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Grammar 2 Student Name: Registration Number ——~ Answer five questions. (Question no 2 is compulsory) — QI. Put the verbs into the correct form. I- Julie... 2- What time... 3- I've got a computer, but | 4- What ...... Slt. long. - (not / drink) tea very often. . (the banks / close) here? 3 (not / use) it much. .. (you / do )? ‘I’m an electrician,” .- (take) me an hour to get to work. How (it/ take ) you? Q2. Complete the text with the past simple, past continuous or past perfect simple form of the verbs in | brackets. | Mozart was bom in 1756. the son of a professional musician. His father soon (give up) composing when he recognized his son's musical talent, By the age of three, the young Mozart (leatn)..ccccnnnnen t0 play several pieces of music. While he and his father (travel). .-round Europe, Mozart met many famous musicians and composers. Before he was 17. he (Compose)........::ssse:e0++ : several operas. While he the Vatican in Rome. he (listen) toa visit), piece of music which, up to this point. the Vatican authorities (Keep) .....0.:nnnennemnnnnnns SEFC, NO ‘one (publish)... a copy of the piece before. but Mozart (manage) to write it down from memory afier he (listen), . S wo itonce, By the age of 30 he (become) - one of the most famous composers in Europe, and (have) . a large apartment in Vienna, which is now tourist attraction, It was here that he (write) a cose his famous opera The Marriage of Figaro, in 1791, while he (work)...:...+. ceseeesseees On his Reguiemt, he (fall) ill and died at the age of 35. Fy AE S| 3. Change the voice. 1- She gathers flowers. 2. The plants are being watered by her. 3+ The account has been cleared by him Q4. Make questions using Wh- question about the words in bold. I- She never cleans the van. 2- Kim and Jane are playing ball 3- They are running home. 4 Mr Kim has been leaving in Paris for ten years, 5- Anne likes her new j Q5. Which is closer to...? Circle the correct answer. 1- “Years ago I could run a marathon” a) 1 run a marathon at one particular time in the past. 5) I was once fit enough to run a very long way. 2 “Sarah was able to leave work early yesterday” a) Sarah left work early yesterday b) Sarah had the opportunity to leave work early yesterday. 3- “Twas ill, so I couldn't go to the party” “Twas ill, so I wasn’t able to go to the party” a) Only the first sentence is correct. b) Only the second sentence is correct. c) Both are correct. Q6. Write a new sentence with the same meaning containing the word in capitals. 1- The 12" English Teaching C Conference takes place on 5-12 June. To SUPPOSED WILL “HAVE "5: Lintended to phone you last night, but it slipped my mind. OING Good lurk

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