Perc E-Invite March

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PERC is just around the corner!

• Saturday, March 23rd •

Be sure to REGISTER so we know you are planning to join us for
this amazing day of educational scholarship and fellowship.

The Piedmo nt C o llege Sev enth Annual Educ ato r Renewal C o nferenc e (PERC )
is a forum for all levels of educators who are invested in learning new strategies,
expanding perspectives, gaining leadership skills, and engaging in scholarly fellowship with
other educators, future educators, and school leaders.

Yo u will leav e with:

Evidence-based strategies to support learning in 21st-century schools
Inspiration and resources
A broader professional educator network and opportunities to collaborate

W e enc o urage all P-2 0 educ ato rs to jo in us and c apture the spirit
o f renewal o f their prac tic es.

NEW FO R 2019!
DIGIT A L-BA DGING for A ttendees and Presenters
Earn a micro-credential to share on Facebook, T witter, or LinkedIn

CLICK below to see the PERC Presentation Schedule

8 :0 0 - 8 :4 5 RE GIS T RA T IO N & CO MP LIME NT A RY BRE A KFA S T

8 :4 5 - 9 :3 0 O P E NING & KE Y NO T E
9 :4 0 - 1 2 :1 5 MO RNING S E S S IO NS ( 1 -3 )
1 2 :1 5 - 1 :3 0 CO MP LIME NT A RY LUNCH & BIRDS O F A FE A T HE R
1 :3 0 - 3 :1 0 A FT E RNO O N S E S S IO NS ( 4 -5 )
3 :1 5 FA BULO US DO O R P RIZ E S ( mu st b e p re se n t t o w in )
What Last Year's Attendees said about PERC...

All of the sessions I attended were As a future teacher, I find this

informative and well put together. conference extremely beneficial in
I enjoyed the activities and learning new and creative ways to
resources I can take back to my keep students engaged!
My first PERC! Lo ved it! So
Can't wait to return next year!!! much info that I will definitely use!

I had a fantastic time and learned a You've done it again, Piedmont!

lot of new and interesting ways to Amazing conference, great
teach concepts through hands-on presenters and tons of
activities! information.

Register Here



Have questions?
Contact Conference Co-Chairs:
Lynn Rambo or Bill Nye

Pied mon t College | 800-277-7020 | p ied mon t.ed u

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