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Task: ​The impact of social media on marketing of the main companies

Thesis:​ Nowadays social media is having a big impact on marketing bringing more than
50% of sells in big companies because: its feeding ground for industry insights, consumers
validate a company based off their profiles, makes companies enter to the competition within

I. Introduction
A. Thesis statement
B. Arguments

II. Feeding ground for industry insights

A. Direct way
1) commercial
2) annonces
3) web pages
B. Indirect way
1) Trends
2) Sense of belonging

III. Consumers validate a company based off their profiles

A. Socially
1) Recognition
2) Trendency
3) Fame
B. Economically
1) Demand
2) Big sales
IV. Competition within market
A. Analysis of online competition
1) Overview of the industry
2) Control of the market
3) SWOT analysis
B. Product and services
1) The price
2) The client

V. Conclusion
A.Restatement of the thesis statement
B. Summary
C. Final thoughts

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