Rail Industry Award Ma000015 Pay Guide

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Pay Guide - Rail Industry Award 2010

Published 09 January 2018

Pay rates change from 1 July each year, the rates in this guide apply from 01 January 2018.

Information about the definition and operation of allowances, penalties and overtime can be found in the award and the Pay and Conditions Tool.

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Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Rates of pay
Note: Trade qualified juniors must be paid the appropriate adult rate.

Full-time & part-time
Table 1 of 2
Classification Weekly Hourly Saturday Sunday Public Early Afternoon
pay rate pay rate holiday morning shift
Operations employee level 1 $694.90 $18.29 $27.44 $36.58 $45.73 $21.11 $21.11
Operations employee level 2 $738.80 $19.44 $29.16 $38.88 $48.60 $22.26 $22.26
Operations employee level 3 $818.10 $21.53 $32.30 $43.06 $53.83 $24.35 $24.35
Operations employee level 4 $897.40 $23.62 $35.43 $47.24 $59.05 $26.44 $26.44
Operations employee level 5 $982.70 $25.86 $38.79 $51.72 $64.65 $28.68 $28.68
Operations employee level 6 $1,050.40 $27.64 $41.46 $55.28 $69.10 $30.46 $30.46
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 1 $732.60 $19.28 $28.92 $38.56 $48.20 $22.10 $22.10
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 2 $793.60 $20.88 $31.32 $41.76 $52.20 $23.70 $23.70
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 3 $824.10 $21.69 $32.54 $43.38 $54.23 $24.51 $24.51
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 4 $860.60 $22.65 $33.98 $45.30 $56.63 $25.47 $25.47
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 5 $933.80 $24.57 $36.86 $49.14 $61.43 $27.39 $27.39
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 6 $1,000.90 $26.34 $39.51 $52.68 $65.85 $29.16 $29.16
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 7 $1,061.80 $27.94 $41.91 $55.88 $69.85 $30.76 $30.76
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 8 $1,195.90 $31.47 $47.21 $62.94 $78.68 $34.29 $34.29
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 9 $1,433.70 $37.73 $56.60 $75.46 $94.33 $40.55 $40.55
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 1 $714.50 $18.80 $28.20 $37.60 $47.00 $21.62 $21.62
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 2 $742.20 $19.53 $29.30 $39.06 $48.83 $22.35 $22.35
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 3 $767.70 $20.20 $30.30 $40.40 $50.50 $23.02 $23.02
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 4 $809.10 $21.29 $31.94 $42.58 $53.23 $24.11 $24.11
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 5 $845.00 $22.24 $33.36 $44.48 $55.60 $25.06 $25.06
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 6 $882.60 $23.23 $34.85 $46.46 $58.08 $26.05 $26.05
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 7 $952.20 $25.06 $37.59 $50.12 $62.65 $27.88 $27.88

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Table 2 of 2
Classification Night shift Permanent Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime -
night shift Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday Public
- first 3 hours - after 3 hours holiday
Operations employee level 1 $21.64 $24.65 $27.44 $36.58 $27.44 $36.58 $45.73
Operations employee level 2 $22.79 $25.80 $29.16 $38.88 $29.16 $38.88 $48.60
Operations employee level 3 $24.88 $27.89 $32.30 $43.06 $32.30 $43.06 $53.83
Operations employee level 4 $26.97 $29.98 $35.43 $47.24 $35.43 $47.24 $59.05
Operations employee level 5 $29.21 $32.22 $38.79 $51.72 $38.79 $51.72 $64.65
Operations employee level 6 $30.99 $34.00 $41.46 $55.28 $41.46 $55.28 $69.10
Clerical, administration and $22.63 $25.64 $28.92 $38.56 $28.92 $38.56 $48.20
professional employee level 1
Clerical, administration and $24.23 $27.24 $31.32 $41.76 $31.32 $41.76 $52.20
professional employee level 2
Clerical, administration and $25.04 $28.05 $32.54 $43.38 $32.54 $43.38 $54.23
professional employee level 3
Clerical, administration and $26.00 $29.01 $33.98 $45.30 $33.98 $45.30 $56.63
professional employee level 4
Clerical, administration and $27.92 $30.93 $36.86 $49.14 $36.86 $49.14 $61.43
professional employee level 5
Clerical, administration and $29.69 $32.70 $39.51 $52.68 $39.51 $52.68 $65.85
professional employee level 6
Clerical, administration and $31.29 $34.30 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 7
Clerical, administration and $34.82 $37.83 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 8
Clerical, administration and $41.08 $44.09 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 9
Technical and civil $22.15 $25.16 $28.20 $37.60 $28.20 $37.60 $47.00
infrastructure employee level 1
Technical and civil $22.88 $25.89 $29.30 $39.06 $29.30 $39.06 $48.83
infrastructure employee level 2
Technical and civil $23.55 $26.56 $30.30 $40.40 $30.30 $40.40 $50.50
infrastructure employee level 3
Technical and civil $24.64 $27.65 $31.94 $42.58 $31.94 $42.58 $53.23
infrastructure employee level 4

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Classification Night shift Permanent Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime -
night shift Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday Public
- first 3 hours - after 3 hours holiday
Technical and civil $25.59 $28.60 $33.36 $44.48 $33.36 $44.48 $55.60
infrastructure employee level 5
Technical and civil $26.58 $29.59 $34.85 $46.46 $34.85 $46.46 $58.08
infrastructure employee level 6
Technical and civil $28.41 $31.42 $37.59 $50.12 $37.59 $50.12 $62.65
infrastructure employee level 7

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Table 1 of 2
Classification Hourly pay Saturday Sunday Public Early Afternoon
rate holiday morning shift
Operations employee level 1 $22.86 $32.01 $41.15 $50.30 $25.68 $25.68
Operations employee level 2 $24.30 $34.02 $43.74 $53.46 $27.12 $27.12
Operations employee level 3 $26.91 $37.68 $48.44 $59.21 $29.73 $29.73
Operations employee level 4 $29.53 $41.34 $53.15 $64.96 $32.35 $32.35
Operations employee level 5 $32.33 $45.26 $58.19 $71.12 $35.15 $35.15
Operations employee level 6 $34.55 $48.37 $62.19 $76.01 $37.37 $37.37
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 1 $24.10 $33.74 $43.38 $53.02 $26.92 $26.92
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 2 $26.10 $36.54 $46.98 $57.42 $28.92 $28.92
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 3 $27.11 $37.96 $48.80 $59.65 $29.93 $29.93
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 4 $28.31 $39.64 $50.96 $62.29 $31.13 $31.13
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 5 $30.71 $43.00 $55.28 $67.57 $33.53 $33.53
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 6 $32.93 $46.10 $59.27 $72.44 $35.75 $35.75
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 7 $34.93 $48.90 $62.87 $76.84 $37.75 $37.75
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 8 $39.34 $55.07 $70.81 $86.54 $42.16 $42.16
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 9 $47.16 $66.03 $84.89 $103.76 $49.98 $49.98
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 1 $23.50 $32.90 $42.30 $51.70 $26.32 $26.32
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 2 $24.41 $34.18 $43.94 $53.71 $27.23 $27.23
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 3 $25.25 $35.35 $45.45 $55.55 $28.07 $28.07
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 4 $26.61 $37.26 $47.90 $58.55 $29.43 $29.43
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 5 $27.80 $38.92 $50.04 $61.16 $30.62 $30.62
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 6 $29.04 $40.65 $52.27 $63.88 $31.86 $31.86
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 7 $31.33 $43.86 $56.39 $68.92 $34.15 $34.15

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Table 2 of 2
Classification Night shift Permanent Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime -
night shift Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday Public
- first 3 hours - after 3 hours holiday
Operations employee level 1 $26.21 $29.22 $32.01 $41.15 $32.01 $41.15 $50.30
Operations employee level 2 $27.65 $30.66 $34.02 $43.74 $34.02 $43.74 $53.46
Operations employee level 3 $30.26 $33.27 $37.68 $48.44 $37.68 $48.44 $59.21
Operations employee level 4 $32.88 $35.89 $41.34 $53.15 $41.34 $53.15 $64.96
Operations employee level 5 $35.68 $38.69 $45.26 $58.19 $45.26 $58.19 $71.12
Operations employee level 6 $37.90 $40.91 $48.37 $62.19 $48.37 $62.19 $76.01
Clerical, administration and $27.45 $30.46 $33.74 $43.38 $33.74 $43.38 $53.02
professional employee level 1
Clerical, administration and $29.45 $32.46 $36.54 $46.98 $36.54 $46.98 $57.42
professional employee level 2
Clerical, administration and $30.46 $33.47 $37.96 $48.80 $37.96 $48.80 $59.65
professional employee level 3
Clerical, administration and $31.66 $34.67 $39.64 $50.96 $39.64 $50.96 $62.29
professional employee level 4
Clerical, administration and $34.06 $37.07 $43.00 $55.28 $43.00 $55.28 $67.57
professional employee level 5
Clerical, administration and $36.28 $39.29 $46.10 $59.27 $46.10 $59.27 $72.44
professional employee level 6
Clerical, administration and $38.28 $41.29 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 7
Clerical, administration and $42.69 $45.70 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 8
Clerical, administration and $50.51 $53.52 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 9
Technical and civil $26.85 $29.86 $32.90 $42.30 $32.90 $42.30 $51.70
infrastructure employee level 1
Technical and civil $27.76 $30.77 $34.18 $43.94 $34.18 $43.94 $53.71
infrastructure employee level 2
Technical and civil $28.60 $31.61 $35.35 $45.45 $35.35 $45.45 $55.55
infrastructure employee level 3
Technical and civil $29.96 $32.97 $37.26 $47.90 $37.26 $47.90 $58.55
infrastructure employee level 4

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Classification Night shift Permanent Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime -
night shift Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday Public
- first 3 hours - after 3 hours holiday
Technical and civil $31.15 $34.16 $38.92 $50.04 $38.92 $50.04 $61.16
infrastructure employee level 5
Technical and civil $32.39 $35.40 $40.65 $52.27 $40.65 $52.27 $63.88
infrastructure employee level 6
Technical and civil $34.68 $37.69 $43.86 $56.39 $43.86 $56.39 $68.92
infrastructure employee level 7

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Junior - Full-time & part-time - 16 years or under
Table 1 of 2
Classification Weekly Hourly Saturday Sunday Public Early Afternoon
pay rate pay rate holiday morning shift
Operations employee level 1 $521.18 $13.72 $20.58 $27.44 $34.30 $16.54 $16.54
Operations employee level 2 $554.10 $14.58 $21.87 $29.16 $36.45 $17.40 $17.40
Operations employee level 3 $613.58 $16.15 $24.23 $32.30 $40.38 $18.97 $18.97
Operations employee level 4 $673.05 $17.71 $26.57 $35.42 $44.28 $20.53 $20.53
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 1 $549.45 $14.46 $21.69 $28.92 $36.15 $17.28 $17.28
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 2 $595.20 $15.66 $23.49 $31.32 $39.15 $18.48 $18.48
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 3 $618.08 $16.27 $24.41 $32.54 $40.68 $19.09 $19.09
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 4 $645.45 $16.99 $25.49 $33.98 $42.48 $19.81 $19.81
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 5 $700.35 $18.43 $27.65 $36.86 $46.08 $21.25 $21.25
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 6 $750.68 $19.75 $29.63 $39.50 $49.38 $22.57 $22.57
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 7 $796.35 $20.96 $31.44 $41.92 $52.40 $23.78 $23.78
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 8 $896.93 $23.60 $35.40 $47.20 $59.00 $26.42 $26.42
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 9 $1,075.28 $28.30 $42.45 $56.60 $70.75 $31.12 $31.12
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 1 $535.88 $14.10 $21.15 $28.20 $35.25 $16.92 $16.92
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 2 $556.65 $14.65 $21.98 $29.30 $36.63 $17.47 $17.47
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 3 $575.78 $15.15 $22.73 $30.30 $37.88 $17.97 $17.97

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Table 2 of 2
Classification Night shift Permanent Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime -
night shift Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday Public
- first 3 hours - after 3 hours holiday
Operations employee level 1 $17.07 $20.08 $20.58 $27.44 $20.58 $27.44 $34.30
Operations employee level 2 $17.93 $20.94 $21.87 $29.16 $21.87 $29.16 $36.45
Operations employee level 3 $19.50 $22.51 $24.23 $32.30 $24.23 $32.30 $40.38
Operations employee level 4 $21.06 $24.07 $26.57 $35.42 $26.57 $35.42 $44.28
Clerical, administration and $17.81 $20.82 $21.69 $28.92 $21.69 $28.92 $36.15
professional employee level 1
Clerical, administration and $19.01 $22.02 $23.49 $31.32 $23.49 $31.32 $39.15
professional employee level 2
Clerical, administration and $19.62 $22.63 $24.41 $32.54 $24.41 $32.54 $40.68
professional employee level 3
Clerical, administration and $20.34 $23.35 $25.49 $33.98 $25.49 $33.98 $42.48
professional employee level 4
Clerical, administration and $21.78 $24.79 $27.65 $36.86 $27.65 $36.86 $46.08
professional employee level 5
Clerical, administration and $23.10 $26.11 $29.63 $39.50 $29.63 $39.50 $49.38
professional employee level 6
Clerical, administration and $24.31 $27.32 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 7
Clerical, administration and $26.95 $29.96 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 8
Clerical, administration and $31.65 $34.66 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 9
Technical and civil $17.45 $20.46 $21.15 $28.20 $21.15 $28.20 $35.25
infrastructure employee level 1
Technical and civil $18.00 $21.01 $21.98 $29.30 $21.98 $29.30 $36.63
infrastructure employee level 2
Technical and civil $18.50 $21.51 $22.73 $30.30 $22.73 $30.30 $37.88
infrastructure employee level 3

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Junior - Full-time & part-time - 17 years
Table 1 of 2
Classification Weekly Hourly Saturday Sunday Public Early Afternoon
pay rate pay rate holiday morning shift
Operations employee level 1 $590.67 $15.54 $23.31 $31.08 $38.85 $18.36 $18.36
Operations employee level 2 $627.98 $16.53 $24.80 $33.06 $41.33 $19.35 $19.35
Operations employee level 3 $695.39 $18.30 $27.45 $36.60 $45.75 $21.12 $21.12
Operations employee level 4 $762.79 $20.07 $30.11 $40.14 $50.18 $22.89 $22.89
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 1 $622.71 $16.39 $24.59 $32.78 $40.98 $19.21 $19.21
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 2 $674.56 $17.75 $26.63 $35.50 $44.38 $20.57 $20.57
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 3 $700.49 $18.43 $27.65 $36.86 $46.08 $21.25 $21.25
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 4 $731.51 $19.25 $28.88 $38.50 $48.13 $22.07 $22.07
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 5 $793.73 $20.89 $31.34 $41.78 $52.23 $23.71 $23.71
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 6 $850.77 $22.39 $33.59 $44.78 $55.98 $25.21 $25.21
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 7 $902.53 $23.75 $35.63 $47.50 $59.38 $26.57 $26.57
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 8 $1,016.52 $26.75 $40.13 $53.50 $66.88 $29.57 $29.57
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 9 $1,218.65 $32.07 $48.11 $64.14 $80.18 $34.89 $34.89
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 1 $607.33 $15.98 $23.97 $31.96 $39.95 $18.80 $18.80
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 2 $630.87 $16.60 $24.90 $33.20 $41.50 $19.42 $19.42
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 3 $652.55 $17.17 $25.76 $34.34 $42.93 $19.99 $19.99

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Table 2 of 2
Classification Night shift Permanent Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime -
night shift Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday Public
- first 3 hours - after 3 hours holiday
Operations employee level 1 $18.89 $21.90 $23.31 $31.08 $23.31 $31.08 $38.85
Operations employee level 2 $19.88 $22.89 $24.80 $33.06 $24.80 $33.06 $41.33
Operations employee level 3 $21.65 $24.66 $27.45 $36.60 $27.45 $36.60 $45.75
Operations employee level 4 $23.42 $26.43 $30.11 $40.14 $30.11 $40.14 $50.18
Clerical, administration and $19.74 $22.75 $24.59 $32.78 $24.59 $32.78 $40.98
professional employee level 1
Clerical, administration and $21.10 $24.11 $26.63 $35.50 $26.63 $35.50 $44.38
professional employee level 2
Clerical, administration and $21.78 $24.79 $27.65 $36.86 $27.65 $36.86 $46.08
professional employee level 3
Clerical, administration and $22.60 $25.61 $28.88 $38.50 $28.88 $38.50 $48.13
professional employee level 4
Clerical, administration and $24.24 $27.25 $31.34 $41.78 $31.34 $41.78 $52.23
professional employee level 5
Clerical, administration and $25.74 $28.75 $33.59 $44.78 $33.59 $44.78 $55.98
professional employee level 6
Clerical, administration and $27.10 $30.11 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 7
Clerical, administration and $30.10 $33.11 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 8
Clerical, administration and $35.42 $38.43 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 9
Technical and civil $19.33 $22.34 $23.97 $31.96 $23.97 $31.96 $39.95
infrastructure employee level 1
Technical and civil $19.95 $22.96 $24.90 $33.20 $24.90 $33.20 $41.50
infrastructure employee level 2
Technical and civil $20.52 $23.53 $25.76 $34.34 $25.76 $34.34 $42.93
infrastructure employee level 3

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Junior - Full-time & part-time - 18 years
Table 1 of 2
Classification Weekly Hourly Saturday Sunday Public Early Afternoon
pay rate pay rate holiday morning shift
Operations employee level 1 $694.90 $18.29 $27.44 $36.58 $45.73 $21.11 $21.11
Operations employee level 2 $738.80 $19.44 $29.16 $38.88 $48.60 $22.26 $22.26
Operations employee level 3 $818.10 $21.53 $32.30 $43.06 $53.83 $24.35 $24.35
Operations employee level 4 $897.40 $23.62 $35.43 $47.24 $59.05 $26.44 $26.44
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 1 $732.60 $19.28 $28.92 $38.56 $48.20 $22.10 $22.10
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 2 $793.60 $20.88 $31.32 $41.76 $52.20 $23.70 $23.70
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 3 $824.10 $21.69 $32.54 $43.38 $54.23 $24.51 $24.51
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 4 $860.60 $22.65 $33.98 $45.30 $56.63 $25.47 $25.47
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 5 $933.80 $24.57 $36.86 $49.14 $61.43 $27.39 $27.39
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 6 $1,000.90 $26.34 $39.51 $52.68 $65.85 $29.16 $29.16
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 7 $1,061.80 $27.94 $41.91 $55.88 $69.85 $30.76 $30.76
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 8 $1,195.90 $31.47 $47.21 $62.94 $78.68 $34.29 $34.29
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 9 $1,433.70 $37.73 $56.60 $75.46 $94.33 $40.55 $40.55
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 1 $714.50 $18.80 $28.20 $37.60 $47.00 $21.62 $21.62
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 2 $742.20 $19.53 $29.30 $39.06 $48.83 $22.35 $22.35
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 3 $767.70 $20.20 $30.30 $40.40 $50.50 $23.02 $23.02

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Table 2 of 2
Classification Night shift Permanent Overtime - Monday Overtime - Monday Overtime - Overtime - Overtime -
night shift to Friday - first 3 to Friday - after 3 Saturday Sunday Public
hours hours holiday
Operations employee level 1 $21.64 $24.65 $27.44 $36.58 $27.44 $36.58 $45.73
Operations employee level 2 $22.79 $25.80 $29.16 $38.88 $29.16 $38.88 $48.60
Operations employee level 3 $24.88 $27.89 $32.30 $43.06 $32.30 $43.06 $53.83
Operations employee level 4 $26.97 $29.98 $35.43 $47.24 $35.43 $47.24 $59.05
Clerical, administration and $22.63 $25.64 $28.92 $38.56 $28.92 $38.56 $48.20
professional employee level 1
Clerical, administration and $24.23 $27.24 $31.32 $41.76 $31.32 $41.76 $52.20
professional employee level 2
Clerical, administration and $25.04 $28.05 $32.54 $43.38 $32.54 $43.38 $54.23
professional employee level 3
Clerical, administration and $26.00 $29.01 $33.98 $45.30 $33.98 $45.30 $56.63
professional employee level 4
Clerical, administration and $27.92 $30.93 $36.86 $49.14 $36.86 $49.14 $61.43
professional employee level 5
Clerical, administration and $29.69 $32.70 $39.51 $52.68 $39.51 $52.68 $65.85
professional employee level 6
Clerical, administration and $31.29 $34.30 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 7
Clerical, administration and $34.82 $37.83 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 8
Clerical, administration and $41.08 $44.09 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 9
Technical and civil $22.15 $25.16 $28.20 $37.60 $28.20 $37.60 $47.00
infrastructure employee level 1
Technical and civil $22.88 $25.89 $29.30 $39.06 $29.30 $39.06 $48.83
infrastructure employee level 2
Technical and civil $23.55 $26.56 $30.30 $40.40 $30.30 $40.40 $50.50
infrastructure employee level 3

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Junior - Casual - 16 years or under
Table 1 of 2
Classification Hourly pay Saturday Sunday Public Early Afternoon
rate holiday morning shift
Operations employee level 1 $17.15 $24.01 $30.87 $37.73 $19.97 $19.97
Operations employee level 2 $18.23 $25.52 $32.81 $40.10 $21.05 $21.05
Operations employee level 3 $20.19 $28.26 $36.34 $44.41 $23.01 $23.01
Operations employee level 4 $22.14 $30.99 $39.85 $48.70 $24.96 $24.96
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 1 $18.08 $25.31 $32.54 $39.77 $20.90 $20.90
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 2 $19.58 $27.41 $35.24 $43.07 $22.40 $22.40
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 3 $20.34 $28.47 $36.61 $44.74 $23.16 $23.16
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 4 $21.24 $29.73 $38.23 $46.72 $24.06 $24.06
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 5 $23.04 $32.25 $41.47 $50.68 $25.86 $25.86
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 6 $24.69 $34.56 $44.44 $54.31 $27.51 $27.51
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 7 $26.20 $36.68 $47.16 $57.64 $29.02 $29.02
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 8 $29.50 $41.30 $53.10 $64.90 $32.32 $32.32
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 9 $35.38 $49.53 $63.68 $77.83 $38.20 $38.20
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 1 $17.63 $24.68 $31.73 $38.78 $20.45 $20.45
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 2 $18.31 $25.64 $32.96 $40.29 $21.13 $21.13
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 3 $18.94 $26.51 $34.09 $41.66 $21.76 $21.76

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Table 2 of 2
Classification Night shift Permanent Overtime - Monday Overtime - Monday Overtime - Overtime - Overtime -
night shift to Friday - first 3 to Friday - after 3 Saturday Sunday Public
hours hours holiday
Operations employee level 1 $20.50 $23.51 $24.01 $30.87 $24.01 $30.87 $37.73
Operations employee level 2 $21.58 $24.59 $25.52 $32.81 $25.52 $32.81 $40.10
Operations employee level 3 $23.54 $26.55 $28.26 $36.34 $28.26 $36.34 $44.41
Operations employee level 4 $25.49 $28.50 $30.99 $39.85 $30.99 $39.85 $48.70
Clerical, administration and $21.43 $24.44 $25.31 $32.54 $25.31 $32.54 $39.77
professional employee level 1
Clerical, administration and $22.93 $25.94 $27.41 $35.24 $27.41 $35.24 $43.07
professional employee level 2
Clerical, administration and $23.69 $26.70 $28.47 $36.61 $28.47 $36.61 $44.74
professional employee level 3
Clerical, administration and $24.59 $27.60 $29.73 $38.23 $29.73 $38.23 $46.72
professional employee level 4
Clerical, administration and $26.39 $29.40 $32.25 $41.47 $32.25 $41.47 $50.68
professional employee level 5
Clerical, administration and $28.04 $31.05 $34.56 $44.44 $34.56 $44.44 $54.31
professional employee level 6
Clerical, administration and $29.55 $32.56 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 7
Clerical, administration and $32.85 $35.86 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 8
Clerical, administration and $38.73 $41.74 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 9
Technical and civil $20.98 $23.99 $24.68 $31.73 $24.68 $31.73 $38.78
infrastructure employee level 1
Technical and civil $21.66 $24.67 $25.64 $32.96 $25.64 $32.96 $40.29
infrastructure employee level 2
Technical and civil $22.29 $25.30 $26.51 $34.09 $26.51 $34.09 $41.66
infrastructure employee level 3

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Junior - Casual - 17 years
Table 1 of 2
Classification Hourly pay Saturday Sunday Public Early Afternoon
rate holiday morning shift
Operations employee level 1 $19.43 $27.20 $34.97 $42.74 $22.25 $22.25
Operations employee level 2 $20.66 $28.93 $37.19 $45.46 $23.48 $23.48
Operations employee level 3 $22.88 $32.03 $41.18 $50.33 $25.70 $25.70
Operations employee level 4 $25.09 $35.12 $45.16 $55.19 $27.91 $27.91
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 1 $20.49 $28.68 $36.88 $45.07 $23.31 $23.31
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 2 $22.19 $31.06 $39.94 $48.81 $25.01 $25.01
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 3 $23.04 $32.25 $41.47 $50.68 $25.86 $25.86
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 4 $24.06 $33.69 $43.31 $52.94 $26.88 $26.88
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 5 $26.11 $36.56 $47.00 $57.45 $28.93 $28.93
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 6 $27.99 $39.18 $50.38 $61.57 $30.81 $30.81
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 7 $29.69 $41.56 $53.44 $65.31 $32.51 $32.51
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 8 $33.44 $46.81 $60.19 $73.56 $36.26 $36.26
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 9 $40.09 $56.12 $72.16 $88.19 $42.91 $42.91
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 1 $19.98 $27.97 $35.96 $43.95 $22.80 $22.80
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 2 $20.75 $29.05 $37.35 $45.65 $23.57 $23.57
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 3 $21.46 $30.05 $38.63 $47.22 $24.28 $24.28

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Table 2 of 2
Classification Night shift Permanent Overtime - Monday Overtime - Monday Overtime - Overtime - Overtime -
night shift to Friday - first 3 to Friday - after 3 Saturday Sunday Public
hours hours holiday
Operations employee level 1 $22.78 $25.79 $27.20 $34.97 $27.20 $34.97 $42.74
Operations employee level 2 $24.01 $27.02 $28.93 $37.19 $28.93 $37.19 $45.46
Operations employee level 3 $26.23 $29.24 $32.03 $41.18 $32.03 $41.18 $50.33
Operations employee level 4 $28.44 $31.45 $35.12 $45.16 $35.12 $45.16 $55.19
Clerical, administration and $23.84 $26.85 $28.68 $36.88 $28.68 $36.88 $45.07
professional employee level 1
Clerical, administration and $25.54 $28.55 $31.06 $39.94 $31.06 $39.94 $48.81
professional employee level 2
Clerical, administration and $26.39 $29.40 $32.25 $41.47 $32.25 $41.47 $50.68
professional employee level 3
Clerical, administration and $27.41 $30.42 $33.69 $43.31 $33.69 $43.31 $52.94
professional employee level 4
Clerical, administration and $29.46 $32.47 $36.56 $47.00 $36.56 $47.00 $57.45
professional employee level 5
Clerical, administration and $31.34 $34.35 $39.18 $50.38 $39.18 $50.38 $61.57
professional employee level 6
Clerical, administration and $33.04 $36.05 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 7
Clerical, administration and $36.79 $39.80 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 8
Clerical, administration and $43.44 $46.45 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 9
Technical and civil $23.33 $26.34 $27.97 $35.96 $27.97 $35.96 $43.95
infrastructure employee level 1
Technical and civil $24.10 $27.11 $29.05 $37.35 $29.05 $37.35 $45.65
infrastructure employee level 2
Technical and civil $24.81 $27.82 $30.05 $38.63 $30.05 $38.63 $47.22
infrastructure employee level 3

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Junior - Casual - 18 years
Table 1 of 2
Classification Hourly pay Saturday Sunday Public Early Afternoon
rate holiday morning shift
Operations employee level 1 $22.86 $32.01 $41.15 $50.30 $25.68 $25.68
Operations employee level 2 $24.30 $34.02 $43.74 $53.46 $27.12 $27.12
Operations employee level 3 $26.91 $37.68 $48.44 $59.21 $29.73 $29.73
Operations employee level 4 $29.53 $41.34 $53.15 $64.96 $32.35 $32.35
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 1 $24.10 $33.74 $43.38 $53.02 $26.92 $26.92
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 2 $26.10 $36.54 $46.98 $57.42 $28.92 $28.92
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 3 $27.11 $37.96 $48.80 $59.65 $29.93 $29.93
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 4 $28.31 $39.64 $50.96 $62.29 $31.13 $31.13
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 5 $30.71 $43.00 $55.28 $67.57 $33.53 $33.53
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 6 $32.93 $46.10 $59.27 $72.44 $35.75 $35.75
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 7 $34.93 $48.90 $62.87 $76.84 $37.75 $37.75
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 8 $39.34 $55.07 $70.81 $86.54 $42.16 $42.16
Clerical, administration and professional employee level 9 $47.16 $66.03 $84.89 $103.76 $49.98 $49.98
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 1 $23.50 $32.90 $42.30 $51.70 $26.32 $26.32
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 2 $24.41 $34.18 $43.94 $53.71 $27.23 $27.23
Technical and civil infrastructure employee level 3 $25.25 $35.35 $45.45 $55.55 $28.07 $28.07

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Table 2 of 2
Classification Night shift Permanent Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime -
night shift Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday Public
- first 3 hours - after 3 hours holiday
Operations employee level 1 $26.21 $29.22 $32.01 $41.15 $32.01 $41.15 $50.30
Operations employee level 2 $27.65 $30.66 $34.02 $43.74 $34.02 $43.74 $53.46
Operations employee level 3 $30.26 $33.27 $37.68 $48.44 $37.68 $48.44 $59.21
Operations employee level 4 $32.88 $35.89 $41.34 $53.15 $41.34 $53.15 $64.96
Clerical, administration and $27.45 $30.46 $33.74 $43.38 $33.74 $43.38 $53.02
professional employee level 1
Clerical, administration and $29.45 $32.46 $36.54 $46.98 $36.54 $46.98 $57.42
professional employee level 2
Clerical, administration and $30.46 $33.47 $37.96 $48.80 $37.96 $48.80 $59.65
professional employee level 3
Clerical, administration and $31.66 $34.67 $39.64 $50.96 $39.64 $50.96 $62.29
professional employee level 4
Clerical, administration and $34.06 $37.07 $43.00 $55.28 $43.00 $55.28 $67.57
professional employee level 5
Clerical, administration and $36.28 $39.29 $46.10 $59.27 $46.10 $59.27 $72.44
professional employee level 6
Clerical, administration and $38.28 $41.29 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 7
Clerical, administration and $42.69 $45.70 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 8
Clerical, administration and $50.51 $53.52 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
professional employee level 9
Technical and civil infrastructure $26.85 $29.86 $32.90 $42.30 $32.90 $42.30 $51.70
employee level 1
Technical and civil infrastructure $27.76 $30.77 $34.18 $43.94 $34.18 $43.94 $53.71
employee level 2
Technical and civil infrastructure $28.60 $31.61 $35.35 $45.45 $35.35 $45.45 $55.55
employee level 3

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Apprentice - Started before 1 Jan 2014 - Operations
Table 1 of 2
Classification Weekly pay Hourly pay Saturday Sunday Public holiday Early morning Afternoon shift
rate rate shift
Apprentice 1st year $368.15 $9.69 $14.54 $19.38 $24.23 $12.51 $12.51
Apprentice 2nd year $449.96 $11.84 $17.76 $23.68 $29.60 $14.66 $14.66
Apprentice 3rd year $613.58 $16.15 $24.23 $32.30 $40.38 $18.97 $18.97
Apprentice 4th year $719.93 $18.95 $28.43 $37.90 $47.38 $21.77 $21.77
Table 2 of 2
Classification Night shift Permanent Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime -
night shift Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday Public holiday
- first 3 hours - after 3 hours
Apprentice 1st year $13.04 $16.05 $14.54 $19.38 $14.54 $19.38 $24.23
Apprentice 2nd year $15.19 $18.20 $17.76 $23.68 $17.76 $23.68 $29.60
Apprentice 3rd year $19.50 $22.51 $24.23 $32.30 $24.23 $32.30 $40.38
Apprentice 4th year $22.30 $25.31 $28.43 $37.90 $28.43 $37.90 $47.38

Apprentice - Started after 1 Jan 2014 - Did not complete year 12 - Operations
Table 1 of 2
Classification Weekly pay Hourly pay Saturday Sunday Public holiday Early morning Afternoon shift
rate rate shift
Apprentice 1st year $409.05 $10.76 $16.14 $21.52 $26.90 $13.58 $13.58
Apprentice 2nd year $490.86 $12.92 $19.38 $25.84 $32.30 $15.74 $15.74
Apprentice 3rd year $613.58 $16.15 $24.23 $32.30 $40.38 $18.97 $18.97
Apprentice 4th year $719.93 $18.95 $28.43 $37.90 $47.38 $21.77 $21.77
Table 2 of 2
Classification Night shift Permanent Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime -
night shift Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday Public holiday
- first 3 hours - after 3 hours
Apprentice 1st year $14.11 $17.12 $16.14 $21.52 $16.14 $21.52 $26.90
Apprentice 2nd year $16.27 $19.28 $19.38 $25.84 $19.38 $25.84 $32.30
Apprentice 3rd year $19.50 $22.51 $24.23 $32.30 $24.23 $32.30 $40.38
Apprentice 4th year $22.30 $25.31 $28.43 $37.90 $28.43 $37.90 $47.38

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Apprentice - Started after 1 Jan 2014 - Completed year 12 - Operations
Table 1 of 2
Classification Weekly pay Hourly pay Saturday Sunday Public holiday Early morning Afternoon shift
rate rate shift
Apprentice 1st year $449.96 $11.84 $17.76 $23.68 $29.60 $14.66 $14.66
Apprentice 2nd year $531.77 $13.99 $20.99 $27.98 $34.98 $16.81 $16.81
Apprentice 3rd year $613.58 $16.15 $24.23 $32.30 $40.38 $18.97 $18.97
Apprentice 4th year $719.93 $18.95 $28.43 $37.90 $47.38 $21.77 $21.77
Table 2 of 2
Classification Night shift Permanent Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime -
night shift Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday Public holiday
- first 3 hours - after 3 hours
Apprentice 1st year $15.19 $18.20 $17.76 $23.68 $17.76 $23.68 $29.60
Apprentice 2nd year $17.34 $20.35 $20.99 $27.98 $20.99 $27.98 $34.98
Apprentice 3rd year $19.50 $22.51 $24.23 $32.30 $24.23 $32.30 $40.38
Apprentice 4th year $22.30 $25.31 $28.43 $37.90 $28.43 $37.90 $47.38

Apprentice - Started before 1 Jan 2014 - Technical & civil infrastructure

Table 1 of 2
Classification Weekly pay Hourly pay Saturday Sunday Public holiday Early morning Afternoon shift
rate rate shift
Apprentice 1st year $364.10 $9.58 $14.37 $19.16 $23.95 $12.40 $12.40
Apprentice 2nd year $445.01 $11.71 $17.57 $23.42 $29.28 $14.53 $14.53
Apprentice 3rd year $606.83 $15.97 $23.96 $31.94 $39.93 $18.79 $18.79
Apprentice 4th year $712.01 $18.74 $28.11 $37.48 $46.85 $21.56 $21.56
Table 2 of 2
Classification Night shift Permanent Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime -
night shift Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday Public holiday
- first 3 hours - after 3 hours
Apprentice 1st year $12.93 $15.94 $14.37 $19.16 $14.37 $19.16 $23.95
Apprentice 2nd year $15.06 $18.07 $17.57 $23.42 $17.57 $23.42 $29.28
Apprentice 3rd year $19.32 $22.33 $23.96 $31.94 $23.96 $31.94 $39.93
Apprentice 4th year $22.09 $25.10 $28.11 $37.48 $28.11 $37.48 $46.85

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Apprentice - Started after 1 Jan 2014 - Did not complete year 12 - Technical & civil infrastructure
Table 1 of 2
Classification Weekly pay Hourly pay Saturday Sunday Public holiday Early morning Afternoon shift
rate rate shift
Apprentice 1st year $404.55 $10.65 $15.98 $21.30 $26.63 $13.47 $13.47
Apprentice 2nd year $485.46 $12.78 $19.17 $25.56 $31.95 $15.60 $15.60
Apprentice 3rd year $606.83 $15.97 $23.96 $31.94 $39.93 $18.79 $18.79
Apprentice 4th year $712.01 $18.74 $28.11 $37.48 $46.85 $21.56 $21.56
Table 2 of 2
Classification Night shift Permanent Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime -
night shift Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday Public holiday
- first 3 hours - after 3 hours
Apprentice 1st year $14.00 $17.01 $15.98 $21.30 $15.98 $21.30 $26.63
Apprentice 2nd year $16.13 $19.14 $19.17 $25.56 $19.17 $25.56 $31.95
Apprentice 3rd year $19.32 $22.33 $23.96 $31.94 $23.96 $31.94 $39.93
Apprentice 4th year $22.09 $25.10 $28.11 $37.48 $28.11 $37.48 $46.85

Apprentice - Started after 1 Jan 2014 - Completed year 12 - Technical & civil infrastructure
Table 1 of 2
Classification Weekly pay Hourly pay Saturday Sunday Public holiday Early morning Afternoon shift
rate rate shift
Apprentice 1st year $445.01 $11.71 $17.57 $23.42 $29.28 $14.53 $14.53
Apprentice 2nd year $525.92 $13.84 $20.76 $27.68 $34.60 $16.66 $16.66
Apprentice 3rd year $606.83 $15.97 $23.96 $31.94 $39.93 $18.79 $18.79
Apprentice 4th year $712.01 $18.74 $28.11 $37.48 $46.85 $21.56 $21.56
Table 2 of 2
Classification Night shift Permanent Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime -
night shift Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday Public holiday
- first 3 hours - after 3 hours
Apprentice 1st year $15.06 $18.07 $17.57 $23.42 $17.57 $23.42 $29.28
Apprentice 2nd year $17.19 $20.20 $20.76 $27.68 $20.76 $27.68 $34.60
Apprentice 3rd year $19.32 $22.33 $23.96 $31.94 $23.96 $31.94 $39.93
Apprentice 4th year $22.09 $25.10 $28.11 $37.48 $28.11 $37.48 $46.85

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Adult apprentice - Started before 1 Jan 2014 - Operations
Table 1 of 2
Classification Weekly pay Hourly pay Saturday Sunday Public holiday Early morning Afternoon shift
rate rate shift
Apprentice 1st year $368.15 $9.69 $14.54 $19.38 $24.23 $12.51 $12.51
Apprentice 2nd year $449.96 $11.84 $17.76 $23.68 $29.60 $14.66 $14.66
Apprentice 3rd year $613.58 $16.15 $24.23 $32.30 $40.38 $18.97 $18.97
Apprentice 4th year $719.93 $18.95 $28.43 $37.90 $47.38 $21.77 $21.77
Table 2 of 2
Classification Night shift Permanent Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime -
night shift Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday Public holiday
- first 3 hours - after 3 hours
Apprentice 1st year $13.04 $16.05 $14.54 $19.38 $14.54 $19.38 $24.23
Apprentice 2nd year $15.19 $18.20 $17.76 $23.68 $17.76 $23.68 $29.60
Apprentice 3rd year $19.50 $22.51 $24.23 $32.30 $24.23 $32.30 $40.38
Apprentice 4th year $22.30 $25.31 $28.43 $37.90 $28.43 $37.90 $47.38

Adult apprentice - Started after 1 Jan 2014 - Operations

Table 1 of 2
Classification Weekly pay Hourly pay Saturday Sunday Public holiday Early morning Afternoon shift
rate rate shift
Apprentice 1st year $654.48 $17.22 $25.83 $34.44 $43.05 $20.04 $20.04
Apprentice 2nd year $694.90 $18.29 $27.44 $36.58 $45.73 $21.11 $21.11
Apprentice 3rd year $694.90 $18.29 $27.44 $36.58 $45.73 $21.11 $21.11
Apprentice 4th year $719.93 $18.95 $28.43 $37.90 $47.38 $21.77 $21.77
Table 2 of 2
Classification Night shift Permanent Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime -
night shift Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday public holiday
- first 3 hours - after 3 hours
Apprentice 1st year $20.57 $23.58 $25.83 $34.44 $25.83 $34.44 $43.05
Apprentice 2nd year $21.64 $24.65 $27.44 $36.58 $27.44 $36.58 $45.73
Apprentice 3rd year $21.64 $24.65 $27.44 $36.58 $27.44 $36.58 $45.73
Apprentice 4th year $22.30 $25.31 $28.43 $37.90 $28.43 $37.90 $47.38

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
Adult apprentice - Started before 1 Jan 2014 - Technical & civil infrastructure
Table 1 of 2
Classification Weekly pay rate Hourly pay Saturday Sunday Public holiday Early morning Afternoon
rate shift shift
Apprentice 1st year $364.10 $9.58 $14.37 $19.16 $23.95 $12.40 $12.40
Apprentice 2nd year $445.01 $11.71 $17.57 $23.42 $29.28 $14.53 $14.53
Apprentice 3rd year $606.83 $15.97 $23.96 $31.94 $39.93 $18.79 $18.79
Apprentice 4th year $712.01 $18.74 $28.11 $37.48 $46.85 $21.56 $21.56
Table 2 of 2
Classification Night shift Permanent Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime -
night shift Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday Public holiday
- first 3 hours - after 3 hours
Apprentice 1st year $12.93 $15.94 $14.37 $19.16 $14.37 $19.16 $23.95
Apprentice 2nd year $15.06 $18.07 $17.57 $23.42 $17.57 $23.42 $29.28
Apprentice 3rd year $19.32 $22.33 $23.96 $31.94 $23.96 $31.94 $39.93
Apprentice 4th year $22.09 $25.10 $28.11 $37.48 $28.11 $37.48 $46.85

Adult apprentice - Started after 1 Jan 2014 - Technical & civil infrastructure
Table 1 of 2
Classification Weekly pay rate Hourly pay Saturday Sunday Public holiday Early morning Afternoon
rate shift shift
Apprentice 1st year $647.28 $17.03 $25.55 $34.06 $42.58 $19.85 $19.85
Apprentice 2nd year $714.50 $18.80 $28.20 $37.60 $47.00 $21.62 $21.62
Apprentice 3rd year $714.50 $18.80 $28.20 $37.60 $47.00 $21.62 $21.62
Apprentice 4th year $714.50 $18.80 $28.20 $37.60 $47.00 $21.62 $21.62
Table 2 of 2
Classification Night shift Permanent Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime - Overtime -
night shift Monday to Friday Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday Public holiday
- first 3 hours - after 3 hours
Apprentice 1st year $20.38 $23.39 $25.55 $34.06 $25.55 $34.06 $42.58
Apprentice 2nd year $22.15 $25.16 $28.20 $37.60 $28.20 $37.60 $47.00
Apprentice 3rd year $22.15 $25.16 $28.20 $37.60 $28.20 $37.60 $47.00
Apprentice 4th year $22.15 $25.16 $28.20 $37.60 $28.20 $37.60 $47.00

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
If any all purpose allowances apply (marked *), they should be added to the minimum rate before penalties and overtime are calculated.
Allowances Rate
Apprentice training fees and textbook costs reimbursement reimbursement of training fees for prescribed courses and the cost of prescribed
Apprentice travel to block release training reimbursement reimbursement for the excess reasonable travel costs incurred in the course of
travelling to and from the training
First aid allowance $0.40 per hour up to a maximum of $15.37 per week
Meal allowance $16.08 for a meal
On call allowance - day and night - not clerical, administrative $26.38 per day and night
& professional classifications at or above level 7
On call allowance - night only - not clerical, administrative & $10.52 per night
professional classifications at or above level 7
Relocation - travel reimbursement reimbursement for the cost of travel to the new location for the employee and their
immediate family
Relocation - relocation of furniture reimbursement reimbursement for the cost of removal and relocation of furniture and personal effects
Relocation - purchase of new home reimbursement reimbursement for legal costs incurred on the sale or purchase of dwellings
Relocation - temporary accommodation reimbursement reimbursement for the cost of renting reasonable accommodation for a period of 6
* Tool allowance - tradesperson $0.47 per hour
Working away from usual workplace - travel and incidentals reimbursement for the reasonable and necessary cost for travel and incidental
reimbursement expenses
Technical & civil infrastructure employees only
Confined spaces allowance $0.81 per hour
Damage to clothing and tool reimbursement reimbursement for the cost to replace, repair or clean clothing, tools of the trade or
personal equipment including spectacles and hearing aids
Dirty work allowance $0.62 per hour
Explosive powered tools allowance $0.21 per hour up to a maximum of $1.60 per day
Foundry allowance $0.47 per hour for the time spent working in a foundry, while foundry production work is
being done
Height money allowance - not linesperson, linesperson’s $0.45 per hour
assistant or rigger and splicer
Insulation material allowance $0.81 per hour
Protective clothing and equipment reimbursement reimbursement for the cost of purchasing such special clothing and equipment
Wet places allowance $0.62 per hour

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018
The Fair Work Ombudsman is committed to providing advice that you can rely on.

The information contained in this guide is general in nature. If you are unsure about how it applies to your situation you can call our Infoline on
13 13 94 or speak with a union, industry association or workplace relations professional.

Effective: 01/01/2018 Published: 09/01/2018

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