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Bayfront Charter

High School:
Crystal King
San Diego State University
School Counseling Intern
California Health Kids Survey
o Part of a comprehensive data-driven decision-making process on
improving school climate and student learning environment

o The goals of the CHKS survey is to help schools:

o Foster safe and supportive school climates, social-emotional
competencies, and engagement in learning
o Prevent youth health-risk behaviors and other barriers to
academic achievement
o Promote positive youth development, resilience, and well-being

o Guide school improvement and LCAP efforts

CHKS Modules
o Core Module
o Sample and Demographics
o School Performance, Supports, and Engagements
o School Violence, Victimization, and Safety
o Alcohol and Other Drug Use
o Tobacco Use
o Other Physical and Mental Health Risks
o Custom Questions
o Areas of Strength and Areas for Growth
o Recommendations
2016-2017 School Year Enrollment
Core Module:
Survey Sample
Core Module:
Gender Breakdown
Core Module:
Students who Identify as
Hispanic or Latino
Core Module:
Race Breakdown
Core Module:
Sexual Orientation & Gender Identification
School Performance,
& Engagements
School Environment:
Caring Adults in School

Over 50% of both the 9th and 11th grade classes reported moderate rates about caring adults in schools. More 11th graders
than 9th graders reported ”high”.
Caring Relationships

Students at Bayfront scored above the state average for students who believe some adult on campus really cares about them.
School Environment:
High Expectations: Adults in School

Generally, students rated moderate or high for adults in school who hold them to high expectations.
High Expectations

Students at BCHS scored above the state average for high expectations. Our students are more likely to hear when they’ve
done a good job.
School Environment:
Meaningful Participation at School

High percentage of students rated low or moderate about meaningful participation at school.
Meaningful Participation

Overall, students at BCHS and CA scored the same on the first measure. However, the were below state average in
believing they do interesting activities. They were above state averages for helping decide class activities or rules.
School Environment:
School Connectedness

Overall, our 9th and 11th grade students rated high for school connectedness.
School Connectedness

Students scored above state averages on all measures.

School Violence,
and Safety
Perceived Safety at School

Overall, our 9th and 11th grade students feel safe at school. They scored above state averages.
Reasons for Harassment on School Property,
Past 12 Months

Students at Bayfront are more likely to be harassed based off their race, ethnicity, or national origin than other
aspects. Overall, 9th graders had higher levels of harassment.
Verbal Harassment on School Property,
Past 12 Months

There are high levels for all types of verbal harassment on school property, especially for 9th graders.
Violence and Victimization on School Property,
Past 12 Months

9th graders are more likely to experience some type of victimization than 11th graders on school property. We have a
high percentage of both 9th and 11th graders being offered, sold, or given an illegal drug on school property.
Weapons Possession on School Property,
Past 12 Months
Other Drug Use
Summary of AOD Lifetime Use
(1 or More Times)

11th graders were more likely to have used alcohol or drugs in their lifetime. They were most likely to drink alcohol or
smoke marijuana.
Current AOD Use, Past 30 Days
(1 or More Times)

11th graders drink and smoke marijuana at high percentages.

Lifetime Tobacco Use
(1 or More Times)

Our students used electronic cigarettes or vaping devices at higher rates than smoking a cigarette or tobacco.
Current Tobacco Use

Overall, the percentages are low for current tobacco use, however, they are higher than state averages for our 11th
graders on all measures. Our 9th graders are around similar percentages to the state average.
Other Physical
& Mental
Health Risks
Cyber Bullying, Past 12 Months
(1 or More Times)
Mental Health: Chronic Sad or Hopeless Feelings, Past
12 Months
Mental Health: Seriously Considered Attempting
Suicide, Past 12 Months
“I was given a tour of the school when I came as a
“When I came to this school as a new student, school staff provided me
the information I needed on opportunities for extra-curricular activities.”
“I felt part of the school within a few weeks. - How would you describe
your first weeks and months as a new student in your current school?”
Areas of Strength & Areas for Growth
o School Connectedness
o Over 60% of our 9th and 11th graders feel strongly connected to school
o Caring Adults
o About 70% of 11th graders feel like there are caring adults on campus
o High Expectations
o Overall, students believe adults have high expectations for them at the school
o Perceived safety at school (over 70%)

o Meaningful Participation (low)
o 9th 43%
o 11th 36%
o Alcohol and Drug Use
o 11th graders current use of alcohol and marijuana are high
o Verbal Harassment (high percentages reported by students)
o Physical and Mental Health (above state averages)
o Cyberbullying
o Suicide Ideation
o Chronic sad or hopeless feelings
o Meaningful Participation
o Encourage students to participate in sports and clubs, especially coming from coaches
(can help increase caring relationships for 9th graders)
o Create more on campus clubs, orgs, and/or leadership opportunities for students to
participate in with input from students
o Alcohol and Drug Use
o Provide prevention education programming through core curriculum lessons (peer
pressure, coping skills, healthy alternatives, etc.)
o Partner with outside organizations, such as SAY San Diego to provide awareness of
o Harassment
o Bring in speakers from local community organizations, such as Project A.W.A.R.E
o Restorative Practices to address harassment
o Trauma Informed Practice to address physical and verbal harassment to victims
o Mental Health
o Partner with outside mental health agencies to provide classroom lessons, small groups,
o Professional development for teachers and staff to increase their ability to recognize signs
of suicide/depression and connect with counselors
Thank You!
Any Questions?

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