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Location: ”Jean Bart” Primary and Secondary School no. 18 Constanta

Teacher: ROȘU Irina
Date: 25.02.2019
Class: 2A
Subject: English Language
Topic: Describing animals and their abilities
Unit 5: A butterfly!
Type of lesson: reinforcement of previously acquired information and introduction of new
Duration: 45’

General skills:
1. Understand simple oral messages
2. Transmit simple oral messages
3. Understand simple written messages
Specific skills:
1.1 Give an appropriate reaction to usual communicative situations
1.3 Manifest curiosity in understanding the global meaning of audio-visuals
2.1 Reproduce simple songs/ poems for children
2.2 Introduce a familiar character
2.3 Participate in communicative games
3.1 Manifest curiosity to decode simple written messages

Operational objectives:
a) Cognitive objectives:
O1: to identify common animals by their abilities
O2: to describe common animals
O3: to illustrate the stages of a butterfly
b) Affective objective:
O1: to express their interest for the English language
Didactic strategy:
I. Procedures:
- games
- learning by discovery
- explanation
- conversation
- exercise
II. Interaction:
a) Frontal activity: check homework, play Silly Billy game, sing.
b) Individual activity: draw, write and match in the notebook; complete the worksheet
III. Forms of evaluation:
- Observation
- Written evaluation
IV. Material resources:
- Whiteboard and markers
- pupil’s book and notebook
- video-projector and laptop
- worksheets
V. Human resources:
- 28 curious and eager to learn second graders
VI. Bibliography:
- Pupil’s textbook, Fairyland 2, Express Publishing House
- Programa școlară pentru disciplina Comunicare în limba modernă 1, clasa
pregătitoare, clasa I și clasa a II-a, aprobată prin ordin al ministrului nr. 3418/
- Eva Aagard, Strategies for effective ”didactic” teaching, Washington University

Nr. Stages Activity Methods Interaction Resources Time

1. Class Teacher greets pupils and Conversation T – Ss Human 2’
management arranges desks if necessary. resources
2. Warm up Teacher starts a short song to Song T – Ss Human 3’
get the pupils warmed up (Up, resources
down, turn around,
Touch the sky and touch the
Wiggle fingers, wiggle toes,
Wiggle shoulders, say Hello!)
3. Lead in Teacher introduces Silly Billy to Game T – Ss Human 5’
the class (an emoji ball) and Ss-Ss resources
tells them the rules of the Emoji ball
game: the pupils who answer Notebooks
the questions Silly Billy asks will
get to hold him for a while.
Types of questions:
What animals can fly/ run/
climb/ jump/ swim…?
Pupils check their homework
with the teacher and repeat
recently acquired knowledge.
4. Introducing Teacher writes the date and the Conversation T – Ss Whiteboard 2’
the theme title of the lesson on the Markers
and the whiteboard (A butterfly!) and
objectives tells the pupils to listen
carefully to the following story.
5. Introducing Pupils view the lesson A Listening T-Ss Video- 20’
new butterfly! (annex 1) and comprehension projector
knowledge answer the teacher’s questions Laptop
in order to prove the listening Conversation Whiteboard
comprehension: Markers
Who is Cathy? Learning by
She is a caterpillar. What has discovery
she got? How many legs has
she got? What can she do? Explanation
Now Cathy is a beautiful
butterfly! What colour is she?
What has she got? Now what
can she do?
Teacher shows pupils the
stages that a butterfly goes
through on page 12 from their
textbook (egg – caterpillar –
chrysalis – butterfly) and
explains the words caterpillar,
chrysalis and wings on the
board – in a drawing. The
pupils draw the stages in their
6. Performance Pupils listen to ex. 2 p.13 and Exercise Ss Textbook 5’
achievement solve it in their notebooks. Notebooks
7. Evaluation Teacher gives pupils a Exercise Ss Worksheet 5’
worksheet (annex 2) to check
their understanding.
8. Ensuring Teacher assigns homework for Explanation T – Ss 3’
transfer and next time: ex. 4,5 p.50 in order
retention to ensure the retention of the
Teacher tells pupils Good bye
with a little song.
Annex 1: Lesson transcription

Woody: Frosty, this is Cathy!

Frosty: Hello, Cathy! You’ve got small legs!
Cathy: Yes, but I can climb!
Frosty: You’ve got a small mouth!
Cathy: Yes, but I can eat!
Frosty: Can you fly?
Cathy: No, I can’t.

Next week
Frosty: Can you see Cathy?
Woody: No, I can’t.
Frosty: Look! A butterfly!
Cathy: It’s me! Cathy! Look at me! I can fly! And I can dance too!
Woody and Frosty: Wow! Magic!
Annex 2: Complete and draw!

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