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Instructional Plan In MATH 9

Date: Septembert 6, 2016

Day: Monday Section : Almaciga, Apitong, Narra, Acacia
Name of Teacher JUSTINIANO S. SALICIO, JR. Grade Level 9
Learning Area: MATHEMATICS 9 Quarter: Second Module No.: 3
Competency: 17.illustrate situations that involve joint and combined variation,
18. translate into variation statement a relationship involving joint and combined variation between two
quantities given by a table of values, a mathematical equation, a graph and vice versa.
19. solves problems involving inverse variation.
Lesson No. ____ 2 Variation Duration (minutes/hours) 2 hours
Key Understandings The statement ”a varies jointly as b and c” means a = kbc, or k = a/bc, where k is the constant of
to be developed variation.
The statement “ z varies directly as x and inversely as y” means z = kx/y, or k = zy/x

Learning Knowledge Illustrate situations that involve joint and combined variation..
Objectives Skills Solve problems involving joint and combined variations.
Attitudes Courageous in solving mathematical worded problems with confidence.

Resources LM pp 215-223.
Elements of the Plan Methodology
Preparations Motivation/Introductory Act. 10, pp 206-207
a. How do the speed and time of travel affect
each other?
b. Is there a constant number involved?
Presentation Activity Act.11. Observe and Compare
Consider the table of values A and B
Analysis 1. What have you observed about the values in
both tables?
2. Write the relationship which describes x and y.
3. How can you determine if the relationship is a
direct or an inverse variation?
Abstraction Inverse variation occurs whenever a situation produces pairs
of numbers whose product is constant.
For two quantities x and y, an increase in x causes a
decrease in y or vice versa. We can say that y varies inversely
as x or y = k/x, k= xy.

Practice Application Activity . It’s Your Turn pp. 209-211

Assessment Matrix
Components of Assessment What will I assess? How will I assess? How will I score?
Knowledge A. 5-10

B. 5-10

Process or Skills
Process or Skills C. 1-10
Understanding(s) Act. 13 1-5
Products/ performances Act. 14 P.213
Act.15 p.214
Performance Task

Assessment/Summative test
Reinforcing the day’s lesson Remedial
Enriching the day’s lesson Act.13
Assignment Enhancing the day’s Act 14.
Preparing for the new lesson Lesson 3,Joint Variation

Outstanding Very Satisfactory Fairly Did Not Meet

Learning Expectations
Percentage of
(90 -100) Satisfactory (80 – 84) Satisfactory
Outcomes Total No. of Learners: (75 – 79) (below 75)
(85 – 89)

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