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SOCIETY FOR ELIMINATION OF RURAL POVERTY (Regd. No. 1311 of 2000) 4" Floor, Hermitage Office Complex, Hill Fort Road, Hyderabad Proceedings of the Chief Executive Officer, SERP, Hyderabad. Present: Sri. B.RajSekhar, LA.S., No.1112/SERP/ADMN/2010 ~1 ‘Sub: SERP-ADMN- Enhancement of 20% hike to the outsourced personnel ‘Working in DPMU/TPMU ‘s concemed w.e.£. 01.01.2011- Orders issued. Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No.3, Finance (SMPC-II) Department, dated. 12.01.2011. 2. T.O. Procs. No.468/SERP/HR/08 Dt. 16.10.2008. 3. Representations of Employees’ Federation of IKP Contract & Outsourcing of SERP Dt.05.02.2011 Order: In the reference 1 cited above, the Government have issued orders enhancing the remuneration to the outsourced/contract personnel. In view of the above Government Orders, representations have been received from the outsourced staff of SERP, DRDAs and Zilla Samakhyas to consider a similar hike. ‘The matter has been examined carefully and it is decided to hike the remuneration of all outsourced staff of SERP by 20% of their remuneration as on 1* January 2011, subject to the following conditions. 1. This hike will be applicable to only those outsourced staff of SERP, DRDAs, Zilla Samakhyas and ‘TPMUs who are governed by this office Procs. No.468/SERP/HR/08 Dt.16.10.2008 and to none else. 2. Those outsourced staff of SERP, DRDAS Zilla Samakhyyas and TPMUs who are not govemed by this office proceedings vide reference 2™ cited will be governed by the reference |" cited above. 3. This order will effective from 01-01-2011. ‘The above orders are subject to the approval of the Executive Council of SERP. In view of the above, all the Project Directors, DRDAs/Project Officers, ITDAs are requested to implement these orders and bring it to the notice of Zilla Samakhyas. oo % Chief Executive Officer To lll the Project Directors, DRDA in the State Alll the Project Officers, ITDA in the State ‘The Director (Finance). SERP, Hyderabad.

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