Tens Frame Lesson Plan

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Year Level: KINDERGARTEN Date: Term 2, week 8 Students’ Prior Knowledge:

Learning Area: Mathematics No prior knowledge on the concept of Tens Frame,

however the students are able to count from 0-10 and
Strand & Content Description(s) from the Australian
o ACMNA003 Subitise small collections of objects.
o ACMNA002 Connect number names, numerals and
quantities, including zero, initially up to 10 and then

General Capabilities ( areas that are covered in the lesson)

Personal and
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical
competence creative thinking behaviour understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities ( areas that may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures
Lesson Objectives
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
 The students will be able to identify a Tens Frame and implement it to identify different ways of representing

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for Students:

o Interactive Whiteboard Students with vision impairments may be provided with
o Maths Game Online larger text sheets or further assistance in retrieving the
o Demonstration of Tens Frame correct materials for the activity.
o Library Basket
o Tens Frame Activity Template For early finishers, they are to transition to the free play
o Name Sheets centres around the classroom.
o Permanent Markers
o Whiteboard Erasers Students who struggle to keep focused on the task at hand
o Bells will be provided with other alternatives (for example, if you
o Good Morning Song finish this work you will be able to go and play with the
o Dot Markers blocks).
o Anecdotal Notes
o Discussions and Questioning Students who are not fully developed in their literacy skills,
o Checklist the adapted booklet will be used to assist the students in
o Lead Pencils completing the table top activity for gathering an
understanding of counting to the number 14.
LESSON DELIVERY Resources/References
8:30am Motivation and Lesson Introduction:
1. The students enter the classroom and place their library books in the Interactive Whiteboard
basket located at the front of the classroom.
Maths Game online
2. The students are then required to locate their name set up on the
three desks. Demonstration of
The students are to place the letters of their name in order, trace the Tens Frame using
pre-written name provided and then write their name by themselves Activity Template
on the line provided at the bottom of the laminated sheet.
Once the students have completed this, they are able to free play in Library Basket
the available play centres around the classroom until the day begins.
Name Sheets
During the above activities, the educator must walk around and praise the
students to increase their self confidence levels as well as providing support Permanent Markers
where needed. This is extremely important if their parents have departed.
Whiteboard Erasers
3. The educator will then ring the bells to signal to the students to
transition to the mat to begin the day. Bells
4. Good Morning introductions are complete as well as the timetable for Good Morning Song
the day (located at the top of the whiteboard for the students).

5. The educator will explain reinforce the Letter E to the students on the
whiteboard accompanied by a word sheet with different words that
start with “E” as well as revisiting the number 14.

6. The educator will then explain the concept of Tens Frame to the
students by “there are different ways of showing numbers instead of
just counting with our fingers and this is called a Tens Frame”. They
have ten boxes.

7. The educator will then complete a demonstration using the Tens

Frame template on the interactive whiteboard in order for the students
to visually recognise the activity.

8. If time permits, the students will partake in an interactive whiteboard

game with the educator on the concept of Tens Frame.

9. After this is explained the educator will explain the activities taking
place throughout the duration of the day.

10. Two students are selected for the table top Tens Frame dot activity
and the rest of the students are free to play in the other learning
centres around the classroom until their name has been called to the
other table top activities.

9:20am Lesson Development:

Table Top Activity
o The students are asked in groups of 2 whilst the other students are
free playing in the available play centres around the classroom.

1. The students are called up to the table top activity two at a time in
regards to their interest in the play scenarios around the classroom.

2. The students are to write their name on the bottom of their sheet.
3. The educator provides the students with a Tens Frame Activity Sheet Dot Markers
and the students are asked to select 4 dot marker colours (the
educator may need to use the prompts of pointing to the four Lead Pencil for Name
sections). Writing

4. In relation to the numbers located at the bottom of the Tens Frame, Tens Frame Activity
the students are to say the number aloud, hold the correct amount of Sheet
fingers up and then continue to complete the activity by placing dots.

5. The educator may need to do an example with the students on their

first Tens Frame.

6. The students continue the other colours and complete the activity.

As recess takes place at 10:30pm if some students have not completed the
activity they will do so after recess or in the next session on another day.

It is important for the educator to praise the students as they are completing
their work to increase their self confidence.

10:30am Lesson Closure:

At the completion of the table top activity, the students will be assessed on
their level of understanding in terms of the following: Discussions
o Could the students identify that numbers can be shown differently.
o Were the students able to place one dot in each box. Observations
o Can the students provide reasoning for their mathematical process.
The educator may wish to use the prompts explained throughout the lesson Questioning
development to gather an understanding of these.

The students are observed during the table top activity through scaffolding
questioning with a more formalised assessment will be undertaken in the form
of a checklist with the objectives as headings. Checklist
1. Identify the number
2. Match the number said aloud by the educator with the dots.
3. Able to place one dot in each box.

Early Years Learning Framework Outcomes

o Outcome Two – Children are connected with and contribute to their world.
- 2.4 Children are connected with and contribute to their world where they
become socially responsible and show respect for their environment.

o Outcome Five – Children are effective communicators.

- 5.1 Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of
- 5.2 Children engage with a range of texts and gain meaning from these texts.

o Outcome One – Children have a strong sense of identity.

- 1.3 Children have a strong sense of self through creatively expressing ideas
and responding to the ideas of others.
- 1.1 Children feel safe, secure and supported through developing their
emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and sense of agency.

o Outcome Four – Children are confident and involved learners.

- 4.1 Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation,
confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and
- 4.2 Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem
solving, enquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and

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