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Your Personalised Health Screening Report


Georgeta Tufis
75 Rockfield Manor Hoeys Lane
Co. Louth

Your ref: FH0C98A758 Date: 05/01/2019

Dear Georgeta,

Thank you for choosing Servisource for your health screening.

On the following pages is your full health report which is prepared based on your screening
and test results. Used as an annual screening tool, medical screening is well known to keep
people in the full of their health until much later in life.

Keep in mind that a screening process does not attempt to replace the doctor-patient
relationship that you have with your GP and it cannot possibly cover all eventualities. We
would advise you to discuss any health or wellbeing concerns you have with your GP.

Please take your time reading through the full report. A simple flag system of green, amber
and red as illustrated below should make the report easier for you to follow.

Normal Abnormal Very Abnormal


Dr. Anne-Marie McGinley


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Your Report Summary

9 2 1
Normal Abnormal Very Abnormal

Report Content

Blood Pressure Body Mass Index

Total Cholesterol Lipid Profile

Electrocardiogram Lung Function

HBA1c - Diabetes Test Full Blood Count

Thyroid Vitamin D
Fecal Immunochemical Test
Breast Cancer Awareness

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Ideal average blood pressure, (also known sometimes as BP), is typically around 120/80.
The first number, always the higher number, is the pressure in the blood vessels when the
heart is beating and the lower number is the pressure in-between beats, when the heart is
High blood pressure is generally accepted as being persistently over 140/90 according to
medical guidelines.

Your Blood Pressure Reading was 114/70

This is normal. It is worth noting however that blood pressure can change in different
circumstances, for example, stress, exercise, periods of weight gain and inactivity and many
other factors can affect your blood pressure.
The only way of knowing that your blood pressure is high (even intermittently) is to have it
checked regularly, even if this is only once a year.

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Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of your body fat based on your height and weight.
Your height was measured at 158.0 cms and your weight was measured at 53.3 kgs.
Based on these measurements, your Body Mass index is 21.4 kg/m2 (Normal Range - 19.0 -

This suggests that you are a normal and healthy weight for your height.

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Cholesterol is a fatty substance known as a lipid. It is mostly made by the liver from the fatty
foods we eat and is a normal part of a functioning body but having an excessively high level of
lipids in your blood can have a serious effect on your health. It can increase your risk of having
a heart attack or stroke.

Your cholesterol is 5.0 mmol/L [Slightly high] (Normal Range - Less than 5.0)

High cholesterol levels over a long period of time can result in narrowing of the blood vessels
making less space for blood (and therefore oxygen) to flow through. Generally speaking it has
no symptoms until the part further “downstream” of the narrowing is not getting enough blood
or oxygen. This might be anywhere from the heart, (increases angina risk) to the brain
(increases stroke risk) to your toes…
Management of high cholesterol begins with changing what you can in terms of your own
lifestyle habits. You can help avoid high blood cholesterol by eating a healthy, balanced diet
with lots of whole, unprocessed foods.
Try to eat at least 5-7 portions of vegetables and fruit a day, mainly vegetables.

Increasing frequency of brisk exercise will always help to lower cholesterol.

Cholesterol lowering yoghurt drinks in supermarkets may be effective.

Generally if you make significant changes to your lifestyle you should see a reduction in
Cholesterol within 3-6 months. At this point your GP can recheck the level. Because you have
had a slightly abnormal reading this time you should try to fast for 12 hours before the next test
for maximum accuracy
That said, your cholesterol level is only slightly higher than normal range.

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Cholesterol is comprised of “Good Fats” and “Bad Fats”, generally referred to as a lipid profile.
Ideally, your total cholesterol should be under 5 with higher good fats and lower bad fats.

"Good Fat" – the higher the better

Your HDL is 1.50 mmol/L [Normal] (Normal Range - Greater than 1.00)
About HDL: A low level of HDL (High density lipoprotein) can actually increase your
risk of heart disease. The ratio of total cholesterol to HDL may also be calculated.
This is your total cholesterol level divided by your HDL level. Ideally you would like this
ratio to be below 4.5 as a higher ratio increases your risk of heart disease.
Your Ratio is: 5.0 : 1.50 = 3.33 [Within recommended range]

"Bad Fat" – the lower the better

Your LDL is 2.88 mmol/L [Normal] (Normal Range - Less than 3.00)
About LDL: LDL (Low density lipoprotein) is the main part of cholesterol involved in
making little fatty lumps inside your blood vessels called atheroma. These are a big
underlying cause of various cardiovascular diseases. Aim to keep it as low as

Your Triglycerides are 1.40 mmol/L [Normal] (Normal Range - Less than 1.70)
About Triglycerides: High triglycerides are part of a condition called metabolic
syndrome, which includes high blood pressure, increased belly fat, low HDL, and high
blood sugar. Often people underestimate the extent to which high triglycerides
increase your risk of cardiovascular disease and most are unaware that a very high
level also has effects on the liver, the pancreas and even has an association with

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The tracing of your heart shows a normal rhythm and rate and no evidence of previous cardiac
injury. This is a normal result.
If you have had episodes of chest pain or tightness, palpitations or feeling very unwell,
especially on exercising this should be discussed with your GP urgently as your GP would
probably want to arrange an exercise Electrocardiogram which can pick up more than one
done at rest. This is because the limitations of a resting ECG are that if someone has an
intermittent abnormality it may not pick it up.


Your peak expiration flow rate is Normal

The Peak Expiratory Flow Rate is a measure of the speed of air expelled out of your lungs. It is
a useful tool in monitoring certain conditions such as asthma. The peak flow is plotted on a
graph depending on your age, height and gender but is subject to many variables for example,
having a cold or poor technique. However it is useful to know your baseline peak flow rate in
particular if it’s low.

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HBA1c is a blood test that can give an idea of what someone's average sugar levels for the
preceding couple of months has been.
HBA1c can be used to diagnose either a) diabetes or b) pre-diabetes. In addition it can be
used in diabetics to measure how successful a patient's current medical treatment is.

Your HBA1c result is 31 mmol/mol (Normal Range - 28 - 42)

This is within the current normal range.

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A full blood count, or FBC, is a blood test used to check a person's general health as well as
screening for specific conditions, such as anaemia.
The test will check for the number of red cells, white cells and platelets in the blood. Red cells
carry oxygen around the body and haemoglobin makes up part of the red cells. White cells are
used by the body to fight infections. Platelets are important for clotting blood and stopping

Your Haemoglobin (anaemia test) was 11.2 g/dL (Normal Range - 12.0 - 15.0)

Realistically this is a borderline result and it could be rechecked with your GP when you are
next in. If you have symptoms you may feel better if you are on iron supplements, or if you
simply have a close look at your diet. It is, however, very close to a normal result. Sometimes
when it is so close to normal it will just return to normal itself.
Although you have previously had anaemia this does not seem to be resolving. It is worth
having a chat with your GP about this. Often people who have had anaemia for a while get
used to having lower energy levels than they would otherwise have and don’t address it.
As you never eat red meat, your diet may be the cause of this result. You can eat iron rich
vegetables (green leafy vegetables such as spinach, beans, lentils, peas) to help supplement
Anaemia is not a disease in itself but may reflect an underlying problem, often simply
inadequate diet. The most common symptoms are feeling weak, tired and pale and sometimes
shortness of breath on exertion.

Your White cell count was 8.20 10e9/L (Normal Range - 4.00 - 10.00)

Your Platelet count was 227 10e9/L (Normal Range - 150 - 410)

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Your thyroid is a small gland at the front of your neck. It’s job is to produce thyroid hormone
which controls your metabolism.
The pituitary gland controls the thyroid gland by making thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).
TSH increases the work rate of the thyroid and so if the level of thyroid hormone falls low the
pituitary will usually produce more TSH to increase the thyroid hormone level.
If the level of thyroid hormone is too high the pituitary will reduce the amount of TSH it makes
in order to reduce the level of thyroid hormone again.

Your thyroid hormone level (FT4) is 17.6 pmol/L (Normal Range - 12.0 - 22.0)
Your level of thyroid stimulating hormone is 2.840 uIU/mL (Normal Range - 0.270 - 4.210)

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Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, has a huge amount of effects on the body.
Recent research suggests that many adults in the British Isles are lacking vitamin D and that
this is increasing particularly in the elderly as people use more protective clothing when
People with insufficient vitamin D can have a wide variety of symptoms. These include: muscle
weakness and pains and fatigue. Pronounced lack of Vitamin D can result in weak bones that
are prone to fractures.

Your Vitamin D level is 45 nmol/L (Normal Range - 76 - 124)

Your vitamin D level is lower than normal.

This can result in muscle and bone problems and an overall feeling of fatigue and low mood.
Supplemeting your diet or increasing your exposure to sunlight should help in increasing your
vitamin D level.
If you decide to alter your diet, fish is a good & healthy source of vitamin D.
If you decide to take vitamin D supplements 800 international units per day is sufficient. You
should discuss the use of any supplement with your GP to ensure that it is safe for you to use.
If you have any of the following which are on-going and not improving, you would be wise to
consider talking this result over with your GP sooner rather than later. Although there are
plenty of other reasons for the following as well as low vitamin D.
Low mood

Decreased muscle size and strength

Generalised muscle pain

Twitching of muscles

Prone to fractures

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More women get breast cancer than any other type of cancer.
Most breast screening usually involves taking a type of X-Ray, known as a mammogram.
Experts recommend that 'breast awareness' should be promoted. Lifestyle changes such as
moderating alcohol intake, losing weight and exercising more can also lessen your risk.
As many as 99% of women who get a mammogram receive a normal result.


Know what is normal for your body and know what to look for.
Look and feel for:
Any lumps or unusual thickening in your breast

Any dimpling, puckering or redness of the skin

A nipple that appears to be pulled-in or flattened

A rash or flaky or crusted skin around the nipple

A change in the size or shape of your breast

Swelling in your armpit or around your collarbone

Constant pain in one part of your breast or armpit

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Your FIT reading was Negative

This is a very effective screening tool for early bowel cancer. Your test is normal, which is very
reassuring, however, as with all clinical scenarios any unexplained weight loss or marked
change in bowel habit etc. should still be discussed with your GP. Bleeding from the bowel can
be intermittent which is why the recommendation is to repeat the stool test every year or so
even without symptoms.

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Lab Results

LAB Code LAB Reference Range (Normal LAB

Results Range) Status

HAEMOGLOBIN 31 29-42 Final

A1C mmol/mol

LAB Code LAB Reference Range (Normal LAB

Results Range) Status

VITD 45 nmol/L >50 Final

HAEMOGLOBIN A1C 31 29-42 Final


TRIGLYCERIDES 1.4 mmol/L <1.7 Final

CHOLESTEROL 5.0 mmol/L <5.0 Final

CHOLESTEROL,HDL1.50 >1.2 Final


CHOLESTEROL,LDL 2.88 <3.0 Final


TSH 2.84 mIU/L 0.27-4.2 Final

FREE T4 17.6 pmol/L 12.0-22.0 Final

LAB Code LAB Reference Range (Normal LAB

Results Range) Status

VITD 45 nmol/L >50 Final

HAEMOGLOBIN A1C 31 29-42 Final


TRIGLYCERIDES 1.4 mmol/L <1.7 Final

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CHOLESTEROL 5.0 mmol/L <5.0 Final

CHOLESTEROL,HDL1.50 mmol/L>1.2 Final

CHOLESTEROL,LDL 2.88 mmol/L<3.0 Final

TSH 2.84 mIU/L 0.27-4.2 Final

FREE T4 17.6 pmol/L 12.0-22.0 Final

HAEMOGLOBIN 11.2 g/dL 12.0-15.0 Final

HAEMATOCRIT 0.366 L/L 0.360-0.460 Final

RED CELL COUNT 5.98 3.8-4.8 Final


MCV 61.2 fL 83-101 Final

MCH 18.7 pg 27-32 Final

MCHC 30.6 g/dL 32-36 Final

RDW 16.2 % 11.0-15.0 Final

WHITE CELL 8.20 4.0-10.0 Final

COUNT x10*9/L

NEUTROPHILS(%) 53.9 % Final

NEUTROPHILS # 4.42 2.0-7.0 Final


LYMPHOCYTE % 35.4 % Final

LYMPHOCYTES # 2.90 1.0-3.0 Final


MONOCYTES(%) 8.8 % Final

MONOCYTES # 0.72 0.2-1.0 Final


EOSINOPHILS(%) 1.0 % Final

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EOSINOPHILS # 0.08 0.02-0.5 Final

BASOPHILS(%) 1.0 % Final

BASOPHILS # 0.08 0.02-0.1 Final


PLATELETS 227 x10*9/L 150-410 Final

MEAN PLAT VOL 0.0 fL Final

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