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Operating margin = operating income / net sales

Earning per share= (net income – deviden paid) / outstanding share

Equity per share = (outstanding share – preferred stock) / outstanding share

Capital turnover ratio = Net Sales / (current asset – current liabilities)

Return on net asset = EAT / (Fixed Asset +(current asset – current liabilities)

Higher RONA means that the company is using its assets and working capital efficiently and

Return on asset = EAT / ((beginning asset – ending asset) / 2)

Return on equity = EAT / Total Equity

Net debt = Short-Term Debt + Long-Term Debt - Cash and Cash Equivalents

Net debt is a measure of a company's ability to repay its debts if they were all due today

Net debt / equity = (Short-Term Debt + Long-Term Debt - Cash and Cash Equivalents) / total equity

Debt / equity = total liabilities / total equity

items affecting comparability for restructuring charges

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