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rien t r -esei

However, if the fertilized ovum implants within the intersti a` a llow
2012). Congenital fal- p p r e g n a n c i e s t a l o Ind sign'
secondary to in utero ortion, r upture usually occurs later. Tubal ectopic
usually burst spontaneously but may occasionally rupture fog. opt°, 5 vs,e5051
L to malformed tubes lowing coitus or bimanual examination. .Ih
absent no
Alternatively, the pregnancy may abort out the distal fal- dg i she has a ,.
ART to overcome it,
lopian tube, and the frequency of this depends in part on the later wag
Or ectopic pregnancy W t h
initial implantation site. Abortion is common in fimbrial and i
)1antations—cornual, by the triad of de
opic pregnancy—are ampullary pregnancies, whereas rupture is the usual outcome
ingot spotting. "\X
Ts. Smoking is also with those in the tubal isthmus. With tubal abortion, hemor-
abdominal and p(
dying mechanism is rhage disrupts the connection between the placenta and mem-
stabbing, or tearii
rm of contraception, branes and the tubal wall. If placental separation is complete, pation. Bimanual
is decreased because muses exquisite
1 some contraceptive from blood in t
ectopic pregnancies mass may be fel
lization, copper and early, later the u
JDs), and progestin-
mass. The uterui stimulation c__:

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