Chemistry - March 2016

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Group 14 elements show a
pronounced discontinuity in their
general properties between the

ELEMENTS (Group 14) Sn

first and second row elements
followed by a gradual transition
towards more metallic character.

Chemical Properties
· Reactivity towards air :
Ø They form oxides of the formula EO and EO2 on
heating with air.
Ø Acidic strength of their oxides decreases down the group.
Atomic and CO2,SiO2 GeO2 SnO2,PbO2
Physical Properties
· Elements : C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb
GROUP 14 : Acidic Less acidic Amphoteric

THE CARBON · Reactivity towards water :

· Electronic configuration : [Noble gas] ns2np2 Ø Only Sn can decompose water.
· Oxidation states : +2 and +4 FAMILY Sn + 2H2O D SnO2 + 2H2
· Atomic radii, metallic character and stability of +2 O.S. : Ø Pb is unaffected by water due to formation of protective oxide
Generally increase down the group. film.
· Ionisation enthalpy, melting point, boiling point, reducing · Reactivity towards halogens :
character and stability of +4 O.S. : Ø They form halides of the formula EX4 and EX2.
Generally decrease down the group. Ø Except C, all react directly with halogens.
Ø IE of Pb is slightly higher than Sn due to lanthanide contraction. Ø Except C and Si, all form dihalides.
Ø IE1 and IE2 are higher and lower than the corresponding group 13
elements respectively.
· Catenation : Tendency of catenation decreases down the Anomalous
group. Behaviour of C
· Allotropy : Except Pb, all others show allotropy. · The anomalous behaviour of C is due to
· Complex formation : Except C, all other small size, high ionisation energy and
form complexes due to presence of absence of d-orbitals.
vacant d-orbitals. · C is hardest having highest and
amongst the elements of group 14.
· C shows maximum covalency of 4 while rest
show maximum covalency of 6.
· C has maximum tendency for
O– catenation and multiple bonding
(pp-pp) and shows
Si O allotropy.

O O– –
O O–
O = Oxygen C O C O
O– or C O
= Silicon
Discrete SiO44–

ë Silicates Carbon Monoxide (CO)

· Basic unit is SiO44– . · Preparation :
· They exist either as discrete unit or joined together by Important Ø C + H2O CO + H2
sharing 1, 2, 3 or 4 oxygen atoms per silicate unit to form Compounds Water gas
different structures like chain, ring, sheet or 3-D network. of 1273 K
Ø 2C + O2 + 4N2 2CO + 4N2
· Zeolites are 3-D silicates in which some of the Si atoms are C and Si
replaced by Al3+ ions and to balance the negative charge Producer gas

some cations like Na+, K+ or Ca2+ are incorporated. They · Highly poisonous due to the formation of a complex with
are used in water softening. haemoglobin (Hb) which is 300 times more stable than
O2–Hb complex thus, prevents Hb in the RBCs from
carrying O2 round the body.

ë Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) ë Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Silicones

· Covalent, three dimensional network solid. · Preparation : · Synthetic organosilicon polymers containing
· Almost non-reactive due to high Si – O bond Ø CaCO3 + 2HCl CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O repeated R2SiO units held by Si – O – Si linkage.
enthalpy. · It is consumed during photosynthesis. · They are water repelling due to non-polar alkyl
6CO2 + 12H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O groups.

Si O Si O Si +
Si O Si O Si O Si O Si R
O O O + – R
O C O nR
Si O Si O Si

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