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Madison Shepherd


Brit Lit 2


Passion Questions

1. If I knew I would not fail I would move.

2. The last time I was in a state of flow in which I lost track of time I was sleeping.

3. In ten years I see myself as a graduate from Barnard College and working on the writing

staff of a popular TV show.

4. The last time I lost sleep over an exciting idea was a few months ago when I got an idea

for a script.

5. I have never put my whole heart into something and delivered more than anyone

expected of me.

6. If I could donate my time for free to a cause it’d be something to do with art or addiction.

7. If I won the lottery tomorrow I’d redistribute the wealth to the masses.

8. Two careers I plan on pursuing throughout my life are writer and director for television.

9. My biggest fear for my last year of high school is it not going by quickly enough

10. One aspect of my life I need to work on is improving my social skills.

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