
linear elements with 0.35-wavelength spacing the Sterba curtain be placed?
between their adjacent ends? v. Why does the Bruce array illustrated in
j. What is the best point in a collinear array at figure 171 produce a vertically polarized radio
which to introduce the feed? Why? wave?
k. For purposes of calculating reflection effects, w. Describe the radiation pattern produced by
what is considered to be the height of a. broadside the fiat-top array.
array above ground? x. What is a. parasitic array?
l. Two parallel elements, half a wave apart, y. Why is the physical length of a. director
must be phased for broadside operation. Describe shorter, and that of a. reflector longer than the
two methods by which this can be done. At what length of the driven element?
points can the transmission line be introduced? z. N arne three factors that the gain and direc-
m. Three parallel elements with half-wavelength tivity of a. parasitic array depend upon.
spacing must be phased for broadside operation. oo. Compare the characteristics of a. parasitic
De.scribe one method by which this is done. Do array with those of a. driven array.
not use a method explained in answer to the ab . When a. parasitic array is tuned for maxi-
previous question. mum power gain, is the front-to-hack ratio also a
n. Explain how four parallel elements must be maximum?
phased for broadside operation when full-wave ac. Why is the radiation resistance of a. parasitic
spacing is used. array always lower than that of a. driven array?
o. With what spacing will a broadside array be ad. What is a two-element beam? A three-
most efficient? element beam? A four-element beam?
p . Explain two methods for phasing a pair of ae. What are the advantages of using multi-
parallel elements for bidirectional end-fire opera- parasitic arrays?
tion. Choose one method using center feed.
af. N arne the common methods for varying the
q. At what spacing do end-fire elements provide
length of parasitic elements.
the greatest gain? What problems arise at this
spacing and how can they be overcome? ag. Why are parasitic arrays operated usually
r. What is the input resistance of a pair of end- as receiving arrays when they are adjusted?
fire elements operated 180° apart with quarter- ah . What are the formulas used to determine the
wavelength spacing? approximate physical lengths of a director, a.
s. What is the optimum length of the elements reflector, and a driven element?
in the extended double-Zepp antenna? ai. Give the order in which the elements of a
t. Why is the lazy-H antenna array so named? five-element beam are tuned.


110. Directional Reception ~ifference between the voltages induced

Since the early days of radio, it has been known m the two sides and giving rise to a.
that a radio wave, when traveling between a resultant voltage across the antenna
transmitter and · a receiver, almost always follows coupling coil. The resultant voltage is
the shortest line along the surface of the earth, maximum when the plane of the loop is
the Great Circle Path. For example, if a radio in line with the direction of wave travel.
station located in New York City is radiating No voltage is induced in the horizontal
energy, that portion of the energy picked up by a sides of the loop because the vertically
receiver in Los Angeles, Calif., will travel diago- polarized wave travels parallel to them.
nally across the United States. Thus, the,problem (2) If the loop then is rotated about its
of radio direction finding is reduced to that of central vertical axis until the plane of the
determining the direction of arrival of a radio loop is perpendicular to the direction of
wave at the receiver. This determination is ac- wave travel, the wave front will reach the
complished by using a directional receiving anten- sides of the loop at the same time, tht>
na, such as a loop or an Adcock antenna. voltages induced in the two sides will be
equal in magnitude and of the same
111. Loop Antenna phase, and, being directed in opposition
through the coupling impedance, will
a. General. A loop antenna consists of one or cancel, thus resulting in a minimum
more turns of conductor, either self-supporting or output. The point of minimum response
wound on an insulated frame. The most com- is called a null.
monly used styles are diamond-shaped, b. Pattern with Normal Polarization. When the
(fig. 184), or circular loops. These antennas all incoming radio waves have vertical polarization,
have a figure-8 response pattern. Thus, if a small which is the normal condition under which a.
transmitter is moved about a. loop, unequal vertical loop would be used for direction finding,
responses will be obtained at equal transmitter the loop antenna has a figure-S response pattern
distances. Conversely, if a loop is rotated about (fig. 186). In this illustration, the loop appears
its central vertical axis and the transmitter is held in the 90° to 270° position; any signal receive~
in one position, unequal responses will be obtained from either of these directions will induce maxt-
at different loop positions. mum signal into the receiver. As the loop is
(1) The output voltage of these antennas is turned away from the direction from which the
the result of phase differences between wave is arriving (90° to 270° position), the
the voltages induced in opposite sides of received signal decreases, reaching a minim~
the antenna. Con..<~ider that the single- when the loop is in either the 0° or the 180
turn loop of figure 185 is placed in the position. The line of direction of a transmitter
path of a vertically polarized wave. can be determined by rotating the loop about its
When the plane of the loop is in line with vertical axis until either a null or a maximum
the direction of wave travel, as indicated, signal is produced. Then the transmitter direc-
the wave front (fig. 11) reaches the sides tion is broadside to the loop at the null, or edge-
of the loop at slightly different times wise to the loop at the maximum, and the appro•
(one side of loop is nearer the transmitter priate direction (azimuth) can be indicated by a.
than the other side), producing a phase pointer attached to .the loop. It is customary to
Figure 181,. Loop antenna.

use the minimum rather than the maximum output volt change in signal strength; this difference is
of a loop when finding an .azimuth. This permits not noticeable in the output. But with the loop
a sharply defined indication and greater accuracy. broadside to a transmitter at D, a null position, a
The response pattern in figure 187 shows why this similar 10° rotation of the loop causes a 17.4-
is so; maximum response of 100 microvolts is microvolt change in signal intensity.
obtained with the loop edgewise to direction A c. Pattern with Abnormal Polarization. Since
(toward the transmitter) . With the loop pointing vertical polarization is considered normal for loop
toward B, a 10° rotation, there is only a 1.5-micro- operation, any wav:e containing a horizontally
actually is horizontal. If the i .
both vertically and ho . ncommg wave has
nzon tally I ·
ponents, the figure-8 re po anzed com-
spouses to th
nents may combine to d e two compo-
pro uce a fi .
sh arp nu IIs, rotated in azimuth b gure 8 With
than 90° from the norm ..Y some angle less
when the two component a podsitiOn; this happens
. h er m
e1t . phase or 180o s pro t f uce outpu t voItages
two components producoeu phase. When the
. vo 1tages h ·
p h ase relatiOns, the resultin avmg other
may have its nulls filled . g response pattern
INPUT CIRCUIT broad minima rather th m so that they become
an zeros I th .
case where the two co · n e speCial
mponents p d
TM 666-190 output voltages goo out 0 f h ro uce equal
response pattern becomes Prfase, .the resulting
Figurt 185. Simple loop antenna circuit, schematic diagram . . .
d . A m b'I{}Utty. ape ect Circle
Unless the . . .
the transmitter 1·s k general directiOn of
polarized component is considered as being abnor- nown a d' t'
equipped with a sim le • Irec IOn finder
mally polarized . A horizontally polarized wave · P 100 P antenna cannot
d etermme whether a transm' tt r
has no effect on vertical conductors, but it will the rear of the d. . 1 e.r Ies forward or to
induce, voltage in horizontal conductors such as IrectiOn finder. This 180°
those at the top and bottom of a loop. The D C

response pattern of a loop for horizontal polarization ~ ~

0 UV I ·117.4 UV
is a figure 8, with maximum broadside and nuU I • I
liD I
end'Wise to the horizontal conductors. If the wave t-1
travels exactly horizontally, voltages induced in I I
the top and bottom conductors will be equal and I I
in phase; they will cancel each other in the loop I
98.5UV .- 8
output, just as do the voltages induced in the two I -------
sides by a (vertically polarized) wave arriving
from the normal null direction (broadside) . Thus,
the horizontally polarized component of a wave
produces little or no loop output when arriving at TL 9711
a low angle, but its effect becomes important when
Figure 187. Change tn
· loop position versus change in signal
the wave is steeply downcoming (or upcoming) .
There will be an error of ± 90° in the azimuth
determined by a simple loop direction finder if the
ambiguity is caused by the two null positions of
polarization is assumed to be vertical when it
the loop, both of which indicate the same line of
o· direction. There is no indication as to which of
VOLTAGE the two is the correct azimuth.
112. Loop and Sense Antennas
I a. Purpose. The sense antenna is usually a
I ,
vertical whip or monopole placed at the vertical
VOLTAGE axis of the loop. It is omnidirectional in azimuth.
Both the circular response pattern of the ·sense
antenna and the figure 8 pattern of the loop are
symmetrical; but, when properly combined, the
two antennas produce a lopsided or unidirectional
pattern (cardioid pattern in fig. 188). The big
TL e110
end of this pattern lies to the right of one maxima,
Figure 188. Loop antenna, jigure-8 response pattern. and to the left of the other maxima of the figure 8
113. Cardioid Theory
When the voltages from loop and sense antennas
are combined with the proper phase and amplitude
the resulting pattern is a heart-shaped curve known
to mathematicians as a cardioid. A typical case
is illustrated in figures 189 and 190, and is ex-
plained, step by step, as follows:
a. A radio wave, traveling past the loop, as
indicated in A of figure 189, strikes leg No. 1 a
short time before it strikes leg No.2.
b. The voltages induced in the two vertical legs
LOOP are connected in series opposition, so that the net
output of the loop depends on their difference.
c. As shown in B of figure 189, the voltage in
TIIUII·Itl leg No. 1 is starting to rise at time zero (to); the
voltage induced in leg No. 2 starts to rise a short
Figure 188. Cardioid re~ponae pattern obtained by com- time later (t2). However, so far as the output of
bination of circular and figure 8 ooltagea.
the loop is concerned, the voltage induced in leg
No. 2 is out of phase and begins to subtract from
pattern. By observing the relative positions of the voltage in leg No. 1 at this time (t2) .
the unidirectional pattern, the two nulls can be d. Resultant voltage E 1 is developed across the
distinguished, thus resolving the 180° ambiguity output of the loop. This voltage is directly pro-
of the simple loop. One null is designated arbi- portional to the time delay (phase shift) between
trarily the front or direction null; the other is the voltages induced in 1the legs of the loop. The
called the back or reciprocal null. greater the separation between t0 and t2 in B of
b. Application. After the loop has been rotated figure 189, the greater the resultant loop voltage.
to a null, the direction it faces may be read from e. It is apparent in B of figure 189, that the
an azimuth scale or observed directly. Then the resultant voltage leads the voltage induced in leg
sense antenna i~ placed in operation, changing the No. 1 approximately 90° and lags the voltage
response pattern from figure 8 to unidirectional. induced in leg No. 2 by the same amount.
The null vanishes because of this change, and, f. Voltage Ea induced in the vertical sense an-
upon turning the loop 90° to either side from the tenna is interinediate in phase between the voltage
former null position, the response is found to be induced in the two legs of the loop, and therefore
greater on one side than on the other. Which side lags the resultant loop voltage, E1, by 90°. To
is greater depends on whether the loop originally compensate for this phase difference (to have either
has its direct null facing toward or away from the an in-phase or an out-of-phase relation between
transmitter. ·As a rule, if the response increases resultant loop voltage E1 and sense voltage E 8), it
as the loop is turned clockwise, which increases is necessary to advance or retard the phase of the
the azimuth scale reading, or if the response loop voltage by 90° with a phase shifter. Re-
decrea8e8 as the azimuth reading decreaBeB, the tarded loop voltage E2 is shown in C of figure 189.
If the loop voltage had been advanced, it would be
direct null was toward the transmitter; if the re-
shifted 180° in phase from that shown in C of
sponse changes in the opposite direction, the
figure 189.
reciprocal null was toward the transmitter. This
g. Notice that retarded loop voltage Ea and
relation is not always used. It can be reversed
sense voltage Ea, beginning at the same instant
by transposing connections in the antenna. circuit, (t 1), are in phase. These two voltages add in the
to reverse the relative polarity of loop and sense input transformer; the receiver voltage ER is maxi-
antennas, or by a 180° shift in position of azimuth mum (E of fig. 189).
scale or pointer relative to the loop, and there are h. If the antenna is rotated on its vertical axis
cases in which such a reversal has been made through 180°, the electromagnetic wave strikes
intentionally. leg No.2 before it strikes leg No. 1 (fig. 190).


OlltfCTIOf\l Of'









t--~------- T I M £ - - - - - - - - - - Til 666-IIZ

Fi{Jure 189 Loop and arnae antrnna Byatem, relationahip of roltag~a.

i. The voltages across both legs are induced in (1) When the loop is rotated from 0° to 90°,
the same manner, producing a resultant again pro- loop voltage gradually decreases ~dis­
portional to the separation between the legs. taQ.ce between loop legs along the d1rec-
However, because of the loop rotation, the volt- tion of wave travel becomes less). Sense
ages of the two legs are interchanged, and resultant voltage is constant and in phase with the
output voltage E. is shifted 180° in phase (B of loop voltage. Resultant receiver volt-
fig. 190). age is decreasing.
j. Retarded loop voltage ER is, therefore, out of (2) When the loop is rotated from 90° to
phase with the sense voltage, and minimum signal 180°, loop voltage gradually increases
E is applied to the receiver (0, D, and E of fig. (distance between loop legs along the
190). direction of wave travel becomes greater).
k. At intermediate points between the maximum Sense voltage is constant and 180° out
and minimum positions of the loop, the following of phase with the loop voltage. Result-
conditions exist. Assume that the transmitter ant receiver voltage decreases because of
azimuth is 0° as shown in figure 191. the out-of-phase condition.






II ~
I +---t-\-~---t----+-r- -90° PHASE SHIFTER


ER T M 6 6 6 - 193
Figure 190. Relationship of voltages in loop and sense antenna system when
loop has been rotated 180° from position shown in figure 189.

(3) When the loop is rotated from 180° to Sense voltage is constant and in phase
270°, loop voltage gradually decreases. with the loop voltage. Resultant re-
Sense voltage is constant and 180° out ceiver voltage increases.
of phase with the loop voltage. Result- l. Sense Voltage. In practice, sense circuits sel-
ant receiver voltage increases. dom are adjusted to the ideal condition just de-
(4) When the loop is rotated from 270° to scribed, and the resulting unidirectional pattern is
360°, loop voltage gradually increases. not a perfect cardioid. If the sense voltage is too
------~--~-----------~- -- ~




/ \

' I
_, /


F~re 19S. Response pattern, low sense uoltage and correct

phase relation.

teo• TL onn

Figure 191. Cardioid reepo~e pattern. SENSE

PATTERN............_ ,. ' - -
~,. ,.,
LOOP / '
small, the resultant pattern is a slightly lopsided PATTERN---f--../ •
figure 8. Increasing the sense voltage then makes I I
the figure 8 more and more lopsided (fig. 192), until I
the sense voltage equals the maximum loop volt-
age; then one lobe disappears completely, making ,,. ' \\
the pattern a perfect cardioid (fig. 191). Further I
increase of sense voltage increases both maximum
and minimum of the resultant pattern (fig. 193),
making it more and more like a circle. Either too
little or too much sense voltage makes sense de-
termination difficult, but any of the patterns jtfst
mentioned would be usable. The lopsidedness
of the resultant pattern is readily distinguishable
so long as the sense voltage is within ±50 percent
of the maximum loop voltage. If the sense volt- COMBINED LOOP
age is a little out of phase with the loop voltage, AND SENSE
the resultant pattern becomes nearly circular, and
Figure 19S. Response pattern, high sense uoltage and correct
the amplitude relation must be kept closer to the
phase relation.
ideal for satisfactory operation. Figure 194 shows
a. case in which both amplitude and phase relation
are far from the ideal. Here, the sense voltage has detected by listening. If necessary (for example,
about half the amplitude shown in figure 192, and if part of the sense antenna is lost), such a patt~rn
is 40° or 50° out of phase with the loop voltage. can be used by observing which way the null shi~ts
The lopsidedness of the resulting pattern could be when the sense switch is operated; both nulls shdt
detected by comparing its two maxima on a visual toward the small end of the lopsided figure 8
indicator, but the difference is too small to be pattern.

j I


TM 188-198

Figure 194. Response pattern, low sense voltage and incorrect

phase relation.

114. Loop Construction LOOP

a. Balance. The most important single factor
in the physical construction of a loop is its sym-
met~. When the loop is symmetrical physically,
electrical balance is obtained, and if the balance is
good eno~gh, antenna effect (stray pick-up of sense
voltage) 1s reduced to a minimum. Any conduct-
ing material near the loop, such as the top of the TL 9713A
radio receiver case, should be placed symmetri-
cally; otherwise the loop might be balanced at Figure 195. Shielded loop.
some positions but unbalanced at others. In the
case of a square. loop, it is preferable to place a nal induced voltage, and it induces in each loop
corner rather than a side at the bottom; this conductor a voltage which very nearly cancels the
arrangement keeps the body of the loop farther original antenna-effect voltage induced there by
away from the gro'und so that any irregularities the radio wave. The reduction ratio is substan-
there (including metal items worn by the operator) tially the same as the reactance/resistance ratio
are less likely to affect the loop balance. which the shield would have if connected as a. loop;
b.. Electrostt:tic Shield. Multiturn loops often since the Q ~s seldom less than 10, the residual
are mclosed m an electrostatic shield. This is a antenna effect is seldom more than one-tenth the
metal case, or a film of metal on a case of some antenna effect with no shield. In addition to re-
other material which surrounds the loop winding ducing antenna effect directly, the shield helps in-
almost completely (fig. 195). At one point (the directly; unless very close to the gap in the shield,
top) there is a gap in the metal, and opposite sides an external object cannot affect the capacitance
of the gap are insulated from each other to prevent from loop to ground and thus cannot change the
the shield from forming a closed (short-circuited) capacitive balance of the loop. However, the
loop. The shield is grounded near the loop termi- shield affords no protection against inductive un-
nals as far as possible from the insulated gap. As a balance, such as might be caused by a scrap of
vertical antenna, therefore, the shield is short-cir- .metal placed too close to one side of the loop. The
cuited. Consider the voltages induced by a pass- shield eliminates precipitation static of the type
ing radio wave as made up of two components, one caused by electrically charged raindrops striking
corresponding to the desired loop voltage, the the antenna, and it provides mechanical protection
other to antenna effect. The former can produce for the loop.
very little current in the shield because of the in- c. Loop Size. Except in some special vhf
sulated gap, but is fully effective in the loop which loops, which resemble groups of dipoles more than
does have conductors crossing that gap. The they do ordinary loops, the largest dimension of a
latter component causes a flow of current over the loop antenna is usually a very small fraction of a.
shield to ground. Since the ground connection is a wavelength (.1 wavelength at most). The voltage
short circuit, this current produces in the shield picked up by such a small loop is proportional to
counter electromotive force just equal to the origi- the total area inclosed by its turns; that is, to the
product of the number of turns by the average .. AGNETIC COMPONENT 0,
areas of each turn. For maximum pick-up, the WAVE
turns should be as . large as possible, subject to
mechanical limitations, such as portability. The
number of turns should be as large as possible, sub-
ject to electrical limitations. Most receivers will
not operate efficiently from a loop which is self-
resonant at any point within the operating fre-
quency range; consequently, the number of turns
must be small enough to keep the natural resonance
higher than the highest operating frequency.

Figure 197. Adcock antenna, effect. of 11erticaU!1 polari•ed

b. Principle. The action of an Adcock antenna,

as far as vertically polarized waves are concerned,
is identical with that of the loop antenna. A re-
sultant current in output coil L is proportional to
the vector difference of the voltages induced in the
vertical members, exactly as in the case of the loop.
Horizontally polarized components of radio waves
do not aff.,ct the antenna because of the absence of
I'IOTATINC the upper and lower horizontal members, and be-
cause the crossed arrangement of the center mei?-
AZIMUTH DIAL bers effectively cancels the voltages induced m
them. The response pattern of an Adcock .an-
tenna is the same figure 8 pattern typical of the
loop antenna. Minimum and maximum response
points are present in the Adcock pattern in the
TM 11116 -1•5 same respective positions as in the loop pattern.
Figure 196. Simple Adcock antenna. Thus, the directional properfies of the Adcock an~
loop antennas are the same with respect to verti-
cally polarized waves. The effect of various types
115. Adcock Antenna of wave polarization on the Adcock circuit are as
a. General. An Adcock antenna (fig. 196) con- follows:
sists of two spaced vertical antennas connected in (1) Vertical polarization. The horizontal ~agd
opposition. Theoretically, it responds only to the netic lines of the vertically polanze
vertically polarized component of an incoming wave cut the two vertical antenna ele-
radio wave, and therefore is not subject to polari- ments. Induced currents, although t~~
zation error. In practice, some p9larization error are induced in phase in the verti
is caused by various imperfections, but usually elements, oppose each other in t~ an~
much less than in a loop receiving the same signal. tenna coupling coil, produc~g.a res ta:
The Adcock antenna is preferable to a loop in voltage which leads the radiation field.~
radio D/F (direction finding) when medium- or 90°. If the w!Lve strikes both vertt
high-frequency signals must be received at a point elements simultaneously (antenna e1a-
beyond ground-wave ra~e. ments broadside to direction of wave
travel as shown in fig. 197), the resultant small for the horizontally polarized com-
voltage is a minimum. At other angles ponent, its polarization error is likewise
of arrival, the resultant voltage is pro- smaller than that of a loop antenna.
portional to the separation between the This is true as long as the vertically
two antenna elements along the direction polarized component does not entirely dis-
of wave travel. Thus, the action of the appear; when the vertically polarized
Adcock antenna system is identical with component predominates, the Adcock
the action of the loop system and can be antenna has scarcely any polarization
used in conjunction with a sense antenna error.
to obtain a unidirectional pattern.
(2) Horizontal polarization. As shown in
figure 198, only the horizontal members
(transmission lines) are in a position to
respond to horizontally polarized waves.
In a well designed radio direction finder,
efficient use is made of shielding and
balancing to prevent any voltages in-
duced in the horizontal members from
reaching the input tube of the receiver.

The residue is small in compa:r:ison with
the response of a loop under similar cir-
cumstances, but has the same directivity
(3) EUiptical polarization. Radio waves usu- POLARIZED SKY WAVE

ally contain both vertical and horizontal

components of polarization which, in com-
bination, produce an elliptically polarized
wave. Although the vertical and hori-
zontal components can be viewed as
acting independently, their effect on the TM666-197
antenna results from the combined action
of both components. Because the re- Figure 198. Adcock antenna, effects of horizontally polarized
sponse of an Adcock antenna is relatively wave.


Paragraph Page
Antenna-Continued Paragraph Page
Absorption of electromagnetic energy __ 29a; 3ld 45, 47 Resistance __ ____ ____________ ____ _ 43b; 59 66, 104
Adcockantenna__ ___ _____ ______ _______ 115 219 Resonance__ ___________________ ___ 43a 66
CriticaL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ __ __ ___ __ _ 22b Sense____________________ __ ____ __ 112 213
30 Single-wire _ _ _ _ ___________________ 64
Of incidence _____ _______________ 22b; 27d 110
30,39 Top-loaded_ ______________________ 76 128
Oftilt___ __ _______ ________________ 15b 21 v _______ ___________ _____ ___ 89
Anisotropic radiator_ _ _ _ __ _ __ ___ __ ____ _ 53a 151
89 Vertical haU-wave ________ __ ___ __ __ 58c 102
Wave 148
Adcock_ __ ________________________ 115 219 ----------
Whip _______ -- --- ----
__________ -- ---- ---_ 88
Basic theory_ _ __ _ _ __ __ __ __ ___ ___ _ _ 36 79 133
54 Arrays:
Bent_ ___ ______ _____ ______________ 94 174 Adjusting_ _ _ _ ____________________ 107 206
Bevetage_ ________________________ 88 148 BidirectionaL __ ___________________ 95b
CoaxiaL _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ ___ __ ____ 66 174
114 Broadside _____ ____ __ ___ _______ 100b; 102 180,
ConicaL_ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ ___ ___ __ __ _ 67 115 187
Directivity _____________________ 82c; 84c 141, 145 Bruce____________________________ I04d 196
Feeder systems _ _ _ ___ _ __ __ __ ___ __ _ 4 7; 86 79, 146 Center-fed________________________ lOla 182
Folded-dipole _____________________ 65 112 Collinear ____ ______________ 83b; 100a; 101 141,
Folded-top ___ --------------- -- --- 75 128 179, 182
Gain ______________________ 31b; 82a; 84c 47, Connected ________ ________________ 95a 174
139, 145 Directivity ______________________ 95b; 99 174,
Grounded: 178
Bent_________________________ 74 126 Driven ____ _____ ___ ___ ____________ 98 177
Counterpoises___ _ __ __ __ ____ __ _ 73d 125 End-fed half-wave___________ ______ lOla 182
Current and voltage distribu- End-fire __________ _____________ lOOc; 103 181, 191
tion_ _______________________ 70 119 Extended double-Zepp _____________ 104a 195
Folded-top ___________________ 75 128 Feeding_ _________________ ________ 107 206
Ground rods ___________ _______ 73c 123 Flat-top __________________________ I04e 197
Hertz__ ______________________ 69h 119 Lazy-H __________________________ I04b 195
Marconi_ ____ _________________ 69h 119 Multielement_ ____________________ 94 174
Mast and tower radiators____ ___ 77 130 Multiparasitic__ __ ______ __ ____ ___ __ 106 205
Polarization _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ __ ___ __ 71 120 Parasitic _ _ __ _____________________ 95a 174
Quarter-wave __ _______________ 69 118 Parasitic elements__ _____________ __ 105 198
Radial grounds_,______________ 73b 123 Parasitic reflector____ _____________ _ 105a 198
Radiation characteristics _ _ _ ____ 72 120 Sterba curtain ___________ ____ _____ I04c 196
Top-loaded _________ ______ ____ 76 128 Tuning_.__ ___ __ ________ ______ ___ __ 107 20~
Types of grounds ______________ 73 122 Types _____ _______________________ 95c 17
Whip ______ ___ -.-_____________ 79 133 UnidirectionaL___________________ _ 95b 174
Ground-plane _____ _____ ____ _______ 78 132 YagL ___________________________ 106d 205
HaU-wave_ _______________________ 56a 97 Atmosphere, propagation in ____ ________ _ 9 12
Harmonic _ _ _ ____ __ __ ____ ____ ___ __ 83c 142 Atmosphere, radio____ ______ __________ _ 7 10
Height _____________________ 13a; 3le; 58a 18, Atoins_______ ___________ ___ ________ 20a 25
47, 98 Attenuation __________________ ________ 45d 69
Hertz ____________________________ 69h 119 Atinospheric refraction ______ ___ ____ ---- 9b 13
Image_ ___________________________ 57g 98
Impedance _____________________ 43c; 84b 67, 143 Bazooka 49a 81
Length_ __________________________ 42b 65
Beamwidth _____ ______________ _______ _ 55c 96
Loop ___ ___ .________________ ______ 111
211 Beverage antenna _________________ - - -- 88 148
Marconi_ _______________ __________ 69h 119 Broadside arrays ______________ ____ ---- 102 187
Microwave _______ -_______________ 68 117 Bruce array __________________________ _ 104d 196
Quarter-wave ______ ___ __ ____ ______ 69 118
Receiving ______ __ ________________ 88d 151 Cardioid theory ____ _______________ - -- - 113 214
Reciprocity _______________________ 63 109 Center-fed half-.w ave antennas ____ ------ SOd 82

Page Parogropll Po,.
Characteristic impedance __~ ___ -- __ --__ _ 45a;
68, 69, Electromagnetic field __________________ 4a; 36; 39 7, 54
45c; 46b; 46/; 51h
77, 79, 56
87 Electromagnetic wave___ _______________ 4a 7
Characteristics, transmission-line________ 45 68 Diffraction _____________ -- - ___ - -__ _ 9; 9c 12
Coaxial antennas ________________ _____ 56c; 66 97, 114 Direction______________ _____ ______ 4b 7
Coaxial lines_-_------- ______ -_________ 46/ 79 Energy______ ___ ___ _______________ 1a 1
Collinear arrays _______________ 83b; 100a; 101141,179, . Polarization ____________________ 5; 62; 77 8, 107
182 130
Communication, successful. radio________ 1b 1 Reflection _________ __ _____ - -_---_ 9a; 22b 12,30
Conical antennas_____________________ 67 115 Refraction _________ _____ _--- 9b; 11a; 22b 13, 22,
Counterpoise__________ ________________ 73d 125 30
Coupling line to antenna_______________ 49b 82 Eleven-year variation of ionosphere______ 23d 33
Coupling, transmitter-to-line____________ 48 79 Electrostatic shield____ ________________ l146 218
Critical angle _______________________ 22b; 27d 30,39 Elements, types ____________________ --_ 95a 174
Critical frequency___________________ 22a; 27d 28, 39 Elliptical polarization _______ -_--------- 115b 219
Current and magneticfield_ _____________ ~8 55 Endeffect________________ ___________ _ 42d 66
Current, displacement__________________ 3c 4 End-fed antenna _____________________ 50e; 86 82, 146
Curren~fed antenna___________________ 50d 82 End-fire arrays _____________________ 100c; 103 181, 191
Energy, electromagnetic _______________ 1a; 2a 1
Db power loss----------------··-------- 82a 139
D region- - - __________________________ 21a Energy, reflection ____ __ ______ -------- - 45e 69
Dellinger fade ______________________ 20d; 24b Extended double-Zepp _______ ---------- 104a 195
Delta match _____ __ ______ -- ______ 51d; 64b(4) 85, 110 Extraordinary wave ____ __ --------- -- -- 28c 44
Diffraction_ _ _ ________________________ 9; 9c 12, 14
Dipole- - _____________________________ 54a Flaye~---- --------------- ----------- 21c 28
94 Fading_______________________________ 32 48
Radiation pattern_ ________________ 54c 96 Far field _________ .. ----- __ ------------- & 10
Dipole, folded_________________________ 65c 113 Feed, methods. _______________ -------- 49 81
Directional •antennas: Bazooka__________________________ 49a 81
Bidirectional arrays________________ 95b 174 Long-wire antennas_______________ 86; 88d
Broadside arrays _______________ 100b; 102 180, 187 146, 151
Brucearray _______________________ 104d 196 Feed:
Tun!ld methods _____________ ------- 60 82
Collinear arrays ___________ 83b; 100a; 101141, 179, Center-fed. _________________ -- 60d 82
182 Curren~fed _________ -- _-- _- -- - 60d 82
Driven arrays_____________________ 98 177 End-fed ______________ -------- 60e 82
End-fire arrays _________________ 100c; 103 181, 191 ____________ __ ______ _

Fla~top array____________________ 104e 197
Untuned methods ______ ----_------ 51 84
Lazy-F.l__________________________ 1046 195 Artificial-line matching______ - - - 5lj 89
Multielement arrays_--_---________ 94 174 Coaxial-line ______________ --- - - 61i
Parasitic arrays _____ -_-____ _______ 95a 174 89
Off-center __________ ---------- 51b 84
Rhombic. ______ ___ _---_-_________ 91 158
Bingle-wire _____________ ------ 51b 84
Unidirectional arrays.---- ___ ,_____ 956 174 Twisted-pair_________ ---------
v _____ __ _______ __________________ 89 1s1 51c 86
Two-wire, using delta match.--- 51d 86
Directional gain.----------------______ 84c 145 Two-wire, using J match _____ - - 51/ 86
Directional reception ______ --------_____ llO 21l Two-wire, using Q match ______ _ 51h 87
Director______________________________ 95a 174
Two-~re, using stub matching __ 51g 86
Direct wave. __ .------------------____ 13a 18 Two-wire, using T match ______ _ 5h 86
Displacement current_----------------- 3c 4 Feeder methods for collinear arrays_--- -- lOld 186
Distance, transmission •. ---"----------- 27a 137 Feeder systems ________________ -------- 47 79
Distributed constants.-------------____ 45b 69 Field:
Diurnal variation______________________ 23b 33 7
E and F.l_ -------- _____ ---------- 4a
Doublet, elementary___________________ 54a 194 Electric ______________ 3c; 4a; 46(1); 5; 31a 4, 7,
Radiation pattern.---------------_ 54b 194 8,54
Driven arrays------------------------- 98 177 Electric component __________ _----- 3a 4
Ducts, atmospheric._-----------------_ 18a 23 Electromagnetic _______________ 2; 3; 4; 36 1, 4,
Efield------------------------------- 4a 7 7,54
Elayer_______________________________ 21b 28 Induction _______________ __ 2a; 3a; 46; 36 1, 4,
E, sporadic___________________________ 24a 34 7,54
Electric field _________________ 3c; 4a; 4b; 5; 37a 4, 7, 8, Intensity _________________ _____ 4a; 6; 31c 1, 8, 47
54 Direction_____________________ 46 1
Combined electric and magnetic fields. 39 56 Free space.. ____________ ------ 58a 98
Intensity ___________ ---------- -___ 4a; 13b 4, 20 Magnetic ________________________ - 38b 56
Magnetic component_______________ 3a 4
Radiation ____ ____ _____________ 2a; 3a; 46 1, 4, 7
Near and far______________________ 3a 4 Strength pattern ________________ 556; 58a 96,98

Paragraph Page ParagrapA Po4t
Flat-top array ___ _______ -- __ -----_----- 104e 197 Harmonic antenna___ __________________ 83a 141
Flutter fading_ ________________________ 24d 35 Heaviside, Oliver____ ___ ___ __ ______ ____ 19 24
Flux lines~---- ----------------------- 3b; 37a 4, 54 Height:
Folded dipole __________ ______ - _- - - - - - - 56c 97 Effect ____ ----- - - __ ---_---- - --- 3le; 58a; 47,98,
Free space _______ _____________ _----_-- 2d 3 106
Field strength. ______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 58a 98 VirtuaL ___________________ ______ _ 31
Propagation formulas_ _____________ 2c 2 Horizontal half-wave antenna _______ __ __ 58b 99
Frequency: Horizontal polarization ________________ _ 5 8
CriticaL _ _ ___ ____________________ 22a 28 Image antenna _____ _____ _____ ____ ____ _ 57g 98
Classifications ______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 12 Impedance:
Characteristics of ground waves_____ 16a 22 Antenna_- ------- __ _____ _____ __ 43c; 84b 44, 143
Wave__ ___________ _______________ 2c 2 Characteristic_- ____ -- - ___ __ ____ 45a; 45c; 68, 69,
Gain, antenna __________________ 31b; 82a; 84c 47, 46b; 46/; 71, 19,
139, 145 5lh 87
Great circle path of radio wave ____ ------ 27b 39 Input and output_ __ ____ __ ___ ___ 45a; 45c 68,69
Ground: Matching____ __ ___________________ 451 76
Effects___ _________ __ _____________ 57; 85 97, 146 MutuaL_____________ ___________ _ 97 176
LoBBeB _____ ---- -- ----- - -- ---- --- -- 60b 105 Incidence, angle _________________ ___ 22b; 27d 30,39
Rods_ ____________________________ 73c 123 Induction field ____________________ 2a; 3a; 4b 1,4, 7
Screens__________ __ __ _____________ 61 107 Insulated two-wire line_____ ___ _________ 46c 78
VVave__________________ ___ _______ 12 17 Intensity, field _- - -- - __ __ ________ 4a; 13b; 31c 7, 20, 47
Frequency characteristics ___ ---- 16a 22 Inversion, temperature_ _______ _____ ____ 17b 23
Grounded antennas _______ ____________ - 69 118 Ionization_ ___________________________ 20b 25
Ground-plane antennas __________ ------- 78 132 Layers_____ _____ _______________ __ 21 27
Ground reflected wave____ ________ ___ __ 14a 20 Ionosphere_ __ ________________________ 7c 12
Grounds: Characteristics__ _________ _________ 22 28
PracticaL _________ __ _____________ 60 105 Formation__ ______________________ 20 24
Types_______ __________ ___________ 73 122 GeneraL_ ______ __________________ 19 24
H field________ __________ _____________ 4a Irregular variations__ ______________ 24 34
Half-rhombic antenna ____ ______ -------- 00 Layers___________ ________________ 21 27
Half-wave antenna__ __________ __ ______ 56
Predictions_ ______________________ 25 36
Center-fed__ ______________________ 50d
Reflections_ _ _ ____________________ 26 31
CoaxiaL ____________ ___________ 56c; 66 97, 114 Regular variations_________ _____ ___ 23 31
ConicaL _________ -------- _______ 56c; 67 97, 115 Storms_- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - 24c 34
Current distribution ____ __ ~ _______ - 41 59 Sudden disturbance_______ _______ __ 24b 34
Current-fed___ __________________ __ 50a 82 Isotropic radiator__ ____ _____ ________ 53a; 82a 89, 139
Delta-matching section ____ _______ 51d; 64b 85,110 J match____ __________________________ 51/ 86
Dipole__ _______________________ 54a; 54c 142, 145 Kennelly, A. E _~ ______________________ 19 24
Effects of practical grounds ___ - - - --- 60 105 28
Electrical length__ ____ ____ _________ 42b Kennelly-Heaviside layer____ _______ __ __ 21b
End-fed_ ____________ _____________ 50e 82 Length, electrical, of antenna___________ 42b 65
Feed___ ____________ ______________ 49
81 Length, half-wave antenna_____________ 42b 65
Folded dipole___ _____ ____________ 56c; 65 97, 112 Lobe ____ _____ ____________ ____ _____ 53c; 99c 92,179
Ground effects_ ___ _______ _________ 57 97 Long-wire antennas_ _____________ _____ _ 82 139
Ground screens_______ _____________ 61 107 Beverage_______ __________________ 88 148
HorizontaL_ ______ __________ ___ 58a; 58b 98,99 Combination V____________________ 89/ !54
Impedance_ ____ ___ ___________ __ ___ 43c 67 Directivity ___ _______ __ _________ 82c; 84c 141,14:
Methods of feed __ _________________ 49 81 Effect of ground___ ___ _____________ 85 14
Microwave_ _ _ ____________________ 68 , 1~2
117 Feeding _______________ _____ 86; 88e; 89c
Length__________ _______ __________ 42b 65
Polarization _ _ _ _ __________________ 62 107 Gain_- _--_______ ____ ______ _____ 82a; 84c 139, 145
Radiation _ _ ______________________ 3a 4 Gain, calculation_ _ ________________ 82b 1 !~
Radiation resistance __ ______ _ 43b; 59a; 60d 66, General characteristics_ ____________ 83 1
104, 106 Half-rhombic_ _ ___________________ 90 154
Reflection factor_ _ _ _______________ 58a 98 Harmonic_ _ ______________________ 83a 141
Resistance__ ______________________ 43b 66 Isotropic.___ _____ __ ______ __ ______ 82a 139
Resonance______________ ________ __ 43a 66 Nonresonant___________ ____ ___ ____ 87 148
Standing waves of voltage and current. 41b 62 Radiation patterns _______________ - 84d 145
Single-wire.__ ___________________ 56c; 64 97, 110 Receiving_ _ _ _____________________ 88d 151
Untuned methods of feed______ ___ __ 51 84 Uhombic_ _______________ __ ___ ____ 91 158
VcrticaL _________________________ 58c 102 V antenna_____ _____ ____ __________ 89 151
•,ltage distribution__ _ ____________ 41 VVave __ ______ ____________________ 88 148
ParllQraph PllQt 11
Radiation-Continued PllrtJ9rllP 94
Loop antenna_ _________________ _______ 111 211 Doublet ________________ __- - - - - --- 54b 1, 4
Loop const~:uction _____________________ 114 218 Field __ __ _________________________ 2a; 3a 113
Loops--------------- - ------- - -- ------ 40c 59 Folded-dipole ________________ -- --- 65c 98
Lowest useful frequency------- __ _____ __ 29 45 Ground-affected ____________ ------- 58 120
Magnetic component of electrical field ____ 3c 4 Grounded quarter-wave antenna-- -- 72 99
Magnetic field- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ___ 4b; 38b 7, 56 Horizontal half-wave antenna_ ------ 58b 145,
Magnetic and electric field combined__ __ __ 39 56 Patterns ____________ 53 ; 84d; 102b; 105/ ~~7,zoZ
Magnetic intensity - - - -------- _________ 4a 7 104,
Mast and tower radiators _---_________ __ 77 130 · tanee __________ 59·, 60d·, 72c·• 84b; 105e 6, 1n1
R es1s " •
Matched lines_ -- ------ --------_ __ _____ 45j 74 143 zo1
Matching, impedance _---- -- ---______ __ 45l 76 , 96
Matching section, exponentiaL __ ______ 91k (2) 168 Use________________ 55 10Z
Matching stubs_-- ----------_ _________ 51g 86 Vertical half-wave antenna ____ ----- 58c 1
Matter___ _______ ________ ______ ______ _ 20a 25 Radio communication, elements ___ ------ 1b 49
Maximum usable frequency_ ____ _______ _ 28 43 Radio noise __ __ ______________ - - - - - - - - - 33 b 143
Microwave antenna ___ -----___ ____ ___ __ 68 117 Reactance, antenna__ __________________ 84b 47
Mismatch_- ---- --- - - ------ -__ ___ ___ __ 45j 74 Received signal strength_____________ ___ 31 151
Multielement arrays_ _______________ ___ 94 174 Receiving antennas ____________________ 8~ 109
Mutual impedance________ _______ ______ 97 176 Reciprocity of antenna ____ ------------- z 30
1 '98
Reflection __ _____________ ________ 9a; 22b(l)
Node______ ___ _____ ________________ __ 40c 159 Reflection factor ______ __ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 58a 114
Noise figure _____ ------------__________
Noise, radio ____ _-- -- ---- _____________ 33b
33c 50 Reflector __________________ __ ---- 68e; 95a( 4) 117 zz, 3
49 Refraction ____ ________________ 9b; 17a;22b (1) ' 30
Nonresonant long-wire antennas_ ________ 87 148
NulL------- ------- -- -------- _____ 53c; 111a 92,211 13, 31
Refractive index _____ __ ________ 9b (2);22b (2)
Off-center feed _______________________ _ 51b 84 Resistance : 66
Open two-wire line _________________ ___ 46b 77 Antenna.______ _______ _____________ 43 b 106
Optimum working frequency ____ ____·___ _ 30 46 Radiation ___ __ ____________ ------ 59; 60d 104' 66
Ordinary wave __________ __ ___ ____ ____ _ 28c Resonance, antenna____________________ 43 a 148
Parasitic arrays ____________________ ___ 95 174
Resonant antenna. ____ ----------------- :~ 158
Rhombic antennas__________ ______ _____ b 159
Pattern: 91
Polar____ ______ __ ________ ___ ___ __ 53c Advantages_______________________ 161
92 Directivity and gain_____ _____ _____ 9 1e 165
Radiation, ground affected_______ ___ 58 98 De~gn__ _ _ __ ___ __________________ 91h 168
Rectangular-coordinate_____ ________ 53b 91 Feeding _________________________ . 91k 111
Phasing_________ __ __ ___ _____ _________ 96 175 1
Phasing stubs_-------- - --- _______ _____ 96b
Ground effects __ ___ - _- - - - - - - - -- - - · 9 m 170
176 9 ll
Polarization __ --------------- _______ 5; 62; 71 Lobe alinemen t __ - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 168
8, 91j
107, 120
Multiwire ___ --------------------- 171
Resonant_________________________ 91n
EllipticaL-------_ __ _____ ___ ___ ___ 115b 219 91/ 161
Terminating devices ___ ------------
Grounded quarter-wave antenna__ ___ 71 120 35
Half-wave antenna____________ ____ 62a 107 Scattered reflections ________ ----------- 24d
HorizontaL ____ __ _____ _ 5; 62d; 111c; 115b 8, 109, 61 107
Screens, ground __ ~ ________ - - - - - - - - -- - - 33
212,219 Seasonal variation of ionosphere_---- ---- 23c
112 213
Loop-antenna patterns ___ ___ ___ 111b; 111c 211,212 Sense antenna _______________ ---- ------
46d 79
Requirements for various fre- Shielded pair _____________ ------------.-
quencies_ _______________________ 62b Signal reception, strength ____________ --- · 31; 33 47,49
VerticaL ________ _______ 5; 62c; 111b; 115b 8, 108, Single-wire antenna. ___ __________ ----- 56c; 64 97, uo
Single-wire feed ____________________ --- 51b 84
211,219 76
Power, radiated_ ____ ______ ____ _______ _ 6b 8 Single-wire line _________ ___ ________ ---- 46a
Propagation ___ _----_- ______ __ ___ ____ 7; 9; 12 10, Skip distance _ _ ____________ __________ 22b; 27 30,37
Skip zone ________________ ___________ -- 27 37
12, 17
Skywave_ ____________________________ 26 37
Characteristics of terrain__ ____ _____ 15a 21
Modes_ _______ _________ ____ ____ __ 27a 37
Line-of-sight_________ __ _______ ____ 13a 18
Transmission paths ____________ --- - 27 37
Sky-wave____ ________ ____ ___ ____ __ 26 37
Velocity _____ ~ ______________ _ 2c; 42; 45m 2, 65, 76 Space, free _________________________ -- - 2d 3
Spacers ______________________________ 46b 77
Q match __ ___ _____ _____ ______________ 51h 87
Spacing, collinear arrays ____________ - - - 10 1c(2) 185
Quarter-wave antenna_______ ____ ___ ___ 69 118 Sporadic-E layer ___________________ --- 24a 34
Radiation: Spreaders ________________________ - - - - - 46b 7i
Standing-wave ratio ___________ -------- 45j 74
Collinear arrays ~ ___ __ ________ ___ _ _ 101c 188
Dipole _ _ __________ _______________ 54c 96 Standing waves ____ .. ______ 40; 41a(2); 45g; 84b 57, 59,
70, 143
Directional and nondirectional_ _____ 54b 94

Pwlrefr•pA ~ V antenna--Continued l"'lr4fropA /'of'
Sterba c~ arraY- -- ------- --------- 104c 196 Design ___ - - - ---------- _____ _____ _ 89b 151
Stratosphere __ _-- - - ----- - ------------- 7b 10 Feeding- - - - - - - - - - - - _ ________ ____ _ 8\lc 152
Stubs, matchinl!l--- - -- - - -------------- - 51g 86 Obtuse angle__ ___ __ ____ __ __ __ ____ _ 89e 152
Sunspot cycle ____ -·· ----- - -- - ----- 20d(l) ; 23d 26 UnidirectionaL___________ _________ 89d 152
Sunspots, effect ________ ______________ 20d(1) 26,33 Velocity of propagation_- ___ ______ 2c; 42; 45m 2, 65,76
Surface wave____ ____ ______ __________ _ 15a 21 Vertical antenna _-- --- -- -- - 66; 69; 77; 78; 79 114, 118,
T match __ ___ ___ __ _____ ___ _- _- - _- - - - - 51e 86 130, 132,
23 133
Temperature inversion- - - - -- ----- - ----- 17b Half-wave ____ __ ____ __ ___ _-.- _____ _
70 58c 102
Terminations, basic line - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45g Vertical polarization ____ __ ___ _ 5; 88b 8, 149
A.ngle _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ 15b; 90b(5) ; 91h(3) 21, 155, Virtual height __ _____ ________ _~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ 22c 31
165 Voltage and current distribution on half-
wave antenna ______ __________ ______ _ 54
VVave______ __ ____ ______ __ _______ _ 88b 149 41
Voltage and electric field ____ _____ _____ _ 37 59
Top-loaded antenna _____ - -- -------- -- - 76 128
Transmission line: Wave:
Attenuation _______ - - ------------- 45d 69 Angle_ ------ - - - - -- -- -- -- __ 90b(5); 91h(2) 155, 165
Characteristic impedance -_---- 45c; 46b(2) ; 69, 77, Antenna___ ____ _______ ___ _________ 88 148
46/(2) 79 Front --- - --- --~ - ----- --- -- - -- -- -- 4 7
Characteristics_--- - --------------- 45 68 Incident and reflected___ ___________ 40b 57
Distributed constants -------- - ----- 45b 69 Motion _____ __ ______ _____ _________ 2 1
Impedance matching ____ ----------- 451 76 Tilt___ ________ ___ __ __ ______ 88b 149
Reflection of energy ___ ___ ---------- 45e 69 Wavelength __ _______ ___ ·· - __ _~~ ~=~~ 2c 2
Resonance _____ ___ _______________ _ 45k 76 Waves:
Standing-wave ratio_ ------------- - 45j 74 Diffraction _ _ _ _________ _____ ______ 9; 9c 12, 14
Terminations ____ - - --- ------- - ---- 45g 70 Direct ________ -_ - - _________ 13 18
46 76 Electromagnetic __ __ _________ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2a 1
Types--------- -- --- ------------ -- 76 39
Velocity of propagation - - ---------- 45m Great circle path _- - - _____ 27b
Transmitter-to-line coupling - - ------- - -- 48 79 Ground---- - - - - - -- - ----- ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ 12a 17
Troposphere ___ ______________ - _- - - - - __ 7a 10 P ropagation _ _ _ ________ __ _________ 7 10
Abnormal effects _______ - - - - - - - - - - - 18 23 Reftection ___ - _- - - - - - __" ___ ___ 9a; 22b(1) 12, 30
Tropospheric propagation ___ ----------- 18a 23 Refraction ___ - - - -- -- __ __ ___ 9b; 17a; 22b(1) 13, 22,
Tropospheric refraction __ • _ - - - - - - - - - - - - 17a 22 30
Tropospheric-wave component _--- - ---- - 17 22 SkY- ---- - --------- - --- - -- - -- -- - -- 26 37
Twenty-seven day variation of ionosphere_ 23e 33 Standing ___________ __ 40;41a(2); 45g; 84b 57,58,
Two-wire insulated line ____ _______ - ___ _ 46c 77 70. 143
Two-wire open line ___ ___ _____________ _ 46b 78 Surface __ ___ - - --- -- - -- ____ _____ _ 12b; 15a 17,21
Unidirectional arrays ___ - __ - - _--------- 95b 174 1'agi_ ___ ___________ _____ _____ ________ 106d 205
151 Zepp, extended double_ _ ____ __ 104a 195
Vantenna- ------ - -- ----- - ---- - ------- 89
Combination ___ ___ - - ___----------- 89/ 154 Zepp-fed antenna- ----- - ------ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ 50e 82

* U.S. GOVERN MENT PR INT I NG OFFICE: 1969--390-947 358

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