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DRPH GuideBook Department of Community Health UKMMC


Community Health Department, UKMMC, Kuala Lumpur


DRPH GuideBook Department of Community Health UKMMC


Background 2
Program Objectives 2
Scope 2
Duration of studies 2
Entry requirement 3
Application 3
Registration and payment 3
Registration early of the semester 3
Form of registration 3
Suspension of registration 3
Programme structure 3
Workload for coursework 3
Workload for field attachment 4
Workload for research and dissertation 4
Supervisor 5
Assessment / examination 5
Coursework assessment 5
Grade and grade point 5
In-complete grade 5
Conditions for repeating the courseworks 5
Comprehensive examination 5
Dissertation examination 6
Award of Degree 6
Dismission of candidate 6
General 6
Courses offerred 6
Synopsis of courses 8
List of academic staffs 18

DRPH GuideBook Department of Community Health UKMMC

7. Formulate research question and develop

BACKGROUND research methodologies suitable for a
specific specialty in community health.
8. Conduct research with due diligence and
Community health is one of the disciplines in care.
science which aims to increase the standard of 9. Project-manage, design, implement and
physical, mental and social heath in individual, adapt the research process with high
family and society level through organized level of scholarship.
cooperation from individual, family, society and 10. Analyze data using appropriate advanced
amongst the medical& health services providers. epidemiological, statistical, economic, or
Community health practice emphasized the
qualitative research techniques.
management of resources and facilities to achieve
optimum standard of physical, mental and social 11. Disseminate and publish research
health by the population. findings that expand the boundary of
knowledge. (Communicate research
Community health scope include functions such findings in oral and written form; place
as planning, organizing, coordinating, monitoring research findings in the context of current
and evaluating of health strategies/program to knowledge; identify limitations and further
ensure a comprehensive health service,that able
areas for research; discuss policy
to fulfill the needs of society, in which it could be
accessed, accepted and used by all members of implications and the public health
the society. It has been recognized as one of the significance of findings)
disciplines which developed tremendously at an
international level.
Community health specialization has developes
from time-to-time, following the development and
needs of a country. An individual who is
responsible to the community health, whether Degree in Doctor of Public Health includes the
national, state, district or a special unit of a following specialization:
specific service, shall have extended training in
community health.  Epidemiology and statistics

 Hospital Management and Health Economics

OBJECTIVES  Family Health

 Health promotion
1. Critically analyze and evaluate current
literature and knowledge in community  Environmental Health
health in general and for a specific
 Occupational Health
2. Display innovative technical skills in
managing programs in community health
and specific specialty. DURATION OF STUDIES
3. Identify health priorities in a community,
region and nation.
4. Display ability to supervise, monitor and The programme is conducted for 6 semesters (3
years) and candidates must be registered full time
train professionals in community health in
with UKM. Candidate needs to do course work,
general and area of specialty. field attachment and produce a dissertation during
5. Lead and collaborate with others in the study period. Candidates are encouraged to
community health in general and for a collect research data at their institutions/ place of
specific specialty. work before joining this programme or attachment
6. Display ability to communicate with peers, site.
scholar community and general public
related area of specialty.

DRPH GuideBook Department of Community Health UKMMC

their registration could be disqualified as a


Form of Registration

Candidate who wishes to apply this post-graduate Candidate must register with Universiti
programme shall require the following - Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) to enable them to
pursue all 6 semesters programme.
Bachelor Degree in Medical Doctor from Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM); Candidates who are working must prove that he/
or she had gained permission from their respective
Bachelor Degree in Medical Doctor from other employers to join this programme.
universities that’s recognized by the Senate of
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM); Suspension of Registration
Degree in Master of Public Health/ Community Candidate, who registers can apply to suspend
Health/ Community Medicine or Master in his/ her registration based on reasonable excuse.
Community Health Science from Universiti Duration of suspension will not count as part of the
Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) or other universities required study duration.
that’s recognized by the Senate of Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Suspension is allowed for not less than one
semester and not more than two semesters for the
whole duration of study.
Candidate approved for registration suspension is
not considered as a registered university student,
hence, he/ she is not entitled to use any of the
Application shall be made through the specific university facilities except for getting advise
forms and forwarded to the Dean of Centre for regarding to continue his/her study.
Graduate Studies.

Applications should enclose with it the necessary

academic documents. Every application shall be PROGRAMME STRUCTURE
first referred to the Post-Graduate Committee of
Medical Faculty. The result shall then be
forwarded to the Dean of Centre for Graduate
Studies for further action. Course work

Candidate shall be call for an interview to assess Student needs to complete and get at least 60
their public health experience and commitment in units from course work. Student is allowed to
pursue DrPH programme before accepted. obtain any courses related either from Medical
Faculty or other faculties in Universiti Kebangsaan
Candidates who have been accepted but not yet Malaysia with academic supervisor’s agreement.
registered could postpone their study for not less The student shall select the courses that he/ she
than one semester and not more than two intend to take after discuss and get advice from
semesters with proper formal written application to the academic advisor / supervisor. The total
the Dean of Centre of Graduate Studies. minimum and maximum units of course work
allowed for any semester is the minimum of 12 to
maximum of 20 units (updated based on
REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT Peraturan UKM Pengajian Siswazah 2011).

Candidates are allowed to apply to transfer unit

from courses taken during Master programme to
Registration early of the semester credit in the DrPH Programme only if the
candidates able to prove evidence (result
Candidates who had been accepted to enroll shall transcript) and had passed successfully.
pay the entire fee and register on early of every Transferring of these credits is depending on the
semester for the whole duration of study. agreement by the academic supervisor. The
Candidates are not allowed to register after the maximum units allowed to be transfer are only 12
first four weeks once the semester had started. units (updated based on Peraturan UKM
Candidates who have not registered for the Pengajian Siswazah 2011).
semester and do not have permission to postpone

DRPH GuideBook Department of Community Health UKMMC

Candidate is allowed to change, to add or to de- research proposal title and must be agreed by the
register courses that have been registered after academic supervisor and should be relevant to the
getting advice and support from their academic candidate’s specialisation. Research shall be
advisor/ supervisor within the first four weeks of planned together with the supervisors and
each semester. Change, addition and de-register research proposal must be approved by the
of the course shall fulfill the requirement of Departmental Post-graduate Committee and the
minimum and maximum credit hours for each Research and Ethics Committee at faculty level.
According to Peraturan UKM Pengajian Siswazah
Candidate must attend all lecture/ tutorial/ seminar 2011, DrPH program is under mode: corsework
for the courses that had been registered. and practicum/clinical work with dissertation
Attendance not less than 70% is required and preparation with the coursework component of at
considered as entry requirement to sit for the final least 50%.
exam. Candidates with attendance less than 70%
are not allowed to sit for the particular course and Candidate cannot submit their dissertation that
will be given fail status. has already been submitted either to this
university or other university, but he/she can
Candidate who had registered for any of the include any part from the work, with the condition
course, but do not follow and had not applied to that references are cited clearly.
drop that course, will also be given a fail status for
that particular course. If agreed by the academic supervisor or post-
graduate committee, the candidate could publish
Examination result of a candidate who attended papers related to the work while he/ she is
lectures and sat for the exam, but the course was carrying out the research with the condition the
not registered will not be counted and taken into papers shall include acknowledgement to the
any consideration. university.

Field Attachment A Doctor of Public Health dissertation shall not

exceed 60,000 words (based on Peraturan UKM
Candidates are required to do field attachment Pengajian Siswazah 2011). The total number of
during Semester 4 and 5 (updated based on words should exclude the foot note, citation,
Conjoint board of public health committee decision appendix, formula, table, diagram, picture and so
made-ruj KKM(KA)09/62/02/07/092jld4 dated 19 on.
Mac2012). This attachment will give the
candidates some exposure at the Government Permission to write dissertation more than the
and non Government agencies related to length limitation could be obtained by applying to
community health. The candidates need to the Dean of Centre of Graduate Studies at least
discuss with their academic supervisor and three months before submission of dissertation for
prepare their field attachment proposal. examination.
Candidates will be placed under supervision of the
field supervisors appointed for field attachment. For Malaysian students, the dissertation must be
The field supervisor is needed to prepare a report written in Bahasa Malaysia with the synopsis
based on the attachment. A logbook will be translated into English. However, in certain
provided to each student to assist in observation condition the dissertation can be written in English
and monitoring. Candidates may proceed to with the synopsis translated into Bahasa Malaysia.
Semester 6 upon meeting satisfactory Application to write dissertation in English needs
requirements by the academic supervisor and also to be obtained in written from the Dean of medical
from the recommendation by the field supervisors faculty / Director of Centre of Graduate Studies for
report. approval latest at the semester 4.
Student must produce a complete report of field
attachment which includes: Dissertation preparation should follow the
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia guideline.
Academic supervisor report on field attachment
Field supervisor report on field attachment A candidate is required to apply intention to submit
Student report on their field attachment final dissertation at least 3 months before
achievement together with their reflective submitting the final dissertation for examination.
writing. This period is to allow the university to appoint his
/her dissertation examiners.
Research and Dissertation Preparation
Dissertation could be published after obtaining the
Proposal for research work shall start at the first University’s permission.
semester. Student should come out with their

DRPH GuideBook Department of Community Health UKMMC

Grade Grade Status

A 4.00 Pass with excelent
A- 3.67 Pass with excelent
B+ 3.33 Pass with distintion
Candidates who carry out research and B 3.00 Pass with distintion
dissertation preparation will be guided by either a B- 2.67 pass
supervisor or more than one co-supervisor. The C+ 2.33 pass
main supervisor must have a doctoral degree or is C 2.00 pass
a professor in the university. C- 1.67 fail
D 1.00 fail
When appointed as co-supervisor, the main E 0.00 fail
supervisor will bear the main responsibilities L/K pass /fail
whereby the co-supervisor will become an (courses without grade)
assistant to the main supervisor. T In complete
AU Audit
Supervisor will also be responsible in advising TD withdraw
candidate in taking up courses and matters SM in progress
regarding its progress. TP defer examination

Supervisor must consist of academic staffs that In-complete Grade (T)

are employed by UKM. Academic staff that had
been seconded to other places, resigned, retired With the agreement of the lecturer, a particular
from the university, or other qualified individual course could be graded as ‘T’ if the candidate did
from other institution can only become co- not manage to complete the work or did not sit for
supervisor, in cases with special agreement. the examination and no final result regarding the
student’s achievement in the course. The
If due to unavoidable circumstances, supervisor or agreement from the lecturer must be obtained not
co-supervisor could not perform the duty, another later than two weeks after the next semester
teaching staff shall be appointed to carry out registration. After the duration, if the candidate
supervisory duties. still has yet to complete the work required, thus,
“T” grade will be change to another grade which is
Supervisor shall submit one confidential report agreed by the lecturer for the work which had
regarding the progress of the candidate at least been completed.
once in a semester for the whole duration of the
study to the Faculty’s Post-Graduate Committee, A post-graduate examiner body consists of the
and a copy of the report to the Dean of Centre of Vice Chancellor, Dean of Centre of Graduate
Graduate Studies. Studies, Dean of Medical Faculty, Head of
Department/ Coordinator Programme and
supervisor will consider the result of a candidate
ASSESSMENT/ EXAMINATION and once satisfied, they will endorse the result to
the Senate and award the Degree.

Conditions for Repeating the Course Works

Candidate’s assessment for courses attended
shall include continuous assessment and Candidate who failed in the registered compulsory
examination. courses need to repeat the examination for that
Course Work Assessment:
Candidate who failed in any courses shall sit for
Grade and Grade Point the paper again after 6 months. If he/she still fails
continuously for two semesters (1 year), the
Grade and Value of Grade for course work will be candidate will be dismissed from studies unless
given as in the following table: he/ she with reasonable excuses received the
Faculty approval to repeat.

Comprehensive examination

Candidates who have completed at least 60 units

with at least grade B for each coursework are
qualified to sit for comprehensive exam.
Candidates must pass the comprehensive exam

DRPH GuideBook Department of Community Health UKMMC

before conducting their field attachment and

dissertation preparation. Every application and appeal regarding the
Act and this programme from a registered
Comprehensive exam includes of 2 components: candidate shall be submitted to the Director of
written and oral. Candidates need to pass both Centre of Graduate Studies through his/her
components. Pass marks for each component is supervisor or academic advisor. Director of
50%. Centre of Graduate Studies will refer their
application or appeal to Medical Faculty Post-
Candidates who fail the comprehensive exam are Graduate Committee to obtain their opinion or
allowed to repeat the exam after 6 months. endorsement which will later reach the
Candidates are allowed to repeat for maximum of Director of Centre of Graduate Studies. If
two times and if he/she still fails, candidates will necessary, the Director of Centre of Graduate
be terminated from their studies unless he/ she, Studies will refer the results to the Senate in
with reasonable excuse receive the Faculty’s order to obtain approval or endorsement
approval to repeat. before announcing it to the candidate.

Dissertation examination

Dissertation examination consists of two COURSES OFFERED

components: written dissertation and oral
examination. Candidates have to pass both
components. One internal and one external Name of Courses Unit
examiner will examine the dissertation.
Award of Degree
Semester 1 (15 unit : core)
The degree in Doctor of Public Health shall be FK6553 3
awarded to candidates who fulfill the following Physical growth and social development of a
criteria: child
FK6343 3
Completed at least 60 units of coursework Hospital management
with at least grade B FK7282 2
Occupational safety and health risk
Passed the comprehensive examination assessment and management
FK6173 3
Satisfactory completion of field attachment Epidemiology and clinical biostatistics
FK7931 1
Published at least two article related to his/ Directed learning in health promotion
her specialization in a peer reviewed journal. FK 6912 2
Environmental sanitation and engineering
Passed the dissertation examination. FK 7121 1
Occupational safety and health legislation
Made all required payment.
Semester 2 (12 unit : core)
FK6552 2
Dismissal of Candidate Women and health
FK6193 3
With the agreement of the Senate, a candidate Advanced biostatistics
who follows the post-graduate programme could FK6963 3
be dismissed at any time if the progress of the Food quality control and safety
candidate is not satisfactory. FK7933 3
Qualitative methods in health service
General research
FK7932 2
Senate are entitled to take appropriate action Directed learning in health promotion
on a candidate if he/ she is found to give FK7172 2
untrue or incorrect information. Occupational health seminar

Senate could allow any exemption that is

relevant to their opinion apart from the
requirements of this programme.

DRPH GuideBook Department of Community Health UKMMC


Research methodology seminar on family health 2
A. Epidemology and
Medical Statistics Scope FK 6691/2
Directed Learning in Family Health 1 or 2
FK 6153
Epidemiology of Non- 3 D. Environmental Health Scope
Communicable Diseases
FK 6953
FK 6164 Environmental and Industrial 3
Epidemiology of Tropical Diseases 3 Toxicology

FK 6182 FK 6932
Epidemiology of Vector Borne 3 Water and Air Quality 2
FK 6943
FK 6152 Environmental Management 3
Epidemiology of cancer 2
FK 7533
FK 6291/2 Environmental and occupational 3
Directed Learning in Epidemiology 1 or 2 health laboratory
and Medical Statistics
FK 7091/2
B. Health and Hospital Management Scope Directed Learning in Environmental 1 or 2
FK 6342
Management of Health Information 2 E. Occupational Health Scope
In Health Care System
FK 7124
FK7933 Occupational Medicine 4
Qualitative methods in health service 3
Research FK 7131
Industrial Hygiene 1
FK 6363
Health Economics 3 FK 7141
Ergonomics 1
FK 6382
Management Seminar 3 FK 7151
Occupational Health Education 1
FK 6352
Organizational behaviour and health personnel 2 FK 7161
management Epidemiology of Occupational Health 1

FK 6491/2 FK 7181
Directed Learning in Health and 1 or 2 Operational Medicine 1
Hospital Management
FK 7193
C. Family Health Scope Occupatioanal Health Practicum 3

FK 6532 FK 7212
Adolescent Health 2 Clinical Occupational Medicine 2

FK 6563 FK 6953
Health of the Elderly 3 Environmental and Industrial 3
FK 6582
Family Health Seminars 2 FK 7291/2
Directed Learning in Occupational 1 or2
FK 6573 Health
Family and Community Nutrition 3

DRPH GuideBook Department of Community Health UKMMC

F. Health Promotion places. This course will be conducted for 2 hours

lecture and 2 hours field work every week.
FK 7332
Patient Education 2 References:

FK 7513 Lashley, F.R. dan Durham, J.D. 2007. Emerging

Health Communication 3 Infectious Diseases: Trends and Issues. Springer
Publishing Company.
FK 7931 /2 Kwan-Gett, T. S. et al. 2005. Infectious and
Directed Learning in 1 or 2 Tropical Diseases: A Handbook for Primary Care.
Health P romotion Mosby.
Fernando, R.J et al. 2001.Tropical Infectious
SYPNOSIS OF COURSES Diseases: Epidemiology, Investigation, Diagnosis
and Management. Greenwich Medical Media.
EPIDEMIOLOGY AND MEDICAL Cook, G.C. et al. 2003. Manson's tropical
STATISTICS diseases. 21 ed. London: Saunders
Chin, J. 2000. Control of Communicable Diseases
FK 6193 : Advanced Biostatistics Manual. American Public Health Association.
Gregg, M.B. 2002. Field Epidemiology. 2 ed.
Oxford University Press.
This is an advance of the Basic Statistics
Medicine course. It covers a non-parameter test;
duo-direction Anova; double regression;
FK 6153 : Epidemiology of Non-
discriminator analysis; logistics regression and
communicable Diseases
covariance analysis. This course comprises 2-
hour lectures and a single session of 2-hour
This course is about the epidemiology of non-
practical each week.
infectious diseases such as cardiovascular
diseases, diabetes mellitus, chronic respiratory
diseases and others. Candidates are required to
produce a project and presentation on analytical
Beth, D., Robert G. T. & Robert, T. 2004. Basic &
study and relationship between diseases and the
Clinical Biostatistics . Lange Medical Books / Mc
factors which contribute to the disease. This
Graw – Hill.Medical Publishing Division.
course will be conducted for 1 hour of lecture and
Colton, T. 2000. Statistics in Medicine. Little
2 hours of field work every week.
Brown and Co. Boston. 4th Ed.
David, G. 2005. Introduction to the Practice of
th References:
Statistics. 4 Edition Prentice-Hall International
Hurster M.M., 1997. Communicable and Non-
Dawson,B. & Trapp, R.G. 2001. Basic and
rd Communicable Disease Basics: A Primer.
Clinical Biostatistics. 3 Edition Prentice-Hall st
Bergin & Garvey; 1 edition.
International Inc.
Caballero B.,2002. The Nutrition Transition: Diet
Geoffrey, R. & David, L. S. 2000. Biostatistics: The
and Disease in the Developing World. Academic
Bare Essentials,Second Edition st
Press; 1 edition.
FK 6164 : Epidemiology of Tropical Diseases Mascie-Taylor N., Peters J., McGarvey S.T.,
2004. The Changing Face of Disease:
Implications for Society. CRC; 1 edition
This course emphasises on the aspect of
Bulpitt C.J., 2000. Epidemiology of
preventing tropical diseases and management of
Hypertension. Elsevier Science Pub Co; 2Rev
the prevention programme. Attention will be given
Ed edition.
to diseases that are of public health importance in
Ekoé J.M., Zimmet P., Williams R., 2001. The
Malaysia such as malnutrition, malaria, filariasis,
Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus: An
tuberculosis and leprosy. It covers human st
International Perspective. Wiley; 1 edition.
growth, community nutrition status assessment,
McQueen, David V. (Ed.) 2013.Global Handbook
distribution of malnutrition and factors associate
on Non communicable Diseases and Health
with it. Epidemiology of the tropical diseases,
which includes distribution, factors associate with
Louis Galambos (Editor), Jeffrey L. Sturchio.
the distribution and methods of prevention will also
2013.Noncommunicable Diseases in the
be discussed. Regime of treatment and
Developing World: Addressing Gaps in Global
prevention will be explained in depth from various
Policy and Research.
disciplines. Centres of diseases treatment will
become the model to make comparison with other

DRPH GuideBook Department of Community Health UKMMC

FK 6173 : Epidemiology and Clinical FK 6152: Epidemiology of cancer

This course begins with a description of the
This course will focus on application of distribution and magnitude of the cancer problem,
epidemiology and statistics in clinical work. These which is followed by a detailed discussion on
will include basic clinical epidemiology, screening theories of cancer etiology, including radiation,
test, utility of analytical study and experiment in tobacco, alcohol, drugs, occupation, diet, and
determining prognosis of diseases and others. other factors. The course also covers the major
Candidate will be required to criticise two articles cancer sites in terms of distribution of disease and
from journal and present on of them. This course risk factors. Methodology and study designs used
will be conducted for 2 hours lecture and 2 hours in cancer research are discussed throughout the
of practical weekly. course.

References: References:

Sacket D.L., Haynes R.B., Tugwell P. 1985. Adami, H et al. 2008. Textbook of Cancer
Clinical Epidemiology. Boston: Little Brown and Epidemiology. Oxford University Press, USA.
Company. Anderson, G dan Simonton, O.C. 1999. Cancer:
Weiss N.S. 1986. Clinical Epidemiology : The 50 Essential Things to Do: Revised and Updated
Study of the Outcome of Illness. Oxford University Edition.Plume; Rev Upd Su edition
Press. Higginson, J et al. 2005. Human Cancer:
Fletcher R.H. & Fletcher S.W., Wagner E.H. Epidemiology and Environmental Causes
1987. Clinical Epidemiology – The Essential. (Cambridge Monographs on Cancer Research).
Baltimore : Waverly Press Inc. Cambridge University Press.
Schottenfeld, D. dan Fraumeni, J.F. 2006. Cancer
Epidemiology and Prevention.
FK 6182 : Epidemiology of Vector Borne Oxford University Press, USA
Diseases Silva, S.I. 1999. Cancer Epidemiology. WHO.

This course is aimed to deepen the knowledge FK 6291/2 : Directed Learning in

and skill in determining, assessing and solving Epidemiology and Medical Statistics
clinical problem regarding diseases which are
spread by vector commonly found in Malaysia, This is an elective course offered in Semester 2 or
such as malaria, filariasis, dengue fever, japanese 3. It contributes to1 or 2 credits depending on the
encephalitis and others. Contents of the course workloads set by the students and lecturers. This
include understanding these vectorborne diseases course aims to provide opportunities for students
and methods to control it. This course will be to develop specific knowledge and skills in certain
conducted for 1 hour of lecture plus laboratory and aspects of Community Health which posed
fieldwork session weekly. tensions on epidemiology and statistics. This topic
is not fully covered in the existing compulsory and
References: elective courses. In this course, candidates will
need to prepare a study proposal which had been
WHO, Western Pacific Region 2004. The use of discussed and agreed by their supervising
malaria rapid diagnostic tests. lecturers. Learning activities may cover library
Kin, F. et al. 2001. Workshop proceedings on checking, data analysis, article write-ups and
behavioural interventions dengue control in practicum or short research. Topics are not fixed
Malaysia. Pulau Pinang : Universiti Sains Malaysia and may cover various disciplines. Evaluation will
Parks, W. 2005. Planning social mobilization and be done based on work quality agreed by the
communication for dengue fever prevention and students and lecturers.
control : a step-by-step guide. Geneva : World
Mackenzie, J.S et al. 2002. Japanese Encephalitis ECONOMICS
and West Nile Viruses. 1 ed. Springer.
Eldridge, B.F dan Edman, J.D. 2003. Medical FK 6352 : Organizational behaviour and
entomology : a textbook on public health and health personnel management
veterinary problems caused by arthropods.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers It is admitted that healthy and functional behavior
are equally important for any established
organization. It helps to maximize performance for
both personnel and organization. Throughout the
process, problems such as conflict, dissatisfaction,
de-motivation and other form of dysfunctional

DRPH GuideBook Department of Community Health UKMMC

behaviors are easily sparked out. If these References:

problems are left unrecognized and unsolved, they
might aggravate tense and unhealthy situation in Achieving Excellence in Clinical Governance.
the work place. Therefore, knowledge on 2011. Framework Document and Companion
personnel behavior and its dynamic have to be Guide for the Integrated Management for Quality,
known so that the appropriate personnel Safety and Risk in the Malaysian Health Care
management efforts could be instituted to System. Patient Safety Council of Malaysia and
overcome these problems. This course is offered Quality of Medical Care Section Medical
to those who wants to expand their knowledge on Development Division, MoH.
personnel management. As an advance subject, Zaheed-Ud-Din-Babar et al. 2010. The Reality of
the candidate therefore, must have some basic Medicine Prices In Malaysia. Universiti Sains
knowledge on management especially on health Malaysia Pulau Pinang.
care system and its related fields. This two units Syed Aljunid et al. 2013. Sistem Casemix untuk
course centers mainly at human behavior as a Pemula. Konsep dan Aplikasi Untuk Negara
main modifiable factor for personnel and Berkembang, Penerapan di Indonesia. CV Energy
organizational development. It is divided into two Printing, Indonesia.
main areas. First, shall be focused on Robbin, S.P.2002. Management Concepts and
understanding of personnel behavior and its Practice. Prentice-Hall Inc. New Jersey
dynamic – different type of behavior, associated Shonell, S.M. & Kaluzzy, A.D. 2000. Health Care
contributory factors, implication and its Management : A Text in Organizational Theory
characteristics. Whilst on the second, course shall and Behavior. John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey,
concentrates more towards personnel 4 . Ed.
management strategies – planning, appraising,
development and others form of personnel and FK 6342 : Management of Health Information
organizational related activities. in Health Care System

References: This course discusses on compiling and usage of

data in health care system for the purpose of
planning, research and problem-solving in health
Sehermerhon, J.R. Hunt, J.G & Osborn, R.N.
& service areas. Focus will be channelled towards
2000. Managing Organisational Behaviour. John
strategy and technical analysis, alternative
Wiley and Sons, New York.
selection, efficiency assessment and usage of
Fottler, M.D., Hernandez, S.R & Joiner, C.L. 2000. computers in the field of health care management.
Strategic Management of Human Resources in This course is a 1-hour lecture and a session of 2-
Health Services Organization. John Wiley and hour practical per week.
Sons, 4nd Ed.
Stephen, M. S.& Arnold, D. K.. 2005 . Health Care
Management: Organization Design and Behavior
Wickham,F. Lee DBA,John P, Glaser &
Prentice Hall Inc. Seth B.G 2005. Principles of
Burns.2005.Managing healthcare information
Health Care Management: Compliance
systems: Approach for health care executives.
Consumerism and Accountability in the 21st
Mervat Abdelhak,Sara Grostick Mary,2007. Health
Century . Prentice Hall Inc.
information:management of a strategic .
Merit 2002. Information management for health
FK 6343 : Hospital Management
care professional health information management
This course emphasises on hospital management
Mc Lachlan G. and Shegog R.A. (eds). Computers
procedures from physical and services planning,
in the Service of Medicine.Vol.I-III. Oxford
all aspects of administration, financing and costs
University Press, 1986
control and marketing of the hospital. This course
will provide basic efficiency skills among students
to help develop in them a quality management
FK 6363 : Health Economics
team, so that they will be capable to discharge all
management functions effectively in the field of
This course covers theory of microeconomics
human capital, finance and goods, hospital’s micro
analysis and its application in health service and
planning and to portray a corporate and quality
problems associate with it in organisation, delivery
image of the hospital administration. Candidates
and financial in health service; economical
will also acquire skills on information management
analysis as a basic tool in decision making to an
for administrative purpose. This course will also be
individual and community at large; demand and
of assistance to planners from all levels of health
offer in health and medicine, analysis of
resources; preparation and process of health
budget. This course will also discuss aspects of

DRPH GuideBook Department of Community Health UKMMC

accounting, value expectation theory, financial OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH

modelling, analysis of economics impact, financial
resources, financial extrapolation cost-effective FK 7131: Industrial Hygiene
analysis and cost-benefit in planning and
evaluating of health services. It will also The aim of this course is to introduce the students
emphasise on computer usage in health with the principles of industrial hygiene. It includes
economics. This course will be conducted for 2 the anticipation, recognition, evaluation and
hours of lecture and 1 session of practical for 2 control of hazards in the work place. Emphasis is
hours each week. given to the control measures such as engineering
method, administrative methods and personal
References: protective equipments

Drummond, M.F., Sculpher, M.J., Torrance, G.W. References:

& O’Brien, B.J. 2005. Methods for the Economic
Evaluation of Health Care Programmes. Third Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene. 2002. 5th Ed.
Edition. United Kingdom: Oxford Medical Plog BA, Quinlan, PJ, eds.
Publications. NIOSH. 2005. Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards.
Creese, A. & Parker, D. 1994. Cost Analysis in US Department of Health and Human Services,
Primary Health Care: A Training Manual for Public Health and Service, Centers for Disease
Programme Managers. Geneva: World Health Control and Prevention, Publication No. 2005-149.
Organization. National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Getzen, T.E. 2003. Health Economics: Health.
Fundamentals and Flow of Funds. Second AIHA. 2002. Emergency Response Planning
Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc Guidelines, American Industrial Hygiene
FK 6382 : Management Seminar ACGIH. 2006. Threshold Limit Values and
Biological Exposure Indices, Publication No. 0106.
Candidates who are taking specialization in health American Conference of Governmental Industrial
management are required to prepare a proposal Hygienists.
regarding current issues in health management. American Industrial Hygiene Association, 2003.
The papers will be presented in the form of The Occupational Environment: Its Evaluation,
seminar. This course will be conducted by Control, and Management, 2nd Ed. DiNardi SR.
presenting seminar for 4 hours every 2 weeks.

Jurnal: FK 7141 : Ergonomics

World Health Statistics Quarterly: WHO.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization: WHO This course covered study of accomodation of
WHO Chronicle: WHO. work to suit human’s physiology, anatomy as well
as psychology. It also discusses on the
FK 6491/2: Directed Learning in Health and prevention and control of ergonomic-related
Hospital Management diseases.

This is an elective course offered in Semester 2 or References:

3. It contributes to1 or 2 credits depending on the
workloads set by the students and lecturers. This Kroemer KHE & Grandjean E. 2001. Fitting the
course aims to provide opportunities for students task to human, 5 Ed. Tailor and Francis Ltd.
to develop specific knowledge and skills in certain ILO. 2003. Ergonomics checkpoints. MDC
aspects of Community Health which posed Publishers.
tensions on health management. This topic is not ILO. 2004. Work Improvement in Small Enterprise.
fully covered in the existing compulsory and International Labour Office.
elective courses. In this course, candidates will Violante F, Armstrong T & Kilbom A. 2000.
need to prepare a study proposal which had been Occupational Ergonomics: Work-related
discussed and agreed by their supervising Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Upper Limb and
lecturers. Learning activities may cover library Back. London: Taylor & Francis.
checking, data analysis, article write-ups and Londy F.J. 1985. Psychology fo Work Behavior.
practicum or short research. Topics are not fixed The Dorsery Press, Homewood, Illnois.
and may cover various disciplines. Evaluation will
be done based on work quality agreed by the FK 7121: Occupational Safety and Health
students and lecturers. Legislation

The aim of this course is to introduce the students

to the occupational safety and health legislation in

DRPH GuideBook Department of Community Health UKMMC

Malaysia. Factories And Machinery Act 1967 and Checkoway H, Pearce N & Crawford-Brown DJ.
Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 will be 2004. Research Methods in Occupational
the basis of discussion in this course. Students will Epidemiology. 2 Ed Oxford University Press.
also be exposed to other legislation related to McDonald C. 2000. Epidemiology of Work Related
occupational safet and health and compensation Diseases, 2 Ed. London: BMJ Publishing Group
of injury due to work and disability assessment. Chorney W. & Fragala G. 1999. The Epidemic of
Health Care Work Injury: An Epidemiology.
References: Florida: CRC Press LLC
Occupational & Environmental Medicine Online
Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 and Journal.
Factories and Machinery Act 1967 and
Regulations FK 7282: Occupational Safety and Health Risk
Employees’ Social Security Act 1969 and Assessment and Management
Pesticides Act 1974 This course focuses on the concept of risk and
Atomic Energy Licensing Act 1984 and risk assessment models in occupational safety
Regulations and health. It also covers the occupational safety
and health risk management which includes the
risk communication, cost-benefit analysis and
FK 7193 : Occupational Health Practicum assessment on the effectiveness of control
This course provides knowledge and basic skills
that are required from an occupational safety and References:
health practitioner. Students will be trained to
perform and analyse the results of occupational Sadhra SS & Rampal KG.1999. Occupational
safety and health activities such as exposure Health Risk Assessment and Management.
monitoring and medical surveillance. London: Blackwell Science.
Wells G. 1996. Hazard Identification and Risk
References: Assessment. Redwood Books.
DOSH. 2000. Assessment of the Health Risks
Stellman JM. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health Arising from the Use of Hazardous Chemicals in
and Safety, 4 Ed. 1998. International Labour the Workplace.
Office. Reese CD. 2003. Occupational Health and Safety
LaDou, J. 2004. Current Occupational and Management: A Practical Approach. Lewis
Environmental Medicine, 3 Ed.New York: Lange Publication.
Noor Hassim Ismail. 2002. Program Perlindungan FK 7172 : Occupational Health
Pendengaran Pekerja. Kuala Lumpur. Persatuan Seminars
Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Malaysia.
Hyatt RE, Scanlon PD, Nakamura M. 2003. In this course, students will prepare and present a
Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Tests, 2nd working paper on relevant current issues of
Ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins occupational health. Topic on the latest procedure
Suter A. 2003. Hearing Conservation Manual, 4th to assess the exposure and effects of hazards is
Ed. Council for Accreditation in Occupational chosen. Students will also need to present the
Hearing Conservation (CAOHC) , occupational health cases. This course covers a
2-hour seminar weekly.

FK 7161: Epidemiology of Occupational References:

Stellman JM. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health
This course included of epidemilogy of and Safety, 4 Ed. 1998. International Labour
occupational health and epidemiological methods Office.
in occupational health research/ study. American Medical Association. 2001. Guides to
the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 5th
References: Edition.
Occupational Safety and Health Act 194.
Karnoven M. and Mikheer M.I. 1987. Harding MR & Mills FJ. 1993. Aviation Medicine,
Epidemiology of Occupational Health.. World 3 Ed. Latimer Trend & Co.Ltd.
Health Organization, Copenhagen. Ribak J, Raymon RB & Froom P. 1995.
Occupational Health in Aviation. London:
Academic Press.

DRPH GuideBook Department of Community Health UKMMC

Edmonds C, McKenzie B & Thomas R. 1997. will also be discussed. Candidate will be assigned
Diving Medicine for Scuba Divers. to carry out literature review and produce a report
Melbourne: J.L. Publications regarding the toxic chemical.

FK 7181 : Operational Medicine References:

This course aims to improve students’ knowledge Klassen, C.D., Amdur M.O. & Doull J. (pnyt).
on occupational hazards in the armed forces Toxicology : The Basic Science of Poisons. New
(army, navy and air force). This course covers York: Macmillan Publishing Company.
underwater medicine, aviation medicine and Lippmann, M. (pnyt.) 1992. Environmental
warfare support medicine. This course will Toxicants : Human Exposures and Their Health
comprise lessons, visits and practical. Effects. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Manahan, S.E. 1992. Toxicological Chemistry
References: 2nd. edition. Chelsea: Lewis Publishers.
Landis, W.C. & Yu, M.H. 1995. Introduction to
Harding MR & Mills FJ. 1993. Aviation Medicine, Environmental Toxicology. Boca Raton: Lewis
3 Ed. Latimer Trend & Co.Ltd. Publishers.
Ribak J, Raymon RB & Froom P. 1995.
Occupational Health in Aviation. London: FK 7291 / 2 : Directed Learning
Academic Press. in Occupational Health
Edmonds C, McKenzie B & Thomas R. 1997.
Diving Medicine for Scuba Divers. Melbourne: J.L. This is an elective course offered in Semester 2 or
Publications 3. It contributes to 1 or 2 credits depending on the
amount of workloads set by the students and
FK 7212 : Clinical Occupational lecturers. This course aims to provide room for
Medicine students to develop specific knowledge and skills
in certain aspects of Community Health which is
Candidates will be assigned to the Medical, not fully covered in the existing compulsory and
Orthopaedic, Otorhinolaryngology, Opthalmology elective courses. In this particular course,
and Emergency Department, Radiology and candidates will need to prepare a discussed study
Rehabilitation Medicine clinics. They are required proposal and will be verified by their supervising
to examine cases and evaluate patients’ disability. lecturers. Learning activities may cover library
This course covers 6-hour clinical duties including checking, data analysis, article write-ups and
case presentation weekly. practicum or short research. Topics are not fixed
and may cover various disciplines. Evaluation will
References: be done based on work quality agreed by the
students and lecturers.
American Medical Association. 2001. Guides to
the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 5th FAMILY HEALTH
Rosenstock L & Cullen MR. 1994. Textbook of FK 6553 : Physical growth and Social
Clinical Occupational and Environmental development of a child
Medicine.W.B Saunders Company.
Koh, D, Chia KS & Jeyaratnam J. 2002. Textbook This course explains the dynamics human growth,
of Occupational Medicine Practice. Singapore: from the womb till adulthood. Interaction of
World Scientific. biological, social and environmental factors with
Cox RAF, Edwards FC & Palmer K. 2000. Fitness human’s physical, social and mental growth will
for Work: The Medical Aspects. Faculty of also be discussed. Reference materials and
Occupational Medicine of the Royal College of standards used to evaluate and compare;
Physicians of London. comparison on physical and mental development
at national and international levels will also be
discussed. This 3-unit course covers a 2-hour
FK 6953 : Environmental and Industrial lecture and an hour discussion weekly.
This course discussed about environmental and
industrial toxic problems and its consequences to King SN, Ellis DA, Frey MA (Ed).2004. Assessing
man and other organisms. This will covered toxic Children's well-being : A Handbook of Measures /
waste, classification of toxic, measurement in Mahwah, N.J. : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
toxicology, chemical and biological mechanism Kagan J, Gall S (Eds).1998. The Gale
and its distribution through environment process. Encyclopedia of Childhood and Adolescence;
Principles and methods of control of toxic waste Detroit : Gale Research.

DRPH GuideBook Department of Community Health UKMMC

Newman PR, Newman BM. Childhood and Kalafatich AJ. Approach to the Care of the
Adolescence. Pacific Grove, Ca. Brooks/Cole Adolescent. Appleton-Century-Croft. New York,
Publishing Co. 1997 1975.
Shen JTY. The Clinical Practise of Adolescent
FK 6543 : POPULATION DYNAMICS Medicine. Prentice Hall Inc. New York, 1980

This 3-unit course discusses description and size

of population growth, influential factors and effects FK 6552 : Women and Health
of human growth to development and health within
the community. Family planning programme and This course discusses women’s role as mothers,
government policies in population growth wives and employees and its links with women’s
dynamics will also be discussed. In general health and community. It discusses conflicts and
through this course students will discuss and issues faced by women while exercising their roles
relate population changes that occurred through in the society. The history of gender development
births, deaths and migrations. Students will also research, reproduction health and women’s status
analyze the relationship and effects of population in the society locally and internationally will also
growth on health, social structures, and be discussed. This course covers a session of 2-
development. They will also discuss the effects of hour lecture/seminar/discussion weekly.
fertility control measures and strategies used in
family planning programmes on population. References:

References: Goldman M. 2000: Women and Health, Academic

Siegel JS & Swanson DA. The Methods and Society for the Advancement of Women, Haseltine
Materials of Demography. 2 Edition. Elsevier FP, Jacobson B. 1997. Women’s Health
Academic Press, San Diego 2004. Research:A Medical and Policy Primer, American
Siegel JS.Applied demography : Applications to Psychiatric Press, Incorporated.
Business, Government, Law and Public Policy. Seltzer VL, Pearse WH. 2000. Women's Primary
San Diego: Academic Press, 2002 Health care: Office Practice and Procedures
Bulatao RA, Casterline JB (Eds) Global Fertility (2 Edition), McGraw-Hill Washington.
Transition. Population and Development Review
Suppl 27, Population Council, New York 2001 FK 6563 : Health of the Elderly
Yaukey D, Anderton DL. Demography: The Study
of Human Population.Waveland Press Inc. This course discusses health and non-health
Prospect Height Illinois 2001 problems of the elderly and its influencing factors.
Hinde A. Demographic Methods. Oxford University It will discuss comprehensively the geriatric health
Press, New York 1998 problems (physical, mental and social) and the
appropriate health planning programme to reduce
FK 6532 : Adolescent Health or prevent problems within this group. This course
will be conducted in the form of lessons and
This course discusses biological, psychological seminars. A working paper which covers
and social aspects in normal adolescents’ comprehensive community health programme to
development. Candidates need to make a skeletal counter health problems of the elderly, need to be
structure to study adolescent health problems, prepared by a group of 2-4 students.
especially those related to pregnancy and drug
addiction; to discuss biological and social References:
repercussions which link to adolescent health
problems. Services rendered to them through Hazzard W.H., Blass J.P., Halter J.B. 2003.
schools’ health service will also be discussed in Ouslander J.G., Tinetti M. Principles of Geriatric
this course. Candidates will visit schools to Medicine and Gerontology. Fifth edition. McGraw-
witness the school’s health activities be carried Hill Professional.
out. This course covers a 2-hour lecture including Timiras P.S. (Editor). 2002. Physiological Basis of
discussion weekly. Aging and Geriatrics, Third Edition..CRC Press.
Reed J. 2004. Health, well-being and Older
References: Ppeople. Bristol Policy Press, London.

McAnarney ER, KreipeRE, Orr DP, Comerci GD:

Textbook of Adolescent Medicine. WB Saunders
Co, Philadelphia 1992
Aten MJ and McAnarney ER. A behavioral
Approach to the care of Adolescents; St. Louis,
Mo. C. V. Mosby 1981

DRPH GuideBook Department of Community Health UKMMC

FK 6582 : Family Health Seminars prepare a study proposal which had been
discussed and agreed by their supervising
This course requires candidate to do library lecturers. Learning activities may cover library
checking individually on latest or controversial checking, data analysis, article write-ups and
local or international topics relevance to family practicum or short research. Topics are not fixed
health. Towards end of the course candidates are and may cover various disciplines. Evaluation will
required to present a working paper and a be done based on work quality agreed by the
testimony during a seminar session. students and lecturers.


American journal of Clinical Nutrition FK 6912 : Environmental Sanitation
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Engineering
American Journal of Public Health
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology This course scrutinises ties between sanitation
Journal of Paediatrics requirement and diseases, availability and
Malaysian Journal of Reproductive Health maintenance of sanitation facilities to urban and
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Survey rural communities. It covers lessons on water
Social Science and Medicine supply, faeces/waste disposal, wastewater,
garbage disposal, domestic nutritional sanitation
FK 6722: Research methodology seminar on and vectors control. It also covers visits to various
family health community sanitation facilities. This course covers
2-hour lecture weekly and 5 visits during the
Research in family health covers a wide range of course duration.
issues involving individuals or group of people
throughout their lifecycle. Research priority in References:
family health targeted the following groups:
maternal and perinatal, child, adolescent, women, Salvato, J.A, Nemerow, N.L. & Agardy, F.J. 2003.
elderly and person with disability. This is in line Environmental Engineering. 5 Edition. Hoboken,
with the services provided to the public. Currently N.J.: John Wiley and Sons Inc.
men’s health has been considered as another Tchobanoglous, G., Franklin Louis Burton, H.,
important issue to cater. As a family health expert David Stensel, Metcalf & Eddy. 2003. Wastewater
or we may call ourselves family health engineering: treatment and reuse. 4 Edition.
epidemiologist or physician, we must have a University of Michigan: McGraw Hill.
collective competence including epidemiology and Baljeet S Kapoor. 2001. Environmental Sanitation:
statistic, and not to forget, the ability to justify and A Useful Text for Students of Environmental
conduct research. This is a two (2) unit course Engineering and a Ready Reference for Designers
offered to post-graduate candidates who and Planners. S. Chand.
specializes in the field of family health. Deverill, P., Bibby, S., Wedgewood, A. & Smout, I.
2002. Designing water supply and sanitation
References: projects to meet demand in rural and peri-urban
communities. Book 1. Concept, principles and
Mack,N. Natasha mack • Macqueen,ck. Guest ,G. practice. WEDC, Loughborough University.
and Namey,E.:2005. Qualitative research Frank Woodard, Woodard & Curran, Inc. 2006.
methods: A data collector’s Field guide, FHI,ISBN: nd
Industrial waste treatment handbook. 2 Edition.
0-939704-98-6. Butterworth-Heinemann.
Ann Bowling, 1996. Research Methods in Health:
Investigating Health and Health Services,3 FK 6932 : Water and Air Quality
edition, Open University press.
This course focuses on air and water pollution at
FK 6691/2 : Directed Learning in national and international levels, its effects to the
Family Health ecological balance and human health. It will
discuss sources and types of polluters, its
This is an elective course offered in Semester 2 or methods of dissemination, monitoring and
3. It contributes to1 or 2 credits depending on the assessment of the pollution, prevention and
workloads set by the students and lecturers. This control. This course covers a 2-hour lecture
course aims to provide opportunities for students weekly.
to develop specific knowledge and skills in certain
aspects of Community Health which posed References:
tensions on family health. This topic is not fully National Research Council. 1977. Drinking water
covered in the existing compulsory and elective and health. Washington D.C. : National Academy
courses. In this course, candidates will need to of Sciences.

DRPH GuideBook Department of Community Health UKMMC

World Health Organization. 1993. Guidelines for FK 6953 : Environmental and

drinking water quality. Geneva : World Health Industrial Toxicology
Stern A.C. et al. 1984. Fundamentals of air This course discusses problems of toxic
pollution. 2 edition. San Diego : Academic substances from the environment and industry
Press, Inc. and its effects to human beings and living things. It
Zaini Ujang. 1997. Pengenalan pencemaran covers types of toxic materials, classification of
udara. Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan toxicological effects, toxicological assessment,
Pustaka. chemical and biological mechanism of toxic
Nevers D.E. 2000. Air pollution control substances, and its dissemination through the
engineering. Singapore : McGraw-Hill. environment. The principles and procedures on
Sham Sani. 1987. Urbanization and the controlling of materials and toxic wastes will also
atmospheric environment in the low tropics : be explained. Candidates will be assigned to
Experiences from the Kelang Valley region, conduct library research and make reports on
Malaysia. Bangi : Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan certain toxic substances. This course covers a 2-
Malaysia. hour lecture weekly and a 2-hour practical
Chow J.C. 1995. Measurement methods to fortnightly.
determine compliance with ambient air quality
standards for suspended particles. J. Air & Waste References:
Manage Assoc. 45 : 320-382.
Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling 1974 (Akta 127) dan Klassen, C.D, Amdur, M.O. and Doull, J. (Eds.)
peraturan-peraturan. 1986.Toxicology : The Basic Science of Poisons,
3rd Edition. Macmilian Publishing Company, New
FK 6933 : Environmental Hodgson, E. and Levi, P.E. (Eds.). 2000. A
Assessment Textbook of Modern Toxicology. McGraw-Hill,
This course emphasises on characteristics of a Lippmann, M.(Ed.) 1992. Environmental Toxicants
desirable environmental assessment process, : Human Exposures and Their Health Effects. Van
which includes indicator measurement activities, Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
assessment and observation. Specific focus will Manahan, S.E. 1992. Toxicological Chemistry,
be on design of the assessment programme, 2nd Edition. Lewis Publishers, Chelsea.
appropriate biological, chemical and physical Williams, P.L. and Burson, J.L. (Eds.).1985.
indicator selection sampling technique, in-situ and Industrial Toxicology : Safety and Health
laboratory measurement procedure, data Applications in the Workplace. Van Nostrand
processing, exposure and risk assessment, and Reinhold, New York.
usage of models in assessment. This course
covers a 2-hour lesson weekly, a 2-hour practical FK 6963 : Food Quality Control and
fortnightly and 2 visits during the course. Safety

References: This course covers discussion on food and water-

borne diseases, its principles and procedures on
Louvar, J.F. and Louvar, B.D. 1998.Health and food quality control. Procedures like pasteurisation
Environmental Risk Analysis : Fundamentals with of milk and irradiation of foods will be discussed.
Applications. Prentice Hall PTR, New Jersey, Contents of the Food Act 1983 will be scrutinised
Hallenbeck, W.H. 1993. Quantitative Risk from the food quality standard’s perspective,
Assessment for Environmental and Occupational observation activities and Acts enforcement. This
Health, 2nd Edition. Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, course covers a 2-hour lecture weekly and visits to
Covello, V.T. and Merkhofer, M.W.1993. Risk places related to food quality control.
Assessment Methods : Approaches for Assessing
Health and Environmental Risks. Plenum Press, References:
New York.
LaGrega, M.D., Buckingham, P.L. and Evans, J.C. Sprenger, R.A.1995. Hygiene for Management: A
1994.Hazardous Waste Management. McGraw- text for food hygiene courses. Doncaster, South
Hill, Inc., Singapore. Yorkshire, U.K.: Highfield Publications.
Paustebach, D.J.1989. The Risk Assessment of Birch, G.G. & Parker, K.J. (pnyt). 1980. Food and
Environmental and Human Health Hazards : A Health: Science and Technology. Essex: Applied
Textbook of Case Studies. John Wiley and Sons Science Publishers Ltd..
Inc., New York. Reilly, C. 1991. Metal Contamination of Food.
Rau, J.G. and Wooten, 1980.D.C. Environmental Essex: Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd.
Impact Analysis Handbook. Mc Graw- Hill
Publishing Company, New York.

DRPH GuideBook Department of Community Health UKMMC

Davies, F.G. 1977. Clay’s Handbook of FK7332: Patient Education

Environmental Health. London: H.K. Lewis & Co.
Ltd. This course aims to expose the candidate in a real
Malaysian standards handbook on processes in practise of patient education. Candidate is
the food industry: standards on halal food, required to analyse various behavioural issues in
HACCP, food hygiene & guidelines for ISO 9001 clinical setting that affecting patient’s compliance
for food and drink industry / SIRIM Berhad. Shah and adherence to the medical procedures and
Alam: SIRIM Berhad. 2005. management. In this course candidate is asked to
make a plan on certain issue that is currently
FK 7091/2: Directed Learning in Environmental highlighted.
This is an elective course offered in Semester 2 or
3. It contributes to1 or 2 credits depending on the John Murtagh, 2008. John Murtagh's Patient
workloads set by the students and lecturers. This Education. McGraw-Hill Book Company Australia;
course aims to provide opportunities for students Australian edition
to develop specific knowledge and skills in certain Susan Bastable, 2005. Essentials Of Patient
aspects of Community Health which posed Education (1 ed), Jones & Bartlett Publishers
tensions on environmental health. This topic is not Kate Lorig, 2001 Patient Education: A Practical
fully covered in the existing compulsory and Approach (3 ed), Sage Publications
elective courses. In this course, candidates will Stephen Moore, 2004. Griffith's Instructions for
need to prepare a study proposal which had been Patients (7 Edition), Saunders
discussed and agreed by their supervising Donna R. Falvo, 2004. Effective Patient
lecturers. Learning activities may cover library Education: A Guide to Increased Compliance (3
checking, data analysis, article write-ups and Ed), Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
practicum or short research. Topics are not fixed
and may cover various disciplines. Evaluation will FK 7931 /2: Directed Learning in Health
be done based on work quality agreed by the Promotion
students and lecturers.
This module is offered only to DrPH students to
HEALTH PROMOTION prepare them the teaching skills and facilitating
skills. The DRPH student is given a group of
FK 7513: Health Communication undergraduate medical students and master
students in basic community health courses to
This course aims to develop communication skills facilitate. The DrPH students are asked to guide
in health care setting. Throughout the course, and facilitate the small group in preparation of
candidate is required to analyse various research project (4 sessions/ 4 hours), prepare a
communication issues commonly seen and community health development seminar (2
capable to jeopardise smooth delivery of the sessions /2 hours), tutorials (2 sessions for each
health care. In this course candidate is asked to unit basic community health courses / 6 hours). It
make a health communication diagnosis and plan carries 1 credit or 2 credits subject to supervisors
the best health communication strategy to address agreement on learning contract and assessment.
those issues. A lecture on facilitation technique (2 hours) is
provided to the DrPH students before assigned
References: them a small group to facilitate.

Peter G. Northouse and Laurel J. Northouse,

1997. Health Communication: Strategies for
Health Professionals (3 ed). Prentice Hall.
Jerry C. Parker and Dr. Esther Thorson, 2008.
Health Communication in the New Media
Landscape. Springer Publishing Company
Gwen Van Servellen, 2008. Communication Skills
for the Health Professional: Concepts, Practice,
and Evidence (2 ed). Jones & Bartlett
Kim Witte, Gary Meyer, and Dennis P. Martell,
2001. Effective Health Risk Messages: A Step-By-
Step Guide. Sage Publications
Renata Schiavo, 2007. Health Communication:
From Theory to Practice. Jossey-Bass

DRPH GuideBook Department of Community Health UKMMC

B.A. (Macalester), M.Sc. (Minn.), Ph.D. (Michigan)

Assoc. Prof. Dr.Zaleha Md. Isa
Bachelor in Science (UKM), PHD (UKM)
Epidemiology and Statistics
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Hasni Jaafar
Professor. Dr. Shamsul Azhar Shah MD (USM), MPH (UKM)
MD (UKM), MCommHealth (UKM), PhD(Niigata)
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Mazrura Sahani
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azmi Mohd Tamil MD, MSc (Public Health), PhD (Environmental
MD (UKM), MPH (UKM) Management for Health)

Dr.Nazarudin Safian Assoc. Prof. Dr.Rozita Hod

MBBS (UM), MCommHealth (UKM) MD (UKM), MCommHealth (UKM)

Dr.Rohaizat Hassan Occupational Health

MD (USM), MCommHealth (UKM)
Professor. Dr. Noor Hassim Ismail
Dr.Norfazilah Ahmad MD (UKM), Msc. Occ. Med. (Sing.)
MD (USM), MCommHealth (UKM)
Dr.Halim Ismail
Dr.Azmawati Mohammad Nawi MD (University of Ireland), MPH (UKM)
MD (USM), MCommHealth (UKM)
Dr Rosnah Ismail
Health Management and Economics MD, MPH (UKM)

Prof. Dato’ Dr. Syed Mohamed Aljunid Health Promotion

MD (UKM), MSc.PH (Sing.), PhD (London)
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Khalib Latip
Professor. Dr.Mohd. Rizal Abdul Manaf MD (UKM), MPH (Philiphine)
MD (UKM), MCommHealth (UKM), PHD (UKM)
Dr Faiz Daud
Professor Dr. Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh MD, MPH (Australia)
DP (UKM), MCommHealth (UKM), PhD (UNU-
IIGH;UKM) Contact address:
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Rosnah Sutan
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aniza Ismail Coordinator Program DrPH, UKMMC, Jln. Yaakob
DP (UKM), MCommHealth (UKM) PhD (UNU- latiff, Bandar Tun Razak, Cheras 56000, Kuala
IIGH;UKM) Lumpur, Malaysia. Facimile: +603-91456670
Telephone: +603-91455896, email:
Dr.Azimatun Noor Aizudin or
MD (UKM), MCommHealth (UKM)

Family Health

Professor. Dr. Khadijah Shamsuddin

MBBCh (Cairo), MPH, M.S. (Havard), Dr.Ph.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosnah Sutan

MD (USM), MPH (UM), Ph.D. (Aberdeen), SRH
postdoctoral cert.(WHO/GFMER)

Dr.Idayu Badillah Idris

MD(UM), MPH (UKM), PhD (Warrick UK)

Dr Hasanain Faisal Ghazi

MD, MCHS (family health UKM), PhD(UKM)

Environmental Health

Professor. Dr. Jamal Hisham Hashim


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