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ISSUE: “Pollution”

Gan :Good afternoon ladies and gentleman. I would like to thank to all of
the audience for attending the forum for today. Our issue today is
“Pollution”. First of all, I would like to introduce our panels for today.
Right on my left is Miss XXX, next to her is YYY. Beside YYY is
ZZZ. Welcome to our forum today. Ladies and gentleman, as we
know, pollution is one of the hot issues that have been discussed
by all of the individuals in the world nowadays. Pollution is
unwanted, harmful stuff contaminating an environment. The race to
develop clean energy is motivated by high levels of pollution that
people fear are permanently damaging the earth's environment.
Pollution also involves three main aspects that are air pollution,
water pollution and sound pollution. For further detail about this
topic, I would like to seek the opinion from the first panel next to me,
Miss XXX. Miss Goh, why is the problem of pollution occurring?

Ms. XXX : Thank you, Mrs GAN. Actually, pollution is happen because …...

GAN :Ok, thank you for your opinions, miss XXX. Next, I would like to ask
Miss YYY and Miss ZZZ, what is your opinion based on the factor
of pollution occur?

Ms. YYY : Thank you, Mrs Gan. In my opinion,………..

Ms ZZZ : I agree with Ms YYY opinion. ……………………………

Gan :Ok, so we can see that every problem occurred must have its reason
and factor. Next, we move to Ms. XXX. Ms. XXX, can you explain to
us if this issue is not resolved effectively, what consequence will be

Ms. XXX : …………………………….

Ms YYY : Besides,……………..

Chairperson : After listening to the explanations from Dr. Chay and Ms. Goh, now
we know that Zika virus can spread in varies ways. Next, I would
like to post my question to Dr. Uvaraasan. Dr. Uvaraasan, may you
share with all the audience, what countries tourists need to avoid
and is there any evidence of Zika in Malaysia?

Dr. Uvaraasan: The Zika virus has spread to 26 countries and territories of the
Americas. The place that the tourists should avoid are Africa, South
America, Mexico, Pacific Islands, and Central America. The
authorities also believe that it will spread in every country in the
Americas, except Canada and Chile. In Malaysia, there is evidence
of Zika. Zika was detected in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in
Peninsular Malaysia in 1969. In 2001, Zika seropositivity was
demonstrated in a native Bornean, two migrants to Borneo, and two
Bornean orangutans. A later study found an additional eight
Bornean orangutans to be seropositive for antibodies against Zika.
Thus, in Borneo, either the virus only rarely infects humans or the
disease is mistaken for dengue fever. A letter published by US
Centres for Disease Control and Prevention stated a 45-year-old
woman who returned from Sabah in 2014 after a three-week
vacation started experiencing fever and maculopapular rash on her
arms and legs. She was found infected with acute Zika virus.

Chairperson : Well, from what Dr. Uvaraasan mentioned just now, there are some
symptoms of Zika virus. Dr. Chay, could you please share with the
audience what are the symptoms of Zika virus?

Dr. Chay : The symptoms of Zika virus are similar to other arbovirus infections,
such as dengue and include fever, skin rashes, conjunctivitis,
muscle and joint pain, malaise and headache. These symptoms are
usually mild and last for 27 days. As the symptoms are often mild,
infection may go unrecognized or be misdiagnosed as dengue. For
your information, only about 1 in 5 people with the virus will exhibit
symptoms. The vast majority have no symptoms at all. But in rare
cases, Zika has been associated with Guillain-Barre syndrome, a
disorder that can cause partial or complete paralysis, most often

Chairperson : Next, we move to Ms. Goh. Ms. Goh, is there any treatment for Zika
Ms. Goh : Currently, there is no treatment. Scientists do not recommend a
particular antiviral mediation for infected people. The symptoms are
mild, if they appear at all, and usually require only rest, nourishment
and other supportive care.

Chairperson : If there is no treatment, what can we do to fight Zika virus?

Dr. Chay : To fight Zika virus, firstly, we have to destroy mosquitoes’ breeding
ground. Aedes mosquitoes usually breed in a pool of water as small
as a bottle cap, so we need to make sure that our environment is
free of rubbish which can fill water. Besides, a British biotech
company Oxitec has produced genetically modified Aedes aegypti
mosquitoes by inserting two genes, one that makes its egg glow
under UV light, to help with its identification, and one that causes its
offspring to die. Moreover, pesticide spraying has been intensified
across Latin America, particularly in Brazil and Columbia, both of
which have the highest number of reported Zika cases. By eliminate
the Aedes, we can prevent the spread of Zika virus. Other than that,
we must prevent mosquito bites when travelling to areas which is
infected. Take the following steps when you are travelling to
countries where Zika virus are found. First, wear long-sleeved shirts
and long pants. Next, always stay in places with air conditioning or
that use window and door screens to keep mosquitoes outside.
Furthermore, you may use Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- registered insect repellents. When used as directed, EPA-
registered insect repellents are proven safe and effective even for
pregnant women.

Dr. Uvaraasan: Other than what is told by Dr. Chay, there is also some ways to
prevent Zika virus. After you have travelling to affected areas, you
should be extremely vigilant against mosquito bites when you return
home, especially during the first 10 days. If you have Zika, protect
others from getting sick. During the first week of infection, Zika virus
can be found in the blood and passed from an infected person to
another mosquito through mosquito bites. To help prevent others
from getting sick, avoid mosquito bites during the first week of
illness. Next, Zika virus can be spread by a man to his sex partners.
The CDC advised that men who have lived or travelled in areas
with Zika infections and have a pregnant sex partner either use
condoms or abstain from sex during the pregnancy.

Ms. Goh : WHO has launched a global Strategic Response Framework and
Joint Operations Plan to guide the international response to the
spread of Zika virus infection. The strategy focusses on mobilizing
and coordinating partners, experts and resources to help countries
enhance surveillance of the Zika virus and disorders that could be
linked to it, improve vector control, effectively communicate risks,
guidance and protections measures, provide medical care to those
affected and fast-track research and development of vaccines,
diagnostics and therapeutics.

Chairperson : Finally, we have come to the end of our forum for today where we
have shared a lot of knowledge which we don’t even know before.
So, we have to play our role in preventing the problem of pollution.
For the last word from me, I would like to thank again to all of you
and the panels. Hope that what we share with all of you today is
meaningful for everyone. Thank you.

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