Chartwatchers - Emerging Markets Huddle To Triumph Over Volatility

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Chart-Watchers Jan 2019

Emerging Markets Huddle to Triumph Over Volatility

Sagar Doshi Joaquim Fernandes Ankit Narshana

Chief Manager (Research Analyst) Research Analyst Research Analyst
91 (22) 4088 5757 Ext.6226 +91 (22) 4040 6130 +91 (22) 4040 7596 Date: 18th January 2019
Edelweiss Professional Investor Research

ChartWatchers – “Emerging Markets Huddle to Triumph Over Volatility”

Sagar Doshi
Chief Manager (Research Analyst)
 2018 was the year of increased volatility and uncertainty among the global markets.
91 (22) 4088 5757 Ext.6226 As most equity markets witnessed sharp corrections, few emerging markets like
Brazil, Russia and India remained sturdy closing the year marginally positive.
Ankit Narshana Emerging markets could come into light in 2019 as they have stood the storm of
Research Analyst
+91 (22) 4040 7596
volatility in the previous year and formed their respective base.
 India notches higher in term of market capitalization as Germany market cap erodes
Joaquim Fernandes 20% in 2018. This brings India in 7th position just after France whose market cap
Research Analyst
+91 (22) 4040 6130 stands at 2.2tn vis-a-vis of India’s 2.1tn.
 We believe that the U.S. Dollar could face headwinds, as the pace of Fed tightening
is likely to slowdown. From an Elloitt wave perspective, the DXY is currently in wave
C, which as per our count will terminate between 98.0-98.5, from where the index
is likely to begin its new leg lower towards 92-90.

 Comparing Emerging market vs Dollar Index chart it shows that both are inversely
correlated.As we expect dollar index to correct in 2019, EM’s should benefit.

 Ratio chart of equal weighted emerging market to equal weighted Developed

market is broekn out of its four year consolidation. A sustained breakout on the
upside will indicate EM’s outperforming DM’s

 Ratio of Dollar denominated Indian equity to world equties which had been
outperforming since 2001 is under consolidation since four years. Recently ratio has
tested lower end of the range and is now moving higher indicating Indian equity to
outperform world equities.

 Ratio chart of S&P 500/Precious metals indicates, Bullion could start its
outperformance over equities. Added to this Industrial metal index seems to be in
its last leg of downmove which should than be followed by a reversal on the upside.
As indicated in the earlier editions of chartwatchers starting 2017, we still continue
to hold our long term view of 12,100 level using Elliot wave theory.

 Sectors which we like are Pharma, Paints, Infra & Realty

Focus stocks for trading
Long ideas – Berger Paints, Concor , Axisbank
Short Ideas - Apollotyre

Date: 18th January, 2019

1 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

Rising India – Surviving a volatile year
Total Current Market Cap FII NET Flow
Current YTD Abs 2017 FII Net Flow In % of
Country Market on 1st Jan 2018 Pct Chg in Debt
Rank chg Rank Equity USD Bn Total Mcap
Cap (USD tn) (USD tn) USD Bn
1 UNITED STATES 27.1 29.6 -2.6 -8.7% 1 -106 -0.4% 355
2 CHINA 5.5 7.7 -2.3 -29.3% 2 8 0.1% 72
3 JAPAN 5.4 6.3 -0.9 -14.5% 3 -46 -0.8% 36
4 HONG KONG 4.8 5.4 -0.5 -10.2% 4
5 BRITAIN 3.1 3.8 -0.7 -19.1% 5 9 0.3% 80
6 FRANCE 2.2 2.5 -0.3 -12.0% 6 -8 -0.4% 78
7 INDIA 2.1 2.4 -0.3 -13.0% 8 -4 -0.2% -7
8 GERMANY 2.0 2.4 -0.5 -19.0% 7 1 0.1% -18
9 CANADA 1.9 2.3 -0.4 -18.2% 9 14 0.7% 47
10 SWITZERLAND 1.5 1.8 -0.3 -16.0% 10 -9 -0.6% 0
11 SOUTH KOREA 1.4 1.7 -0.3 -20.1% 11 -6 -0.5% 46
12 AUSTRALIA 1.2 1.4 -0.2 -17.4% 12
13 TAIWAN 1.1 1.2 -0.1 -12.3% 13 -12 -1.1%
14 BRAZIL 0.8 0.9 -0.0 -5.5% 14 -3 -0.3% 4
15 SWEDEN 0.7 0.8 -0.1 -13.9% 16
16 SPAIN 0.7 0.8 -0.1 -17.4% 15
17 ITALY 0.6 0.7 -0.1 -17.9% 17 1 0.1% -56
18 RUSSIA 0.6 0.6 -0.0 -5.4% 19 3 0.5% 0
19 SAUDI ARABIA 0.5 0.5 0.0 10.5% 20
20 NETHERLANDS 0.5 0.6 -0.1 -21.0% 18 15 3.1% -14
Total / Average 63.4 73.5 -10.1 -14.0% -144 622

India is the only nation among the top 10 countries according to market capitalization who has
moved higher in ranking this year inspite of having an outflow from the FIIs of 4.5 billion USD.
India climbing up in Germany has seen an errosion of 20% of its market cap while India has corrected 13% and repalced
terms of market germany. Another 5% outperformance with global markets could put us 6 th on the list. based on
the below analysis in the report, we feel the cyclical trade will soon play-out and could put
emerging markets in lead in late 2019.

Valuation Perespective : PE Ratio of Emerging Markets V/S Developed Markets

EM valuations near 10 10 11.35
year lows, better off 0
compared to DMs

Price Earnings Ratio (P/E) (MXEF Index) Price Earnings Ratio (P/E) (MXWO Index)

Source: Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

While developed market and emerging markets both faced sever P/E derating Emerging markets
P/E ratio is nearing to its 10 year lows of 9.7 times. This suggest that valuations for emerging
markets have cooled off much more than the developed markets and thus EM’s could be the
better place to stay invested.

2 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

The year for Emerging Markets?
Dollar Index: At the vicnity of reversing trend

Bearish dollar to benefit

emerging nations

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

The dollar index (DXY) has traded with a positive bias this year, underpinned by policy divergence
between the U.S. and other developed economies. However, we believe that the U.S. currency
could face headwinds in the coming months, as the pace of Fed tightening is likely to slowdown.
From an Elloitt wave perspective, the DXY is currently in wave C, which as per our count will
terminate between 98.0-98.5, from where the index is likely to begin its new leg lower towards

Dollar Index vs MSCI Emerging:

Dollar Index have inverse

correlation with MSCI
emerging markets

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

The above chart compares dollar index (Upper panel) vs MSCI Emerging market index (Lower
panel). The observation is that both the indices are inversely correlated to each other. A top in
dollar index usually is followed by bottom in emerging markets. Currently as we expect dollar
index to mark a top around 98-98.5 we could see reversal in emerging markets.

3 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

Emerging market/ Developed market (Equal weighted) ratio chart:

markets ratio broken out
of a 4 year range hinting
emerging markets are
taking the lead.

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

As we expect emerging market to see a reversal, above is the chart of emerging market divided by
Developed market. As we can see, since 4 years ratio has been trading in the range with horizontal
tops and successively higher lows. As prices have broken out of a 4 year consolidation we can see
emerging markets taking the lead from here on.

Dollar denominated – Sensex to world Equities (Equal weighted)

Dollar denominated
Sensex indicates its
outperformance over
world equities

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

As from the above few charts we are expecting emerging markets to outperform developed
market, above is the ratio chpart of dollar denomiated sensex divided by world equities. As we can
see index has been conslidating since more than 3 years and ratio has now come to the lower end
of the range. We expect ratio to move upward and test the higher end of the range of break above
it, which will suggest India outperfomance over world equity markets.

4 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

1) Emerging Market (BRICS) Equal weighted chart

Emerging market equal

weighted charts
currently in 4th wave
should begin its final leg
of up move.

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

Above is the equal weighted charts of Emerging markets. With the help of elliot wave theory chart
tells us that index is undergoing consolidation phase which is ideally should be followed by an
impulsive move on the upside. As per wave equality if index resumes uptrend, we could see 15%
on the upside. Also the ratio currently trades at its all time highs.

2) MSCI Emerging Market Index and USD/CNY

Dollar vs YUAN’s
negative correlation
should underpin EMs if
Dollar peaks.

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

Above chart is the comparision of chinese yuan and MSCI Emerging markets. Observe that the two
have consistently had a negative correlation. A strengthening yuan increases inflows across
emerging markets, in turn lifting the MSCI EM index higher, while a weakening yuan has an
opposite impact. The orange line above is USDCNY. Notice that the pair is showing signs of topping
right near the previous peak in 2016, signaling that the weakness in yuan could be nearing an end.
A move lower in the pair in the days ahead is likely to underpin EMs.

5 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

World Markets
U.S.: In the late expansion stage of a business cycle

In our previous chartwatchers edition, we wrote of credit spread and yield curve, wherein we had mentioned that the U.S. economy is
in a late-expansion phase. Now, let us further look at three U.S. charts which shows that US despite being in late expansion phase there
is still no signs of weakness.

1) U.S. employment report: 2) U.S. Leading Economic Index (LEI):

3) U.S. Consumer Confidence: Employment is a lagging data, but when smoothened out
over a longer time-horizon, it can provide valuable
information. Notice in chart 1 that each of the past 3
recessions were preceded by the 10-month MA of the U.S.
jobless rate cutting above the 20-month MA at nearly the
same time the U.S. economy entered a recession. At
present, we can see that the 10-month MA is still below the
20-month MA and both are pointing lower, suggesting that
labour markets are still strong.
Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

LEI is a composite average of 10 leading indicators used to forecast future economic activity in the U.S. Notice in chart 2 that on each
occasion the indicator has peaked several months prior to a recession. Also observe that on each occasion, the 20-month MA cut below
the 30-month MA just prior to the onset of a recession. Currently, LEI is pointing at robust economic conditions. Also, both the MAs are
pointing upwards with shorter-term MA above longer-term MA. This suggests that economic conditions in the U.S. still remain firm.

Chart 3 depicts consumer confidence index. Prior to the onset of a recession during the previous three occasions, consumer confidence
declined markedly, with the 20-month MA crossing underneath the 30-month MA exactly at the same time the recession were declared.
At present, the 20-month MA is clearly above the 30-month MA, suggesting that economic conditions are still robust.

While the three key indicators shown above suggest that economic conditions remain strong, it must be noted that each of these
indicators are at an extreme, reminiscent of readings seen during the late stages of an economic expansion. This in turn warrants
caution going forward.

6 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

S&P 500 Index: Within a rising channel

A drawdown of 20%
from top and upward
sloping channel support
signals end of correction

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

S&P 500 index has been trading within a rising channel since the turn of the decade, signalling that
we continue to be in a primary bull market. During this entire bull market, the index has declined
more than 15% on two occasions, and on each of these occassions has bounced to print fresh
highs. At present, the index has approached the lower end of this rising channel. As long as it does
not break and sustain below the channel, the bull market remains intact.

Russell 2000: Within a rising channel

US Midcap index too is

near to completion of its
correction as per price

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

The correction in the U.S. midcaps has been more severe than those in largecap stocks. The Russell
2000 index, which is a proxy of midcap stocks in the U.S., has been in a strong uptrend since 2011.
The current decline over the past few weeks has seen the index shedding 255 points from the
peak, but falls of such magnitude are not rare in a bull market. As can be seen in the above chart,
notice that each time the index fell more than 25% in the past, it rebounded strongly in the months
ahead. Our stance is that as long as the index is trading above the rising trendline, the overall bull
market among midcap stocks remains intact.

7 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

Dow Jones hitting 4 Standard deviation on 250 SMA

Date Closing Z-score 15D chg

22-03-2001 9389.48 -4.34 7.85%

21-09-2001 8235.81 -5.02 13.46%

10/10/2008 8451.19 -4.13 10.34%

25-08-2015 15666.44 -4.05 6.85%

24-12-2018 21792.2 -4.16

Avg 10%

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

DJIA: We have witnessed a sharp dip in 2nd fortnight of December 2018. Although after a sharp fall from ~24400 to ~21700 in just
seven sessions, we have seen Index has recovered in following 2 sessions. As we can see on chart displayed above, that, historically,
whenever Dow has tumbled that sharp and Zscore reached -4 deviation, recovery of an average ~9% recovery in Index is seen.

Germany Index- DAX

Dax is likely to find

strong support at 10000
mark due to confluence
of supports.

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

Germany after forming double top fell below rising channel indicating first signs to end of the
uptrend which we have been seeing since 2009. However, as per Dow theory, price have still not
formed lower tops and lower bottoms to signal start of a bear market. Adding to this, previous
two corrections in index were close to 30% and this time if this correction is part of the bull market
than it should end near 10000 mark. Further the pattern target of double top and inverse ab=cd
pattern target is also close to 10000.

Thus confluence of supports near 10000 mark is indicating that DAX should hold 10000 and we
could see strong resumption of uptrend in this year.

8 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

China - Shanghai equity Index

China consolidation
since financial crisis is
likely to continue with
price most likely to head
higher in 2019.

Source: Bloomberg

The above weekly chart of shanghai is telling us that index has actually not performed since 2008.
The price has been trading within the peak and trough of 2007-08. Currently price is 7% away from
its previous trough. Looking at the price structure we expect consolidation to continues in which
price should bounce from current level. If this happens to be true, we could see china equity to
remain in an uptrend for this year.

World Market Capitalization Showing Signs of a reversal

World market
capitalization has
completed its maximum
drawdown percentage,
indicating reversal.

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

Looking at the world market capitalization we observe that the current world market cap is near
to its channel support. Since the 2008 financial crisis the world market cap is moving in an upward
sloping channel. A max drawdown of 23% from its highs was reached in 2016 post which cyclical
stocks started performing. A similar drawdown is seen currently with a signs of reversal, also
supportive is an RSI divergence.

9 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

S&P 500 and Bullion ratio chart

Commodities likely to
outperform equity for
next few months.

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

The above chart shows the ratio chart of S&P 500 index to Philadelphia Gold & silver index. Notice
from the chart that the ratio has made a double top pattern and reversed lower. Moreover, the
ratio has also formed a bearish divergence pattern with the RSI. All these in turn suggest that
bullion could start to outperform equities in the weeks ahead.

Gold – Bounced off the rising trend line support

Gold sideways
consolidation to remain
intact till $1120 is not

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

The above is the monthly chart of COMEX gold. The metal broke out of a falling wedge pattern in
2016, signalling an end to the 4-year downtrend. After the breakout from the pattern, the metal
has traded in a sideways range, but more importantly, it has not broken its intervening low of
around $1120. As long as this low holds, we expect gold to head higher in the coming months.

10 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

Gold short-term chart – Cycle analysis

Time cycle analysis

indicates higher gold
price in next few

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

The above chart is the short-term chart of gold showing the cycle analysis. As per time-cycle
analysis, gold price is likely to advance for the next 20 weeks.

Gold silver ratio chart – At an important juncture

Gold/silver indicates
silver could outperform

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

The above is the ratio chart of gold to silver. Notice in the chart that since the past 2-decades the
ratio has been facing strong headwinds on every approach towards the 85-86 zone. Given that the
ratio is now at this zone, it indicates that silver is quite undervalued relative to gold. With silver
prices starting to show signs of strength, any signs of reversal in the ratio would suggest that silver
could start outperforming gold in the coming weeks. Alternatively, a break and stability above this
zone would indicate that silver’s underperformance will continue versus gold.

11 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

Silver- Breaks out of consolidation

Silver bottom is in place

as price breaks above
the upper end of the

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

After consolidating within a narrow $1 range for nearly 5 months, silver prices have broken above
the upper end of the sideways range. The target of the range indicates a 7% upside for silver prices
In the short term. As far as medium term trend is concerned, silver price needs to sustain above
$17.50 for a change in the trend from down to up.

Silver CFTC position

Silver CFTC positions

signals for short squeeze

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

As per the latest CFTC data, silver managed money p Source: Bloomberg ositioning has flipped from
shorts to longs after several weeks, indicating that sentiment towards the metal is starting to swing
to bullish camp. With money managers turning bullish in the metal and with silver breaking out of
a 5-month consolidation zone, we expect short squeeze to unfold in the commodity in the weeks

12 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

Silver seasonality

Silver bottom in
December as per
seasonality analysis for
past 25 years

The above chart is the seasonality chart of silver for the past 15 years. Notice above that
historically, silver prices have traded with a positive bias in each of the three months from January
to March, gaining the most in January (5.2%) and February (4.5%). If history is to go by, we can
expect a strong rally in silver prices in the days ahead, especially noting the recent breakout in
silver prices and change in sentiment from bearish to bullish.

WTI oil: Suggesting at short-term recovery

OIL price to recover with

trajectory to remain on

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

As per price equality, we expect WTI oil to rebound towards $54-55. The major key drivers for the
rally are:

 We expect 100% adherence to output cut from OPEC and Non OPEC
 Production cuts amounting to 1.2 mbpd from this month
 Likelihood of slowdown in US production due to pipeline constraints in the Permian basin and
low oil prices, which could lead to a slowdown in the US E&P activity in 2019
 As most of the negative factors have been discounted, oil could attract bargain hunting in case
risk global aversion abates
 Iranian sanction waivers will come to an end in early-May
 The Fed is likely to slow down the pace of rate hikes in 2019

13 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

WTI-Brent spread: Likely to revert towards $7

Pipeline constraints in
Permian basin and
Alberta is likely to
narrow WTI’s discount to

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

The recent production cuts announced by Canada have caused the spread between WTI and WCS
oil to shrink to $10 from a record $50. As Canadian oil is inferior to U.S. oil and as it costs around
$20/bbl to move oil by rail from Alberta to the U.S. Gulf Coast, we feel that at the current spread,
demand for Canadian oil from the U.S. is unlikely to sustain. On top of that, the U.S. Permian basin
continues to face an oil glut due to pipeline constraints. We feel that these issues coupled with
the fact that WTI oil has dipped towards $50 would cause U.S. supply glut to ease next year. This
in turn, we believe, would not only cause the spread between WTI and WCS to return back towards
$25 in the coming weeks, but would also cause the spread between WTI and Brent to narrow down
and revert towards the mean of around $7/bbl that has been prevalent for this decade.

Futures curve: Rising contango suggests at a weak structure

Oil has swung from

backwardation to
contango, indicating
markets are amply

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

For the first three quarters of 2018, the major theme in oil was that of supply tightness due to
looming Iranian sanctions. However, with the U.S. offering Iranian waivers and with global
production rising, there has been a marked change in the forward structure this quarter. As can
be seen above, the WTI market has swung from backwardation to contango, indicating concerns
of a supply glut. If the contango widens, it would pur further pressure on oil prices in the days

14 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

LME metal index- Technical Outlook

A falling wedge pattern in

Bloomberg industrial
metal index is signalling
impending reversal from
support areas.

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

The above is the chart of metal index which tells us that the upmove which we had seen in the
metals are close to 61.8% retracement of its previous up move. Also, the fall from the top has been
in 5 legs in which leg 5 equality with leg 1 also coincides in the same support area where previous
supports are placed.

Looking at the current structure it also looks as if price is forming an ending diagonal pattern which
usually follows with an upsurge in prices. If this happens to be true, then we could see metal
commodities retracing higher in coming months.

15 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

Nifty Elliot-wave perspective

A falling wedge pattern

in Bloomberg industrial
metal index is signalling
impending reversal from
support areas.

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

NIFTY as per Elliot wave theory seems to be trading in the super cycle degree wave (III). This higher
degree wave, if impulse, started from the year 2009 and is currently having further upside.

Looking at the current wave cycle, Index is close to complete wave 4 of (III). The wave 4 , whichever
form of correction it takes, either Flat or a triangle it should not breach previous lows of 10000.
Post completion of the corection Index should begins it upmove.

The minimum target of the cycle is 12100, which is where the wave equality within the Grand
Super cycle degree will be reached.

16 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

Nifty up-swing Analysis
Median Rallies No of Median No of days
Above 10% Rallies Taken
2007 56% 2 95.5
2008 46% 2 33
Nifty has seen smaller up
moves in 2018. 2009 42% 3 65
2010 30% 3 54
2011 17% 4 26
2012 43% 2 109
2013 28% 2 57
2014 76% 1 241
2015 17% 2 42.5
2016 42% 1 139
2017 73% 1 295
2018 17% 2 66
Average Move 40% 101.9

The above table represents the median returns of rallies above 10% nifty has given in a year. The
total average return of Nifty rally witnessed in a year without giving a 10% above correction is
40%. It’s interesting to see if a year has a smaller median return (indicating Nifty has not given
huge rallies in the year) the following year tends to see huge returns this could indicate that a
bigger rallies can be seen in the next year.

Nifty Down-Swing Analysis

Median Corrections No of Median No of days
above 10% Corrections Taken
2007 -19% 2 24
2008 -43% 2 52
2009 -23% 2 29
Average yearly
Correction in Nifty over 2010 -16% 2 47.5
the years is -18% 2011 -14% 2 18.5
2012 -13% 1 22
2013 -21% 2 71.5
2014 -14% 1 40
2015 -13% 2 50
2016 -15% 2 63
2017 -
2018 -12% 2 36
Average Move -18% 41.2

17 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

No of % of Average
Stock Return Classification
stocks Total stocks Return
10 times Above 7 0.2% 2541.9%
5 times to 10 Times 9 0.3% 666.1%
Return-wise NSE stock 100% to 5 times 75 2.7% 203.7%
classification for CY 2018 Above 80% Less than 100% 21 0.7% 89.1%
Above 50% Less than 80% 68 2.4% 61.5%
Above 20% Less than 50% 177 6.3% 33.1%
Positive Stocks 622 22.2% 85.6%
Negative Stocks 2163 77.2% -37.3%
Total Active stocks 2801 100.0% -9.8%

Stock Returns in 2018

2018 was a negative year for 77% of the equity stocks posting an average negative return of -37%,
but the 22% stocks which were positive had posted an average return of 85%. Out of the total
stocks 91 stocks have given a return of above 100%.

18 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

Sector-Wise Median P/E Ratio (TTM) Historically with 4 quarter average
IT (Defensive) Pharma (Defensive)
5 10

0 0

























FMCG (Defensive) Media














25 Metals (Cyclical) 40
Realty (Cyclical)
5 10
0 0













Infra (Cyclical) Energy (Cyclical)
30 15
20 10
10 5


























Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research

The above charts show us the sector wise median P/E ratio of its members. What we can clearly observe is that most of the defensives
are at the upper end of their valuation range while most cyclicals are near to their bottom of their 5 year valuation range. While metals
continue to correct, Real Estate is seeing PE expansion at the bottom of its cycle as it crosses over the 4 quarter average.

19 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

Sector Map - Comparing Performance

Sector Performance Over the Years

Rank 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018


1 FMCG -21% AUTO 38% FMCG 2% BANKS 57% IT 55% BANKS 65% IT 25%
56% 153% 234% 15% 37% 106%

2 AUTO 204% REALTY 53% FMCG 11%
53% 121% -35% 34% -14% 21% 55% 8% 32% 56%


3 BANKS 33% FMCG 46% IT 4% BANKS 5%
49% 118% 49% 166% 16% 18% 54% 16% 54%


4 NIFTY -52% IT 134% FMCG 28% IT -18% AUTO 40% FMCG 10% AUTO 52% NIFTY 3%
45% 92% 3% 10% 49%


5 NIFTY 40% BANKS -52% IT 26% AUTO -20% AUTO 7% FMCG 2% AUTO 9% ENERGY 0%
82% 123% 40% 48% 48%


6 IT 40% IT -53% NIFTY 18% NIFTY 7% BSE500 37% ENERGY 1% BANKS 7% BSE500 -3%
72% 107% 23% 37% 40%


7 BANKS 39% BSE500 63% BSE500 90% BSE500 16% NIFTY -25% BSE500 3% NIFTY 31% AUTO -1% BANKS 39%
56% 37% 5% -6%


8 BANKS 61% BANKS 84% BSE500 31% ENERGY 2% BSE500 -1% BSE500 4%
39% 56% 12% 27% 28% 38% 15%


9 BSE500 39% NIFTY 55% AUTO -57% NIFTY 28% FMCG 3% BSE500 36%
76% 12% 31% 3% 20% 4% 16%


10 BSE500 -58% NIFTY 76% BANKS -32% FMCG 19% NIFTY -4% NIFTY 3% AUTO 32%
37% 39% 10% 27% -4% -19%


11 AUTO 30% FMCG 25% BANKS -9% IT 18% FMCG 32%
66% 74% 2% 34% 19% -6% 1% -19%

12 METALS 1% BANKS -10% REALTY -6%
20% 17% -69% 71% -39% 16% 10% 13% 30% 21%


13 AUTO 3% REALTY 70% ENERGY 1% IT -8% NIFTY 29% AUTO -22%
19% 70% -45% 10% -10% 9% 14%


14 FMCG 13% IT -10% FMCG 47% IT 1% REALTY 8% IT 11%
74% 6% 47% 14% -14% -13% 31%


15 REALTY -82% METALS 8%
7% 26% 52% 3% 32% 31% 21% 0% 41%


The above chart shows us the sector rankings as per the years and their returns. It is important to notice that the sectors move in
tandem with their respective super groups, classified as Cyclicals, Defensives and Sensitives. We can also notice that when cyclicals
lead defensives and sensitives take a back seat. Globally cyclicals have had been affected in the last year due to correction in commodity
prices, but it is evident that most of the bull rallies have cyclicals outperforming.

20 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

Cyclical Equal Weighted Chart

Indian Cyclical stock

index is showing a

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

The above chart is the equal weighted chart of the cyclical indices mainly metals, materials,
industrials, real estate, infra & Energy. As we can observe that a divergence is visible on the chart
which sugggests that a bottom could be in place. According to the defensives chart below, we can
observe that defensives took the lead the previous year and have now retested the previous
breakout level. IT and FMCG have given good returns in the previous year. Pharma was the laggard
and could take lead in the year ahead. Cyclical could come back in the second half of the year if a
weakness in the dollar index plays out.

Defensives Equal Weighted Chart

Defensives are near a

retest after putting a
good show in 2018

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

21 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

Equal Weighted Pharma Index

Equal Weighted Pharma

Index is currently forming
an inverse H&S pattern.

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

The equal weighted Pharma Index is currently forming an inverse H&S pattern in its on going
consolidation. It is essesntial to note that it is for the first time in the consolidation the index has
formed a higher top higher bottom formation. This formation can indicate a resumption in the
uptrend for the index. Since Pharma was the underperforming defensive sector in 2018, 2019
could see it lead the defensive pack.

NSE Real Estate Index

Real estate moved out of

its channel consolidation.

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

The NSE real estate index has given a consolidation breakout. The PE ratio of the index has reached
its 10 year low. Realty has been underperfoming for last decade and a half, but the index had
picked outperformance in 2017 where it broke its previous highs of 2013. Moving above 300 could
confirm a higher high and higher low formation. This sector could hence yeild handsome returns
in 2019.

22 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk


Equal Weighted Paints

chart is trading near to its
all time high.

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

NSE Infra Index

NSE Infra index has broken

out of its channel

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

The Infra index has broken out of its consoidating channel, additionally a divergence is witnessed
on the RSI, an immediate 20% upmove can be witnessed towards its previous resistance of 3950.
The level of 4000 is an important resistance of the 10 year consolidation phase.

23 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

Berger Paints – Buy

Buy for a Target of 400

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

Stock is trading in a long term upward sloping channel. Currently the stock has completed its max
drawdown of 25% and is set to resume its uptrend. MACD is still riding in the bullish zone, recently
give a crossover indicates that a resumption in uptrend is possible and an immediate target of 400.

Concor – Buy

Buy for a target of 820

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

The stock is forming a cup and handle pattern on the weekly time frame. Broken out of the handle
formation the stock is set to resume its uptrend. MACD has also indicated a bullish tone as it has
broken above the zero treshold.

24 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

Axis Bank – Buy

Buy for a target of 780

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

Stock is near a 4 year consolidation breakout. MACD indicates a strong bullish momentum with a
crossover of the MACD line above the signal line. Axisbank has been one of the outperformers in
the banking pack for the last 6 months. We had initiated Axisbank in the last edition of chart
watchers, we still feel the stock can give handsome returns in 2019. An immediate target of 780 is
indicated according to the current formation.

Apollo Tyre - sell

Sell for a target of 195

Source: Bloomberg, Edelweiss Professional Investor Research.

The stock is moving in an upward sloping channel since 2014, currently stock has given a bearish
flag breakdown. A high possibility for the stock to reach in the vicinity of 195 initially.

25 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk

Edelweiss Broking Limited,1st Floor, Tower 3, WingB, Kohinoor City Mall,Kohinoor City,Kirol Road, Kurla(W)

Vinay Khattar Digitally signed by VINAY KHATTAR
DN: c=IN, o=Personal, postalCode=400072,
Head Research e93c4bcaba1a64d00f3c841d2fee3fa678,

1, cn=VINAY KHATTAR Date: 2019.01.18 17:03:25 +05'30'

26 Edelweiss Professional Investor Research – Trading Desk


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