Laws On Marriage

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Firstly, as Filipino Citizen, notwithstanding your religion, the laws on marriage and civil

status of person is governed by Philippine laws. The validity or invalidity of your second
marriage, hinges on your compliance with the Code of Muslim Personal Laws. In
converting to the Muslim faith, one should not entertained the mistaken belief that he can
just marry anybody again. What is apparent under the law is [that] a Muslim is not given
an unbridled right to just marry anybody, the second, third or fourth time. There are
requirements that the Sharia law imposes. Like giving notice of such marriage to the
Sharia Court where his family resides so that copy of said notice should be furnished to
the first wife. The clerk of court shall serve a copy thereof to the wife or wives. Should any
of them objects [sic]; an Agama Arbitration Council shall be constituted. If said council
fails to secure the wife’s consent to the proposed marriage, the Court shall, subject to
Article 27, decide whether on [sic] not to sustain her objection (Art. 162, Muslim Personal
Laws of the Philippines).

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