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Currency data configuration sheet Public

Release note for customer information

Refer to currency data file release : XSAATRY0222.CDT

Order number: maintenance Problem report: Improvement of security TRY200

(due to fake occurrence)

Currency (ISO-Code): TRY Country: Turkey

Reader type: BPV LINE-XS LINE-XL
First issue of currency data file
Currency data release
Revision based on internal requirements
based on:
Revision on customer request (see problem report number above)

LINE-X: Note table and note configuration

[mm] [mm] [μm]
1 TRY 5 949 1 22 0 0 Issue E9 (2009) red 130 64 100
2 TRY 5 949 1 22 1 0 Issue E9 (2009) 130 64 100
3 TRY 5 949 1 22 2 1 Issue E9 (2009) blue 130 65 100
4 TRY 10 949 1 22 0 0 Issue E9 (2009) 136 64 100
5 TRY 10 949 1 22 1 0 Issue E9 (2009) 136 64 100
6 TRY 20 949 1 22 0 0 Issue E9 (2009) 142 68 100
7 TRY 20 949 1 22 1 0 Issue E9 (2009) 142 68 100
8 TRY 50 949 1 22 0 0 Issue E9 (2009) 148 68 100
9 TRY 50 949 1 22 1 0 Issue E9 (2009) 148 68 100
10 TRY 100 949 1 22 0 0 Issue E9 (2009) 154 72 100
11 TRY 200 949 1 22 0 0 Issue E9 (2009) 160 72 100
IDX: Index/note number; CUR: international alpha numeric currency ISO-code; DEN: denomination; ISO: International numeric currency
ISO-Code; EMI: emission; VER: CI Tech-version; TYP: CI TECH-type; SUP: CI TECH-Super type LEN: length; WID: width; TCK: thick-
1) Note description if not clearly referred to denomination identifier DEN

Restrictions about secret information

This part of the document (pages with highlighted, green headers and footers) must not contain any detailed infor-
mation about the security features of banknotes, about their security check and possible restrictions on the security
check. Such information are strictly confidential and are subject to the nondisclosure agreement and may be handed over
to authorized persons only.
Information from this part of the document (pages with highlighted, green headers and footers) are intended for service
technicians and other persons involved with CI TECH sensor applications.

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Currency data configuration sheet Public
Release note for customer information

Security assessment matrix (Assessment according to subsequent legend)

Denomination Emission Description Quality Recognition Security Remark
1 A E8 2005 A B C Removed
5 A E8 2005 A B C Removed
10 A E8 2005 A B C Removed
20 A E8 2005 A B C Removed
50 A E8 2005 A B C Removed
100 A E8 2005 A B B Removed
5 B E9 2009 red A B B
5 B E9 2009 blue A B B
10 B E9 2009 A B B Security assessment based on new
20 B E9 2009 A B B notes only!
50 B E9 2009 A B B
100 B E9 2009 A B B
200 B E9 2009 A B B

The requirement regarding the relations between acceptance and security has to be cleared for the following
Denomination Emission Reason
All A Poor security level additional conductivity sensor required
All B Security assessment based on new banknotes only!

Legend: Based on the notes available, the currency is assessed as follows:

Denomination Banknote value
Description Note description, only to be added if identification is not made clear through denomination.
Emission CI Tech-Emission  refer to certain banknote issues according to banknote image table

Evaluation: Evaluation  A Evaluation  B Evaluation C

Quality General statement on Very good banknote Processable banknote quality. Bad banknote quality,
banknote quality. The quality, central European problems may arise
banknote quality has standard. due to bad banknote
particular influence on processing (as separa-
the banknote transport tion, transportation,
through the system and stacking or storing).
the banknote reader.  Low jam risk due to  Medium jam risk due to  High jam risk due to
banknote quality banknote quality banknote quality
Recognition Statement on the The existing recognition Different printing types or poor Recognition features
expected recognition features are very good. recognition features. only very poorly exist-
of genuine banknotes ing.
(depending on bank- High acceptance rate of Continuously necessary Low acceptance rate
note design). genuine notes is expected updates of note data expected expected.
Denomination and Banknote issues may not be Denominations may
banknote issues may be separated. not be separated
separated clearly.
Security Statement on machine Several suitable and Few useful machine readable Poor machine readable
readable security useful machine readable security features available on security features avail-
features security features available banknote able on banknote
on banknote  Medium risk for counterfeit  high risk for counter-
 Low risk for counterfeit acceptance feit acceptance
acceptance  to be optimized on cost of
acceptance rate of genuine

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Currency data configuration sheet Public
Release note for customer information

Results from tests or simulations

Acceptance >98% for all denominations
Reduced acceptance for following denominations:
Number of Acceptance
Denomination Comments
notes rate [%]

3) All results refer to the internal release test, particularly used banknote reader and particularly used bank notes. Test results may vary
with banknotes from the note circulation within the country.

Additional information
Essential requirements: Firmware version: ≥ 08.470 recommended 09.080
Hardware: LINE-XS banknote reader
Fitness test no / no requirements
and fitness verification possible: yes Fitness verification successful according to ECB
Fitness verification successful according to
xxx standards
restricted fitness check only:
Applications, recommendations and di- Update recommended to increase acceptance rate
rectives for new currency data file: Note:

Update essential to fulfill technical dependencies or

particular requirements

Update carried out to increase security level

Note: TRY200

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Currency data configuration sheet Public
Release note for customer information

Banknote images
Front side = banknote orientation 1 Back side = banknote orientation 3
(Front side upside down = orientation 2) (Back side upside down = orientation 4)

A Removed from currency data file

1 2005

A Removed from currency data file

5 2005

5 2009 Specimen Specimen

5 original
picture is
lightly blue

10 2005 Removed from currency data file

B Specimen
10 2009 Specimen

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Currency data configuration sheet Public
Release note for customer information

Banknote images
Front side = banknote orientation 1 Back side = banknote orientation 3
(Front side upside down = orientation 2) (Back side upside down = orientation 4)

20 Removed from currency data file

20 Specimen Specimen

50 2005 Removed from currency data file

50 2009 Specimen Specimen

100 2005 Removed from currency data file

100 2009 Specimen Specimen

Template 24.07.2013 / WB
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Currency data configuration sheet Public
Release note for customer information

Banknote images
Front side = banknote orientation 1 Back side = banknote orientation 3
(Front side upside down = orientation 2) (Back side upside down = orientation 4)

200 Specimen Specimen

DEN: Denomination; EMI: Emission;

Release note and change log
Currency data file name: Description of changes Date / visa

XSAATRY0201.CDT TRY50 Security check improved  reducing ac- Currency Department:

05.09.2005 09:02 ceptance rate 05.09.2005 / VB
XSAATRY0202.CDT TRY10, Acceptance rate optimized, counterfeits of Currency Department:
13.10.2005 15:00 TRY50 TRY10 & TRY50 will be accepted 18.10.2005 / MV
XSAATRY0203.CDT TRY10 & Compromise Currency Department:
13.10.2005 15:01 TRY50 - TRY10 acceptance optimized, no security 18.10.2005 / MV
- TRY50 security optimized, reduced ac-
ceptance rate
XSAATRY0204.CDT Conductivity sensor introduced! Currency Department:
13.12.2005 22:03 Acceptance rate of all denomination opti- 14.12.2005 / MV
Additonal reference for TRY20 type.
XSAATRY0205.CDT all internal version: Currency Department:
03.04.2006 13:49 conductivity check 16.05.2006 / MV
17.05.2006 / VB
XSAATRY0206.CDT all internal version: Currency Department:
03.04.2006 15:17 improving security level 16.05.2006 / MV
17.05.2006 / VB
XSAATRY0207.CDT all Erhöhung der Sicherheit auf Niveau von Currency Department:
07.04.2006 12:13 XSAATRY0203 16.05.2006 / MV
(Unterstützende Sicherheit auf allen Deno- 17.05.2006 / VB
minationen, jedoch nur so hoch, dass Ak-
zeptanz gerade noch nicht einbricht).
Optimizing balance in between security and
acceptance rate, including conductivity
XSAATRY0208.CDT all Optimizing acceptance rate related to con- Currency Department:
17.07.2006 09:47 ductivity feature 17.07.2006 / MV
17.07.2006 / SFL
XSAATRY0209.CDT TRY50 Optimizing acceptance and security related Currency Department:
28.07.2006 15:27 to counterfeits from HCBC 22.09.2006 / MV
26.09.2006 / SFL

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Currency data configuration sheet Public
Release note for customer information

XSAATRY0210.CDT TRY1, internal version: Currency Department:

18.09.2006 07:00 TRY5 Optimizing acceptance rate 22.09.2006 / MV
Optimizing conductivity check (remove 26.09.2006 / SFL
“most not” condition)
XSAATRY0211.CDT TRY1, Optimizing acceptance rate Currency Department:
19.09.2006 07:09 TRY5 22.09.2006 / MV
26.09.2006 / SFL
XSAATRY0212.CDT internal version: Currency Department:
04.04.2007 13:47 test whit ESC -> no benefit! 04.04.2007 / MV
XSAATRY0213.CDT EMI B Implementation of series E9 (2009) Currency Department:
14.11.2008 17:45 (2009) 14.11.2008 / WB
18.11.2008 / SFL / MV
XSAATRY0214.CDT EMI A Series E8 (2005) removed Currency Department:
07.12.2009 10:03 (2005) 07.12.2009 / MV
07.12.2009 / WB
XSAATRY0215.CDT EMI B Series E9 (2009) improving acceptance Currency Department:
21.12.2009 10:55 (2009) rate for used and strong used banknote 21.12.2009 / MV
qualities 21.12.2009 / MAB
XSAATRY0216.CDT TRY50 Improvement of security check due to coun- Currency Department:
10.10.2011 10:09 TRY100 terfeit acceptance 10.10.2011 / MAF
14.10.2011 / WB
XSAATRY0217.CDT TRY200 Improvement security due to counterfeit Currency Department:
08.12.2011 14:11 acceptance (TRY200) 08.12.2011 / WB
09.12.2011 / MAF
XSAATRY0218.CDT TRY20 Improved acceptance of TRY20 used quali- Currency Department:
02.03.2012 09:58 ty 02.03.2012 / MAF
02.03.2012 / WB
XSAATRY0219.CDT TRY50 Improved acceptance of TRY50 Currency Department:
19.04.2012 17:14 19.04.2012 / WB

XSAATRY0220.CDT TRY5 Implementation TRY5_2009_blue Currency Department:

11.04.2013 17:21 11.04.2013 / WB
15.04.2013 / MAF
XSAATRY0221.CDT TRY20 Improvement of security and acceptance Currency Department:
26.01.2015 14:15 TRY20 (due to fake occurrence) 26.01.2015 / WB
30.01.2015 / DN
XSAATRY0222.CDT TRY200 Improvement of security TRY200 Currency Department:
06.05.2015 14:58 (due to fake occurrence) 06.05.2015 / WB
06.05.2015 / MCC

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Currency data configuration sheet Public
Release note for customer information

Banknote orientation reference according to Keesing banknote reference system

The following file name convention regarding banknote orientation must be applied when signature data and
images will be stored and sent to CI Tech for examination purposes.
Depending on the system in use, the banknote may be fed in different orientations (e.g. upside down or front
side back) to achieve the corresponding orientation in note messages from CI Tech sensor.

Image Definition Orientation Examples for file names:

Banknote front side note orientation 1

Banknote front side TRY10a_2.ldt;

note orientation 2
upside down TRY10a_B.sid;

Banknote back side note orientation 3

Banknote back side TRY10a_4.ldt;

note orientation 4
upside down TRY10a_D.sid;


Banknote feed orientations and corresponding side in note message of CI Tech sensor
orientation 3
XSA view from top Inlet Note
orientation 4 (!)
Side 1
orientation 2
Example PC4000: LINE-XL Side 2
Banknote feed orientations Note
and corresponding side in note message orientation 1
of CI TECH sensor Side 3

PC4000 Note Side 4

Front view orientation 4
Note Result from CI
orientation 3 TECH sensor
(note message)
Side 4
orientation 2
Side 3

orientation 1
Result from CI
TECH sensor
Side 2
(note message)

Side 1

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