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BMT5265 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

2 0 0 6 2
Modules Topics L Hrs SLO
CSR – Origin and Models of CSR- Identification of stakeholders- stakeholder issue
1 mapping and internal competency analysis – Impact of stake holders on Setting 3 1,2
CSR goals – Strategic CSR and sustainable business models –Porter’s framework-
Companies Act of 2014 - CSR Project Implementation and sustainable
management – Measuring effectiveness- Reporting – Appointment of Board of
2 Directors- Other legal frame works on implementation of CSR 4 1,2
Corporate Identity and Ethics - CSR and Accountability - Leadership Capabilities
and Competencies - Organizational Challenges and Limitations
Social alliances–NGOs and civil society- Environmental issues and their effects and
3 2 3.4
implications- CSR as a Branding strategy
Role of Self Help groups and Non Governmental Organizations in Implementation
4 4 2,3,4
of CSR- Frameworks and Government Regulations
CSR in International Context- Europe and other Asian Countries- Industries
implementing CSR- UN Framework for CSR- Practical experience with a company’s
5 5 2,3,4,5
CSR policy- Guest lectures and Interactions with SHGs and NGOs involved with CSR
programs of Corporates
6 Guest lecture by industry experts on CSR practices in the industry 2 2,3,4
Total Lecture Hours 20
Project : Team of maximum 6 students would undertake the project. The faculty 60
coordinator would provide the topic based on the modules. Non

# Mode: Flipped Class Room, Case Discussions, Lectures and Project

Text Books
1. David Chandler, William B Werther, (2013), Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Stakeholders in a Global
environment,3rd edition, SAGE Publications.
1. Mark S. Schwartz, (2011), Corporate Social Responsibility: An Ethical Approach, Broadview Press.
2. W. Timothy Coombs, Sherry J. Holladay (2011), Managing Corporate Social Responsibility: A Communication
Approach 1st Edition, Wiley.
3. Brent D. Beal (2013), Corporate Social Responsibility: Definition, Core Issues, and Recent Developments
Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)
Students will be able to
1. Understand the importance of CSR activities.
2. Understand the importance of CSR activities as per the legal requirement.
3. Design CSR activities and align them with Organization goals and Image.
4. Gain insight on the importance of social components in business and role of environmental issues in business.
5. Understand the importance of CSR in the global context.
Mode of Evaluation :
Theory : Midterm, Quizzes/Challenging Assignments/Term Paper and FAT
Project : Three Reviews
Board of Studies : 8 June 2016
Academic council : 17 June 2016

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