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Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

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Original article

Implementation of improved Perturb & Observe MPPT technique with

confined search space for standalone photovoltaic system
Muhammad Kamran a,⇑, Muhammad Mudassar a, Muhammad Rayyan Fazal a, Muhammad Usman Asghar a,
Muhammad Bilal b, Rohail Asghar b
College of Engineering and Technology, Riphah International University, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Centre for Energy Research and Development, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Solar photovoltaic technology has been adopted by various global PV markets with 227 GW cumulative
Received 4 November 2017 globally installed PV capacity in 2015 replacing the conventional fossil fuel energy resources. However,
Accepted 29 April 2018 efficiency is still a big challenge for researchers and PV industry. This paper proposes a solar tracker
Available online xxxx
and modified Perturb and Observe (P&O) algorithm for the standalone solar photo-voltaic system.
Proposed algorithm confines the search space of the power curve to 10% area that contains Maximum
Keywords: Power Point (MPP) and starts perturbation and observation within that limited search space. The pro-
Perturb and Observe
posed P&O algorithm was simulated in MATLAB/Simulink. Solar tracker makes sure the availability of
Solar tracker
uniform and maximum irradiance to the solar module throughout the course of the sun during the
Solar PV day. Confinement of the algorithm’s search space lessened the response time to the changing weather
conditions that in return decreases the steady-state oscillations at the MPP. Integration of the solar
tracker and improved P&O MPPT algorithm provided the better quality and conditioned electricity to
the load. The proposed system was experimentally steered whose results verified the effectiveness of
the proposed P&O algorithm.
Ó 2018 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction solar trackers and Maximum Power Point Trackers (MPPT) are used
to getting the maximum out of the solar modules what they can
Among renewables, solar Photovoltaic (PV) has the capacity to provide (Ahmed and Salam, 2015). As the sun moves through the
compete the conventional fossil fuel-based electricity market. Till sky from east to west, solar radiations accomplished by the solar
2015, global cumulative PV capacity was about 227 GW, out of panel are continuously varied resulting the degraded performance
which 50 GW record capacity was added in 2015 (REN21, 2016). of the solar panel; the PV cell starts operating below its maximum
In various power sectors, PV has achieved solar PV grid parity: a power. Similarly, at higher temperatures performance of the solar
situation when the cost of electricity from grid becomes equal to module is degraded (Almasoud and Gandayh, 2015; Ashfaq et al.,
the cost of electricity from solar PV (Karneyeva and 2017) Varying insolation changes all the parameters (PMAX, VMAX,
Wüstenhagen, 2017). Solar photovoltaic has been subjected to effi- IMAX, VOC, ISC) of the solar cell shown in characteristics curves of
ciency improvement since the invention of the photovoltaic cell. the PV cell in Fig. 1. Solar trackers are used to orienting the PV
Once the photovoltaic cell is made in the laboratory or industry, modules towards the sun to maximize the solar irradiance cou-
its efficiency improvement measures cannot be taken. However, pling. Conversely, PV module performance is always vulnerable
to the insolation variations because of the cloudy season. MPPT
is used to let the photovoltaic cell function at its maximum power
⇑ Corresponding author.
point by properly adjusting the duty cycle of the converter. Till
E-mail address: (M. Kamran).
now, various MPPT algorithms have been implemented by the
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
researchers in various papers. Incremental Conductance (INC): it
compares the slope of the power curve and determines whether
to increment or decrement the duty ratio (Shahid et al., 2018), Per-
turb & Observe: it observes the voltage level and perturbs the volt-
Production and hosting by Elsevier
age till it grasps the maximum power point, Artificial Neural
1018-3639/Ó 2018 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article in press as: Kamran, M., et al. Implementation of improved Perturb & Observe MPPT technique with confined search space for stan-
dalone photovoltaic system. Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences (2018),
2 M. Kamran et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

The paper is structured as: Section 1 introduces the topic and

the literature review. Section 2 presents the methodology adopted
to perform the study. Section 3 presents the results and discussion
of the proposed algorithm. Section 4 concludes the paper.

2. Methodology

2.1. Modeling of photovoltaic cell

The solar photovoltaic cell is fabricated of the semiconductor

materials with rear side positive and sun facing side as negative.
Whenever the sunlight falls on the PV materials, it generates elec-
Fig. 1. I-V and P-V characteristics of solar PV cell. trons flowing in the external circuit known as photocurrent
(Meskani et al., 2015) or short circuit current and is calculated by
equation (i). In modeling of the PV cell, it is indicated by a current
Network (ANN), Constant voltage (CV), Fuzzy Logic (FL) and Parti- source as shown in Fig. 2. There appears a voltage at the output ter-
cle Swarm Optimization (PSO) are some of the MPPT algorithms minal if it is open circuited and called open circuit voltage ðV oc Þ cal-
that are widely used. All these algorithms have their own charac- culated by equation (ii). This voltage causes a current through the
teristics regarding complexity, convergence speed, step response, P-N junction just like a diode. This diode and the current source
steady state oscillations about MPP and required electronics equip- (Iph) are put in parallel as depicted in Fig. 2. As the photo-
ment (de Cesare et al., 2006; Roy Chowdhury and Saha, 2010). generated current starts flowing, some of the electron-hole recom-
Kamarzaman and Tan (2014), Saravanan and Ramesh Babu bination occurs that reduces the originally generated electrons;
(2016) presented a detailed review of various MPPT algorithms. this loss of current is presented by a shunt resistance (Rsh). Series
Alik et al. (2015) reviewed P&O algorithm for PV systems. Alik resistance (Rs) indicates the resistance faced by the current as it
and Jusoh (2017), Huynh et al. (2013a), Liu and Lopes (2004), Liu flows through the bulk material, external metal contacts and to
Chun-xia and Liu Li-qun (2009), Razali and Rahim (2011), Sridhar the load. Manufacturers always manage to keep the effects of both
et al. (2010), Youngseok Jung et al. (2005) have presented modified these resistances as low as possible to improve the working of the
and improved versions of the P&O algorithm with little bit PV module. Fig. 2 indicates the single diode model of the solar pho-
improvements in results reducing the steady state oscillations. tovoltaic cell
INC is complex than P&O algorithm because of the involvement The photocurrent, also known as short-circuit current is gener-
of the measurement of the slope of the power curve. Improvements ated when the solar rays strike the solar module and is calculated
and modifications in INC algorithm have been studied by various by Eq. (1)
authors (Kumar et al., 2014; Putri et al., 2015; Radjai et al., 2014;
Tey and Mekhilef, 2014; Visweswara, 2014). Dzung et al. (2010), G
Isc ¼ ½Iscr þ K i ðT c  T r Þ ð1Þ
Ramaprabha et al. (2011) have implemented the MPPT using 1000
ANN algorithms. Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) has been used by where G solar irradiance, Isc photocurrent, Iscr reverse saturation
(Padmanabhan et al., 2012) to implement the MPPT algorithm for current, Ki temperature coefficient, Tc cell temperature, Tr reference
solar PV systems. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) has been temperature
studied and improved by (Huynh et al., 2013b; Ishaque et al., The open circuit voltage as generated at the output of the single
2012) by removing steady-state oscillations in solar PV systems. diode model of the solar photovoltaic cell is calculated by Eq. (2)
P&O is the least complex algorithm but its conventional versions   
carry the steady state oscillations at the maximum power point Isc nkT c
V oc ¼ ln þ1 ð2Þ
which have been removed in the proposed algorithm by limiting Io q
the searching area of the maximum power point containing region. where Voc open circuit voltage, Isc photo current, I0 saturation cur-
Tey et al. (2018) introduced differential evolution algorithm by rent, n ideality factor, k Boltzmann constant, Tc cell temperature, q
improving global search space that tracked the maximum power Electron charge
point within 2 s with 99% accuracy. Priyadarshi et al. (2018) pro- Eq. (3) gives the relation between the voltage and current of the
posed an intelligent Fuzzy Particle Swarm Optimization (FPSO) solar cell.
under varying atmospheric and load conditions. Alik and Jusoh    
(2018) simulated and implemented an enhanced P&O MPPT algo- qV
I ¼ Is exp  1  Iph ð3Þ
rithm and stated that the presented modified algorithm was kT
99.96% efficient. Mao et al. (2017) introduced a novel MPPT based
where Is saturation current, q Electron charge, V voltage across the
on two-stage Particle Swarm Optimization. The implemented algo-
diode, k Boltzman constant, T absolute temperature (K), Iph light
rithm reduced the steady-state oscillations and improved the out-
generated current
put power as compared to the conventional PSO algorithm.
This paper proposes a confined search space based improved
P&O algorithm integrated with a solar tracker. Solar tracker makes
sure the maximum coupling of the irradiance with the solar panel
by keeping the panel always normal to the sun. The proposed algo-
rithm first divides the power curve into three regions: Area 1 and
area 3 are the left and right regions to the MPP respectively. Area 2
is the intermediate region of the power curve containing 10% area
of the power curve and MPP lies in this area 2. This reduction in the
search space reduces the step response time to reach the maxi-
mum power and the steady-state oscillations at the maximum
power point. Fig. 2. Single diode model of solar PV cell.

Please cite this article in press as: Kamran, M., et al. Implementation of improved Perturb & Observe MPPT technique with confined search space for stan-
dalone photovoltaic system. Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences (2018),
M. Kamran et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 3

Table 1 mounted on solar trackers so that PV modules are always directed

Specification of solar module TTB12W. normal toward the sun. As the sun travels from east to west
Characteristic Value throughout the day, the solar trackers make sure the consistent
Rated Power (Pmax) 12 W and maximum production of electricity that evenly charges the
Tolerance 0 ± 3% batteries and hence increases their lifetime. In indoor lighting sys-
Voltage Maximum Power (Vmax) 17.8 V tems, solar trackers are used to focusing the sunlight at Fresnel
current at Maximum power (Imax) 0.68A lens’ focal length to be collected by the optical fiber. In the pro-
voltage at Open circuit (VOC) 21.6 V
Photo Current (ISC) 0.81A
posed solar system, the twin axis tracker is implemented that
tracks the sun and generates maximum electricity. In the imple-
mented solar tracker, light sensors were used to measure the light
intensity. An opaque obstacle was placed between those light sen-
Experimental verification of the proposed algorithm was vali- sors to avoid the light coming from other directions to accurately
dated on a low voltage solar module. Specifications of solar module and quickly track the sun.
TTB12W are presented in Table 1. The solar module provides 12 W Light Dependent Resistors (LDRs) were used as light sensors:
with VMPP 17.8 V and IMPP 0.68A at standard test conditions (250C Two for the East-West and two for the North-South orientation.
and 1 kW/m2). Fig. 3 shows the characteristics curves of the mod- Light intensity was measured by using a resistor in series with each
ule used in the experimental setup. Characteristics curve of the PV LDR making a voltage dividing circuit as shown in Fig. 6. Whenever
module stipulates a distinctive point where the module provides the intensity of light on LDR changes, its resistance and hence the
maximum power and highest efficiency as shown in Fig. 1; this output voltage are changed; change in intensity is translated into a
maximum power point is always prone to two important factors: change in voltage. Tracker under the shadow and in a tracking
solar irradiance and the temperature. It is necessary to keep the mode is shown in Fig. 5. Under the following four conditions,
solar module vertical to the sun for maximum solar coupling. tracker decides the direction to be moved.
Fig. 4 displays the influence of varying solar irradiance on the
P-V curve of the solar panel.  If light intensity on both LDRs is same, it means their resistance
would be equal (RE ¼ RW ) and hence the same voltage to the
2.2. Solar tracker controller; solar tracker will maintain its present position.
 If intensity on LDRE is larger than intensity on LDRW, the resis-
The solar rays obtained by the solar module subject to a contin- tance of LDRE will be lower than the resistance of LDRW result-
uous variation. A solar tracker is used to track the sun to enhance ing in V E > V W ; solar tracker will move toward the east .
the solar irradiance coupling. In PV systems, PV modules are

Fig. 3. Characteristic curves of the TTB12W solar module.

Fig. 4. PV curves under varying solar irradiance. Fig. 5. (a) Solar tracker in shadow mode. (b) solar tracker in tracking mode.

Please cite this article in press as: Kamran, M., et al. Implementation of improved Perturb & Observe MPPT technique with confined search space for stan-
dalone photovoltaic system. Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences (2018),
4 M. Kamran et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Fig. 6. Light intensity measurement by LDR.

 If intensity on LDRW is larger than intensity on LDRE, the resis-

tance of LDRW will be lower than the resistance of LDRE result-
ing in V W > V E ; solar tracker will move toward the west.

Based on the above-stated conditions, solar tracker flowchart is

shown in Fig. 7. The light intensity of east and west LDRs are com-
pared and accordingly decision is made whether to move the panel
in east or west direction. After proper orientation in the east–west
direction, south-north orientation is checked and implemented.
Each time the position of the sun is changed, the controller repeats
the same flowchart algorithm and orients the panel in the sun’s

2.3. Conventional P&O algorithm

Conventional Perturb & Observe algorithm has been extensively

Fig. 7. Flowchart of dual axis solar tracker.
used due to ease of implementation as explained in the flowchart
in Fig. 8. This is a continuous process of observation and perturba-
tion till the operating point converges at the MPP. The algorithm
compares the power and voltages of time (K) with the sample at
a time (K-1) and predicts the time to approach to MPP. A small
voltage perturbation changes the power of the solar panel if the
power alteration is positive, voltage perturbation is continued in
the same track. But if delta power is negative, it indicates that
the MPP is far away and the perturbation is decreased to reach
the MPP. Table 2 shows the summary of the P&O algorithm. Thus,
in this way the whole PV curve is checked by small perturbations
to find the MPP that increases the response time of the algorithm.
Conversely, if the perturbation size is enlarged, it generates steady
state oscillations about the MPP. Many researchers have proposed
modifications in the P&O algorithm to overcome the response time
problem and steady state oscillations.

2.4. Modified P&O algorithm

The problems confronted in the conventional algorithm as iden-

tified above can be eliminated by the proposed modifications. The
proposed algorithm limits the search space to only 10% area of the
power curve that not only decreases the response time but also
diminishes the steady state oscillations. Enslin et al. (1997),
Huynh and Dunnigan (2016) states that the VMPP is about 76% of
the open circuit voltage (VMPP = 76% of VOC). So, the P-V curve Fig. 8. Conventional flowchart of the P&O algorithm.

Please cite this article in press as: Kamran, M., et al. Implementation of improved Perturb & Observe MPPT technique with confined search space for stan-
dalone photovoltaic system. Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences (2018),
M. Kamran et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 5

Table 2
Scheme of the P&O algorithm.

Perturbation Delta P Resulting Perturbation

+ve +ve +ve
+ve ve ve
ve +ve ve
ve ve +ve

Table 3
Area distribution of power curve.

Starting (% of Voc) Ending (% of Voc) Total area (% of Voc)

Area 1 0 70 70
Area 2 70 80 10 Fig. 10. Search space limitation of the power curve.
Area 3 80 100 20

3. Results and discussion

has been segregated into three regions named Area1, Area 2, and
Area 3 as shown in Fig. 10. 3.1. Simulation results
Specifications of each of these areas are given in Table 3. Area1
and area 3 contain 90% area of the power curve that has been To authenticate the enactment of the recommended algorithm,
excluded from the search space. Area 2 is the MPP containing a MATLAB/Simulink model was developed as depicted in Fig. 11.
region restricting to only 10% of the PV curve and improved algo- PV module simulated in this study was based on the characteristic
rithm needs to search the maximum power point only in area 2 equations of the solar cell as explained in Section 2. The MPPT algo-
that reduces the step response time of the algorithm and elimi- rithm was implemented by using coding of the flowchart that
nates the steady state oscillations about the MPP. made it easy to understand and implement the modifications in
Flowchart of the modified confined search spaced Perturb and the conventional algorithm. The IGBT based DC-DC boost converter
Observe algorithm is shown in Fig. 9. It first measures the voltages was controlled by the gate signal which was decided by the pro-
V1 and V2 to find the MPP containing region to restrict the operating posed P&O algorithm. The switching frequency of the gate signal
point of the solar panel into area 2 region which is only 10% of the was 30 kHz and the boost converter consisted of 23 mH of the
power curve and then starts perturbation and observation. In few inductor and 120 mF of the capacitor.
perturbations, MPP is achieved and maintained. Under uniform The tracking routine of the conventional and the proposed per-
weather conditions, it sticks to the maximum power point while turb and observe MPPT algorithm in constant solar irradiance can
as the irradiance changes it finds new local maxima in the same be analyzed by Figs. 12 and 13 respectively. The conventional P&O
way as described for the constant irradiance and then maintains it. generated so many oscillations at the maximum power point with
such an amplitude that it may lose the locus point under varying
atmospheric conditions. In the proposed P&O algorithm, it tracked
the maximum power point with the elimination of the steady state
oscillations about the MPP giving a smooth PV output as shown in
Fig. 13. The enlarged view of the power of both the algorithms is
also shown.
To confirm the enactment of the proposed Perturb and Observe
algorithm, it was simulated under varying atmospheric conditions
like irradiance and temperature. Fig. 14 shows the outputs under
fluctuating solar irradiance and temperature. Solar irradiance was
varied from 1 kW/m2 to 0.25 kW/m2 in various stages and the tem-
perature was varied from 0 °C to 50 °C. Power, voltage and duty
cycle profile exhibited the same pattern as the irradiance profile.
Reduction in oscillations as the irradiance changed can be viewed
in the power profile. A sudden variation in temperature created
disturbance in the power and voltage profile. Duty cycle abruptly
decreased as the irradiance and PV cell temperature increased.
The results established the fact that under uniform atmospheric
conditions all the algorithms tracked the MPP accurately but the
conventional algorithm carried the problem of steady-state oscilla-
tions under abruptly changing weather conditions. The proposed
algorithm accurately tracked the MPP under both uniform and
varying atmospheric situations without any steady state oscillation
at the maximum power point. A comparison of the proposed con-
fined search spaced P&O algorithm with the conventional MPPT
techniques is given in Table 4.
Fig. 15 indicates the inductor current of the boost converter,
load current and load voltage showing a varying pattern in
Fig. 9. Flowchart of modified P&O algorithm.
response to the variation in solar irradiance.

Please cite this article in press as: Kamran, M., et al. Implementation of improved Perturb & Observe MPPT technique with confined search space for stan-
dalone photovoltaic system. Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences (2018),
6 M. Kamran et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Fig. 11. Simulation model of the whole system.

Fig. 12. PV power for conventional P&O algorithm under STC (1000 W/m2 and 25 °C).

3.2. Hardware setup ino and two analog pins were used for two servo motors. The con-
troller of the Arduino board senses the voltage and after
Solar tracker and modified P&O algorithm were implemented implementing the solar tracker flow chart decides in which direc-
on hardware to validate the usefulness of the proposed PV system. tion the panel is to move; control signal dictates the motor to
For the alignment recognition of the solar module, LDRs were used move.
as light sensors whose changing resistance was translated into a The proposed modified P&O algorithm was implemented for
change in voltage. Two servo motors were used for the movement low voltage solar system using Arduino Uno. To visualize and ana-
of the panel; one for the east-west orientation and other for the lyze the outputs from Arduino Uno, output data was exported to
north-south orientation. Arduino Uno was used for implementing MegunoLink software through the serial port. MegunoLink receives
solar tracker algorithm and control of the motors. Output voltages the data from Arduino’s output pins; draws a graph of the received
from four LDRs circuits were given to four analog pins of the Ardu- data and saves it in MS Excel sheet. Experimental setup of the

Please cite this article in press as: Kamran, M., et al. Implementation of improved Perturb & Observe MPPT technique with confined search space for stan-
dalone photovoltaic system. Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences (2018),
M. Kamran et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 7

Fig. 13. PV power for proposed P&O algorithm under STC (1000 W/m2 and 25 °C).

Fig. 14. PV Power, voltage and duty cycle under varying atmospheric weather conditions.

proposed MPPT technique is shown in Fig. 16. Fig. 3 shows the diance continuously vary due to cloudy weather conditions and
characteristic curves of the PV module used in hardware setup change in altitude of the sun; solar panel never can deliver maxi-
under varying solar irradiance; Maximum power that it can deliver mum constant power. MPPT tracked the maximum power on the
is 12 W with VMPP 17.8 V and IMPP 0.68 A. Though the solar tracker P-V curve of the solar panel and continued to operate the PV mod-
tracks and adjust the maximum solar coupling position, solar irra- ule at that point. Figs. 17 and 18 shows the PV voltage and PV

Please cite this article in press as: Kamran, M., et al. Implementation of improved Perturb & Observe MPPT technique with confined search space for stan-
dalone photovoltaic system. Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences (2018),
8 M. Kamran et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Table 4
Comparison of different MPPT techniques from literature survey.

Ref. MPPT technique Control variable Converter Observations

Proposed Confined search spaced Duty cycle Boost This paper presents a modified P&O algorithm integrated with dual axis solar
P&O converter tracker that confines the search space of the algorithm within the maximum power
point containing area. Confinement of the algorithm’s search space lessened the
response time to the changing weather conditions that in return decreases the
steady-state oscillations at the MPP.
(Killi and Samanta, Drift-free P&O algorithm Duty ratio, SEPIC The authors state that in high solar insolation, conventional P&O algorithm suffers
2015) dynamic converter from drift because of the wrong decision taken by the algorithm. The paper
perturbation presents a modified P&O algorithm that avoids the drift in suddenly changing
irradiance and accurately tracks the MPP.
(Tang et al., 2017) Model predictive control MPC duty cycle Boost The paper proposes an MPC based MPPT algorithm for the large-scale marine PV
converter system. The system maximizes the solar energy utilization by overcoming the
dynamic partial shadings.
(Kchaou et al., Second order sliding mode Duty ratio Boost The paper proposes a robust MPPT technique that uses second order sliding mode
2017) control converter control strategy. The results prove that the algorithm provides fast response and
less chattering under varying atmosphere.
(Chaieb and Sakly, Simplified Accelerated Duty cycle Buck The paper presents a modified version of the particle swarm optimization. The
2018) Particle Swarm converter results reveal that the proposed algorithm is able to track the global maximum,
Optimization especially under the partial shading conditions.
(Al-Dhaifallah Fractional order control Duty cycle Boost The paper presents a fractional order control based incremental conductance MPPT
et al., 2018) based incremental converter algorithm. The results show high tracking accuracy for remarkable climate changes.
conductance The integration of the fractional order control with the conventional INC algorithm
increases the tracking speed by 41. 67%.
(El Khazane and Finite Time Sliding Mode Duty cycle DC-DC The proposed FTSMC MPPT technique ensures the fast error tracking capability for
Tissir, 2018) Control (FTSMC) converter the PV pumping system.
(Alik and Jusoh, Variable step size P&O Duty cycle Boost The paper presents a modified P&O algorithm that increases the efficiency of the
2018) converter system by 16% in partial shading conditions.

Fig. 15. Inductor current, load current and load voltage under varying weather conditions.

power waveforms of the modified P&O algorithm respectively. capacity in 2015 replacing the conventional fossil fuel energy
Power graph in Fig. 18 shows the improvement in the modified resources. However, efficiency and conditioned output power is
algorithm as there are no oscillations at MPP and step response still a big challenge for researchers and PV industry. Power opti-
time has also been reduced to less than 1 s. The hardware results mization strategy plays a vibrant role in the performance of the
validate the simulated results (Fig. 19). solar photovoltaic systems. This strategy is the integration of the
solar tracker and the MPPT to harness the maximum solar power
as it moves through the sky from east to west in a whole day. Dual
4. Conclusions axis solar tracker makes sure the maximum coupling of the sun
with the solar module that maximizes the solar productivity. The
Solar photovoltaic technology has been adopted by various glo- proposed Perturb and Observe algorithm is the modification in
bal PV markets with 227 GW cumulative globally installed PV the conventional algorithm that confines the search space of the

Please cite this article in press as: Kamran, M., et al. Implementation of improved Perturb & Observe MPPT technique with confined search space for stan-
dalone photovoltaic system. Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences (2018),
M. Kamran et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 9

Fig. 16. Hardware implementation of the proposed MPPT technique.

Fig. 17. PV voltage of modified P&O algorithm. Fig. 19. PV power under varying solar irradiance.

mum power point and reduction in step response verified the

improvements in the conventional Perturb and Observe algorithm
for standalone solar photovoltaic systems.


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Please cite this article in press as: Kamran, M., et al. Implementation of improved Perturb & Observe MPPT technique with confined search space for stan-
dalone photovoltaic system. Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences (2018),

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