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- CENTER FOR GLOBAL BEST PRACTICES, — “Enhancing Global Competitiveness Through Best Practices” MASTERCLASS ON WRITING MINUTES OF MEETINGS EDSA Shangri-La Hotel Mandaluyong City, Philippines Friday, June 22, 2018 9:00 am to 5:00 pm * WELCOME ad AND GOOD MORNING! PLEASE HELP YOURSELF TO COFFEE OR TEA AVAILABLE ALL DAY. DO NOT JUST SIT DOWN, CIRCULATE! INTRODUCE YOURSELF TO AT LEAST FIVE OTHER PEOPLE, EXCHANGE BUSINESS CARDS. TELL THEM A LITTLE BIT ABOUT YOURSELF AND SHARE WITH THEM WHAT YOU HOPE TO GET OUT OF THE SESSIONS, BEST PRACTICES PROGRAMS. SEC - ACCREDITED TRAINING PROGRAMS Avail yourselves of EARLY BIRD or GROUP DISCOUNTS ! For more deta, ig on to, CENTER FOR GLOBAL BEST PRACTICES In this to-day program. our experts wi teech you how to read, analyze and rerpret he rurrbers when you ar faced wi foancial solemn such asthe balance sheet, nrcme sistent end cashflow ‘Solomons. You wil leam hou to get rent insights onthe auctor ‘epot are oor tofnrcial statements, We wl teach use howto use nae rtisthe night way. It you uncerstand the language of business, you wit be able to ‘answer how heatiyis your business andhow Go you make erates decisions based on franciletstorents? You wil be able © ask ‘sar questons in board metings and give sensi insights when deaing wih your menagernent. This easy to understand program is designed for nor financial decision-mekers who wan to sharpen their finance essen. Thursday & Piday Vere: Manila Marriot Hotel Pasay city When you have mastery of the rules of parliamentary Procedures, you control the outcome of meetings ond deters, Te sone dacored opal OMAR BH BANG BERN BEE the presiding officers and members of the board in committees, board, stockholder’s and management ne a BS foci thes ecomonos ress rer | eee e1UI SE ee COR REFECTIVE MEETINGS ofall types of organizations inciuding stock, non-stack, non-profit corporations, socio-civic organizations, cooperative, labor unions, parents-teachers associations, school boards, and more! Thisis also for those aspiring to become your organization's parliamentarian ‘This special one-day compre governance program fs designed 16 adds to importa Issues 1) To provide capacty bulcng for board drectors by presenting to ‘them he global best pracices n board efectveness crawn fom the rest urcated global esearch ofthe largest accouring ff the ‘world PrceWaternause Coopers ~to be presented by former PIE (Chaiperson Jud. Lopez. 2) To comply wih SEC rnandstedrequrement for al board recs Of puble and pubey sted fkms fo alerd a carperate gevemance ‘seminar ofan aceredied trang provider oder for them toba aighla far elecfon or re-secion nthe board ‘Boer chaipareons, vie-chaipersons and trectors for al ypes of ‘corporations and everyone na wants fo be an elec board crectr i = 9:00 am to 6:00 pm ‘rofer are welcome stra, Friday, November 9, 2018. Pasay City i ‘Today, technology plays a vital role in the success of the organization. IT safety and secutty, IT risk management, understanding financial dashboards, and digtal trends such ‘3s cloud computing, e-commerce, and social media should be the foreffont of governance. This special seminar will enable board directors and senior management to understand vital IT issues that plays a great role in the ‘continuity and success of one’s business. This iS an ‘SEC-acorecited traning on Corporate Governance for board rectors and management. EST PRACTICES PROGRAMS TRAINING PROGRAMS FOR PUBLIC-PRIVATE SECTORS Avail yourselves of EARLY BIRD or GROUP DISCOUNTS ! CENTER FOR For more details, og on to GLOBAL BEST PRACTICES New bidding documents, new rules! This] two-day training is to equip the participants with the needed knowledge | HOW TO PREPARE YOUR | not only on the preparation of the bidding BIDDING DOCUMENTS ; documents i (from perspective of the procuring entities) but also on how to prepare a responsive bid on the part of the private sector doing business with Sa ‘Yoru: Mana iarriote onal the government ‘Jue 28 & 29, 2018. Pasay City This one-day taining is to pro ‘comprehensive Information on how to avoid COA disallowances and best probioms commonly encountered by Loss! Government SiS CAO SEs Unis, Natonal Governnent Agena tn Gonos Goipratars ond te ovromort ons | MASSEY NSO | SoA OOD) COA DISALLOW ANCES This will feature the common findings of COA, recent Supreme Court Rulings, as well as remedies and defenses: fon cases that may be doomed as dicbursements which are illegal, irregular, extravagant, unnecessary and unconscionable ea aeaelecareeli ee {00 am to 6:00 pm Venue: Manila Marriot Hote! | Network (LOGOTRIPHiINet) based on the guidelines Friday, July 13, 2018 Pasay City i mandated by the DILG-LGA. Remapper EIN SAT A eT Profit end take advantage from the government's renewed J tovuste on hybrid. Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) by | understanding the 26 different ways of structuring your PPP |f transactions, the relevant laws, policies, and procedures. This one-day special training is fully packed with examples, ‘ase studies, Best practices, ane ways to “tuture-proof” your PPP goals. This lecture is very relevant whether you are from the private sector doing the financing, construction, development, operations and management of the PPP proje fr you ate the publio official from the Netional Government ‘Agency, Government-Owned ané Controlled Corporation, or the Local Government Unit who Is in-charge of PPP. Register NOW, avail of the early bird savings discount and | group discounts for 3 or more paticipants and capture these Untapped PPP opportunities! While the local government has the power to impose tax on its constituents under its jurisdiction, it is equally important that the citizens understand its rights and remedios incase of wrongful or unjust imposition of taxes. This one-day comprehensive seminar is designed to educate both the private individuals and government officials on pm Manila Marriott Hotel} riday, August 17, 2018 Pasay city J $emtrerereerme rere UR eer]

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