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Home Health Hub Internet of Things (H3IoT): An

Architectural Framework for Monitoring Health of
Elderly People
Partha P. Ray,
Member, IEEE

Abstract— Internet of Things (IoT) has paved a path This motivates to develop a framework implementing the
towards the digitization of everyday things connecting each concept of IoT in such a way that the whole architecture is
other through internet. Due to the huge advent of IoT in recent almost mobile,cost effective, and delay tolerant.
years, researches have stared to accomplish the long cherished
will of human being to make life simpler and better in many Here H3IoT is proposed to cater with theneeds of
ways.Health being the most valuable wealth of human,should livelihood in a handy and easy to useway. This architecture is
be given most priority. Though health related research novel in its nature and promising in terms of envisaged
implyingIoT has been neglected due to heterogeneity and successful applicability for wellness is populations there by
interoperability issues. This literature presentsH3IoT a novel reducing the strain points of today’s healthcare system. Some
architectural framework for Home Health Hub Internet of of the most promising use cases of H3IoT are connected e-
Things for monitoring health of elderly people at home.The health including preventive health, proactive monitoring,
frameworkis promising in terms ofits design and future follow-up care and chronic care disease management.
envision ofusage of real lifeimplementation H3IoT.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
provides some related works. Section III describes H3IoT.
Index Terms—Internet of Things, architecture Section IV presents the discussions and conclusion remarks.
framework,health care.
I. INTRODUCTION In [12], Eisenman et al. developeda mobile sensor

T HE Internet of Things (IoT) has gained rapid

attention as a comprehensive paradigm that isdriven by
an expansion of the Internet. The phrase “Internet of
network framework for collectingand processing sensory
data from a human body and thendelivering and visualizing it
in remote locations in real time.
Things” is believed to haveoriginated at the beginnings of the
There has been extensive research about designing
century in correspondence to the work done at the MIT Auto-
anddeveloping framework or prototype collaboration
ID Center [1] to develop industry-oriented identification
environments.A very few [13], [14] have worked out
technologies to automate, reduce errorsand increase
preliminary frameworks. [13]hasconducted a literature
efficiency [2]. However, the IoT model has grown since to
survey of state-of-the-art Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)
accommodate any objectcapable of interacting directly with
frameworks, systems and platforms to identify the essential
its local neighbor. In this context, the Internet can beviewed
aspects of AAL systems and investigate the critical issues
as a backbone network that interconnects a huge number of
from the design, technology, quality-of-service, and user
smaller (peripheral) networks,each of which would regroup
experience perspectives. In addition, we conducted an email-
objects according to its neighborhood relationships and
based survey for collecting usage data and current status of
physicalproperties. Examples of such smaller networks
contemporary AAL systems.[14] hasshown the relation of
include sensor networks, vehicular networks andMobile Ad-
IoT with healthcare and some health monitoring
hoc Networks (MANETs) in general.The IoT will have a
architectures. [15], [16] have presented abstraction to Model
tremendous effect on all aspects of everyday life, promising
Driven Tree Reference Model(MDTRM) and General
to eventuallyprovide identification, tracking and
Domain Model Architecture (GDMA) respectively.
communication abilities to virtually every object on theplanet
[3]. The IoT will revolutionize networking over a myriad of III. H3IOT
applications, includingparticipatory sensing, enhanced
learning, e-health and automotive applications. Similarly, Home Health Hub Internet of Things (H3IoT) is a 5–
IoT’sinfluence will reform numerous business disciplines layered framework architecture developed for home based
such as intelligent manufacturing, retail,supply chains and monitoring for elderly people. H3IoT is a novel IoT based
product lifecycle management, in addition to reliable and layered based model which comprises the dependency and
safe transportation of people and goods [2], [4], [5], [6], [7], interconnectivity of biosensors, communication channels,
[8].It is broadly accepted [3], [9] that the technologies and microcontroller, gateway, internet, and applications. This
applications of IoT are both in earlystage and distant from architecture is designed while keeping in mind the mobility,
mature.Few attempts such as telemedicine [10], mHealth cheap, and easy to use perspectives. The health condition of
[11] etc.have been made to cover the health related problems elderly people residing at home can easily be monitored by
till now but they lack in common infrastructural design hence their relatives, doctors, near by hospitals, and care takers
rely only on the specific way of communication and delivery wherein staying at remote location. The detailed structure of
systems which are sometimes costly, otherwise immobile H3IoT framework is shown in Fig. 1. Details of the H3IoT
and invasive. architecture are given below
A. Physiological Sensing Layer (PSL)
Veltech Multitech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College,
Avadi, Chennai (Sponsors) The PSL is the bottom most layer of H3IoT. The task of
PSL is to sense various physiological activities by
International Conference on Science, Engineering and Management Research (ICSEMR 2014)
978-1-4799-7613-3/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE

sophisticated biosensors. Examples are Electrocardiogram Home Health Hub Internet of Things (H3IoT)frame work is
(ECG), Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electromyogram proposed. The architectural concept of H3IoT is effective in
(EMG) cover the electrical activity of heart, scalp (brain), terms of homely environment for monitoring health status of
and muscle respectively. Among other sensors panic alarm our near and dear elderly people around.
(critical activity can happen anytime mainly at accident),
weight scale (measures weight), tilt meter (records tilting), H3IoThas many advantages as it is mobility, cheap, easy
movement meter (captures movement of body), respiratory to use, simple layered design, and delay tolerant.
meter (lung activity measurement), pulse oxymeter Though,H3IoTlacks in support for emergency health care for
(measures SpO2 in blood along with pulse of heart), blood critical elderly people. This could be done with few
pressure (calculates blood pressure), blood glucose modifications in layers.Also, H3IoT is made for homely
(measures dissolved glucose in blood), thermometer
(measures temperature of body). Few more sensors could
also be added later on if necessary. Sensed raw data are then
sent to upper layers for further processing.
B. Local Communication Layer (LCL)
LCL is 2nd bottom most layer which plays vital role by
transferring the sensed data at PSL to upper layers. The
communication technologies reside in PSL basically act in
low geographical range (10 – 900 meter). This is because
elderly people should be benefited with minimum physical
intervention while getting connected to the whole system.
USB PHDC (Personal Healthcare Device Class), Infra Red
(IR), Zig BEE, XBEE, BTLE (Blue Tooth Low Energy), BT
HDP (Blue Tooth Health Device Profile), BT SSP (Blue
Tooth Secure Simple Paring), 868 MHz RF (Radio
Frequency) are various technologies which perform best in
such scenarios.
C. Information Processing Layer (IPL)
IPL is the soul of H3IoT. Microcontroller or open source
hardware platforms might be in place in order to process the
data obtained from LCL to information for further actions in
higher layers.Proprietary platforms such as MicaZ [17],
Libelium[18] etc. and open source initiatives as Arduino
[19], Raspberry Pi[20] are now being used plenty in similar
type of researches. Gateway (a network point that acts as an
entrance to another network) links its information at IPL to
upper layers implying 2G, 3G, 4G or WiFiconnectivity.
Fig. 1. H3IoT framework architecture for monitoring elderly health.
D. Internet Application Layer (IAL)
IAL consists the backbone of the system– Internet.
Information received from IPL is conveyed to Andriod [29], support hence it has beet keptsimple but need to be
IOS [30], or Cloud [31] (xively [21]Ayla [22],Axeda [23], changed rigorously if to be capable to act in clinical
Exosite [24], Open Source IoT Cloud [25] etc.) platforms for environment such as hospital, diagnosis center.
visualization and or storage and analyze at later stage. API
(Application Programming Interface) [26], APP (Mobile
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MIT-AUTOID-WH-002, January 2001.
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[2] G. Santucci, “The Internet of Things,” in Between the Revolution of
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