Compensation of Teacher's Performance at Senior High School in South Barito Regency. Thesis. Magister Program of Education Management Lambung

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SUWARNI A2A108279. The Contribution of Communication and

Compensation Of Teacher’s Performance at Senior High School in South
Barito Regency. Thesis. Magister Program of Education Management Lambung
Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. Advisors: (I). Drs. Sulaiman, M.Pd, (II) Dr.
Suratno, M.Pd
Keywords: Communication, Compensation and Teacher’s performance.
The background of the research is low of education quality in Indonesia,
which is characterized by : 1) The average of workforce of primary education
graduation, 2) The Compensation graduation is not matching with labor market
needs, 3) The rank of the education quality in Indonesia is still low, 4) The
competitiveness in international trade is still low, 5) the average of productivity
level per capita is low, 6) The economic growth is low, 7) The entrepreneur group
is still below 2% of the total population, 8) the education budget is still lower
than 10%, around 30% of the budget is used to pay foreign debt, 10)The opened
unemployment more than 45 million people, 11) The poor inhabitant reached 37%
from the total of population, 12) The ratio of life mortgage is 1:8, 13) The rate of
illiteracy is 12% of Indonesia's population, 14) The limited of infrastructure.
The problem of the research are: Is there significant contribution with
communication and compensation to teacher’s performance simultaneously or
individually of teacher’s performance, in South Barito Regency. Meanwhile, the
aims of this research were to give expression to the contribution. The theory was
used is the communication by Gamble and Gibson, Ivancevich and Donnelly,
Compensation by Wibowo, Whether and Davis, Ike Kusdyah Rachmawati, sikula,
Hussein and Hasibuan . Even though the teacher’s performance by Wirawan,
Sedarmayanti, Levinson, and Sanusi Natawidjaya thus lowering the hypothesis:
There was Contributions that significance of communication and compensation to
performance and compensation to the performance of Senior High School
teachers of South Barito Regency.
The population of the research was the teachers of Senior High School in
South Barito Regency is 191 people, even though the study sample of the
research was taken randomly and proportionally as many as 128 people. The
validity of questionnaire to consist of construction validity was tested by factor
analysis and analysis of all point items. Communication questionnaire reliability
coefficient of 0.735, 0.722 compensation questionnaire of 0,722, and
questionnaire performance of 0.713.
The research found that there was significant contribution of the
communication of the teacher’s performance, there was significant contribution of
compensation to teacher’s performance, and there was significant contribution of
communication and compensation to teacher performance simultaneously.
Therefore recommended that the government of South Barito Regency pay
attention to coaching teachers to communicate and pay attention compensation to
improve teacher’s performance. The headmaster focuses communication and
compensation in coaching teachers. Similarly, teachers improve the
communication skills to support performance improvement.

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